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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation des écoulements de gravité et des ondes longues : application à l'évaluation des risques de catastrophes naturelles dans les Antilles françaises / Modeling gravity flows and long waves : applications to risk assessment of natural hazards in the french Lesser Antilles

Nikolkina, Irina 11 July 2011 (has links)
La thèse est consacrée à la recherche des catastrophes marines (tsunamis, ondes de tempête) dans les Antilles françaises, en utilisant des modèles analytiques et numériques de mécanique des fluides. L'accent est mis sur le développement de modèles de mouvement de glissements de terrain et des vagues causées par ces glissements. Le modèle le plus simple du glissement de terrain «solide block» est utilisé pour évaluer les caractéristiques des flux pyroclastiques du volcan Soufrière-Hills (Montserrat). Un modèle plus complexe de modélisation de glissement de terrain (modèle de Savage-Hutter) a été étudié analytiquement, donnant ainsi une nouvelle famille de solutions exactes décrivant le mouvement de l'écoulement par gravité non linéaire dans une vallée ou dans un canyon sous-marin. Le modèle comprend des ondes simples (Riemann waves),le cas d'un barrage qui cède (dam-break problem), des solutions auto-similaires dans la M-fonne et « chapeaux paraboliques ». Grâce à la théorie linéaire de l'eau peu profonde nous avons étudié le processus de génération de tsunamis par des glissements de terrain de volume variable, se déplaçant à une vitesse variable dans un bassin de profondeur variable. Dans le cas d'un fond marin particulier (cas sans "réflexion"), les phénomènes de résonnance ont été étudiés dans un bassin à profondeur variable. Nous avons utilisé des méthodes numériques pour la résolution non-linéaire des équations des eaux peu profondes afin d'analyser des catastrophes marines réelles (les ondes de tempête causées par le cyclone Lili en 2002, le tsunami volcanique de 2003 à Montserrat) et probables (un tsunami prés des côtes de la Martinique). Des données sur les catastrophes / The dissertation is devoted to research in the field of marine natural hazards (tsunamis, storm surges) in the French West Indies, using analytical and numerical models of fluid mechanics. Emphasis is placed on the development of models of landslide motion and generated tsunami waves. The simple "solid block" model is used to evaluate the characteristics of pyroclastic flow Soufriere Hills volcano (Montserrat). The "fluid model" of a landslide (so called Savage-Hutter model) is studied analytically; within this model a new family of exact solutions that describe the motion of nonlinear gravity flow in a valley or underwater canyon is found: nonlinear Riemann wave, dan break problem, self-similar solutions (M - wave and parabolic cap). In the framework of the linear shallow water theory the process of generation of tsunami waves by landslides of variable volume moving with variable velocity above the basin of variable depth is studied. For the specific bottom profile ("reflectionless" one) the resonant phenomena is investigated in the basin of variable depth. Numerical methods are used to analyze marine hazards: historical (storm surges, caused by Cyclone LILI in 2002; volcanic tsunami 2003 on Montserrat) and possible events (possible tsunami of the coast of Martinique). Various data on marine natural disasters are obtained during field surveys (volcanic tsunami in 2003, stonn surges caused by Hurricane Dean in 2007). Designed catalogs of tsunamis and storm surges are created based on results of numerical modeling and field studies; some statistical analysis is perfomed

Caractérisation expérimentale et numérique des mécanismes tourbillonnaires de génération de portance sur une aile en mouvement couplé de battement et tangage / Experimental and numerical characterization of vortex mechanisms of lift generation on a wing in flapping motion

