Spelling suggestions: "subject:"NW mediterranean"" "subject:"NW editerranean""
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Mesoscale variability of the northern current in the gulf of lions and the role of bottom topographyFlexas Sbert, Maria del Mar 11 July 2003 (has links)
The Northern Current flows cyclonically contouring the continental slope in the NW Mediterranean. At the entrance of the Gulf of Lions this current is about 20 -- 30 km wide and flows along the deepest half of the continental slope, i.e. over the 1000 to 2000 m isobaths approximately. Surface speeds are of 30 -- 50 cm s^{-1}. In the MATER HFF experiment (March -- May 1997) mesoscale variability of the Northern Current is observed from current meter records, SST images and hydrographic data. The HFF experimental box is 20 x 40 km, covering the upper half of the slope (i.e. covering from 250 m to 1250 m depth isobaths). Current meter and satellite data show that the site is embedded in a region of significant Northern Current meandering and eddy activity. From SST images, meander wavelengths are estimated larger than 60 km, embracing smaller structures. These flow patterns affect upper-layer waters down to at least 650 m depth. Current meter data distinguish two narrow energetic bands centred at 3.5 days and 7.5 days, respectively, in agreement with previous studies.Baroclinic instability is viewed as a possible mechanism to explain the generation of the Northern Current meanders. The analytical model of Tang (1975) predicts the development of unstable waves of wavelength (> 60 km) and periods compatible with the 7.5 day band recorded with current meter devices. The higher frequency band of 3.5 days is out of the frequency range predicted by the classical baroclinic instability theory and it is discussed as a restriction of quasi-geostrophic theory.Barotropic instability is studied using a laboratory model of a -westward' jet flowing over the lower half of the continental slope, which considers dynamic similarity with the Northern Current. The laboratory model is cross-validated with a corresponding numerical model. Jet instabilities of currents similar to the Northern Current (i.e. westward jets) occur at the edges of the jet, showing a clear meandering tendency over the mid-slope. Westward currents of Ro = 0.1 -- 0.2 develop instabilities of wavelengths (50 -- 75 km) similar to those observed from SST images, with periods (3.3 -- 3.8 days) compatible with the 3.5 days period band recorded with HFFE current meters.The laboratory and numerical experiments have reproduced westward jets (as the Northern Current), but also eastward jets, in order to have a full approach to better understand the role of the bottom topography on barotropic instabilities. The slope current instabilities are successfully explained by the Marcus and Lee theory (1998) of jets on a beta plane. This theory is valid for westward flows with Ro > 0.1 and for eastward flows with Ro > 0.2 (jets of the so-called Regime II flows in this thesis), and it states that the instabilities of each shear layer of the barotropic jet take the appearance of a Kelvin-Helmholtz-like pattern, associated with a Rossby wave (of topographic origin in our case). According to this theory, the differences between eastward and westward jets rely on the disposition of the Rossby waves --at the centre of the current in eastward flows and at the edges of the jet in westward currents. Jets over a sloping bottom with small Rossby numbers (Ro < 0.1 for westward jets; Ro < 0.2 for eastward jets) show a flow pattern (the so-called Regime I in this thesis) that has common characteristics for eastward and westward flows. In these -small'-Ro flows, Kelvin-Helmholtz-like instabilities dominate, whereas Rossby waves are too weak to produce any major difference between jets flowing in eastward or westward direction. This occurs when the topographic influence, assumed proportional to the Ro number of the jet, is small.The differences between eastward and westward slope currents observed in this work (and similar observations of jets on a beta-plane from previous works) are explained in this thesis by a simple scheme based on conservation of potential vorticity, considering there are two main components in balance: the shear-induced vorticity and the topographically induced vorticity. The signs of these two components are determined by the relative direction of the flow with respect to the inclination of the bottom topography. Once the critical Rossby number is overpassed so that the topographic effects are important (Ro > 0.1 for westward jets; Ro > 0.2 for eastward jets), conservation of potential vorticity tends to enhance vortices at the centre of eastward jets --eastward jets show meandering at the jet core. In westward jets, potential vorticity conservation is responsible of enhancing vortices at each edge of the jet. Thus, westward jets (as the Northern Current) are broad and meandering occurs at the jet edges.In Ro > 0.1 westward flows (i.e. Regime II westward jets) a topographic Rossby wave appears over the shelf break. This result is likely observed because of the specific topography used in this work --a continental slope and a continental shelf separated by a shelf break, producing a strong change in ambient potential vorticity. Numerical simulations reveal that this Rossby wave is triggered by the slope current. This topographic Rossby wave is a robust pattern, since it is independent of the position of the current over the slope, the shape of the velocity shear profile of the jet, and the jet width. Although this type of wave could not be inferred from the HFFE field data, it could be a focus of study in further field experiments. It also needs further analytical consideration. The general conclusion extracted from this thesis that tries to explain the mesoscale variability associated to the Northern Current is that both baroclinic and barotropic instability could explain part of the oceanic observations. As a consequence, mixed barotropic-baroclinic instability (which occurs at wavelengths which are between those corresponding to pure barotropic and pure baroclinic instability) is thought to play an important role on the observed mesoscale variability. The resulting wavelength would depend on the relative strength of both mechanisms.
