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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialism in a far country : Stalinist population politics and the making of the Soviet Far East, 1929-1939 /

Bone, Jonathan Andrew. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, Dept. of History, March 2003. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the Internet.

Rassismus und Fremdarbeitereinsatz im Zweiten Weltkrieg

Hansch-Singh, Annegret, January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Freie Universität, Berlin, 1991. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 5-40).

Resistance to airflow and the effects on cooling efficiency of multi-scale ventilated pome fruit packaging

Berry, Tarl Michael 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Inadequate cooling of produce after it has been packed into ventilated packaging can result in inconsistent fruit quality. Misalignment of ventilation holes during stacking as well as the use of internal packaging, such as trays, polyliner bags and thrift bags reduces airflow distribution through the packaging. Consequently, the complex needs of maintaining the cold chain of perishable produce and the considerable variations in packaging designs have made it challenging to find an optimal ventilated package and stacking arrangement. The aims of this study were, therefore, to assess the status of ventilated packaging in the South African pome fruit industry, and to characterize the effects of package design and multi-scale packaging components on the resistance to airflow and cooling performance of apples under forced-air cooling conditions. A survey of the pome fruit industry identified over twenty packaging designs which were grouped into eleven unique designs and further categorised into either ‘display’ or ‘telescopic’ designs. Although South African fruit industry standards recommend ventilation areas of at least 5%, the ventilation areas of package designs identified from the survey varied considerably between <1 and 11%. Furthermore, the study showed that use of stacking renders many of the ventilation holes ineffective, due to blockages from adjacent cartons. The contribution of each component of the multi-scale packages used for handling apples was determined by analysis of pressure drop during forced-air cooling. The results showed when utilising a combination of cartons, fruit trays and plastic liner bags, the total pressure drop contribution of the cartons (8%) and fruit trays (3%) was minimal, while the use of plastic liner bags contributed 89%. However, in a carton and thrift bag packaging combination, the thrift bags contributed 66% to the pressure drop while the carton contributed 34%. The cooling results indicated a negative correlation between the total stack ventilation area and the cooling heterogeneity. In addition, the airflow velocity was correlated positively with fruit cooling rate and negatively with total moisture loss. Fruit packed inside polyliner bags had cooling rates four times slower than fruit on trays and three times slower in thrift bags. The use of liner bags blocked the ventilation holes, thereby reducing the airflow velocity. As a result of the longer cooling times in the polyliner bags, fruit remained at higher temperatures for longer periods, resulting in up to three times more moisture loss during forced-air cooling. In addition, a temperature gradient formed due to a progressive increase in air temperature through the stack, thereby resulting in a similar gradient of moisture loss. This research showed that airflow velocity and distribution were the most important factors contributing to the effectiveness of fruit cooling in multi-scale packaging. From a cold chain perspective, future packaging designs should therefore focus on optimising ventilation characteristics and alignment during stacking to ensure adequate airflow. Given the contribution of internal packaging to high resistance to airflow, such packaging components should be used with caution and only when necessary to meet physiological and market requirements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onvoldoende verkoeling van vars produkte nadat hulle verpak is kan lei tot wisselende vruggehalte. Wanbelyning van ventilasiegate tydens stapeling sowel as die gebruik van interne verpakking soos rakkies (eng. “trays”), poli-etileensakke en drasakkies (eng. “thrift bag”) verminder die lugverspreiding deur die verpakking. Komplekse behoeftes om bederfbare produkte in die koue ketting te behou en die aansienlike verskille in verpakkingsontwerpe het dit 'n uitdaging gemaak om 'n optimale geventileerde verpakking en stapelskikking of -rangskikking te vind. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was dus om die status van geventileerde verpakking in die Suid-Afrikaanse kernvrugbedryf te asseseer, en die gevolge van die verpakkingsontwerp en multi-skaal verpakkingskomponente op die weerstand teen lugvloei en verkoeling van appels onder geforseerde lugverkoeling te bepaal. ‘n Opname van die kernvrugbedryf het meer as twintig verpakkingsontwerpe geïdentifiseer, wat in elf unieke ontwerpe gegroepeer is en verder getipeer word in ‘vertoon’ en ‘teleskopiese’ kartonontwerpe. Alhoewel die Suid-Afrikaanse vrugindustrie-standaarde ventilasie areas van ten minste 5% aanbeveel, het die ventilasie areas van die verpakkingsontwerpe geïdentifiseer uit die opname aansienlik gewissel tussen <1 en 11%. Verder het die studie getoon dat gebruik van stapeling baie van die ventilasiegate ondoeltreffend laat weens blokkasies veroorsaak deur aangrensende kartonne. Die bydrae van elke komponent van die multi-skaal verpakkingskombinasies gebruik vir die hantering van appels was bepaal deur analise van die afname in lugdruk tydens geforseerde lugverkoelingskondisies. Die resultate het getoon dat wanneer ‘n kombinasie van kartonne, polietileensakke en vrugte plus rakkies gebruik word, die bydrae van die kartonne (8%) en vrugte plus rakkies (3%) tot die totale afname in lugdruk minimaal was, terwyl die gebruik van polietileensakke ‘n 89% bydrae gemaak het. In ‘n karton en drasakkie kombinasie het die drasakkies 66% bygedra tot die afname in lugdruk, terwyl die karton 34% bygedra het. Die verkoelingsresultate het 'n negatiewe korrelasie getoon tussen die totale stapelventilasie-area en die verkoelingsheterogeniteit. Daarbenewens was die lugvloeisnelheid positief gekorreleer met vrugverkoelingstempo en negatief gekorreleer met totale vogverlies. Die verkoelingstydperk van vrugte in die poli-etileensakke was vier keer langer as die rakkie met vrugte kombinasie en drie keer langer in die drasakkies. Die poli-etileensakke het die ventilasiegate versper en dus die lugvloeisnelheid verlaag. Weens die langer verkoelingstye in die poli-etileensakke was vrugte veel langer aan hoër temperature blootgestel, wat uiteindelik gelei het tot drie keer meer massaverlies gedurende geforseerde lugverkoeling. Daarby het ‘n temperatuurgradiënt gevorm as gevolg van ‘n progressiewe verhoging in lugtemperatuur deur die stapel wat gelei het tot ‘n gelykstaande gradiënt van vogverlies. Hierdie navorsing het getoon dat die lugvloeisnelheid en -verspreiding die belangrikste faktore was wat die doeltreffendheid van vrugverkoeling in multi-skaal verpakking geaffekteer het. Uit 'n koelketting perspektief moet die toekomstige verpakkingsontwerpe dus fokus op die optimalisering van ventilasie eienskappe en belyning (eng. “alignment”) tydens stapeling om voldoende lugvloei te verseker. Gegewe die bydrae van die interne verpakking tot hoë weerstand teen lugvloei, moet sulke verpakkingskomponente met omsigtigheid gebruik word en slegs wanneer dit nodig is om aan markvereistes te voldoen.

