Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1atrix"" "subject:"béatrix""
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Amphibian and reptile distribution in forests adjacent to watercourses / Fördelning av amfibier och reptiler i skogar runt vattendragOlsson, Cecilia January 2008 (has links)
<p>Worldwide amphibians and reptiles are declining with habitat fragmentation and destruction as the primary cause. Riparian areas are important for the herpetofauna, but as land is converted to agriculture or harvested for timber the areas are diminishing. The aim of this study was to examine amphibian and reptile abundance in relation to distance from water and in relation to habitat characteristics, foremost per cent deciduous trees. The survey was conducted during spring at six different locations, with continuous forest along streams or rivers, outside of Karlstad, Sweden. Animals were searched along four lines parallel to the water and each study area was visited five times. Statistical analyses were made for grass snake (<em>Natrix natrix</em>), common lizard (<em>Lacerta vivipara</em>) and frogs with joined data of common frog (<em>Rana temporaria</em>) and moor frog (<em>R. arvalis</em>). As expected both reptiles were positively correlated with per cent deciduous trees, with the strongest significance for the common lizard. For grass snake there was also a difference between survey periods, which might reflect the importance of weather. Frogs revealed no trends to trees, but there was a significant difference for habitat characteristics like amount woody debris and per cent bare ground. None of the species were correlated with distance from water which was surprising, especially for the frogs which is more dependent on water than the reptiles. Grass snakes hunt in the water, but the common lizard has no such associations to the water, yet the latter did reveal a slight trend towards being more numerous closer to the water. The causes behind lacking correlation to distance from water may be many, but water characteristics seem very important. Many amphibians prefer warm and calm ponds over running water that in general are colder and likely to inhabit more predators. It was assumed that the amphibians breed in the streams or rivers, but it is possible that other water bodies may have served as breeding sites, which mean the starting point was incorrect.</p>
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Amphibian and reptile distribution in forests adjacent to watercourses / Fördelning av amfibier och reptiler i skogar runt vattendragOlsson, Cecilia January 2008 (has links)
Worldwide amphibians and reptiles are declining with habitat fragmentation and destruction as the primary cause. Riparian areas are important for the herpetofauna, but as land is converted to agriculture or harvested for timber the areas are diminishing. The aim of this study was to examine amphibian and reptile abundance in relation to distance from water and in relation to habitat characteristics, foremost per cent deciduous trees. The survey was conducted during spring at six different locations, with continuous forest along streams or rivers, outside of Karlstad, Sweden. Animals were searched along four lines parallel to the water and each study area was visited five times. Statistical analyses were made for grass snake (Natrix natrix), common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) and frogs with joined data of common frog (Rana temporaria) and moor frog (R. arvalis). As expected both reptiles were positively correlated with per cent deciduous trees, with the strongest significance for the common lizard. For grass snake there was also a difference between survey periods, which might reflect the importance of weather. Frogs revealed no trends to trees, but there was a significant difference for habitat characteristics like amount woody debris and per cent bare ground. None of the species were correlated with distance from water which was surprising, especially for the frogs which is more dependent on water than the reptiles. Grass snakes hunt in the water, but the common lizard has no such associations to the water, yet the latter did reveal a slight trend towards being more numerous closer to the water. The causes behind lacking correlation to distance from water may be many, but water characteristics seem very important. Many amphibians prefer warm and calm ponds over running water that in general are colder and likely to inhabit more predators. It was assumed that the amphibians breed in the streams or rivers, but it is possible that other water bodies may have served as breeding sites, which mean the starting point was incorrect.
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Sequence of ossification of bones in embryos of the queen snake, Natrix septemvittata (Say)Stevens, Charles Edwin 03 June 2011 (has links)
Ball State University LibrariesLibrary services and resources for knowledge buildingMasters ThesesThere is no abstract available for this thesis.
