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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stanovení genetické příčiny malého vzrůstu jako cesta k pochopení patofyziologických mechanismů ovlivňujících růst člověka / Determining the genetic cause of short stature as a way to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms affecting human growth

Plachý, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
Determining the genetic cause of short stature as a way to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms affecting human growth Abstract Short stature is one of the most common disorders followed-up by a paediatric endocrinologist. Pathophysiologic mechanisms leading to growth disorders are complex, however, the exact cause is mostly unknown. Our study is the first to evaluate the aetiopathogenesis of familial short stature (FSS). Using next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques, we aimed to describe the monogenic aetiology of growth impairment in a group of FSS families, and therefore to elucidate mechanisms leading to this specific growth disorder. In selected genetic diagnoses, we additionally aimed to describe the phenotype including GH treatment response. Within Motol University Hospital centre for GH therapy, we formed a group of 98 FSS families with clear height definition in ≤-2 SD in both the child height before GH therapy and in his shorter parent. Using NGS, the FSS aetiology was elucidated in 40/98 (41%) families; 32/40 had a genetic growth plate disorder. Within the cohort, three genetically homogeneous subgroups of families were described (collagenopathies - 10/98 [10.2%] families, SHOX deficiency - 6/98 [6.1%] families, and C type natriuretic peptide receptor disorder - 4/98 [4.1%] families)....

Molekulárně genetická vyšetření u klinicky definované skupiny pacientů se syndromovou poruchou zraku a sluchu u vzácných genetických syndromů asociovaných s hluchoslepotou v ČR a SR / Molecular genetic examinations in clinically defined group of patients with syndromic sight and hearing impairment in rare genetic disorders associated with deafblindness in the CR and SR

Čopíková, Jana January 2021 (has links)
Deafblindness is a combined impairment of vision and hearing with an incidence of about 1: 8000 children and 1: 5500 adults. The most common genetic causes are the Stickler (STL) and Usher (USH) syndromes. The main goal of this work is to provide an up-to-date overview of STL and USH in the Czech and Slovak Republic (CR and SR), to determine the correlations between the genotype and phenotype in our population and the associated diagnostic criteria. Using sequencing and MLPA we examined 45 patients from 28 families for suspected STL. We found potentially causal variants of STL genes in 39 patients from 22 families. Fifteen different COL2A1 variants (8 being novel) were found in 28 patients from 18 families and 4 novel COL11A1 variants were found in 11 patients from 4 families. We identified the cause of the disease in 79 % of the families. The USH study involved 30 patients from 27 families. The most frequent cause was USH2A pathogenic variants, i.e. 19 variants in 14 families, 9 being novel. Less common were pathogenic variants in MYO7A (6 variants in 3 families, 5 being novel), USH1C and CDH23 (3 variants, 2 being novel, in 2 families both) genes. In 2 families, compound heterozygosity was found for variants in two different USH genes. The deafblindness etiology was clarified for 24 patients from...

Analýza dat ze sekvenování příští generace ke studiu aktivity transposonů v nádorových buňkách / Analysis of NGS data for study of transposon activity in cancer cells

Hrazdilová, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
Theoretical part of this diploma thesis gives a brief characteristic of human mobile elements (transposons), which represents nearly 50% of human genome. It provides basic transposon clasification and describes types of transposons present in hunam genome, as well as mobilization, activation and regulation mechanisms. The work also deals with the domestication of transposons, describes the ways in which TE contribute to DNA damage and summarizes the diseases caused by mutagenic activity of transposons in the human genome. Conclusion of theoretical part describes next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS). As practical part, data from RNA-seq experimet were analyzed in order to compare differen transposon activity in normal and cancer cells from prostate and colorectal tissues. As like as publicly available sophisticated tools (TopHat), new scripts were created to analyze these data. The results show that cancer cells exhibit overexpression of transposons. This corresponds with the published results and suggests a connection of transposon activation with cancer development.

Klasifikace malých nekódujících RNA / Classification of Small Noncoding RNAs

Žigárdi, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This masters's thesis contains description of designed and implemented tool for classification of plant microRNA without genome. Properties of mature and star sequences in microRNA duplexes are used. Implemented method is based on clustering of RNA sequences (with CD-HIT) to mainly reduce their count. Selected representants from each clusters are classified using support vector machine. Performance of classification is more than 96% (based on cross-validation method using the training data).

