Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonprofit"" "subject:"monprofit""
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Resource Dependence: Der Einfluss öffentlicher Finanzierungsformen auf die Funktionen von Nonprofit Organisationen in ÖsterreichNeumayr, Michaela 30 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit bilden die Änderungen in den Finanzierungsbeziehungen zwischen Nonprofit Organisationen (NPO) und der öffentlichen Hand in Österreich: Seit den 1990er Jahren wurden Subventionen sukzessive durch Leistungsverträge abgelöst. Dies führte zu einer Wiederbelebung der seit dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert diskutierten Vermutungen, dass NPO durch öffentliche Finanzierung an Autonomie verlieren und ihre wesentlichen Aufgaben, insbesondere ihre zivilgesellschaftliche Kritikfunktion, nicht mehr wahrnehmen können. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird im ersten Teil der Dissertation der Frage nachgegangen, welche Funktionen NPO für die Gesellschaft überhaupt erbringen. Dazu wird aus Interviews mit VertreterInnen von zehn österreichischen NPO mittels qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ein Konzept der wichtigsten Funktionen von NPO entwickelt. Diese sind die Funktionen der Dienstleistungserstellung, der Interessenvertretung und der Gemeinschaftsbildung. Auf diesem Funktionsdreieck aufbauend behandelt der zweite Teil der Dissertation die Frage, inwiefern NPO mit zunehmendem Anteil öffentlicher Einnahmen und Einnahmen aus Leistungsverträgen bestimmte Funktionen, insbesondere die Interessenvertretungsfunktion, vernachlässigen. Diese Annahme leitet sich aus der Resource Dependence Theorie ab, der zufolge Organisationen den expliziten oder impliziten Forderungen ihrer GeldgeberInnen entsprechend handeln. Ebenfalls geprüft werden die Thesen, ob mit zunehmenden Einnahmen aus öffentlichen Leistungsverträgen die Funktionen der Interessensvertretung und der Gemeinschaftsbildung an Bedeutung verlieren, die Ausübung der Dienstleistungsfunktion jedoch gestärkt wird. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung, die Auswertung von Querschnittsdaten von 250 österreichischen NPO mittels Regressionsanalysen, zeigen, dass öffentliche Einnahmen an sich keinen negativen Einfluss auf die Funktion der Interessensvertretung ausüben. Allerdings gehen Einnahmen aus öffentlichen Leistungsverträgen mit einer geringeren Bedeutung der Interessenvertretungs- und einer größeren Bedeutung der Dienstleistungsfunktion einher. Die relative Bedeutung der Gemeinschaftsbildungsfunktion wird davon nicht berührt. Insgesamt trägt die Resource Dependence Theorie aber nur wenig zur Erklärung der Funktionswahrnehmung von NPO bei. Vielmehr drängt sich für zukünftige Forschungsarbeiten die Frage auf, welche Wirkungen von den aktuell an Bedeutung gewinnenden Formen privater Finanzierung auf die gesellschaftlichen Funktionen von NPO ausgehen. (Autorenref.)
