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NTM and NR3C2 Polymorphisms Influencing Intelligence: Family-Based Association StudiesPan, Yue, Wang, KeSheng, Aragam, Nagesh 15 January 2011 (has links)
Family, twin, and adoption studies have indicated that human intelligence quotient (IQ) has significant genetic components. We performed a low-density genome-wide association analysis with a family-based association test to identify genetic variants influencing IQ, as measured by Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale full-score IQ (FSIQ). We examined 11,120 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the Affymetrix GeneChips 10K mapping array genotyped in 292 nuclear families from Genetic Analysis Workshop 14, a subset from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA). A replication analysis was performed using part of International Multi-Center ADHD Genetics Project (IMAGE) dataset. Twenty-two SNPs were identified as having suggestive associations with IQ (p<10-3) in the COGA sample and eleven of the SNPs were located within known genes. In particular, NTM at 11q25 (rs411280, p=0.000764) and NR3C2 at 4q31.1 (rs3846329, p=0.000675) were two novel genes which have not been associated with IQ in other studies. It has been reported that NTM might play a role in late-onset Alzheimer disease while NR3C2 may be associated with cognitive function and major depression. The associations of these two genes were well-replicated by single-marker and haplotype analyses in the IMAGE sample. In conclusion, our findings provide evidence that chromosome regions of 11q25 and 4q31.1 contain genes affecting IQ. This study will serve as a resource for replication in other populations.
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Spousal Concordance in Academic Achievements and Intelligence and Family-Based Association Studies Identified Novel Loci Associated with Intelligence.Pan, Yue 13 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Assortative Mating, the tendency for mate selection to occur on the basis of similar traits, plays an essential role in understanding the genetic variation on academic achievements and intelligence (IQ). It is an important mechanism explaining spousal concordance. We used principal component analysis (PCA) for spousal correlation. There is a significant positive correlation between spouses by the new variable PC1 (correlation coefficient=0.515, p<0.0001). We further research the genetic factor that affects IQ by using the same data. We performed a low density genome-wide association (GWA) analysis with a family-based association test to identify genetic variants that associated with intelligence as measured by WAIS full-score IQ (FSIQ). NTM at 11q25 (rs411280, p=0.000764) and NR3C2 at 4q31.23 (rs3846329, p=0.000675) were 2 novel genes that haven't been associated with IQ from other studies. This study may serve as a resource for replication in other populations and a foundation for future investigations.
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