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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plagiarism : the cultural outbreak

Verstraete, Claire January 2006 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references. / The aim of this study is a conceptual and theoretical exploration of literary plagiarism. Chapter One traces various definitions of plagiarism and contrasts plagiarism with copyright infringement. It is argued that plagiarism is a social construct which cannot be defined solely in terms of textual features and must be contextualised. Authorial intention and reader reception play a key role in the discourse of plagiarism, since both reveal the prevailing contemporary textual ethics underlying textual production. The literature review in Chapter Two analyses the ways in which plagiarism has been interpreted in the last fifty years contrasting essentialist definitions of plagiarism with postmodern theories of plagiarism as a discourse of power. Plagiarism is contextualised within modern and postmodern aesthetics. In Chapter Three, the discourse of authorship as a stable and unified category is destabilised and challenged. What counts as plagiarism is argued to be inseparable from changing valorisations of authorship. Paradigms of authorship are then contrasted to illustrate how textual values change from one era to another, affecting dominant representations of authorship and plagiarism. Originality is explored as the pivotal construct on which the Romantic model of individual authorship depends - the model in which our current views of plagiarism have their origin. The plagiarist or 'nonauthor' is commonly viewed as everything the author is not: a copyist, unoriginal and immoral. Chapter Four analyses this construction of the plagiarist in the context of a South African case study in which Stephen Watson, Head of Department of English at the University of Cape Town, accused writer Antjie Krog of plagiarism. An analysis is made of the debate which ensued in a South African online journal, as well as of the press documentation surrounding the case. An interview was also conducted with Watson once the debate subsided. The conclusion reached from this study affirms that plagiarism is not an easily definable phenomenon since it depends on cultural notions that are in flux. Social, economic and technological changes also bring to bear on the literary institution, models of authorship and the consequent treatment of plagiarism. By enlarging the range of motivations for textual practices traditionally labelled as plagiarism, this thesis argues for a new conception of plagiarism, one that engages various discourse participants and contexts.

Legitimising language : 9/11 and liberal democracy

Ennis, Andrew Edward January 2010 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 62-63). / Since the famous 9/11 terrorist attacks in America, the American government has increased their military presence across the world, most notably by occupying Iraq and Afghanistan. This they have done under the banner of spreading liberal democracy to oppressed peoples in far off places, arguing that their actions represent asense of moral clarity and are necessary if the world is going to be safe from evil. This paper argues that the term liberal democracy and all the ideological rhetoric of freedom that is employed give the Americans a moral high ground from which they seek to excuse and legitimise their actions. This thesis shows how the framework of spreading liberal democracy has been and is being used in order to legitimise actions which appear to be contradictory to the professed goals of spreading liberty and equality, to oppressed people.

Art as craft and politics : the literature of Mongane Wally Serote

Mashigoane, Mncedisi Siseko January 2000 (has links)
Includes bibliography (leaves 193-196) and index.

Plomer's portrayal of the family in relation to a hegemonic ideology

Tucker, J E January 1989 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 67-68. / This dissertation examines how ideology is constituted in texts, and how colonial texts generally support the hegemonic ideology, that is, they offer a point of view which is racialistic and a picture of blacks which is patronizing and denigratory. With regard to the colonial white population, colonial texts generally portray a strongly patriarchal, often authoritarian societal structure. William Plomer writes within the liberal tradition and therefore seeks to undermine the dominant ideology. He shows how contradictory the colonial attitude to the natives is and how the 'civilising' mission often runs counter to the colonial desire for the ease and luxury which require a subject and 'uncivilised' population. The dissertation looks particularly at the portrayal of family life in Plomer's South African short stories and in Turbott Wolfe. It sees that society limits the range of what the author can invent, that the author in many cases 'encounters the solution' (Macherey), and Plomer seems unable to present a work in which a couple of mixed race is able to find a role in society. In the short stories, Plomer portrays families as weak entities, with married people often yearning for partners of a different racial group. Marriage is shown to be undermined by the racialistic and authoritarian strictures placed upon it. In Turbott Wolfe, Plomer portrays several bigoted and vicious white families with the men having secret liaisons with black women and seldom acknowledging their progeny. The only couple of mixed race, seems to operate in a social vacuum and has symbolic value only. Plomer thus presents a society and a familial structure undermined by the very restrictions which are designed to safeguard them.