Les défis du séquençage à haut débit dans l'exploration génétique des cancers du sein et de l'ovaire. / Challenges of Next Generation Sequencing in the exploration of genetic predispositions to breast and/or ovarian cancers

Muller, Etienne 12 December 2017 (has links)
Les cancers du sein et de l’ovaire apparaissent dans 5 à 10% dans un contexte de prédisposition génétique, dont seule une faible part est expliquée par la présence d’un variant pathogène sur les gènes BRCA1, BRCA2 et PALB2. Le séquençage à haut-débit permet d’explorer cette hérédité manquante, mais représente un nouveau défi à la fois informatique, statistique et biologique. Trois approches utilisant cette nouvelle technologie ont été employées pour rechercher de nouveaux facteurs de prédisposition. En premier lieu, les risques associés à 34 gènes connus ou suspectés d’être impliqués dans les prédispositions ont été estimés à partir de l’analyse de 5 131 cas index et le développement d’une nouvelle approche statistique. Aussi la participation des néo-mutations en mosaïque dans le syndrome a été explorée à partir de 1 750 cas index issus de l’étude précédente, avec un logiciel de détection des variants faiblement représentés développé spécifiquement: outLyzer. Enfin, l’exploration par séquençage de l’hérédité manquante a été étendue à un panel de 201 gènes impliqués dans le cancer, à partir de 118 patientes sélectionnées pour la précocité d’apparition de leur maladie, élément fortement évocateur d’un facteur de prédisposition. Les résultats de ces travaux ont permis de valider la pertinence de l’étude de PALB2, RAD51C et RAD51D pour la prise en charge des patients, et suggèrent aussi une implication sous-estimée des variants en mosaïque. Cependant il reste encore très probablement d’autres facteurs génétiques fortement pénétrants à découvrir mais dont la modulation du risque répond à un modèle oligogénique. / Breast and ovarian cancers appear in 5 to 10% of cases in a context of genetic predisposition, of which only a small proportion is explained by the presence of a pathogenic variant on the BRCA1, BRCA2 and PALB2 genes. High throughput sequencing can explore this missing heredity, but represents a new challenge both in computing, statistics and biology. Three approaches using this new technology have been used to investigate new predisposition factors. First, the risks associated with 34 known or suspected genes involved in predispositions were estimated from the analysis of 5,131 index cases and the development of a new statistical approach. Also, the participation of mosaic neo-mutations in the syndrome was explored from 1,750 index cases from the previous study, with a software developed specifically for detecting poorly represented variants: outLyzer. Finally, the exploration by sequencing of the missing heredity was extended to a panel of 201 genes involved in cancer, from 118 patients selected for the early onset of their disease, a highly suggestive element of a predisposition factor. The results of this work validated the relevance of the PALB2, RAD51C and RAD51D study for patient management, and also suggested an underestimated involvement of mosaic variants. However, there are still very likely other highly penetrating genetic factors to be discovered, but whose risk modulation is based on an oligogenic model.

Variants rares et analyse d'exomes : application à la maladie d'Alzheimer du sujet jeune / Rare variants and exomes analyses : the example of Early-Onset Alzheimer Disease

