Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dew south males"" "subject:"dew south sales""
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Democracy, consultation and socio-environmental degradation : diagnostic insights from the Western Sydney/Hawkesbury-Nepean regionDarbas, Toni, School of Science & Technology Studies, UNSW January 2002 (has links)
The use of community consultation to address socio-environmental degradation is entwined with contested democratic principles polarising views of its role. I frame this problem by examining three democratic paradigms faced with two contemporary problems. The deliberative argument that preferences require enrichment with debate mediates between the liberal-aggregative view that preferences are individual, private and amenable to aggregation and the view that participation in public life is foundational. Viewing consultation as deliberative reconciles the liberal-aggregative view of consultation as the illegitimate elevation of unrepresentative minority groups with the participationist view that consultation constitutes a step towards participatory democracy. Theorists of social reflexivity, however, point to an elided politics of knowledge challenging technoscience's exemption from politically garnered consent. Also neglected by much democratic theory is how functional differentiation renders self-referential legal, political, technoscientific and administrative domains increasingly unaccountable. I employ Habermas' procedural theory that public spheres allow social irritations into the political domain where they can be encoded into laws capable of systemic interjection in response, along with a dialogic extension accommodating the politics of knowledge. I then use this procedural-dialogic deliberative understanding of democracy to elucidate the context and outcomes of the NSW State's consultative strategy. The NSW state, institutionally compelled to underwrite economic growth, implicating itself in that growth's socio-environmental side effects provoking widespread contestation. The resulting Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (1979) and its adjunctive consultative provisions helped highlight the socio-environmental degradation of the Hawkesbury Nepean River Catchment via Western Sydney's urban sprawl, politicising the region. The convenement of a consultative forum to oversee a contaminated site audit within the region facilitated incisive lay critique of the technoscientific underpinnings of administrative underwriting of socio-environmental degradation. The discomforted NSW State tightened environmental policy, gutted the EP&A Act's consultative provisions and removed regional dialogic forums and institutions. I conclude that the socio-economic accord equating economic growth with social progress is both entrenched and besieged, destabilising the political/administrative/technoscientific regime built upon it. This withdrawal of avenues for critique risks deeper estrangement between reflexive society and the NSW State generative of electoral volatility.
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Three-dimensional (3D) three-component (3C) shallow seismic refraction surveys across a shear zone associated with dryland salinity at the Spicers Creek Catchment, New South Wales, AustraliaNikrouz, Ramin, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Dryland salinity occurs extensively throughout the Spicers Creek Catchment in central west New South Wales, Australia. The extent of dryland salinity in the Spicers Creek Catchment has severely altered the landscape, having major environmental implication. Large area of the catchments has experienced soil erosion resulting from the saline groundwater in the surface soil causing the destruction of clay and soil structure. The objective of this study was to use seismic refraction methods to map in detail a shear zone, which was associated with an area of major dryland salination. In particular, both the width of shear zone and the rock fabric within it were to be mapped with two both compressional (P) and shear (S) waves using a three-dimensional (3D) array of three- component (3C) receivers. The seismic data was recorded across a shear zone which is associated with salination in the Spicers Creek Catchment using the Australian National Seismic Imaging Resources (ANSIR) 360-trace system. Three-component (3C) geophones were used to record shear waves as well as compressional wave. An IVI minivibrator T-15000 was used as the main source of energy for the seismic survey. The results of the three-dimensional three-component seismic refraction surveys at the Spicers Creek Catchment show that the shear zone exhibit the seismic geophysical anomaly of a shear zone, existing as a narrow region with low seismic velocities and increased depth of weathering. A detailed analysis of the refractor seismic velocities and amplitude show a number of linear features parallel to and cross-cutting the shear zone. Linear features cut the shear zones at each site. They have been interpreted as a series of recent faults which act as discharge zone bringing saline groundwater to the surface.