Human trafficking, human rights and the right to be free from slavery, servitude and forced labour

Jovanović, Marija January 2016 (has links)
The thesis engages with a dynamic discourse on the human rights approach to human trafficking. Building on the traditional doctrine of human rights, the thesis demonstrates that human trafficking is not a human rights violation, save for a state involvement in it, either directly or through a failure to observe its positive obligations imposed by the existent human rights. In situations that do engage human rights law, the thesis defends an argument that conceptually, human trafficking falls within a domain of the right to be free from slavery, servitude and forced labour. This argument is grounded in both a doctrinal and a conceptual analysis. In particular, the thesis conducts a unique conceptual and legal analysis of Article 4 of the European Convention of Human Rights offering an original interpretation of the concept of exploitation in the context of practices associated with trafficking and 'modern slavery'. This type of inquiry is missing in the existent scholarship. The thesis also conducts a detailed analysis of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on positive obligations to protect vulnerable individuals arising out of 'absolute' rights. In addition to providing a complete analysis and classification of these positive obligations, the thesis draws attention to the important difference between the scope of the right and the scope of state responsibility in situations of private infringements of 'absolute' rights. Accordingly, the thesis demonstrates that whereas the prohibition contained in these rights is absolute for the state, positive obligations in situations of their infringements by private individuals are of a limited scope. The analysis of the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court is supplemented by a comprehensive discussion of the obligations established in the trafficking-specific instruments. The thesis explains how victim protection provisions contained in these instruments may inform human rights obligations, yet, it demonstrates that these do not represent such obligations on their own. This analysis provides a roadmap for practitioners and activists when arguing cases before the Strasbourg Court and domestically. In addition to this practical dimension, the thesis intends to provide an important contribution to the scholarship on human rights law, and on human trafficking specifically.

