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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of the farm lay health worker in the rural Western Cape Province

Van der Merwe, Bernice Jacqueline 19 January 2015 (has links)
Public demands have forced countries to explore new ways of rendering primary health care to reach the poor who are not within reach of the modern health care systems. New categories of health care personnel, like lay health workers emerged. There are vast differences in the roles of these lay health workers as was revealed with an extensive literature search. The phenomenology qualitative research method was used to investigate perceptions of farm lay health workers regarding their roles in rural areas. A convenience, non-random sample (N=5) was used for focus group discussions and in-depth interviews to collect data. The latter revealed five main themes associated with the role of farm lay health workers: (1) community link; (2) carer; (3) community developer; (4) counsellor and (5) role model. Guidelines were formulated to enhance the role of lay health workers in the rural Western Cape Province and to improve the quality of care to rural communities / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Bestuursbevoegdheid van persone wat as rampverpleegsters by burgerlike beskerming geregistreer is / The management competency of persons registered as disaster nurses at civil defence

Perold, Annalette 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is die noodsaaklike bestuursrol van die rampverpleegster tydens rampoptrede en direk daarna verken, nagevors en beskryf. Haar bevoegdheid om die verskillende rampbestuurstake effektief te kan verrig voor, tydens en na rampe wat buite 'n hospitaal plaasvind, is oak nagegaan. Bestuurstake is geidentifiseer waarmee verpleegsters tydens rampsituasies buite hospitale vertroud behoort te wees. Die navorsingsprojek het deur middel van vraelyste biografiese data ingesamel met betrekking tot die persone wat as rampverpleegsters by Burgerlike Beskerming in Pretoria geregistreer is, met die doel om 'n kursus aan te beveel wat pertinent op hul behoeftes gerig is. Die rampverpleegster se behoefte aan toepaslike verdere opleiding, inoefening of leiding betreffende die ge1dentifiseerde bestuurstake, is bepaal. Dit het geblyk dat opleiding in die meeste take nodig is, en 'n kursus in rampbestuur vir verpleegkundiges is ontwerp / In this study the essential management role of the disaster nurse during disaster action was outlined, researched and described. Her competency to effectively execute disaster relief tasks before, during and after a disaster occurring outside a hospital, was studied. Management tasks were identified which nurses should have mastered regarding disaster situations occurring outside hospital boundaries. Research data were gathered by means of a questiorinaire on the biographic detail of disaster nurses registered with · Civil Defence in Pretoria, in order to recommend a course specifically aimed at fulfilling their requirements. The research project identified requirements of the disaster nurse for appropriate further training, practise and guidance regarding the identified-management tasks. It became evident that training is required in most of the tasks, and a training course for nurses in disaster management was designed / Health Studies / M.A. (Verpleegkunde)

The development of nursing and nursing education in Venda from 1911 to 1990

Sikhitha, Rathani Mabel 06 1900 (has links)
The development ofNursing and Nursing Education in Venda is intimately related to the work of the early missionaries, Western education and medical developments. The growth of nursing and health services had a reciprocal relationship. One was not possible without the other, viz the history of missionary education, hospitals, health services, sociocultural and political development. Each stage ofthese developments was an important step in laying the foundation of modem professional nursing and nursing education. Before contact with Western medicine, health and midwifery services were provided by traditional healers, nurses and midwives. Divination was used to: diagnose disease, identify the witch, determine medicines to cure the disease. Western nursing developed through stages of: lay nursing, hospital certificated, auxiliary nurses and midwives, registered nurses and midwives, comprehensive general nurse and midwife. The history of Nursing and Nursing Education is thus part and parcel of the social developments of the country it serves. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

The knowledge of nurses on multidrug resistant tuberculosis at primary health care facilities in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan

Singh, Vikesh 07 April 2015 (has links)
Decentralisation of the multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) programme to primary health care (PHC) facilities in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan was implemented in order to improve the effectiveness of MDR TB services. This study explored the knowledge gaps of nurses at PHC facilities as regards MDR TB. A quantitative, cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted; data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Non-probability sampling was applied in this study. A convenient sampling technique was used and 25 of the 42 facilities were selected. Thirty-two respondents completed the questionnaire with a response rate of 64%. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the data. Only 38% of the nurses had been trained on MDR TB. Overall scores were high with a mean knowledge score of 61%. However there were knowledge gaps regarding side effects of MDR TB medication. This study revealed gaps in knowledge of certain areas of MDR TB management / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

The effect of quality assurance nurse managers on the provision of patient care at selected public hospitals in the Limpopo Province

