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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study was conducted in a farm belonging to Military Brigade in the Itaara county, RS. The main objective was to quantify the nutrient stocks in the soil and the above ground biomass. The second aim was to evaluate the litterfall from different tree species, and to quantify the internal nutrient cycling and the nutrient flux to the soil, respectively. The total contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe and Mn were determined for all plant and soil material. For sample collection 8 trenches were opened. Soil samples were taken in each 10 cm depth for determining soil density and the chemical analysis of total and available nutrient contents. To litter collection six plots (25 m x 17 m) were marked with five round collectors in each plot. Litter collections were done monthly, during a period of 24 months. The litter material was separated in the laboratory in leaves, fine branches (< 1 cm) and miscellaneous (flowers, fruits, seeds and debris of unidentified plants). After this preseparation a further separation followed selecting the leaves of 7 tree species. To quantify the biomass, the trees were separated in the fractions stemwood, stembark, branches and leaves. The biomass estimation based on the equation log y = b0 + b1 . log DAP, which was derived from the biometric data. The results indicate that the soil of the studied area has a medium fertility. In the 24 months of litter collection the main deposition occurred in the beginning of winter and spring. The leaves contributed with 72% in litter composition, the fine branches with 16%, and the miscellaneous with 12%. There wasn t a significant correlation between the climatic variables (average temperature and monthly rainfall) and the litterfall. Great amounts of nutrients are allocated in the litter being an important way of internal nutrient cycling within the forest. Parapipdania rigida was the species with the greates cycling rate along the 24 months. In total the following increasing order exists: Parapipdania rigida > Ocotea pulchella > Matayba elaeagnoides > Ocotea puberula > Nectandra megapotamica > Schinus mole > Cupania vernalis. The highest contents of N, P, and Ca were found in Parapipdania rigida, the highest contents of K, Mg and S were found in Matayba elaeagnoides. The above ground biomass totaled to 210 Mg ha-1. Branches had the greatest amount followed by stemwood > stembark > leaves. However, the highetst contents of N, P, K, Mg and S were found in the leaves, the highest Ca contents in the stembark. Compared with the other tree compartments branches had the highest stock of nutrients. More than 55% of total N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S of the above ground biomass was stored in this compartment. Regarding to the total forest ecosystem the highest stocks of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S are in the soil. In view of a potential usage a complete removal of stemwood and wood branches would cause an essential export of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. However, if harvesting is restricted to stemwood, only 19% N, 21% P, 25% K, 17% Ca, 28% Mg and 29% S would be removed outside the environment. More than 70% of the nutrients will remain in the ecosystem. / O presente trabalho foi realizado em uma fazenda pertencente à Brigada Militar do RS no município de Itaara-RS, Brasil, e teve como principais objetivos: quantificação do estoque de nutrientes no solo; avaliação da deposição de serapilheira, e a deposição de folhas de diferentes espécies arbóreas nativas; quantificação dos nutrientes na serapilheira, e nas folhas das diferentes espécies; quantificação da biomassa acima do solo, e dos nutrientes. Para a coleta das amostras de solo, foram abertas oito trincheiras. Nestas foram coletadas as amostras a cada 10 cm de profundidade, para determinação da densidade do solo e análise química (macronutrientes disponíveis e totais). Para a coleta de serapilheira, foram demarcadas seis parcelas de 25 m x 17 m cada, alocados no interior da floresta. Em cada parcela, foram distribuídos cinco coletores circulares, totalizando assim trinta coletores. As coletas de serapilheira foram realizadas mensalmente, durante um período de 24 meses. No laboratório, o material foi separado nas frações, folhas, galhos finos (< 1 cm) e miscelânea (flores, frutos, sementes e restos vegetais não-identificáveis). Após a separação da serapilheira, as folhas foram separadas em sete espécies arbóreas. Nesse material, foram determinados os teores totais de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe e Mn. Para a quantificação da biomassa, as árvores foram separadas nas frações madeira do fuste, casca do fuste, galhos e folhas. A estimativa da biomassa foi obtida pelo uso da equação log y = b0 + b1 . log DAP. Nas amostras da biomassa, foram determinados os teores totais de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Os resultados indicam que o solo da área de estudo pode ser considerado de fertilidade média. Nos 24 meses de coleta de serapilheira, houve grande deposição no início do inverno e primavera. As folhas foram responsáveis por 71,7% da composição da serapilheira, os galhos finos contribuíram com 16,5%, e a miscelânea com a menor proporção de 11,8%. Não houve correlação significativa entre as variáveis climáticas temperatura média e precipitação mensal e a devolução de serapilheira. Grandes quantidades de nutrientes estão armazenados na serapilheira, constituindo uma via importante de devolução de nutrientes para a floresta. A espécie que mais devolveu folhas e nutrientes ao longo dos 24 meses de coleta foi a Parapipdania rigida, estabelecendo-se a seguinte ordem crescente: Parapipdania rigida > Ocotea pulchella > Matayba elaeagnoides > Ocotea puberula > Nectandra megapotamica > Schinus mole > Cupania vernalis. Os maiores teores de N, P e Ca foram encontrados na espécie Parapiptadenia rigida. Os maiores teores de K, Mg e S foram encontrados na espécie Matayba elaeagnoides. A produção total de biomassa acima do solo das árvores foi de 210,0 Mg ha-1, seguindo a ordem de quantidade: galhos > madeira do fuste > casca do fuste > folhas. As folhas foram o componente com os maiores teores de N, P, K, Mg e S; na casca do fuste, está o maior teor de Ca; a madeira do fuste foi o componente que apresentou os menores teores de nutrientes em sua biomassa. Os galhos foi o componente com maior estoque de nutrientes, com mais de 55% do N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S da biomassa acima do solo das árvores. No componente solo, estão os maiores estoques de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S na floresta estudada. A remoção da madeira do fuste e galhos tem como conseqüência uma exportação elevada de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Com a colheita somente da madeira do fuste, serão removidos para fora do sistema 19, 21, 25, 17, 28 e 29% do N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S respectivamente, ou seja, mais de 70% dos nutrientes permanecem no sítio.