Tronchin, Thibaut 14 June 2013 (has links)
A bas nombre de Reynolds, le concept de voilure battante apparaît comme une alternative auxconcepts conventionnels de voilure fixe et voilure tournante. Dans le cadre d’une applicationpratique (micro-drones ou MAVs), l’évaluation de l’adaptabilité d’un tel mode de sustentationrequiert la compréhension fine des principaux mécanismes aérodynamiques mis en jeu et de leurimpact sur les efforts résultants. Ces derniers se caractérisent par une instationnarité forte et descomportements complexes.Les travaux de cette thèse se concentrent sur l'étude du mouvement de vol battu à bas Reynolds (del'ordre de 1000), dans une configuration de vol stationnaire. Le modèle est constitué d’une ailerectangulaire à profil symétrique animé d’un mouvement couplé de battement et de tangage. Cemode de sustentation se caractérise par la génération à proximité de l'aile de structurestourbillonnaires plus ou moins persistantes influant fortement les efforts appliqués à l’aile.L'objectif consiste à analyser l'évolution des mécanismes instationnaires et des efforts en résultant.L'étude porte en particulier sur une analyse approfondie d'un cas de référence, comparé ensuite àd'autre résultats lors d'une étude paramétrique portant sur l’influences de l'allongement d'une part, etde la cinématique du mouvement d'autre part.Les moyens d’investigations adoptés pour mener cette étude sont à la fois numériques etexpérimentaux, L’analyse repose d’une part sur une approche numérique DNS utilisant unetechnique de maillage « chimère », et d’autre part sur des mesures en bassin de type PIV 3D-3Crésolues en temps. La mesure directe des efforts instationnaires de faible niveau étant difficilementenvisageable, une part importante du travail a consisté à adapter une méthode d’évaluation desefforts par bilan de quantité de mouvement à partir des champs de vitesse PIV résolus en temps. Lespoints durs de cette approche, en particulier l’évaluation de la pression à partir des champs devitesse, font l’objet d’une attention particulière. / A low Reynolds number, flapping wings appears as an alternative to conventional concepts of fixed wings and rotary wings aircrafts. In the context of a practical application (micro air vehicles, MAVs), assessing the suitability of such mode of lift generation requires a detailed understanding of the key aerodynamic mechanisms involved and their impact on resulting forces. These are characterized by a strong unsteadiness and complex behaviors.This work focuses on the study of flapping flight at low Reynolds (around 1 000), in a hover configuration. The model consists of a rectangular wing with a symmetrical profile in a flapping motion. This mode is characterized by the generation of vortex structures more or less persistent that strongly influence the forces applied to the wing.The objective is to analyze the evolution of unsteady mechanisms and resulting forces. The study focuses in particular on a thorough analysis of e reference case, then compared to other results in a parametric study on the influence of aspect-ratio on the one hand, and on the kinematic of movement on the other.The means of investigation adopted for this study are both numerical and experimental. The analysis is based in part on a numerical approach using a DNS meshing technique “chimera”, and on experimental approach with 3C-3D TR-PIV measures. Direct measurement of unsteady low forces being difficult to consider, an important part of the work was to adapt a method for evaluating loads by applying momentum equation using PIV velocity fields. The bottleneck of this approach which is the evaluation of the pressure from the velocity fields is subject to special attention.

Simulation numérique directe dans la combustion turbulente sur une couche de cisaillement. / Numerical simulation of self-ignition in supersonic turbulent shear flow