Le Guennec, Kilan 07 June 2017 (has links)
L’avènement du séquençage haut débit permet actuellement d’étudier et d’analyser la part de lacomposante génétique des maladies complexes médiée par les variants rares. Cependant, leurinterprétation représente un défi majeur. En effet, le séquençage de milliers d’exomes et degénomes a révélé la complexité du polymorphisme humain et notamment la surreprésentation devariants rares. Et malgré le développement de logiciels d’analyse ainsi que de différentes bases dedonnées, la priorisation des variants rares reste difficile. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons focalisé nos analyses sur les variations génétiques rares impliquées dans la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA). D’un point de vue génétique, la MA répond dans une majorité des cas à un déterminisme multifactoriel mais une minorité des cas sont des formes précoces à transmission autosomique dominante. La caractérisation des gènes PSEN1, PSEN2 et APP responsables des formes mendéliennes de MA a permis de formuler l’hypothèse de la cascade amyloïde en plaçant le peptide amyloïde (Aβ) au centre du processus physiopathologique. Afin de détecter de nouveaux facteurs de risque génétique dans la survenue de la MA, nous avons réalisé une étude d’association à partir de données de séquençage d’exomes de 522 cas atteints de formes précoces de MA et 584 contrôles. Les premières analyses ont porté sur les variants mononucléotidiques ainsi que les courtes insertions/délétions et ont permis de mettre en évidence un enrichissement en variants rares prédits délétères dans le gène ABCA7 chez les individus malades. Notre attention s’est ensuite portée sur les variations du nombre de copies (CNVs). L’absence de récurrence à l’échelle d’un gène nous a amené à travailler sur une liste de gènes. En nous focalisant sur l’hypothèse amyloïdergique, nous avons construit une liste de 342 gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme et la toxicité du peptide Aβ. Grâce à cette stratégie, nous avons ainsi réussi à mettre en évidence un enrichissement de CNVs rares intersectant ce réseau centré sur le peptide Aβ. Le résultat majeur de cette étude de CNVs a été la mise en évidence d’une duplication du locus 17q21.31 chez 5 patients atteints d’une maladie neurodégénérative similaire à une maladie d’Alzheimer. Les patients porteurs présentent un diagnostic clinique de MA, des biomarqueurs et une imagerie métabolique en faveur d’une neurodégénérescence de type Alzheimer. En revanche, l’imagerie amyloïde et l’analyse neuropathologique n’ont pas révélé de pathologie amyloïde et sont donc en faveur d’une tauopathie pure. L’étude des CNVs a également révélé une délétion partielle du gène PSEN1, emportant les exons 9 et 10, pour laquelle nous avons pu réaliser des études fonctionnelles. Nous avons ainsi pu déterminer que la protéine mutante favorisait la production de peptides amyloïdes plus longs, ces derniers étant des médiateurs majeurs de la neurotoxicité d’Aβ. / Next-generation sequencing allows studying and analyzing the genetic component part of complexdiseases mediated by rare variants. However, their interpretation represents a major challenge.Indeed, the sequencing of thousands of exomes and genomes revealed the human polymorphismcomplexity and in particular the overrepresentation of rare variants. Despite the development ofsoftwares and variant databases, the prioritization of rare variants remains arduous. My thesis subject was focused on the involvement of rare variants in Alzheimer's disease (AD). From a genetic point of view, AD is caused, in most cases, by a multifactorial determinism, but a minority of cases are autosomal dominant early-onset forms (ADEOAD). The characterization of mutations in the PSEN1, PSEN2 and APP genes as a cause of these Mendelian forms of AD led to the formulationof the amyloid cascade hypothesis, stating that the amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) is triggering the pathophysiological process. In order to detect new genetic risk factors involved in AD, we performed an association study using exome sequencing data from 522 cases with early-onset Alzheimer Disease and 584 controls. The first analyzes focused on single nucleotide variants and short insertions / deletions, and revealed an enrichment in cases of variants that are predicted to be deleterious in the ABCA7 genes. We then then focused on copy number variations (CNVs). The lack of recurrence at the gene-level incited us to work on a gene list. By focusing on the amyloidogenic hypothesis, we built a list of 342 genes involved in the metabolism and toxicity of the Aβ peptide. Thanks to this strategy, we found an enrichment of rare CNVs intersecting this Aβ network in cases.The main result of this CNV study was the identification of a duplication of the 17q21.31 locus in 5patients with a neurodegenerative disease similar to Alzheimer's disease. These patients have aclinical diagnosis of AD, as well as biomarkers and metabolic imaging consistent with an ADneurodegeneration. However, amyloid imaging and neuropathological analysis did not reveal anyamyloid pathology, and were therefore pointing to a pure tauopathy. This CNV study also revealed a partial deletion of the PSEN1 gene, overlapping exons 9 and 10, for which we performed functional studies. We demonstrated that the mutant protein enhanced the production of longer amyloid peptides, the latter being major mediators of Aβ neurotoxicity.

Drug resistance genotyping and phylogenetic analysis of HIV in chronically infected antiretroviral naive patients

Baloyi, Tlangelani 18 May 2019 (has links)
MSc (Microbiology) / Department of Microbiology / Background: Antiretroviral treatment (ART) has grown to be one of the most effective tool in the fight to control HIV/AIDS morbidity and mortality worldwide. However, due to the emergence of drug resistant HIV, ART efficacy can be jeopardized. Drug resistant HIV strain has a potential of becoming a major public threat, as its limit treatment options on people living with HIV. With several findings worldwide reporting drug resistant HIV to be currently being transmitted to ART-naïve persons, measures have been taken to genotype drug resistant HIV prior to treatment initiation. However, in resource limited countries such measures are not executed especially in public sectors due to the costs associated with the required assays for genotyping. Objective: The objectives of the study was to establish a deep sequencing protocol (Next Generation Sequencing-NGS) using an Illumina MiniSeq Platform and subsequently apply it to genotype HIV in chronically infected drug naïve persons for resistance mutations and viral genotypes Methods: HIV positive Individuals without any exposure to ART (Treatment-naive) were recruited. Partial pol fragment (complete protease and ~1104bp reverse transcriptase) were amplified and purified. Libraries were prepared using Nextera XT library preparation kit, fragmented, tagmented, pooled and denatured then sequenced with Illumina MiniSeq instrument. Consensus sequences were derived, aligned and phylogenetically analysed. The Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Algorithm was used to infer the presence of drug resistant mutants, at the viral minority and majority population levels. Results and discussion: An NGS protocol to generate nucleotide sequences for drug resistance inference was established. No major drug resistance mutations were detected against protease, reverse transcriptase inhibitors in the study subjects investigated. Nevertheless, V179D change was observed in one patient (8.3%). V179D has been shown to impact a low-level resistance to NNRTI. On the other hand, several secondary and unusual mutations at known drug sites were detected even at minority threshold level of <20%. Conclusion: No major drug resistance mutations was detected in the drug naïve study population. This finding suggests that there is no risk of treatment failure to the investigated subjects, however it is important to assess the potential phenotypic v | P a g e significance of the identified secondary resistance mutations in the context of HIV-1 subtype C. The established NGS protocol should be applied in subsequent HIV drug resistance studies. / NRF