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Geração de escoamento direto em microbacias hidrográficas com coberturas florestais na região subtropical / Overland flow generation in forest catchments in the subtropical regionChiles, Carla Riovane 04 February 2019 (has links)
As florestas nativas desempenham papel importante nos processos hidrológicoas, como regulação e provisão de água ao longo do ano. As mudanças do uso do solo, e o manejo intensivo das florestas plantadas podem causar efeitos sobre essas funções hidrológicas. As atividades de manejo do solo podem afetar os tipos de mecanismos de geração de escoamento superficial, o escoamento hortoniano, o escoamento superficial de áreas saturadas e o escoamento sub-superficial, o que por consequência afeta a disponibilidade de água em quantidade e qualidade. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a geração de escoamento direto em microbacias hidrográficas com coberturas florestais. Sendo que, o segundo capítulo teve como objetivo avaliar o regime hidrológico e os tipos de mecanismos de geração de escoamento superficial em microbacia hidrográfica coberta por floresta nativa e em microbacia hidrográfica coberta por floresta plantada de Pinus spp. Na microbacia com floresta plantada de Pinus spp. a demanda hídrica foi alta, com rendimento hídrico menor que 10%. E mesmo com as atividades de manejo do solo, as propriedades do solo foram mantidas e o escoamento base foi maior e apresentou baixo coeficiente de escoamento. A microbacia coberta por floresta nativa apresentou rendimento hídrico acima de 10%, com índice de escoamento base maior que o escoamento direto, porém apresentou um maior coeficiente de escoamento. O que pode ter ocorrido devido às características físicas e pedológicas da área, relevo íngreme e solo com textura franca. Os resultados de condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado foram maiores que a intensidade da precipitação nas duas microbacias hidrográficas, mostrando que não é para ocorrer escoamento superficial hortoniano. Assim ocorreu predomínio de escoamento direto por meio do mecanismo de escoamento superficial de áreas saturadas. No terceiro capítulo foram avaliadas metodologias de caracterização das áreas variáveis de afluência nas duas microbacias hidrográficas. A metodologia da frequência de saturação se mostrou um método eficaz, em que as áreas variáveis de afluência ocorreram em 18,5% e 13,2%, na microbacia com floresta plantada de Pinus e na microbacia com floresta nativa, respectivamente. Já o método da relação escoamento direto-precipitação subestimou a área variável de afluência na microbacia com floresta plantada de Pinus, mas na microbacia com floresta nativa a quantidade de área foi semelhante. Os resultados demostraram que, mesmo com manejo florestal os processos hidrológicos estão ocorrendo na microbacia com floresta plantada de Pinus. E o planejamento florestal deve considerar ocorrência das áreas saturadas nas áreas de plantio e evitar atividades na época chuvosa e a construção de estradas nessas áreas. / Native forest plays an important role in hydrological process, such as regulation and provision of water, however land-use change, and intensive management of planted forest can modify the hydrological functions. Soil management can affect types of overland flow generation mechanism, the infiltration excess overland flow or Hortonian flow and the saturation excess overland flow, which consequently affects the availability of water in quantity and quality. The objective of this work was to understand the generation of overland flow in catchments with forest cover. In the second chapter, the aim was to characterize hydrologically and to understand the types of overland flow mechanism in a catchment covered by forest plantation of Pinus and in a catchment covered by native forest. In the catchment covered by forest plantation of Pinus, the water demand was high, with water yield lower than 10%. And even with the soil management, the soil properties were maintained, and the base flow was higher, and the flow coefficient was lower. The catchment covered by native forest presented high water yield, with base flow higher than the overland flow, but presented a high flow coefficient. This may have occurred due to the physical and pedological characteristics of the area, such as steep terrain and the frank soil. The soil saturated hydraulic conductivity was higher than the precipitation intensity in the two catchments, showing that the Hortonian overland flow does not occur, thus, to occur the saturation excess overland flow mechanism. In the third chapter, the aim of the work was to evaluate methodologies for characterizing the variable source areas in the two catchments. The saturation frequency methodology showed an effective method, the variable source area occurred in 18,5% of the forest plantation of Pinus catchments area, and 13,2% of the total area of the native forest catchment. The overland flow-precipitation ratio underestimated the saturated areas in the forest plantation of Pinus catchment, however in the native forest catchment the amount of saturated areas was similar. The results showed that the forest management does not affected the hydrological process in the catchment with forest plantation of Pinus. And the forest management planning should consider the occurrence of saturated areas in the planting areas and to avoid activities in the rainy season and the construction of roads in these areas.
