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Tool path generation and 3D tolerance analysis for free-form surfacesChoi, Young Keun 29 August 2005 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on developing algorithms
that generate tool paths for free-form surfaces based on accuracy of desired manufactured part. A manufacturing part is represented by mathematical curves and surfaces. Using the mathematical representation of the manufacturing part, we generate reliable and near optimal tool paths as well as cutter location (CL) data file for postprocessing. This algorithm includes two components. First is the forward-step function which determines maximum distance called forward- step between two cutter contact (CC) points with
given tolerance. This function is independent of the surface type and is applicable to all continuous parametric surfaces that are twice differentiable. The second component is the side-step function which determines maximum distance called side-step between two adjacent tool paths with a given scallop height. This algorithm reduces manufacturing and computing time as well as the CC points while keeping the given tolerance and scallop height in the tool paths. Several parts, for which the CC points are generated using the proposed algorithm, are machined using a three axes milling machine. As part of the validation process, the tool
paths generated during machining are analyzed to compare the machined part and the desired part.
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Ingénierie de la chaîne numérique d'industrialisation : proposition d'un modèle d'interopérabilité pour la conception-fabrication intégrées / Toward a bidirectional and continuous digital chain from CAD to CNC machine : aeronautical industry applicationDanjou, Christophe 03 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail s'intéresse à la gestion d'information techniques et connaissances métiers issues de la production pour assurer l'interopérabilité et la continuité de la chaîne numérique. Dans un contexte d'entreprise étendue et de développement des technologies de l’information pour l'usine du futur, l'industrie aéronautique s'oriente vers une intégration flexible et agile des phases de conception et fabrication pour l'obtention de pièces bonnes du premier coup. C'est pour assurer la maîtrise des processus et la capitalisation des savoir-faire métier issus de la fabrication que ces travaux adressent la problématique suivante : comment élaborer un modèle d'interopérabilité de la chaîne numérique d'industrialisation, pour assurer une intégration agile de la conception et de la fabrication ? Pour ce faire, nous définissons deux propositions : OntoSTEP-NC pour permettre l'extraction et la structuration des données issues de la fabrication et Closed-Loop Manufacturing pour permettre l'intégration et la réutilisation des connaissances métiers capitalisées au niveau de l'industrialisation. Les apports de ces propositions se retrouvent dans la définition d'un cadre d'interopérabilité pour l'usine du futur mais également dans les enjeux tels que la définition de bonnes pratiques pour l'entreprise étendue en vue d'une harmonisation des processus de fabrication. Ces travaux ont été validés au travers d'un démonstrateur sur un cas d'étude industriel comportant plusieurs scénarii. / This work focuses on the knowledge and the data management extracted from the manufacturing to ensure the interoperability in the digital chain. According to the extended enterprise and the factory of the future context, the aeronautics manufacturers tend to a design and manufacturing integrated platform in order to get a right part the first time.This work focus on manufacturing process control and capitalization of know-how from the manufacturing aiming at answering the following issue : How to enable interoperability for the digital production process in order to ensure an integrated and agile design and manufacturing ? This issue is addressed with two proposals : OntoSTEP-NC which focuses on how to model and structure the manufacturing knowledge from the CNC machine and Closed-Loop Manufacturing which focuses on how to re-use and integrate the information feedback from manufacturing to process engineering. Both combined those two proposals address the main issue of this work defining an interoperability framework for the factory of the future and address trends like the definition of guidelines for manufacturing in extended enterprise context. This work has been validated through a demonstrator and an industrial case study with various scenarios.
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