Molekulárně genetické příčiny vývojových onemocnění předního segmentu oka / Anterior segment dysgenesis disorders and their molecular genetic cause

Moravíková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Proper eye development depends on expression and mutual regulation of many genes. Anterior segment dysgenesis (ASD) are a highly heterogeneous group of diseases exhibiting all types of Mendelian inheritance, which manifest as combination of congenital abnormalities of the cornea, iris, anterior chamber angle or lens. Screening of genes associated with ASD does not often lead to the identification of the underlying genetic cause implying that there are still novel variants or genes to be discovered. Molecular genetic analysis in 12 probands with ASD using Sanger and whole-exome sequencing were performed. Functional analysis by Exon trapping assay was provided in variants predicted to effect pre-mRNA splicing. Four PAX6 mutations evaluated as pathogenic or likely pathogenic in a heterozygous state were found in four probands c.183C˃G; p.(Tyr61*), c.1032+1G>A, c.1183+1G>T and c.622C>T; p.(Arg208Trp). One proband was found to be a compound heterozygote for c.244A>G; p.(Met82Val) and c.541delG; p.(Glu181Lysfs*26) mutations in FOXE3. In 7 probands, no potentially pathogenic variants were identified. Exon trapping assay confirmed that mutations c.1032+1G>A and c.1183+1G>T have an effect on pre-mRNA splicing of the PAX6 gene. Detailed molecular-genetic analysis in patients with ASD may contribute to...

Role genu WT1 a dalších molekulárně-biologických abnormalit u germinálních nádorů varlat / The role of WT1 gene and other molecular biological abnormalities in testicular germ cell tumors

Bakardjieva - Mihaylova, Violeta January 2020 (has links)
Testicular germinal tumors (TGCT) are relatively rare solid tumors in adults. Even so, they affect more than 700 men a year in the Czech Republic, mostly young patients aged 18- 45 years. A large number of patients are curable by a combination of surgery and chemotherapy, yet about 50 men a year in the Czech Republic succumb to this tumor, in the vast majority of cases due to the development of resistance to chemotherapy containing cisplatin. The rare occurrence and high curability are probably the cause of infrequent molecular and clinical studies carried out in these tumors, and our understanding of the biological processes leading to primary tumor development and the development of cisplatin resistance (CDDP) is still limited. At present, no specific molecular markers that could be used as prognostic or predictive factors and improve patient stratification or treatment tailoring are available in TGCT management. In this work, we studied the molecular-genetic background of TGCT development and CDDP resistance at several levels. To comprehensively study the development of cisplatin resistance, we prepared and analyzed CDDP-exposed TGCT cell lines. Long-term exposure to CDDP increased resistance 10-fold in the NCCIT cell line, while no significant resistance was achieved with Tera-2. The...

Molekulárně genetická analýza pacientů s Usherovým syndromem / Molecular genetic analysis of patients with Usher syndrome

Průšová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The work focuses on molecular genetic testing of patients with Usher syndrome to confirm the diagnosis, to determine the causal cause of the disease and describe new mutations causing Usher syndrome in Czech patients. Usher syndrome is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease that is the most common cause of hereditary deafblindness. Based on responsible genes and disease onset is classified into three clinical subtypes. Given the fact that there is currently no specific treatment, there is a need to understand the pathophysiology of this disease and to broaden the spectrum of causal mutations. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the anatomy of the eye, especially the structure of the retina. Attention is also paid to retinal diseases, such as the progressive loss of vision characteristic for retinitis pigmentosa (RP). RP may occur either as an isolated disorder or also affecting other organs, so-called syndromic RP. Classic syndromic RP includes Usher's syndrome, which the work mainly deals with. The theoretical part of the thesis describes mainly the mechanism of the disease, the functions of individual Usher proteins and the genes that encode these proteins. The haplotype analysis has been previously done for the most common mutations causing Usher's syndrome in Europe Based...

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