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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beyond the Exceptional Point: Exploring the Features of Non-Hermitian PT Symmetric Systems

Agarwal, Kaustubh Shrikant 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Over the past two decades, open systems that are described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian have become a subject of intense research. These systems encompass classical wave systems with balanced gain and loss, semi-classical models with mode selective losses, and lossy quantum systems. The rapidly growing research on these systems has mainly focused on the wide range of novel functionalities they demonstrate. In this thesis, I intend to present some intriguing properties of a class of open systems which possess parity (P) and time-reversal (T) symmetry with a theoretical background, accompanied by the experimental platform these are realized on. These systems show distinct regions of broken and unbroken symmetries separated by a special phase boundary in the parameter space. This separating boundary is called the PT-breaking threshold or the PT transition threshold. We investigate non-Hermitian systems in two settings: tight binding lattice models, and electrical circuits, with the help of theoretical and numerical techniques. With lattice models, we explore the PT-symmetry breaking threshold in discrete realizations of systems with balanced gain and loss which is determined by the effective coupling between the gain and loss sites. In one-dimensional chains, this threshold is maximum when the two sites are closest to each other or the farthest. We investigate the fate of this threshold in the presence of parallel, strongly coupled, Hermitian (neutral) chains, and find that it is increased by a factor proportional to the number of neutral chains. These results provide a surprising way to engineer the PT threshold in experimentally accessible samples. In another example, we investigate the PT-threshold for a one-dimensional, finite Kitaev chain—a prototype for a p-wave superconductor— in the presence of a single pair of gain and loss potentials as a function of the superconducting order parameter, onsite potential, and the distance between the gain and loss sites. In addition to a robust, non-local threshold, we find a rich phase diagram for the threshold that can be qualitatively understood in terms of the band-structure of the Hermitian Kitaev model. Finally, with electrical circuits, we propose a protocol to study the properties of a PT-symmetric system in a single LC oscillator circuit which is contrary to the notion that these systems require a pair of spatially separated balanced gain and loss elements. With a dynamically tunable LC oscillator with synthetically constructed circuit elements, we demonstrate static and Floquet PT breaking transitions by tracking the energy of the circuit. Distinct from traditional mechanisms to implement gain and loss, our protocol enables parity-time symmetry in a minimal classical system.

Coherence protection in coupled qubit systems

Cammack, Helen Mary January 2018 (has links)
Decoherence is a major barrier to the implementation of quantum technologies. Theoretical techniques for understanding decoherence in composite systems have traditionally been focused on systems with distinguishable emission spectra, where measuring the frequency of an emitted photon allows one to determine which process took place. Here the photon contains information about the state of the system. On the other hand, systems with indistinguishable spectra do not necessarily completely reveal information about the state of the system when a photon is emitted. It can be impossible to say for certain which of two nearly degenerate transitions has occurred just by measuring the photon's frequency. It is then possible to preserve information within the system throughout the decay process. In this Thesis we show that indistinguishable spectra can lead to protected coherences within one part of a coupled quantum system, even as another part decays. We develop a zero-temperature exact approach for modelling such systems, and compare it to the microscopically derived Born-Markov master equation. This comparison helps us to understand the range of validity of the Markovian approximation. We use this understanding to extend the master equation approach to finite temperature within the Markovian regime, and we compare its high temperature results to a semiclassical model. We examine the physical conditions required for coherence protection, and remarkably we find that heating the system can improve coherence protection. Similarly, increasing the decay rate of the unprotected part of the coupled system can also enhance the coherence of the protected part. These effects are the results of linewidth broadening and thus greater spectral indistinguishability. The findings in this Thesis are of interest to both those seeking to engineer hybrid quantum systems and those seeking to develop theoretical techniques for dealing with the decoherence of composite quantum systems.

Étude d'un système quantique ouvert en interactions répétées de type maser à un atome. / Study of a repeated interaction open quantum system of one-atom maser type.