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Prospecção de rizobactérias promotoras de crescimento em quatro espécies arbóreas nativas do BrasilLemos, Maria Teresa Oliverio [UNESP] 01 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2009-07-01Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:55:59Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
lemos_mto_me_jabo.pdf: 967680 bytes, checksum: a6c9fc3231a065465ff531a2097edf51 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A conservação da biodiversidade, implica em cultivar espécies arbóreas nativas que possam ser utilizadas em projetos de reflorestamento, recuperação de áreas degradadas e com o objetivo de obter produtos secundários importantes como madeira e produtos medicinais. O uso de rizobactérias promotoras de crescimento em plantas, vem sendo muito estudado em culturas de importância econômica, devido a sua aplicabilidade em beneficiar o desenvolvimento destas. Neste trabalho foram escolhidas quatro espécies arbóreas nativas, leguminosas não nodulantes: Pterogyne nitens (Amendoim-bravo), Albizia hasslerii (Farinha-seca), Copaifera langsdorffii (Copaíba), e Stryphnodendron adstringens (Barbatimão). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar in vitro as diferentes bactérias isoladas destas espécies florestais que possam ter efeito benéfico no crescimento e desenvolvimento inicial das plantas e caracterizálas pelo sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNa e perfil eletroforético do gene BOX-A 1R. As bactérias foram isoladas da rizosfera e da raiz de mudas de cada espécie, em meio de cultura NFb. No total, 29 isolados foram cultivados em meio de cultura DYGS enriquecido com triptofano. A estimativa colorimétrica do Ácido Indolacético (AIA) foi feita no espectrofotômetro, utilizando o sobrenadante da cultura de células e solução de Salkowski, com resultado positivo para o isolado Pn 6 Sphingobium chlorophenolicum com 61,69 μg.mL-1. Os isolados também foram testados para a eficiência de solubilização de fosfato de cálcio que foi realizado e contabilizado até o 15° dia após a inoculação em placas de Petri com meio de cultura NBRIP sólido, onde 27 isolados apresentaram resultados positivos. A caracterização genética permitiu a diferenciação em gêneros e também em espécies de um mesmo gênero. Os isolados que deram resultados positivos para AIA e solubilização de fosfato... / The biodiversity conservation implies cultivating native forest species that can be used in reforestation projects, recovery of degraded areas as well as getting others like wood and medicinal products. The plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) use is being studied in cultures of economic importance. In this work four native forest species, no nodulating leguminous had been chosen: Pterogyne nitens, Albizia hasslerii, Copaifera langsdorffii, and Stryphnodendron adstringens. The aim of this work was the in vitro evaluation of the different isolates from those forest species with beneficial effects in growth and initial development of the plants and characterizes them by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and BOX-A 1R. The bacteria had been isolated from the rhizosphere and from the roots (endophytic) of each species seedlings on NFb growth media. A total of 29 isolates had been cultivated in growth media DYGS enriched with tryptophan. The indolacetic acid (IAA) production was estimated by colorimetric test in the spectrophotometer, using the supernatant of the cells culture and Salkowski´s reagent, with positive result for the isolated Pn 6 Sphingobium chlorophenolicum with 61,69 μg.mL-1. Isolates had been also tested for the efficiency of P- solubilizing that was carried through and measured until the 15 º day after the inoculation in Petri plates with solid growth media NBRIP, where 27 isolates had presented positive results. The genetic characterization allows us to differentiate by the genus and species from the same genus. The isolates that had positive results for IAA and P-solubilizing had not matched between itself, what suggests nursery tests with combinations between them to evaluate the isolate efficiency as a possible PGPRs.
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Avaliação da regeneração natural em plantio de Pinus taeda L. em diferentes idades de desbaste / Evaluation of natural regeneration in planting Pinus taeda L. grinding in different agesSouza, Anieli Cioato de 31 July 2014 (has links)
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PGEF14MA024.pdf: 1261697 bytes, checksum: ec2e9967a31397bdac0f09368d8c0745 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-07-31 / This work had as main objective to study environmental conditions to re-establish with the aid of transposition of matter and the support of native forest fragment. To meet these objectives, the study was conducted in the form of chapters: 1) Litter in adjacent natural forest fragment in Pinus taeda L. 2) Natural regeneration in Pinus taeda L. under different thinning ages. To study the litter and seed rain were installed ten collectors 1 m x 1 m and 50m equidistant at each location. The collectors were installed for comparison on the edge of three fragments adjacent to Pinus taeda L. natural forest, totaling 30 collectors. The intercepted litter was collected monthly during the period of one year, from May 2013 to April 2014 At each harvest the seeds were separated and counted. Samples of litter fractions were oven-dried to obtain the dry weight and quantification of total production. The evaluation study of regeneration was conducted at two locations without thinning and second thinning. The process of systematic sampling, being installed eight tracks of 10 m wide by 50 m long at each site was used. The strips were placed perpendicularly from the edge into the planting together with the fragment of native forest. In bands, three sub-plots of 10 m x10 m, 10 m equidistant between them settled. These sub-plots was measured the height of the layer of needles on the soil surface and allocated 10 plots 1m² to assess the vegetation cover and account for the arboreal regenerating
