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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transferability of near infra-red spectra for the identification of pharmaceuticals

Yoon, Weng Li January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Kortikale Korrelate der Wahrnehmung interauraler Zeitdifferenzen gemessen mit Nahinfrarotspektroskopie / Cortical respresentation of interaural time differences measured with near infrared spectroscopy

Hartwig, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Wahrnehmung von interauralen Zeit- und Pegeldifferenzen spielt eine Schlüsselrolle für die Lokalisation von Schallquellen im Raum und für ein optimales Sprachverständniss im Störgeräusch. Beim Hörgeschädigten ist die binaurale Hörfähigkeit deutlich eingeschränkt. Die bisherigen diagnostischen Möglichkeiten, diese Hörleistung zu erfassen, sind nicht zufriedenstellend und beschränken sich im Wesentlichen auf psychoakustische Methoden. Diese Verfahren sind jedoch bei pädiatrischen und beschränkt kommunikationsfähigen Patienten nur bedingt anwendbar. Ziel der Studie ist es, objektive Methoden im Hinblick auf ihre Eignung als Biomarker für das binaurale Hörvermogen zu evaluieren und weiterzuentwickeln. Ergänzend dazu sollen der Entwicklungsstand und die funktionelle Plastizität des zentralen auditiven Systems als Einflussgröße mitbeurteilt werden. Untersucht wurden in dieser Studie zunächst normalhörende Kontrollpersonen. Die subjektive Lokalisationsfähigkeit wurde mit Hilfe psychoakustischer Tests überprüft und mit objektiven, funktionell bildgebenden Verfahren korreliert. Die kortikale Repräsentation binauraler Stimuli und die Unterschiede der Oxygenierung des Hirngewebes werden mit Nahinfrarot Spektroskopie dargestellt. Als Stimuli dienen bei allen Testverfahren identische akustische Reize unterschiedlicher Komplexität. Es wird erwartet, dass die Validierung objektiver Marker für das binaurale Hören eine Optimierung der Hörhilfeneinstellung ermöglicht und zu einer Verbesserung der Hör- und Lebensqualität hörgeschädigter Patienten führt. / Cortical respresentation of interaural time differences measured with near infrared spectroscopy

Prediction of diet quality parameters of Rocky Mountain Elk via near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) fecal profiling

Keating, Marvin Scott 16 August 2006 (has links)
The objective of this experiment was to determine the validity of predicting the diet quality of Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) by exposing a dried fecal sample to light energy (a spectrophotometer). The resulting spectra measured were then compared to the known wet chemistry of the diet to arrive at an equation for forecasting the crude protein (CP) and digestible organic matter (DOM) ingested by the elk. Forages were gathered from western ranges and blended to simulate plant species ingested representing various elk diet qualities at different seasons of the year. Feeding trials were begun during the summer of 1999 using the USDA Forest Service Starkey Unit’s herd of tame elk in northeast Oregon. Additional feeding trials were conducted at Center, Texas and College Station, Texas in the spring of 2000 and the summers of 2000 and 2001, respectively. In all feeding trials, 1 elk was fed 1 diet of known quality, ad libitum, for 8 days with fecal specimens collected on day 7 and day 8 for spectral scanning. Results indicate acceptable predictability (R2 = 0.95, SEC = 1.13 for CP, R2 = 0.80, SEC=1.73 for DOM) in forecasting the diet quality of elk, and thus it is concluded that NIRS is a valuable management tool in monitoring the well-being of captive and free-ranging elk.