Les déplacements forcés intra-urbains dans les comunas 4 et 6 de Soacha (Colombie) : entre violences urbaines et urbanisation de la guerre : Enquête ethnologique d'une mobilité sous contrainte politisée / The intra-urbans forced displacement of population in the 4th and the 6th Comunas of Soacha (Colombia) : between urban violences and war urbanization processes : between urban violences and war urbanization processes : Ethnological research on a politicized mobitility caused by threatening

Duriez, Tiphaine 26 November 2014 (has links)
Si la situation armée que traverse la Colombie n'est pas inconnue du grand public, tel n'est pas le cas pour les cohortes de réfugiés qui se sont formées dans son sillage. Relativement peu médiatisés sur la scène internationale, ces mouvements de populations représentent une constance dans l'histoire de ce conflit armé. Aujourd'hui, ce pays comptabilise le plus de réfugiés internes au monde. Renvoyant tout à la fois à une typologie migratoire et à une catégorie institutionnelle, ce travail de recherche en anthropologie politique revient sur ces mobilités contraintes « par la guerre ». Désignés et regroupés sous l'appellation « desplazamientos forzados por la violencia », ces mouvements sont de l'ordre du multiple et font localement l'objet d'une veille scientifique, politique et humanitaire importante. Cependant, il existe de grandes disparités dans les discours et dans les analyses le concernant, notamment lorsque se pose la question de la nature du territoire de départ des migrants. Ainsi, l'imaginaire veut que la situation armée qui impulse ces mobilités soit circonscrite au milieu rural et absent des milieux urbains.Or, les données recueillies et présentées dans cette thèse viennent bousculer ce postulat. Menées auprès de différents acteurs dans les villes de Bogotá et de Soacha entre 2010 et 2012, ces enquêtes de terrains témoignent de l'efficience de ces pratiques, tout en soulignant la pluralité de trajectoires qu'elles recoupent et la complexité des situations auxquelles elles répondent. Ainsi, ce travail de recherche fait resurgir l'importance des thèmes de la mémoire, de l'informalité, de l'appartenance ou encore de la distribution des richesses. / If the armed conflict affecting Colombia is known from the public, it is not the case of the numerous refugees it has created. Movements of population are constant across the history of this armed conflict although it did not attract the media’s attention. Nowadays this country has the largest number of internal refugees in the world. The present document is the result of a research in political anthropology on the migration patterns of populations caused by the threatening « of the war ». Identified and grouped under the denomination of « desplazamientos forzados por la violencia », these movements are plural. Locally this « total social fact » is closely monitored by scientific, political and humanitarian institutions. However significant disparities exist on both the analysis and the reasons of these migrations, especially regarding the condition of the migrant’s departure territory. It is often a statement in people’s mind that the conflicts at the origin of these motilities are limited to the countryside, and thus absent from the urban zones. However the data presented in this PhD thesis goes against this postulate. It was collected between 2010 and 2012 among various Colombian actors and institutions based in the cities of Bogotá and Soacha. By combining this data, the fieldwork demonstrates the reality of a transfer of the old conflicts into urban areas, stressing the existence of a plurality of trajectories and testifying about the complexity of situations to which they respond. This research emphasis the importance of themes such as memory, territory, informality, membership, distribution of wealth and knowledge transmission.

Étude expérimentale de l'Intensification des transferts thermiques par les ultrasons en convection forcée / Experimental ultrasonic heat transfer enhancement study in forced convection

Bulliard-Sauret, Odin 07 July 2016 (has links)
Le but de l'étude présentée dans ce mémoire de thèse est de caractériser localement l'intensification des transferts thermiques observée le long d'une plaque chauffante lorsqu'elle est soumise à des ultrasons. Ces derniers induisent des effets hydrodynamique dans les fluides qu'ils traversent. Premièrement, la cavitation acoustique, qui permet de produire de forts effets mécaniques dans les liquides. Viens ensuite le courant acoustique qui génère une écoulement convectif sous l'action d'une dissipation visqueuse de l’énergie acoustique. Ce travaille à permis de mettre en évidence la relation existant entre ces effets hydrodynamiques et l'intensification des transferts thermiques observée. Ces résultats ont permis de définir quelles conditions expérimentales sont favorables à l'intégration d'ultrasons dans un échangeur de chaleur. / The aim of the study presented in this thesis is to characterize heat transfer enhancement by ultrasound observed along a hot plate in forced convection. These induced hydrodynamic effects in the fluids they cross. The first one is the acoustic cavitation, which can produce strong mechanical effects in liquids. The second one is the acoustic streaming which generates convective flows thanks to viscous dissipation of the acoustic energy. This work helped to highlight the relationship between ultrasound hydrodynamic effects and heat transfer enhancement. Thanks to those results, experimental conditions which allowed ultrasound integration in a heat exchangers, could be determined.