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Influence des apports rhodaniens sur les traits d'histoires de vie de la sole commune (Solea Solea) : apports de l'analyse structurale et minéralogique des otolithes.Morat, Fabien 15 December 2011 (has links)
La sole commune présente au cours de son cycle de vie un changement ontogénétique d’habitat. Les larves sont marines et pélagiques, les juvéniles sont benthiques et vivent dans les nourriceries côtières (lagunes et estuaires) alors que les adultes sont benthiques et marins en zones plus profondes. Les otolithes sont des concrétions minéralisées de carbonate de calcium de l’oreille interne des téléostéens qui ne subissent ni dissolution ni résorption. Ils enregistrent les caractéristiques chimiques et isotopiques des milieux traversés.L’étude de la croissance, de la composition chimique et isotopique des otolithes des soles des nourriceries a confirmé l’existence de deux stocks de soles dans le golfe du Lion, un à l’Est et l’autre à l’Ouest. Les faibles valeurs de 13C et les fortes valeurs de Ba/Ca des otolithes des soles de l’Est du golfe ont été associées à une forte influence des apports rhodaniens sur la phase de vie larvaire lors des années où le débit du Rhône est normal. En période de crue, une forte influence du fleuve est visible sur les otolithes des soles des nourriceries de l’ensemble du golfe. La croissance des otolithes des juvéniles a été plus élevée lorsque la salinité a été proche de 20 et la température comprise entre 20 et 25°C (période estivale). Les signatures des otolithes de Mauguio et Berre ont présenté des 13C et Sr/Ca plus faibles que ceux de Thau (influences plus marines sur les proies et les masses d’eau). La spécificité des signatures chimiques et isotopiques des otolithes a permis d’élaborer des profils qui ont été retrouvés chez les populations de soles adultes du golfe, mais aussi vers Marseille et Bandol. Ces soles ont montré une influence du Rhône durant la phase de vie larvaire à 53%. Elles ont également montré une forte similarité avec les profils chimiques de type lagune de Thau (10-56%) et Rhône (19-30%) durant leur vie juvénile. Toutefois, une proportion non négligeable de soles originaires de nourriceries non caractérisées (26-50%) a été observée. / The life cycle of the common sole shows an ontogenetic shift of habitats. The larvae are marine and pelagic, the juveniles are benthic in coastal nurseries (lagoons and estuaries) whereas adults are benthic and live in marine deeper areas. Otoliths are paired calcified structures from the inner ear of teletost fish. They are metabolically inert (neither resorption nor dissolution) and they record, both the age (daily and annual increments) and the chemical and isotopic characteristics of the environment inhabited. Otoliths study provides information on the life history traits of individuals.The study of growth, chemical and isotopic otolith composition of soles from nurseries confirmed the existence of two sole stocks in the Gulf of Lions, one in the Eastern part and the other in the Western part. Low values in 13C and higher values in Ba/Ca ratio measured in Eastern sole otoliths during the larval life were associated to a high influence of the Rhône River discharge during a normal flow rate periods. Conversely, the one hundred return flood of the 2nd of December 2003 was very high and visible on otoliths from all nurseries in the Gulf of Lions. Juvenile otolith growth was higher in nurseries with low salinity (~20) and temperatures between 20 and 25°C than in more marine nurseries. 13C and Sr/Ca ratios of otoliths from Berre and Mauguio coastal lagoons were lower than those observed in Thau coastal lagoon (more marine influences on preys and water masses). These specificities of otolith compositions were used for the elaboration of reference profiles, which have been identified in adult populations of the Gulf of Lions, Marseilles and Bandol. Adult have shown an influence of the Rhône River during their larval life at 53%. They have shown a similarity with Thau chemical profile (10-56%) and Rhône profile (19-30%) during their juvenile life. However, 26-50% of fish from uncharacterised nurseries have been observed.
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Effets du changement climatique sur les écosystèmes littoraux de la mer Méditerranée nord-occidentale : étude de la relation entre les conditions de température et la réponse biologique pendant les événements de mortalité massiveCrisci, Carolina 31 October 2011 (has links)
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