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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Filbornaverket : En analys på ombyggnationen av pannan med avseende på kväveoxidutsläpp / Filbornaverket : An analysis of the reconstruction of the boiler regarding nitrogen oxide emissions

Hedlund, Ingemar, Ovenmark, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att studera en ombyggnation av SNCR-anläggningen i Filbornaverket, enavfallseldad rosterpanna, på uppdrag av Öresundskraft Kraft & Värme AB. Anledningen var attse om en minskning av NOx-utsläpp var möjlig då det innebär en minskning av försurning avskog och mark. Naturvårdsverket har som mål att minska mängden NOx-utsläpp genom attanvända sig av ekonomiska styrmedel.Filbornaverket är en panna på cirka 60 MW fjärrvärmeeffekt och 18 MW eleffekt. Metodensom användes var en jämförande metod. Ombyggnationen ledde till en minskning av NOxutsläppunder perioden oktober till november 2018 på 5,45% jämfört med samma period2017. Detta innebar en årlig besparing på cirka 250 000 kr i minskade NOx-avgifter tillNaturvårdsverket för Öresundskraft Kraft & Värme AB. Mängden insprutad ammoniak blev igenomsnitt 4,73% lägre 2018 jämfört med 2017. / This study examined the reconstruction of the SNCR equipment in Filbornaverket, a wasteburning grate boiler, on behalf of Öresundskraft Kraft & Värme AB. The purpose was to see ifa reduction of NOx was possible. A reduction of NOx means a reduction in acidification offorest and land. Naturvårdsverkets goal is to reduce the amount of NOx by using economiccontrol means.Filbornaverket is a boiler of about 60 MW district heating power and 18 MW electrical power.A comparative method was used in this study. The reconstruction lead to a reduced amountof NOx during the period October to November 2018 of 5,45% compared to same period2017. This means an annual saving of around 250 000 kr in reduced NOx-fees toNaturvårdsverket for Öresundskraft Kraft & Värme AB. The amount of injected ammonia wasin average 4,73% lower during 2018 compared to 2017.

Effets de la combustion du noir de carbone sur l'adsorption des NOx sur un catalyseur quatre voies / 4 way catalysts, Deactivation of the NOx storage trap function by soot

Klein, Jennifer 20 October 2011 (has links)
Récemment, les constructeurs automobiles se sont intéressés au développement des catalyseurs appelés quatre voies, destinés à diminuer simultanément les émissions polluantes des moteurs diesels par l'intermédiaire d'un seul monolithe catalytique. Dans cet objectif, plusieurs études ont montré que la capacité de stockage des NOx de ces catalyseurs est inhibée par la présence de suies. Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit s'inscrivent dans la compréhension des phénomènes en cause. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la présence de noir de carbone entraîne une diminution de la stabilité des nitrates adsorbés par les systèmes catalytiques étudiés et, ainsi, de leur capacité de stockage des NOx. Ce phénomène a été attribué à une réduction des espèces nitrates adsorbées à la surface des matériaux par les particules de carbone adjacentes. La présence d'une particule Pt à proximité d'un site de carbone favorise la formation de complexes oxygénés de surface, limitant l'effet réducteur du carbone envers les nitrates adsorbés. La perte de capacité d'adsorption des NOx des catalyseurs étudiés, observée lors de leur mise en contact avec du noir de carbone, s'est révélée irréversible à l'issue de l'oxydation du carbone. La caractérisation des matériaux par microscopie à transmission (MET) a révélé une modification importante de la structure des matériaux. Un frittage des particules de platine et une modification de la structure des particules de Ba entraînent en effet la perte irréversible de l'activité des matériaux vis-à-vis de l'adsorption des NOx. / Recently, car manufacturers have developed "4 way" catalytic converters in order to couple hydrocarbon and CO oxidation, soot combustion and DeNOx fonctions on a single monolith. Several studies showed that the NOx storage capacity of NSR catalysts is reduced in the presence of soot. The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of carbon­ NSR catalyst contact on the ability of the catalyst to store NOx. The results show that the presence of carbon black in the catalytic bed involves a decrease of adsorbed nitrates stability and of the NOx storage capacity of materials. It is proposed that the proximity of the carbon particles and NOx adsorbents sites leads to a reduction of the stored nitrates species. The decrease of the NOx storage capacity is Jess important when platinum is present in the catalytic material composition. In agreement with previous studies on the catalytic combustion of soot, it is suggested that platinum increases the number of surface-oxygen complexes -C(O), which thus led to a decrease in the reducing character of carbon. Our study reveals that the deactivation of the NOx storage activity due to carbon-catalyst contact is an irreversible phenomena, and thus even when all carbon is burnt. Characterization of materials by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that sintering of the platinum particles and a structural modification of the barium particles occurs after that the catalysts was in contact with carbon. The decrease in the NOx storage activity of the materials is then assigned to a lesser proximity of the oxidizing sites (Pt) and adsorption sites (Al or Ba).

