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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potentialités des tests microbiens et de la spectrométrie infra-rouge dans la recherche dantibiotiques dans le lait

Romnée, Jean-Michel 08 September 2009 (has links)
Résumé : La recherche développée vise à étudier les différents tests microbiens disponibles pour la détection des antibiotiques dans le lait, ainsi que leur couplage à la spectrométrie infra-rouge (MIR et SPIR). Dans un premier temps, lapplicabilité de certains tests de détection des antibiotiques est envisagée directement à la ferme. Cette étude met en évidence certaines interférences (désinfectants et alimentation), pouvant conduire à des résultats faux positifs. De plus, les différences de sensibilité observées entre tests posent la question de lhomogénéité du contrôle lors des tests officiels réalisés sur les livraisons de lait. Sur base des conclusions tirées de cette première partie de létude, la spectrométrie infra-rouge est envisagée comme moyen de mise en évidence de linhibition bactérienne résultant de la présence de résidus dantibiotiques. Cette seconde partie a nécessité le développement doutils analytiques permettant le comptage rapide des bactéries utilisées dune part et de réaliser le suivi de la croissance bactérienne par chromatographie liquide dautre part. Ce suivi physico-chimique est basé sur un indice de métabolisme intégrant différents acides organiques, dont le principal est lacide lactique. Ces outils analytiques sont appliqués à des échantillons de laits dopés ou non en antibiotiques, analysés par spectrométrie infra-rouge. La confrontation des résultats analytiques aux spectres obtenus dans le moyen infra-rouge ou dans le proche infra-rouge (caméra SPIR) montre le potentiel de ce mode de détection de linhibition bactérienne, corrélée à la production dacides organiques. Summary : Developed research aims at studying the various microbial tests available for the detection of antibiotics in milk, like their coupling with infra-red spectrometry (MIR and SPIR). Initially, the applicability of certain tests of detection of antibiotics is considered directly with the farm. This study highlights certain interferences (disinfecting and feed), being able to lead to false-positives results. Moreover, the differences in sensitivity observed between tests raise the question of the homogeneity of control during the official tests carried out about the milk deliveries. On the basis of conclusion drawn from this first part of the study, infra-red spectrometry is considered like means of detection of bacterial inhibition resulting from the presence of antibiotic residues. This second part required the development of analytical tools allowing the fast counting of the bacteria used on the one hand and to carry out the follow-up of the bacterial growth by liquid chromatography on the other hand. This physico-chemical follow-up is based on an index of metabolism integrating various organic acids, whose main thing is the lactic acid. These analytical tools are applied to spiked milk samples and to unspiked milk samples, analyzed by infra-red spectrometry. The confrontation of the analytical results to the spectra obtained in MIR or PIR spectrometry (camera) shows the potential of this mode of detection of the bacterial inhibition, correlated with the production of organic acids.

Fecal near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy calibrations for predicting diet quality and intake of donkeys

Kidane, Negusse Fessehaye 16 August 2006 (has links)
The objective of these studies was to develop near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy calibration equations from diet-fecal pair datasets to predict the diet quality and intake of donkeys. One hundred-forty diet-fecal pair samples were generated from two independent in vivo feeding trials conducted in the United States (N = 100) and Africa (N = 40). At each site, ten female donkeys were fed mixed diets blended from 25 forage and crop residues. The modified partial least square model (MPLS) was used to develop calibration equations for crude protein (CP), digestible organic matter (DOM), dry matter digestibility (DDM) and organic matter digestibility (OMD), for the US, Africa and US/Africa combined datasets, and dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) intake calibrations from the US datasets. Crude protein (CP) equations were developed with standard error of calibration (SEC) < 1.0 and coefficient of determination (R2) > 0.90, (SEL = 0.5). The US, US/Africa and Africa CP equations had SEC value of 0.77, 0.97 and 0.88 with corresponding R2 of 0.97, 0.95 and 0.88, respectively. Validation of the US CP equation resulted in a standard error of prediction (SEP) of 1.79 with corresponding coefficient of correlation (r2) of 0.82 and slope of 0.84 indicating high accuracy of prediction. In vivo derived DOM equations were also developed for the US, Africa and US/Africa datasets with SEC values of 2.58, 4.91 and 3.52, and R2 of 0.60, 0.81 and 0.84, respectively. In addition, the SEC and R2 values were 3.25 and 0.72 for US OMD, 3.28 and 0.79 for US DDM, and 4.2 and 0.85 for US/Africa OMD, and 4.3 and 0.87 for US/Africa DDM equation, respectively. Calibration equations for predicting DMI and OMI have resulted in SEC values of 3.45 and 3.21 (g/kgw0.75) and R2 values of 0.89 and 0.84, respectively. The present study explored the relationship between DMI and diet quality attributes. Crude protein and digestible organic matter to crude protein ration (DOM/CP) with r2 values of 0.60 and 0.39, respectively, have shown good correlations with intake. The present studies have confirmed the potential for the fecal NIRS profiling for predicting CP, DOM, DDM, OMD, DMI and OMI of donkeys. Both calibration and validation results have indicated that the present donkey equations were comparable to previously developed equations for ruminants; they have the capability for accurate prediction of diet quality and intake, and can be a useful tool for monitoring the nutritional well-being of donkeys with acceptable accuracy. Research works to further expand the present calibration equations with additional diet-fecal samples particularly from Africa that did not meet the required accuracy level is recommended.