Martínez Ferrer, Pedro José 18 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude est consacrée à l’analyse des écoulements réactifs supersoniques cisailléset, plus particulièrement, des couches de mélange compressibles pouvant se développerdans les moteurs ramjet et scramjet. Des méthodes numériques appropriées ont été implémentéeset vérifiées pour aboutir au développement d’un code de calcul numériquemassivement parallèle, appelé CREAMS (compressible reactive multi-species solver). Cedernier a été spécialement conçu pour conduire des simulations numériques haute précision(simulations numériques directes ou DNS) de ce type d’écoulements. Une attentionparticulière a été portée à la description des termes de transport moléculaire et des termessources chimiques de façon à considérer la description physique la plus fidèle possible desmélanges des gaz réactifs à haute vitesse, au sein desquelles les temps caractéristiqueschimiques et de mélange aux petites échelles sont susceptibles d’être du même ordre degrandeur. Les simulations des couches de mélange bidimensionnelles et tridimensionnelles,inertes et réactives, confirment l’importance des effets associés à la compressibilité et autaux de dégagement de chaleur. Les résultats ainsi obtenus diffèrent en certains points deceux issus d’autres simulations qui introduisaient certaines hypothèses simplificatrices :développement temporel, emploi d’une chimie globale ou encore lois de transport simplifiées.En revanche, ils reproduisent certains tendances déjà observées dans un certainnombre d’études expérimentales conduites dans des conditions similaires. / This study is devoted to the analysis of supersonic reactive shear flows and, in particular,compressible mixing layers that can develop inside the ramjet and scramjet engines.Appropriate numerical methods have been implemented and tested to achieve the developmentof a massively parallel numerical solver, called CREAMS (compressible reactivemulti-species solver). This tool was designed to conduct high-precision numerical simulations(direct numerical simulations or DNS) of such flows. Particular attention waspaid to the description of the molecular transport terms and chemical source terms toconsider the most accurate physical description of reactive gas mixtures at high velocity,in which the chemical and mixing time scales, corresponding to the smallest scalesof the flow, are susceptible to be of the same order of magnitude. Simulations of twoandthree-dimensional, inert and reactive, mixing layers confirm the importance of theeffects associated with compressibility and rate of heat release. The results obtained differin some points from other simulations which introduced simplifying assumptions such astemporal development, use of a global chemistry or a simplified description of the moleculartransport terms. Nevertheless, they reproduce some trends already observed in severalexperimental studies conducted under similar conditions.

Analyse a-priori de modèles LES sous-mailles appliqués à la turbulence de paroi avec gradients de pression / A-priori analysis of LES subgrid scale models applied to wall turbulence with pressure gradients

Li, Cuicui 18 November 2013 (has links)
Après plus de 50 ans de recherche, l'intérêt de la simulation des grandes échelles pour la simulation des écoulements instationnaires a été largement démontré et cette méthode est aujourd'hui utilisée pour une grande variété d'applications industrielles. Plusieurs classes de modèles sous-maille ont été proposées dont celle très connue des modèles de viscosité sous-maille souvent préférée pour sa simplicité et sa robustesse. Leur formulation comporte un coefficient qui doit être ajusté pour chaque type d'écoulement et qui a été analysé pour des géométries simples. L'objectif de ce travail est de réaliser des analyses a-priori de ces modèles dans un canal plan et un canal convergent-divergent à relativement grand nombre de Reynolds. Les influences du type de filtre et de la largeur du filtre sont systématiquement abordées pour chacune des statistiques. Le transfert d'énergie sous-maille et la dissipation sous-maille sont tout d'abord étudiés. Ensuite, les coefficients des modèles Smagorinsky, Smagorinsky dynamique, WALE et du modèle Sigma nouvellement proposé sont estimés a-priori. Il est démontré que les coefficients des quatre modèles sont non-homogènes dans le domaine de simulation et sont largement affectés par le gradient de pression adverse, principalement dans la zone de recirculation. Enfin, les corrélations entre les quantités exactes et leurs équivalents modélisés sont examinées. Les résultats montrent un faible niveau de prédiction des modèles sous-maille et une grande variabilité des quantités modélisées dans les régions de fort gradient de pression adverse. Ceci peut expliquer les difficultés pour obtenir de bons résultats LES dans une telle configuration / After more than 50 years of investigation, Large Eddy Simulation has demonstrated its benefit for unsteady flow simulation and is currently applied in a wide variety of engineering applications. Several classes of subgrid scale models were proposed, including the well known eddy viscosity models, usually preferred because of their simplicities and robustness. The formulation of these models includes a coefficient which needs to be analyzed for each flow configuration and which has been investigated in simple geometries.The aim of the present work is to perform a-priori analysis of subgrid scale models in plane channel flow and in a converging-diverging channel flow at fairly large Reynolds number.The influences of the filter type and filter width are systematically addressed in analyses of all statistics. The SGS energy transfer and energy dissipation are firstly analyzed.Then, the a priori estimate of the coefficients of subgrid scale models, including the standard Smagorinsky, Dynamic Smagorinsky, the WALE and the new updated sigma models, are investigated in detail. It is shown that, the coefficients of the four models are non-homogeneous in the simulation domain and are largely affected by the adverse pressure gradient, especially in the recirculation region. Finally, the correlations between the exact quantities and their counterparts modeled by the subgrid scale models with respect to three criteria are explored. The results show a low predictability of subgrid scale models and a strong variability of the modeled quantities in the region of strong adverse pressure gradient. This may explain the difficulty to obtain accurate LES results in such flow configuration

