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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A research study for inspection and detection on conductive materials

Kandili, Kawan January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis is about to investigate what opportunities we have with a impedance varying probe on different material under test. This report begins with a theory part with the focus on; electromagnetic principles, material characterizations and the principle behind the measurement setup. The methods is describing the sensor probes affection on the specimen, the induced currents location and the method for crack detection and lift-off measurements. The result chapter shows the measured impedance created by our setup, as well as the potential and the weak points of the system. In the conclusion and discussion chapter we will go through what modifications can be done to increase the quality of the measurements.

Simulation opérationnelle en contrôle non destructif / Operational Non Destructive Testing simulation

Rodat, Damien 06 December 2018 (has links)
La simulation opérationnelle a déjà été développée pour diverses activités dont l'exercice en conditions réelles peut s'avérer coûteux voire dangereux : le pilotage d'avion, les interventions chirurgicales, etc. L'idée consiste à remplacer la réalité par une simulation suffisamment réaliste pour donner l'impression aux utilisateurs qu'ils réalisent réellement l'activité.Le Contrôle Non-Destructif (CND) regroupe l'ensemble des méthodes mises en œuvre pour tester l'intégrité des pièces mécaniques sans les altérer. Dans ce domaine, la simulation opérationnelle n'a été introduite que très récemment par un brevet déposé par Airbus. Cette approche permet de simuler numériquement la présence de défauts sans avoir à les ajouter réellement dans les pièces. Les pièces aéronautiques étant coûteuses, la simulation opérationnelle permet de réduire les coûts liés à la formation des opérateurs, à l'évaluation des performances des méthodes ou aux tests en conditions réelles de nouvelles procédures.La présente thèse vise à développer les outils scientifiques et technologiques nécessaires à donner vie au concept de simulation opérationnelle en CND. Pour remplacer la réalité par la simulation, les défis à relever sont de trois ordres : le réalisme de la simulation, la rapidité des calculs et l'instrumentation. Nous avons choisi d'illustrer ces trois aspects dans le cadre de l'inspection par ultrasons de pièces en matériaux composites. Les modèles de simulation couramment employés --- basés sur la résolution des équations de la physique --- n'offrent pas des temps de calculs suffisamment courts pour satisfaire les pré-requis de la simulation opérationnelle. Par ailleurs, le réalisme des simulations souffre parfois de la difficulté à paramétrer correctement les modèles. Nous explorons donc une autre approche : les modèles sont construits à partir de données expérimentales. Cette stratégie est exploitée pour traiter différents types de phénomènes tels que l'endommagement par impact, le trou à fond plat ou encore les perturbations de la micro-structure des matériaux. Par ailleurs, une solution matérielle et logicielle sont proposées et un premier prototype de simulateur opérationnel est mis au point. Ce système permet d'exploiter les modèles développés et de montrer que les signaux synthétiques peuvent sembler aussi réalistes que la réalité. Cette thèse court ainsi du concept jusqu'au prototype. / Several fields have already adopted the concept of operational simulation to limit risks and costs. For instance, part of the training phase of airline transport pilots or surgerons can now rely on simulations instead of real-life situations.Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) assesses the integrity of structural and mechanical components without damaging them. Operational simulation has drawn attention of the NDT community only recently through an Airbus patent. In this field, the operational simulation can be used to simulate the presence of a defect in a component without actually inserting the defect. For expensive parts such as aeronautical structures, this approach can reduce the costs of training operators, evaluating NDT method performances or testing new procedures in real-conditions.This thesis work aims to apply the concept of operational simulation to NDT. Three main scientific and technological challenges are to be tackled: the simulation realism, the computation speed and the instrumentation. We chose to focus this study on the ultrasound NDT technique applied to composite materials. Classical simulation approaches based on physical equations are not fast enough for a real-time synthesis of ultrasound signals. Moreover, the realism is often limited by the fidelity of the inspection set-up description. For instance, the material properties are not always well-known and bring to a drop of realism. Thus, we investigate an alternative way: the models are built directly from experimental data. This strategy is applied to model the effect of several phenomena such as impact damages, flat bottom holes or material micro-structure. Hardware and software solutions are also studied to propose a first prototype. We have shown that the replacement of real signals by on-the-fly simulated ones is achievable: the simulation is realistic enough to be considered as reality by operators. thus, this thesis work brings the concept to a first prototype dedicated to ultrasound NDT.