Mavanyisi, Rynnet Doris 11 1900 (has links)
Patient and public criticism of care in many South African public hospitals has resulted in negative media reports. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of appointing Quality Assurance Nurse Managers (QANMs) on the provision of quality patient care in selected public hospitals of the Limpopo Province and to make recommendations where appropriate. The study was quantitative, exploratory and descriptive in nature. Data was collected by means of a self-developed questionnaire from 112 respondents, consisting of 10 QANMs and 102 Quality Assurance Team members (QAT). The response rate was 100% for the QANMs and 57% for the QAT members. The study found that most of the ten selected hospitals have a good QA foundation with a vision, mission and goals, QA programme and manual. Moreover, the appointment of the QANMs had a positive impact on the nursing care. Regarding the improvement and change in the provision of nursing care, the majority of the respondents indicated that patients’ complaints about nursing care had declined considerably; the in-service training assisted in improving nursing care, and patients were nursed in totality because of the quality guidelines in the QA manuals. However, the study found that the shortage of equipment, which interferes with the delivery of quality patient care, is a serious problem that hinders the QA programme and needs to be tackled. Recommendations were made for practice and further research. / Health Studies

Experiences of forensic nurses regarding the provision of care to victims of sexual assault in selected public hospitals of Limpopo Province, South Africa

Ravhura, Grace Tshilidzi 07 1900 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of forensic nurses when providing care to victims of sexual assault in selected public hospitals of Limpopo province. Methods: A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design was employed in this study. A sample of 7 registered nurses was purposively selected to partake in in-depth unstructured interviews. Results: Four themes associated with the experience of providing care to victims of sexual assaults emerged during data analysis. These included (1) psychological experiences of nursing victims of sexual assault, (2) physical challenges associated with implementing the forensic nursing specialty in a clinical setting, (3) psychological coping strategies to deal with challenges experienced, and (4) the experience of managerial support. Conclusion: Participants reported negative psychological and physical experiences of providing care to victims of sexual assault, which resulted to occupational stress. Recommendations of forensic nurses support guidelines and further research were made. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

The knowledge of professional nurses about culture competent care at selected medical wards, oncology wards and outpatient departments in Mopani District, Limpopo Province

Manganyi, Thokozile 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine professional nurses’ knowledge of culture- competent care at selected medical and oncology wards and outpatient departments in Mopani District, Limpopo Province. A quantitative descriptive design was used and data collected from one hundred and five professional nurses by means of a structured questionnaire. The study found that cultural knowledge needs to be nurtured through continuing education and mentoring and that culture-competent care should be included in the curriculum. Furthermore, cultural knowledge is not effective if there is no correlation of theory and practice and early clinical placement of student nurses during their basic training / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)

An evaluation of neonatal nursing care in selected hospitals in the Western Cape

Barlow, Hilary Joan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCUR)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has a proud history of a high standard of health care delivery in State funded hospitals. This implies that high standards of education and care in both medical and nursing training have been achieved. The care of sick and premature newborn infants by nurses is a speciality that has evolved worldwide over the last forty years as a result of various technological developments. In order to ensure the standard of care delivered, protocols of care should be available for nurses to refer to and to measure their work against. There were no protocols of care available in the two Neonatal Units (NICUs) used in this study. Using a non-experimental, exploratory descriptive design, the researcher set about measuring the quality of nursing care in the NICUs. Standards (structure, process and outcome) were written by the researcher, and validated. The results showed that the standards were not met at an acceptable level in various areas. One of the areas of great concern was the lack of effective hand washing. Outcome standards which reflect the consequences of care indicated serious shortages of staff in some cases and insufficient staff training. Recommendations are that a Quality Assurance Program should be introduced with training and education of the nurses working in the NICUs and the introduction of evidencebased practice. Future research should aim at showing the way to improve the service delivered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het ‘n trotse geskiedenis van ‘n hoë standard van gesondheidsorgdienslewering in Staatsbefondsde hospitale. Dit impliseer dat hoë standaarde in mediese en verpleegopleiding bereik is. Die versorging van siek en premature pasgebore babas deur verpleegkundiges is ‘n spesialiteit wat oor die afgelope veertig jaar wêreldwyd ontwikkel het as gevolg van verskeie tegnologiese ontwikkelings. Ten einde te verseker dat ‘n hoë standard van sorg gelewer word, moet protokolle beskikbaar wees vir verpleegkundiges om te gebruik en hulle werkverrigting teen te meet. Daar was geen protokolle beskikbaar in die twee neonatale eenhede wat in hierdie studie gebruik is nie. ‘n Nie-eksperimentele, verkennende, beskrywende ontwerp is deur die navorser gebruik om die gehalte van verpleegsorg in die neonatale eenhede te evalueer. Standaarde (struktuur, proses en uitkoms) is deur die navorser opgestel en gevalideer. Die resultate toon aan dat die standaarde in verskeie areas nie aanvaarbaar nagekom word nie. ‘n Kommerwekkende bevinding was die afwesigheid van effektiewe was van hande. Uitkomsstandaarde wat die resultaat van sorg weerspieël, het aangedui dat daar ernstige tekorte aan personeel in sommige gevalle bestaan het asook onvoldoende opleiding van personeel. Aanbevelings is dat ‘n Gehalteversekeringsprogram ingestel behoort te word en met die opleiding van verpleegkundiges werksaam in die neonatale eenhede en evidence-based practice aangespreek moet word. Toekomstige navorsing behoort aan te dui hoe om die diens wat gelewer word, te verbeter.