individuals, 5 removed the needles every three months, the period of a year 5 without remove them. Climate variables, wind speed, precipitation and temperature exert greater influence on the production and deposition of litter on the ground. Seed rain is influenced by occurring species and fruiting period. Litter production was higher in late winter and early spring. Natural regeneration within the Pinus. Different thinning intensities influence the regeneration. Percent coverage was superior in place with second thinning is influenced by the distance of the native forest, while no thinning was decreasing gradually with increasing distance regeneration of native forest. The regenerating species are present in the native forest fragment. Onsite without thinning 15 species occurred, while in the second thinning was the regeneration of 14 species, with the occurrence of exotic species Pinus. The environment occupied by Pinus stand has conditions of formation of a sub grove, with a reduced number of species compared to native forest fragment. The brightness is the environmental factor that exerts the greatest influence on natural regeneration within the stand of Pinus, the greater the intensity of thinning, higher brightness inside the settlement, most regeneration / Esta dissertação teve como objetivo geral estudar as condições do ambiente se reestabelecer com o auxílio de transposição de matéria e suporte do fragmento de floresta nativa. Para atender esses objetivos, o trabalho foi desenvolvido em forma de capítulos: 1) Serapilheira em fragmento de floresta natural adjacentes em plantios de Pinus taeda L. 2) Regeneração natural em plantios de Pinus taeda L. em diferentes idades de desbaste. Para estudo da serapilheira e da chuva de sementes, foram instalados dez coletores de 1m x1m e equidistantes 50m em cada local. Os coletores foram instalados para comparação na borda de três fragmentos de floresta natural adjacentes a plantios de Pinus taeda L., totalizando 30 coletores. A serapilheira interceptada foi coletada mensalmente durante o período de um ano, entre maio de 2013 a abril de 2014. Em cada coleta as sementes foram separadas e contabilizadas. As amostras de frações de serapilheira foram secas em estufa para obtenção do peso seco e quantificação da produção total. O estudo de avaliação de regeneração foi realizado em dois locais, sem desbaste e com segundo desbaste. Utilizou-se o processo de amostragem sistemática, sendo instaladas oito faixas de 10 m de largura por 50 m de comprimento em cada local. As faixas foram alocadas perpendicularmente da borda para o interior do plantio em conjunto com o fragmento de floresta nativa. Nas faixas,
instalou-se três sub-parcelas de 10 mx10 m, equidistantes 10 m entre elas. Nestas sub-parcelas foi medido a altura da camada de acículas na superfície do solo e alocadas 10 parcelas de 1m², para avaliar a cobertura vegetal e contabilizar os indivíduos arbóreos regenerantes, sendo em 5 retiradas as acículas a cada 3 meses, no período de um ano, 5 sem retira-las. As variáveis climáticas, velocidade do vento, precipitação e temperatura exercem maior influência na produção e deposição de serapilheira no solo. A chuva de sementes é influenciada pelas espécies ocorrentes e período de frutificação. A produção de serapilheira foi maior no final do inverno e início da primavera. Na regeneração natural no interior do Pinus as diferentes intensidades de desbaste influenciam na regeneração. A porcentagem de cobertura foi superior no local com segundo desbaste sendo influenciada pela distância da floresta nativa, enquanto o sem desbaste foi diminuindo gradativamente a regeneração quando aumenta a distância da mata nativa. As espécies regenerantes, estão presentes no fragmento de floresta nativa. No local sem desbaste ocorreu 15 espécies, enquanto no segundo desbaste houve a regeneração de 14 espécies, com a ocorrência da espécie exótica Pinus. O ambiente ocupado pelo povoamento de pinus possui condições de formação de um sub bosque, com uma quantidade de espécies reduzidas comparado com o fragmento de floresta nativa. A luminosidade é o fator ambiental que exerce maior influência na regeneração natural no interior do povoamento de Pinus, quanto maior a intensidade de desbaste, maior luminosidade no interior do povoamento, maior regeneração
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Quantificação de carbono e emissões de gases do efeito estufa sob diferentes tratamentos do solo no cerrado brasileiro.Barreto, Renata da Costa 13 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2018-03-13T18:38:52Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese_Renata_Barreto.pdf: 1872522 bytes, checksum: 0cfc34585aa71696e1eae1cec2ece8cf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-13T18:38:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese_Renata_Barreto.pdf: 1872522 bytes, checksum: 0cfc34585aa71696e1eae1cec2ece8cf (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica, Niterói, RJ / Atualmente, há uma preocupação mundial com o aumento dos gases do efeito-estufa
(GEE’s) na atmosfera, devido ao seu papel nas rápidas mudanças no balanço de energia terrestre.
Práticas de mudança do uso do solo estão cada vez mais frequentes, o que pode tornar possível o
aumento ou diminuição de emissões dos GEE’s para a atmosfera. Estudos da qualidade de
carbono (C) em solos e a distribuição deste em compartimentos mostram aspectos relacionados à
sua acumulação no solo. Já as medidas de respiração do solo, emissões de gás carbônico (CO2),
indicam a taxa de oxidação do C. Estima-se que 70% da região do Cerrado é agricultável, sendo 9
milhões de hectares cultivados sob sistemas de plantio direto. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi
avaliar e comparar os efeitos das operações e atividades do cultivo agrícola, tais como a
semeadura e colheita, no estoque de C no solo e nas emissões líquidas de GEE’s, em dois tipos de
tratamento do solo (Plantio Direto, PD, e Plantio Convencional, PC) em um experimento situado
em Rio Verde, sudoeste de Goiás, região do Cerrado brasileiro. O solo da mata nativa também foi
avaliado como referência às áreas agrícolas. Foram avaliados os parâmetros físicos, químicos do
solo, a distribuição dos agregados do solo, a biomassa microbiana, o estoque de C e nitrogênio
(N) e as emissões de CO2 e óxido nitroso (N2O) através de medições dos fluxos (in situ) e em
incubações em laboratório de amostras de solo total e de agregados do solo. Os resultados de
Diâmetro Médio Ponderado (DMP) mostraram uma melhor agregação dos solos agrícolas,
indicando que a presença do cultivo promoveu a incorporação da Matéria Orgânica do Solo
(MOS). Os estoques de C total, as emissões de CO2 efetivamente iguais em solos sob PC e PD, a
pouca diferença nos seus estados de agregação e a ausência de aumento de C estabilizado em
agregados do solo sob PD, indicam que este solo não responde bem ao PD. A emissão de N2O e o
estoque de N nos solos e em seus agregados também foram avaliada / Currently, there is a global concern with the increase of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the
atmosphere due to its role in the rapid changes in energy balance. Practice change of land use are
becoming more frequent, which may make it possible to increase or decrease in emissions of
GHGs to the atmosphere. Studies on the quality of carbon (C) in soils and distribution of
aggregates show features related to its accumulation in the soil. Since the measures soil
respiration, carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), indicate the rate of oxidation of C. It is estimated
that 70% of the Cerrado region is susceptible to agriculture, being 9 million hectares under notillage.
