641 |
A study of the amalgamation of school place allocation sections in the Education Department /Chan, Fu-man. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M.P.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 105-110).
642 |
A case study on "the man in the principal's office" : his leadership & its effectiveness /Ho, Wai-ching. January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 109-112).
643 |
A study of the transition of committees and work groups to task cells in a meta-churchCoutts, Melody R. January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1994. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 148-154).
644 |
The senior pastor's role in implementing paradigm change within the declining megachurch a case study, 1995 /Goold, Stephen Paul. January 1995 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1995. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 135-137).
645 |
A case study on "the man in the principal's office" his leadership & its effectiveness /Ho, Wai-ching. January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 109-112). Also available in print.
646 |
A study of the amalgamation of school place allocation sections in the Education DepartmentChan, Fu-man. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M.P.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 105-110). Also available in print.
647 |
From paper parks to real conservation case studies of national park management effectiveness in Brazil /Figueiredo, Cláudia Cunha Malafaia de, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-336).
648 |
Optimal objective achievement via balance of controlPienaar, Gideon Johannes 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations need assurance that strategy is executed as planned and objectives are
met, when matching organisational capabilities with the opportunities in the market.
Control can give management such an assurance and is ultimately the responsibility of
management. It is not however only management that may be interested with proper
control in an organisation, all stakeholders wants some degree and form of control to
safeguard their interest in an organisation.
Management has a daunting task on their hands to ensure an organisation achieve its
objectives as effectively, efficiently and economically as possible, while keeping all
stakeholders informed and happy. Vast amounts of resources will be used to achieve
objectives and management needs to strike a balance between protection of these
resources and empowering employees to utilise these resources. A balance between
the control systems over the different resources must also be in place. Management
needs to have a balanced focus regarding the measurement of activities and behaviour
relating to specific objectives, due to the time, cost, quality and innovation effects of
control systems. A balance between costs and benefits of control systems must also be
Control needs to be integrated as part of the management process to ensure optimal
achievement of objectives. A holistic approach towards control and the usage of a
sound control environment combined with relevant, organisational specific control
systems that are flexible can ensure balance of control. All employees of an
organisation have control responsibilities and must give inputs in the control process.
Employees must view control as an aid and not as a stumbling block, when trying to
achieve objectives. Management must be empowered and empower employees to
have the relevant knowledge regarding control and control systems that can be used,
when to use them and how to use them. These control systems must be continuously
improved to ensure sustained, optimal achievement of objectives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies benodig versekering dat strategie uitgevoer word soos beplan en dat
doelwitte bereik word, wanneer die organisasie se vermoë gepas word teen
geleenthede in die mark. Beheer kan vir bestuur so 'n versekering gee en is eintlik
bestuur se verantwoordelikheid. Dit is egter nie net bestuur wat belang kan stel in
voldoende beheer nie, maar alle belanghebbers soek 'n mate en vorm van beheer oor 'n
organisasie, om hul belange te beskerm.
Bestuur het 'n uitdagende taak op hande om te verseker dat doelwitte doeltreffend,
doelmatig en ekonomies bereik word, terwyl alle belanghebbers ingelig en gelukkig
gehou word. Groot hoeveelhede hulpbronne word gebruik om doelwitte te bereik en
bestuur moet 'n balans verkry tussen die beskerming van hulpbronne en die
bemagtiging van werkers in die aanwending van die hulpbronne. 'n Balans tussen die
beheer stelsels oor die verskillende hulpbronne moet ook in plek wees. Weens die tyd,
koste, kwaliteit en innovasie effek van beheer moet bestuur 'n gebalanseerde fokus hê
rakende die meting van aktiwiteite en gedrag betreffende spesifieke doelwitte. 'n Balans
tussen die kostes en voordele van beheerstelsels moet ook verkry word.
Beheer moet 'n ge-integreerde deel van die bestuursproses wees om optimale doelwit
bereiking te verseker. 'n Holistiese benadering rakende beheer en die gebruik van 'n
voldoende beheer omgewing, gekombineer met relevante, organisasie spesifieke
beheer stelsels wat buigsaam is, kan balans van beheer verseker. Alle werkers in 'n
organisasie het beheer verantwoordelikhede en moet insette verskaf in die beheer
proses. Werkers moet beheer as 'n hulpmiddel ag en nie 'n struikelblok nie, wanneer
doelwit bereiking nagestreef word. Bestuur moet bemagtig wees en werkers bemagtig
om oor die nodige kennis rakende beheer en beheer stelsels te beskik, watter beheer
stelsel gebruik kan word, wanneer om dit te gebruik en hoe om dit te gebruik. Die
beheer stelsels moet aaneenlopend verbeter word om volgehoue, optimale doelwit
bereiking te verseker.