Ebroussard, Thibault 23 November 2018 (has links)
Les systèmes quantiques ouverts décrivent l'évolution d'un système de référence S en interaction avec un ou plusieurs autres systèmes appelés environnements. Pour les étudier on rencontre deux approches dans la littérature: l'approche hamiltonienne, où on décrit complètement les systèmes et leurs interactions, et l'approche markovienne, où on abandonne l'idée de décrire l'environnement et on considère une dynamique, dite effective, du système S seul mais prenant en compte les effets de l'interaction avec l'environnement.Nous nous intéresserons dans cette thèse à une classe particulière de tels systèmes: les système quantiques avec interactions répétées. Le système S interagit successivement avec une suite de sous-systèmes indépendants. L'approche de ces systèmes est à la fois hamiltonienne et markovienne. Leur étude joue un rôle fondamental dans la compréhension pratique et théorique des processus d'interaction matière-lumière ainsi qu'en optique quantique (expérience du maser à un atome).Cette thèse porte sur l'étude d'un système de type maser à un atome. Le modèle considéré décrit un champ électromagnétique dans une cavité et traversé par un faisceau d'atomes mais auquel on ajoute un réservoir supplémentaire interagissant de façon continue avec le champ électromagnétique. L'idée est que la cavité n'est pas parfaitement isolée et le réservoir permet de modéliser les fuites dans la cavité. Ainsi l'interaction entre le champ électromagnétique et les atomes est décrit par un système quantique avec interactions répétées et l'interaction entre le champ électromagnétique et le réservoir est décrit par une approche hamiltonienne des systèmes quantiques ouverts.Le système "cavité+réservoir" à été étudié par Könenberg en se basant sur des travaux de Arai. Via une diagonalisation du Hamiltonien du système couplé il montre des propriétés de retour à l'équilibre. Dans une première partie nous donnerons une nouvelle approche de ces travaux en utilisant des résultats récents de Nam, Napiórkowki et Solovej sur la diagonalisation des hamiltoniens bosoniques quadratiques.Dans un premier temps, nous étudierons l'auto-adjonction des Hamiltoniens du système et on s'intéressera notamment à la diagonalisation de l'un d'eux. Dans un second temps, nous étudierons le comportement en temps long du système, nous obtenons entre-autres des formules explicites pour l'évolution à un temps donné des observables de Weyl. Ces résultats nous permettent d'étudier la variation d'énergie totale ainsi que les échanges d'énergies dans le système. Enfin on terminera en étudiant la production d'entropie dans le système que l'on reliera aux formules de variation d'énergie. Pour cela on généralisera au préalable la formule dite de production d'entropie de Jaksic et Pillet. / Open quantum systems describe the evolution of a system S in interaction with one or more other systems called environments. Two approaches in the literature to study such systems: the hamiltonian approach in which the entire system is considered, and the markovian approach in which one gives up the idea of describing the environment and only considers a so called effective dynamics of the system S which takes into account the effect of the environment.A particular class of such systems will interest us: the quantum systems with repeated interactions. The system S interacts successively with a series of independent subsystems. The approach of these systems is both Hamiltonian and Markovian. Their study plays a fundamental role in the understanding of light-matter interactions as well as in quantum optics (like one-atom maser experiment).In this thesis we study a repeated interaction system of the one-atom maser type. The model describes an electromagnetic field trapped in a cavity and a beam of atoms passing through it but with an additional reservoir interacting continuously with the electromagnetic field. The idea is that the cavity is not perfectly isolated and we describe the leaks in the cavity via the interaction with this reservoir. Thus the interaction between the electromagnetic field and the atoms is described by a quantum system with repeated interactions and the interaction between the electromagnetic field and the reservoir is described by a Hamiltonian approach of open quantum systems.The system "cavity+reservoir" has been studied by Konenberg, based on previous works by Arai. Usingan explicit diagonalization of the hamiltonian he proved some properties of return to equilibrium. In a first part we will give a new approach to it using recent results by Nam, Napiorkowski and Solovej about the diagonalization of quadratic bosonic hamiltonians.First we study the self-adjointness of some Hamiltonians which will play an important role in this thesis and we consider the diagonalization of one of them. In a second time, we study the long time behavior of the system, we obtain an explicit formula for the evolution at a given time of Weyl observables. These results will also allow us to study the total energy variation as well as the energy exchanges in the system. Finally we study the entropy production in the system and relate it to the energy variation. To do so we will need to slightly generalize the Jaksic-Pillet entropy production formula.