Optimisation énergétique de data centers par utilisation de liquides pour le refroidissement des baies informatiques / Data center energy optimization using liquids to cool computer racks

Douchet, Fabien 17 December 2015 (has links)
Les data centers sont des infrastructures qui hébergent un grand nombre d’équipements informatiques. Plus de 99% de la puissance électrique consommée par les composants électroniques est transformée en chaleur. Pour assurer leur bon fonctionnement il est donc nécessaire de les refroidir. Cette opération est majoritairement réalisée par l’emploi de systèmes de climatisation à air très énergivores. De plus, la densité de puissance dissipée au sein des baies informatiques est en augmentation permanente. Nous arrivons alors aux limites de l’utilisation de l’air comme fluide caloporteur pour le refroidissement. Les études réalisées durant cette thèse concernent l’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique des systèmes de refroidissement des baies électroniques par l’exploitation de liquides comme fluides caloporteurs. Cette approche permet de bénéficier de coefficients d’échanges thermiques et de capacités de refroidissement plus importants, avec des perspectives plus viables pour la revalorisation de la chaleur issue des data centers.Durant la thèse, quatre solutions de refroidissement ont été évaluées. Des expérimentations ont été menées à l’échelle de serveurs et d’une baie informatique. Une instrumentation conséquente permet de mettre en évidence le bon refroidissement des composants et de déterminer des indicateurs d’efficacité énergétique des systèmes étudiés. A partir des résultats expérimentaux, deux modèles numériques sont développés par une approche nodale et une identification des paramètres par méthode inverse. Ces modèles pourront être dupliqués à l’échelle d’une salle informatique afin de quantifier les gains potentiels de deux solutions de refroidissement liquide. / Data centers are facilities that house a large numbers of computer equipment. More than 99% of the electrical power consumed by the electronic components is converted into heat. To ensure their good working, it is necessary to keep them under their recommended temperatures. This is mainly achieved by the use of air conditioning systems which consume a lot of electrical power. In addition, the power density of computer racks is constantly increasing. So the limits of air as a coolant for electronic equipment cooling are reached.Studies conducted during this thesis concern the improvement of energy efficiency of cooling systems for electronic rack by using liquids as heat transfer fluids. This approach gives higher heat exchange coefficients and larger cooling capacity with more viable aspects for the recovering of heat from data centers.Four cooling solutions are evaluated. Experiments are conducted on several servers and on a computer rack. A consistent instrumentation helps to highlight the efficiency of components cooling and allows us to identify energy efficiency indicators of the studied systems. From the experimental results, two numerical models are developed by a nodal approach and a parameter identification by inverse method is carried out. These models can be duplicated at the scale of a data center room in order to quantify the potential gains of two liquid cooling solutions.


