Spelling suggestions: "subject:"north test province (south africa)"" "subject:"north test province (south affrica)""
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Experiences of diversity in the SAPS / Henriette van der WesthuizenVan der Westhuizen, Henriette January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Experiences of diversity in the SAPS / Henriette van der WesthuizenVan der Westhuizen, Henriette January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Experiences of diversity in the SAPS / Henriette van der WesthuizenVan der Westhuizen, Henriette January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Optimal feeding systems for small scale dairy herds in the North-West Province of South AfricaManzana, Nonzwakazi Patience 11 April 2008 (has links)
The North West Province (NWP) identified dairy farming as a priority as it has the potential, not only for job creation, but also as a sustainable source of high quality protein for rural communities. With the correct type of management systems, small-scale dairy farms have the potential to be economically feasible. For the purposes of this study, a small-scale dairy farm was defined as a farm which produced less than 500 litres of milk a day irrespective of the number of cows or size of the farm. The study area was Central North West Province and the study was a longitudinal observational study conducted with 15 small-scale dairy farmers from 2002-2006. Nutrition was found to be a major constraint to the production capacity of dairy cows studied. It was found that farmers were deficient in the knowledge, skills and experience required to develop an affordable and balanced feeding system based on locally available ingredients. Dairy rations were given to prevent malnutrition or starvation, rather than to increase production. It was also shown that feeding of the cattle on the farms investigated, was influenced more by availability and affordability of locally obtained feed ingredients than by planning nutrition to increase milk production. Available statistics show that there are approximately 257 000 dairy cattle in NWP, with the greatest numbers in the Central Region (175 235) and smaller numbers in the Western (59 852) and Eastern (21 873) Regions. These cattle produced approximately 230.4 million litres of milk annually (12.5% of national production) with an estimated value of R304.1 million at R1.32/l, excluding value-added products in the form of cheese, yoghurt, milk powder, and others in 2002. The method used was a longitudinal study conducted from 2002 to 2006 in three phases. In the first phase, situational analysis using participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and observation was used to outline the extent of the constraints and start to design appropriate interventions. Feeds used by the farmers for feeding dairy cows – both supplements and roughage - were tested and evaluated. In the second phase, three different feeding systems were designed from the data obtained from PRA, in consultation with small-scale dairy farmers, established commercial dairy farmers, state veterinary and agriculture staff, feed manufacturers and distributors and the commodity organization (MPO) to optimize the nutrition of the dairy cows. The third phase was field testing of interventions and observations of the implementation by farmers. It was found during the PRA phase that the majority (n=9) of farmers had been in dairy farming for not more than five years, five farmers had six to ten years in dairy farming and only one farmer had 11 to 15 years in dairy farming. Dairy farming is a very highly skilled operation and farmers need to have experience and knowledge to succeed. Five years is insufficient. Therefore capacity building and training were instituted over the period 2002 to 2005. Also, 60% (n=9) of the farmers were not affiliated to any agricultural organisation, so membership of the Milk Producers Organisation was facilitated for all farmers in the study. It was also found that the cattle were not identified and neither production nor financial records were kept. Testing and evaluation of feed used showed that it was of poor quality, deficient in protein, energy and minerals and no effort was made to balance the ration. In the second phase, three feeding systems were developed form data obtained and observations during phase one. These were A: a semi-intensive farm based ration using available crops, pastures and crop residues with minimal rations purchased; B: an intensive, zero-grazing dairy system using a total mixed ration (TMR) for farmers with smallholdings of less than 5 hectares per cow and C: Traditional, extensive or dual purpose system where the calf drank from the cow until weaning and milking was done only once a day, for farmers with more than 5 ha grazing available per cow. The last was a low-input/low output system and was implemented by a majority (n=8) of the farmers. System B was chosen by two farmers and not adopted by any of the two farmers in the long run. System A was adopted by three farmers. Four farmers left dairy farming for various reasons during the study. By July 2006, the farmers had changed to commercially formulated rations or licks and the body condition score of the cows had improved. Milk production per cow did not increase, but this may have been due to the increased price of meat and the fact that a majority of the farmers were using a dual purpose system and selling calves at weaning for a very good price. It was concluded that extension officers should get extra training in dairy if there are dairy farmers in their areas as this is a very specialist type of extension. They should also work closely with veterinary services including veterinarians, animal health technicians and the health inspectors. Further research should be done to optimise the traditional model as this is