As políticas migratórias defensivas dos estados e a proteção elusiva dos refugiados : responsibility-sharing e indiferença em um dinâmico jogo global

Santos, Mártin de Oliveira January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda o tema das políticas migratórias defensivas dos Estados e sua relação com a proteção elusiva dos refugiados e solicitantes da condição de refugiado (SCR). Com frequência, o tema é submetido a interpretações superficiais, limitadas e, inclusive, equivocadas, as quais não contribuem para um entendimento diligente à altura da complexidade da problemática. A pesquisa fundamenta-se nas contribuições de diversos estudiosos sobre o assunto e agrega dados empíricos atualizados. O estudo busca analisar, no âmbito internacional, desde a década de 1990, as três principais políticas migratórias defensivas aplicadas pelos Estados em relação ao fluxo e acolhimento de refugiados e SCR, bem como suas implicações. Para tanto, nesse escopo, faz-se necessário considerar o dinamismo do processo decisório político dos Estados em um contexto de afirmação de interesses e tensões internacionais. Igualmente, a partir da aplicação da tríade de políticas migratórias defensivas, são analisadas suas contradições no que tange à assunção do responsibility-sharing internacional e à vinculação com fatores que originam os fluxos de deslocamentos forçados. / This research deals with the subject of the State’s defensive migration policies regarding its relation to the elusive protection of refugees and asylum seekers. Quite often, this subject is under superficial, limited, and also erroneous, interpretation, which does not contribute to a better understanding of its complexity. The analysis is supported by the contributions of many experts in this field and includes new data. This paper seeks to analyze, in the international context, since the 90s, the three main defensive migration policies used by States in regard to the influx and protection of refugees and asylum seekers, as well as their implications. In this sense, it is appropriate to consider the dynamism involving the State’s political decision process in a context of diverging interests and international tensions. Also, from the application of the three defensive migration policies, the paper analyses their contradiction in relation to the assumption of the international responsibility-sharing, as well as their link to the factors that originate the influx of forced displacement. / Este trabajo trata del tema de las políticas migratorias defensivas de los Estados y su relación con la protección esquiva de refugiados y solicitantes de la condición de refugiado (SCR). A menudo, el tema es sometido a interpretaciones superficiales, limitadas e, incluso, equivocadas, las cuales no contribuyen para un entendimiento diligente a la altura de la complejidad de la problemática. El análisis está basado en las contribuciones de distintos expertos sobre el tema y agrega datos empíricos actualizados. El estudio busca analizar, en el ámbito internacional, desde la década de los años 1990, las tres principales políticas migratorias defensivas aplicadas por los Estados en relación al flujo y acogida de refugiados y SCR, además de sus implicaciones. Para eso, en ese ámbito, es necesario considerar el dinamismo del proceso decisorio político de los Estados en un contexto de afirmación de intereses y tensiones internacionales. Igualmente, a partir de la aplicación de la tríade de políticas migratorias defensivas, son analizadas las contradicciones de dichas políticas en lo que se refiere a la asunción del responsibility-sharing internacional y a la vinculación con factores que originan los flujos de desplazamientos forzados.


Surapu Reddy, Padmakar Reddy 01 December 2009 (has links)
In this work, a new roll-forward check pointing scheme is proposed using basic checkpoints. The direct-dependency concept used in the communication-induced check pointing scheme has been applied to basic checkpoints to design a simple algorithm to find a consistent global checkpoint. Both blocking (i.e. when the application processes are suspended during the execution of the algorithm) and non-blocking approaches have been presented. The use of the concept of forced checkpoints ensures a small re-execution time after recovery from a failure. The proposed approaches enjoy the main advantages of both the synchronous and the asynchronous approaches, i.e. simple recovery and simple way to create checkpoints. Besides, in the proposed blocking approach direct-dependency concept is implemented without piggybacking any extra information with the application message. A very simple scheme for avoiding the creation of useless checkpoints has also been proposed.

