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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Normal Faulting, Volcanism And Fluid Flow, Hikurangi Subduction Plate Boundary, New Zealand

Seebeck, Hannu Christian January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates normal faulting and its influence on fluid flow over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales using tunnel engineering geological logs, outcrop, surface fault traces, earthquakes, gravity, and volcanic ages. These data have been used to investigate the impact of faults on fluid flow (chapter 2), the geometry and kinematics of the Taupo Rift (chapter 3), the hydration and dehydration of the subducting Pacific plate and its influence on the Taupo Volcanic Zone (chapter 4), the migration of arc volcanism across the North Island over the 16 Myr and the associated changes in slab geometry (chapter 5) and the Pacific-Australia relative plate motion vectors since 38 Ma and their implications for arc volcanism and deformation along the Hikurangi margin (chapter 6). The results for each of these five chapters are presented in the five paragraphs below. Tunnels excavated along the margins of the southern Taupo Rift at depths < 500 m provide data on the spatial relationships between faulting and ground water flow. The geometry and hydraulic properties of fault-zones for Mesozoic basement and Miocene strata vary by several orders of magnitude approximating power-law distributions with the dimensions of these zones dependent on many factors including displacement, hostrock type and fault geometries. Despite fault-zones accounting for a small proportion of the total sample length (≤ 15%), localised flow of ground water into the tunnels occurs almost exclusively (≥ 91%) within, and immediately adjacent to, these zones. The spatial distribution and rate of flow from fault-zones are highly variable with typically ≤ 50% of fault-zones in any given orientation flowing. The entire basement dataset shows that 81% of the flow-rate occurs from fault-zones ≥ 10 m wide, with a third of the total flow-rate originating from a single fault-zone (i.e. the golden fracture). The higher flow rates for the largest faults are interpreted to arise because these structures are the most connected to other faults and to the ground surface. The structural geometry and kinematics of rifting is constrained by earthquake focal mechanisms and by geological slip and fault mapping. Comparison of present day geometry and kinematics of normal faulting in the Taupo Rift (α=76-84°) with intra-arc rifting in the Taranaki Basin and southern Havre Trough show, that for at least the last 4 Myr, the slab and the associated changes in its geometry have exerted a first-order control on the location, geometry, and extension direction of intra-arc rifting in the North Island. Second-order features of rifting in the central North Island include a clockwise ~20° northwards change in the strike of normal faults and trend of the extension direction. In the southern rift normal faults are parallel to, and potentially reactivate, Mesozoic basement fabric (e.g., faults and bedding). By contrast, in the northern rift faults diverge from basement fabric by up to 55° where focal mechanisms indicate that extension is achieved by oblique to right-lateral strike-slip along basement fabric and dip-slip on rift faults. Hydration and dehydration of the subducting Pacific plate is elucidated by earthquake densities and focal mechanisms within the slab. The hydration of the subducting plate varies spatially and is an important determinant for the location of arc volcanism in the overriding plate. The location and high volcanic productivity of the TVZ can be linked to the subduction water cycle, where hydration and subsequent dehydration of the subducting oceanic lithosphere is primarily accomplished by normal-faulting earthquakes. The anomalously high heat flow and volcanic productivity of the TVZ is spatially associated with high rates of seismicity in the underlying slab mantle at depths of 130-210 km which can be tracked back to high rates of deeply penetrating shallow intraplate seismicity at the trench in proximity to oceanic fluids. Dehydration of the slab mantle correlates with the location and productivity of active North Island volcanic centres, indicating this volcanism is controlled by fluids fluxing from the subducting plate. The ages and locations of arc volcanoes provide constraints on the migration of volcanism across the North Island over the last 20 Myr. Arc-front volcanoes have migrated southeast by 150 km in the last 8 Ma (185 km since 16 Ma) sub-parallel to the present active arc. Migration of the arc is interpreted to mainly reflect slab steepening and rollback. The strike of the Pacific plate beneath the North Island, imaged by Benioff zone seismicity (50-200 km) and positive mantle velocity anomalies (200-600 km) is parallel to the northeast trend of arc-front volcanism. Arc parallelism since 16 Ma is consistent with the view that the subducting plate beneath the North Island has not rotated clockwise about vertical axes which is in contrast to overriding plate vertical-axis rotations of ≥ 30º. Acceleration of arc-front migration rates (~4 mm/yr to ~18 mm/yr), eruption of high Mg# andesites, increasing eruption frequency and size, and uplift of the over-riding plate indicate an increase in the hydration, temperature, and size of the mantle wedge beneath the central North Island from ~7 Ma. Seafloor spreading data in conjunction with GPlates have been used to generate relative plate motion vectors across the Hikurangi margin since 38 Ma. Tracking the southern and down-dip limits of the seismically imaged Pacific slab beneath the New Zealand indicates arc volcanism in Northland from ~23 Ma and the Taranaki Basin between ~20 and 11 Ma requires Pacific plate subduction from at (or beyond) the northern North Island continental margin from at least 38 Ma to the present. Pacific plate motion in a west dipping subduction model shows a minimum horizontal transport distance of 285 km preceding the initiation of arc volcanism along the Northland-arc normal to the motion vector, a distance more than sufficient for self-sustaining subduction to occur. Arc-normal convergence rates along the Hikurangi margin doubled from 11 to 23 mm/yr between 20 and 16 Ma, increasing again by approximately a third between 8 and 6 Ma. This latest increase in arc-normal rates coincided with changes in relative plate motions along the entire SW Pacific plate boundary and steepening/rollback of the Pacific plate.