Effet d'un apport en ALA et en DHA sur le métabolisme lipidique et la qualité de la viande de porc. : Caractérisation par SPIR de la composition en acides gras / Effect of ALA and DHA on lipid metabolism and pork quality. NIRS characterization of fatty acid composition

De Tonnac de Villeneuve, Auriane 06 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse visait à évaluer l’effet d’une alimentation pourvue en graines de lin riches en acide a-linolénique (ALA) et en microalgues riches en acide docosahexaenoïque (DHA) sur le métabolisme des lipides et la qualité de la viande de porc. Les régimes n’ont pas eu d’effet sur les performances de croissance et les critères de qualité de la carcasse mesurés en abattoir. La digestibilité des acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) n-3, leurs quantités dans les régimes et les traitements technologiques subis par la graine de lin ont impacté le dépôt d’ALA et de DHA dans les lipides totaux et les fractions neutres et polaires des tissus. La quantité de malonaldéhyde, représentatif de la peroxydation des acides gras, du muscle longissimus dorsi et du tissu adipeux sous cutané dorsal (TAD) a été augmentée avec un apport de microalgues.Une odeur plus prononcée des rôtis issus du régime microalgues a été identifiée par un jury entrainé. Enfin, les activités et l’expression des gènes de la lipogenèse et de la synthèse des AGPI n-3 ont été diminuées au niveau hépatique avec l’apport de microalgues. Un second objectif visait à recenser les facteurs de variation du dépôt des AGPI n-3 dans les tissus porcins pour les intégrer dans un modèle prédictif de ce dépôt. En raison d’une grande variabilité entre individus, seuls des modèles linéaires ont pu être établis en considérant les quantités digestibles d’ALA et de DHA ingérées, le sexe des animaux et l’effet du lot. Enfin, la thèse a permis de proposer des équations de calibration de spectrométrie en proche infra-rouge (SPIR) afin de déterm / Pigs used in this thesis were fed linseed rich in a-linolenic acid (ALA) and microalgae rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to evaluate the effect of diet on lipid metabolism and pork quality. Fatty acid (FA) composition of the diets did not have any effect on pig performances and carcass parameters measured at slaughter. The digestive utilization, the quantity of n-3 polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) in the diet and the technological treatment applied to linseed were identified as modifiers of the deposition of ALA and DHA in total, neutral and polar lipids. They also had an impact on the activity of lipogenesis enzymes and on the gene expression involved in n-3 PUFA synthesis in the liver. The malonaldehyde content, representative of the FA lipoperoxydation, measured in longissimus dorsi muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue of the back (SCB),significantly increased with the supply of microalgae and with linseed to a lesser extent. Finally, the odor of the meat from pigs fed microalgae was more pronounced than meat from pigs fed linseed or a mix 75%/25% of linseed and microalgae. From results obtained in animal experiments, linear models were built to predict n-3 PUFA deposition in pig tissues from quantities of digestible ALA and DHA ingested by animals. Finally, a last part of the thesis allowed characterizing the FA composition of the SCB by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in order to quickly identify the meat enriched with n-3 PUFA.