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Alternative profit scorecards for revolving creditSanchez Barrios, Luis Javier January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this PhD project is to design profit scorecards for a revolving credit using alternative measures of profit that have not been considered in previous research. The data set consists of customers from a lending institution that grants credit to those that are usually financially excluded due to the lack of previous credit records. The study presents for the first time a relative profit measure (i.e.: returns) for scoring purposes and compares results with those obtained from usual monetary profit scores both in cumulative and average terms. Such relative measure can be interpreted as the productivity per customer in generating cash flows per monetary unit invested in receivables. Alternatively, it is the coverage against default if the lender discontinues operations at time t. At an exploratory level, results show that granting credit to financially excluded customers is a profitable business. Moreover, defaulters are not necessarily unprofitable; in average the profits generated by profitable defaulters exceed the losses generated by certain non-defaulters. Therefore, it makes sense to design profit (return) scorecards. It is shown through different methods that it makes a difference to use alternative profit measures for scoring purposes. At a customer level, using either profits or returns alters the chances of being accepted for credit. At a portfolio level, in the long term, productivity (coverage against default) is traded off if profits are used instead of returns. Additionally, using cumulative or average measures implies a trade off between the scope of the credit programme and customer productivity (coverage against default). The study also contributes to the ongoing debate of using direct and indirect prediction methods to produce not only profit but also return scorecards. Direct scores were obtained from borrower attributes, whilst indirect scores were predicted using the estimated probabilities of default and repurchase; OLS was used in both cases. Direct models outperformed indirect models. Results show that it is possible to identify customers that are profitable both in monetary and relative terms. The best performing indirect model used the probabilities of default at t=12 months and of repurchase in t=12, 30 months as predictors. This agrees with banking practices and confirms the significance of the long term perspective for revolving credit. Return scores would be preferred under more conservative standpoints towards default because of unstable conditions and if the aim is to penetrate relatively unknown segments. Further ethical considerations justify their use in an inclusive lending context. Qualitative data was used to contextualise results from quantitative models, where appropriate. This is particularly important in the microlending industry, where analysts’ market knowledge is important to complement results from scorecards for credit granting purposes. Finally, this is the first study that formally defines time-to-profit and uses it for scoring purposes. Such event occurs when the cumulative return exceeds one. It is the point in time when customers are exceedingly productive or alternatively when they are completely covered against default, regardless of future payments. A generic time-to-profit application scorecard was obtained by applying the discrete version of Cox model to borrowers’ attributes. Compared with OLS results, portfolio coverage against default was improved. A set of segmented models predicted time-to-profit for different loan durations. Results show that loan duration has a major effect on time-to-profit. Furthermore, inclusive lending programmes can generate internal funds to foster their growth. This provides useful insight for investment planning objectives in inclusive lending programmes such as the one under analysis.
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Explaining customers’ relationship commitment in the non-profit sectorKolesova, Svetlana January 2017 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of the study is to explain what affect customers’ relationship commitment to non-profits organizations. Methodology This study employs the quantitative approach with the help of webbased survey. Findings Relationship commitment has two direct antecedents, namely trust and relationship benefits. Communication between organization and customers has an indirect effect on relationship commitment which is partially mediated by trust. The relationships between constructs are controlled by the length of the membership in the organization. Research limitations/implications The study has several managerial implications. Thus, the established associations between relationships constructs adopted from for-profit industries do not fully explain the drivers of customers’ relationship commitment in the non-profit sector. The special attention should be payed to establishing the successful two-ways communication with the customers in order to facilitate commitment. Theoretically-wise, the study re-examines the earlier established model in the new context and by doing so introduces the new model which is relevant for the context of customers of non-profit organizations. The study however has some limitation such as an application of convenience sample, a limited availability of the survey, a possible language barrier. Originality/value The study proposes the new model which explains commitment and its antecedents in the context of customers’ relationship with non-profit organizations. Keywords Commitment, non-profit organizations, relationship marketing, quantitative study
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Examining the Association of Welfare State Expenditure, Non-profit Regimes and Charitable GivingPennerstorfer, Astrid, Neumayr, Michaela 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper explores cross-country variations in charitable giving and investigates the association of welfare state policies with private philanthropy.
Hypotheses are drawn from crowding-out theory and considerations about the influence of a country's mixed economy of welfare. We add to the on-going discussion
concerning the crowding-out hypothesis with empirical evidence by looking at specific charitable subsectors people donate to across countries. Using Eurobarometer
survey data that include 23 countries, we find no evidence for a crowding-out effect, but rather a crosswise crowding-in effect of private donations.
Moreover, giving behaviour differs between non-profit regimes.
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Hodnota zákazníka s aplikací v bankovním sektoru / Customer Lifetime Value - Application to Banking SectorLajksnerová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Master Thesis: Customer Lifetime Value - Application to Banking Sector Author: Zuzana Lajksnerová Abstract This thesis deals with the calculation of the customer life value for clients of second largest Czech commercial banks - Československá obchodní banka a.s.. The aim is to estimate the revenue each individual brings to the bank within the first year, two, four since creating a profile but also during the whole time he or she remains in their customer base. The first, theoretical part contains of structured overview of the modeling approach from available literature. In the second part, we develop two different models, which are subsequently applied on client data of 2.7 million ČSOB customers. The prediction takes into account both revenues from each product and probability that customer will use this product. For estimation of the two models we use several different econometric methods, thus linear regression, bootstrap, probit and multinomial logit. The results show that demographic data such as age and gender, as well as product related variables, greatly inuence the final level of value of customer. It is also shown that higher potential earnings are associated with men, people of working age and loyal customers.