Hoar, Rachel Montague 01 January 2019 (has links)
A new apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) dataset from subvertical transects collected in the Teton and Gallatin Ranges in the Teton-Yellowstone region provides insight for the slip history and length of the Teton fault. Along the northernmost segment of the Teton fault, inverse thermal history modeling of AHe data from Eagles Rest Peak yield a ~9 Ma age for onset of fault slip. This age supports previous interpretations that Mount Moran may be the true center of the Teton fault. This refined interpretation coupled with lengthdisplacement fault scaling analysis and previous estimates of total fault displacement (~6 km) indicates that the Teton fault may extend 50-90 km north of Mount Moran. However, this new data precludes the possibility that the Teton and East Gallatin faults represent the same structure. Yet, because these systems share a similar structure trend and initial slip ages (13 Ma and 16 Ma, respectively), they may still be related at a larger scale. To the south, the Teewinot transect yields the oldest onset age of ~32 Ma, however a >500 m vertical data gap in this transect leads us to cautiously interpret the results of this model, particularly as this age conflicts with four other transects along-strike.

Spatio-Temporal Analyses of Cenozoic Normal Faulting, Graben Basin Sedimentation, and Volcanism around the Snake River Plain, SE Idaho and SW Montana

Davarpanah, Armita 10 May 2014 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes the spatial distribution and kinematics of the Late Cenozoic Basin and Range (BR) and cross normal fault (CF) systems and their related graben basins around the Snake River Plain (SRP), and investigates the spatio-temporal patterns of lavas that were erupted by the migrating Yellowstone hotspot along the SRP, applying a diverse set of GIS-based spatial statistical techniques. The spatial distribution patterns of the normal fault systems, revealed by the Ripley's K-function, display clustered patterns that correlate with a high linear density, maximum azimuthal variation, and high box-counting fractal dimensions of the fault traces. The extension direction for normal faulting is determined along the major axis of the fractal dimension anisotropy ellipse measured by the modified Cantor dust method and the minor axis of the autocorrelation anisotropy ellipse measured by Ordinary Kriging, and across the linear directional mean (LDM) of the fault traces. Trajectories of the LDMs for the cross faults around each caldera define asymmetric sub-parabolic patterns similar to the reported parabolic distribution of the epicenters, and indicate sub-elliptical extension about each caldera that may mark the shape of hotspot’s thermal doming that formed each generation of cross faults. The decrease in the spatial density of the CFs as a function of distance from the axis of the track of the hotspot (SRP) also suggests the role of the hotspot for the formation of the cross faults. The parallelism of the trend of the exposures of the graben filling Sixmile Creek Formation with the LDM of their bounding cross faults indicates that the grabens were filled during or after the CF event. The global and local Moran’s I analyses of Neogene lava in each caldera along the SRP reveal a higher spatial autocorrelation and clustering of rhyolitic lava than the coeval basaltic lava in the same caldera. The alignment of the major axis of the standard deviational ellipses of lavas with the trend of the eastern SRP, and the successive spatial overlap of older lavas by progressively younger mafic lava, indicate the migration of the centers of eruption as the hotspot moved to the northeast.

