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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Public opinion, the churches, and foreign policy studies of domestic factors in the making of Dutch foreign policy /

Everts, Philip P. January 1983 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, 1983. / Summary in Dutch. Includes bibliographical references (p. 389-404).

De afscheiding van 1835 in Almkerk en Emmichoven godsdiensttwisten in het land van Heusden en Altena /

Gast, C. de January 1984 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, 1983. / Includes bibliographical references and index.

Verzuiling, kapitalisme en patriarchaat aspecten van de ontwikkeling van de moderne staat in Nederland /

Stuurman, Siep. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1983. / Bibliography: p. 347-366.

Dutch trade with Russia from the time of Peter I to Alexander I : a quantitative study in eighteenth century shipping

Knoppers, Jake V. Th. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.

Multilingual repertoires and strategic rapport management: a comparative study of South African and Dutch small business discourse.

Lauriks, Sanne January 2014 (has links)
In this era of globalisation and the consequent increase in social, economic and physical mobility, small businesses are transforming into sites of increasing language contact (Harris and Bargiela-Chiappini 2003). This study explores situated language practices within two small multilingual businesses. The first is a bicycle rental and repair shop located in Amsterdam (the Netherlands), which is a city with a dynamic multilingual society. The second is a tyre fitment centre in Grahamstown (South Africa), which is a city characterised by a stable triglossia of English, Xhosa and Afrikaans. Using Linguistic Ethnography (Rampton 2007) as my data collection method, I spent a total of eight weeks in these businesses. For the analysis I draw on Spencer-Oatey’s (2000b; 2011) Rapport Management Framework and sociolinguistics of globalisation (Blommaert 2010). This combination allowed me to explore situated language practices in relation to a contemporary context of increased globalisation. The analysis is structured using Spencer-Oatey’s (2000b) concept of rapport orientations. The orientations are presented as one of the key factors that influence the choice for a certain strategy. The orientations thus seemed a constructive way of showing how the observed strategies were employed by the participants of this study and what function they fulfilled in a certain context. However, difficulties emerged during the analysis with applying this concept to some of the more elaborate and complex data. As a result my argument developed into two different strands. The first demonstrates how individuals turn to their multilingual repertoires to negotiate agency and power relationships in small business discourse. The analysis reveals that people at times deliberately promote and maintains discordant relations, which can be understood as a rational response to the individual’s social and economic context. The second discusses the problems that emerged during my analysis with applying rapport management orientations to my data. I propose theoretical developments, warranted by my data, to create an Enhanced Rapport Management Framework suitable for the analysis of complex small business discourse.

The impact of urban form on thermal comfort across street zones.

