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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einstämmige stark flektierende Kurznamen als Bestimmungswörter in den Ortsnamen auf -leben

Winkler, Gundhild January 2010 (has links)
This paper deals with place names ending in -leben which contain a single stem personal name as modifier with strong declension. A typological analysis shows both the distribution of name elements and regional differences between the main distribution areas Bode- and Unstrutkreis. This subtye of -leben names dominates in the Bodekreis but is less representative in the Unstrutkreis. The analysis is completed with a map.

Lagen die Orte ... Lighinici – Zrale – Crocovva vom Anfang des sog. "Nienburger Bruchstücks" in Sachsen?

Hengst, Karlheinz, Wetzel, Günter January 2011 (has links)
The Nienburg fragment, named after Nienburg Monastery from where it originated around 1180, starts with a problematic list of several place names as Lighinici, Zrale, Crocovva, Cotibus, that have been implicitly connected so far to Kraków (Poland), to Liegnitz / Legnica as well as to Strehlen / Strzelin in Silesia, and to Cott bus in Lower Lusatia. The authors follow the historian Rudolf Lehmann in his assumption that these places were former stops along the way thus linking Zrale to Strehla on the River Elbe, Crocovva to the desolate Krakau at Königsbrück on the River Pulsnitz. Lighinici, which hasn’t been located yet, can be placed with the help of linguistic research to the desolate place Leichen (Lichen) near Dürrenberg on the River Saale (Sachsen-Anhalt). The number of place-names that include ‚Kirche’ (church) and ‚Markt’ (market) seems like a kind of travel-guide leading from the monastery at Nienburg to its holdings in Lower Lusatia.

Der Ortsname Magdeburg und die Volksetymologie

Udolph, Jürgen January 2011 (has links)
Seit Jahren steige ich am Magdeburger Hauptbahnhof ein und aus. Wenn dann die Ansage kommt, man sei in Magdeburg, kann man immer wieder bei einigen Fahrgästen ein ironisches Grinsen erkennen. Warum? Nun, in dem bei der Deutschen Bahn offenbar zentral erstellten Ansagetext wird Magdeburg mit langem -a- gesprochen, so wie auch das Wort Magd im Allgemeinen im Hochdeutschen artikuliert wird. Dieses kleine Beispiel ist für die Frage nach der Herkunft und Bedeutung des Ortsnamens Magdeburg von einiger Bedeutung, zeigt es doch, dass der Ortsname natürlich mit dem Wort Magd in Verbindung gebracht wird. Man spricht in derartigen Fällen bekanntlich von volksetymologischen Umdeutungen oder – vor allem in der Leipziger Onomastik – von (scheinbarer) sekundärer semantischer Motivierung. Im Fall von Magdeburg ist die Annahme, es liege das Wort Magd zugrunde, in fast einmaliger Weise seit Jahrhunderten nachgewiesen.

Strata of ethnics, languages and settlement names in the Carpathian Basin

Tóth, Valéria 20 August 2014 (has links)
When entering the Carpathian Basin in the 9th century, the Hungarians found a decisively Slavic population on the territory, so toponyms were formed based on the already existing toponymic system. Hungarian toponymic research has been able to reconstruct toponyms from the period prior to the Hungarian conquest only very scarcely and ambiguously – as opposed to the names of larger rivers, which show strong continuity, going back to very early times. The toponyms of the Carpathian Basin, in connection with the formation of the settlement structures of Hungarians, can almost exclusively be documented from the period after the Hungarian conquest. However, the Carpathian Basin became a “meeting point of the peoples” in the centuries after the conquest in 896 and as such, numerous ethnics and languages could be found here: Slavic peoples and Germans settled in larger blocks, while smaller groups of Turkish people, such as Cumans and Pechenegs, and some Neo-Latin peoples (Walloons and later Rumanians) also contributed to the ethnic and linguistic diversity in the area. The layering of different peoples and languages influenced toponyms too, which also allows us to investigate language contacts of the time. This is the main concern of my paper, with special focus on the question of how these phenomena can be connected to issues of language prestige in the Middle Ages.

Toponyme in der Literatur: ein kognitivistischer Ansatz

Kohlheim, Volker January 2013 (has links)
In comparison with personal names toponyms have been rather neglected in studies on literary onomastics. Place names may seem less promising for onomastic research because authors tend to anchor their narratives in the actual world much more than characters. However, place names in literature fulfil important tasks: they mainly contribute to the fictional constitution of space. The question whether the actual counterparts of fictional place names are of any importance for the reader has been discussed very controversially. But place names may also help to create a certain mood or local colour. They even may indicate the passing of time. As all these phenomena are based on mental processes which take place in the reader’s brain this paper tries to study them with the help of actual cognitive science.

