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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An international comparison on the impact of the extended life expectancy of natural persons for taxation purposes

Smit, Nell-Mari 19 July 2013 (has links)
The increase in the life expectancy of natural persons has become a worldwide phenomenon. People live longer and need income for longer periods of time. Individuals need to start saving for their retirement early in life while still part of the workforce. Insufficient retirement savings lead to individuals not having sufficient income for their retirement. People become dependent on the government for assistance in paying for their day-to-day living expenses, leading to increases in social grants payable by the government. In South Africa the National Treasury needs to budget through taxation for the increase in the old age pension, which increases government expenditure. Additional income tax will therefore need to be raised to ensure that the national deficit does not increase further. Personal income taxes will directly be affected by the increase in the life expectancy. Research has been done internationally on the increase in life expectancy and the possible effect on the governments of those countries. No research has, however, been done in such detail in South Africa. This study provided information on the increase in the life expectancy of the South African population and the effect on the increase of old age pension as a social grant expense paid by the Government to qualifying beneficiaries. The aim of this study was to gain insight in the increase in the number of elderly people, those individuals aged 60 years and older, and the relation between this increase and the increase in the number of old age pension beneficiaries together with the increase in the budgeted expenses by the Government for old age pension. From a theoretical perspective, this study aimed to identify the possibility of increasing the retirement age to help people receive an income from employment for longer and to provide for themselves during the longer years in retirement. Finally the study aimed to assess this impact on taxation. A number of factors play a role in the increase of the number of old age pension beneficiaries and the resulting old age pension expense in the government budget. This study only focused on the role that the increase in life expectancy plays. AFRIKAANS : Die toename in die lewensverwagting van natuurlike persone het ’n wêreldwye verskynsel geword. Mense leef langer en moet ’n inkomste vir ’n baie langer tydperk hê. Individue moet reeds vroeg, terwyl hulle nog deel is van die werksmag, begin spaar vir hul aftrede. Onvoldoende aftreefondse lei daartoe dat pensioenarisse nie voldoende inkomste tydens hul aftrede verdien nie. Hierdie tekort lei daartoe dat individue afhanklik is van die regering om hulle by te staan vir die betaling van daaglikse uitgawes. Dit lei tot die verhoging in die maatskaplike toelaes wat deur die regering betaal word. In Suid-Afrika moet die Nasionale Tesourie in die begroting voorsiening maak vir die toename in die ouderdomspensioen wat tot ’n toename in regeringsuitgawes lei. Ekstra inkomste moet ook verkry word om te verseker dat die nasionale tekort nie verder toeneem nie. Persoonlike inkomstebelasting word regstreeks hierdeur beïnvloed. Internasionale navorsing is gedoen op die toename in lewensverwagting en die moontlike invloed op die regerings van daardie lande. Soortgelyke navorsing is egter nog nie in Suid-Afrika gedoen nie. Dié studie bied meer inligting oor die toename in lewensverwagting van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking en die effek daarvan op die toename in die ouderdomspensioen as ’n maatskaplike toelaag wat deur die regering betaal word aan begunstigdes wat daarvoor kwalifiseer. Die doel van hierdie studie was om insig te verkry in die toename in die aantal bejaardes, individue van 60 jaar en ouer, en die verwantskap tussen hierdie toename en die toename in die aantal ouderdomspensioen begunstigdes asook die begrote regeringsuitgawe vir ouderdomspensioene. Die studie het gepoog om vanuit ’n teoretiese oogpunt te kyk na die moontlikheid om die aftreeouderdom te verhoog sodat mense langer inkomste kan verdien en vir hulleself kan sorg in die langer aftreetydperk. Die studie het ook gekyk na die invloed hiervan op belasting. Verskeie faktore speel ’n rol in die groei van die aantal individue wat ouderdomspensioen ontvang en gepaardgaande toename in die ouderdomspensioenbegroting van die regering. Die studie het slegs gefokus op die rol wat die verhoging in lewensverwagting speel. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

The Impact of Cash Transfers on Labor Force Participation and Household Consumption: Evidence from Post-Apartheid South Africa