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Application of the transport needs concept to rural New South Wales : a GIS-based analysisRostami, Shahbakhti, Built Environment, Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
The story of transport and accessibility problems in rural Australia is very similar to other wealthy countries with low rural densities and long distances such as the US and Canada ??? little or no public transport, very high levels of car ownership, and poor service provision. During the past two decades rationalisation and privatisation of services has led to the closure of many basic services in rural Australia. The withdrawal of services has necessitated longer distance travel for many rural residents ??? a problem which has been exacerbated by the rationalisation of public transport services. As a result there have emerged severe accessibility and mobility problems in rural areas, despite the presence of high levels of car ownership in such areas. In terms of rural transportation, the situation in Australia is characterised by two different features; first, poor public transport provision (or non-existence). Second; high levels of car ownership among rural residents. However, high levels of car ownership do not reflect high levels of prosperity; this is likely to indicate a situation of "enforced ownership" in response to declining levels of public transport provision. Furthermore, many rural residents neither own a car nor have access to a reliable public transport system due to socio-economic and location-based circumstances. Previous research has shown that these residents generally belong to groups who include the elderly, teenagers, students, Indigenous residents, unemployed persons and low-income households. Such groups have been termed transport-disadvantaged. The contention of this thesis, however, is that such groups are in a state of "transport need" given their range of transport related problems. This is one dimension of the accessibility problem in rural Australia, which has yet to be investigated. This thesis is concerned with the measurement of transport need through the development of several transport need indices using available census data. The key objective of this thesis is to investigate the relevance and suitability of need indices for identifying the relative spatial distribution of transport needs in rural areas. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is used for the development, analysis and visualisation of the transport need index. This thesis examines transportation needs in rural NSW simply by measuring "demand" and "supply" components of transport. To measure the demand index, some socio-economic characteristics of population are involved including: the elderly, no or low car owning households, Indigenous people, students, children, unemployed persons, low-income households, and accessibility. A weight has been assigned to each component based on its relative importance among the other components. Weighted values are then standardised based on 100. To measure the supply index, six components, which represent the availability of various kinds of transport in rural NSW are involved and have been calculated by assigning weights and standardising to 100. These are: CountryLink rail services, CountryLink coach and bus services, Regional Services, Community Transport Program, Wheelchair taxi services, and School Buses. The final transport need for rural NSW is calculated by dividing demand index by supply index. It simply quantifies transportation needs across the rural Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) of NSW. In addition, this thesis discusses the potential and limitations of GIS and our transport need indices to be used as input to decisions about improvements in provision of services, and coordination of existing services to better meet identified needs, for the transport disadvantaged in rural NSW. In essence, this thesis is an attempt to make Australian transport and social services planners aware of the value of a need based transport-planning methodology.
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Interactions in the space of one treeMcComas Magers, Robyn, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, School of Contemporary Arts January 2002 (has links)
This exegesis forms part of a cycle in the author's ongoing journey into the space of one tree, Eucalyptus gummifera. Many previously unchartered zones of experience give rise to experiences which are perceived slowly, with an open mind, in order to communicate an assemblage of experiences, objects and data which have come together to represent a reading of elements of the landscape of the Sydney Basin, one place where Eucalyptus gummifera grows. Each element has a niche within a specific grid of interaction that takes place in this lived environment. The work surveys fields of physical objects and relationships, inspiring new readings and translations of the landscape of one's own discoveries. Here the world acquires perspective and significance which enables fresh understandings and the deeper accquisition of knowledge. Thus the interactions in this sequence of the author's journeys into the space of one tree reveal further elements of the spatial landscape of Eucalyptus gummifera. / Master of Arts (Hons)(Contemporary Arts)
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An examination of the geological resources of the Southern Highlands of NSW as raw materials for studio ceramicsHarrison, Steve, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Centre for Cultural Research January 2007 (has links)
An investigation of the geological resources of the Southern Highlands was undertaken and over two hundred samples were collected and examined for possible use as stoneware ceramic ingredients. Thirty four of these samples were tested for possible use as clay body ingredients, while sixty five samples were selected for assessment as glaze ingredients. A wood fired kiln was built from firebricks produced from a local deposit of a white bauxite related material. Materials selected as a result of these tests were combined to create ceramic objects fired at stoneware temperatures. The most interesting result of the investigation was the discovery of a number of small weathered dykes and sills, samples from which were developed into workable ceramic clay bodies and glazes using a simple empirical testing procedure. A previously unknown excellent white translucent native porcelain stone or ‘bai tunze’ was discovered and developed into a workable porcelain body. Some iron stained porcelain bodies that ‘flashed’ red in the wood firing kiln were also developed. Exhibitions of the creative work produced were shown