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Družstvo jako podnikatelský subjekt / The cooperative as a business entityValíček, Jan January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract The cooperative as a business entity The goal of this thesis is to look at the cooperatives from a different point of view as a business entity. The difference is explained on a fact that normally the cooperative is connected with ensuring of economic, social and other needs of its members. Chapter One deals with the basic features of a cooperative. With regard to the limited range of this thesis it considers only chosen features influencing the functioning of the cooperative as a business entity. Firstly a cooperative, entrepreneurship as a core of the market economy and the correlation between them is described. Then the thesis compares a cooperative with companies based on selected features. Chapter Two concentrates on types of cooperatives, on their constitution and utilization for business. This chapter focuses on housing cooperatives, consumer cooperatives, production cooperatives and credit unions. Last but not least the thesis comments the importance of alliances increasing competitiveness and advantages for the cooperative members. Chapter Three provides an outline of the European Cooperative Society. It is a necessary part with regard to the membership of Czech Republic in the European Union. The most important and most interesting parts related to the business utilization of the...
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Právo společníka na podíl na zisku v jednotlivých formách obchodních společností / The right of a company member to the share of profits in individual types of business companyKusáková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The full title of my Master's degree thesis is Partner's Profit Sharing Right in Various Forms of Companies The aim of my thesis is to analyse the existing regulation governing the right to a share in profits in various kinds of companies, compare it with the amended law, which is already relevant, but still not in force. In the legal regulation concerning the profit sharing right there are still many questions that have not been described and solved in legal literature. There are also some issues that have been already solved by authors, but there are different expert's opinions on such issues. In my thesis I have attempted to compare all these opinions with the wording of the law. The thesis consists of twelve main chapters, including an introduction and conclusion of my thesis. Chapter One, Profit Sharing Right to Profit Share - basic definition deals with the meaning and importance of the profit sharing right. Chapter Two "Legal Sources" defines statutes and other legal sources to which the thesis refers. It specifies main acts important...
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Motivace zaměstnanců neziskové organizace / Motivation of employees in the non-profit-making organizationŠkarková, Andrea January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a motivation of employees in the non-profit-making organisation. It analyses the current motivation system and suggests a corrective measures.
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Efektivita hospodaření nestátních neziskových organizací / Effectiveness of management in nonprofit organizationsŽivná, Renata January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is an evaluation of effectiveness of management in non state and nonprofit sector and confrontation of theoretical knowledge and praxis based on real example of a nonprofit organization. For the evaluation of effectiveness of management I use financial analysis indicators which are modified for the nonprofit sector needs. Throughout the thesis, a series of additional questions, regarding financial sources, financial reporting problematic and report manipulation, is addressed. A considerable sphere of interest are also state interventions, their influence on nonprofit, state-run organizations and financial crisis impact. First part deals with theoretical knowledge gained from scholarly literature regarding key questions of the issues in question. The applied part is opened with the financial analysis methodology, followed by financial analysis of chosen organization itself, which is done on the basis of its financial reports.
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Komunikace s médii a publicita neziskové organizace / Communication with the Mass Media and Publicity of a Non-Profit OrganizationTrůblová, Alžběta January 2010 (has links)
The Diploma thesis is focused on publicity and public relations in non-profit organization. The first part of the work synthesizes theoretic findings from the field of communication, marketing and public relations and is using them to generate an overview of instruments and procedures suitable for use in a non-profit organization. Based on this theoretic assumption is Analysis of current communication system used by the organization. The main aim of this thesis is to draft a brand-new communication strategy, including a new graphic design, a set of communication tools and a system of their applications. The subject of the research is the Club For Old Prague, a civic association with more than a century long tradition in the field of architectural heritage protection and preservation the genius loci of our towns. The new communication strategy should help the Club to improve coordination of the flow of information, and through to newly created, unified and unmistakable image gain more publicity and public support for Club's goals.
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