In memoriam Ernst Eichler: (15. Mai 1930 – 29. Juni 2012)

Hengst, Karlheinz January 2013 (has links)
Anfang Juli 2012 haben wir auf dem Südfriedhof in Leipzig von Ernst Eichler fur immer Abschied nehmen müssen. Ganz in der Nähe von August Leskien und Wilhelm Streitberg hat er seine letzte Ruhestätte gefunden. Mit Ernst Eichler ist ein Genius der historischen Sprachforschung von uns gegangen. Fur den Wissenschaftsfächer von Akademie und Universität in Leipzig ist das ein grosser und schlimmer Verlust. Der Wissenschaftler Ernst Eichler hat zu seinen Lebzeiten viele Anerkennungen, Würdigungen und Auszeichnungen für sein bewundernswert breites Lebenswerk in der Sprachforschung erfahren. Seine Leistungen und Verdienste sind in Zeitschriften, Festschriften und Sammelbänden in ihrer Vorbildbedeutung dargestellt worden. Sie sind auch in unserer Fachzeitschrift zur Onomastik zuletzt zu seinem 80. Geburtstag in einer von mir gegebenen Würdigung nachlesbar. Es muss daher heute nichts wiederholt werden, was wohl den meisten in guter Erinnerung ist.

Bemerkungen aus sprachhistorischer Sicht zur ältesten Urkunde von Greiz und ihrer landesgeschichtlichen Auswertung

Hengst, Karlheinz January 2009 (has links)
In 2009 the oldest documents concerning the place Greiz in Eastern Thuringia were published by a historian. This article now provides a linguistic approach to that publication and its interpretation of the mentioned area in Medieval times. The results may be considered as a contribution to a book of reference for place names of Eastern Thuringia. In this respect some questions have been asked, e. g. whether the region along the river Weiße Elster between the places Weida and Plauen had really been an unsettled area until the 12th century. There is hard evidence that the historian’s assumptions are wrong because of the obvious Slavonic names of settlements in this area dating from the 8th until the 10th centuries. Based on a document from 1209 – respectively its copy from 1510 – as well as on a document from 1225 several facts are discussed in detail with consequences for toponymy and history of settlement with the help of historical linguistics. Thus it becomes evident that it is necessary to exchange ideas and to communicate for representatives of history as well as linguistics. At the same time it is obvious that the publication of documents and their analysis by historians will always be very helpful for linguistic exploitation. As a result the prospective edition of a historical dictionary of place names in Thuringia or of Eastern Thuringia respectively has been asserted as dependent on the continuous co-operation between historians and linguists.

Die Ortsnamen auf -leben: Versuch einer Typologie und Analyse

Winkler, Gundhild January 2009 (has links)
The paper deals with the German place name type of -leben and tries to give new insights to the discussion about these names using the method of typological analysis. With the classification of the personal names within the -leben names, a new typology will be designed and the subtype bipartide personal name plus primary word -leben will be represented. The analysis gives a survey of the contained root of the personal name and shows the preference and also the absence of specific name elements within the different distribution areas Unstrut- and Bodekreis. The presented analysis is completed and illustrated with a map.

Variabilität in der Toponymie: Almaty vs. Alma-Ata

Aksholakova, Assem January 2011 (has links)
With gaining the independence and the emergence of a new state the linguistic situation in Kazakhstan has been changed. The restoration and return of historical names, the fi xing of unifi ed rules of the transferring of Kazakh toponyms into other languages became the basis of national onomastic policy of independent Kazakhstan. After the law “On languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan” adopted in 1997 the activity on improvement of orthographic norms and formulation of new rules of transferring geographical names from Kazakh into Russian started. As a result of these acts many distorted names of inhabited localities and administrative-territorial units are gradually being put into an appropriate norm. Many of them are still to be corrected according to new “Law on Administrative - Territorial Structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (December 8, 1993.) and Presidential Decree (December 29, 1995.), Government Resolution (March 5, 1996.) where the rules on Russian transferring of Kazakh onyms were approved. Due to such activity to former capital of Kazakhstan Alma-Ata was returned its original name Almaty. Thus, in our article we decided to give our point of view on some issues relating to grammatical adaptation of toponym Almaty in Russian language.

Kommentar zu: Ernst Eichler, Hans Walther, Alt-Leipzig und das Leipziger Land. Leipzig 2010 – hier S. 75 –76

Baudisch, Susanne January 2011 (has links)
Der Kurzbeitrag nimmt Bezug auf den eingangs zitierten Band. Die Verfasser haben in Anlehnung an die älteren Ortsnamenbücher der Kreise Leipzig sowie Borna und Geithain nicht nur eine Neuaufl age vorgelegt, sondern auf Grundlage neuester Erkenntnisse ein modernes Kompendium zur Namenforschung und Siedlungsgeschichte des Leipziger Landes geschaff en, ausgestatt et mit Beiträgen weiterer Autoren.1 Im Vorfeld der Drucklegung war die Autorin dieses Beitrages gebeten worden, die Liste der Herrensitze, vornehmlich für Nordwestsachsen beizusteuern (im Buch siehe S. 75 f.). Allerdings ist diese Aufl istung mit teils anderen Erwähnungen unter ihrem Namen abgedruckt worden. Daher erscheint im Folgenden eine veränderte Liste, die der Kategorie ‚Herrensitze‘ gerecht wird, mit anschließendem kurzen Kommentar. Dieser Kommentar schmälert in keiner Weise den hohen Gesamtwert des Bandes. – Eine umfassende Behandlung des Themas im Kontext der Namengebung des mitt elalterlichen Adels östlich der Saale erscheint in einem späteren Beitrag in dieser Zeitschrift.

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