The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the effects of the operations and
activities of farming, such as sowing and harvest on carbon storage in soil and net emissions of
GHGs in two types of soil treatment (No-tillage, PD, and conventional tillage-PC) in an
experiment located in Rio Verde, Goias, Brazilian Cerrado. The soil of the native forest was also
evaluated by reference to agricultural areas. We evaluated the physical, chemical properties and
the distribution of aggregates on soil, microbial biomass, carbon and nitrogen (N) storage, the
emissions of CO2 and nitrous oxide (N2O) through-flow measurements (in situ) and laboratory
incubations of bulk soil samples and soil aggregates. The results of mean weight diameter
(MWD) showed a better aggregation of agricultural soils, indicating that the presence of the crop
may have improved the quality of the soil, promoted the incorporation of soil organic matter
(SOM). C stocks total CO2 emissions effectively equal in soils under CT and NT, the little
difference in their states of aggregation and the absence of increased C stabilized the soil
aggregates in NT indicate that this soil does not respond well to the NT in terms of accumulation
and preservation of C. The N2O emissions and N stocks were also evaluated. In addition to lower
emissions of N2O in soils under NT and CT, the soil under native forest in Rio Verde also had
low emissions, even immediately after rain events, suggesting that the soil in the region have
little tendency to emit N2O. The largest stock of N was observed in aggregates of soil under CT,
but these values were not reflected in the analysis of the stock of total nitrogen.
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Métodos para regeneração de áreas alteradas na fazenda experimental da Universidade Federal do Amazonas – Amazônia CentralNogueira, Wanda Lemos Paixão 22 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Kamila Costa (kamilavasconceloscosta@gmail.com) on 2015-08-21T13:32:36Z
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Dissertação - Wanda L P Nogueira.pdf: 1028716 bytes, checksum: 49e3f0e14129c7efe528c410c9f8734f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-08-28T20:30:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação - Wanda L P Nogueira.pdf: 1028716 bytes, checksum: 49e3f0e14129c7efe528c410c9f8734f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-08-28T20:36:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Dissertação - Wanda L P Nogueira.pdf: 1028716 bytes, checksum: 49e3f0e14129c7efe528c410c9f8734f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-06-22 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / On the importance of the Amazon Biome and its role in the maintenance of terrestrial biodiversity and ecological balance of the planet, the control of deforestation has been a constant challenge in the management of environmental conservation. Thus, the revegetation of degraded areas through initiatives of reforestation with native tree species or by conduct of natural regeneration are potential strategies for the reintroduction of these areas to ecological and productive processes. This study had as main objective to investigate the effectiveness of two methods of regeneration for the recovery of altered areas in the Fazenda Experimental of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas (FAEXP-UFAM). The study area had its forest cover removed and after abandoning two experiments were implemented, namely: 1) conduct of natural regeneration and 2) planting of eleven native forest species belonging to different ecological groups, pioneers (six) and no pioneers (five). In experiment 1 were sampled in 9 x 15 m plots all trees individuals with height above 10 cm. The experiment 2 was installed in randomized blocks design, being five blocks with 50 saplings each. Monitoring the survival and height growth, diameter and crown area was held for 10 months. In the analysis of natural regeneration (experiment 1) showed a total of 148 individuals distributed into eight botanical families, nine genera and 13 species, being the species Vismia gracilis, Vismia cayennensis and Vismia guianensis, the species had the highest importance value. Individuals have focused predominantly on the class of intermediate size (0.3 < 1.5 m tall) of natural regeneration. Ten months after planting in the field (experiment 2), high (≥ 80%) survival of the species in both the ecological groups, with the exception of pioneer species Sclerolobium paniculatum (40%) and species not pioneer Cedrela odorata (67%). Among the pioneering species, the largest growths were observed for Ochroma pyramidale and Trattinickia rhoifolia. For the ecology group of not pioneer species, the best growth performances were achieved by Parkia velutina, Hymenaea courbaril, Cedrela odorata and Endlicheria anomala. The study area is in early stages of succession, and enrichment planting of species of better survival and growth could be most effective strategy for forest recovery to a lesser period of time. / Diante da importância do Bioma Amazônia e o seu papel para a manutenção da biodiversidade terrestre e para o equilíbrio ecológico do planeta, o controle do desmatamento tem sido um constante desafio na gestão da conservação ambiental. Assim, a revegetação de áreas degradadas por meio de iniciativas de reflorestamento com espécies arbóreas nativas ou pela condução da regeneração natural constituem estratégias potenciais para a reintrodução dessas áreas aos processos ecológicos e produtivos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal investigar a eficiência de dois métodos de regeneração para a recuperação de áreas