Tectonique et processus d’exhumation des Cordillères Blanche et Noire en contexte de subduction horizontale (Nord Pérou) / Tectonics and exhumation processes above a flat subduction : example of the Cordilleras Blanca and Negra (northern Peru)

Margirier, Audrey 27 November 2015 (has links)
Ma thèse se focalise sur l'étude des mécanismes qui ont conduit au soulèvement et à la construction du relief dans les Andes du Nord du Pérou. Dans cette région, la Cordillère Blanche forme les plus hauts sommets péruviens (> 6000 m) et constitue une anomalie à l'échelle des Andes. La morphologie de cette région des Andes est marquée par un pluton de forme atypique, allongé et à l'affleurement sur plus de 150 km. Ce pluton est bordé par une faille normale de plus de 200 km de long. La présence de cette faille normale majeure en contexte de subduction plane reste surprenante car ces zones de subduction planes semblent induire une augmentation du raccourcissement dans la plaque chevauchante. Mon travail a eu pour objectifs de caractériser les variations de l'état de contraintes régional, l'âge du soulèvement et de discuter les processus géodynamiques qui ont contribué à la formation du relief. Dans ce cadre, j'ai utilisé une approche pluridisciplinaire impliquant sur plusieurs échelles spatio-temporelles et comprenant à la fois de nouvelles données de terrain, leur analyse et leur modélisation.Mes données de microtectonique indiquent qu'il est possible de générer de l'extension au dessus d'une subduction plane à l'échelle régionale. Ces données sont en contradiction avec l'augmentation du raccourcissement classiquement attendue dans la plaque chevauchante. Mes nouvelles données de thermochronologie basse température et leur modélisation montrent une augmentation de l'exhumation induite par le soulèvement de la Cordillère Occidentale à 15 Ma. En les confrontant aux modèles précédents, je propose un soulèvement régional lié à l'aplatissement de la subduction et à la topographie dynamique associée.J'ai également étudié l'impact de l'arc Miocène sur le soulèvement à une échelle plus locale. Pour cela, j'ai compilé tous les âges de refroidissement du pluton disponibles dans la littérature. En parallèle, j'ai obtenu les premières données de profondeur de mise en place du batholite de la Cordillère Blanche. Cela m'a permis de proposer une structure du batholite en sills empilés puis basculés vers l'est. De plus, la modélisation des variations spatio-temporelle des taux d'érosion à partir des données de thermochronologie basse température indique une augmentation importante des taux d'érosion dans la Cordillère Blanche à partir de 2 Ma. L'arc Miocène ne semble donc pas contribuer significativement au soulèvement malgré sa probable contribution à l'épaississement de la lithosphère. En revanche, l'érosion glaciaire récente semble contribuer fortement à l'exhumation de la Cordillère Blanche et au basculement du batholite.Dans la dernière partie de ma thèse, pour quantifier l'importance de l'érosion dans la création du relief et le soulèvement, j'ai modélisé l'évolution du paysage de la région (FastScape). Mes modélisations numériques démontrent le rôle majeur de l'érosion et du rebond flexural associé dans la création du relief et les taux de soulèvement. Pour finir, basée sur les données de la littérature et celles apportées par mon travail de thèse, je propose un nouveau modèle pour expliquer la faille normale de la Cordillère Blanche dans son contexte régional. Ce modèle implique une faille normale d'extrado et l'érosion importante du mur de la faille. / My thesis focuses on the mechanisms that controlled the uplift and construction of the relief in the northern Peruvian Andes. In this area, the Cordillera Blanca forms the highest peaks in Peru (> 6000 m), which is a topographic anomaly across the Andes. The morphology of the Cordillera Blanca is marked by an elongated pluton, which outcrops over 150 km. In addition, this pluton is bordered by the largest normal fault from South America. The presence of this major normal fault in a flat-slab context remains surprising because flat slabs usually induce an increase of the shortening in the overriding plate. The aim of my work is to characterize the variations of the regional stress field, the age of the uplift and discuss the geodynamic processes that contributed to relief building. To address these issues, I used a multidisciplinary approach involving new field data, their analysis and modeling.My microtectonic dataset reveals regional extension above the Peruvian flat-slab. This data contradicts the expected increase of shortening in the overriding plate. Modeling my new thermochronologic data shows an increase in the exhumation rates induced by the uplift of the Cordillera Occidental since 15 Ma. I propose that the regional uplift relates to the flattening of the subduction and associated dynamic topography.To address the impact of the Miocene arc on the uplift at a more local scale, I compiled the cooling ages of the pluton available in the literature. In parallel, I obtained the first amphibole thermo-barometry data that constrains emplacement depth of the Cordillera Blanca batholith. Following these data, I propose that the batholith is structured in eastward-tilted sills. In addition, modeling of the space and time variations of erosion rates based on the inversion of thermochronologic data indicates that erosion rates significantly increased in the Cordillera Blanca since 2 Ma. The Miocene arc seems to insignificantly contribute to the local uplift despite its contribution to the thickening of the lithosphere. Thus, I suggest that the recent glacial erosion contributes to the exhumation of the Cordillera Blanca and subsequent tilting of the batholith.Then, I modeled the landscape evolution for the Cordillera Blanca region to quantify the contribution of erosion in the relief building and the uplift. My numerical models (FastScape) evidence the importance of erosion and associated flexural rebound in fostering relief building and the uplift rates.Finally, based on all available data, I propose a new regional model to explain the Cordillera Blanca normal fault. This model implies an extrado normal fault and erosion of the footwall.