Půdní archivy v černozemích / Soil archives of chernozems

Kolařík, Petr January 2018 (has links)
Soil archives provide valuable information on the past of the environment, in particular vegetation history (Costantini 2018). The aim of this thesis is study the feasibility of using the modern method of near-infrared spectroscopy to study the vegetation history of chernozems, using previously collected databases (Vysloužilová et al. 2015) to extract information from new sites along the grassland-woodland boundary in Minnesota, USA. The results are then analyzed and compared to known information and the results of more traditional approaches.

Monitoring Diet Quality and Projecting Body Condition Score in Cattle Using Fecal Near Infrared Spectroscopy and NUTBAL on a Southern Arizona Rangeland

Turner, Rachel Joy, Turner, Rachel Joy January 2017 (has links)
Range cattle grazing in semi-arid regions are commonly limited by lack of nutrients from low-quality forage. Due to this, ranchers are faced with the challenge of monitoring diet quality in order to address nutrient limitations. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) of fecal samples is a method used to determine diet quality values like crude protein (CP) and digestible organic matter (DOM) in grazing animals. When combined with a nutritional balance analyzer such as the NUTBAL system, fecal NIRS can be used to monitor diet quality and project animal performance. Our research aimed to test the ability of NUTBAL to project animal performance as represented by body condition score (BCS) in cattle (n=82 Animal Units) grazing on the Santa Rita Experimental Range (SRER) in southern Arizona. Previous work conducted on other Arizona rangelands led to the hypothesis that fecal NIRS coupled with NUTBAL can be used to monitor diet quality and project BCS in a southern Arizona commercial grazing operation. Data collection occurred between June 2016 and June 2017. Standing biomass and botanical composition were measured before each grazing period, and relative utilization was measured following each grazing period. During the midpoint of grazing in each pasture, 30 body condition scores and a fecal composite of 15 samples were collected. Fecal derived diet quality varied between a maximum of 10.75% CP and 61.25% DOM in early August 2016, to a minimum value of 4.00 % CP and 58.40 % DOM in March 2017. This study confirmed the ability of fecal NIRS paired with NUTBAL to project future BCS within 0.5 a score point more than 80% of the time in cattle grazing on the SRER. With this information, cattle managers in southern Arizona can better address animal performance needs and nutrient deficiencies.

Oxygénation globale et périphérique au cours de l'exercice intense : implication des muscles respiratoires et locomoteurs / Whole-body and peripheral oxygenation during heavy exercise : respiratory and locomotor muscles implication

Oueslati, Ferid 30 May 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail était d'étudier l'oxygénation globale et musculaire au cours de l'exercice intense tout en vérifiant les hypothèses explicatives de l'excès (Δ) de VO2 et la composante lente (CL) de VO2 observés respectivement au cours de l'exercice incrémental et à charge constante. La première étude a renforcé le lien entre ΔVO2 et le travail respiratoire. La deuxième étude a montré les importantes sollicitations des muscles respiratoires au cours de l'exercice à charge constante corrélées avec CL VO2 comparées à l'exercice incrémental. De plus, cette étude a permis à travers de l'enregistrement de l'oxygénation au niveau du vaste externe de confirmer l'existence CL VO2 et l'absence ΔVO2 local. Malgré les origines communes entre CL VO2 et ΔVO2, ces deux phénomènes ne sont pas de corrélés. La corrélation entre l'oxygénation globale et locale au cours de l'exercice à charge constante nous a conduits à la troisième étude s'intéressant à investiguer cette relation en fonction de l'intensité de l'exercice. En effet, cette corrélation a été impactée par l'intensité avec une composante lente locale qui n'était pas différente entre les deux intensités. Associé à ceci, le taux total d'hémoglobine a diminué à l'exercice sévère avec des sollicitations ventilatoires plus importantes comparées à l'exercice intense. Dans ce sens, la dernière étude révèle que l'endurance des muscles respiratoire est corrélée à la baisse de saturation tissulaire en oxygène au niveau du vaste externe à la fin de l'exercice ainsi qu'à la performance.Ces résultats contribuent à la compréhension de l'oxygénation globale et musculaire et en particulier ΔVO2 et CL VO2 et leurs origines / The aim of this work was to study whole-body and muscle oxygenation during heavy exercise with checking of underpinning mechanisms of excess (Δ) VO2 and VO2 slow component (SC) observed during incremental and constant-load exercises, respectively.The first study has endorsed the link between ΔVO2 and respiratory work. The second study highlighted the higher solicitation of respiratory muscles during the constant-load exercise correlated to the VO2 SC compared to incremental exercise. Additionally, this study confirms by means of recorded vastus lateralis oxygenation responses the existence of VO2 SC and the lack of ΔVO2. Even mechanistic basis induced VO2 SC and ΔVO2 are the same, a lack of correlation was observed between these phenomena. The significant correlation observed between whole-body and local oxygenation during the constant-load exercise has led us to investigate the effect of exercise intensity on this relationship in the third study. The local VO2 SC did not differ between two exercises intensities and its relationship with the whole-body VO2 SC was impacted. Furthermore, the total hemoglobin and ventilatory work have decreased and increased, respectively during severe compared to heavy exercise. In this context, the last study shows that respiratory muscles endurance is correlated to the decrease of vastus lateralis tissue oxygen saturation at the end of exercise and performance. These results contribute to the understanding of global and muscle oxygenation and especially ΔVO2, VO2 SC and their underpinning mechanisms

