Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nondestructive"" "subject:"lowdestructive""
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Aplicação da inspeção não intrusiva em equipamentos do sistema de dessulfurização de gás natural da plataforma de PampoSampaio, Marcus Vinicius Cruz January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação da metodologia de inspeção não intrusiva (INI) em equipamentos do sistema de dessulfurização de gás numa plataforma petrolífera, com o auxílio da inspeção baseada em risco utilizando a norma API RP 581. A inspeção não intrusiva é aplicada tendo como fundamentos as guias de inspeção, como a DNV-RP-G103, que reúne informações de como executar e justificar o seu uso, a fim de garantir a segurança das instalações, eliminando a necessidade de uma parada do equipamento para a realização da inspeção. Contudo nem todos os equipamentos puderam ser inspecionados por esta metodologia, devido a limitações operacionais e/ou construtivas. O trabalho conclui que a inspeção não intrusiva pode ser aplicada à inspeção de equipamentos sem prejuízo ao mapa de risco do equipamento ou da unidade, e naqueles onde não é possível à utilização somente da metodologia, a mesma poderá ser aplicada em conjunto com a inspeção convencional fornecendo informações importantes sobre o estado do equipamento, melhorando assim a confiabilidade do planejamento da parada de manutenção e uma redução dos custos envolvidos. / This paper presents the results of applying the methodology of non-intrusive inspection (INI) in electrical system flue gas desulphurization an oil rig, with the help of riskbased inspection using the API RP 581. The non-intrusive inspection is implemented with the guides as the foundations of inspection, such as DNV-RP-G103, which gathers information on how to make and justify its use, to ensure the safety of installations, eliminating the need for a parade equipment to perform the inspection. However not all equipment could be inspected by this method, due to operational limitations and / or constructive. The paper concludes that the non-intrusive inspection can be applied to inspection of equipment subject to the risk map of the equipment or unit, and those where it is not possible to use only the methodology, it may be applied along with conventional inspection providing important information on the status of the equipment, thereby improving the reliability of planning maintenance shutdown and lower costs.
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Workplace destructive and constructive deviance behaviour in India and the USA : scale development, validation, theoretical model development and testingNarayanan, Kanimozhi January 2018 (has links)
Workplace deviance behaviour has resulted in 20% of business failure and annual loss of $6-$200 billion in US organizations and it was found that 33% to 75% of employees engage in deviant activities like withdrawal, theft, production deviance, abuse of co-workers etc., (Coffin, 2003; Diefendorff & Mehta, 2007). In addition, several researchers have concentrated on constructive deviance that would benefit the organizations. Thus, deviance has been a topic of interest for many researchers. However, previous research on deviance behaviour has concentrated predominantly in the USA despite proof that Indian organizations are indeed affected by workplace deviance (Pradhan & Pradhan, 2014) and on destructive or constructive deviance. In addition, from the deviance perspective, surprisingly no study so far has examined the presence and effects of individualism and collectivism within the same culture at the individual level. To contribute towards the extant deviance literature and to fill in the aforementioned gaps, this PhD thesis develops and tests a model using social cognitive theory as a lens to determine the relationship between environment, personality and behavioural outcomes of an individual. It incorporates workplace destructive and constructive deviance in the same study with individualistic and collectivistic orientation of individuals as moderators in India and the USA. What is the relationship of organizational and individual determinants with workplace destructive and constructive deviance when individual cultural orientation acts as a moderator? For this purpose, this research first determines the various factors that will be considered in the model by reviewing previous research done on workplace deviance. It was found that organizational climate, though it contributes to deviance behaviour in the workplace, has not yet been extensively researched so, climate was one of the factors examined in the research. In addition and despite its importance, an individual witness perspective towards deviance is still in its infancy. What are the behavioural responses of an individual while being a witness to supervisor, organizational, co-worker involvement in workplace destructive deviance? Therefore, the present study extended, developed