The design, calibration and usage of a solid scattering and absorbing phantom for near infra red spectroscopy

Firbank, Michael January 1994 (has links)
Following a review of methods for measuring the optical properties of tissue, the majority of this thesis is concerned with the design, construction, calibration and use of a solid, tissue equivalent phantom. The phantom material is a clear polyester plastic. This is obtained in unpolymerised form, scattering particles and absorbing dyes are added to it, and it is then polymerised to form a stable solid. Purely scattering and absorbing phantoms were made separately, and their optical properties were measured using a specially built system. This has a co-linear collimated light source and detector, and measures the unscattered light transmitted through a sample as a function of its thickness. Other methods of measuring the optical coefficients of tissue were tested with this phantom. One of these uses integrating spheres to measure the transmitted and reflected light from a sample. A model of light transport (in this case a Monte Carlo model) is used to convert these measurements into scattering and absorption coefficients. It was found that the measurement of scattering coefficient was reasonably accurate, but that the absorption coefficient was overestimated at the low values typical of tissue. A measurement of the optical properties of bone was made with this system. The other system investigated uses the diffusion theory to calculate optical properties from measurements made through a thick slab. The material was also employed to create a test phantom for near infrared spectroscopy machines. This provides a diffusing medium with an attenuation that is variable in discrete steps over three orders of magnitude. The relative attenuation between steps is totally wavelength independent. This phantom was adopted by the EC concerted action on near infrared spectroscopy and imaging. Finally, the phantom was used to create test objects with which to investigate the potential of imaging with infrared light.

Nah-Infrarot Spektroskopie (NIRS) als objektives Nachweisverfahren bei Patienten mit chronischer Tinnitus-Erkrankung im Rahmen einer Therapie mit repetitiver transkranieller Magnetstimulation (rTMS) / Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy (NIRS) used as an objective proof procedure in patients with chronic tinnitus during a therapy with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)