Redução de NO com CO sobre catalisadores de CuO, Fe2O3 e CuO-Fe2O3 suportados em TiO2, ZrO2 e TiO2-ZrO2: Efeito do vapor de água na atividade e seletividade a N2

Castelblanco, William Nova 26 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:56:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5331.pdf: 11740082 bytes, checksum: e8f5288e8c937187089b53d5c0ebd1c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-26 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The combustion of petroleum fuels produces large emissions of NOX, SOX and other strong atmospheric pollutants. The abatement of NOX can be achieved by the nonselective catalytic reduction of NO with CO, for that, supported noble metals have been the most commonly used, with high cost as disadvantage. Transition metal oxides show good activity for this reaction, however, they have poor performance in the presence of SO2, O2 and water steam. Thus, this study aimed to prepare, characterize and evaluate catalysts based on CuO, Fe2O3 and CuO-Fe2O3 supported on TiO2, ZrO2 and their mixtures, in the reduction of NO to N2 with CO in the presence or absence of water steam. XRD data, N2 adsorption and H2-TPR showed that mixed oxides and their catalysts, prepared by sol-gel in-situ, presented specific surface areas between 30 to 60 m2/g, with Cu or Fe species highly distributed, having the last greater interaction with titanium. Rietveld refinement showed preferential formation of zirconium titanate, then showing a close interaction of these species in the mixed supports. All catalysts were highly active in the reduction of NO to N2. At temperatures below 500 °C a CuO catalysts were more active and selective for the formation of N2 than Fe2O3, with the formation of N2O being favored with the increase of zirconium in the support. At 600 °C, the high conversion of NO to N2 on CuO was not influenced by the content of TiO2 in the support. Also at 600 °C, an increasing in the content of titanium in the Fe2O3 catalysts resulted in a significant drop in the conversion of NO to N2. The presence of water steam during the reduction of NO with CO at 600 °C caused a significant decrease in the conversion of NO to N2 and CO to CO2 on the CuO catalyst on the support with higher titanium content. The water steam completely eliminates the activity for the reduction of NO to N2 on Fe2O3 catalysts, but keeping a high conversion of CO to CO2. The CuO and CuO-Fe2O3 catalysts on zirconium-rich supports showed high potential for the abatement of NOX in the presence of water steam at temperatures above 500 ºC. / A combustão de derivados do petróleo gera grandes emissões de NOX, SOX e outros fortes poluentes da atmosfera. O abatimento de NOX pode ser realizado por meio da redução catalítica não seletiva com CO, onde os metais nobres suportados têm sido os mais empregados, com a desvantagem de seu elevado custo. Óxidos de metais de transição apresentam boa atividade nessa reação, no entanto, têm baixo desempenho na presença de SO2, O2 e vapor de água. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo preparar, caracterizar e avaliar catalisadores a base de CuO, Fe2O3 e CuO-Fe2O3 suportados em TiO2, ZrO2 ou suas misturas, na redução de NO a N2 com CO na presença ou ausência de vapor de água. Dados de DRX, adsorção de N2 e RTP-H2 mostraram que os suportes mistos e seus catalisadores, que foram preparados via síntese sol-gel in-situ, apresentaram áreas superficiais específicas entre 30 e 60 m2/g, com as espécies de Cu ou Fe altamente distribuídas, tendo essas últimas maior interação com a titânia. Refinamento de Rietveld mostrou formação preferencial de titanato de zircônia, evidenciando a estreita interação dessas espécies nos suportes mistos. Todos os catalisadores foram altamente ativos na redução de NO a N2. Em temperaturas inferiores 500 ºC os catalisadores de CuO foram mais ativos e seletivos à formação de N2 que o Fe2O3, com a formação de N2O sendo favorecida com o aumento de zircônia no suporte. A 600 ºC, a alta conversão de NO a N2 sobre CuO não foi influenciada pelo conteúdo de TiO2 no suporte. Nessa temperatura, o aumento do teor de titânia provocou nos catalisadores de Fe2O3 uma queda significativa na conversão de NO a N2. A presença de vapor de água durante a redução de NO com CO a 600 ºC provocou sobre CuO queda significativa da conversão de NO a N2 e de CO a CO2 sobre o suporte com maior conteúdo de titânia. Nos catalisadores de Fe2O3 puro, o vapor de água anulou completamente a atividade para a redução de NO a N2, mas manteve-se a conversão de CO a CO2. Os catalisadores de CuO e CuO-Fe2O3 sobre suporte contendo alto teor de zircônia apresentaram alto potencial para o abatimento de NOx na presença de vapor de água em temperaturas superiores a 500 ºC.

Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions with Lower Hydrocarbons for Natural gas-fired Lean-burn Engines

Sinha Majumdar, Sreshtha January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Ηλεκτροχημική ενίσχυση της αναγωγής των οξειδίων του αζώτου σε καταλυτικά ηλεκτρόδια Rh/YSZ / Electrochemical promotion of the NOx reduction in catalytic electrodes Rh/YSZ

Ράπτης, Κωνσταντίνος Μ. 22 June 2007 (has links)
Οι υπάρχοντες εµπορικοί καταλύτες αυτοκινήτων επιτυγχάνουν σε ικανοποιητικό βαθµό την αναγωγή του µονοξειδίου του αζώτου (ΝΟ), στις εξατµίσεις κινητήρων που λειτουργούν στην περιοχή του στοιχειοµετρικού λόγου αέρα/καυσίµου. Τα τελευταία χρόνια παρατηρείται διεθνώς έντονη προσπάθεια για την ανάπτυξη καταλυτών αναγωγής του ΝΟ σε συνθήκες περίσσειας οξυγόνου, για µηχανές Diesel και κινητήρες καύσης πτωχού καυσίµου (lean burn engines). Ειδικότερα κατά την τελευταία δεκαπενταετία έχει δειχθεί ότι µπορούν να χρησιµοποιηθούν ως “ενεργοί φορείς” των µεταλλικών καταλυτών µεταβάλλοντας σηµαντικά τις ιδιότητες αυτών, για ένα µεγάλο αριθµό καταλυτικών διεργασιών. Το φαινόµενο αυτό, που περιγράφεται µε τον όρο Ηλεκτροχηµική Ενίσχυση (Electrochemical Promotion, E.P.), αφορά την τροποποίηση της ενεργότητας καταλυτών που είναι εναποτεθειµένοι πάνω σε στερεούς ηλεκτρολύτες κατά την επιβολή ρεύµατος ή δυναµικού στη διεπιφάνεια καταλύτη/στερεού ηλεκτρολύτη. Στην παρούσα διατριβή το φαινόµενο της Ηλεκτροχηµικής Ενίσχυσης χρησιµοποιήθηκε για τις αντιδράσεις αναγωγής του ΝΟ µε προπυλένιο (C3H6) και µονοξείδιο του άνθρακα (CO) παρουσία οξυγόνου σε καταλύτη ροδίου (Rh). Ο καταλύτης (ηλεκτρόδιο εργασίας) ήταν εναποτεθειµένος σε στερεό ηλεκτρολύτη ζιρκονίας σταθεροποιηµένης µε ύττρια YSZ (ο οποίος είναι αγωγός ιόντων οξυγόνου Ο2-), σε διαµόρφωση γαλβανικού στοιχείου του ακόλουθου τύπου: NO C3H6 (ή CO), O2 προϊόντα Rh YSZ Au προϊόντα NO C3H6 (ή CO), O2 Οι συνθήκες στις οποίες πραγµατοποιήθηκαν τα πειράµατα ήταν πολύ κοντά στις συνθήκες λειτουργίας ενός καταλυτικού µετατροπέα µηχανής diesel ή µηχανής πτωχού καυσίµου, δηλαδή υψηλές παροχές, περίσσεια οξυγόνου στο αντιδρών µίγµα και σχετικά υψηλές τιµές της καταλυτικής ενεργότητας σε συνθήκες ανοικτού κυκλώµατος. Αναγωγή του ΝΟ µε προπυλένιο: Βρέθηκε ότι η αντίδραση αναγωγής του ΝΟ µε προπυλένιο παρουσιάζει συµπεριφορά ανεστραµµένου ηφαιστειακού τύπου (inverted volcano), όπου οι καταλυτικοί ρυθµοί παραγωγής των προϊόντων αυξάνονται και προς στις δύο κατευθύνσεις πόλωσης. Παρατηρήθηκε ότι η καταλυτική ενεργότητα και η εκλεκτικότητα των µεταλλικών καταλυτών Rh µπορούν να επηρεασθούν σηµαντικά µε µεταβολή του έργου εξόδου της καταλυτικής επιφάνειας, κατά την επιβολή δυναµικού µεταξύ του ηλεκτροδίου εργασίας-καταλύτη και του ηλεκτροδίου αναφοράς. Καταγράφηκαν έως και 15000% και 6000% αυξήσεις των καταλυτικών ρυθµών οξείδωσης του C3H6 ( 150 2 = CO ρ ) και αναγωγής του ΝΟ ( 60 2 = N ρ ) αντίστοιχα. Η εκλεκτικότητα προς το επιθυµητό προϊόν Ν2 ενισχύθηκε µέχρι και 200% κατά την επιβολή θετικών δυναµικών, στην περιοχή των χαµηλών θερµοκρασιών. Επίσης παρατηρήθηκε το φαινόµενο της µόνιµης ενεργοποίησης της καταλυτικής επιφάνειας (Permanent NEMCA) όπου το φαινόµενο NEMCA δεν ήταν πλήρως αντιστρεπτό. Μετά την διακοπή του επιβαλλόµενου ρεύµατος ή δυναµικού οι καταλυτικές επιδόσεις ήταν αρκετά ενισχυµένες σε σχέση µε αυτές πριν την επιβολή. Αναγωγή του ΝΟ µε CO: Η αντίδραση αυτή βρέθηκε επίσης να ενισχύεται ηλεκτροχηµικά εµφανίζοντας συµπεριφορά ανεστραµµένου ηφαιστειακού τύπου (inverted volcano). Με την επιβολή θετικού ρεύµατος επιτυγχάνουµε ενίσχυση στους ρυθµούς