and validated a construct to define and measure the witness behaviour towards workplace deviance behaviour using the theory of planned behaviour as its theoretical lens. This construct formed the second factor to be included in the model. This research makes use of the multi-strategy research paradigm that consists of two main studies: Study 2, 3 and 4 involves the development and validation of the witness behaviour towards workplace deviance scale; Study 5 involves the development and testing of a theoretical framework. Study 2 to 4 made use of a mixed methods strategy and inductive approach where the results from analysing the qualitative one-to-one interviews conducted in India and the USA formed the basis of scale construction. The scale, after undergoing rigorous analysis by using the quantitative data collected from India and the USA, resulted in a two-dimensional self-serving and intervening behaviour 9-item measure that proved to be a universal construct. It was then validated for construct, discriminant and predictive validity to classify it within the nomological network. It was found to sit closer to the phenomenon of voluntary behaviours, thus contributing to deviance and scale development literature. Study 5 involved the development of a conceptual framework that was tested with the quantitative data collected from India and the USA. The results provided support that when an individual has high organizational climate experience as well as more self-serving and less intervening behaviour, he/she would be involved in more constructive and destructive deviance behaviour providing support that organizations should focus on these factors and a clear distinction should be made between negative and positive deviance accepted within the organization. The results also provided support that individualistic and collectivistic orientation of an individual did moderate the effect of organizational climate, self-serving and intervening behaviour with destructive and constructive deviance. Therefore, an individual's orientation to individualism and collectivism would influence the relationship of organizational climate and witness behaviour towards workplace deviance so that organizations may benefit from implementing the study findings and suggestions. This would then prevent individuals from becoming involved in destructive deviance and enhance their involvement in constructive deviance.
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Wood properties of 17-year-old Pinus taeda L. trees under composted pulp-mill sludge fertilization by tree-ring analysis / Propiedades do lenho do tronco das árvores de Pinus taeda L. submetidas a aplicação de resíduo celulósico através da análise de anéis de crescimentoOrtega Rodriguez, Daigard Ricardo 05 June 2018 (has links)
The analysis of the fertilization effects on wood productivity and tree-wood quality is important in forest plantations management.. The monitoring of these practices are generally defined by the continuous measurement of tree dimensions in permanent plots in periodic forest inventories. This methodology implies the availability of information restricted to a few years. On the other hand, the annual tree-ring analysis constitutes an efficient alternative methodology to the permanent plots uses. This study aimed to analyze the growth, wood density and nutritional concentration of 60 Pinus taeda trees treated with 6 different doses of composted pulp-mill sludge (CPMS): 0 , 20, 40, 80 and 100 t ha-1. Ten 17 year-old-trees for each treatment were selected, felled and wood cross sections (5 cm, thickness) were cut at the base, 1.30 m (DBH), 25, 50, 75 and 100% (6 cm, commercial trunk height). The annual tree-rings of the wood discs were delimitated and radial-longitudinally synchronized, and the tree stems reconstructed. Twin radial thin wood slices were cut transversely (DBH, trunk position), conditioned and analyzed by non-destructive techniques of X-ray densitometry and X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF), to obtain the microdensity and wood nutrients profile. Width, density, biomass and nutrient concentration chronologies were analyzed by dendrochronological methods and correlated to seasonal variations of rainfall and temperature. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to explore the interaction of tree-ring variables, as well as analysis of variance (ANOVA) to verify the difference between treatments. The results analysis are presented in three chapters aiming to reach the main objective of this study. In Chapter I, the radial variation of the tree-ring microdensity and the integration of tree-ring density and width data in allometric equations were analyzed in order to improve the estimation of wood biomass production. Also, the response of the Pinus taeda trees to the CPMS treatments was dated. In Chapter II the response of the stem P. taeda trees development to the CPMS doses was analyzed. Increments of up to 24, 37 and 127% in the stem diameter, height and volume, respectively were observed. It is also proposed a management guide based on the simulation of P. taeda wood production under 84 t ha-1 CPMS for 21-year rotation and thinning at 7 and 13 years resulted in a wood productivity of 11.9 m3 ha-1 or 5.04 Mg ha-1 per year. In Chapter III the tree-ring nutrients concentration (phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, manganese and iron; P, S, K, Ca, Mn and Fe) were quantified. Ca and Mn decrease in the pith-bark direction; K and S decrease from the pith up to 8-9th annual tree-ring and, then, increase to the bark and Fe e P presented no distinguished radial trends. The results integration showed mainly correlations of P. taeda trees growth, wood density and nutrient concentration with local precipitation and significantly effects of CPMS soil fertilizer up to the 5th year after their application. This study provided an historical evaluation of growth, wood density and nutrient concentration of P. taeda trees. Evidencing the application of annual tree- rings in the monitoring of forest plantations under silvicultural treatments. / Na aplicação de fertilizantes em plantações é fundamental o entendimento e a avaliação do efeito na produtividade e qualidade da madeira das árvores das espécies florestais. Os processos de monitoramento destas práticas são, geralmente, definidos pela mensuração contínua das dimensões das árvores em parcelas permanentes em inventários florestais periódicos. No geral, esta metodologia de monitoramento implica na disponibilidade de informações restritas a poucos anos. Por outro lado, a análise dos anéis de crescimento anuais constitui-se em eficiente metodologia alternativa ao uso de parcelas permanentes. Neste contexto, o presente estudo visa analisar o crescimento, densidade e concentração de nutrientes dos anéis de crescimento anuais do lenho de 60 árvores de Pinus taeda de 17 anos de plantação experimental submetida a 6 tratamentos com resíduo celulósico compostado (CPMS), sendo: 0, 20, 40, 80 e 100 t ha-1. Foram selecionadas 10 árvores correspondentes a cada tratamento, cortados discos do lenho a 0, DAP, 25, 50, 75 e 100% da altura comercial do tronco (6 cm de diâmetro mínimo), delimitados e mensurados os anéis de crescimento na sua seção transversal e construído o crescimento radial-longitudinal do tronco das árvores. Amostras radiais gêmeas foram cortadas transversalmente do lenho dos disco do DAP do tronco, acondicionadas e analisadas por técnicas não destrutivas de densitometria de raios X e por fluorescência de raios X (μ-XRF), determinando-se a variação radial da microdensidade e dos nutrientes do lenho. As análises dendrocronológicas dos anéis de crescimento anuais propiciaram a construção das cronologias da largura, densidade, biomassa e concentração dos nutrientes, comparando-as com as variações sazonais de precipitação pluviométrica e de temperatura. Aplicou-se se a análise de componentes principais (PCA) para explorar a interação das variáveis dos anéis de crescimento, bem como a análise de variância (ANOVA) para verificar a diferença entre tratamentos. Os resultados das análises são apresentados em três capítulos atendendo ao objetivo do presente estudo. NoCapítulo I, analisou-se a variação radial da microdensidade dos anéis de crescimento, e a integração dos dados de densidade e largura dos anéis de crescimento em equacões alométricas para melhorar a estimativa da produção de biomassa de madeira. Ainda foi datada a resposta das árvores de Pinus taeda aos tratamentos com CPMS. No Capítulo II analisou-se o histórico da resposta do desenvolvimento do tronco das árvores de Pinus taeda às doses de CPMS, com incrementos de até 24, 37 e 127% no diâmetro, altura e volume do tronco, respectivamente. Propõe-se, ainda, a confecção de guia de manejo baseado na simulação da produção de madeira de P. taeda submetido a 84 t ha-1 CPMS para rotação de 21 anos e desbastes ao 7º e 13º ano resultando em produtividade de 11,9 m3 ha-1 ou 5,04 Mg ha-1 por ano. No capítulo III quantificou-se a concentração de nutrientes (fósforo, enxofre, potássio, cálcio, manganês e ferro; P, S, K, Ca, Mn e Fe) nos anéis de crescimento anuais das árvores. Observou-se que Ca e Mn diminuem na direção medula-casca; K e S diminuem da medula até o 8-9º anel, em seguida, aumentam na direção da casca, enquanto Fe e P não apresentaram tendências radiais. Os resultados integrados do histórico do crescimento, densidade da madeira e concentração de nutrientes no lenho das árvores de P. taeda mostraram que a variabilidade anual esta correlacionada, principalmente, com a precipitação local e com o efeito da aplicação de CPMS até cerca do 5º ano. O presente estudo propiciou a avaliação histórica do crescimento, densidade e concentração de nutrientes do lenho das árvores de Pinus taeda. Evidenciando a aplicação dos anéis de crescimento anuais no monitoramento de plantações florestais submetidas a tratamentos silviculturais.