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Biologija i ekologija ribarice (Natrix tessellata Laurenti, 1768 (Reptilia: Serpentes, Colubridae), na ostrvu Golem Grad (Prespansko jezero, Republika Makedonija) / Biology and ecology of Dice snake (Natrix tessellata Laurenti, 1768 (Reptilia: Serpentes, Colubridae), on the Golem Grad island (Prespa lake, FYR of Macedonia)Ajtić Rastko 31 August 2016 (has links)
<p><em>Natrix tessellata </em>predstavlja vrstu neotrovne zmije koja ima široko rasprostranjenje.<br />Posebno interesantnu populaciju ribarica čine zmije koje naseljavaju izolovana ostrva kao što je to slučaj na ostrvu Golem grad koje se nalazi na Prespankom jezeru u Makedoniji.</p><p> Imajući u vidu da je ova populacija na ovom lokalitetu izuzetno brojna i slabo istražena, cilj studije je bio da se ispita životna istorija date vrste zmija, njene osnovne morfološke karakteristike, seksualni polimorfizam, zastupljenost različitih kolor morfi, dnevnu i sezonsku aktivnost, predaciju kao i njihove reproduktivne karakteristike.</p><p> Studija je sprovedena na ukupno 3850 jedinki ribarica na ostrvu Golem grad tokom prolećne i letnje sezone u periodu od 2008. do 2012. godine, a uključila je i određivanje kondicionog indeksa i njegovu vezu sa kolor morfama, polom i uzrasnim kategorijama. </p><p> Rezultati ove studije su pokazali da je populacija ribarica koja naseljava ostrvo Golem grad, specifična iz nekoliko razloga. Najpre, na relativno malom prostoru stalno je naseljen veliki broj jedinki, sa podjednakom zastupljenošću sve tri kolor morfe (tačkasta, siva i melanična kolor morfa) što predstavlja specifičnost i različitost u odnosu na sve ostale lokalitete koje naseljava ova vrsta zmije. Takođe, prosečne vrednosti ispitivanih morfoloških karakteristika ženki su značajno veće u odnosu na mužjake u sve tri uzrasne kategorije (juvenilni, subadulti i adulti). Fertilitet i fekunditet, kao i kondicioni indeks je pokazao specifičnost u odnosu na ispitivane zone ostrva.</p><p> Sumiranjem i analizom svih iznesenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je populacija<br />ribarica <em>Natrix tessellata</em> na ostrvu Golem grad jako specifična zbog ujednačenog prisustva sve tri kolor morfe koje pokazuju svoju ekološku, reproduktivnu i morfološku specifičnost u odnosu na populacije ribarica koje su ispitivane na drugim lokalitetima njihovog rasprostranjenja. Kako bi se posebnost ove populacije u potpunosti objasnila sa različitih evolutivnih i ekoloških aspekata, neophodno je izvršiti dalja ispitivanja tokom sledećih aktivnih sezona.</p> / <p><em>Natrix tessellata</em> represents one specific type of non-toxic snake that have a wide distribution. Particularly this population of dice snake is interesting because it is consists of snakes that inhabit the isolated island Golem grad in Prespa lake in FYR Macedonia.</p><p>Bearing in mind that this population at this particular site is extremely dense and poorly investigated, the goal of this study was to examine the life history of these species, its morphological characteristics, sexual polymorphism, presence of the different color morphs, duirnal and seasonal activity, predation and their reproductive characteristics. The study was conducted on a total of 3850 individuals of dice snake on the island Golem grad during the spring and summer season in the period from 2008. to 2012., and included the determination of the fitness index and its relationship with a color morph, sex and age categories. </p><p>Results of this study showed that the population of dice snakes that inhabits the island Golem grad, are specific for several reasons. First, the relatively small area has been inhabited by large number of individuals, with equal representation of all three color morphs (dotted, gray and melanic morph) which represents the specificity and diversity in relation to all other localities inhabited by this species of snake. Also, the average value of measured morphological characteristics in females were significantly higher than in males in all three age categories (juvenile, subadult and adult). Fertility and fecundity, and fitness index have showed the specificity acording to specific zone of the island. </p><p> By summarizing and analyzing of results it can be conclude that the population of <em>Natrix tessellata</em> which inhabits island Golem grad are very specific due to the uniform presence of all three color morphs that demonstrate their environmental, reproductive and morphological specificity in comparison of dice snakes populations that have been studied in other localities of their distribution range. In order to be fully explained unicity of this population from different evolutionary and ecological aspects, it is necessary to do further research during the next active seasons.</p>
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Utvärdering av den biologiska reningen av processavloppsvattnet vid GE Healthcare i Uppsala / An evaluation of the biological wastewater treatment at GE Healthcare in UppsalaFridlund, Malin January 2005 (has links)