Polish School of Medicine at the University of Edinburgh (1941-1949) : a case study in the transnational history of Polish wartime migration to Great Britain

Palacz, Michal Adam January 2016 (has links)
More than 400 Polish medical refugees were associated with the Polish School of Medicine (PSM) at the University of Edinburgh between 1941 and 1949. This dissertation argues that the history of the PSM can fully be understood only as a part of the refugees’ broader experience of impelled or forced migration during and immediately after the Second World War. The key findings of this case study demonstrate that the opportunity to study or work at the PSM enabled the majority of Polish exiles to overcome, to a varying extent, their refugee predicament, while medical qualifications, transferable skills and trans-cultural competency obtained in wartime Britain allowed them to pursue professional and academic careers in different countries of post-war settlement, thus in turn contributing to a global circulation of medical knowledge and practice, especially between the University of Edinburgh and Poland. This specific case study contributes to the existing knowledge of Polish wartime migration to Britain in three interrelated ways. Firstly, an overarching transnational approach is used to combine and transcend Polish and British scholarly perspectives on, respectively, emigration or immigration. Secondly, the conceptual insularity of the existing literature on the topic is challenged by analysing archival, published and digital sources pertaining to the PSM with the help of various theoretical models and concepts borrowed from forced migration and diaspora studies. Thirdly, the conventional historiography of Polish-British wartime relations is challenged by emphasising the genuinely global ramifications of the PSM’s history. By interpreting the history of the PSM with the help of different analytical tools, such as Kunz’s and Johansson’s models of refugee movement and Tweed’s theory of diasporic religion, this dissertation provides a conceptual blueprint for further research on Polish wartime migration to Britain. In turn, this case study contributes to the development of forced migration and diaspora studies not only by empirically testing the explanatory power of existing theoretical models, but also by suggesting possible new conceptual avenues, such as analysing the pre-existing trans-cultural experiences of both Polish medical refugees and their hosts at the University of Edinburgh, and adding to the ‘triadic relationship’ of diaspora, homeland and host society a fourth dimension, i.e. conflict and cooperation between different migrant or refugee communities within the same host society.

Lisina e metionina + cistina digestíveis para poedeiras no período pós-muda /

Domingues, Carla Heloisa de Faria. January 2011 (has links)
Resumo: O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do uso de diferentes níveis de lisina e de metionina + cistina digestíveis durante o período pós - muda, sobre a recuperação corporal, desempenho, qualidade de ovos e morfometria do aparelho reprodutor, fígado e pâncreas de poedeiras comerciais no segundo ciclo de produção. Foram utilizadas 432 poedeiras comerciais da linhagem Isa Brown, com 72 semanas de idade, distribuídas em 54 parcelas, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos e nove repetições de oito aves cada. Durante o descanso foram utilizados seis rações cujos níveis de lisina e metionina + cistina digestíveis variaram: 0,48% de lisina digestível e 0,43% de metionina+cistina digestíveis; 0,48% de lisina digestível e 0,47% de metionina+cistina digestíveis; 0,48% de lisina digestível e 0,52% de metionina+cistina digestíveis; 0,56% de lisina digestível e 0,50% de metionina+cistina digestíveis; 0,56% de lisina digestível e 0,56% de metionina+cistina digestíveis; 0,56% de lisina digestível e 0,62% de metionina+cistina digestíveis.Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e em caso de efeito significativo, a comparação de médias foi realizada a 5% de probabilidade através do teste de Tukey. Os diferentes níveis de lisina e de metionina+cistina digestíveis das dietas de descanso, determinaram efeitos significativos sobre os parâmetros de desempenho das aves. Observou-se que, o nível de 0,56% de lisina e 0,56% de metionina + cistina digestíveis, proporcionou maior peso dos ovos durante o segundo ciclo de produção / Abstract: This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of using different levels of lysine and methionine + cystine, about the body recovery, performance and egg quality of laying hens in the post molt. It was used four hundred and thirty two hens of Isa Brown strain, with 72 weeks of age, distributed in 54 cages in a completely randomized design with six treatments and nine replicates of eight birds each. During the rest period, were used six diets with different levels of digestible lysine and methionine + cystine. The values ranged from: 0.48% digestible lysine and 0,43% methionine + cystine; 0.48% digestible lysine and 0.47% methionine + cystine; 0.48% digestible lysine and 0.52% methionine + cystine; 0.56% digestible lysine and 0.50% methionine + cystine; 0.56% digestible lysine and 0, 56% methionine + cystine; 0.56% digestible lysine and 0.62% methionine + cystine. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and in case of significant effect, the comparison of means was performed at 5% probability by Tukey test. The different levels of lysine and methionine + cystine diets of rest have determined significant effects on the performance parameters of laying hens. It was observed that the level of 0.56% lysine and 0.56% methionine + cystine, resulted in greater weight of eggs during the second production cycle / Orientador: Otto Mack Junqueira / Coorientador: Silvana Martinez Baraldi Artoni / Banca: Antônio Carlos de Laurentiz / Banca: Rosimeire da Silva Filardi / Mestre

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