Muchiri, Steve M. M. 01 January 2016 (has links)
The Old Age Pension (OAP) program for elderly South Africans puts a significant cash transfer in the hands of many poor households. This dissertation investigates its impact on labor force participation and consumption of selected household items. In the first half of the dissertation, we take advantage of a policy reform that lowered men's OAP eligibility age from 65 to 60 for men to match that of women for estimation identification. Using the General Household Survey data, we first demonstrate that both men and women respond to the eligibility age by dropping from labor force participation at the eligibility age, as expected. Using a difference-in-difference-in-difference estimator, we estimate that at the median predicted wage, age eligibility reduces men's probability of labor force participation by approximately 6.14 percentage points. Previous studies show that not only is the OAP take-up rate high among the age-eligible, but its value is sufficiently high to generally make it a significant component of total household income for the majority of pensioners and their households. Other studies add that it is a dominant source of income in older households, such that it is often the sole source of income in these households, especially those in rural areas. In the second half of the dissertation, therefore, we examine the impact of age-eligibility status on a number of selected household outcomes, such as food security, sanitation, source of drinking water, and ownership of consumer durable goods. We also examine the extent to which gender influences its impact on household outcomes. We find positive effects on a select number of outcomes; however, we note this is more associated with females' age-eligibility status, but not that of males.

Děti a zajištění na stáří / Children and old age security

Novák, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
There have been a great deal of ways for old age security, who is expected and individual situation. Old age signify loss of income from economics activity. We can compare ways of securing for old age by their liquidity, rate of profit and diversification, but it is impossible to administratively determine composition of the optimal old age security portfolio, whereas administrative favoured one's way, entails limitation of the others. One of the oldest way of securing for old age is child care and enlinghtenment. The research pointed to existence disputation between theories of fertility development. These theories are attaching different importance to the particular biological, socioeconomic and cultural factors. Empirical research of fertility development and its factors in czech lands, represents pure administrative character of the pension insurance development. Spending on pension insurance and some other factors are influencing development of fertility. This influence is analyzed in years 1930- 2009. Analysis provides evidence of pension insurance influencing level of fertility significantly. Theories of fertility development often impeaching this influence. The work apply findings to the primary objectives for pension reform in Czech republic. This pension reform provides sustainable pension system position and possibility for individuals to set up their optimal old age security portfolio.

Důchodová reforma ve finančních službách / The pension reform in financial services

ŽÁKOVÁ, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the analysis of the services that are offered within of the forthcoming pension reform in the Czech Republic, in order to find an optimal variant for the security of the citizens of the Czech Republic in the pensionable age.

Problematika důchodového zabezpečení z pohledu společnosti INOTECH ČR spol. s r.o. / Problems of old age pension scheme from perspective of company INOTECH ČR spol. s r.o.

Nepraš, Vojtěch January 2007 (has links)
This thesis analyses problems of old age pension scheme in the Czech republic from view of the employees of company INOTECH ČR, spol. s r. o.. It contains the proposal of solving to create reserves for old age pension scheme by using products offered in Czech republic like life insurance and pension aditional insurance.

Věk potřebný pro nárok na starobní důchod - vývoj a determinanty ovlivňující jeho změny / The Retirement Age - the development and determinats influence over its changes

Nešporová, Stanislava January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis generally focuses on pension systems, specifically on the institution of retirement age. This institution is very important for the old-age pension system and its stability. Retirement age is an important determinant of every pension system. Demographic and economic state of society depends, among other things, on age at which citizens can retire, it's associated with standard of living of state residents. It also affects job opportunities. Since its inception the retirement age in the Czech Republic has gone through many modifications. Based on the theory of actor-centered institutionalism, the diploma thesis addresses the determinants that influenced the development of retirement age institute, including its institutional framework and actors involved in its changes. It also deals with its developmental stages. Comparison with the development in Slovakia (in some parts of diploma thesis only) will be enriched the conceptual, empirical as well as methodological realm of the thesis. Czech and Slovak Republics have shared history but the pension systems of both countries have considerably diverged. In conclusion the diploma thesis specifies the wider context of the retirement age as a part of the overall pension system. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Důchodové zabezpečení horníků v České republice / Pension security of miners in the Czech Republic