Abdulrahman Mubarak Alanazi (15348496) 27 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Non-destructive characterization of multi-layered structures that can be accessed from only a single side is important for applications such as well-bore integrity inspection. Collimated beam ultrasound systems are a technology for imaging inside multi-layered structures such as geothermal wells. These systems work by using a collimated narrow-band ultrasound transmitter that can penetrate through multiple layers of heterogeneous material. A series of measurements can then be made at multiple transmit frequencies. However, commonly used reconstruction algorithms such as Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) tend to produce poor quality reconstructions for these systems both because they do not model collimated beam systems and  they do not jointly reconstruct the multiple frequencies.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In this thesis, we first propose a multi-frequency ultrasound model-based iterative reconstruction (UMBIR) algorithm designed for multi-frequency collimated beam ultrasound systems. The combined system targets reflective imaging of heterogeneous, multi-layered structures. For each transmitted frequency band, we introduce a physics-based forward model to accurately account for the propagation of the collimated narrow-band ultrasonic beam through the multi-layered media. We then show how the joint multi-frequency UMBIR reconstruction can be computed by modeling the direct arrival signals, detector noise, and incorporating a spatially varying image prior.</p> <p><br></p> <p>We also propose a ringing artifact reduction method for ultrasound image reconstruction that uses a multi-agent consensus equilibrium (RARE-MACE) framework. Our approach integrates a physics-based forward model that accounts for the propagation of a collimated ultrasonic beam in multi-layered media, a spatially varying image prior, and a denoiser designed to suppress the ringing artifacts that are characteristic of reconstructions from high-fractional bandwidth ultrasound sensor data.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Results using both simulated and experimental data indicate that multi-frequency UMBIR reconstruction yields much higher reconstruction quality than either single frequency UMBIR or SAFT. In addition, our results demonstrate the capability of our RARE-MACE method to suppress ringing artifacts and substantially improve the image quality over single frequency UMBIR and SAFT.</p>

Use of Pulse Thermography for Characterization of Defects in Polymer Composites

Klöckner, Kim January 2023 (has links)
In this project, the possibility of using thermography as a non-destructive testing tool in the manufacturing process of boats and to assess the quality of end-of-life composite structures has been explored. To do so, a literature surview regarding the current applications of thermography and the techniques currently used for quality control in the boats industry has been conducted. Additionally, the set-up of the thermal camera has been improved for the testing and measurements on several composite parts have been performed. Here, the resulting images were analysed regarding different features important for the intended new application, such as existence of delamination, bonding quality, and fibre orientations. The technique appears to be well suited to evaluate the bonding quality in case of glass fibre composite plates and to detect delaminations and other defects in such. Regarding the fibre orientation more studies are needed to judge the practicality.

Application of P-wave Reflection Imaging to Unknown Bridge Foundations and Comparison with Other Non-Destructive Test Methods

Kermani, Behnoud January 2013 (has links)
Proper design of bridge structures requires an appreciation for the possible failure mechanisms that can develop over the lifetime of the bridge, many of which are related to natural hazards. For example, scour is one of the most common causes of bridge failures. Scour occurs due to the erosion of soil and sediment within a channel with flowing water. During a flood event, the extent of scour can be so great that it can destabilize an existing bridge structure. In order to evaluate the scour potential of a bridge, it is necessary to have information regarding the substructure, particularly the bridge foundations. However, as of 2011 there are more than 40,000 bridges across United States with unknown foundations. Generally for these bridges there are no design or as-built plans available to show the type, depth, geometry, or materials incorporated into the foundations. Several non-destructive testing (NDT) methods have been developed to evaluate these unknown foundations. The primary objective of this research is to identify the most current and widely used NDT methods for determining the embedment depth of unknown bridge foundations and to compare these methods to an ultrasonic P-wave reflection imaging system. The ultrasonic P-wave reflection system has tremendous potential to provide more information and address several short-comings of other NDT methods. A laboratory study was initiated to explore various aspects related to the P-wave system performance, in order to characterize the limitations of the system in evaluation of unknown foundations prior to deployment in field studies. Moreover, field testing was performed using the P-wave system and a number of the current NDT methods at two selected bridge foundations to allow comparison between the results. / Civil Engineering