Quantum Decoherence And Quantum State Diffusion Formalism

Dumlu, Cesim Kadri 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Foundational problems of quantum theory, regarding the appearance of classicality and the measurement problem are stated and their link to studies of open quantum systems is discussed. This study&#039 / s main aim is to analyze the main approaches that are employed in the context of open quantum systems. The general form of Markovian master equations are derived by a constructive approach. The Quantum State Diffusion (QSD) formalism is stressed upon as an alternative method to the master equations. Using the Caldeira-Leggett model in the context of QSD, stationary solutions of a charged particle exposed to a uniform magnetic field are found. The important points are summarized and the results are discussed.

Connecting asymmetric time evolution to the dynamical irreversibility of open quantum systems

Bryant, Peter William 27 September 2012 (has links)
One consequence of a quantum theory in which resonances are mathematically unified with decaying states is an asymmetry in time evolution, even for closed quantum mechanical systems. This time asymmetry is different from the environmentally induced, dynamical irreversibility that is experienced only by open quantum systems and that is quantified by an increase in entropy. To investigate the connection between time asymmetry and dynamical irreversibility, we study open systems within a time asymmetric theory. We find that, when using a time asymmetric theory for open systems, one must relax the assumption that measurements are perfectly repeatable. To treat this problem, we develop a framework in which one can incorporate the interference from multiple environmental systems affecting a single experiment. We also study a kinematic effect of indistinguishability that affects only open systems, and we show how it leads to a monotonic increase in entropy without requiring an active measurement. Finally, within our framework we develop two models that reproduce for open systems the expected and observed phenomena. One is a model of photons scattering inefficiently from a beam splitter. The other is a model of systems undergoing Rabi oscillations and suffering environmental interference. We find that the kinematic effect of indistinguishability can explain for such systems the generally measured Excitation Induced Dephasing, which has previously been treated dynamically. / text

Exciton Transfer in Photosynthesis and Engineered Systems: Role of Electronic Coherence and the Environment

Rebentrost, Frank January 2012 (has links)
Recent experiments show evidence for long-lived electronic coherence in several photosynthetic complexes, for example in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex of green sulfur bacteria. The experiments raise questions about the microscopic reasons for this quantum coherence and its role to the functioning of these highly evolved biological systems. The present thesis addresses both questions. We find that an interplay of electronic coherence and the fluctuating phonon environment is responsible for the high exciton transport efficiency in these complexes and generalize this idea to the concept of environment-assisted quantum transport (ENAQT). In addition, we quantify the contribution of coherent dynamics to the efficiency and thus to the biological functioning. We determine the effect of temporal (non-Markovian) and spatial correlations and develop an ab initio propagation method based on atomistic detail which predicts the long-lived coherence. The research in photosynthetic energy transfer can inspire new designs for the control of excitons in engineered systems. We develop a method for computing the Forster coupling between semiconductor nanoparticle quantum dots. The focus is on the size and shape dependence and the presence of a spatially varying dielectric environment and metallic gates. A separation of the wavefunction into slowly and fast varying part provides the basis for an efficient computation on a real-space grid. Finally, the simulation of structured models of photosynthetic energy transfer is a challenging task using conventional computing resources. To this end, we propose a special-purpose superconducting device based on flux quantum bits and quantum LC resonators and show that parameters can be engineered such that this simulation becomes possible. / Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Dynamique des systèmes quantiques ouverts décohérence et perte d'intrication / Dynamics of open quantum systems : decoherence and desentanglement.