Neuropsychological, Personality, and Cerebral Oxygenation Correlates of Undergraduate Poly-Substance Use

Hammers, Dustin B. 18 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Efecto del ambiente ruminal y la fuente de fibra sobre la dinámica de desaparición de la materia orgánica y sus componentes en bovinos en confinamiento.

Ortiz, Daniela Alejandra 02 October 2021 (has links)
Se evaluó la degradabilidad de la fracción fibrosa de diferentes forrajes en ambientes ruminales con presencia creciente de grano y el efecto del agregado de bicarbonato de sodio como buffer ruminal. Para ello se plantearon dos experimentos. En el Experimento 1 se evaluó la degradabilidad de las fracciones fibrosas (tallo + hoja, sin grano) de ensilajes de maíz (SPM), de sorgo granífero (SSG) y de sorgo forrajero (SSF), forraje de pasto llorón (PLL) y celulosa (CEL), en ambientes ruminales generados por la incorporación de: 0, 30 y 60 % de grano de maíz (GM) en la dieta (0GM, 30GM y 60GM, respectivamente). Se utilizaron tres vacas con fístula ruminal, en un diseño Cuadrado Latino 3 x 3. En el Experimento 2 se evaluó la degradabilidad de las fracciones fibrosas (sin grano) de plantas de maíz (PM), sorgo granífero (PSG) y sorgo forrajero (PSF), forraje de pasto llorón (PLL) y celulosa pureza 98% (CEL), en cuatro ambientes ruminales resultantes de la combinación de dos niveles de grano de maíz y dos niveles de bicarbonato de sodio (BS) (0GM; 0GM+BS; 60GM; 60GM+BS). Se utilizaron cuatro vacas con fístula ruminal en un diseño Cuadrado Latino 4 x 4. En ambos experimentos se caracterizaron los ambientes ruminales mediante la determinación del pH ruminal y el contenido de amoníaco (N-NH3). Se determinó in situ la degradabilidad de la MS (DgMS) de los distintos materiales fibrosos. Los contenidos de fibra detergente neutro (FDN), fibra detergente ácido (FDA) y proteína bruta (PB) en los materiales evaluados antes y después de su degradación ruminal se determinaron utilizando técnicas convencionales de química húmeda y tecnología NIRS con calibraciones desarrolladas para tal fin. En el Experimento 1, el efecto de la adición de GM a la dieta provocó la disminución del pH y del N-NH3 ruminal en relación inversa a la proporción de grano en la dieta. La inclusión de grano de maíz en la dieta provocó una disminución de DgMS. La degradabilidad de las fracciones de FDN y FDA se vería afectada negativamente con la adición de GM. Dietas 0GM favorecen un ambiente ruminal capaz de aprovechar la degradación de carbohidratos estructurales, lo cual se traduciría en una mayor DFDN y DFDA, en contraste con lo que sucedería con dietas 60GM. El aprovechamiento de carbohidratos estructurales (Celulosa y hemicelulosa, principalmente) de las fracciones fibrosas provenientes de ensilajes de maíz y sorgo (sin grano) sería siempre mayor que en aquellas provenientes de pasto llorón. Cuando la celulosa se presentó totalmente disponible para su degradación (CEL) no se vió afectada por inclusiones del 30% de GM a la dieta, mientras que el agregado del 60% de GM sí afectó la degradación del polisacárido, en especial en el horario de las 48 horas de incubación. En el caso de los materiales fibrosos evaluados la estructura de la pared celular afecta el comportamiento de la degradación de la celulosa inserta en matrices más complejas. Un mayor contenido de celulosa lignificada de difícil degradación se podría presentar en PLL, comparada con la celulosa que podría encontrarse en SPM, SSG y SSF o totalmente disponible en CEL. También es posible que el ambiente de rumen que limita la degradabilidad de la fibra no sea el mismo para cada tipo de forraje, es decir que la microflora podría adaptarse a las condiciones que impone la dieta y modificar así los límites de pH que provocan efectos negativos. En cuanto a la fracción proteica, la adición de maíz no afectó su degradación ruminal (DPB) en ninguno de los materiales estudiados. En el Experimento 2 la adición de BS como buffer dietario no afectó el pH ruminal ni la concentración de N-NH3. Tampoco se observó un efecto sobre la DgMS, ni en la degradabilidad ruminal de las fracciones FDN, FDA y PB. Sin embargo en el horario de las 48 horas de incubación el agregado del BS provocó que la degradabilidad de CEL en la dieta 60GM+BS, presentara valores similares a los encontrados en dietas 0GM y 0GM+BS. Esto refuerza la idea de que para mejorar la utilización de la fracción fibrosa en dietas de alta densidad energética habría que aumentar la disponibilidad de la fracción potencialmente digestible (celulosa y hemicelulosa), los estudios deben estar orientados a encontrar la forma de aumentar de la disponibilidad de la fracción de carbohidratos potencialmente digestibles, como la celulosa. Esto puede lograrse mediante la utilización de fuentes de fibra de mayor calidad o a través del tratamiento (químico o enzimático) de las fibras, más que al hecho de recurrir al uso de buffers dietarios. Por lo observado en este experimento podría hipotetizarse que la adición de BS podría ser más efectiva cuando la proporción de concentrado fuera mayor a la utilizada en el presente estudio, o también cuando el concentrado de la dieta fuera un almidón más rápidamente fermentecible, o fuera suministrado por períodos de tiempo más largos. También se observa que la