Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nuptiality"" "subject:"nuptialité""
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Differentiation of marital and reproductive behavior in East KazakhstanKarmenova, Zhaniya January 2010 (has links)
Differentiation of marital and reproductive behavior in East Kazakhstan Abstract This study primarily addresses nuptiality and fertility patterns among youth in East Kazakhstan region. The data are obtained from censuses, vital statistics and survey "Marital and reproductive behavior of young women in Ust-Kamenogorsk". The survey data collection has been supported by Center of International programs of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" and Charles University in Prague. The aim of the thesis is to study marital and reproductive behavior in East Kazakhstan region, in particular, differentials by sex, age, nationality and place of residence. Nuptiality and fertility rates have increased in the region during the study period. Hence, the impact of external socio-economic factors on marital and reproductive behavior of population was analyzed. Keywords: Nuptiality, Marriage, Divorce, Fertility, Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan region, Ust- Kamenogorsk, Youth
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Vývoj sňatečnosti v evropských zemích od roku 1960 / Trends in nuptiality in European countries since 1960Dvořáková, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
Development of Nuptiality in European countries since 1960 Abstract The aim of this thesis is to assess the development of marriage since 1960 and determine whether there has been convergence of nuptial behavior in European Union countries along with Switzerland and Norway. Convergence of nuptial behavior was evaluated, primarily on the basis of intensity indicator and the timing of marriage. The results show that the extension of the second demographic transition in all countries brings similar trends like reducing the intensity of marriage and postponement of marriage to a later age. Four countries were selected, the Czech Republic, Finland, France and Hungary. In these countries, convergence of nuptial behavior since 1990 were more analyzed. Development of attitudes towards marriage was studied in order to find out how the value changes contributed to changes in marriage behavior as suggested by the second demographic transition. In the Czech Republic and Hungary opinions have changed the most when it comes to marriage. The most liberal state was France and on the other hand, marriage in Finland was still attractive. These results correspond well with the development of marriage in individual states. Finally, using binary logistic regression we identified characteristics of people that increase the...
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Procesy vzniku a zániku rodiny ve vybraných evropských zemích na přelomu 20. a 21. století / Family formation and dissolution in some European countries at the turn of 20th and 21st centuriesVondrušková, Diana January 2013 (has links)
Family formation and dissolution in some European countries at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries Abstract The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the regional differences of the level of marriage and divorce rate in Europe at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Six states were chosen, each of them represents one of the specific models of family policy in Europe. The study focuses not only on the development of individual indicators of nuptiality and divorce rate and actual level of them, but also possible causes of changes in marriage behavior and increasing of divorces. The first part of the study describes the characteristics of family and marriage, including changes of looking at attitude to these two institutions over time. Next, family policy is mentioned as well, because its financial or other measures could have impact on the processes of formation and dissolution of families. Theories explaining the attitudes of contemporary society to different family institutions are also presented as well as factors that affect the marriage and divorce rate. The recent changes of family patterns can be explained mainly by postponing marriage to higher ages, reducing the intensity of nuptiality, family forms pluralization and constant increasing of divorce rate. Economic factors related with family...
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Sociální a demografický vývoj na panství Blatná v 17.-19. století / Social and Demographic Development of the Manor Blatna in 17th-19th CenturyVečerníková, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the social and demographic progress in manor Blatna in the 17th-19th century. During almost three hundred years' period the various demographic indicators are monitored, such as natality, nuptality, mortality but there are also described other detailed problems (f.e. illegimate children, multiple births, causes of death, sizes of individual villages, etc.) In addition to information obtained from the register books the thesis author uses all kind of different sources, such as seigniorial registers or censuses, which enable to study the population social status of this south-czech manor, especially their occupation, or the actual amount of dependants. In the final section of the diploma thesis there is presented the list of all cognomens and surnames, which occured in that period in manor Blatná. Keywords natality, nuptality, mortality, cause of death, cognomen-last name, Blatna, demography
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Vliv migrace na věkovou strukturu obyvatelstva města Mladá Boleslav ve 2. polovině 19. století / Impact of migration on the age structure of the population of Mlada Boleslav in the second half of the 19th centuryKrálová, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
Main aim of this master thesis is to found out if the migration influenced age structure of population of Mladá Bolesv in second half od 19th century. Data of marages used in this paper are based on register of Mladá Boleslav in set period. The thesis is divided into two parts, first consist of development of Mladá Boleslav city, data source, methods used to analyse said data and basic theories. Second part is focused on the analyzing the structure of population based on age and gender, geografical mobility, occupation and seasonality of marriage. Data have been analysed using Microsoft Excel, all maps have been created using geografical software ArcGIS. Keywords: Mladá Boleslav, nuptiality, historical demography, migration, age structure
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Statistická analýza závislosti časových řad porodnosti a sňatečnosti v České republice / Statistical analysis of the dependency time series of the natality and nuptiality in the Czech RepublicOpluštilová, Jolana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dealing with the study of dependence between birth and marriage in the Czech Republic in 1973-2016, this period is divided into two time point, due to the demographic transition and the new political regime, before 1989 (state regulated economy) and after 1989 (the changeover to a market economy). The basis for multidimensional analysis of time series is the starting point for finding the relationship or dependency between the monitored characteristics. The demographic indicator of birth rate (natality) is characterized by the number of live births and the marriage rate (nuptiality) by the number of marriages in the Czech Republic, available at monthly frequency. In the introduction of this thesis, the hypothesis of the absence of dependence (relationship) between the observed time series is determined, which will be analysed at the end of the analysis for both time series. The results of this thesis can be helpful not only to experts who were engaged with this issue in detail, but also to those interested in demographics or time series, because the prediction of these indicators will be simulated in the end of this paper.