All life converges to some centre: alienation and modernity in the early Ayi Kwei Armah

Chetty, Kavish January 2015 (has links)
Inlcudes bibliographical references. / This paper examines representations of existential alienation in two early novels by the Ghanaian author Ayi Kwei Armah. The introductory chapter extrapolates an account of how the representational strategies of existential alienation produce specific effects on the act of self - writing. From there, the paper explores these effects in Armah’s The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born (1968), arguing that alienation is a valuable heuristic in unlocking the novel’s complex meditation on how abstract, macrohistorical forces like neo - colonialism come to be registered in the most intimate aspects of the subject’s experience of the world. As such, if one restores the historical details of Ghana’s “post-colonial” moment, the novel is redeemed from Chinua Achebe’s assertion that the novel is “sick [...] not with the sickness of Ghana, but the sickness of the human condition”. Representations of alienation have a diagnostic function in The Beautyful Ones . The second chapter examines alienation under the new imaginative terrains of Armah’s Two Thousand Seasons (1973), and articulates the experiments in formal representation in that novel with Armah’s inaugural concern with the possibility of a prognostic appraisal of the alienation so widely thematised in his earlier trilogy. Both studies are undertaken, finally, to explore the ways in which modernity has been received in African literature, and to demonstrate the analytic value of existential alienation in understanding the crises of a specifically African modernity.

Olive Schreiner : women, nature, culture

Barsby, Tina January 1988 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 102-112. / This dissertation locates Olive Schreiner as a nineteenth-century colonial woman writer who challenges the traditional association of men with culture, and women with nature. In Schreiner's writing the oppression of women is situated within an understanding of the social construction of "woman" as closer to nature than man. Through the lives of her central female characters, Schreiner shows how this definition of "woman" works to position women as "other" to culture, both preventing their access to public power and marginalising their fully social activities within culture. Schreiner attempts to displace definitions of culture constituted through a system of binary oppositions which inevitably privilege masculinity as opposed to femininity by redefining culture in three distinct ways. The patriarchal conception culture as the sole preserve of men is rejected in Schreiner's demands for women's educational and legal equality, and for their right to economic independence. Conventional notions of culture are equally refused in Schreiner's stress on women's traditional domestic labour as essential to the very emergence and continuation of culture. Finally, the deconstruction of sexual difference as a fixed immutable category within Schreiner's writing exposes the definition of "woman" as socially constructed and legitimated. The contradictions and tensions within and between these demands illustrate the limits of Schreiner's feminist and socialist politics, and point to how her writing both challenges and articulates aspects of dominant nineteenth-century ideology. At the same time, such contradictions were vitally important in motivating Schreiner's on-going attempt to change radically the position of women within culture. Moreover, the co-existence of apparently conflicting demands within Schreiner's redefinition of culture suggests the terms of a resolution of the perennial problem within feminist discourse around competing claims for women's equality or for a recognition of their difference.

Ukusetshenziswa kwenzululwazi yokwethiwa kwamagama njengesu lokwakha abalingiswa- kubuyekezwa imibhalo eqokiwe ebhalwe emva kokuzuzwa kwentando yabantu.