FERNANDA OTTO SPRINGER 28 September 2001 (has links)
[pt] A utilização de inclusões passivas para reforços de solos, técnica comumente conhecida como solo grampeado, vem tendo aceitação crescente junto a profissionais de engenharia civil, em especial no Rio de Janeiro. Esta técnica, porém, carece de um estudo detalhado sobre a influência dos parâmetros relevantes na deformabilidade de maciços grampeados. Os grampos são inclusões rígidas, instaladas suborizontalmente, sem tensão ou trecho livre, pois as barras de aço são introduzidas em um furo preenchido com calda de cimento. As forças axiais nos grampos são obtidas através da descompressão lateral causada pela escavação do solo. O grampeamento é feito na massa de solo à medida que escavações são executadas em etapas, obtendo se uma zona reforçada que atua como suporte da massa de solo posterior, sem reforço. A face frontal da escavação é usualmente protegida por concreto projetado, sem funções estruturais. Esta pesquisa objetiva avaliar a influência dos diversos parâmetros geotécnicos e geométricos no comportamento tensão deformação de escavações grampeadas com face vertical e superfície do terreno horizontal. A análise paramétrica foi realizada pelo FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua) que é um programa computacional baseado no método das diferenças finitas. Este programa simula o comportamento bidimensional de estruturas reforçadas, constituídas de solo e ou rocha, que possam ser submetidos a escoamento plástico quando o limite de resistência é atingido. Os resultados mostram que o módulo de Young (E) e a coesão do solo (c) são de grande relevância para o projeto de estruturas grampeadas. Adicionalmente, as análises indicam que a resistência ao cisalhamento na interface solo-grampo (qs) é também um parâmetro importante, particularmente nos casos com grampos de comprimento (L) inferior a 80 por cento da profundidade de escavação (H) (L/H < 0,80). Recomenda-se que o valor de qs seja determinado diretamente a partir de ensaios de arrancamento no campo. No que se refere à inclinação dos grampos, os resultados mostram que não há diferenças significativas nos deslocamentos do maciço reforçado para lambda menor ou igual a 10 graus. Estes resultados são particularmente interessantes do ponto de vista de execução, pois inclinações da ordem de 10 graus facilitam os procedimentos de injeção no campo. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa indicam o uso de comprimentos de grampos maiores que 70 por cento da altura de escavação (L/H > 0,70) na técnica do solo grampeado. / [en] The use of passive inclusion for soil reinforcements, technique usually known as soil nailing, has been gaining growing acceptance within civil engineering professionals,especially in Rio de Janeiro. However this technique lacks a more detailed study on the elevant parameters influencing the deformability of soil nailed masses. The nails are rigid inclusions, sub horizontally positioned, without tension or free space between the nail and the surrounding soil mass. The axial forces on the nails are developed due to lateral decompression caused by soil excavation. As the excavation stages proceed, the nails are successively being installed, producing a reinforced zone, which acts as a support for the soil mass. The frontal face of the excavation is usually protected by shotcrete, and has no structural functions. This research aims at evaluating the influence of the various geotechnical and geometric parameters on the stress strain behavior of nailed excavations, with vertical face and horizontal soil surface. The parametric analysis was performed using FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua), which is a computer program based on the finite difference method. This program simulates bi dimensional behavior of reinforced structures of soils and or rocks,which may be submitted to plastic flow when the strength limit is reached. The results show that the Youngs modulus (E) and soil cohesion (c ) have a very significant influence on the displacement of a soil nailing structure. The analysis also indicates that the mobilized shear strength at the soil nail interface (qs) is also an important parameter, particularly for nail lengths (L) smaller than 0,80 of the excavation height (H) (L/H < 0,80). It is therefore recommended that qs be directly determined by pullout in situ tests. Regarding nail inclination the results suggests no significant influence on the reinforced soil mass displacement for alpha less or equal than 10 degrees. These results are particularly relevant for engineering practice, because a 10 degrees inclination facilitates grouting injections in the field. The results in this research indicates the use of nail lengths (L) greater than 0,70 of the excavation height (H) (L/H greater than 0,70) in soil nailing technique.