<p>GE Healthcare operates in Uppsala (Sweden) and develops systems, equipments and medium to purify medical substances. Discussions with the local authority concerning planed far-reaching changes and upgrades of the biological process techniques for sewage management, aroused the question about revising the terms of permit for the activity. Therefore it seemed necessary to evaluate a newly installed biological process technique, which is the background of this thesis. The evaluated biological treatment process was built in 2003 and consists of a biological reactor filled with moving bed carriers with a high surface area for biological growth. At the time of the project the biological wastewater treatment plant consisted of a flow equalization facility and two following parallel biological processes; a biological reactor with moving bed carriers and a tower trickling filter.</p><p>The aim of this thesis was to survey the function of the biological reactor with respect to the reduction of organic matter. Further to clarify which circumstances that have a negative effect on the organic reduction. During the three forthcoming years, an extensive reconstruction of the biological wastewater treatment facility will be accomplished. During the construction period the flow equalization will be very limited. Therefore an emission forecast with respect to organic matter was performed comprising the construction period during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. This to estimate the safety margin to the emission standard during the construction period.</p><p>Several parameters were surveyed during the project, water temperature, pH, plural nutrition elements, flow, oxygen concentration, suspended solids, organic load and microbial activity. At two occasions, the parameters were extensively studied during a 24-hour period respectively. Two capacity experiments were performed in order to evaluate the organic reduction at different organic loads. The obtained results together with an estimation regarding the organic load performed by AB Ångpanneföreningen were used for the emission forecast. The forecast considered two cases, operation with and without dosage of a flow with high organic content from the local solvent recycling facility (called T10-dosage).</p><p>According to the forecast, the emission standard will be fulfilled during an average month regarding the organic load. This without T10-dosage and with an average reduction of 55 %. To fulfill the standard during a month with maximum organic load, a reduction of 65 and 75 % will be required in the cases without and with T10-dosage respectively. The organic reduction is negatively effected by lasting loads of 7 kg CODfilt/m3 or higher, or by a great increase of the load in a short period of time. Sporadic peaks regarding the organic load appeared to have temporary or no negative effects on the reduction. Flow variations during evenings, nights and weekends caused variations in the organic load with negative effect of the reduction rate. The oxygen concentration in the biological reactor has a conclusive significance of the reduction rate, a lower concentration than 2 mg/l affects the reduction rate in a negative way. The buffering capacity in the biofilm reactor showed to work excellently, the pH value varied between 6.8 and 8.9. There is an immediate risk of temperatures over 40<sup>o</sup>C during the construction period. This could have a negative influence of the organic reduction. Individual measured temperatures of 38<sup>o</sup>C did not have a negative effect on the reduction rate. The amount of suspended solids varied a lot in the outflow from the biological reactor and will continue to do so during the construction period.</p> / <p>GE Healthcare bedriver sin verksamhet i Uppsala vilken består av att utveckla system, utrustning och media för att rena läkemedelssubstanser. Vid diskussion med Uppsala kommuns VA- och avfallskontor väcktes frågan angående omprövning av tillståndet för verksamheten. Diskussionerna rörde planerade processförändringar och kompletteringar av bolagets biologiska processavloppsvattenrening. Av den anledningen ansågs det nödvändigt att utreda en för företaget ny processteknik för processavloppsvatten, vilket är bakgrunden till detta examensarbete. Den utvärderade processtekniken är en biofilmreaktor innehållande ett rörligt bärarmaterial med en stor skyddad yta för biologisk tillväxt. Biofilmreaktorn togs i drift under hösten år 2003 och därmed bestod det lokala reningsverket förenklat sett av en utjämningsanläggning följd av två parallella biosteg, ett biotorn med konventionell stationär biobädd över vilken processavloppsvatten spreds samt en biofilmreaktor med rörligt bärarmaterial.</p><p>Syftet med examensarbetet var att kartlägga biofilmreaktorns funktion med avseende på reduktion av organiskt material. Vidare att klargöra vid vilka förhållanden reduktionsgraden har påverkats negativt. Under de tre kommande åren skall en stor om- och tillbyggnad av reningsverket genomföras. Förändringen kommer att medföra att utjämningsvolymen blir mycket begränsad under ombyggnadsperioden. Av den anledningen var ytterligare ett syfte med examensarbetet att utföra en utsläppsprognos med avseende på organiskt material för åren 2005 till och med 2007. Detta för att bedöma säkerhetsmarginalen till utsläppsvillkoret under ombyggnadsperioden.