649 |
Pursuing organisational excellence as a key driver in achieving organizational learningMphuthi, Teboho Salmon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Volatility, globalisation, turbulence and constant change are some of the challenges facing
the business environment today. Companies have proposed and tested many strategies to
cope with the unpredictable world of business. In this thesis, a project by an anonymous
South African company (The Company) to respond by improving organisational excellence is
analysed and evaluated against its success in fostering organisational learning.
The Company initiated a project in which Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma and Clear
Leadership Engagement were combined in search of operational excellence.
In Chapter 1, the context is set out. The research question is formulated as follows: to what
extent does organisational learning depend on organisational excellence?
Chapter 2 discusses and defines key process concepts. These are: Lean Manufacturing, Six
Sigma, Lean Six Sigma and Clear Leadership Engagement Models. The chapter also outlines
the key practices and the shortcomings of each process.
Chapter 3 discusses and defines the conceptual building blocks of the thesis. These are the
notions of organisational learning and learning organisation. Tools used to diagnose whether
an organisation is learning are introduced together with an Organisational Learning model to
be used to assess the relationship between Organisational Learning and Operational
Chapter 4 focuses on the project of the Company – the Operational Excellence “journey”.
How the journey was conceived, the players were involved and steps taken to drive it are
In Chapter 5, the combination of Lean Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing and the engagement
models that the Company used, is assessed. The chapter attempts to unravel the reasons
behind this combination and determine how this combination worked in practice. It is through
this chapter that an attempt is made to explain the logic of this unusual combination. Other
businesses have implemented different forms of improvement in isolation, but it is rare to
find a company that combines operational improvement methodologies with an engagement
In Chapter 6, all the theories and empirical evidence come together. In this chapter, the
relationship between Pursuing Operational Excellence (POE) and Organisational Learning is
tested. The author uses the seven salient characteristics of learning organisations, distilled by
the researcher, to prove the positive relationship between Organisational Learning and
Operational Excellence. Through this chapter, the researcher answers the question whether a
positive link exists between POE and Organisational Learning.
It was clear from the research that there is indeed a positive link between POE and
Organisational Learning. What the research could not determine is the degree or the rate of
learning linked to POE, or what percentage of learning the organisation achieved over a
period of time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Volatiliteit, globalisering, turbulensie en konstante verandering is ‘n uitdaging waarmee die
sake-omgewing deesdae te doen kry. Baie strategieë is voorgestel en getoets deur
maatskappye ten einde by te bly in die onvoorspelbare sake-wêreld. In hierdie tesis word ‘n
projek wat in ‘n anonieme Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappy (The Company) uitgevoer is om op
die uitdagings te reageer, by wyse van ‘n dryf na operasionele uitnemendheid, geanaliseer en
geëvalueer aan die hand van die mate waarin sodanige aksies organisatoriese leer bevorder
The Company het ‘n projek geloods waarin Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma en Clear
Leadership Engagement gekombineer is op soek na operasionele uitnemendheid.
In Hoofstuk 1 word die konteks uiteengesit en die navorsingsvraag geformuleer as die vraag
in watter mate organisatoriese leer deur operasionele uitnemendheid bepaal word.
In Hoofstuk 2 word die kern prosesbegrippe bespreek en gedefinieer. Dit is: Lean
Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma en Clear Leadership Engagement models. Die
hoofstuk gee ook ’n oorsig oor die hoofpraktyke en tekortkominge van elke model.
Hoofstuk 3 bespreek die konseptuele basis van die navorsing. Dit is die konsepte:
Organisatoriese Leer en Lerende Organisasie. Instrumente om te diagnoseer of ’n organisasie
leer, word voorgestel, asook ’n model van Organisatoriese Leer wat gebruik sal word om die
verband tussen Organisatoriese Leer en Operasionele Uitmuntendheid te bepaal.
Hoofstuk 4 fokus op die projek wat The Company onderneem het. In hierdie hoofstuk word
die “reis” na operasionele uitnemendheid beskryf; hoe dit ontstaan het, die rolspelers wat
betrokke was en die stappe wat op die reis geneem is.