Dahlem, Inga Tamiko January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Subjektiver Tinnitus ist eine akustische Phantomwahrnehmung, d.h. ohne das Vorhandensein einer externen oder internen Geräuschquelle. Diese oft sehr belastende Störung steht aktuellen Studien zufolge in einem Zusammenhang mit pathologisch gesteigerter Aktivität und Erregbarkeit zentral-nervöser auditorischer Strukturen. Derartige Hyperaktivitäten und –exzitabilitäten konnten bereits experimentell durch eine repetitive transkranielle Magnetstimulation (rTMS) reduziert werden. Die vorliegende randomisierte, Placebo-kontrollierte Studie ging zwei Fragestellungen nach. Erstens sollte geprüft werden, ob sich das Aktivierungsmuster auf akustische Stimulation im auditorischen Kortex bei Tinnituspatienten von dem gesunder Kontrollpersonen unterscheidet. Zweitens sollte untersucht werden, ob durch eine rTMS eine Tinnitussymptomatik verbessert werden kann und dies in Form einer reduzierten kortikalen Hyperaktivität auch mit der Nah-Infrarot Spektroskopie (NIRS) nachweisbar ist. In der Verum-Gruppe wurden an 10 aufeinanderfolgenden Werktagen täglich je 2000 Stimuli mit einer Frequenz von 1 Hz über dem linken auditorischen Kortex appliziert. Die Tinnitussymptomatik wurde mit dem Tinnitusfragebogen nach Göbel & Hiller (TFB), dem Tinnitus-Handicap-Inventory-Score (THI) und dem Tinnitus-Schweregrad-Fragebogen (TSG) erfasst. Die NIRS-Messungen erfolgten vor und direkt nach der letzten Stimulation mit zwei verschiedenen akustischen Paradigmen und einer motorischen Kontrollaufgabe. Es konnten deutliche Unterschiede bezüglich des Aktivierungsmusters auf akustische Stimulation im auditorischen Kortex zwischen den Tinnituspatienten und gesunden Kontrollpersonen gefunden werden. Die Tinnituspatienten zeigten signifikant stärkere Aktivierungen als die gesunden Kontrollpersonen. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen die „Hyperexzitabilitätstheorie“ von Melcher et al. (2009). Ferner konnte, wie in der Studie von Melcher et al. (2009), kein Zusammenhang zwischen der Tinnituslateralisation und dem Aktivierungsmuster gefunden werden. Bezüglich der Effektivität der rTMS gegenüber einer Placebo-Stimulation ließ sich kein eindeutiger Therapieerfolg nachweisen. Es konnte zwar anhand von NIRS-Messungen gezeigt werden, dass die rTMS eine kortikale Hyperexzitabilität stärker reduzierte als die Placebo-Stimulation. Es ließ sich jedoch kein Zusammenhang zwischen der geringeren Hyperexzitabilität und einer verbesserten Tinnitussymptomatik finden. Da jedoch die Fallzahlen dieser Studie klein waren, sollten diese Ergebnisse mit Vorsicht interpretiert werden. Außerdem deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die NIRS eine erfolgversprechende Methode für den objektiven Nachweis Tinnitus-assoziierter zentral-nervöser Veränderungen und möglicherweise auch von Therapieeffekten ist. Sie bietet zahlreiche Vorteile gegenüber anderen bildgebenden Methoden: sie ist einfach in der Handhabung, wiederholt anwendbar, risikoarm, preisgünstig und nicht invasiv. Um die NIRS jedoch als etablierte Nachweismethode in der Klinik einsetzen zu können, sollten weitere Studien mit größeren Fallzahlen generiert werden. Auch sollten optimierte, allgemeingültige akustische Stimulationsparadigmen gefunden werden, um die Ergebnisse künftiger Studien besser miteinander vergleichen zu können. / Subjective Tinnitus is an acoustic phantom perception, i.e. without an external or internal source. According to the latest studies this mostly distressing complex of symptoms is related to a pathologically enhanced activity and excitability in central structures of the auditory system which could have been reduced by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in clinical trials. This randomized, placebo-controlled study followed two questions. Firstly, the activity of the auditory cortex after acoustic stimulation in patients with chronic tinnitus was compared with the activity measured in healthy volunteers. Secondly, the study tried to evaluate, if a tinnitus could be reduced by rTMS and if this effect could be shown as a reduced cortical activity using NIRS. In the verum group 2000 pulses with a frequency of 1Hz were daily applied over the left auditory cortex on 10 consecutive weekdays. The severity of tinnitus was categorized by questionaires, such as Tinnitus-Fragebogen nach Goebel & Hiller (TFB), Tinnitus-Handicap-Inventory-Score (THI) and Tinnitus-Schweregrad-Fragebogen (TSG). The NIRS measurements proceeded before and immediately after the last rTMS during the presentation of two different acoustic stimulation patterns and one motoric task. This study could show considerable differences comparing the activation of the auditory cortex after acoustic stimulation in patients with chronic tinnitus and healthy volunteers. The activation in patients with chronic tinnitus was significantly higher compared to the healthy volunteers. These results support the “Theory of Hyperexcitability” invented by Melcher et al. (2009). Additionally, like Melcher et al. (2009), this study could not show a dependence of the cortical activation on the tinnitus lateralisation. This study could not show a significant benefit of the rTMS compared to the placebo stimulation. Though the NIRS measurements showed a reduced cortical hyperexcitability after the verum stimulation, this effect could not be related to a reduced tinnitus. However, these results should be interpreted carefully as the numbers of treated patients was very little. Furthermore this studie’s results suggest that NIRS is a promising, objective proof procedure for tinnitus related changes in central auditory structures and potentially even for therapeutical effects. Its’ benefits are: simple handling, repeatability, low-risk, low running costs and non-invasiveness. In order to use NIRS as an established method in clinical settings more studies including numerous patients should be generated. Furthermore optimized, universally valid acoustic stimulation patterns should be created and broadly used to be able to compare the different studies’ results.

Synthesis of Phosphino-imine Polydentate Ligands and Its Transition Metal Complexes

Chen, Chi-Shian 30 September 2010 (has links)

Využití MOXY monitoru pro hodnocení oxygenace flexorů prstů při stupňované lezecké zátěži / The use of MOXY monitor to assess finger flexor oxygenation during exhaustive climbing