alteradas na Fazenda Experimental da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (FAEXP-UFAM). A área de estudo teve sua cobertura florestal removida e após o abandono foram implantados dois experimentos, a saber: 1) condução da regeneração natural e 2) plantio de mudas de onze espécies florestais nativas pertencentes aos grupos ecológicos, pioneiras (seis) e não pioneiras (cinco). No experimento 1 foram amostrados em parcelas de 9 x 15 m todos os indivíduos arbóreos acima de 10 cm de altura. O experimento 2 foi instalado em delineamento de blocos casualizados, sendo cinco blocos com 50 mudas cada. O monitoramento da sobrevivência e do crescimento em altura, diâmetro e área de copa foi realizado durante dez meses. Na análise da regeneração natural (experimento 1) observou-se um total de 148 indivíduos distribuídos em oito famílias botânicas, nove gêneros e 13 espécies arbóreas, sendo as espécies Vismia gracilis, Vismia cayennensis e Vismia guianensis, as espécies que apresentaram maior Valor de Importância. Os indivíduos concentraram-se predominantemente na classe de tamanho intermediária (0,3 < 1,5 m de altura) da regeneração natural. Aos dez meses após o plantio em campo (experimento 2), observou-se alta sobrevivência (≥ 80%) das espécies em ambos os grupos ecológicos, à exceção da espécie pioneira Sclerolobium paniculatum (40%) e da espécie Não Pioneira Cedrela odorata (67%). Dentre as espécies pioneiras, os maiores crescimentos foram observados para Ochroma pyramidale e Trattinickia rhoifolia. No grupo ecológico das espécies não pioneiras, os melhores desempenhos em crescimento foram alcançados por Parkia velutina, Hymenaea courbaril, Cedrela odorata e Endlicheria anomala. A área estudada encontra-se em estágio inicial de sucessão, sendo o plantio de enriquecimento das espécies de melhor sobrevivência e crescimento estratégia mais efetiva para a recomposição florestal em menor período de tempo
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Spatial distribution of the rodent population at Boundary Stream Mainland Island and determination of the efficacy of different baits used for rodent controlWissel, Silke January 2008 (has links)
Poison operations are a widely used technique for rodent control in the indigenous forests of New Zealand. This study examined the bait-take and rat monitoring data obtained for continuous poison operations at Boundary Stream Mainland Island (BSMI), Hawke’s Bay, between 1996 and 2007. Since the beginning of the Mainland Island project at BSMI in 1996, 800 ha of indigenous forest have been treated with an ‘Integrated Pest Management’ approach, in which rodents (primarily ship rats) have been targeted by consecutive ground poison operations. The aim of the intensive pest control was to allow the ecosystem to recover and provide a safe environment for threatened native bird species to recover or be re-introduced. Another important aim of this pest control is to provide experience and expert knowledge in management techniques especially applicable to the protection of indigenous habitat on the New Zealand mainland. This research study had two main aims: to identify spatial patterns of the rodent population at BSMI and to determine the efficacy of the different rodenticides applied for their control. The distribution of the rodent population was investigated by spatial analysis of bait-take across the reserve and through time. Visualisation of high and low bait-take areas revealed that there was a noticeable reinvasion from adjacent unmanaged native forests, but not markedly from exotic forest or pasture. Reinvasion from small and isolated adjacent forests ceased to be noticeable consistently after approximately four years of the poison operation, while a large scenic native reserve, as well as a narrow part of the treatment area surrounded by many native bush patches, were continuously affected by reinvasion through the entire project time. Bait-take was visibly higher after the bait had either been removed, or left in the field unserviced, over winter. No consistent areas of no bait-take were identified. Further statistical analysis of bait-take data revealed that bait-take was higher in bait stations within 150 m of the treatment edge than interior bait stations. Bait-take in broadleaf/tawa/podocarp forest was significantly higher than in kamahi/kanuka/rewarewa, beech and cloud-cap forest. The second aim of the study was to determine the efficacy of the various bait types with different active ingredients used during the operation. Rat monitoring data, namely rat tracking indices (RTI) obtained from tracking tunnels, were statistically modelled using Generalised Linear Models. Diphacinone cereal pellets (Pestoff® 50D, 0.05g/kg diphacinone) obtained the lowest RTI, followed by pindone cereal pellets (Pindone Pellets®, 0.5g/kg pindone), brodifacoum cereal pellets (Pestoff® 20p and Talon®, 0.02 g/kg brodifacoum), coumatetralyl paste (Racumin®, 0.375 g/kg) and diphacinone bait blocks (Ditrac®, 0.05 g/kg). Cereal pellet baits worked better than any other bait type used at this location. Season had no statistically significant effect on either RTI or bait-take estimates. The overall goal of the poison operation to decrease rat numbers, and to maintain low levels, has been met. However, the results of this study suggest that baiting needs to be done continuously and over the entire treatment area. Edge bait stations – particularly next to adjacent native forests – should be prioritised to target reinvading rodents. Poisons presented in cereal pellet baits should be preferred to other bait types. Both pindone and brodifacoum showed very good results, as well as diphacinone in cereal pellet baits.