Simulation based design and performance assessment of a controlled cascaded pneumatic wave energy converter

Thacher, Eric 31 August 2017 (has links)
The AOE Accumulated Ocean Energy Inc. (AOE) wave energy converter (WEC) is a cascaded pneumatic system, in which air is successively compressed through three point absorber devices on the way to shore; this air is then used to drive an electricity generator. To better quantify the performance of this device, this thesis presents a dynamically coupled model architecture of the AOE WEC, which was developed using the finite element solver ProteusDS and MATLAB/Simulink. This model is subsequently applied for the development and implementation of control in the AOE WEC. At each control stage, comprehensive power matrix data is generated to assess power production as a function of control complexity. The nature of the AOE WEC presented a series of novel challenges, centered on the significant residency time of air within the power take-off (PTO). As a result, control implementation was broken into two stages: passive and active control. The first stage, passive control, was realized as an optimization of eight critical PTO parameters with the objective of maximizing exergy output. After only 15 generations, the genetic algorithm optimization led to an increase of 330.4% over an initial, informed estimate of the optimal design, such that the annually-averaged power output was 29.37 kW. However, a disparity in power production between low and moderate energy sea-states was identified, which informed the development of an active control strategy for the increase of power production in low energy sea-states. To this aim, a recirculation-based control strategy was developed, in which three accumulator tanks were used to selectively pressurize and de-pressurize the piston at opportune times, thereby increasing the continuity of air throughput. Under the influence of active control, sea-states with significant wave heights between 0.75 m – 1.75 m, which on average encompass 55.93% of the year at the Amphitrite Bank deployment location, saw a 16.3% increase in energy production. / Graduate / 2018-08-18

Modélisation numérique du comportement rhéologique du bois soumis à une large gamme de vitesses de déformation : application au liège et au balsa

Mairesse, Julien 22 January 2010 (has links)
Le bois est utilisé comme matériau absorbeur de chocs dans les conteneurs de transport du CEA. La simulation numérique des crashs tests de ces structures fait partie intégrante de leur développement et de leur validation. Il est donc impératif d’étudier expérimentalement les différentes essences de ces matériaux afin de mettre en évidence leurs caractéristiques et de déterminer leurs lois de comportement. En effet, ces données sont absolument nécessaires afin d’alimenter les modèles numériques retenus pour les simulations. A partir des modèles existants dans les codes de calcul ou par la programmation de lois de comportement spécifiques prenant en compte le paramètre vitesse de déformation, le comportement de ce matériau cellulaire a été simulé afin de participer à ce programme de validation produit. / Wood is usually used as material absorber of shocks in CEA’s containers. Numerical simulation of crash-test of these structures is an integral part of their development and their validation. It is thus imperative to experimentally study various type of wood to highlight their characteristics and determine their behavior. Indeed, these data are absolutely necessary to feed the numerical models chosen for the simulations. From the existing models in simulation tools or by programming specific laws, both taking into account the parameter strain rate, the behavior of this cellular material was modeled to participate in this product program.