relatively profitable, has a lower risk and is less labour intensive. It is probably a good way to increase food security, particularly in families when only one or two members have an income from a pension or part-time employment. The prices realised from informal sales of milk and calves can give a stable income. The “community farms” should be economically evaluated in terms of each beneficiary being able to get a “living wage” out of the projected profits of the farm. The MPO and other stakeholders should give very specific training to new dairy farmers, based on the models that were used in this study. It is essential that framers be taught to “look forward” and get a pro-active attitude. They must also understand that quality, balanced rations are the key to success – poor rations are expensive rations, because they result in unhealthy cows and poor production. Finally, ongoing and effective monitoring and evaluation of extension is an effective instrument for project sustainability – farmers must be involved and participate in their own evaluation - extension is not all about paper work it is about measuring performance and good service delivery. / Dissertation (MSc (Veterinary Science))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Paraclinical Sciences / unrestricted
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Case management by social workers of sexually abused children in the Moses Kotane District MunicipalityLetsholo, Boitumelo Joyce 04 1900 (has links)
On t.p.: Master of Arts (Welfare Programme Management) / Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study of case management of sexually abused children by social workers was
conducted in the Moses Kotane District Municipality, because of the following reasons:
firstly, there is an escalation of reported cases that are referred from various service
organizations to the Department of Social Services; secondly the statutory policies alone
cannot be the absolute protection for children against sexual abuse; thirdly, as communities
seem to ignore their roles in protecting children against this problem. The social workers
end up carrying the ultimate responsibility to protect children. An exploratory study was
therefore undertaken to investigate how social workers in the Moses Kotane District
Municipality intervene in these cases.
It is crucial for professionals to have the necessary knowledge, skills and correct attitude
when they intervene in child sexual abuse cases. The study explored the various dynamics
that motivate this problem as well as the circumstances that can expose children to the risk
of child sexual abuse. Motivation to abuse children in the Moses Kotane District
Municipality emanated from the family circumstances, characteristics of the abusive
father(s) as well as a lack of community child care resources
The social workers need to have insight in various risk factors of this problem. These may
include the circumstances surrounding the child, community factors, societal factors, family
factors and the attributes of professionals dealing with child sexual abuse cases. The
knowledge of the dynamics and risk factors assists social workers to assess whether the
child has been abused and to do risk assessment as well as need assessment of the victims
and their families. Such information can assist the social workers to make a safety plan of
action regarding the child victims.
It is therefore vital that the social workers identify the nature of case management style
through which they render services to sexually abused children. Direct service delivery,
which is preferred by most social workers in the agency, and indirect service delivery are
the two types of case management styles that social workers can employ, depending on
whether they work in a generic social work setting or private child welfare agency. Although social workers may have the expertise and skill to intervene effectively in child
sexual abuse cases, their interventions may be affected by various challenges and result in
ineffective service delivery to the victims and perpetrators of child sexual abuse. These
challenges may include working conditions that are adverse, community trials of cases of
child sexual abuse and unresponsive agency management. Other challenges may include
resistance from clients, lack of supervision, lack of training in child sexual abuse work as
well as the demanding nature of child sexual abuse work.
Throughout the process of case management the social workers need to liaise and cooperate
with the multi-professional team comprising of the police (CPU), medical
personnel, the prosecutor(s), a psychologist as well as the family members.
The team may vary from one agency to the other, however, the social worker, police and
medical personnel need to be available at all the team meetings. None of these
professionals is supposed to assess victims alone, because the assessment should be focused
on the social, medical, psychological, legal, physical and material needs of sexually abused
children. It is imperative that social workers are aware of how their attitudes, beliefs,
emotions, perceptions and feelings affect the effectiveness of service delivery to these
The professionals therefore need to be skilled to react responsively and professionally to
the victims. Social skills are important for creating worthy client - worker relationships and
to enhance accountability in role relationships between the clients and the professionals. By
applying interactional skills, the social workers can create a child-friendly atmosphere
during intervention, as the social worker can be able to listen empathetically and deal with
feelings that surface during the interviews. By applying cognitive skills, the professionals
can be in a position to "read" subtle emotions and feelings of the clients and assess the level
of their cognitive functioning.