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Socio-economic evaluation of forestry development opportunities for Wik people on Cape York PeninsulaVenn, Tyron James Unknown Date (has links)
Wik, Wik-Way and Kugu people (Wik people) in Aurukun Shire on Cape York Peninsula (CYP) are among the most socio-economically disadvantaged groups in Australia. While Wik people are presently reliant on government work for welfare programs for income, elders have a vision of economic independence and self-reliance. The large area of native Darwin stringybark (Eucalyptus tetrodonta) forest on traditional Wik land is a potential engine for economic development, which could provide meaningful employment, and contribute to other Wik socio-economic objectives, including facilitating population decentralisation and consolidation of cultural obligations to manage country through provision of on country employment, reducing welfare dependency and expenditure on timber purchases from outside CYP, and increasing income and skill levels in the community. A large proportion of the higher-quality timber resource on traditional Wik land is situated on bauxite mining leases and the current practice is to clear, windrow and burn this timber prior to commencement of mining. A Wik native forest timber industry could make use of this wasted high-quality timber resource. The objectives of this thesis were to: determine the property rights of Wik people to the timber resource on their traditional land; assess whether forestry operations in Darwin stringybark forests in the study area are likely to be financially viable; and generate a suite of optimal timber utilisation strategies for Wik people, subject to cultural, ecological and economic constraints. This required economic research in the areas of indigenous property rights, private and social costs and benefits of forestry, timber markets, and evaluation and application of economic analysis techniques for appraisal of forestry development opportunities. A social cost-benefit analysis of the privately optimal timber utilisation policies has also been performed to support the decision-making of government policy-makers. This research project was a demanding and complex undertaking, not least because the research was being performed in a unique and diverse indigenous cultural environment where there is a need to respect cultural and research ethics protocols, where formal participatory research methods are inappropriate and where gatekeepers are particularly zealous about protecting Wik people from outsiders. In addition, the property rights of Wik people to timber resources had never previously been analysed methodically, timber inventory and timber market information was lacking for CYP, and there are difficulties in transferring parameter estimates from the industrial hardwood timber industry of Australia to culturally appropriate indigenous operations on CYP. A critical research step was to develop a rapport with Wik people and gain an insight into their forestry objectives, through a number of visits to Aurukun Shire and informal discussions with elders on country. The property rights of Wik people to timber resources have been assessed by reviewing Federal and State Government legislation, court rulings, regional development policies and the Queensland Code of Practice for Native Forest Timber Production on State-owned lands. A timber inventory was conducted over 580,000 ha of Darwin stringybark forest, individual-tree volume and taper models were developed, and a geographical information system was used in estimation of harvestable timber volume and its spatial distribution. To facilitate information transfer to Wik people, expertise was gained in the use of forest visualisation software to pictorially display timber inventory data. A review of literature and discussions with experts identified technically feasible timber processing opportunities for CYP timbers. An informal telephone and in-person survey of 46 businesses, local councils and government agencies in north and south Queensland and the Northern Territory provided market information about CYP timbers. Concepts of a culturally appropriate working week and culturally appropriate rate of production were developed to assist the estimation of cost structures for a Wik timber industry, based on cost estimates for non-indigenous Australian hardwood forestry enterprises that had been obtained from discussion with forestry experts and grey literature. Generation and evaluation of a suite of privately optimal timber utilisation strategies for Wik people has been supported by the development of a mixed-integer goal programming (GP) model using the GAMS software package. The social analysis of the privately optimal strategies has been performed by adjusting private net present values (NPV) estimated by the GP model with shadow prices and transfer payments. In particular, a carbon model has been developed to estimate the value of carbon emitted by the Wik timber industry. The GP model analysis suggests that a Wik timber industry can generate a positive financial NPV if seed funding of at least $0.5 M is available. In general, privately optimal forestry strategies for Wik people generated by the GP model utilise relatively low-technology equipment, including portable sawmills and air-drying sheds, and produce undressed timber products such as structural timber. This contrasts strongly with Wik visions of an industry selling mostly unprocessed logs or woodchips and non-indigenous representatives of Wik people favouring the manufacture of high-value strip-flooring and furniture. The social analysis of privately optimal timber utilisation strategies reveals that social NPVs are much higher than financial NPVs, even when accounting for the costs of ecosystem services foregone by logging native forest. The establishment of a culturally appropriate Wik timber industry can be expected to generate net social benefits for Australia.
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Socio-economic evaluation of forestry development opportunities for Wik people on Cape York PeninsulaVenn, Tyron James Unknown Date (has links)
Wik, Wik-Way and Kugu people (Wik people) in Aurukun Shire on Cape York Peninsula (CYP) are among the most socio-economically disadvantaged groups in Australia. While Wik people are presently reliant on government work for welfare programs for income, elders have a vision of economic independence and self-reliance. The large area of native Darwin stringybark (Eucalyptus tetrodonta) forest on traditional Wik land is a potential engine for economic development, which could provide meaningful employment, and contribute to other Wik socio-economic objectives, including facilitating population decentralisation and consolidation of cultural obligations to manage country through provision of on country employment, reducing welfare dependency and expenditure on timber purchases from outside CYP, and increasing income and skill levels in the community. A large proportion of the higher-quality timber resource on traditional Wik land is situated on bauxite mining leases and the current practice is to clear, windrow and burn this timber prior to commencement of mining. A Wik native forest timber industry could make use of this wasted high-quality timber resource. The objectives of this thesis were to: determine the property rights of Wik people to the timber resource on their traditional land; assess whether forestry operations in Darwin stringybark forests in the study area are likely to be financially viable; and generate a suite of optimal timber utilisation strategies for Wik people, subject to cultural, ecological and economic constraints. This required economic research in the areas of indigenous property rights, private and social costs and benefits of forestry, timber markets, and evaluation and application of economic analysis techniques for appraisal of forestry development opportunities. A social cost-benefit analysis of the privately optimal timber utilisation policies has also been performed to support the decision-making of government policy-makers. This research project was a demanding and complex undertaking, not least because the research