Spelling suggestions: "subject:"modular hyperplasia"" "subject:"nodular hyperplasia""
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Lesões de adrenais e neoplasmas de tireoide em cães / Adrenal lesions and thyroid neoplasms in dogsTochetto, Camila 27 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis involved the study of the adrenal and thyroid glands. The study of adrenals was based, primarily, on epidemiological and pathological aspects of the lesions observed in the glands of 300 dogs necropsied in the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV/UFSM). For this purpose, a prospective study was performed from March 2012 to June 2013, totaling 16 months. Of the 300 dogs examined, 82% had one or more adrenal lesions. Only 18% of these dogs did not have adrenal changes. The hyperplastic lesions were the most prevalent, comprising 91.5% of the cases, followed by degenerative (26%), circulatory (20.3%), neoplastic (15%), inflammatory (4.1%) and other lesions (14.2%). Most of the animals with hyperplastic lesions consisted of females, elderly and purebred dogs. Fatty degeneration was the most common degenerative lesion (54.7%). Among the neoplastic changes, primary tumors were the most prevalent (75.7%), with a prevalence of adenomas (57.1%), followed by pheochromocytomas (25%) and cortical carcinomas (17.9%). Metastatic tumors corresponded to 24.3% of all cases of neoplastic changes. The adrenal glands were the site of metastasis of mammary gland carcinoma, osteosarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma, cholangiocarcinoma, histiocytic sarcoma and lung adenocarcinoma. Under "other lesions", adrenal of stress was the most prevalent change (37.1%). It was characterized histologically by a cortex with irregular appearance. For the study of thyroid lesions, it was reviewed the protocols of biopsies and necropsies performed at the LVP/UFSM between 2004 and 2014, and all cases of thyroid tumors were selected. Epidemiological data, clinical significance of tumors, presence of cervical swelling, affected lobes, tumor size, presence and location of metastasis and histological pattern of the neoplasm. It were recorded 26 tumors of the thyroid gland. Of the affected dogs, 53.9% were females and 46.1% were males; 65.4% were purebred. Of these, Boxers were the most affected (15.4%). In 23 protocols the age was informed; 60.9% of the dogs were elderly and 39.1% were adults. The protocols evaluation allowed establishing that 38.5% of the animals had shown cervical swelling, at the time of clinical examination. From the dogs that underwent to necropsy, only 13.6% died or were euthanized due to complications caused by metastases of thyroid tumors. Thus, in 86.4% of the dogs, the neoplasms were considered as incidental necropsy findings. Glandular unilateral involvement occurred in 75% of the dogs. The histological diagnosis of primary tumors showed that 61.5% of the neoplasms were classified as follicular cell carcinomas, 23.1% as follicular cell adenomas, 7.7% as carcinosarcomas and 7.7% as tumors of C cell. Additionally, two cases of thyroid follicular cell carcinoma in dogs that developed myelopathy secondary to cervical spinal epidural metastasis were minutely evaluated, and separately reported. / Esta tese envolveu o estudo das adrenais e da tireoide. O estudo das adrenais baseou-se, principalmente, nos aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos das lesões observadas nas glândulas de 300 cães necropsiados no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV/UFSM). Esse estudo foi realizado de forma prospectiva, de março de 2012 a junho de 2013. Dos 300 cães analisados, 82% tinham uma ou mais alterações nas adrenais e 18% não tinham alterações. As lesões hiperplásicas foram as mais prevalentes, com 91,5% das ocorrências, seguidas de lesões degenerativas (26%), circulatórias (20,3%), neoplásicas (15%), inflamatórias (4,1%) e outras lesões (14,2%). A maioria dos animais que apresentou lesões hiperplásicas era constituída de fêmeas, idosos e cães com raça definida. A degeneração gordurosa foi a lesão degenerativa mais frequente (54.7%). Entre as alterações neoplásicas, tumores primários foram mais prevalentes (75,7%), com predomínio de adenomas (57,1%), seguido de feocromocitomas (25%) e carcinomas corticais (17,9%). Os tumores metastáticos perfizeram 24,3% dos casos de alterações neoplásicas. As adrenais foram sítio de metástase de carcinoma mamário, osteossarcoma, melanoma, linfoma, colangiocarcinoma, sarcoma histiocítico e adenocarcinoma pulmonar. No item outras lesões , adrenal de estresse foi a alteração mais prevalente (37,1%). Essa alteração era caracterizada histologicamente por córtex de aspecto variegado. Para o estudo das lesões de tireoide foram revisados os protocolos de biópsias e necropsias do LPV/UFSM entre os anos de 2004 e 2014 e todos os casos de tumores tireoidianos foram selecionados. A partir disso, foram anotados dados epidemiológicos, significado clínico dos tumores, presença de aumento de volume cervical, lobos afetados, tamanho, presença e localização de metástases e padrão histológico dos neoplasmas. Foram diagnosticados 26 neoplasmas tireoidianos. Dos cães acometidos, 53,9% eram fêmeas e 46,1% eram machos; 65,4% eram cães com raça definida. Desses, Boxers foram os mais afetados (15,4%). Dos 23 protocolos em que a idade foi informada, 39,1% eram cães adultos e 60,9% eram idosos. A avaliação dos protocolos permitiu constatar que 38,5% dos animais haviam apresentado aumento de volume cervical no momento do exame clínico. Apenas 13,6% dos cães necropsiados morreram ou foram submetidos à eutanásia em decorrência de complicações causadas por metástases dos tumores de tireoide. Dessa forma, em 86,4% dos cães os neoplasmas foram considerados achados incidentais de necropsia. O acometimento unilateral da glândula ocorreu em 75% dos cães. Os diagnósticos histológicos dos tumores primários permitiram constatar que 61,5% dos neoplasmas eram carcinomas de células foliculares, 23,1% eram adenomas de células foliculares, 7,7% eram carcinossarcomas e 7,7% eram tumores de células C. Além disso, foram estudados de forma detalhada e relatados separadamente dois casos de carcinoma de células foliculares da tireoide em que os cães desenvolveram mielopatia secundária à metástase epidural cervical espinhal.