Novel Application of Nondestructive Testing to Evaluate Anomalous Conditions in Drilled Shafts and the Geologic Materials Underlying Their Excavations

Kordjazi, Alireza January 2019 (has links)
Drilled shafts are deep foundation elements created by excavating cylindrical shafts into the ground and filling them with concrete. Given the types of structures they support, failure to meet their performance criteria can jeopardize public safety and cause severe financial losses. Consequently, quality control measures are warranted to ensure these foundations meet design specifications, particularly with respect to their structural integrity and geotechnical capacity. Due to their inaccessibility, non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques have received much attention for drilled shaft quality control. However, there are limitations in the NDT tools currently used for structural integrity testing. Moreover, there is no current NDT tool to evaluate conditions underlying drilled shaft excavations and aid in verifying geotechnical capacity. The main objective of this research is to examine the development of new NDT methodologies to address some of the limitations in the inspection of drilled shaft structural integrity and geotechnical conditions underlying their excavations. The use of stress waves in large laboratory models is first examined to evaluate the performance of ray-based techniques for detecting anomalies. The study then continues to investigate the improvements offered by using a full waveform inversion (FWI) approach to analyze the stress wave data. A hybrid, multi-scale FWI workflow is recommended to increase the chance of the convergence of the inversion algorithms. Additionally, the benefits of a multi-parameter FWI are discussed. Since FWI is computationally expensive, a sequential optimal experimental design (SOED) analysis is proposed to determine the optimal hardware configurations for each application. The resulting benefit-cost curves from this analysis allow for designing an NDT survey that matches the available resources for the project. / Civil Engineering

Ultrasonic testing of components produced with additive manufacturing : Towards improved detection and classification of defects / Ultraljudsprovning av komponenter tillverkade med additiva metoder : Mot förbättrad detektering och klassificering av defekter

Sahl, Mikael January 2024 (has links)
The focus in this work is on the use of ultrasonic testing as a method for inspecting components manufactured through additive manufacturing (AM) processes. The research is rooted in the need for effective non-destructive testingtechniques that can adapt to the unique challenges posed by AM-produced materials, including complex defect geometries and surface conditions. Ultrasonic testing is a versatile form of non-destructive testing, offering theability to detect internal flaws, such as voids, cracks, and inclusions, with highprecision and in real-time. Unlike many competing methods, ultrasonic testing works on most types of materials. Ultrasonic testing has been applied forinspection purposes for a long time. Now with emerging manufacturing methods, there is a need for evaluation techniques to keep up with this development.New data processing algorithms open up possibilities of extracting more information from the acquired signal. The thesis provides a review of UT’s capabilities in detecting and classifyingdefects within AM components, with a particular emphasis on the subtletiesintroduced by the layer-by-layer construction method inherent to AM technologies. The work advances development and validation of simulation modelsaimed at predicting the ultrasonic response from manufactured defects. Thesemodels are crucial for understanding the interaction between ultrasound wavesand material anomalies, offering insights into the potential for enhanced defectdetection strategies. The research also explores the practical case of integrating UT into the quality assurance processes by relying on mathematical simulation rather than experimental data. The findings suggest avenues for the refinement of creation of inspection procedure, including the the use of meta-models to cheaply acquire worst-case scenario defects, to better accommodate the specificities of AM materials. / Den här avhandlingen handlar om ultraljudsprovning av additivt tillverkade metalkomponenter. Ultraljud är en av flera metoder som används för att detektera defekter i komponenter utan att förstöra komponenten i processen. Samlingsnamnet för dessa metoder är oförstörande provning. Oförstörande provning är en viktig pusselbit i samhällets säkerhet då det möjliggör identifiering och utvärdering av potentiella defekter i material, vilket förebygger olyckor och strukturella fel. Vidare är det en viktig del inom hållbar utveckling genom att maximera nyttjandet av komponenter då dessa inte behöver ersättas med ett överdrivet försiktigt underhållsintervall. Ultraljudsprovning fungerar genomatt ultraljud introduceras in i en komponent, varefter en givare registrerar ekon som uppstår när ljudvågorna interagerar med eventuella defekter. Detta möjliggör både lokalisering och storleksbedömning av defekter, t.ex. sprickor, bindfel eller porer. Resultaten av den här avhandlingen syftar till att ge förutsättningar för att förbättra tolkningen av dessa signaler, dels genom att experimentellt validera simuleringsmodeller, samt tillämpning av dessa modeller för att utveckla en metamodell för att prediktera amplitudsvaret från en mängd defekter inom en viss parameterrymd. Med verktyg som detta kan billigare inspektionsprocedurer möjliggöras genom att man till större del kan förlita sig på simulering av signaler snarare än att skaffa stort underlag med experimentell data. / <p>Paper A, B and C are not included in the eletronic version. Paper C is under submission.</p>

