Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nutrients"" "subject:"mutrients""
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Mitigating Aquaculture Effluent through Use of Low-Grade WeirsFlora, Corrin Lee 17 August 2013 (has links)
Water management practices to reduce mass discharge are a major point of concern for aquaculture producers. This study assessed effects of consecutive low-grade weirs on chemical retention and settling of aquaculture pond effluent in a single drainage ditch. Two control and nine treatment discharges were conducted September - October 2012. Control discharge dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) load increased 154%, whereas total inorganic phosphorus (TIP), ammonia, and nitrate loads decreased (47%, 43%, and 63%, respectively). Treatment discharge nutrient loads decreased across all analytes (80% DIP, 86% TIP, 89% ammonia, 89% nitrate). However, control and treatment discharges concentrations of DIP and nitrate increased, whereas TIP and ammonia concentrations decreased. All discharges reduced total and volatile suspended solid loads 72% - 94%, with removal rates of 0.02 ± 0.01 mg/L/min total and 0.02 ± 0.001 mg/L/min volatile suspended solids. Results indicate ditches fit with low-grade weirs may be an innovative management practice.
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Methodology Development for the Measurement and Analysis of Sediment Oxygen Demands and Nutrient ReleasesLaurens Vallejo, Luis Alfonso 09 December 2016 (has links)
Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) and nutrients releases from the bottom sediments of a water body are important parameters to be included in studies of water quality processes. Two methods to measure SOD, in situ and at laboratory, were applied at Eckie’s Pond on late spring of 2015. Based upon preliminary results, which showed greater values for the in situ method, some modifications of procedures and equipment were made to improve the measurements. Another set of measurements were made on June of 2016, however their results were not conclusive to establish a correlation between these methodologies. As a result of this research, three standard operating procedures (SOP) have been established to measure SOD at shallow waters, first in situ, second at laboratory, and a third SOP to analyze nutrients and metals by using a spectrophotometer.
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Variability Of Sediment Nutrients And Benthic Macro-Invertebrates In Recreational Fishing PondsStubbs, Tyler James 09 December 2011 (has links)
The overall objective of this study was to identify trends of sediment nutrients and benthic macro-invertebrates in recreational fishing ponds. The Ekman dredge and the Yabby pump, also were compared for benthic macro-invertebrate sampling effectiveness. Large ranges in the coefficient of variation for Pw (52 – 123.9), C:N (13.4 – 124), density (61.5 – 98.5), and diversity (67 – 142) indicated significant spatial variability within and among ponds. Invertebrate familial diversity was the only variable that did not show any significant temporal variation (H = 4.31, P = 0.230). Results from the gear comparison indicated no differences between the Ekman dredge and Yabby pump (3 pulls); however, showed the Ekman dredge was more effective than the Yabby pump (12 pulls) (Z = -1.796, P = 0.073) indicating potential gear saturation. Although these data supported no discernable patterns between sediment nutrients and macro-invertebrates, it provided an opportunity to detail an operational framework for future studies.