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Vertical Electrical Impedance Measurements on Concrete Bridge Decks Using a Large-Area ElectrodeBarton, Jeffrey David 01 August 2018 (has links)
In regions where chloride-based deicing salts are applied to bridge decks, corrosion of the interior steel reinforcement is a major problem. Vertical electrical impedance (VEI) is an effective measurement technique to quantitatively assess the cover protection on bridges against aggressive chemical penetration of reinforced concrete. In its current form, traditional vertical electrical impedance is time-consuming and destructive because a direct connection to the reinforcing steel is required to provide a ground reference. A new method using a large-area electrode (LAE) permits VEI measurement without a direct electrical connection to the steel reinforcement. The LAE creates a nondestructive, semi-direct, low impedance connection between the measurement electronics and the reinforcing steel. In this work, numerical simulations are performed on common electrode arrangements to demonstrate the effectiveness of the LAE when significant variations in concrete conductivity exist. Physical experiments of a large-area electrode are carried out in the laboratory and field to validate the numerical simulations and to provide additional comparisons with the traditional tapped steel reinforcement method. The results of this study are a set of important design considerations for VEI utilizing a LAE to connect to the underlying rebar. Using these design considerations, the large-area electrode method was validated using both an analytical and a finite-element model, laboratory experiments, and field experiments on two bridges in Utah. The validation results indicate the LAE can replace the direct connection to the reinforcing steel. As a result of this work, a multichannel VEI scanner which uses the LAE method was built which can provide VEI information for bridge engineers and managers to better rehabilitate deteriorating reinforced concrete.
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Analysis of Selected Factors Affecting Concrete Cover Measurements on Bridge DecksHoki, Jeffrey Ryan 17 March 2011 (has links)
The objective of this research was to quantify the effects of selected parameters on the accuracy of concrete cover measurements on bridge decks. This research involved three full-factorial laboratory experiments each designed to investigate one of three primary variables. These primary variables included distance to a parallel adjacent bar, distance to a reinforcement intersection, and incorrect bar size input for the cover meter. Each experiment also involved four secondary variables known to affect cover readings. These secondary variables included actual cover depth, meter brand, antenna type, and bar size. Statistical analyses were performed to determine the significance of each factor. A margin of error of 0.125 in., corresponding to the increase in diameter between successive U.S. standard rebar sizes, was established as the threshold for practical importance in the data analysis. Three primary findings resulted from the three experiments performed in this research. For the meters and antennas tested, the results of the field-of-view experiment indicated that, if the spacing is greater than approximately 4.0 in., the returned readings are within the threshold for practical importance established for this research. The results of the proximity-to-an-intersection experiment indicated that, regardless of where the measurement is taking place in relation to an intersection, the operator can be confident that the errors will be less than 0.125 in. as long as the bar in question is above the intersecting bar. The results of the wrong-bar-size experiment indicated that, if the operator of the cover meter does not know the actual rebar size in question, the measured cover will be within 0.125 in. of the actual cover depth as long as the meter input is within one bar size of the correct value. Obtaining accurate cover measurements on bridge decks is important for quality assurance, service life prediction, and rehabilitation programming.