παραγωγής των προϊόντων ( 20 2 = CO ρ ) και στην µετατροπή των αντιδρώντων. Αυτές οι αυξήσεις είναι ισχυρά µη-Φαρανταϊκές, µε τιµές του Λ έως 20. Ηλεκτροχηµική Ενίσχυση κλασικά προωθηµένων καταλυτών: Τα καταλυτικά ηλεκτρόδια Rh ενισχύθηκαν ex-situ µε διάλυµα NaOH. Η ενισχυµένη µε ιόντα νατρίου καταλυτική επιφάνεια είχε υψηλότερη καταλυτική ενεργότητα από την µη-κλασικά ενισχυµένη µε Na+ σε συνθήκες ανοικτού κυκλώµατος, ενώ παρατηρήθηκε και σηµαντική µείωση της θερµοκρασίας έναυσης του καταλύτη από τους 440 στους 320oC. Στη συνέχεια µελετήθηκε η επίδραση της ηλεκτροχηµικής ενίσχυσης. Από τα αποτελέσµατα προκύπτει ότι η συνεργετική δράση χηµικής και ηλεκτροχηµικής ενίσχυσης οδηγεί σε σηµαντική ενίσχυση των καταλυτικών επιδόσεων τόσο για τις µετατροπές των αντιδρώντων, όσο και στην εκλεκτικότητα ως προς το άζωτο. Αναγωγή του ΝΟ µε C3H6 και CO σε διπολικό αντιδραστήρα: Το κεφάλαιο 9 είναι αφιερωµένο στην ανάπτυξη και αξιοποίηση νέων καινοτοµικών διατάξεων στις οποίες δύναται να βρει το φαινόµενο ΝΕMCA βιοµηχανική εφαρµογή. Απώτερος στόχος είναι η δηµιουργία πρακτικών διατάξεων που θα καταστρέφουν τους αέριους ρύπους και ειδικότερα τα οξείδια του αζώτου. Για το σκοπό αυτό χρησιµοποιήθηκε διπολική διάταξη αντιδραστήρα (bipolar system configuration), όπου ο καταλύτης ήταν εναποτεθειµένος στην εσωτερική πλευρά ενός σωλήνα από YSZ, ενώ τα δύο ηλεκτρόδια χρυσού βρίσκονταν στην εξωτερική επιφάνεια της YSZ και µέσω αυτών επιτυγχάνεται η έµµεση πόλωση της καταλυτικής επιφάνειας. Τα αποτελέσµατα ήταν αρκετά εντυπωσιακά και οι καταλυτικές επιδόσεις βελτιώθηκαν περαιτέρω µε συνδιασµό κλασικής και ηλεκτροχηµικής ενίσχυσης. Από τα αποτελέσµατα προκύπτει ότι ο συνδυασµός κλασικής και ηλεκτροχηµικής ενίσχυσης µπορεί να οδηγήσει σε ενδιαφέρουσες πρακτικές εφαρµογές. Αυτή η εξέλιξη είναι πιθανή, διότι τέτοιου είδους διατάξεις δεν απαιτούν εξωτερική ηλεκτρική σύνδεση µε το ηλεκτρόδιο εργασίας-καταλύτης και µπορούν να ενσωµατωθούν ευκολότερα σε εµπορικά εκµεταλλεύσιµες εφαρµογές. / Introduction : The selective catalytic reduction of NO by propylene or CO in the presence of oxygen is a system of great potential technological significance due to the urgent need to develop efficient catalytic systems for the treatment of exhaust gases of lean burn or Diesel engines. The existing commercial catalysts succeed, in a satisfactory degree, the NO reduction in exhaust gases operated in the stoichiomentric air/fuel ratio. A technological target for such systems is to be able to operate at temperatures as low as 200oC (in order to reduce emissions during cold engine start-up) and in high excess of oxygen. It has been well documented during recent decade that the catalytic activity and selectivity of porous metal films interfaced with solid electrolytes can be affected in a very pronounced and controlled manner upon polarization of the catalyst-electrode. This phenomenon is known in the literature as Electrochemical Promotion (E.P.) or Non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity (NEMCA effect) and it has been studied for more than 60 different catalytic systems. In this thesis, the electrochemical promotion of the NO reduction by propylene or CO in presence of oxygen was investigated on porous polycrystalline Rh catalyst-electrodes deposited on YSZ (Y2O3 – stabilized ZrO2) an O2- conductor. The experiments were carried out in galvanic cells of the type: NO C3H6 (ή CO), O2 products Rh YSZ Au products NO C3H6 (ή CO), O2 The experimental conditions were close to those in the exhaust of a lean burn or diesel engine, i.e., high