Zaťková, Alžbeta January 2021 (has links)
Title: Use of MOXY monitor for evaluation of oxygenation of finger flexors during incremental climbing load. Objectives: The aim of the work was to assess the dynamics of muscle oxygenation using MOXI monitor and Portamon during incremetal climbing load Methods: The test involved 19 individuals (14 male (M) and 5 female (F), age 29,5 ± 8,5 (years) M, 26,5 ± 5,7 (years) F, weight 70,2 ± 7,9 (kg) M and 58,1 ± 2,4 (kg) F, height 176,9 ± 5,6 (cm) M, 170,2 ± 1,3 (cm) F, length of climbing experience 12,1 ± 7,1 years M 9,8 ± 4 F, performance on the Union International des scale Associations d'Alpinisme (UIAA) 6+ to 10 M and 7 to 9 F). Climbers underwent test climbing on a climbing ergometer at submaximal load (vertical, 9 m / min) and a incremental climbing test to a subjective maximum. Tissue saturation in the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) and extensor digitorum communis (EDC) was assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy with a Portamon and MOXY instrument. Results: In 5 of the 19 tested, it was not possible to determine the oxygenation breakpoint using the MOXY record. Compared to Portamon, the difference in threshold values ranged from 0-9ř. Conclusion: Due to the unclear breakpoint in oxygenation in some respondents and the small agreement with the Portamon device, MOXY cannot be used to evaluate...

Use of a portable near-infrared spectrophotometer to predict nutrient composition of feces from feedlot Holstein cattle and its applicability for on-site research and industry use

Allen, Jamison January 2011 (has links)
Two studies were performed to investigate the ability of a portable near-infrared spectrophotometer (NIRS) for on-site analysis of nutrient components in feces from cattle. In trial 1 of study 1, growing dairy steers were fed diets containing either 86 or 90% concentrate. Regression values from a calibration set of 56 samples were promising for CP, DM, and NDF, but not for ADF or starch. In trial 2 of study 1, finishing dairy steers were fed diets containing either thick (512 g/L) or thin (460 g/L) steam-flaked corn. Regression values from a calibration set of 126 samples were poor for all nutrients. Both studies showed statistically valid NIRS calibrations, but further validation was required to make regression values acceptable (R² > 0.80) for all fecal nutrient components. In study 2, NIRS analysis was employed on novel research. Young dairy bull calves were fed diets containing either whole or steam-flaked corn from pre-weaning until 8 weeks post-weaning when the first animal was heavy enough for inclusion into a commercial feedlot. Again, although statistically valid, regression values from a calibration set of 220 samples were promising for CP and ADF, but not predictive for DM, NDF, ash, and starch. Growth performance parameters were similar between diets, with starch digestibilities diverging after weaning and changing to a Holstein starter diet. These 2 studies show that commercial and research application of a portable NIRS for on-site analysis of the nutrient composition of feces from young, growing, and finishing dairy steers statistically possible but requires further validation research. Also, results from the second study imply that there is no advantage in feeding steam-flaked corn to dairy calves from pre-weaning to 8 weeks post-weaning or until reaching feedlot weight. However, starch digestibility begins to improve for steam-flaked corn to whole corn once the animal has been weaned.

Suchtreizreaktivität bei Patienten mit Alkoholabhängigkeit, gemessen mittels Nah-Infrarot-Spektroskopie (NIRS) / Cue-Reactivity in alcohol-dependent patients, by measured by means of Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy

Febres Landauro, Ramiro Alonso Ricardo January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
22 alkoholabhängige Probanden und 24 gesunde Kontrollpersonen wurden im Rahmen von Expositionssitzungen, sowohl mit neutralen als auch mit alkoholassoziierten Reizen unterschiedlicher Modalitäten (in vivo, visuell, taktil, imaginär) konfrontiert. Ziel der Studie war, die neuralen hämodynamischen Reaktionen der Versuchsteilnehmer während den Expositionssitzungen anhand der NIRS (Nah-Infrarot Spektroskopie) in bestimmten Kortexregionen zu messen und unter Berücksichtigung der unterschiedlichen Suchtreizmodalitäten, der zeitlichen Persistenz, des Cravings und der Gruppenunterschiede in Bezug auf mögliche Suchtreiz-Reaktivitätsphänomene zu prüfen und zu vergleichen. Das Craving vor und nach den Expositionssitzungen wurde anhand der deutschen Version des ACQ (Alcohol Craving Questionnaire) erhoben. Zusammenfassend ist zu bestätigen, dass alkoholabhängige Patienten eine sich von gesunden Normen unterscheidende neurale Reaktion auf suchtbezogene Reize aufweisen – im Sinne einer ROI-bezogenen Cue-Reaktivität. Diese lässt sich jedoch anhand der vorliegenden Ergebnisse nur schwer präzisieren oder quantifizieren. Die bestehende Divergenz der erzielten Ergebnisse deutet auf mögliche reiz- bzw. sinnesspezifische Suchtreiz-Reaktivitätsmechanismen, welche in einem agonisierenden-antagonisierenden Zusammenspiel eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Entstehung von Cue-Clustering-Phänomenen und der Entwicklung von Craving spielen könnten. Es gibt auch Hinweise für eine abnehmende ACR über die Zeit unter abstinenten Bedingungen. Dieses wird durch die Feststellung über die progrediente Reduktion von subjektivem Craving gestützt. / 22 alcohol-dependent patients and 24 healthy controls, were confronted with neutral and alcohol associated stimuli or "cues" in different modalities (in vivo, visual, tactile, imaginative). The main goal of the study was to measure the neural haemodynamic reactions of the participants by means of Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy during the exposure sessions. Different cue modalities, the persistence over time of a possible cue reactivity, differences in craving and between both groups were considered and compared. Craving was assessed before and after the exposure sessions by menas of the german version of the ACQ (Alcohol Craving Questionnaire). We could confirm that patients showed a different neural reaction to dependancy related stimuli in terms of a ROI-related Cue-Reactivity. A divergence of results suggest specific and individual cue-reactivity-mechanisms for different cue-modalities, which may be in agonistic and antagonistic interactions and thus play a substantial role in the developement of cue-clustering-phenomena and craving. Results also suggest a decreasing alcohol-cue-reactivity (ACR) over time under abstinence. These results are confirmed by an accompanying decrease of self-reported craving.

Insights on Psittacine Nutrition through the Study of Free-living Chicks

Cornejo, Juan 2012 May 1900 (has links)
The Psittacidae is one of the most endangered families of birds in the world. Knowledge of its nutrition is important for understanding their survival and productivity in the wild, as well as for their adequate husbandry in captivity. Hand-rearing is a common practice for this group. However, research on their requirements is limited. Analysis of the crop content of chicks can provide new insights into psittacine nutrition, but it is limited by the small sizes of samples which can be obtained. We sampled the crops from free-living chicks of scarlet macaws and red-and-green macaws from southeastern Peru, Cuban parrots from the Bahamas, lilac-crowned parrots from northwestern Mexico, and thick-billed parrots from northern Mexico. The predicted metabolizable energy, protein, fat, minerals, profile of essential amino acids and profile of fatty acids of the crop samples, as well as from 15 commercial hand-rearing formulas, were analyzed and contrasted. Near Infrared Spectroscopy was shown to be a valid technique for the nondestructive, low cost prediction of a variety of nutritional attributes of crop samples as small as 0.5 g dry weight, expanding the possibilities of wild animal nutrition research. The diets of the five studied species presented remarkable similarities and common patterns. The predicted dietary metabolizable energy and fat concentrations were particularly similar among species, the thick-billed parrot being the one with the most unique nutrient profile. The fatty acid profile of the crop contents differed markedly among genera, with the thick-billed parrot closer to the macaws than to the parrots. In comparison with the crop samples, the hand feeding formulas presented lower fat, Mg, arginine, and valine concentrations. The wide variation in nutrients suggests that there is not yet a consensus among manufacturers concerning the correct nutrition for growing psittacines. It is suggested that a single formulation could be used to hand-rear macaws and parrots from half its nesting time to fledging, and further research should focus on their nutrition during the first half. Our results suggest that manufacturers should evaluate if increasing the concentrations of crude fat, Mg, arginine, and valine in commercial formulas enhances psittacine chick growth and health.

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