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Analýza sňatečnosti a rozvodovosti v ČR a vybraných zemích EU / Analysis of nuptiality and divorce rate in Czech Republic and selected countries of European UnionPlocová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on two demographic processes -- nuptiality and divorce rate. The goal of this thesis is to analyze past, present and future development of nuptiality and divorce rate in Czech Republic and to draw a comparison between this development and the development in selected countries of European Union. The evaluation of the past and present development is made by using selected indicators of nuptiality and divorce rate. The forecast of the future development is obtained by using the Box-Jenkins methodology. The comparison of nuptiality and divorce rate in Czech Republic and in selected countries of European Union (Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden) is to be found in the last chapter of this thesis.
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Analýza procesů formování a rozpadu rodin s využitím modelů vícestavové demografie / Analysis of family formation and dissolution processes using multistate demography modellingDušek, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the development of the processes of family formation and dissolution in the Czech Republic between 1993 and 2008 using multistate demography. By this method, we analyze probability of transition between individual marriage states and events, which characterise these transitions. The first part of the analysis deals with the population as a whole, while the second part analyses only the part of population in fertile ages. LIPRO program was used to create a model of marital status based on data for the Czech Republic as well as for producing a forecast of population divided by marital status for the years of 2019?2023. Other parts of this thesis support the main aim of the thesis. The level of marriage and divorce rate were analysed between 1993 and 2008 as well as potential factors that could influence the level of above mentioned processes. Rising number of cohabitations could be one of those factors and therefore a special attention is paid to the development of this type of coexistence. Socioeconomic development and family and social policy are mentioned as well, because they could also have significant impact on the processes of formation and dissolution of families. The above mentioned factors and their relationship to the marriage rate are analysed using the...
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Měnící se vzorce sňatkového a reprodukčního chování mladých žen v městském prostředí (příklad Ust Kamenogorsk, Východní Kazachstán, Kazachstán) / Changing patterns of marital and reproductive behavior of young women in the urban settlement (on the example of Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan oblast, Kazakhstan)Karmenova, Zhaniya January 2017 (has links)
Changing patterns of marital and reproductive behavior of young women in the urban settlement (on the example of Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan oblast, Kazakhstan) Abstract This study primarily addresses nuptiality and fertility patterns among youth in East Kazakhstan region. The data are obtained from censuses, vital statistics and two surveys "Marital and reproductive behavior of young women in Ust-Kamenogorsk" conducted in 2009 and 2016. The survey data collection has been supported by Center of International programs of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" and Charles University in Prague. The thesis examines demographic behaviours of two main ethnicities (Kazakh and Russian) in East Kazakhstan oblast and influence of such factors like ethnicity, education, place of residence and socio- economic conditions on their marital and reproductive behaviour. East Kazakhstan oblast, compared with other regions of Kazakhstan, has lower birth and marriage rates, higher divorce rates, higher share of non-native ethnicities residing in urban areas and higher proportion of female workers employed in the industrial sector. The author tries to evaluate the importance of marriage to young females and its relation to their reproductive and marital behaviour. The general tendency observed from the conducted survey was that young women...
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Continuité ou rupture? : les comportements matrimoniaux au Canada, 1852-1921 : une analyse comparative ethnoreligieuse.Cherkesly, Isabelle 11 1900 (has links)
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