adición de BS sería más efectiva cuanto más disponible se encuentren los carbohidratos estructurales en las matrices fibrosas. Por último, la tecnología NIRS mostró un gran potencial para la predicción de la composición química de residuos degradados a nivel ruminal de los materiales fibrosos estudiados en los Experimentos 1 y 2 y podrían ser empleadas en análisis rutinario. De todos modos, para FDN y FDA la inclusión de un mayor número de muestras con variabilidad espectral en los conjuntos de calibración, podría mejorar sensiblemente los modelos. / The objective of this research was to study the degradability kinetics of the fibrous fraction of different forages in ruminal environments with increasing corn grain diet content, and the impact of addition sodium bicarbonate as a ruminal buffer. Two experiments were carried out. Experiment 1 explored the degradability of the fibrous fractions (all grain removed) of three types of silage : corn silage (CS), grain sorghum silage (SSG), and forage sorghum silage (SSF), weeping love grass forage (WL) and 98%-purity cellulose (CEL). Ruminal environments were generated by adding 0, 30 and 60 % of corn grain (CG) to the diet (0CG, 30CG and 60CG, respectively). Three ruminal fistulated cows were used in this experiment. Treatments were tested in a 5x3 factorial (5 materials x 3 ruminal environments), on a latin square design (3x3). Experiment 2 explored the degradability of the fibrous fractions (without grain) of corn plant (CP), grain sorghum plant (SG) and forage sorghum plant (SF), weeping love grass forage (WL) and 98% pure cellulose (CEL). Ruminal environments were the result of the combination of corn grain (CG) and sodium bicarbonate (SB) addition to the diets. Four treatments were generated: T1 = 0CG, T2 = 0CG+SB, T3 = 60CG and T4 = 60CG+SB. Four ruminal fistulated cows were used in this experiment. Treatments were tested in a 5x4 factorial (5 materials x 4 ruminal environments), on a latin square design (4x4). In both experiments, the ruminal environment was described by ruminal pH and the ammonia content (N-NH3). The in-situ DM degradability (DgDM) of the different fibrous materials was determined. Contents of NDF, ADF and CP from the fiberous materials degradation were determined before and after ruminal through wet chemistry and NIRS. Specific NIRS calibrations were previously developed for this purpose. In Experiment 1, the addition of corn grain (CG) to the diet decreased pH and ammonia concentration, and this effect was greater as the proportion of GM in the diet increased. This increased decreased DgMS. In contrast to 60CG diets, the 0CG and 30CG diets were able to provide a ruminal environment well fitted for degrading structural carbohydrates, which resulted in greater ruminal degradability of the NDF and ADF fractions. The use of structural carbohydrates (cellulose and hemicellulose, mainly) from the fibrous fractions from corn and sorghum silages (without grain) would always be greater than those from weeping grass. When cellulose was fully available for degradation (CEL), it was not affected by inclusions of 30% of GM in the diet, while the addition of 60% of GM did affect the degradation of the polysaccharide, especially in the hours of 48 hours of incubation. The cell wall structure of the fibrous materials evaluated, affects the degradation of cellulose because a higher content of lignified cellulose could be presented in PLL, compared to cellulose that could be found in SPM, SSG and SSF or totally available in CEL. It is also possible that the rumen environment that limits fiber degradability is not the same for each type of forage, that is, the microflora could adapt to the conditions imposed by the diet and thus modify the pH limits that cause negative effects. In Experiment 2, the addition of sodium bicarbonate (SB) did not affect the ruminal pH or ammonia concentration. No differences were detected for DgMS, or on the ruminal degradability of the NDF (DNDF), ADF (DADF) or CP (DCP) fractions. However, in the 48-hour incubation, the addition of BS caused the degradability of CEL in the 60GM + BS diet to present values similar to those of 0GM and 0GM+BS diets. This strengthen the idea that in order to improve the use of the fibrous fraction in high energy density diets, the availability of the potentially digestible fraction (cellulose and hemicellulose) should be increased. This can be achieved through the use of higher quality fiber sources or chemical or enzymatic treatment on the fibers. The addition of SB could be more effective when the proportion of concentrate was higher than that used in the present study, or also when the concentrate of the diet was a more rapidly fermentable starch, or was supplied for longer periods of time. It is also observed that the addition of SB would be more effective the more available the structural carbohydrates are in the fibrous matrices. Finally, NIRS technology showed great potential for predicting the chemical composition of degraded residues at the ruminal level of the fibrous materials studied in Experiments 1 and 2 and could be used in routine analysis. However, for FDN and FDA, the inclusion of a greater number of samples with spectral variability in the calibration sets could significantly improve the models.