gas-hourly-space-velocity (GHSV), considerable open circuit catalytic performance and in some cases considerable excess of oxygen. NO reduction by propylene: It was found that both the catalytic activity and the selectivity of the Rh catalystelectrode is promoted very significantly upon varying its potential with respect to a Au pseudoreference electrode. Catalytic rate enhancements up to 15000% and 6000% were observed in the catalytic rate of propylene oxidation ( 150 2 = CO ρ ) and NO reduction ΝΟ ( 60 2 = N ρ ) respectively. The Faradaic efficiency, Λ, is taking values down to -6000 for I<0, ∆VWR<0 (electrophilic NEMCA) and up to +4000 for I>0, ∆VWR>0 (electrophobic NEMCA). Furthermore, imposition of positive potential causes up to 200% enhancement of nitrogen selectivity in the lower temperature range of the investigation. Also a remarkable permanent catalytic activity was observed (Permanent NEMCA). After current interruption the effect was not totally reversible since the catalytic rates did not return to their initial open circuit values. The permanent activated states of the catalyst attributed to a surface reconstruction (oxide formation) of the catalyst upon polarization conditions. NO reduction by CO: It was found significant rate enhancements both under positive and negative potential application. In positive potentials the enhancement of the catalytic activity is found to be more pronounced by up to a factor of 20 both in catalytic rates and in NO conversion. The electrochemical promotion was strongly Non Faradaic with apparent faradaic efficiencies, Λ, up to 20. Electrochemical promotion of a classically promoted catalysts: The Rh catalyst electrodes were subsequently promoted in a classical way, via dry impregnation with NaOH, followed by drying and calcinations. The thus Na-promoted Rh films were found to exhibit much higher catalytic activity than the unpromoted films in open circuit conditions, with a pronounced decrease in their light-off temperature from 440 to 320oC. The effect of electrochemical promotion was then studied on these, already Napromoted Rh catalysts. The results showed that the effect of chemical and electrochemical promotion on the catalytic performance can be synergetic and their combination leads to significant improvement of the catalyst performance. Electrochemical promotion of NO in Bipolar reactors: The previous very promising results of the NEMCA investigation on this catalytic system were obtained in a “single chamber” reactor. In chapter 9 the work was focused on the development of more practical devices, which can in principle compete with commercially used catalytic systems under comparable experimental conditions. The experiments were carried out in a wireless bipolar configuration, in an attempt to bridge the gap between laboratory-scale reactors and practical devices for a future adapt of the NEMCA effect to commercial exhaust units. The Rh catalyst films were deposited on the inner side of a YSZ tube, while two Au films deposited on the outer side of the tubes were used to polarize the Rh catalyst surface. It was found a very pronounced enhancement of catalytic activity, which further improvement by chemical promotion of catalyst surface. The results show that the combination of the two types of promotion and the use of bipolar reactor configurations may lead to interesting practical applications. Thus is supported by the fact that such devices do not need electrical connection to the catalyst and can be adapted easier to commercial exhaust units.