Vogelsberger, Sylvain 22 June 2012 (has links)
On commence dans le chapitre d'introduction par rappeler les résultats majeurs sur l'intrication et les systèmes quantiques ouverts. Puis en particulier on prouve la désintrication en temps fini pour deux qubits (systèmes quantiques à deux niveaux d'énergie) en interaction avec des bains thermiques distincts à température positive. On propose dans le premier chapitre de cette thèse une méthode pour empêcher la désintrication en temps fini basée sur des mesures continues sur les bains et utilisant la théorie des sauts quantiques et celle des équations différentielles stochastiques. Dans le deuxième chapitre on étudie un sous-ensemble des états de deux qubits : celui des états qu'on peut représenter dans la base canonique pour une matrice ayant une forme de X. Cela nous permet d'obtenir des formules explicites pour la décomposition d'un état X séparable en au plus cinq états purs produits. On généralise ensuite cette étude à l'ensemble des états obtenus à partir d'états X par conjugaison avec des unitaires locaux. Puis on donne un algorithme pour décomposer tout état séparable de cet ensemble en une combinaison convexe de cinq états purs produits. Le troisième chapitre de cette thèse propose l'étude de l'évolution de l'intrication de deux qubits dans un modèle d'interactions répétées avec la même chaîne de spins dans les limites de van Hove et de couplage singulier. En particulier on observe une intrication asymptotique non nulle quand la chaîne est à température infinie et des phénomènes de création d'intrication quand la chaîne est à température nulle. / In the introductory chapter we first give the major results about entanglement and open quantum systems. In particular we give the proof of entanglement sudden death (ESD) for two qubits (two level quantum systems) interacting with their own heat bath at positive temperature. We propose in the first chapter a method to protect qubits against ESD, based on continuous measurements of the baths and using the theory of quantum jumps and stochastic differential equations. In the second chapter, we study a subset of two qubits states : the set of states that we can represent in the canonical basis by an X-form matrix. We also give explicit formulas for decompositions of a separable X-state in a convex sum of five pure product states. We generalize this study to the set of states obtained from X-states by a conjugation with local unitary operators. Furthermore, we give an algorithm to decompose a separable state of this set in a convex sum of five pure product states. Finally, in the third chapter we study entanglement of two qubits in a model of repeated interactions with the same spin chain in the van Hove and singular coupling limits. In particular we observe non zero asymptotic entanglement when the chain is at infinite temperature and phenomenons of entanglement sudden birth when the chain is at zero temperature.

Teoria de controle ótimo em sistemas abertos / Optimal control theory in open systems

Cervati Neto, Alaor 29 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Alaor Cervati Neto null (alaor_c_neto@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-02-01T18:40:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação.pdf: 2196475 bytes, checksum: eac241d8769cc274b9f87757c15cb5ef (MD5) / Rejected by Elza Mitiko Sato null (elzasato@ibilce.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize correções na submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: 01) Primeira e segunda páginas antes da capa estão excedentes; 02) A ficha catalográfica deve ser na sequência da folha de rosto; 03) Na folha de aprovação deve constar a data (dia, mês e ano) da defesa 04) As folhas viii, 4, 42, 60, 66, 72, 74 e 78 estão em branco. Será encaminhado via e-mail o modelo das páginas pré-textuais para que você possa fazer as correções. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-02-02T12:37:02Z (GMT) / Submitted by Alaor Cervati Neto null (alaor_c_neto@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-02-02T15:13:41Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação.pdf: 2196475 bytes, checksum: eac241d8769cc274b9f87757c15cb5ef (MD5) Dissertação corrigida.pdf: 2223044 bytes, checksum: 7fd8ad5a2c1a98b7bf95f401b2c2b358 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Elza Mitiko Sato null (elzasato@ibilce.unesp.br) on 2018-02-02T16:47:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 cervatineto_a_me_sjrp.pdf: 2223044 bytes, checksum: 7fd8ad5a2c1a98b7bf95f401b2c2b358 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-02T16:47:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 cervatineto_a_me_sjrp.pdf: 2223044 bytes, checksum: 7fd8ad5a2c1a98b7bf95f401b2c2b358 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A teoria de informação e computação quântica é uma área de pesquisa que vem crescendo de maneira acentuada nos últimos anos devido aos inúmeros avanços tecnológicos que a acompanham. Neste mestrado começamos nossos estudos nesta área de pesquisa onde nos introduzimos e aprofundamos em seus aspectos intrigantes e peculiares. Dada nossa formação inicial na área de ciências da computação, inicialmente nos dedicamos a entender os aspectos fundamentais da mecânica quântica, assim como da teoria de informação e computação quântica. Focamos principalmente nos sistemas quânticos abertos, visto que o maior obstáculo a ser superado para o desenvolvimento destes computadores é o efeito deletério do meio ambiente. A princípio, concentramos nossos estudos nos ditos processos não-Markovianos, que apresentam efeitos de memória. Aprendemos sobre as novas medidas de não-Markovianidade, principalmente as medidas baseadas na dinâmica do emaranhamento e na dinâmica da informação mútua. Conseguimos publicar nosso primeiro resultado, onde provamos a inequivalência destas duas medidas de não-Markovianidade. De fato, mostramos que tais medidas, em geral, podem discordar sobre o tipo de processo dissipativo, sendo que uma pode reconhecê-lo como Markoviano enquanto outra pode reconhecê-lo como não-Markoviano. Como mostramos, esta inequivalência está diretamente relacionada com o refluxo de informação do meio ambiente para o sistema, e como mensuramos tal informação nestas duas medidas distintas de não-Markovianidade. Finalmente, na fase final de nossos estudos, tivemos como objetivo encontrar um meio de otimizar o controle das operações lógicas. Especificamente, trabalhamos com um método numérico utilizado em sistemas fechados para otimizar sistemas abertos Markovianos. Observamos que a eficácia deste método depende do tipo e intensidade da interferência do ambiente e das condições iniciais do sistema, obtendo melhores resultados em casos específicos. / Quantum information theory and computation is a field of research that has been growing acutely in the past few years due to the many technological improvements it follows. In this masters’ course, we began our studies in this area of research where we were introduced and immersed in its intriguing and peculiar aspects. Given our initial formation in computer science, we initially dedicated ourselves to understanding the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, as well as of information theory and quantum computation. Our main focus were open quantum systems, since the greatest obstacle to the development of these computers is the harmful effect of the environment. At first, we concentrated our studies in the so called non-Markovian processes, that show memory effects. We learned about the new non-Markovianity measurements, mainly those based on the dynamics of entanglement and mutual information. We managed to publish our first result, where we proved the inequivalence of these two measurements of non-Markovianity. Indeed, we showed that such measurements, in general, can disagree about the dissipative process, so that one can regard it as Markovian and the other as non-Markovian. As we demonstrated, this inequivalence is directly related to the information back-flow from the environment to the system, and how this information is measured by each of the two distinct measurements. Finally, in the last stage of our studies, our goal was to find a way to optimize the control of the logical operations. Specifically, we worked with a numeric method used in closed systems to optimize Markovian open systems. We have observed that the effectiveness of this method depends on the type and intensity of the interference of the environment and of its initial conditions, attaining better results for specific cases.