Classification et influences des polyphénols du bois de chêne sur la qualité sensorielle des vins (Application du procédé OakScan®) / Classification and influences of oak wood polyphenols on wines sensory quality (application of OakScan® process)

Michel, Julien 14 December 2012 (has links)
Lors de l’élevage des vins avec le bois de chêne, plusieurs molécules d’intérêts organoleptiques comme les ellagitanins (vescalagine, castalagine, roburines A, B, C, D, E et grandinine), sont extraites. Leurs concentrations dans le bois et le vin sont très variables et leurs cinétiques d’extraction au cours de l’élevage ainsi que leurs propriétés organoleptiques dans les vins sont mal connues. Dans le but de classifier chaque douelle pour fabriquer des barriques avec des indices en polyphénols (IP) totaux significativement différents, un système proche infrarouge (NIRS), Oakscan®, a été mis en place par la tonnellerie Radoux. Notre objectif était d’étudier l’influence de ce mode de classifications des bois au niveau de la composition moléculaire et organoleptique des vins. Dans un premier temps, la classification NIRS des bois de chêne a été confirmée par quantification des concentrations en ellagitanins totaux et moléculaire par HPLC-UV-MS. Une forte variabilité des concentrations en ellagitanins des bois est observée entre 5,95 et 32,91 mg d’équivalent acide ellagique/g de bois. De plus, la classification NIRS des bois se corrèle avec les analyses chimiques (p < 0,02%). Cette nouvelle méthode permet donc de fabriquer des barriques avec un IP moyen différent (IP : 11 à 70). Dans un second temps, des vins de différentes origines et cépages sont élevés dans les barriques classifiées. La cinétique des teneurs en ellagitanins montre l’influence de la classification des bois de chêne (p < 5%). En effet, dès les premiers mois d’élevage, une augmentation en ellagitanins jusqu’à un maximum est obtenue. Plus les bois sont riches, plus le maximum de concentration en ellagitanins des vins est élevé et décalé dans le temps. Puis, une lente diminution des concentrations en ellagitanins est observée. Les influences du grain et de la chauffe des bois ont également été analysées. La solubilisation dans les vins des composés aromatiques des bois de chêne classifiés par Oakscan® montre dans plusieurs cas que les teneurs en aldéhydes furaniques et en syringol impliqués dans les perceptions du fumé/grillé sont corrélées avec la classification NIRS et également avec l’IP des bois. Ainsi, un vin élevé au contact de bois riches en polyphénols possède des concentrations en arômes fumé/grillé plus importantes. Néanmoins, l’intensité de la chauffe a un rôle prépondérant sur les concentrations de ces arômes boisés. Parallèlement, les propriétés organoleptiques des vins élevés avec du bois de chêne à 6, 12, 18 ou 24 mois et testées par un jury entrainé, montrent des différences significatives corrélées à l’IP des barriques. Les vins élevés au contact des IP les plus importants sont significativement décrits comme plus boisés, fumés/grillés et épicé au nez. En bouche, l’amertume et l’astringence sont significativement plus importantes pour les vins élevés dans les barriques possédant les plus fortes concentrations en ellagitanins. A contrario, le fruité des vins, au nez et en bouche, est généralement noté comme moins important pour les vins élevés avec des barriques à IP le plus haut.L’influence de la classification des bois, en fonction de leurs grains et de leurs IP, sur la consommation en oxygène des vins rouges a été suivie grâce à une méthode innovante et non invasive. Les résultats montrent que 96% de l’oxygène dans le vin à T0 est consommé huit jours après entonnage. Des différences significatives (p < 0,01%), entre les vitesses de consommation de l’oxygène et l’IP ou le grain des barriques, sont observées. La vitesse de consommation d’oxygène augmente en corrélation de l’IP des barriques ou de la taille du grain. Ces résultats permettent d’envisager l’utilisation de méthodes de sélection non empiriques et fiables des bois de chêne en fonction