Dielectric Barrier Discharge Initiated NOx Abatement In Diesel Engine Exhaust : Towards Achieving Higher Removal Efficiency

Mohapatro, Sankarsan 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In the last few decades India has advanced socioeconomically due to the rapid growth of industries and automobile sector. This in turn increases the use of fossil fuel and diesel. The atmosphere gets polluted due to the harmful substances, which comes from the burning of fuel. These pollutants can be in the form of gaseous, liquid or solid particulate. Diesel engines, the major source of power in industries and automobiles, play a significant part in causing air pollution. The major pollutants in diesel exhaust are oxides of nitrogen (NOX), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOC), aldehydes and alcohols. Due to the heavy consumption of diesel as a fuel there is an urgent need to control diesel exhaust. Diesel exhaust is a complex mixture of several gases and fine particles (commonly known as soot) that contains more than 40 toxic air contaminants. Amongst the gaseous pollutants in diesel exhaust, the major concern and a challenging task is to control oxides of nitrogen, commonly referred to as NOX as it is the major contributor for acid rain, photochemical smog etc. Successful control of emissions from diesel engines is yet to be achieved. The conventional techniques which are available to control emission now are either difficult to operate or does not satisfy the stringent emission standards. This has made the researchers throughout the world to find an alternative and effective non-conventional after treatment technique to reduce diesel engine emission. The failure of conventional techniques lead to the development of non-conventional techniques such as high voltage electric discharge based plasma which has already been proved to be economical and highly efficient in industrial electrostatic precipitators. Electric discharge plasma or non-thermal plasma produce energetic electrons which react with background molecules in flue gas leading to active species such as radicals. These radicals being chemically active selectively react with the harmful pollutants facilitating their removal/reduction. The present thesis work is an attempt to provide a technical solution to achieve higher removal efficiencies of oxides of nitrogen in the backdrop of shortcomings that exist in conventional technologies to do so. The current thesis describes the research in four stages: (i) studies on NOX removal from diesel exhaust by cross-flow DBD reactor, where design and fabrication of cross-flow DBD reactor, exhaust treatment using cross-flow DBD reactor and exhaust treatment with cascaded plasma-adsorbent technique is described (ii) studies on NOX removal from diesel exhaust by compact discharge plasma sources, where design and fabrication of high frequency high voltage AC (HVAC) using old television flyback transformer, Design and fabrication of high voltage pulse (HVPulse) using automobile ignition coil, exhaust treatment with both HVPulse and HVAC and exhaust treatment with cascaded plasma-adsorbent technique is described (iii) studies on NOX removal from diesel exhaust using solar powered discharge plasma source is described (iv) studies on the NOX removal from diesel exhaust using red mud, where exhaust treatment with red mud and Exhaust treatment cascaded plasma-red mud is covered. The results have been discussed in light of enhancing the NOX removal efficiency for stationary and automobile engine exhausts.