Ex-situ Inspection and Ultrasonic Metamaterial Lens Enabled Noncontact In-situ Monitoring of Solid-state Additive Manufacturing Process for Aluminum Alloy 6061

Yang, Teng 05 1900 (has links)
Additive friction stir deposition (AFSD) is an innovative solid-state manufacturing process capable of producing parts with fine, equiaxed grains. However, due to the complexity of extensive plastic deformation and the viscoplastic behavior of metallic materials at elevated temperatures, the analysis of material flow and stress evolution during AFSD remains at a rudimentary stage. As a developing technology, gaining a deeper understanding of the underlying physical behaviors behind the processing is appreciable. This study comprises three objectives: investigating microstructure and stress-induced acoustic wave propagation behaviors, implementing non-contact in-situ monitoring in AFSD of aluminum alloy 6061 using a far-collimation acoustic metamaterial lens, and ex-situ analysis of parameter-dependent mechanics influences in AFSD of aluminum alloys 6061. To achieve this, a novel ultrasound in-situ monitoring method, along with ex-situ residual stress measurements, is facilitated by MD and FEA simulations and been experimentally verified. Real-time asymmetric property distribution and abnormal parameter-dependence acoustic wave phase change during the AFSD of aluminum alloy 6061 were identified through the in-situ monitoring and further investigated in detail through ex-situ inspection. A key parameter, effective viscosity, was introduced to the parameter windows selections, which can affect the thermo-fluidic mechanics during the process, thereby altering the physical aspects, mechanical properties, and microstructures.

Etude d’un contrôle ultrasonore pour la détection et l’identification de l’ondulation de plis dans les CFRP aéronautiques

Zardan, Jean-Philippe 23 November 2012 (has links)
L'ondulation pli est un défaut majeur qui peut apparaître dans certains matériaux composites tels que le CFRP. Des mesures de vitesse et atténuation ultrasonore permettent la détection, mais pas l'identification, de l'ondulation pli. Dans la présente étude, il est démontré que pour identifier cette ondulation pli, il est important de prendre en compte la déviation du faisceau ultrasonore. Deux méthodes différentes, A²Scan et C²Scan, permettent de détecter et mesurer cette déviation. D'une part, de l'écart produit un comportement asymétrique dans les réponses obtenues à des angles d'incidence oblique. Ce phénomène se manifeste à travers l'étude des domaines d'angles d'incidence, qui peuvent normalement être superposés. D'autre part, la technique de C²Scan permet la mesure de la déviation du champ acoustique transmis. Dans les deux cas, l'étude de la déviation induite révèle sa sensibilité à la présence d'ondulation plis. Ces méthodes ont été validées expérimentalement et leur utilisation potentielle, en fonction de l'épaisseur de la pièce, ainsi que sont industrialisation par ultrasons laser sont discutées. / Ply waviness is a major defect, which can appear in certain composite materials such as CFRP. Attenuation and ultrasound velocity measurements allow the detection, but not the identification, of ply waviness. In the present study it is shown that in order to identify this ply waviness, it is important to take the deviation of the ultrasonic beam into account. Two different methods,A²Scan et C²Scan , allowing such deviations to be detected are proposed. On the one hand, the deviation produces an asymmetrical behaviour in the responses obtained at oblique incidence angles. This phenomenon is revealed through the study of incidence angle ranges, which can normally be superimposed. On the other hand, the double scanning technique allows the deviation of the energy maxima of the transmitted acoustic field to be determined. In both cases, the study of induced deviation reveals that it is sensitive to the presence of ply waviness. These methods have been experimentally validated and their potential use, depending on the thickness of the workpiece and industrialization by laser ultrasonic means are discussed.