MARCOS SEBASTIAO DE PAULA GOMES 08 October 2012 (has links)
[pt] Investigou-se teórica e experimentalmente o comportamento dos equipamentos de transferência de calor e massa conhecidos como Torre de Resfriamento e Lavador de Ar. Para a torre, analisa-se um modelo de simulação, a partir de equações diferenciais ordinárias obtidas através de balanços de energia e massa em um elemento infinitesimal de volume, baseado em propriedades uniformes em uma mesma seção transversal, sendo, portanto unidimensional. O sistema resultante é resolvido numericamente. Já para o lavador de Ar, obtem-se, através dos mesmos balanços juntamente com a hipótese de temperatura da água constante, uma solução analítica. Montou-se, com o intuito de validação do modelo, um sistema experimental onde os parâmetros de interesse pudessem ser medidos e desta forma comparados com os resultados numéricos. A concordância entre valores foi bastante boa, para a faixa investigada. Este mesmo sistema permitiu que se obtivessem dados reais a respeito da operação tanto da torre como do lavador, e como consequência a determinação do produto coeficiente de transferência de massa pela área de troca (Hd Av), para cada caso. Finalmente, apresentam-se correlações para o cálculo deste parâmetro como função das vazões de ar e da área da seção transversal, as quais podem ser utilizadas em projetos futuros destes equipamentos. / [en] In the present work the cooling tower and the Air Washer were investigated, experimentally and theoretically. The one-dimensional model developed to simulate the cooling tower operation was based on mass and energy balances written for a differential colume. The resulting system of differential equations was solved numerically. For the Air Washer, the energy and mass balances, incorporating the assumption of constant water temperature, led to a system of equations wich was solved analytically. The experiments conducted were aimed at validating the models developed. The experimental results obtained were in very good agreement with the predictions, within the range of parameters investigated. Correlations were developed relating average mass transfer coefficient for the equipments with the water and air flow rates.

An investigation into wall boundary conditions and three-dimensional turbulent flows using smoothed particle hydrodynamics

Mayrhofer, Arno January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates turbulent wall-bounded flows using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. The first part focuses on the SPH method itself in the context of the Navier-Stokes equations with a special emphasis on wall boundary conditions. After discussing classical wall boundary conditions a detailed introduction to unified semi-analytical wall boundary conditions is given where the key parameter is a renormalization factor that accounts for the truncated kernel support in wall-bounded flows. In the following chapter it is shown that these boundary conditions fulfill energy conservation only approximately. This leads to numerical noise which, interpreted as form of Brownian motion, is treated using an additional volume diffusion term in the continuity equation where it is shown to be equivalent to an approximate Riemann solver. Two extensions to the boundary conditions are presented dealing with variable driving forces and a generalization to Robin type and arbitrary-order interpolation. Two modifications for freesurface flows are then presented, one for the volume diffusion term and the other for the algorithm that imposes Robin boundary conditions. The variable driving force is validated using a Poiseuille flow and the results indicate an error which is five orders of magnitude smaller than with the previous formulation. Discretising the wave equation with Robin boundary conditions proves that these are correctly imposed and that increasing the order of the interpolation decreases the error. The two modifications for flows under the influence of external forces significantly reduce the error at the free-surface. Finally, a dam break over a wedge demonstrates the capabilities of all the proposed modifications. With the aim of simulating turbulent flows in channels, the thesis moves on to extending the unified semi-analytical wall-boundary conditions to three dimensions. The thesis first presents the consistent computation of the vertex particle mass. Then, the computation of the kernel renormalization factor is considered, which in 3-D consists of solving an integral over a two dimensional manifold where the smoothing kernel intersects the boundary. Using a domain decomposition algorithm special integration areas are obtained for which this integral can be solved for the 5 th -order Wendland kernel. This algorithm is successfully applied to several validation cases including a dam break with an obstacle which show a significant improvement compared to other approximative methods and boundary conditions. The second part of this thesis investigates turbulent flows, in particular turbulent channel flow. This test case is introduced in detail showing both the physical properties as well as established numerical methods such as direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large eddy simulation (LES). In the penultimate chapter several SPH simulations of the turbulent channel flow are shown. The first section deals with a quasi DNS of the minimal-flow unit, a channel flow with a minimal domain size to sustain turbulent flow structures. The Eulerian statistics are compared to literature and show good agreement except for some wall-normal quantities. Furthermore, preliminary Lagrangian statistics are shown and compared to results obtained from a mesh-based DNS. The final simulation shows a LES of a full-sized channel at Reynolds number Re τ = 1000. The Eulerian statistics are compared to literature and the discrepancies found are explained using simulations of the Taylor-Green vortex, indicating that the momentum is not transferred appropriately due to an unresolved velocity-pressure-gradient tensor.

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