January 2014 (has links)
全球變暖現象在最近幾年的高漲,引發了城市中不斷發生的嚴峻局部炎熱氣候,也令戶外熱舒適度課題不斷得到更多關注。這篇論文中作者從城市設計角度考察熱舒適度的分佈,並且著眼于通過定量模型研究城市形態因子與熱舒適度之間的關係,以模型作爲客觀數據實測和人主觀感受之間的橋梁。文中以荷蘭城市鹿特丹為典型代表研究了輻射爲主情況下城市設計對熱能動力學的影響,用平均輻射溫度為關鍵變量基於SOLWEIG軟件模擬探討這個變量的時空分佈。同時爲了在更長時間段中對熱舒適度作校準,輻射模擬的結果也通過RayMan軟件和氣象學觀測結果結合得出更加符合人體感受的熱環境評判結論。 / 文中主要考慮三种城市形態因子:高寬比,街道方向,和建築物外形。街道被分成中間區域和兩邊行人區域,以力圖得到最接近事實上熱舒適度感覺的結果。通過分析模型輸出和模擬結果,我們確認了城市形態因子對熱舒適度有顯著影響。從不同角度進一步研究不同城市因子的變化和熱舒適度變化之間的定量關係,我們發現所考慮的三种形態因子都會改變熱舒適度的分佈,並且各個因子的影響之間也有相關性。這些影響和相關性讓我們可以從結果中總結出更深層的機理,其中最重要的分別是日間太陽短波輻射的阻擋陰影效果和夜間長波散熱的束縛效果。在這兩個原理的作用下模型結果可以得到統一的解釋歸納,並且給出基於這些結果的城市設計方面的建議,包括在日照最充足的區域減小天空開闊度,通過調整街道方向減少日光直接照射等等。 / 文中所給出的結果和研究方法展現了城市形態對熱舒適度的動態影響,並可以作爲進一步研究的基礎。我們給出了一些可行的擴展,討論了更多可以研究的重要效應,以進一步加深對這些影響的理解和拓寬改善城市熱環境的手段。經由定量建模和多變量分析,城市設計對熱舒適度的影響可以得到更好理解和利用。 / The outdoor thermal comfort is becoming an increasingly important topic in recent years because of the global warming effect and the severe heat events experienced by cities. In this thesis we address the thermal comfort from the urban design perspective and aim at quantitatively modeling the relationship between urban form factors and thermal comfort output from a data-based human-oriented approach. Selecting Rotterdam of the Netherlands as a target city, we focus upon the radiation component of thermal environment when connecting urban design to thermal equilibrium dynamics. The radiation is represented by the Mean Radiant Temperature (Tmrt) variable, and simulated using the Solar Long Wave Environmental Irradiance Geometry (SOLWEIG) model. To evaluate the long-term calibrated thermal comfort using data over longer periods the RayMan model is also used to combine the radiation simulation output with meteorological parameters for a more human-oriented comparison. / The urban form factors considered include the height-to-width ratio (h/w), the street orientations, and the urban forms. To enable a more realistic evaluation of pedestrian thermal comfort we also divide the street into three separate zones so that the center and two side pavement zones can be individually studied and placed together for a comparison. The results confirm the impact of urban forms on thermal comfort and quantitatively evaluate such effects from all different perspectives. We find that all the urban form factors impose variations of the simulated thermal variables, and they also have correlated interactions revealing deeper connections and principles governing such relations. The most significant principles found for the scenario studies are the shading of solar short-wave radiation during the day and the trapping of long-wave emission at night, summarizing all the individual effects into a coherent body of knowledge. Utilizing these discoveries we can make design recommendations toward a better thermal environment, including reducing the sky view factor at the locations with the most solar radiation exposure, orienting the streets to utilize the building shades, etc. / As a precursor into the dynamic nature of urban form impact over thermal comfort, the results and methodology presented in this thesis serve as a foundation of more research in the same direction. Several possible extensions are proposed and more important effects are mentioned, revealing the potential and strength of our approach. Both the current research and possible extensions contribute to the field of urban thermal comfort and provide unique perspectives for rigorous quantitative investigations into a realistic urban thermal comfort model. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Dai, Qun. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 76-80). / Abstracts also in Chinese.

Acknowledging the "Lady of the house" : memory, authority and self-representation in the patronage of Margaret of Austria

MacDonald, Deanna. January 2001 (has links)
Margaret of Austria (1480--1530) ruled the Burgundian Netherlands for over twenty years and was an integral member of the joint Houses of Burgundy and Habsburg. She was also one of the most prolific patrons and collectors of her time. This dissertation examines Margaret's patronage in relation to her contemporary environment with the aim of extending and deepening our understanding of her commissions within the dynamics and discourses of the culture of the early sixteenth century. / Margaret of Austria was a highly conscientious patron and the art and architecture she commissioned intimately reflected her life. Chapter one introduces the historical facts of Margaret's life as well as issues affecting her patronage. Chapter two considers the monastery of Brou in Savoy as Margaret's architectural autobiography. Drawing on documentation and the building itself, it examines Margaret's involvement in Brou's creation. Chapter three looks at several of Margaret's other commissions such as her residence, the Palace of Savoy in Mechelen and the Convent of the Annunciate in Bruges. This chapter considers the potential goals of these projects, as ambitious as founding a capital city, embellishing her authority as a ruler, or attaining sainthood. Chapter four turns to Margaret's self-portraits, that is, images she commissioned of herself. Created in several mediums for a variety of audiences (including herself), Margaret's self-portraits portray her as everything from a widow to a goddess to a saint. Each image was designed for a specific audience and demonstrates Margaret's understanding of the function of images in negotiating a place in the contemporary world and history. Chapter five presents Margaret's view of herself as one of the rulers of a New World Empire with her pioneering collection of artefacts from the Americas. The conclusion considers the unique image of Margaret of Austria that emerges from her commissions.