A window into selective catalytic reduction : a RAIRS study of NO and NH3 on Cu{311}

Sitathani, Krit January 2017 (has links)
This thesis studies the interaction between the bare Cu{311} surface with NO and NH3,individually and co-adsorbed using reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS). In addition to the bare Cu{311} surface, the interaction of NO and NH3 with the various oxygen phases of the Cu{311} surface phases was also studied. Several other techniques were used in tandem to support the study, such as low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD) experiments using mass spectrometry. The study was carried out in pursuit an understanding of the underlying mechanism of the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO using NH3 in current diesel engines. The dosing of NO onto the Cu{311} surface at 100 K leads to the initial adsorption of intact NO. After an exposure threshold is reached, individual NO molecules react with another NO molecule to form (NO)2 dimers. These dimer species subsequently form N2O, leaving O(a) on the surface. Oxygen was found to be an inhibitor for the reaction, either due to the reaction in a self-poisoning process or from oxygen pre-dosing onto the Cu{311} surface. Temperature plays a minor role with regards to NO/Cu{311}, as it only affects the amount of NO on the surface along with adsorbate surface mobility. Similarly, NH3 was found to adsorb intact onto the Cu{311} surface and not to react or dissociate at 100 K. Oxygen acts as a site blocker for the adsorption, but can also stabilise NH3 to remain on the surface at higher temperatures due to electronic effects. At 300 K, it was found that both the bare and oxygen pre-covered Cu{311} surface was able to dissociate NH3 into NH2. The co-adsorption of NO and that of NH3 onto the Cu{311} surface were found to be largely independent of each other and the interaction is dominated by the displacement of NO by NH3. However, as NO adsorption on the Cu{311} surface forms O(a), it indirectly affects the adsorption of NH3 by creating an oxygen covered Cu{311} surface, which changes how NH3 adsorbs onto the surface.

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