Holečková, Romana January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the pension security of miners in the Czech Republic from its historical beginnings to the present day, with the main focus on the legislation de lege lata. The selected range of employees in mining industry is in Czech law of pension insurance in comparison with other insured persons favoured in determination of retirement age and the determination of amount of the old-age pension. These benefits are limited for the time being; however, currently the preferences are enforced to be listed in the public pension system permanently. The main focus of work is therefore an analysis of the legislation relating to the entitlement of miners to an old-age pension, taking into account the specific retirement age and the determination of the amount of this pension. The work also touches other pension benefits paid out of the Czech pension system, i.e. disabled pension and survivors' pensions. Mentioned are also some of the claims arising from compensation legislation and the selected topics of international legal issues that may have an effect on the performance of paid to the miners from the Czech pension system (particularly the top-up allowance).

Sociální politika EU včetně komparace systémů Německa a Švédska / EU social policy including the comparison of the social systems in Germany and Sweden

Tůmová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The thesis describes the historical evolution of the EU social policy, clarifies the concept of the European social model and deals with characteristics of the basic models of the European social policy. The essential part of the thesis is devoted to the comparison of the social systems in Germany and Sweden from the point of view of the amount of taxes and social contributions, the structure of receipts and expenditure on social policy, the systems of old age pension schemes, the family policy and the unemployment benefit. The comparison shows some typical elements of the social state model that these two countries represent. The attention is also devoted to the contemporary challenges which the European social model has to face, especially the demographic development and aspects of globalization. The attitude and responses of the European Union to these challenges are also mentioned here.

Пенсионная система Китая: текущая ситуация, проблемы, перспективы : магистерская диссертация / China's pension system: current situation, problems, and prospects

Чжоу, Л., Zhou, L. January 2023 (has links)
ВКР (магистерская диссертация) состоит из введения, три глав, заключения, библиографического списка, включающего 79 наименования. Работа включает 4 таблицы и 27 рисунков. Общий объем ВКР (магистерской диссертации) – 112 страницы. Цель исследования – исследование правовой природы, проблем и преимуществ пенсионной системы в Китайской Народной Республике. Научная новизна исследования состоит в исследовании пенсионного обеспечения по старости после проведения пенсионной реформы в Китайской Народной Республике. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в возможности применения преимуществ китайской пенсионной системы в практике других стран, включая Российскую Федерацию. / The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography with 79 titles. The work includes 4 tables and 27 figures. The total volume of Master's thesis is 114 pages. The purpose of the study is to investigate the legal nature, problems and advantages of the pension system in the People's Republic of China. The scientific novelty of the study consists of the study of old age pension provision after the pension reform in the People's Republic of China. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the advantages of the Chinese pension system in the practice of other countries, including the Russian Federation.

An ageing population in a family and welfare state : the dynamics of family support and public pension systems, and their impact on late-life happiness in contemporary South Korea

Park, Seung-Min January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the dynamics of family support and public pension systems, and their impact on late-life happiness in contemporary South Korea. For this, three specific research questions, namely (1) the dynamics of intergenerational solidarity, public pension systems, and happiness; (2) the association between intergenerational solidarity and happiness; and (3) the association between public pension systems and happiness, are analysed by exploiting the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing. The analyses show that (1) the structural solidarity of older people is relatively stronger than of middle-aged people; (2) contacting is the key player in associational solidarity in later life; (3) middle-aged people supply more financial aid to their adult children than they receive from them, but the reverse applies to older people. Both middle-aged and older people actively exchange food, household items, and health-care supplies; (4) more older men receive the National Pension Scheme benefit than older women but the reverse is true for the Basic Old-Age Pension benefit; (5) the level of happiness in later life is very high but decreases as people age; (6) the number of adult children, frequency of contact, and amount of financial support are positively associated with the happiness of older people; and (7) the National Pension Scheme is positively associated with the happiness of older men while the Basic Old-Age Pension is negatively associated with the happiness of older people. The results suggest some policy implications for late-life happiness in contemporary South Korea. At the individual level, increased frequency of contact, availability of the children, and the amount of financial support can enhance late-life happiness. At the governmental level, the research suggests that the gendered structure of the National Pension Scheme and means-tested structure of the Basic Old-Age Pension should be reformed.

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