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Sonographische Untersuchungen von fokalen nodulären Hyperplasien / retrospektive Analyse der Sonomorphologie, Beobachtungen des natürlichen Verlaufes und prospektive Untersuchungen mit Echosignalverstärkern unter dem Einsatz der Power-Doppler-Sonographie und 2 nd Harmonic ImagingSchade, Tobias 18 November 2002 (has links)
Die fokale noduläre Hyperplasie (FNH) ist der zweithäufigste gutartige Lebertumor. Die sonografischen Befunde von 161 Patienten mit FNH wurden retrospektiv ausgewertet. Die FNH erschien lobuliert (94%) und scharf abgrenzbar (85%). In 96% der Fälle war ein zentraler Narbenstern nachzuweisen. Bei Verfettung des umgebenden Leberparenchyms zeigte sich die Raumforderung überwiegend reflexarm. Ein echoarmes Halo wurde in 22% beobachtet; intratumorale Verkalkungen traten in 15% der Fälle auf. Im nativen Doppler erschien die FNH zu 97% als gefäßreicher Herd. Die Tumorarterien wiesen im Mittel einen geringen Widerstand (RI 0,42+/-0,11) bei niedriger Pulsatilität auf (PI 0,57+/-0,20). Die mittlere Differenz zwischen den RI der Tumorarterien und dem der Arteria hepatica communis betrug 0,34+/-0,13. In einer weiteren Studie wurde das Verhalten von 138 FNH unter Einsatz eines Echosignalverstärkers mit der Power-Doppler-Sonographie und 2nd Harmonic Imaging untersucht. Bei 26 Läsionen war die Diagnose von vornherein gesichert, 112 wurden prospektiv als Raumforderung unklarer Dignität untersucht. Die retrospektive Untersuchung zeigte, dass ein charakteristischer Ablauf der Tumorkontrastierung auftritt. Entsprechend dem niedrigen Gefäßwiderstand begann der Mikroblaseneinstrom in die Läsion sehr frühzeitig. In der früharteriellen Phase kontrastierte sich das zuführende Gefäß mit zentrifugaler Auffüllung radspeichenartig angordneter Tumorarterien entlang der Narbensepten. In der Kapillarphase war die Läsion scharf und signalintensiv abzugrenzen. Das Kontrastierungsmaximum lag in der Portalphase. In der prospektiven Untersuchung von 112 unklaren Raumforderungen gelang die Diagnose der FNH nach diesen Kriterien in 94% der Fälle. In den übrigen 6% wurde zumindest eine bösartige Neubildung ausgeschlossen. Die FNH kann unter Einsatz eines Echosignalverstärkers sonographisch ausreichend sicher diagnostiziert werden. Beim Nachweis der kontrastspezifischen Kriterien ist die Biopsie nicht notwendig. Voraussetzung ist ein erfahrener Untersucher. Neben weit geringerer Kosten bei einfacher Handhabung und vertretbarem technischen Aufwand stellt die Vermeidung der Strahlenbelastung durch CT oder Szintigraphie einen Gewinn für die Patienten dar. Ein abwartendes Verhalten bei einer FNH ist gerechtfertigt, da tumorbedingte Beschwerden selten und Komplikationen der Neoplasie rar sind. Zusätzlich kann in der zweiten Hälfte des Lebens von einer spontanen Regression der fokalen nodulären Hyperplasien ausgegangen werden. / Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) is the secondmost of the benign liver tumors. The sonografic findings of 161 patients with FNH were retrospectively evaluated. The FNH appeared lobulated (94%) and sharply definable (85%). In 96% of the cases there was to be proven a central starlike scar. In case of a fatty surrounding liverparenchyma the tumor was presented reflex-poor. An echo-poor halo was observed in 22%; intratumorale calcification was present in 15%. In the native Doppler the FNH appeared hypervascular in 97%. The arteries of the tumor pointed on the average a slight resistance (RI 0,42+/-0,11) with low pulsatility (PI 0,57+/-0,20). The difference between the RI of the arteries of the tumor and that of the Arteria hepatica communis amounted 0,34+/-0,13. In a further study the behavior was examined by 138 FNH under employment of a contrastenhancer with the power Doppler sonografie and 2nd Harmonic Imaging. With 26 lesions the diagnosis was from the beginning secured, while 112 tumors of unclear dignity were examined prospektivly. The retrospective investigation showed that a characteristic operational sequence of the tumor contrasting arises. According to the low resistance the micro blister influx began into the lesion very fast. In the early arterial phase the tumor feeding artery contrasted with centrifugal filling and a spokewheel like sign along the fibrotic central scar. In the capillary phase the lesion was to be defined sharply and signal-intensively. The contrast maximum lay in the portal phase. In the prospektive investigation of 112 unclear tumors the diagnosis of the FNH succeeded according to these criteria in 94%. In the other 6% at least a malign new formation was excluded. The FNH can be diagnosed sonografically sufficient under employment of a contrastenhancer. With the proof of the contrast-specific criteria the biopsy is not necessary. An experienced examiner is necessary. Beside far smaller costs with simple handling and justifiable technical expenditure the avoidance of the radiation dose represents a profit by CT or Szintigraphie for the patients. A cautious behavior with a FNH is justified, because tumor-conditioned complaints and complications of neoplasia are rare. Further on a spontaneous involution of focal nodular hyperplasias can be proceeded in the second half of the life.
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