The application of theory in practice is vital during intervention as decisions; judgement
and interventions should be professional and not haphazard. The social worker thus needs
to have knowledge of the perspectives, theories and models of social work. This study has
provided such a framework to guide social workers in managing cases of child sexual
abuse. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie oor hoe maatskaplike werkers gevallebestuur van seksueel gemolesteerde
kinders doen, is in die Moses Kotane Munisipale Distrik onderneem om die volgende redes.
Eerstens is daar 'n toename in die gerapporteerde gevalle van seksuele molestering wat
deur verskeie diensorganisasies verwys word na die maatskaplike werkers in diens van
Departement van Welsyn. Tweedens bied die statutêre beleid op sigself nie aan kinders
algehele beskerming teen seksuele molestering nie. Derdens blyk dit dat van maatskaplike
werkers verwag word om algehele verantwoordelikheid vir die beskerming van kinders te
aanvaar omdat dit skyn asof gemeenskappe hulle rol om kinders teen seksuele molestering
te beskerm, ignoreer. Derhalwe is 'n verkennende studie onderneem om vas te stel hoe
maatskaplike werkers in die Moses Kotane Munisipale Distrik dienste lewer aan hierdie
Dit is essensieel dat professionele persone oor die nodige kennis, vaardighede en regte
houding sal beskik wanneer gevalle van seksuele molestering van kinders hanteer word.
Met die studie is die faktore wat aanleiding gee tot seksuele molestering, sowel as die
omstandighede wat kinders blootstel aan die risiko van seksuele molestering, ondersoek.
Daar is vasgestel dat die motivering vir seksuele molestering van kinders in die Moses
Kotane Munisipale Distrik gespruit het uit hulle gesinsomstandighede, kenmerke van die
molesterende vader(s), sowel die gebrek aan bronne vir kinderbeskerming in die
Maatskaplike werkers behoort insig te hê in die faktore wat kinders 'n risiko van seksuele
molestering kan maak. Hierdie faktore kan verband hou met die omstandighede van die
kind, gemeenskapsfaktore, samelewingsfaktore, gesinsfaktore en die kenmerke van die
professionele persone wat die gevalle van kinders wat seksueel molesteer is, hanteer.
Kennis van die dinamika van seksuele molestering en die risiko faktore van seksuele
molestering van kinders, sal maatskaplike werkers in staat stelom te assesseer of kinders
gemolesteer is en om risiko-assesserings, sowel as behoeftebepalings van die slagoffers en
hulle gesinne te doen. Sodanige inligting sal die maatskaplike werker help om 'n
veiligheidsplan van aksie vir kinderslagoffers op te stel. Dit is derhalwe noodsaaklik dat maatskaplike werkers die aard van hulle gevallebestuur styl
deur middel waarvan dienste aan seksueel gemolesteerde kinders gelewer word, sal kan
identifiseer. Direkte dienslewering, wat deur die meeste maatskaplike werkers in die
ondersoek groep verkies is en indirekte dienslewering is die twee soorte gevalle
bestuurstyle wat maatskaplike werkers kan gebruik. Die keuse tussen die twee sal afhang
van of maatskaplike werkers in 'n generiese of gespesialiseerde opset praktiseer. Alhoewel
maatskaplike werkers oor die kundigheid en vaardigheid mag beskik om gevalle van
seksuele molestering effektief te hanteer, mag hulle intervensies beïnvloed word deur
verskeie struikelblokke wat kan veroorsaak dat oneffektiewe diens aan die slagoffers en
oortreders van seksuele molestering van kinders gelewer kan word. Struikelblokke wat deur
die respondente ervaar IS, is byvoorbeeld onproduktiewe werksomstandighede,
gemeenskapsverhore van oortreders van seksuele molestering van kinders en
onresponsiewe besture van organisasies. Ander struikelblokke kan die weerstand van
kliënte, gebrek aan supervisie, gebrek aan opleiding in die hantering van seksuele
molestering van kinders, sowel as die veeleisende aard van die hantering van kinders wat
seksuele gemolesteer is, insluit.