de leurs grains ou de leurs concentrations en ellagitanins ce qui permet de fabriquer des barriques classifiées à l’aide de nos résultats conférant, au vin, des propriétés organoleptiques maîtrisées. / During the wine aging with oak wood, some compounds with interesting organoleptic properties such as ellagitannins (i.e., vescalagin, castalagin, roburins A, B, C, D, E and grandinin) are extracted. The ellagitannins concentrations in oak wood and wine are highly variable and their extractions kinetic during the aging as well as their organoleptic impacts on wines are poorly known and still unclear. In order to classify each stave according to their polyphenolics index (IP) before making the barrels, an infrared system (NIRS), Oakscan®, was develop by the tonnellerie Radoux. Our aim was to study the influence of this wood classification on the wines molecular composition and organoleptic properties.In the first place, the NIRS oak staves classification has been confirmed by the determination of the total ellagitannins concentration as well as the specific levels of each ellagitannins molecule by HPLC-UV-MS. A high variability of the ellagitannins level in wood between 5.95 ± 0.30 and 32.91 ± 0.98 mg ellagic acid equivalent/g of dry wood was observed. Furthermore, the wood infrared classification is correlated with chemical analyzes (p < 0.02%) and allow the production of barrels with different IP (IP: 11, 12, 16, 21, 26, 30, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 50, 51, 53, 62, 67 et 70).In a second place, some wines were aged in the classified barrels. The ellagitannins levels show the oak wood classification influences (p < 5%). Indeed, the first months of aging, the ellagitannins concentration increased until a maximum was obtain . Indeed, this maximum concentration in wine aged in barrel manufactured with the wood richer in ellagitannins was higher and latter (2.30 ± 0.05 after 4 months and 11.56 ± 0.31 mg ellagic acid equivalent/L of wine after 12 months respectively for the IP 21 and IP 70 barrels). After this maximum, a slow decrease of the ellagitannins level was observed. The influences of grain and toasting were also analyzed. The aromatics compounds solubilization of classified oak wood by Oakscan® show that the furanic aldehydes levels (furfural, alcool furfurylique et 5-méthylfurfural) and the syringol involved in the smocked/toasted aromas were correlated with the NIRS classification and the wood IP. So, a wine aged in contact with wood richer in polyphenols compounds was describe as more smocked/toasted. Nevertheless, the toasting intensity (which formed these compounds by thermo-degradation of hemicelluloses and lignins) plays a major role on their concentrations. Moreover, organoleptic properties of the wines aged with oak wood (barrels, staves) at 6, 12, 18 or 24 month and tested by trained judges were significantly impacted by the IP barrels. In fact, wine with the highest ellagitannins level was significantly described with a higher woody, smoked/burned and spicy in nose. In mouth, the bitterness and the astringency were significantly higher in wine containing the highest ellagitannins level. Whereas, the wine fruity aroma, in nose and mouth, was generally descript as lower in wine aged with the barrel with the IP higher.The influences of wood classification, in relation with the grain and the IP, on the red wine oxygen consumption after being put into barrels were analyzed with a new no invasive method. The results show that 96% of the oxygen in wine at T0 was consumed after 8 days. Significant differences (p < 0.01%) between the oxygen consumption speed and the barrel IP or the grain were observed. The oxygen consumption speed increase with correlation of barrel IP or the size of grain. These results allows the utilization of method not empirical and reliable method to select oak wood regarding their grain or their ellagitannins concentration in order to be able to produce oak barrels classified by means of our results to give organoleptic properties controlled to the wine.