Structure of Collisional Metamorphism, Soft-Sediment Deformation, and Low-Angle Normal Faulting in the Beaver Dam Mountains

Voorhees, Jacob Isaac 10 August 2020 (has links)
Precambrian metamorphic rocks in the Beaver Dam Mountains display asymmetric, isoclinal folds with consistent fold axes plunging to the NW. These folds are parasitic and have a recursive nature that occurs on wavelengths from centimeters to perhaps kilometers as part of a NW-SE striking shear zone. The vergence of the folds indicates oblique shearing with a transport direction plunging 29° to the south. This shear zone may be associated with the collision of Yavapai Province island arcs with Laurentia. Structurally overlying, and adjacent to the metamorphic rocks are allochthonous and attenuated Mississippian limestone blocks and other strata debated to be either the result of mega-landsliding or fragments of the hanging wall rocks above a low-angle normal fault. We document previously unreported cataclastic damage zones tens of meters thick, an anastomosing zone of greenschist facies alteration hundreds of meters thick, and polished low-angle fault surfaces beneath these blocks. Other observations previously used to support a mega-landslide hypothesis are blocks of Redwall Limestone structurally overlying what was interpreted as Tertiary conglomerate. However, this contact is depositional, and the conglomerate is likely a sedimentary breccia facies of the Mississippian Redwall Limestone which is documented in several locations within the region. Additionally, some of the deformation and attenuation that was wrongly attributed to mega-landsliding or low-angle normal faulting is due to previously undocumented soft-sediment deformation. This deformation was gravity driven and accommodated by ductile granular flow, resulting in recumbent folds within the Mississippian Redwall Limestone and a prominent non-brittle detachment surface between the Redwall Limestone and the Cambrian Bonanza King Formation at Castle Cliff. This detachment was previously interpreted as the Castle Cliff Detachment, a low-angle normal fault, or as the slip surface of a landslide.


SAIYAR, MASOUMEH 01 February 2011 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2011-01-31 20:52:11.162 / One of the most severe hazards for buried pipelines, which are sometimes referred to as lifelines due to their essential role in delivering vital resources, is the hazard due to Permanent Ground Deformation (PGD). Earthquake induced PGD can be caused by surface faulting, landslides and seismic settlement. In this thesis, the behaviour of buried pipelines subject to normal faulting has been experimentally investigated through a series of centrifuge tests performed on both continuous and jointed pipelines. Both pipe and soil displacements were measured using image analysis. Signal processing techniques were then developed to filter this data so as to enable the calculation of curvature and other aspects of the response from the observed pipe deformations. First, a series of centrifuge tests was conducted on continuous pipelines of varying materials, representing a wide range of pipe stiffness relative to the soil and investigating the effect of pipe stiffness relative to the soil on soil-pipe interaction. The experimentally derived p-y curves at different locations along the pipe were compared to the recommended soil-pipe interaction models in the relevant guidelines. These p-y curves showed that the central shearing region was not captured well with independent soil springs. The response of the pipelines predicted by the ALA (2001) guideline, however, was shown to match the experimental data within 50%. Two new simplified design approaches were then developed. The first features calculations based on simplified pressure distributions. The second featured peak curvature normalized using a characteristic length, ipipe, the distance from peak to zero moment. A series of centrifuge tests using brittle pipes was also performed. The pipes were buried at three different depths, and the post-failure fracture angle of the pipe was measured to be used as an input for design of liners. Based on the experimental data, a computationally efficient approach was developed to estimate the initial fracture angle which occurs immediately after the pipe breaks. The last series of centrifuge tests was conducted on jointed pipelines with five different joint stiffnesses to investigate the flexural behaviour of jointed pipelines under normal faulting. Based on the observed pipe response, a simplified kinematic model was proposed to estimate the maximum joint rotation for a given geometry, pipe segment length, and the magnitude of the imposed ground displacement. / Ph.D

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