The banishment of Beverland : sex, Scripture, and scholarship in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic

Hollewand, Karen Eline January 2016 (has links)
Hadriaan Beverland (1650-1716) was banished from Holland in 1679. Why did this humanist scholar get into so much trouble in the most tolerant part of Europe in the seventeenth century? In an attempt to answer this question, this thesis places Beverland's writings on sex, sin, Scripture, and scholarship in their historical context for the first time. Beverland argued that lust was the original sin and highlighted the importance of sex in human nature, ancient history, and his own society. His works were characterized by his erudite Latin, satirical style, and disregard for traditional genres and hierarchies in early modern scholarship. Dutch theologians disliked his theology and exegesis, and hated his use of erudition to mock their learning, morality, and authority. Beverland's humanist colleagues did not support his studies either, because they believed that drawing attention to the sexual side of the classics threatened the basis of the humanist enterprise. When theologians asked for his arrest and humanist professors left him to his fate, Dutch magistrates were happy to convict Beverland because he had insolently accused the political and economic, as well as the religious and intellectual elite of the Dutch Republic, of hypocrisy. By restricting sex to marriage, in compliance with Reformed doctrine, secular authorities upheld a sexual morality that was unattainable, Beverland argued. He proposed honest discussion of the problem of sex and suggested that greater sexual liberty for the male elite might be the solution. Beverland's crime was to expose the gap between principle and practice in sexual relations in Dutch society, highlighting the hypocrisy of a deeply conflicted elite at a precarious time. His intervention came at the moment when the uneasy balance struck between Reformed orthodoxy, humanist scholarship, economic prosperity, and patrician politics, which had characterized the Golden Age of the Dutch Republic, was disintegrating, with unsettling consequences for all concerned. Placing Beverland's fate in this context of change provides a fresh perspective on the intellectual environment of the Republic in the last decades of the seventeenth century.

Acknowledging the "Lady of the house" : memory, authority and self-representation in the patronage of Margaret of Austria

MacDonald, Deanna. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

The global financial crisis and public sentiment towards immigration and immigrants in the Netherlands : implications for liberal democracy and political culture

