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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ProspecÃÃo de molÃculas com potencial nutracÃutico em sementes de enterolobium contortisiliquum (VELL.) morong.: purificaÃÃo e caracterizaÃÃo parcial de trÃs inibidores de quimotripsina / Prospection for molecules with nutraceutical properties in enterolobium contortisiliquum (VELL.) morong. seeds: purification and partial characterization of three chymotrypsin inhibitors

Lady Clarissa Brito da Rocha Bezerra 17 March 2010 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Sementes de leguminosas constituem uma das principais fontes de proteÃna na alimentaÃÃo humana e animal. Outros interesses tÃm sido despertados para o potencial nutracÃutico inerente a essas proteÃnas vegetais, uma vez que muitas proteÃnas bioativas, atà entÃo referidas apenas como fatores antinutricionais, tÃm exercido efeitos benÃficos no organismo, atuando na cura e/ou prevenÃÃo de vÃrias doenÃas. Dentre esses, destacam-se os inibidores de proteases, os quais desempenham importantes funÃÃes na defesa de plantas e apresentam propriedades biolÃgicas de interesse para aplicaÃÃes biotecnolÃgicas nas Ãreas farmacolÃgica e mÃdica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial nutricional e nutracÃutico de sementes de Enterolobium contortisiliquum, enfocando a purificaÃÃo e caracterizaÃÃo parcial de inibidores de quimotripsina e avaliar seu efeito antiproliferativo contra cÃlulas tumorigÃnicas humanas. As sementes de E. contortisiliquum sÃo uma excelente fonte de proteÃnas, apresentando cerca de 50% desse macronutriente em base seca. A presenÃa de inibidores de proteases em quantidades elevadas sugere que essas molÃculas possam vir a ter uma aplicaÃÃo nutracÃutica. Dessa forma, foram purificados trÃs inibidores de quimotripsina, denominados EcCI1, EcCI2 e EcCTI, os quais foram parcialmente caracterizados. As massas moleculares aparentes determinada para os trÃs inibidores à de 17, 17 e 19 kDa, respectivamente. EcCI1 e EcCI2 sÃo inibidores do tipo nÃo competitivo e apresentam ki de 4 x 10-8 e 2,5 x 10-8 M, respectivamente. Em contrapartida, EcCTI inibe a quimotripsina de forma competitiva e apresenta ki de 5 x 10-8 M. Apenas EcCTI foi capaz de inibir a tripsina (98%). EcCI1 e EcCI2 inibiram satisfatoriamente a elastase neutrofÃlica (ca. de 70%), mas nÃo EcCTI (20%). Os trÃs inibidores inibiram sutilmente a elastase pancreÃtica (ca. de 20%) e nenhum foi capaz de inibir a papaÃna. Os trÃs inibidores sÃo altamente estÃveis Ãs condiÃÃes extremas de temperatura (de 37 a 90 ÂC para EcCI2 e de 37 a 100 ÂC para EcCI1 e EcCTI ), pH (2 a 12) e DTT nas concentraÃÃes de 1 a 100 mM para EcCI1 e EcCTI e de 1 a 10 mM para EcCI2. Outros estudos sÃo necessÃrios para melhor caracterizar esses inibidores. Nenhum dos inibidores promoveu efeito antiproliferativo contra as quatro linhagens de cÃlulas tumorigÃnicas testadas / Leguminous seeds are main sources of food proteins for humans and animals. Other interests in these plant proteins concerning their nutraceutical properties have been raised, since many bioactive proteins, previously referred only as anti-nutritional factors, have exerted beneficial effects on health, acting as chemopreventive agents against several diseases. Among these are protease inhibitors, which play important roles in plant defense and have biological properties of interest for biotechnological applications in pharmaceutical and medical areas. This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional and nutraceutical potential of Enterolobium contortisiliquum seeds, focusing on the purification and partial characterization of chymotrypsin inhibitors and assess their antiproliferative effect against human tumor cells. E. contortisiliquum seeds are an excellent protein source, with about 50% of this macronutrient on a dry basis. The presence of protease inhibitors in high quantities suggests that these molecules may exert a nutraceutical application. Three chymotrypsin inhibitors, denominated EcCI1, EcCI2 and EcCTI were purified and partially characterized. EcCI1, EcCI2 and EcCTI show molecular weights of 17, 17 and 19 kDa, respectively. EcCI1 and EcCI2 are non-competitive inhibitors with ki of 4 x 10-8 and 2.5 x 10-8 M, respectively, while EcCTI inhibits chymotrypsin competitively with ki of 5 x 10-8 M. Only EcCTI was able to inhibit trypsin (98%). EcCI1 and EcCI2 successfully inhibited leukocyte elastase (about 70%), but EcCTI (20%). The three inhibitors slightly inhibited pancreatic elastase (about 20%) and none was able to inhibit papain. The three inhibitors have a high thermal stability (37 to 90 ÂC for EcCI2 and 37 to 100 ÂC for EcCI1 and EcCTI), pH (2 to 12) and DTT concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 mM for EcCI1 and EcCTI and from 1 to 10 mM for EcCI2. Further studies are needed to better characterize these inhibitors. None of the inhibitors promoted antiproliferative effect against four tumorigenic cell lines tested

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