Tydens die proses van gevallebestuur behoort die maatskaplike werker deurlopend te
skakel en saam te werk met 'n multi-professionele span, bestaande uit die polisie (KBE),
mediese personeel, die staatsaanklaer, 'n sielkundige, sowel as die gesinslede van die
gemolesteerde kind. Alhoewel die span van organisasie tot organisasie kan verskil, behoort
die maatskaplike werker, polisie en die mediese personeel beskikbaar te wees vir alle
spanvergaderings. Nie een van hierdie professionele persone is veronderstel om slagoffers
alleen te assesseer nie, want die assessering behoort toe fokus op die sosiale, mediese,
sielkundige, regs, fisiese en materiële behoeftes van seksueel gemolesteerde kinders.
Dit is verder noodsaaklik dat maatskaplike werkers bewus sal wees van hoe hulle houdings,
oortuigings, emosies, persepsies en gevoelens die effektiwiteit van hulle dienslewering aan
hierdie kinders kan beïnvloed. Professionele persone behoort derhalwe oor die vaardigheid
te beskik om met die nodige empatie en professionaliteit te reageer teenoor slagoffers. Met
behulp van toepaslike professionele vaardighede kan die maatskaplike werker tydens
intervensie 'n kindervriendelike omgewing tydens skep Dit sal die maatskaplike werker in
staat stelom empaties te luister en gevoelens wat tydens onderhoude na vore kom te hanteer. Die toepassing van kognitiewe vaardighede sal die professionele persoon
ontvanklik maak vir subtiele emosies en gevoelens van die kliënt en instaat stelom die vlak
van hulle kognitiewe funksionering te assesseer.
Die toepassing van teorie in die praktyk tydens intervensie is noodsaaklike omdat besluite
en beoordelings tydens intervensie professioneel moet wees. Die maatskaplike werker
benodig dus kennis van relevante perspektiewe, teorieë en modelle van maatskaplike werk
wat vir die doel benut kan word. Die studie bied sodanige raamwerk aan wat as riglyne vir
maatskaplike werkers kan dien en gebruik kan word om gevalle van seksuele molestering
van kinders te bestuur.
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Casework intervention for abused women in the Moses Kotane Local MunicipalityTwala, Thembi Maria Carol 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research investigates casework intervention for abused women in Moses Kotane
Local Municipality.
The purpose of this research is to present a theoretical and practical framework from a
casework perspective for dealing with abused women. The motivation for the study
was based on the need of social workers to have a framework when applying
casework during intervention with abused women. The framework will offer guidance
and will ensure that the service rendered to abused women is of a good quality.
The objectives of this study is to investigate the nature and extent of the abuse of
women in Moses Kotane Local Municipality, to explain the causes and consequences
of abuse, and to describe casework intervention strategies to address abuse of women.
The research covers the nature and prevalence of abuse of women as well as the
causes of abuse. The consequences of abuse of women are also outlined in the
research report.
A practice perspective, a theory and a model which can be applied during intervention
with abused women, is also included in the report. A practical framework is also
included with the help of literature reviewed.
The empirical research involved both qualitative and quantitative methods. This
section presents findings in the form of tables and figures and gives an analysis of the
findings. The findings were analyzed and compared with the findings from previous
studies undertaken by various authors. The findings can be used as a guideline by
social workers when applying casework during intervention with abused women.
Recommendations are also included in the report. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met hierdie navorsing is ondersoek ingestel na gevallewerk-intervensie met
mishandelde vroue in die Moses Kotane Plaaslike Munisipaliteit.
Die doel van die navorsing was om 'n teoretiese en praktiese raamwerk vanuit 'n
gevallewerk-perspektief vir intervensie met mishandelde vroue aan te bied. Die
motivering vir die studie was gebaseer op maatskaplike werkers se behoefte aan 'n
raamwerk wanneer gevallewerk gedurende intervensie met mishandelde vroue
toegepas word. Met dié raamwerk word beoog om riglyne aan te bied wat sal verseker
dat die dienste wat aan die mishandelde vroue gelewer word van 'n goeie kwaliteit is.
Die doelwitte van die studie is om die aard en omvang van die mishandeling van
vroue in die Moses Kotane Plaaslike Munisipaliteit te ondersoek, om die oorsake en
gevolge van mishandeling te verduidelik, en om gevallewerk-intervensie strategieë
om mishandeling van vroue te hanteer te beskryf.