Chippendale, Emma 03 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 ushered in a new era of globalisation and with it, intensified levels of global migration. The movement of people across increasingly fluid and penetrable boundaries has altered the demographic profile of European states and this cultural diversity has confronted contemporary Western liberal democracies with a unique set of challenges concerning the integration of diverse groups into society for the purpose of fostering cohesion and domestic stability. The effects of cultural diversity are not limited to demographics however, and this thesis focuses predominantly on the political and public responses that this phenomenon has evoked. The context of the Netherlands provides a particularly enlightening example of the way in which attempts to manage cultural diversity have stimulated intensive debate on immigration and integration topics, which have subsequently become firmly ensconced within public and political discourse. This ongoing debate in the Dutch context has brought to the fore wider questions pertaining to citizenship, national identity and culture. More importantly, these issues have exposed the limits of Dutch tolerance: increasingly restrictionist immigration and integration policy over the last two decades, and in the last 10 years in particular, has appeared incongruous with stereotypical perceptions of the Netherlands as an ultra-liberal and progressive paragon of multiculturalism. This thesis therefore seeks to rework this image of the Netherlands by observing possible shifts in public attitudes towards immigrants and immigration in the context of considerably less favourable material circumstances, occasioned by the current global financial crisis. Attitudes towards Muslims in Dutch society are of particular interest to this research given the particular cultural and symbolic threat that Islam is considered to pose to liberal values. Realistic Group Conflict Theory provides a useful framework for analysing inter-group competition and conflict stemming from both material and non-material perceptions of threat. Whilst particular focus is accorded to the specific macro-economic conditions of the ongoing financial crisis for observing potentially shifting sentiments, this discussion is situated within a larger national debate about immigration and integration spanning two decades. Linking public perception data to analyses of Dutch integration and immigration policy, patterns of voting behaviour and the real effects of the financial crisis on the Dutch economy, the ultimate intention of this research, then, is to assess the prospects and overall “health” of liberal democracy in the Netherlands. The country‟s experiences in attempting to deal with cultural pluralism reveal that liberal democratic norms have not simply been entrenched as “givens” and they are subject to contestation and ambiguity. It is in attempts to address difference and “otherness” in society that the shortfalls of Dutch liberal democracy have been laid bare. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die val van die Berlynse Muur in 1989 het „n nuwe tydperk van globalisasie aangebreek en daarmee saam, verskerpte vlakke van globale migrasie. Die beweging van mense oor meer toegangklike grense het die demografiese profiel van Europese state verander. Hierdie kulturele diversiteit het huidige Westerse liberale demokrasieë met „n unieke stel uitdagings gekonfronteer, aangaande die integrasie van diverse groepe in die samelewing met die doel om saamhorigheid te bevorder. Die effek van kulturele diversiteit is egter nie beperk tot demografie nie en hierdie tesis fokus hoofsaaklik op die politieke en openbare reaksies wat die verskynsel uitgelok het. Die Nederlandse konteks verskaf „n besondere insiggewende voorbeeld van die manier waarop pogings om kulturele diversiteit te hanteer, intensiewe debat oor immigrasie- en integrasie-onderwerpe gestimuleer het, wat sedertdien stewig in die openbare en politieke diskoers verskans is. Die voortdurende debat in die Nederlandse verband het wyer vrae aangaande burgerskap, nasionale identiteit en kultuur laat ontstaan. Selfs van groter belang is die feit dat hierdie vraagstukke die perke van Nederlandse verdraagsaamheid ontbloot het: toenemende inperkings op immigrasie- en integrasie-beleid oor die afgelope twee dekades en veral in die laaste 10 jaar, het teenstrydig voorgekom met die stereotipiese indruk van Nederland as „n ultra-liberale en progressiewe toonbeeld van multi-kulturalisme. Hierdie tesis be-oog derhalwe om hierdie beeld van Nederland te ondersoek deur moontlike veranderings in openbare houdings teenoor immigrante en immigrasie waar te neem, teen die agtergrond van aansienlik minder gunstige materiële omstandighede, veroorsaak deur die huidige globale finansiële krisis. Houdings teenoor Moslems in die Nederlandse samelewing is van besondere belang in hierdie ondersoek teen die agtergrond van die beweerde kulturele en simboliese bedreiging wat Islam vir liberale waardes inhou. Realistiese Groep-Konflikteorie voorsien „n nuttige raamwerk om inter-groep wedywering en konflik, wat spruit uit beide materiële en nie-materiële perspesies van bedreiging, te analiseer. Alhoewel besondere aandag geskenk word aan die spesifieke makro-ekonomiese omstandighede van die huidige finansiële krisis om moontlike veranderings in houdings waar te neem, is hierdie bespreking deel van „n groter nasionale debat oor immigrasie en integrasie oor die afgelope twee dekades. Deur inligting oor openbare persepsie te verbind met die Nederlandse integrasie-en immigrasie-beleid, stempatrone en die ware uitwerkings van die finansiële krisis op die Nederlandse kultuur, is die uiteindelike doel van hierdie navorsing om die vooruitsigte en algehele “gesondheid” van liberale demokrasie in Nederland te evalueer. Die land se ervaring van kulturele pluralisme bewys dat liberale demokratiese norme nie verskans is nie en dat hulle onderhewig is aan omstredenheid en dubbelsinnigheid. Die pogings om verskille en “andersheid” in die samelewing aan te spreek, het die tekortkominge van die Nederlandse liberale demokrasie ontbloot.

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