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First Episodic Atmospheric Deposition of Nutrients to Utah Lake: Statistical Analysis and CharacterizationDorrett, Cristian Alun 17 April 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Atmospheric deposition (AD) is a significant but poorly understood source of nutrients to many aquatic systems around the world. Accurate characterization of the nutrient budgets of aquatic systems is critical to good management decisions, so a better understanding of AD-related nutrient loads is essential, especially for water bodies where nutrient loads from atmospheric deposition are significant. Due to its large surface area, proximity to Great Basin dust sources, high values of atmospheric particulates due to inversions, and the high phosphorus content of local soils, Utah Lake, in the semi-arid Utah Valley, USA, experiences significant phosphorus loading from AD. The lake is eutrophic and has a history of impaired water quality and HABs, which has motivated significant study and debate over nutrient loads to the lake. Previous studies that measured phosphorus AD to Utah Lake showed a large portion of the AD was associated with a few high-volume deposition events, with the data exhibiting unexpectedly high peaks at some locations on a few dates. These issues cast doubt on the data. We used statistical analyses and machine learning models to characterize AD to Utah Lake. In addition to determining the distribution of AD events, we analyzed the relationship between phosphorus AD and local weather events. We used this analysis to determine whether the high phosphorus measurements were outliers due to sampling errors or represented actual conditions. Our analysis shows that AD events followed an XXX distribution, similar to the distribution of precipitation events on the lake. We found the high phosphorus deposition events were correlated with instances of high wind occurring when the ground was dry. We also observed regular cycles of higher and lower measurements throughout the year that are like measures of atmospheric particulate matter. We conclude that atmospheric phosphorus deposition on Utah Lake is episodic and driven by weather conditions around the lake, with the most important factors being the number of hours with high winds during a collection period and the percentage of those hours where the ground was dry during a collection period followed by dry deposition from particulate matter. This is an important finding for the management of Utah Lake and also has implications for the management of other eutrophic lakes in which atmospheric deposition of nutrients impacts water quality.
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Implementation of Sustainable Management Practices at Two California Central Coast Vineyards and Their Effects on Soil FertilityStimson, Dawn M 01 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Implementation of Sustainable Management Practices at Two California Central Coast Vineyards and Their Effects on Soil Fertility
Dawn Michelle Stimson
“Sustainable agriculture” has gained increased popularity in recent years. This study was conducted to determine the effects of sustainable management practices on soil fertility at two California Central Coast vineyards. The effects of cover crops (Erosion Control Mix - blando brome [Bromus hordeaceus], hykon rose clover [Trifolium hirtum All.], and zorro annual fescue [Vulpia mourns]), green waste compost (Forest Blend), and reduced tillage on soil fertility were investigated in San Luis Obispo, California on a clay and sandy loam soil. Between the fall 2007 and spring 2008, which had a low precipitation amount (13.3 & 15.6 inches), there was a significant difference (P <0.001 to 0.007) between vineyards in terms of their mean soil nutrient and ratio concentrations. The range of soil values (soil pH, P, K, exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K, OM, Ca/Mg and C/N ratios) was either completely separate or different between Vineyard One and Two. There was almost no significant difference found between treatments and their effects on soil nutrients, exchangeable cations, and ratios. However, there were some noticeable effects on soil nutrients, exchangeable cations and ratios. Soil P and K concentrations increased in most areas (except cover crop/till where it decreased slightly). Soil P increases ranged from 14 to 143% while potassium increases ranged from 9 to 78%. Soil OM increased in all areas at both vineyards (5 to 55%). Ca/Mg ratios increased in some areas between 8 and 43%. C/N ratios increased in all areas between 5 and 85%. Soil type appears to affect soil nutrients, exchangeable cations, and ratios more than sustainable management practices.
Keywords: Sustainable, vineyard, and soil nutrients.
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Adsorption column studies to predict the flow of nutrients through heterogenous porous media under equilibrium and isothermal conditionsPandey, Vijai B 01 September 2012 (has links)
Because of the endangerment of life of the human beings due to the environmental pollution, a serious study of the pollution of the environment is most vital. Because of increasing surface water pollution there is great hazard of ground water pollution. About half the United States of America derives drinking water from aquifers and much of the projected demand is expected to be met from subsurface sources. Therefore, a study was needed to determine the process of ground water contamination due to nutrients, especially Nitrogen, its degree and Length and Time of Travel and factors inhibiting its flow through soil.
The present study was undertaken at the 'Pine Crest Duck Farm' at Sterling, Massachusetts, where the nature of the soil was Gravely Sandy Loam and Three unlined (from the side and bottom) waste stabilization ponds existed and there was a great danger of ground water contamination due to Nitrogen in the vicinity of ponds and further. In the field, observation wells were installed along the redial line and bi-monthly samples of water were taken to monitor the levels of B.O.D., Ammonium, Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen.