In Hoofstuk 5 beoordeel die kombinasie van Lean Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing en die
engagement modelle wat deur die Company gebruik is. Die hoofstuk probeer ontrafel wat die
motivering vir hierdie kombinasie is en hoe dit in die praktyk uitgewerk het. In die hoofstuk
word gepoog om die logika van hierdie ongewone kombinasie te peil. Ander ondernemings
het verskillende vorms van verbetering in isolasie geïmplementeer, maar dit is selde dat ’n
mens ’n maatskappy vind wat operasionele verbeteringsmetodologieë kombineer met ’n
engagement model.
In Hoofstuk 6 kom al die teorieë en empiriese gegewens bymekaar. Dit is in hierdie hoofstuk
waar die verhouding tussen die nastrewing van Operasionele Uitnemendheid en
Organisatoriese Leer getoets word. Die navorser gebruik die sewe kenmerke van Lerende
Organisasies wat tevore geïdentifiseer is om ’n positiewe verband tussen Organisatoriese
Leer en Operasionele Uitnemendheid aan te toon.
Uit die navorsing was dit duidelik dat daar ’n positiewe verband is tussen die nastrewing van
Operasionele Uitnemendheid en Organisatoriese Leer. Maar, wat die navorsing nie kon
beantwoord nie, is die graad of spoed van leer wat met die nastrewing van Operasionele
Uitnemendheid verbind kan word, of watter persentasie leer die organisasie oor ’n gegewe
tydperk bereik het.
650 |
Framework for identifying systemic environmental factors causing underperformance in business processesSwanepoel, Leon D. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Performance management systems are integral to many organisations. On all levels of management such performance measurements are used to drive a desired behaviour and business units, departments, as well as individuals are rewarded for meeting or exceeding set targets. In large silo-structured organisations, divisions are particularly focused on their own targets and responsibilities. This may result in a diminished view of the effect their strategies and processes may have on overall stakeholder value. These divisions execute strategies to enhance the achievement of their own goal. The execution of these strategies sometimes hampers other divisions in meeting their goals. The net effect of this hampering may result in reduced stakeholder value.
A mechanism is needed through which organisational divisions can evaluate the systemic environment, in order to identify hampering processes. The case may be that their processes are hampering other divisions, or that their processes as such are being hampered. The main objective of this research study was to develop such a mechanism. This mechanism emerged through a framework which can be used during investigations of hampering processes. Such investigation is conducted by following six predefined steps to guide the investigator in identifying the hampering factors. This framework was developed by combining primarily three disciplines: Systems thinking, Performance evaluation and Supplier perceived value. The evaluation framework was validated through three case studies. In all of the cases the framework delivered the expected result. It is thus concluded that organisations can apply the framework to help identify systemic environmental factors that may hamper business processes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Prestasiebestuurstelsels maak ʼn integrale deel uit van die meeste organisasies. Prestasiebeoordeling word op alle vlakke van bestuur ingespan om die verlangde gedrag aan te moedig. Sake-eenhede, departemente en individue word vergoed indien hulle die gestelde doelwitte haal of oorskry. In groot silo-gedrewe organisasies is afdelings grootliks gefokus op hulle eie verantwoordelikhede en om hulle eie doelwitte te bereik. Gevolglik verminder dit soms die uitwerking wat die uitkomste van hulle strategieë en prosesse het op die belanghebbendes van die organisasie. Hierdie afdelings voer dus strategieë uit om hulle eie doelwitte te behaal. Soms verhinder hierdie strategieë ander afdelings om hulle doelwitte te bereik. Die basiese effek hiervan kan wees dat minder waarde aan die belanghebbendes deurgegee word.
‘n Organisasie het dus ʼn meganisme nodig om die sistemiese omgewing mee te evalueer en sodoende prosesse te identifiseer wat belemmer is of wat belemmering kan veroorsaak. Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om so ʼn meganisme te ontwikkel. Hierdie meganisme het na vore gekom in ʼn raamwerk wat tydens ondersoeke gebruik kan word om belemmering te identifiseer. Die raamwerk is ontwikkel deur hoofsaaklik drie dissiplines in gedagte te hou: Sistemiese Benadering, Prestasie-beoordeling en die Begrip van verskafferwaarde. Die raamwerk is aan die hand van drie gevallestudies getoets en in al drie gevalle het die raamwerk die verwagte resultate opgelewer. Die gevolgtrekking is dus gemaak dat organisasies wel die raamwerk kan toegepas kan om die sistemiese omgewing te evalueer en sodoende die belemmering van prosesse op mikrovlak uit te wys.
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