The experiences of critical nurses regarding staffing management in critical care units in private hospitals of the Cape Metropole

Anthonie, Ramona F. G. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nurse managers are responsible to staff different hospital units and departments with sufficient, trained and experienced personnel. Most critical care units in the private healthcare in South Africa are staffed below maximum workload levels and additional staff is supplemented when needed. Current staffing management strategies comprises the application of the patient acuity score, the utilisation of contracted agency staff and ward staff who assist occasionally in the critical care unit (CCU). The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of critical care nurses regarding staffing management within critical care units in private health care institutions in the Western Cape. The following objectives were set to: - explore the experiences of CCNs regarding staffing management strategies such as o the patient acuity score o the employment of ad hoc agency staff and o the utilization of ward staff A descriptive design with a qualitative approach was applied. A sample size of n=15 was drawn from a total population of N=377, using purposive sampling technique. A pilot-test was also completed. The trustworthiness of this study was assured with the use of Lincoln and Guba’s criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. All ethical principles were met. The findings of the study demonstrated that nurses perceive the workload in critical care units as heavy. The utilisation of the acuity score does not really assist in relieving the workload as managers tend not to consider the staffing requirements as predicted by the acuity score due to budget constraints. The enrolled nurses who assist occasionally in the critical care unit require supervision as well as ongoing development to ensure safe and quality patient care. Yet agency nurses were perceived as either extraordinary good or incompetent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verpleegbestuurders het die verantwoordelik om verskillende hospitaaleenhede en departemente met voldoende opgeleide en ervare personeel te voorsien. Die meeste kritieke sorgeenhede in Suid-Afrika word met minder as dan die maksimum werkladingsvlak beman en addisionele personeel word aangevul wanneer nodig. Huidige personeelbestuurstrategieë behels die toepassing van die pasiënt akuïteit telling, die gebruik van ingekontrakteerde agentskap-personeel en saalpersoneel wat per geleentheid in die kritiekesorgeenheid help. Die doel van die studie was om die ervaringe van kritieke-sorgverpleegsters ten opsigte van personeel bestuur binne die kritiekesorgeenhede in die privaat gesondheidsorginstellings in die Weskaap, te ondersoek. Die volgende doelwitte is gestel: - Om die ervaringe van kritieke-sorgverpleegsters aangaande personeelbestuur-strategieë te ondersoek, soos: o die pasiënt akuïteit telling o die gebruik van agentskapverpleegpersoneel en o die gebruik van saal personeel, te ondersoek ’n Beskrywende kwalitatiewe studie is toegepas. ’n Steekproef van n=15 is uit ’n totale populasie van N=377 getrek deur die doelgerigte steekproeftegniek te gebruik. ’n Loodstoetsing van die semi-gestruktureerde vraelys is ook gedoen. Die betroubaarheid van hierdie studie was verseker deur van Lincoln en Guba se kriteria vir geloofwaardigheid, oordraagbaarheid, betroubaarheid en bevestigbaarheid gebruik te maak. Daar is aan alle etiese vereistes voldoen. Die bevindings van die studie toon dat die verpleegpersoneel die werklading in die kritiekesorgeenheid as veeleisend ervaar. Die aanwending van die pasiënt akuïteit-telling dra nie werklik by tot verligting van die werklading nie, aangesien bestuurders weens begrotingsbeperkings neig om nie die personeelbenodigdhede soos deur die akuïteit-telling voorspel in ag neem nie. Die ingeskrewe verpleegsters wat per geleentheid in die kritieke-sorgeenheid hulp verleen, benodig toesig asook volgehoue ontwikkeling ten einde veilige en kwaliteit pasiëntsorg te verseker. Die agentskapverpleegpersoneel is egter as baie bekwaam of onbevoeg beskou.

Experiences of forensic nurses regarding the provision of care to victims of sexual assault in selected public hospitals of Limpopo Province, South Africa

Ravhura, Grace Tshilidzi 07 1900 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of forensic nurses when providing care to victims of sexual assault in selected public hospitals of Limpopo province. Methods: A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design was employed in this study. A sample of 7 registered nurses was purposively selected to partake in in-depth unstructured interviews. Results: Four themes associated with the experience of providing care to victims of sexual assaults emerged during data analysis. These included (1) psychological experiences of nursing victims of sexual assault, (2) physical challenges associated with implementing the forensic nursing specialty in a clinical setting, (3) psychological coping strategies to deal with challenges experienced, and (4) the experience of managerial support. Conclusion: Participants reported negative psychological and physical experiences of providing care to victims of sexual assault, which resulted to occupational stress. Recommendations of forensic nurses support guidelines and further research were made. / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)

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