in the ‘Legge Gallery’, a Fine Art gallery in Sydney. Two critical reviews of those shows appeared in the magazine Craft Arts International, No. 64, 2005, pp 106-107 and The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 46 #1 pp 21-24. Several papers were published detailing various aspects of the research: “The Search for Raw Materials in the Southern Highlands” in The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 41#3, pp 22-23; “Flotation – A method of refining useful minerals”, in The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 41#3, pp 24-25; “Magic Dirt” in The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 46 #1 pp 76-79; “New work from an old landscape”, in Ceramics Technical, 24, 2007. pp 45-52;“From the ground up”, in Ceramic review, issue 222, 2006, pp 54-55. The research concludes that the Southern Highlands of New South Wales is geologically rich in suitable materials for the production of stoneware ceramics and that there are a few specific bai tunze like materials that are very interesting and have considerable aesthetic potential. The research determined that these bai tunze like materials are potentially capable of being developed into clay bodies and glazes of great beauty. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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'With tact, intelligence and a special acquaintance with the insane' : a history of the development of mental health care(nursing) in New South Wales, Australia, Colonisation to Federation 1788 - 1901Smith, Terrence Gordon, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, School of Humanities January 2005 (has links)
During the earliest days of the penal colony in New South Wales in 1788, the plight of the mentally ill was given little consideration by the governing authorities, particularly the convict insane, who lived (and died) by their wits and suffered cruel punishment if their behaviour was seen as recalcitrant. This thesis traces a history of mental health carers (nursing) from the foundation of the penal colony until the Federation of the Australian colonies to form a nation in 1901. The research makes a contribution to the profession of mental health nursing by providing an understanding of the origins and development of that profession in New South Wales. The thesis also examines ways in which the historic development of mental health nursing has influenced the work of mental health nurses and nursing in the present, and exposes recurrent dominant issues of the past which will, if they remain unaddressed, continue to influence that profession in the future. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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An examination of the geological resources of the Southern Highlands of NSW as raw materials for studio ceramicsHarrison, Steve, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Centre for Cultural Research January 2007 (has links)
An investigation of the geological resources of the Southern Highlands was undertaken and over two hundred samples were collected and examined for possible use as stoneware ceramic ingredients. Thirty four of these samples were tested for possible use as clay body ingredients, while sixty five samples were selected for assessment as glaze ingredients. A wood fired kiln was built from firebricks produced from a local deposit of a white bauxite related material. Materials selected as a result of these tests were combined to create ceramic objects fired at stoneware temperatures. The most interesting result of the investigation was the discovery of a number of small weathered dykes and sills, samples from which were developed into workable ceramic clay bodies and glazes using a simple empirical testing procedure. A previously unknown excellent white translucent native porcelain stone or ‘bai tunze’ was discovered and developed into a workable porcelain body. Some iron stained porcelain bodies that ‘flashed’ red in the wood firing kiln were also developed. Exhibitions of the creative work produced were shown in the ‘Legge Gallery’, a Fine Art gallery in Sydney. Two critical reviews of those shows appeared in the magazine Craft Arts International, No. 64, 2005, pp 106-107 and The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 46 #1 pp 21-24. Several papers were published detailing various aspects of the research: “The Search for Raw Materials in the Southern Highlands” in The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 41#3, pp 22-23; “Flotation – A method of refining useful minerals”, in The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 41#3, pp 24-25; “Magic Dirt” in The Journal of Australian Ceramics, Vol 46 #1 pp 76-79; “New work from an old landscape”, in Ceramics Technical, 24, 2007. pp 45-52;“From the ground up”, in Ceramic review, issue 222, 2006, pp 54-55. The research concludes that the Southern Highlands of New South Wales is geologically rich in suitable materials for the production of stoneware ceramics and that there are a few specific bai tunze like materials that are very interesting and have considerable aesthetic potential. The research determined that these bai tunze like materials are potentially capable of being developed into clay bodies and glazes of great beauty. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Inorganic hydrogeochemistry, hydrogeology and geology of the Stuarts Point aquifer system : a process analysis of the natural occurrences of enriched As(III) and As(V) in an Australian coastal groundwater systemSmith, James V. S., School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Arsenic (As) in groundwater systems is a problem in many parts of the world owing to ever-increasing extraction of groundwater resources to meet the needs of growing populations. Surprisingly, the occurrence of elevated As concentrations in coastal sandy aquifers has only recently been published as a result of this research. Sandy aquifers are commonly used as a clean and reliable source of water for domestic, agricultural and industrial needs due to their high recharge rates and the filtering capacity of sands. Water quality monitoring in Australian sandy aquifers is usually limited to a small suite of major elements and salinity measurements to determine the quality of groundwater and to identify any potential problems from seawater intrusion as a result of over extraction. Minor and trace elements, particularly toxic elements, have largely been ignored in regular monitoring programs. Prompted by an emerging pattern of human health problems in a community reliant on groundwater, hydrogeochemical investigations of the Stuarts Point coastal sand aquifer, on the North Coast of New South Wales, Australia, identified elevated