Time-optimal holonomic quantum computation

O. Alves, Gabriel January 2022 (has links)
A three-level system can be used in a Λ-type configuration in order to construct auniversal set of non-adiabatic quantum gates through the use of non-Abelian non-adiabatic geometrical phases. Such construction allows for high-speed operation times which diminish the effects of decoherence. This might be, however, accompanied by a breakdown of the validity of the rotating wave approximation (RWA) due to the comparable timescale between the counter-rotating terms and the pulse length, which greatly affects the dynamics. Here we investigate the trade-off between dissipative effects and the RWA validity, obtaining the optimal regime for the operation of the holonomic quantum gates.

Finite-size scaling in quantum annealing with decoherence

Weinberg, Phillip E. 13 November 2020 (has links)
Quantum annealing represents an essential milestone towards the goal of adiabatic quantum computing. In quantum annealing, the computation involves finding the ground state of a classical Ising-like Hamiltonian realized as interactions between qubits. Quantum fluctuations are introduced to allow the wavefunction of the qubits to explore the energy landscape, the hope being that the wavefunction finds a minimum energy configuration and possibly giving the result of the computation. While quantum annealing likely may not be as powerful as adiabatic quantum computing, it is possible that it may be better at optimization compared to analogous classical algorithms. In physical realizations of quantum annealing, there are still questions as to the role of quantum fluctuations in the operation of a device given the short coherence times of the individual qubits. These questions have consistently posed a serious theoretical challenge making it difficult to verify experimental results. Here we simplify the problem by considering a system of qubits with ferromagnetic interactions, modeling the decoherence effects as classical noise in the transverse-field of each qubit. We compare the calculations to data collected from a system of manufactured qubits produced by D-wave Systems by performing a finite-size scaling analysis that captures the competition between quantum fluctuations of the transverse-field and bit-flip errors from the noise. We argue that on time-scales larger than the single-qubit decoherence time, the device produces the expected quantum fluctuations for the many-body system. Using this finite-size scaling, one can diagnose sources of noise in the system. Hopefully, in the near future, these devices will not only be realizing coherent quantum annealing but will likely be useful as another example of synthetic quantum matter.

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