Since the Adsorption of the Nitrogen by the soil is great inhibitor in the movement of the Nitrogen through soil profiles, this study was undertaken to study the adsorptive capacity of the soil in 'Bench Tests' and to test the applicability and validity of various adsorption isotherms of nitrogen in the soil; to develop a dimensional model or prediction equation for the nitrogen in the soil under natural flow conditions by studying the effects of varying concentration and flow rates on the adsorptive capacity of the soil, based on the principles of similitude; to correlate adsorption values in bench and column tests; and to determine the length and time of travel of nitrogen through soil.
The soil from the Farm was obtained from a depth of six feet with enough care so that original structure was maintained. Adsorptive capacity of the soil was determined through series of 'Bench Tests' and 'Soil Adsorption Columns' in the laboratory under temperature controlled chambers. From the Bench Tests Adsorption values of the soil at various concentrations of Ammonium, Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen were determined and validity and applicability of Adsorption isotherms were confirmed.
To study the Adsorption Process under natural flow conditions 'Soil Adsorption Column Tests' were done by using never done before Dimensional Model Analysis of Factors affecting Adsorption and getting dimensionless numbers and further obtaining 'Break Through Curves' at different Concentration and flow rates and Adsorption Values were obtained for Ammonium Nitrogen and Nitrite Nitrogen. Finally, Component and Prediction Equations were obtained for Ammonium Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen.
By knowing the Adsorption Values of the soil Length and Time of Travel of Ammonium and Nitrate Nitrogen through soil was calculated at various Concentration Levels. A mathematical Prediction Equation was also obtained between Bench and Column Tests and Length of Time of Travel, t predict the adsorption values under natural flow conditions by just performing less time consuming Bench Tests.
It was also found that under eqUilibrium Bench Test conditions and natural flow conditions, adsorption of Ammonium, Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen increased with increasing solution concentration and adsorption of Ammonium Nitrogen was considerably higher than Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen. It was further found that for solution concentrations of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mgll Ammonium Nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen will travel one foot distance in 183 and 115 days; 168 and 111 days; 148 and 98 days; 145 and 81 days; 130 and 98 days; and 127 and 97 days respectively. It was determined that at the present time contamination of shallow water wells does not pose Nitrogen contamination problem and installation of these wells beyond 300 feet radial distance from the waste stabilization ponds was safe.
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Axenic Culture of House-Fly Larvae and the Influence of Stored Nutrients on Adult Dietary Requirements for Survival and ReproductionTaylor, Grace Catherine 05 1900 (has links)
Larvae of the house fly, Musca domestica L. , were reared axenically on semi-synthetic media and their performance both as larvae and as adults was assessed in comparison to that of flies reared on an undefined wheat-bran medium. Three components of a standard sterile casein-base medium, i.e., sodium oleate, RNA and cholesterol, were assessed as to their effects on both the larval and adult stages. All improved larval growth, with cholesterol being essential. It has been substantiated that specific larval nutrient reserves were transferred to the adult. Larval nutrition influenced fecundity through its effect on adult survival and vigour, number of eggs developed, and the adult hormonal system. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Fe and Nutrients in Coastal Antarctic Streams: Implications for Marine Primary Production in the Ross SeaOlund, Sydney A. 10 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Macronutrient Activation of Endothelium Dependent Leukocyte Trafficking: Metabolic ImplicationsPreston, Kyle J. January 2015 (has links)