Determina??o de par?metros (s?lidos sol?veis, pH e acidez titul?vel) em ameixas intactas usando espectroscopia no infravermelho pr?ximo e sele??o de comprimento de onda

Costa, Rosangela C?mara 17 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:42:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RosangelaCC_DISSERT.pdf: 3998203 bytes, checksum: f53c6aa79d4a6709116a504b71acbe98 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-17 / The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) as a rapid and non-destructive method to determine the soluble solid content (SSC), pH and titratable acidity of intact plums. Samples of plum with a total solids content ranging from 5.7 to 15%, pH from 2.72 to 3.84 and titratable acidity from 0.88 a 3.6% were collected from supermarkets in Natal-Brazil, and NIR spectra were acquired in the 714 2500 nm range. A comparison of several multivariate calibration techniques with respect to several pre-processing data and variable selection algorithms, such as interval Partial Least Squares (iPLS), genetic algorithm (GA), successive projections algorithm (SPA) and ordered predictors selection (OPS), was performed. Validation models for SSC, pH and titratable acidity had a coefficient of correlation (R) of 0.95 0.90 and 0.80, as well as a root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 0.45?Brix, 0.07 and 0.40%, respectively. From these results, it can be concluded that NIR spectroscopy can be used as a non-destructive alternative for measuring the SSC, pH and titratable acidity in plums / O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a potencialidade da espectroscopia no infravermelho pr?ximo (NIRS) como um m?todo r?pido e n?o destrutivo para determina??o do teor de s?lidos sol?veis (TSS), pH e acidez titul?vel em ameixas intactas. Amostras de ameixa com teor de s?lidos sol?veis variando de 5,7 a 15%, pH de 2,72 a 3,84 e acidez de 0,88 a 3,6% foram adquiridas de supermercados em Natal - Brasil, e foram coletados espectros NIR no intervalo de 714-2500 nm. Uma compara??o de v?rias t?cnicas de calibra??o multivariada com rela??o ao pr?-processamento dos dados e algoritmos de sele??o de vari?veis, tais como m?nimos quadrados parciais por intervalos (iPLS), o algoritmo gen?tico (GA), algoritmo das proje??es sucessivas (SPA), e sele??o de previsores ordenados (OPS) foi realizada. Modelos de valida??o para o teor de s?lidos sol?veis, pH e acidez titul?vel tiveram um coeficiente de correla??o (R) de 0,95 a 0,90 e 0,80, bem como um erro m?dio quadr?tico de previs?o (RMSEP) de 0,45? Brix, 0,07 e 0,40%, respectivamente. A partir desses resultados, pode concluir-se que a espectroscopia NIR pode ser utilizada como uma alternativa n?o destrutiva para determina??o do teor de s?lidos sol?veis, pH e acidez em ameixas

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