Die navorsing handel oor die aard en voorkoms van die mishandeling van vroue,
asook die oorsake van mishandeling. Die gevolge van mishandeling van vroue word
ook in die navorsingsverslag aangebied.
'n Praktykperspektief, 'n teorie en 'n model wat gebruik kan word vir intervensie met
mishandelde vroue word in die verslag aangebied. 'n Praktiese raamwerk wat
gebaseer is op die literatuur wat bestudeer is word aangebied.
Die empiriese navorsing het behels dat beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes
benut is. In hierdie afdeling word bevindinge in die vorm van tabelle en figure
aangebied en 'n ontleding van die bevindinge word gemaak. Die bevindinge van die
studie is ontleed en vergelyk met die bevindinge van vorige studies wat deur verskeie
outeurs onderneem is. Die bevindinge kan deur maatskaplike werkers benut word as
riglyne wanneer gevallewerk met mishandelde vroue gedoen word.
Aanbevelings word ook in die verslag ingesluit.
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The relationship between student academic achievement and student learning styles in a multicultural senior schoolBosman, Anne 12 1900 (has links)
Since 1994 South African classrooms have become more culturally diverse. In order to teach effectively in such an environment, teachers need to use strategies which meet the needs of all the students. One way of addressing this challenge is to consider learning styles theory. Teachers need to understand how individual students of all cultures learn, and which specific learning styles are significantly related to academic achievement. In order to investigate this relationship, a study was conducted at an independent multicultural senior school in the North West Province of South Africa. The aim of the research was to gather information on the learning style preferences of the students at the school; the relationship between the students’ academic achievements in English and mathematics and their learning style; and finally, the relationship between the students’ nationality, gender, form and age and their learning styles as well as their academic achievements in English and mathematics. A mixed methods research design was used. Data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire that was completed by a sample of 240 students of different forms, genders and nationalities. This was followed by individual interviews with ten top achieving students.
The study found that the predominant learning style amongst the students in the school was individual learning. This particular learning style was also most significantly related to academic achievements in English and mathematics. The study further determined that nationality did not significantly influence students’ learning styles but gender and age did. Female students were found to be more inclined to be individual learners. Younger students were also found to be auditory learners to a greater extent than older students. Regarding the studying of English and mathematics, it was found that female students generally used auditory learning styles whilst male students preferred kinaesthetic learning styles. Lastly, the study found that the average achievements in mathematics deteriorated as the students got older and the worst performing form was the Form 6s. To this end, various suggestions were made as to how learning styles could be considered to improve learning. Recommendations for further study were highlighted along with the limitations of this research. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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The relationship between student academic achievement and student learning styles in a multicultural senior schoolBosman, Anne 12 1900 (has links)
Since 1994 South African classrooms have become more culturally diverse. In order to teach effectively in such an environment, teachers need to use strategies which meet the needs of all the students. One way of addressing this challenge is to consider learning styles theory. Teachers need to understand how individual students of all cultures learn, and which specific learning styles are significantly related to academic achievement. In order to investigate this relationship, a study was conducted at an independent multicultural senior school in the North West Province of South Africa. The aim of the research was to gather information on the learning style preferences of the students at the school; the relationship between the students’ academic achievements in English and mathematics and their learning style; and finally, the relationship between the students’ nationality, gender, form and age and their learning styles as well as their academic achievements in English and mathematics. A mixed methods research design was used. Data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire that was completed by a sample of 240 students of different forms, genders and nationalities. This was followed by individual interviews with ten top achieving students.
The study found that the predominant learning style amongst the students in the school was individual learning. This particular learning style was also most significantly related to academic achievements in English and mathematics. The study further determined that nationality did not significantly influence students’ learning styles but gender and age did. Female students were found to be more inclined to be individual learners. Younger students were also found to be auditory learners to a greater extent than older students. Regarding the studying of English and mathematics, it was found that female students generally used auditory learning styles whilst male students preferred kinaesthetic learning styles. Lastly, the study found that the average achievements in mathematics deteriorated as the students got older and the worst performing form was the Form 6s. To this end, various suggestions were made as to how learning styles could be considered to improve learning. Recommendations for further study were highlighted along with the limitations of this research. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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