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Estimating nitrogen status of crops using non-destructive remote sensing techniquesBotha, Elizabeth Johanna January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Soil Science)) --University of Limpopo, 2001 / Refer to document
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Youth Mentoring to Prevent Destructive Behaviors: A Partnership Between Higher Education and Secondary Students and FacultyLowe, E. F., Kridler, Jamie Branam, Webb, K., Heier, K. 26 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Rayonnement des ondes ultrasonores guidées dans une structure mince et finie, métallique ou composite, en vue de son contrôle non-destructif / Guided wave radiation in a finite-sized metallic or composite plate-like structure for its non-destructive testingStévenin, Mathilde 08 December 2016 (has links)
Différents modèles sont développés de façon à constituer des outils génériques pour la simulation de méthodes de contrôle non-destructif par ondes élastiques guidées de plaques métalliques ou composites. Diverses méthodes de contrôle de ces structures existent ou sont à l’étude. La plupart font appel à des sources ultrasonores de taille finie ; toutes sont confrontées aux phénomènes de réflexion résultant de la taille finie des objets contrôlés. Les modèles développés traitent des phénomènes de diffraction associés aux sources et de réflexion sur un bord de plaques. Comme l’interprétation des signaux mesurés lors de contrôle par ondes guidées fait souvent appel à la notion de modes guidés, les modèles sont eux-mêmes modaux. Les cas de plaques isotropes (métalliques) et anisotropes (composites multicouches) sont considérés ; une approche générale suivant l’approximation de la phase stationnaire permet de traiter tous les cas d’intérêt. Pour les premiers, la validité d’une approximation de type Fraunhofer permet de traiter très efficacement les champs directs et réfléchis rayonnés par une source. Pour les derniers, une attention particulière est portée sur le traitement des caustiques. La méthode de la phase stationnaire étant difficile à généraliser, un modèle de pinceau, de nature plus géométrique, est proposé présentant un haut degré de généricité. Il met en cascade des termes de propagation en milieu isotrope ou anisotrope et d’interaction avec une frontière. L’équivalence de la méthode de la phase stationnaire au modèle de pinceau est démontrée pour le rayonnement et la réflexion dans une plaque isotrope, cas faisant l’objet d’une validation expérimentale. / Different models are developed to provide generic tools for simulating nondestructive methods relying on elastic guided waves applied to metallic or composite plates. Various inspection methods of these structures exist or are under study. Most of them make use of ultrasonic sources of finite size; all are sensitive to reflection phenomena resulting from the finite size of the monitored objects. The developed models deal with transducer diffraction effects and edge reflection. As the interpretation of signals measured in guided wave inspection often uses the concept of modes, the models themselves are explicitly modal. The case of isotropic plates (metal) and anisotropic (multilayer composites) are considered; a general approach under the stationary phase approximation allows us to consider all the cases of interest. For the first, the validity of a Fraunhofer-like approximation leads to a very efficient computation of the direct and reflected fields radiated by a source. For the second, special attention is paid to the treatment of caustics. The stationary phase approximation being difficult to generalize, a model (so-called “pencil model”) of more geometrical nature is proposed with a high degree of genericity. It chains terms of isotropic or anisotropic propagation and terms of interaction with a boundary. The equivalence of the stationary phase approximation and the pencil model is demonstrated in the case of the radiation and reflection in an isotropic plate, for which an experimental validation is proceeded.
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An Unexplored Realm in the Heartland of the Southern Gulf Olmec: Investigations at El Marquesillo, Veracruz, MexicoDoering, Travis F 30 March 2007 (has links)
This dissertation examines El Marquesillo, a settlement in an archaeologically unexplored region of the Southern Gulf Lowlands of Veracruz, Mexico. Evidence suggests the site has been consistently occupied from the Early Formative period (c. 1500 BC) to the present. Thus, this investigation presents an opportunity to re-examine the sociopolitical continuum encompassing the Olmec cultural phenomenon (c. 1150-300 BC), the emergence of which has been used repeatedly as an example of incipient social complexity.
Theorists have portrayed the development of sociopolitical complexity as a mosaic process in which environmental, social, political, economic, ideological, and demographic variables act independently or in combination to bring about change. In order to examine these variables, a suite of traditional and progressive archaeological techniques -- remote sensing, geophysical survey, GIS, mapping, anthropogenic soil survey -- were employed to prospect, document, and analyze the natural and built environments along with the material record documented at El Marquesillo. I argue that the resulting data do not fit many of the traditional models that have been offered to explain the development of Olmec sociopolitical complexity.