Obesity and insulin resistance are characterized by elevated pro-inflammatory proteins in the blood and immune cell accumulation in the visceral adipose tissue. Resident leukocytes release tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and other inflammatory cytokines which stimulate adipocyte lipolysis, recruit leukocytes to adipose tissue, promote pro-inflammatory immune cell polarization, facilitate oxidative stress, and activate intracellular kinases which dull insulin signaling cascades in metabolic tissues. Immune cell mediated dysregulation of stromal and parenchymal cells has raised suspicion that insulin resistance is an immune disorder initiated by activated white blood cells with over-nutrition. Efforts to improve pathological metabolism by reducing inflammation have yielded mixed results in humans and animal models. The role of inflammation and immune cell accumulation in the visceral fat (VF) in the progression of insulin resistance remains presently debated. There is, however, a consensus that identifying the triggers for obesity and impaired insulin signaling is of the utmost importance. The goal of this report is to identify dietary fat absorption as a key initiator of inflammatory action and insulin desensitization which may be dampened by reducing immune cell accumulation in adipose tissue. To explore how lean, healthy organisms become obese and insulin resistant, we examined the inflammatory consequences of isocaloric but variable macronutrient loads in the VF of lean mice. Mice were administered single liquid meals composed of low-fat (10% fat) or high-fat (60% fat) diet and observed by intravital microscopy to quantify leukocyte-endothelium interactions in mesenteric postcapillary venules (MPCV) 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours after oral gavage. Leukocyte rolling and leukocyte adhesion were transiently elevated within 1 hour after feeding and returned to baseline levels 4 hours later. Endothelial cell surface expression of P-selectin (Psel), a rapidly activated cell adhesion molecule (CAM), confirmed that high-fat feeding induced Psel dependent leukocyte rolling through the VF microcirculation. Furthermore, leukocyte accumulation in the VF was modestly increased by a single high-fat meal (HFM). Repetitive high-fat diet (HFD) consumption for 24 hours prolonged elevated leukocyte-endothelium interactions and promoted neutrophil accumulation in the VF. The neutrophilic enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO), a producer of the chlorinating agent hypochlorous acid, increased in abundance and activity in the VF of HFM fed mice. Elevated leukocyte-endothelium interactions, leukocyte infiltration, and MPO activity in VF were not observed in Psel deficient (Psel-/-) mice following lipid overload. To ascertain if MPO is required for sustained endothelial activation, leukocyte-endothelium interactions and leukocyte infiltration were monitored in high-fat fed MPO deficient (MPO-/-) mice. Similar to the Psel-/- mice, MPO-/- mice were protected from the inflammatory effects of high-fat feeding. Our data supports postprandial hyperlipemia as an inducer of transient and Psel dependent inflammatory reactions that are sustained by prolonged HFD consumption. To study whether early phase inflammatory interventions granted late phase metabolic improvements, wild-type (WT), Psel deficient (Psel-/-), and MPO deficient (MPO-/-) C57BL/6 mice were given ad libitum access to LFD (10% fat) or HFD (60% fat) for 12-16 weeks. All mouse groups given HFD became obese. Prolonged HFD consumption sustained elevated leukocyte-endothelium interactions in MPCVs and was accompanied by increased local and systemic TNFα in WT mice. High-fat fed WT mice were hyperglycemic, hyperinsulinemic, glucose intolerant, and insulin resistant compared to LFD fed controls. Psel-/- mice were protected from leukocyte-endothelium interactions as well as local and systemic TNFα accumulation despite extended HFD consumption. Surprisingly, high-fat fed Psel-/- mice were equally hyperglycemic, hyperinsulinemic, glucose intolerant, and insulin resistant as the inflamed, high-fat fed WT mice. MPO-/- mice were also protected from elevated systemic TNFα and gained slightly less weight than the other high-fat fed groups. While MPO-/- mice were hyperglycemic and glucose intolerant, they did have improved insulin stimulated glucose clearance. The data presented in this report demonstrates the pro-inflammatory nature of postprandial hyperlipemia and the insulin desensitizing nature of prolonged HFD consumption. Ablation of VF immune cell accumulation by Psel deletion is not sufficient for improving insulin signaling or glycemic control, which is consistent with prior reports. Deletion of MPO, however, did result in slightly less obesity and marginally improved insulin signaling. We conclude that while immune cell accumulation in the VF contributes to the progression of insulin resistance, it is not a prerequisite for metabolic pathology development. / Physiology
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The Effect of Certain Nutrients on Ascospore Formation in Saccharomuces cerevisiae MeyenTremaine, Jack 05 1900 (has links)
N/A / Thesis / Master of Science (MS)
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