Localisation automatique des aciers et caractérisation de la teneur en eau du béton armé par radar double-offset à grand rendement / Automatic localization of rebars and characterization of the water content of reinforced concrete using high performance double-offset GPR

Agred, Kahina 10 October 2017 (has links)
Les budgets destinés à l'entretien et à la réparation du patrimoine bâti étant très élevés, il est primordial de mettre en place des techniques fiables de suivi et de diagnostic des ouvrages pour réduire ces dépenses. Il existe de nombreuses techniques de contrôle non destructif (CND) employant différentes technologies à des coûts plus ou moins abordables. Elles permettent la détermination des propriétés du matériau renseignant sur l'état de l'ouvrage, et la détection d'inclusions ou de défauts dans le béton. Ces techniques sont connues pour leur rapidité de mise en œuvre et leur grand rendement sur site, mais aussi par leur caractère non intrusif qui permet de limiter le nombre de prélèvements. Cela les rend pertinentes pour la surveillance et l'inspection du patrimoine bâti, puisqu'elles peuvent fournir des informations liées à l'état d'un ouvrage sans l'endommager. Dans un ouvrage en béton armé, la couche d'enrobage des armatures est la plus sujette à de multiples agressions. C'est dans cette couche qu'ont lieu la majorité des réactions chimiques qui causent la dégradation de l'ouvrage, puisqu'avec la présence d'eau cet enrobage est considéré comme la zone de pénétration, de transfert et de fixation des agents agressifs présents dans l'environnement de l'ouvrage, favorisant par exemple la corrosion des armatures. La teneur en eau du béton est considérée comme un facteur très important dans le diagnostic des structures en béton armé, puisqu'elle conditionne le développement de la plupart des pathologies liées à la dégradation des structures affectant ainsi la durabilité du béton. La localisation avec précision des aciers de renforcement est également un élément primordial pour le diagnostic, mais également pour vérifier la conformité des dispositions constructives par rapport aux plans d'exécution. Dans ces travaux de recherche, nous utilisons la technologie radar pour la caractérisation géométrique et physique des éléments en béton armé, cela par le développement d'un algorithme automatique, rapide et sans prérequis. Les objectifs de cette étude sont : de localiser en surface et en profondeur les aciers du premier lit d'armatures, et de déterminer la vitesse de propagation des ondes électromagnétiques dans le béton d'enrobage pour estimer sa teneur en eau. / Since budgets for the maintenance and repair of built heritage structures are very high, it is essential to implement reliable techniques for monitoring and diagnosis of structures to reduce these costs. There are many non-destructive testing (NDT) methods employing different technologies which are more or less expensive. The NDT methods allow the determination of the properties of the material giving also information about the condition of the structure, and the detection of inclusions or defects in the concrete. These techniques are known for their fast implementation and their high performance in-situ, but also by their non-intrusive nature, which makes it possible to limit the number of samples for destructive assessment. This makes them relevant for the monitoring and inspection of built heritage, since they can provide information related to the condition of a structure without any damage. In a reinforced concrete structure, the concrete cover is the most prone to multiple aggressions. The majority of the chemical reactions which cause the degradation of the structure occur in this layer, since with the presence of water this coating is considered as the penetration, transfer and fixing zone of aggressive agents present in the environment of the structure, thus enhancing for example the corrosion of the reinforcements. The water content of concrete is considered as a very important factor in the diagnosis of reinforced concrete structures, since it conditions the development of most pathologies related to structural degradation, thus affecting the durability of concrete. The precise location of the reinforcement in the construction is also an essential element for the diagnosis, but also to check the conformity of the constructive dispositions with the execution plans. In this research, we use GPR technology for the geometrical and physical characterization of reinforced concrete elements, through the development of an automatic algorithm, fast and without pre-requisites. The objectives of this study are to locate the rebars of the first reinforcing layer in the plane and depth and to determine the propagation velocity of the electromagnetic waves in the coating layer to estimate the water content of concrete.

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