The term "traditional Olmec paradigm" is used to describe a collective array of conjectural concepts that have been proposed by theorists to explain how Formative people of the Southern Gulf Lowlands constructed and experienced their reality. Findings from El Marquesillo and other recent Heartland investigations suggest that much of this traditional Olmec paradigm may not be accurate. The Gulf Olmec were not a homogeneous and uniform entity across space and time. At El Marquesillo, idiosyncratic behaviors of the ancients relating to ancestor veneration and their connection to the landscape and worldview have been identified. These noted variations in social expression and the lack of adherence to the traditional Olmec paradigm suggest that some hypotheses regarding the Formative people of the Southern Gulf Lowlands be re-visited and possibly revised in the light of new evidence.
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Détection de l'endommagement dans un composite tissé PA66,6/Fibres de verre à l'aide de techniques ultrasonores en vue d'une prédiction de la durabilité de pièces automobiles / Damage detection in a PA 66,6/Glass woven fabric composite material using ultrasonic techniques towards durability prediction of automotive partsPomarede, Pascal 18 May 2018 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur l'étude expérimentale approfondie d'un composite à base polyamide 66/6 renforcé par des fibres de verres tissés suivant un motif sergé 2/2. L’objectif est de proposer des solutions de Contrôle Non Destructif (CND) basées sur les ultrasons afin de détecter différents niveaux d’endommagement induis. Pour cela, une étude approfondis des mécanismes d’endommagement apparaissant lors de sollicitations en traction suivant l’axe des fibres et hors axes est réalisé. Le cas d’impact induis par poids tombant est également étudiés. En effet, ces différents cas de sollicitions entraînent l’apparition de différent mécanismes d’endommagement. Ces derniers, ainsi que leur ordre d’apparition, sont caractérisés par Microscopie Electronique à Balayage (MEB) et tomographie à rayons X principalement. L’évaluation de la réduction du module élastique pré et post chargement ainsi que la fraction volumique de vide montrent une évolution de l’endommagement plus importante lors de chargement en traction hors axes des fibres que lors de chargement suivant l’axe. Lors des essais d’impact par poids tombant différents niveaux d’énergie sont considérés en restant proche du domaine des BVID en vue d’éprouver la sensibilité des méthodes de CND. Deux méthodes de CND par ultrasons étudiées durant ce projet peuvent être mises en avant. Premièrement, par mesure de la vitesse de propagation des ondes dans plusieurs directions du composites, le tenseur de rigidité est estimé dans tous ces cas de sollicitation mécanique pour différents niveaux d’endommagement. Des indicateurs d’endommagement basés sur ces mesures montrent une évolution de l’état d’endommagement similaire à celle discutée précédemment. Deuxièmement, une étude de la détection de l’endommagement par ondes guidées est menée. Aucun changement des modes transmit n’est visible lors de l’augmentation de l’état d’endommagement. L’évolution de l’énergie du signal transmis est alors proposée et validée comme indicateur d’endommagement efficace pour des chargements en traction mais pas pour l’impact. La mesure du décalage temporel à en revanche permis une localisation et une quantification de l’endommagement induit par impact. / The present study is focused on the experimental study of a polyamide 66/6 based composite reinforced by a 2/2 twill weave glass fabric. The aim is to propose Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) methods based on ultrasound that can efficiently distinguish different damage state. In order to do so, an investigation of the damage mechanisms induced by different type of mechanical solicitations. Tension along and off the axis of the fibers was considered as well as the case of drop weight impact. Those solicitations were shown to induce different damage mechanisms. The latter were characterized by means of Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray tomography mostly. The decreasing of the elastic modulus and the void volume fraction evolution were shown to be more significant for the samples loaded in tension off-axis. During the drop weight impact tests, the energies were considered in order to remain close to the Barely Visible Impact Damage (BVID) regime in order to experience the capability of the ultrasound based NDE methods. Two NDE methods investigated during this study deserve to be highlighted. Firstly, the stiffness tensor was estimated by means of phase velocities measurements in different propagation direction. Damage indicators based on results from this method were proposed. They were found to give results similar with the one from the evaluation of damage discussed earlier on. Secondly, a study of the damage detection using guided waves was performed. No mode conversion effect was observed from this investigation. Consequently, the signal energy was proposed as damage indicator and was found to be suitable to detect damage induced by tension but not by impact. The measure of time shift allowed obtaining a localization and evaluation of the damage induced by impact.
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