As concentrations of up to 337 ????g/L in the catchment's Pleistocene barrier sands. These concentrations are well in excess of the World Health Organisation and the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council water quality criteria of 10 and 7 ????g/L respectively. From research into the Stuarts Point geology, geochemistry, geomorphology, hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry, and with the assistance of environmental isotopes, the spatial distribution, occurrence and mobilisation processes of As were determined. The presence and distribution of elevated As concentrations in the regional coastal aquifer system are sporadic and involve a series of complex hydrogeochemical processes. No single hydrogeochemical process can describe the release of As from solid phase to groundwater system on the regional scale. Processes of competitive exchange with PO43- and HCO3-, reductive dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxides and arsenical pyrite oxidation, though not forming dominant correlations, are still evident and influence As chemistry at this scale. Detailed investigations of the hydrogeochemistry on the vertical scale have identified two main processes as causing As to be released and mobilised. The first process is associated with the oxidation of arsenical pyrite in Acid Sulphate Soils and metal hydrolysis reactions which mobilise As in the acidic environment. In the absence of dissolved oxygen (DO), NO3- acts as the oxyanion facilitating arsenical pyrite oxidation and releasing As into solution. The second process that mobilises As from the sediments is the liberation of As from metal-oxyhydroxides in the carbon-rich environment, where HCO3- originates from the dissolution of shell material in the Pleistocene barrier sands. The marine influenced depositional history and geomorphology of the aquifer provide opportunities for As to become incorporated into the aquifers matrix in a variety of mineral forms, which is an occurrence not considered to be unique to the Stuarts Point catchment. The findings presented here are amongst the first detailed studies of naturally occurring As in an Australian groundwater system as well as in the Pleistocene coastal sand aquifer environment. The understanding of As accumulation and mobilisation identified as a result of this research emphasises the need for potential As occurrences in similar groundwater systems in other coastal environments in Australia, and globally, to be considered.
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Evaluation of salinisation processes in the Spicers Creek catchment, central west region of New South Wales, Australia.Morgan, Karina, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Spicers Creek catchment is located approximately 400 km west of Sydney in the Central West region of New South Wales, Australia. Dryland salinity has been recognised as a major environmental issue impacting soil and water resources in the Central West region of NSW for over 70 years. Due to the geological complexity of the catchment and the presence of high salt loads contained within the soils, groundwater and surface waters, the Spicers Creek catchment was identified as a large contributor of salinity to the Macquarie River catchment. Over fifty-two dryland salinity occurrences have been identified in the Spicers Creek catchment and it appears that dryland salinity is controlled by the presence of geological structures and permeability contrasts in the shallow aquifer system. Combinations of climatic, geological and agricultural factors are escalating salinity problems in the catchment. The main aim of this thesis was to identify the factors affecting salinisation processes in the Spicers Creek catchment. These include the role of geological structures, the source(s) of salts to the groundwater system and the geochemical processes influencing seepage zone development. To achieve these aims a multidisciplinary approach was untaken to understand the soils, geology, hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry of the catchment. Investigative techniques employed in this project include the use of geophysics, soil chemistry, soil spectroscopy, hydrogeochemistry and environmental isotopes. Evaluation of high-resolution airborne magnetics data showed a major north-east to south-west trending shear zone. This structure dissects the catchment and several other minor faults were observed to be splays off this major structure. These structures were found to be conducive to groundwater flow and are influencing the groundwater chemistry in the fractured aquifer system. Two distinctive groundwater chemical types were identified in the catchment; the saline Na(Mg)-Cl-rich groundwaters associated with the fractured Oakdale Formation and the Na-HCO3-rich groundwaters associated with the intermediate groundwater system. The groundwater chemistry of other deep groundwaters in the catchment appears to be due to mixing between these end-member groundwaters within the fractured bedrock system. The spatial distribution of electrical conductivity, Cl-, Sr2+ and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios showed the correlation between saline groundwaters and the location of faults. Elevated salinities were associated with the location of two crosscutting fault zones. The spatial distribution of HCO3-, K+, Li+ and ?????3CDIC highlighted the extent of Na-HCO3-rich groundwaters in the catchment and showed that these groundwaters are mixing further east than previously envisaged. These findings show that Na(Mg)-Cl-rich groundwaters are geochemically distinctive and have evolved due to extensive water-rock interaction processes within the fracture zones of the Oakdale Formation. These saline groundwaters contain elevated concentrations of trace elements such as As, V and Se, which pose a potential risk for water resources in the area. 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios indicated that the source of salinity to the Na(Mg)-Cl-rich groundwaters was not purely from marine or aerosol input. Salt is most likely contributed from various allochthonous and autochthonous sources. This research found that the main mechanism controlling the formation of dryland salinity seepage zones in the Spicers Creek catchment is due to the presence of geological structures. These groundwater seepage zones act as mixing zones for rainfall recharge and deeper groundwaters. The main sources of salt to the seepage zones are from deeper Na(Mg)-Cl-rich groundwaters and rainfall accession. The major importance of this research highlights the need for an integrated approach for the use of various geoscientific techniques in dryland salinity research within geologically complex environments.