</p><p>Examensarbetet realiserades genom att kartlägga parametrarna organisk belastning, organisk reduktion, vattentemperatur, pH, närsalter, flöde, koncentration löst syre, suspenderad substans samt mikrobiell aktivitet. Därutöver utfördes två kapacitetsförsök för att kartlägga den organiska belastningens inverkan på reduktionen. Vid det ena försöket skapades en högre organisk belastning genom att successivt öka flödesbelastningen över biofilmreaktorn. Vid det andra försöket doserades en delström (kallad T10-dosering) innehållande rester från den lokala lösningsmedelsåtervinningen med stort organiskt innehåll. Därtill utfördes två dygnsprovtagningar för att kartlägga ett flertal parametrars dygnsvariationer. Den framtagna utsläppsprognosen baserades på en belastningsprognos utförd av AB Ångpanneföreningen samt den i arbetet kartlagda reduktionen av organiskt material vid olika belastningar. Prognosen omfattar två fall, med eller utan T10-dosering.</p><p>Enligt utsläppsprognosen kommer utsläppsvillkoret inte att överskridas under åren 2005 till och med 2007. Detta gäller vid en för året genomsnittlig månad avseende belastning utan T10-dosering och med en genomsnittlig organisk reduktionsgrad på 55 %. Under en månad med maximal belastning krävs 65 % reduktion och 75 % med T10-dosering. Kapacitetsförsöken visade att reduktionsgraden påverkades negativt vid en varaktig belastning överstigande 7 kg COD<sub>löst</sub>/m3 samt vid kraftiga belastningsökningar. Tillfälliga belastningstoppar hade endast kortvarig eller ingen negativ inverkan på reduktionen. Höga flöden under dagtid och låga flöden under nätter och helger orsakade variationer i den organiska belastningen, vilket hade en negativ inverkan på reduktionen. När koncentrationen löst syre i biofilmreaktorn understeg 2 mg/l påverkades mikroorganismerna negativt och därmed även reduktionen. Buffertkapaciteten i biofilmreaktorn var god under den studerade tidsperioden och pH-värdet varierade mellan 6,5 och 8,8. Under ombyggnadsperioden föreligger en stor risk för att vattentemperaturen kan bli för hög i biofilmreaktorn vid ett flertal tillfällen. Enstaka uppmätta temperaturtoppar på 38°C påverkade dock inte reduktionen negativt. I biofilmreaktorns utgående vatten varierade mängden suspenderad substans kraftigt, vilket även kommer att gälla under ombyggnadsperioden.</p>
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Utvärdering av den biologiska reningen av processavloppsvattnet vid GE Healthcare i Uppsala / An evaluation of the biological wastewater treatment at GE Healthcare in UppsalaFridlund, Malin January 2005 (has links)
GE Healthcare operates in Uppsala (Sweden) and develops systems, equipments and medium to purify medical substances. Discussions with the local authority concerning planed far-reaching changes and upgrades of the biological process techniques for sewage management, aroused the question about revising the terms of permit for the activity. Therefore it seemed necessary to evaluate a newly installed biological process technique, which is the background of this thesis. The evaluated biological treatment process was built in 2003 and consists of a biological reactor filled with moving bed carriers with a high surface area for biological growth. At the time of the project the biological wastewater treatment plant consisted of a flow equalization facility and two following parallel biological processes; a biological reactor with moving bed carriers and a tower trickling filter. The aim of this thesis was to survey the function of the biological reactor with respect to the reduction of organic matter. Further to clarify which circumstances that have a negative effect on the organic reduction. During the three forthcoming years, an extensive reconstruction of the biological wastewater treatment facility will be accomplished. During the construction period the flow equalization will be very limited. Therefore an emission forecast with respect to organic matter was performed comprising the construction period during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. This to estimate the safety margin to the emission standard during the construction period. Several parameters were surveyed during the project, water temperature, pH, plural nutrition elements, flow, oxygen concentration, suspended solids, organic load and microbial activity. At two occasions, the parameters were extensively studied during a 24-hour period respectively. Two capacity experiments were performed in order to evaluate the organic reduction at different organic loads. The obtained results together with an estimation regarding the organic load performed by AB Ångpanneföreningen were used for the emission forecast. The forecast considered two cases, operation with and without dosage of a flow with high organic content from the local solvent recycling facility (called T10-dosage). According to the forecast, the emission standard will be fulfilled during an average month regarding the organic load. This without T10-dosage and with an average reduction of 55 %. To fulfill the standard during a month with maximum organic