Mhlongo, Bonakele Yvonne January 2017 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of African Languages at the University Of Zululand, 2017. / Lolu cwaningo lumayelana nokwethiwa kwabalingiswa emibhalweni ekhethekile ebhalwe emva kokuzuzwa kombuso wentando yabantu. Ukwethiwa kwegama lomuntu kusemqoka kakhulu osikweni lakwaZulu, njengakwamanye amasiko ase-Afrika. Imvamisa lawa magama ahamba nezincazelo kanti futhi ahambisana nezehlo ezithile. Amagama angaveza ulwazi olukhulu ngamasiko nezinkolelo ezahlukene ngokomphakathi nangokwezizwe. Isiko lokwethiwa kwamagama luyaziveza ngendlela ababhali abangama-Afrika abetha ngayo abalingiswa emisebenzini yobuciko eyahlukene. Umbhali usuke enenhloso nezizathu ezithile ngalelo gama. Umbuzo onqala wocwaningo ubheka ukuthi ngabe ababhali babusebenzise kanjani ubuciko bokwethiwa kwamagama emibhalweni (Literary onomastics), ukwakha abalingiswa, emibhalweni eqokiwe yesiZulu ebhalwe ngemuva kokuzuzwa kombuso wentando yabantu. Injongo yalo mbuzo, ukuhlaziya indlela ulimi olusetshenziswe ngayo ukwakha abalingiswa njengalokhu kunobudlelwano obunzulu phakathi kolimi nesimomqondo kanye nencazelo eqondiwe. Kulolu cwaningo kuqokwe uhlobo lobucikomazwi obubhaliwe okungamanoveli ayisihlanu kanye nohlobo lomdlalo owodwa. Ucwaningo lusebenzise insizakuhlaziya yokuHlaziya nokuCofiya iNgxoxombhalo, okuyinto ezinye izingcwaningo ezingayisebenzisanga. Ezinye zezinto ezitholwe ucwaningo zimbandakanya: ukusetshenziswa ngababhali iqhingasu lokwethiwa kwabalingiswa ukugqamisa izindikimba ezifana nemiphumela yokwanda kwezidakamizwa, ukudayisa ngomzimba nokuhlukunyezwa kwezingane nabesifazane emiphakathini. Okunye okutholwe ucwaningo kufakazela osekuvezwe ngongoti abaningi abaphenya ngale ndikimba okuthinta ukuqonela kwabesilisa (patriachy). Kugqamile nokho ocwaningweni ukuthi abanye ababhali bayakugwema ukwetha amagama achemile ngokobulili kunalokho bakhetha amagama akhuthazayo, nadlulisa ukwexwayisa. Ucwaningo luphinde lwathola ukuthi amagama ethiwe akhombisa izinguquko ezenzekile ezweni, ezithinta izigigaba zomlando njengokubuya kwababesekudingisweni, ukuzuzwa kwenkululeko nemithelela yokuthutheleka kwabokufika eNingizimu Afrika. Lolu cwaningo luncoma ukusetshenziswa kwenzululwazi ye-onomastiki njengesu lokufundisa ukuhlaziywa kwemibhalo kulesi sikhathi lapho izikole zibhekene nengwadla yabafundi abangalwazi ulimi nencazelo yamagama esiZulu, kanye nezigigaba ezingumlando wesizwe.