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Contested Visions, Expansive Views : The Landscape of the Darling River in Western NSWDavies, Ruby January 2005 (has links)
Master of Visual Arts / This paper grows out of my ongoing practice of photographing the Darling River in western NSW. My interest in imaging the landscape and representing the contemporary divisions within it led me to investigate previous colonial conflicts, which occurred as white explorers in the 1830’s and squatters in the 1850’s took over the Aboriginal tribal lands on the Darling. In this paper I investigate the images created by explorers, artists and photographers, which were the beginnings of a Eurocentric vision for this land. These images were created in the context of a colonial history which forms the ideological backdrop to historical events and representations of this land. This research has involved me in an investigation across three different disciplines; Australian history, Australian visual art, and environmental aspects of human interactions with the land. The postcolonial histories which inform my work are themselves re-evaluations of earlier histories. This recent history has revealed, amid the images of European ‘settlement’ and ‘progress’, views of frontier violence and Aboriginal resistance to colonisation that were excluded from earlier histories. The fan-like shape of the Darling River, which for millennia has bought water to this dry land, is the motif that focuses my investigation. I discuss the relatively recent degradation of the river, which is the focus of contemporary conflicts between graziers, Aboriginal people, environmentalists and irrigators. Because large-scale irrigation now has the capacity to divert the flows of entire rivers for the irrigation of cash crops, the insecurities of earlier generations over the ‘unpredictable’ floods and their perception of lack of control over water - has been entirely reversed. ‘Control’ of water is now held by irrigators and the river down stream from the pumps is kept at a constant low, becoming a chain of stagnant waterholes during summer. Like many rivers in industrialised countries, the Darling no longer flows to its ocean. The physical characteristics of rangeland grazing are an important background to my paper. Although the introduction of sheep and cattle has altered and degraded this landscape, unlike ploughed country to the east this land retains much of its native vegetation and an Aboriginal history embedded across its surface. This paper is an investigation of the changing representations of the Australian landscape, and central to my paper (and a result of growing up in this area) is my recognition, at an early age, of cultural difference in the context of this landscape. I became aware of contradictions in how Aboriginal people were treated by the ‘white’ community and I glimpsed the distinct cultural viewpoints held by Aboriginal people. A connection to country continues to be expressed in art produced by Aboriginal people in the Wilcannia area, including work by Badger Bates and Waddy Harris. The Wilcannia Mob, a schoolboy rap-group received national press coverage, winning a Deadly Award in 2002 for their acclaimed song ‘Down River’. While a discussion of these artworks is not part of the discussion of my paper, it is a context for my research. In broad terms this paper is an investigation of different worldviews, different views of land and landscape by graziers, Aboriginal people, environmentalists and irrigators. These views carry with them different cultural understandings and different representations of the land - different and sometimes opposing views of its past and its future. It seems in 2005 that, just as artists, historians, filmmakers, etc. are beginning to come to terms with Australian colonial history, as the El Nino seasons and the importance of ‘environmental flows’ in the Murray Darling Basin are increasingly understood, that technological changes and the global effects of population densities are creating other changes (greenhouse gasses, ozone depletion, climate changes) that once again appear to be unpredictable and beyond our control. While this environmental discussion is outside the scope of the current paper it is a context for my investigation of this landscape.
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