load, a reduction of 65 and 75 % will be required in the cases without and with T10-dosage respectively. The organic reduction is negatively effected by lasting loads of 7 kg CODfilt/m3 or higher, or by a great increase of the load in a short period of time. Sporadic peaks regarding the organic load appeared to have temporary or no negative effects on the reduction. Flow variations during evenings, nights and weekends caused variations in the organic load with negative effect of the reduction rate. The oxygen concentration in the biological reactor has a conclusive significance of the reduction rate, a lower concentration than 2 mg/l affects the reduction rate in a negative way. The buffering capacity in the biofilm reactor showed to work excellently, the pH value varied between 6.8 and 8.9. There is an immediate risk of temperatures over 40oC during the construction period. This could have a negative influence of the organic reduction. Individual measured temperatures of 38oC did not have a negative effect on the reduction rate. The amount of suspended solids varied a lot in the outflow from the biological reactor and will continue to do so during the construction period. / GE Healthcare bedriver sin verksamhet i Uppsala vilken består av att utveckla system, utrustning och media för att rena läkemedelssubstanser. Vid diskussion med Uppsala kommuns VA- och avfallskontor väcktes frågan angående omprövning av tillståndet för verksamheten. Diskussionerna rörde planerade processförändringar och kompletteringar av bolagets biologiska processavloppsvattenrening. Av den anledningen ansågs det nödvändigt att utreda en för företaget ny processteknik för processavloppsvatten, vilket är bakgrunden till detta examensarbete. Den utvärderade processtekniken är en biofilmreaktor innehållande ett rörligt bärarmaterial med en stor skyddad yta för biologisk tillväxt. Biofilmreaktorn togs i drift under hösten år 2003 och därmed bestod det lokala reningsverket förenklat sett av en utjämningsanläggning följd av två parallella biosteg, ett biotorn med konventionell stationär biobädd över vilken processavloppsvatten spreds samt en biofilmreaktor med rörligt bärarmaterial. Syftet med examensarbetet var att kartlägga biofilmreaktorns funktion med avseende på reduktion av organiskt material. Vidare att klargöra vid vilka förhållanden reduktionsgraden har påverkats negativt. Under de tre kommande åren skall en stor om- och tillbyggnad av reningsverket genomföras. Förändringen kommer att medföra att utjämningsvolymen blir mycket begränsad under ombyggnadsperioden. Av den anledningen var ytterligare ett syfte med examensarbetet att utföra en utsläppsprognos med avseende på organiskt material för åren 2005 till och med 2007. Detta för att bedöma säkerhetsmarginalen till utsläppsvillkoret under ombyggnadsperioden. Examensarbetet realiserades genom att kartlägga parametrarna organisk belastning, organisk reduktion, vattentemperatur, pH, närsalter, flöde, koncentration löst syre, suspenderad substans samt mikrobiell aktivitet. Därutöver utfördes två kapacitetsförsök för att kartlägga den organiska belastningens inverkan på reduktionen. Vid det ena försöket skapades en högre organisk belastning genom att successivt öka flödesbelastningen över biofilmreaktorn. Vid det andra försöket doserades en delström (kallad T10-dosering) innehållande rester från den lokala lösningsmedelsåtervinningen med stort organiskt innehåll. Därtill utfördes två dygnsprovtagningar för att kartlägga ett flertal parametrars dygnsvariationer. Den framtagna utsläppsprognosen baserades på en belastningsprognos utförd av AB Ångpanneföreningen samt den i arbetet kartlagda reduktionen av organiskt material vid olika belastningar. Prognosen omfattar två fall, med eller utan T10-dosering. Enligt utsläppsprognosen kommer utsläppsvillkoret inte att överskridas under åren 2005 till och med 2007. Detta gäller vid en för året genomsnittlig månad avseende belastning utan T10-dosering och med en genomsnittlig organisk reduktionsgrad på 55 %. Under en månad med maximal belastning krävs 65 % reduktion och 75 % med T10-dosering. Kapacitetsförsöken visade att reduktionsgraden påverkades negativt vid en varaktig belastning överstigande 7 kg CODlöst/m3 samt vid kraftiga belastningsökningar. Tillfälliga belastningstoppar hade endast kortvarig eller ingen negativ inverkan på reduktionen. Höga flöden under dagtid och låga flöden under nätter och helger orsakade variationer i den organiska belastningen, vilket hade en negativ inverkan på reduktionen. När koncentrationen löst syre i biofilmreaktorn understeg 2 mg/l påverkades mikroorganismerna negativt och därmed även reduktionen. Buffertkapaciteten i biofilmreaktorn var god under den studerade tidsperioden och pH-värdet varierade mellan 6,5 och 8,8. Under ombyggnadsperioden föreligger en stor risk för att vattentemperaturen kan bli för hög i biofilmreaktorn vid ett flertal tillfällen. Enstaka uppmätta temperaturtoppar på 38°C påverkade dock inte reduktionen negativt. I biofilmreaktorns utgående vatten varierade mängden suspenderad substans kraftigt, vilket även kommer att gälla under ombyggnadsperioden.
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