Lita på processen / Trust the Process

Wackerberg Jonsson, Robert January 2023 (has links)
Det här är delar av romanen med arbetsnamnet Lita på Processen. Den inlämnade texten utspelar sig mot slutet, där protagonisten John i en vändpunkt tar ett aktivt beslut i ett val som hur än han väljer innebär ett svek. Jag uppskattar att det återstår tre till fyra kapitel kvar att skriva. Det huvudsakliga temat, själva andemeningen som jag vill lämna till läsare, är hur alla behöver någonting att sträva mot och tro på. Jag vill också gestalta de goda psykiska hälsoeffekter löpning kan ge. Visa andra sätt att leva och använda en barnvagn på, bortom det normativa. Och eftersom jag gillar att läsa och skriva om antihjältar som på olika sätt har det mycket svårt ­­så satte jag en antisocial, tv-spelsberoende, självföraktande alkoholist i ett par löparskor. Fick honom att möta och acceptera en mission från en annan av byns särlingar. TokTuva, som känner samhörighet med John och vill hjälpa honom. Hon ber honom frakta en totempåle från Örnsköldsvik till Treriksröset och berättar hur pålen kommer att laddas av Johns kval. Hur goda energier kommer att flöda ner över värden, om nu John lyckas med sin mission. Han är, efter att hans före detta flickvän ramlat ihop i en hjärnblödning och hamnat i ett vegetativt tillstånd på ett vårdboende, än mer ångestdriven, förvirrad och skuldtyngd. John isolerar sig, äter snabbmat, dricker rosé och spelar tv-spel. Framför allt Red Dead Redemption, där han kan vara John Marston i stället för John Häggkvist. Han ikläder sig cowboyens identitet också fysiskt, tar på sig rock, Kentuckyboots, Stetsonhatt och inte minst snusnäsduk under de få tillfällen han går ut. Han kan, på ett liknande sätt som Mr Marston gör i Red Ded Redemption när han behöver mer tid för att prickskjuta fiender, bromsa in tiden om han gnuggar näsduken med fingrarna. Så upplever John Häggkvist det åtminstone. Han övertalas av sina barndomskompisar Stor-Tommie och Hurdå att följa med på en fest. De försöker koppla ihop honom med en tjej, och när det går upp för honom att det hela tiden varit planen, så drar han i väg. Han springer ut i höstmörkret. Bestämmer sig i ett infall för att springa en mil och sedan vända mot sin lägenhet. Det är själva starten på hans karaktärsutveckling. Det är något med löpningen, med tuktandet av kroppen som han fastnar för, och han fortsätter att springa. Han köper löpardojjor från Lidl men skadas och går deprimerad i skogen när han möter TokTuva. Ett led i karaktärsutvecklingen mot acceptansen av en mer hel John Häggkvist, är att våga öppna dörrar och vara kvar i det som är jobbigt. Att ta egna beslut i stället för att vara passiv och låta slumpen råda. Att slutföra saker, att lita på processen, som Tuva säger. Löpningen är såklart en del i detta, men jag låter också John bli förälskad i Linda-Lee som han möter på vägen mot Treriksröset. Han vågar släppa in henne och inte minst hunden Billy, eller Luke som han döper den till.

Spelmannen / The Fiddler

Kagwa, Atimango Fiona January 2023 (has links)
Vännerna Atim, Felicia, Elin och Noor bor i Bollnäs. Bollnäs är en vacker stad i Hälsingland, men under det vackra finns även ett mörker. Vännerna upplever mörker i sin uppväxtmiljö; samhället, skolan, familjen och även mellan varandra. Året 2002 blir Hårgasägnen verklig när vännerna råkar påbörja en ritual som väcker spelmannen från sin boning. Det blir en lång och plågsam resa att försöka stänga den dörr de en gång öppnat. Tjugo år senare är Atim tillbaka i Bollnäs för att en gång för alla avsluta det som påbörjats under barndomen. Men inget är desamma längre, vännerna är splittrade, lojaliteten är bruten men störst av allt är ljuset inombords som har slocknat.

Slukhålet under The Berlin Night Express och sånt som hände andra dagar / The Sinkhole Under The Berlin Night Express and What Happened on Other Days

Olsen, Marie-Louise January 2023 (has links)
I denna samling mer och mindre korta noveller kom jag på mig själv att undersöka begreppet empati, vad som utlöser det och vad det utlöser. Jag märkte hur känslan gjorde vågor i livsväven hos karaktärerna jag skapade i de olika berättelserna. Hur det ibland kastade ut dem i känslomässig ödemark, andra gånger trasslade in dem i skuldkänslor eller förlorade dem i ånger. Några verkar ha gått oberörda förbi. Ibland verkar känslan fungerat som jag tänkt att den ska.  Jag har också vågat mig ner i förlustens avgrund. Jag har försökt se hur de, mina fiktiva karaktärer, hanterar faktiskt förlust, men kanske ännu mer – och jag tror något vi talar mer sällan om – vad deras vetskap om risken att förlora någon de älskar gör med dem. Mellan dessa allvarliga tankar ser jag skämtsamhet och en ton av sarkasm. Det kan vara ett försök att orka fortsätta le. Livet går vidare, för det mesta, trots allt. Det finns korn i eländet att vara glad över. Vackra små saker. Eller nått sånt. Kanske tänkte jag att ett leende nu och då kan hjälpa mig att inse det? Eller så är det en flyktmekanism.

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