was being performed in a unique and diverse indigenous cultural environment where there is a need to respect cultural and research ethics protocols, where formal participatory research methods are inappropriate and where gatekeepers are particularly zealous about protecting Wik people from outsiders. In addition, the property rights of Wik people to timber resources had never previously been analysed methodically, timber inventory and timber market information was lacking for CYP, and there are difficulties in transferring parameter estimates from the industrial hardwood timber industry of Australia to culturally appropriate indigenous operations on CYP. A critical research step was to develop a rapport with Wik people and gain an insight into their forestry objectives, through a number of visits to Aurukun Shire and informal discussions with elders on country. The property rights of Wik people to timber resources have been assessed by reviewing Federal and State Government legislation, court rulings, regional development policies and the Queensland Code of Practice for Native Forest Timber Production on State-owned lands. A timber inventory was conducted over 580,000 ha of Darwin stringybark forest, individual-tree volume and taper models were developed, and a geographical information system was used in estimation of harvestable timber volume and its spatial distribution. To facilitate information transfer to Wik people, expertise was gained in the use of forest visualisation software to pictorially display timber inventory data. A review of literature and discussions with experts identified technically feasible timber processing opportunities for CYP timbers. An informal telephone and in-person survey of 46 businesses, local councils and government agencies in north and south Queensland and the Northern Territory provided market information about CYP timbers. Concepts of a culturally appropriate working week and culturally appropriate rate of production were developed to assist the estimation of cost structures for a Wik timber industry, based on cost estimates for non-indigenous Australian hardwood forestry enterprises that had been obtained from discussion with forestry experts and grey literature. Generation and evaluation of a suite of privately optimal timber utilisation strategies for Wik people has been supported by the development of a mixed-integer goal programming (GP) model using the GAMS software package. The social analysis of the privately optimal strategies has been performed by adjusting private net present values (NPV) estimated by the GP model with shadow prices and transfer payments. In particular, a carbon model has been developed to estimate the value of carbon emitted by the Wik timber industry. The GP model analysis suggests that a Wik timber industry can generate a positive financial NPV if seed funding of at least $0.5 M is available. In general, privately optimal forestry strategies for Wik people generated by the GP model utilise relatively low-technology equipment, including portable sawmills and air-drying sheds, and produce undressed timber products such as structural timber. This contrasts strongly with Wik visions of an industry selling mostly unprocessed logs or woodchips and non-indigenous representatives of Wik people favouring the manufacture of high-value strip-flooring and furniture. The social analysis of privately optimal timber utilisation strategies reveals that social NPVs are much higher than financial NPVs, even when accounting for the costs of ecosystem services foregone by logging native forest. The establishment of a culturally appropriate Wik timber industry can be expected to generate net social benefits for Australia.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Soil compaction has been becoming one of the main impacts caused by the activities of mechanized harvesting. The weight and movement of machines at the time of cutting and loading of timber combined with the not appropriate moisture condition of the soil are the main causes of soil structural degradation, observed mainly by changes in soil physical properties. Thus, this study aimed to identify soil compaction caused due to forest harvesting stages of Pinus taeda L. performed on three different soil moistures. A study in the city of Quedas do Iguaçu in southwestern Paraná was carried out in pine stands of Araupel S/A company. The research was assessed as completely randomized in and sub-subdivide plots with five replications. The eighteen treatments consisted of the interaction of three factors, namely: moisture (rainy day harvesting and 3 and 7 days after rain); harvesting operations (machine traffic (MT); no machine traffic (NMT) and timer landing (TL)); and time of collection (before and after harvest), being major plot, subdivided plots, and sub-subdivided plots in time, respectively. Soil under a native forest adjacent to the experiment was evaluated to infer on the changes caused to the soil regarding its cultivation and management. Results indicated that the difference in soil moisture represented by the different days of harvest after a rain did not influence differently the soil compaction. On the other hand, harvesting operations (MT, NMT and TL) impacted soil to a depth of 10 cm causing compaction on the traffic lines of the machines, while the eventual falling trees at the time of cutting and timber landing did not cause changes in density, macroporosity and resistance to penetration. The residual biomass from forest harvesting was essential to minimize soil compaction caused by machinery traffic that was close to the maximum. Comparison of physical parameters of soil under native forest and pine stand showed that planting and management of soils covered by natural forests alter the physical properties of the surface until 30 cm of depth. / A compactação vem se tornando um dos principais impactos causados ao solo pelas atividades de colheita florestal mecanizada. O peso e a movimentação das máquinas no momento do corte e extração da madeira, aliada à condição de umidade do solo imprópria para tal são as principais causas da degradação estrutural do solo, verificada principalmente por alterações em suas propriedades físicas. Nesse sentido, este trabalho objetivou identificar a compactação causada devido às etapas de colheita florestal de Pinus taeda L. realizada em três diferentes umidades do solo. O estudo foi realizado no município de Quedas do Iguaçu, em povoamento da empresa Araupel S/A. A pesquisa foi avaliada como delineamento inteiramente casualizado em parcelas sub-subdivididas, com dezoito tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os tratamentos foram compostos pela interação de três fatores, sendo eles: umidade (colheita em dia de chuva, três dias após a chuva e sete dias após a chuva), operações de colheita (com passagem de máquinas (CP), sem passagem de máquinas (SP) e estaleiro (E), e a ocasião de coleta (antes e depois da colheita), sendo respectivamente, parcela principal, parcelas subdivididas e parcelas sub-subdivididas no tempo. O solo sob uma floresta nativa adjacente ao experimento foi avaliado para inferir sobre as alterações provocados no solo pelo cultivo e manejo do mesmo. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a diferença de umidade no solo, representada pela colheita em diferentes números de dias após uma chuva, não influenciou de maneira diferenciada na compactação do solo. Por outro lado, as operações de colheita (CP, SP e E) impactaram o solo até a profundidade de 10 cm, causando a compactação nas linhas de tráfego das máquinas, enquanto que a eventual queda de árvores no momento do corte e o empilhamento de toras não provocaram alterações na densidade, macroporosidade e resistência a penetração. A biomassa residual da colheita florestal foi essencial para minimizar a compactação do solo causada pelo tráfego das máquinas que foi próxima da máxima. A comparação de parâmetros físicos do solo sob mata nativa e povoamento de pinus mostrou que o cultivo e manejo de solos que um dia foram cobertos por florestas naturais provoca alterações nas propriedades físicas do solo da superfície até 30 cm de profundidade.
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