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Integrace počítačů Apple Mac do firemního prostředí / Integration of Apple Mac computers into corporate environmentSvětlík, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Corporate informatics has undergone a number of changes in past few years. Used devices are becoming more independent from the OS, they rely more on provided services and the level of security. Cloud technologies are increasingly growing in significance and a large number of companies offer their employees BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). This thesis focuses on integration of Apple Mac computers into corporate environments, based on analysis of contemporary approaches and possibilities of dealing with integration. An important part of this thesis is research of chosen implemented solutions in the Czech republic. From both parts of this thesis it then offers recommendations, which are based on practical experience of companies that widely use and deal with integration of Mac computers.
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Forensisk analys av volatilt minne från operativsystemet OS XOgeskär, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
Behovet av att analysera volatilt minne från Macintosh-datorer med OS X har blivit allt mer betydelsefull på grund av att deras datorer blivit allt populärare och att volatil minnesanalysering blivit en allt viktigare del i en IT-forensikers arbete. Anledningen till att volatil minnesanalysering blivit allt viktigare är för att det går att finna viktig information som inte finns lagrad permanent på datorns interna hårddisk. Problemet som låg till grunden för det här examensarbetet var att det uppenbart fanns brist på undersökningsmetoder av det volatila minnet för Mac-datorer med OS X.Syftet med detta arbete var därför att undersöka möjligheten att utvinna information från ett volatilt minne från en Mac-dator med OS X genom att kartlägga och bedöma olika undersökningsmetoder. För att göra denna undersökning har litteraturstudier, informella intervjuer, egna kunskaper och praktiska försök genomförts.Slutsatsen blev att möjligheten att utvinna information från det volatila minnet från en Mac-dator med OS X är relativt begränsad. Det största problemet är själva dumpningen av minnet. Många av dumpningsmetoderna som finns att tillgå kräver administrativa rättigheter. Vid analysering av en minnesdump bör man aldrig förlita sig på en analysmetod då olika analysmetoder ger olika resultat som kan vara till nytta för en vidare undersökning av en Mac-dator. / The need to analyze volatile memory on Macintosh computers with OS X has become increasingly important due to the fact that their computers have become more popular and volatile memory analysis has become a more important part of an IT-forensics work. The reason volatile memory analysis has become more important is that it's possible to find information that’s not stored permanently on the computer’s hard drive. The problem that formed the basis for this thesis was that it was obvious there was a lack of methods of investigation of the volatile memory for Macs running OS X.The aim of this work was therefore to investigate the possibility of extracting information from a volatile memory from a Mac computer with OS X by identifying and assessing different methods of investigation. To do this investigation, literature studies, informal interviews, own knowledge and practical attempts have been conducted.It was concluded that the ability to extract information from the volatile memory from a Mac-computer with OS X is relatively limited. The biggest problem is the dumping of the memory. Many of the available dumping methods require administrative rights. When analyzing a memory dump you should never rely on one analyze method since different analyze methods give different results that can be useful for further investigation of a Mac-computer.
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iPad and its potential in education / iPad and its potential in educationHloušek, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the Apple's iPad in the educational institutions and provides reader with the compact overview about the device in this field. Firstly, it shows the strategy of the company in the Europe and the Czech Republic. Secondly, there are mentioned iPad competitors from the different perspectives and the comparison. Thirdly, iPad usage in the schools; if it is even suitable device for this field and how students and educators can benefit from it. This is followed by the survey among the high school and university students. The questionnaire was divided into the two groups -- non-iPad users and iPad users. And lastly the thesis shows various case studies from the different schools and how the iPad can be implemented into the curriculums. Also contains recommendations and the best practises from the different high schools and universities, which can be inspiring for the new iPad pilot projects.
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Enterprisevirtualisering av Mac OS X : En prestandajämförelse mellan typ 1 och typ 2-hypervisorerLind, Jonas, Simonsson, Kim January 2012 (has links)
Medan servervirtualisering växt väldigt mycket det senaste decenniet har Apple nyligen börjat tillåta virtualisering av deras operativsystem Mac OS X. På grund av Apples stora framgångar med att lyckas sälja sina produkter till hemanvändare har nu även Mac-datorer börjat hitta till arbetsplatsen. Detta gör att det kommer finnas ett behov av att virtualisera Mac OS X i företagsmiljöer i framtiden då servervirtualisering är väldigt kostnadseffektivt. För att kunna virtualisera krävs en så kallad hypervisor. Det finns två olika typer, typ 1 och typ 2. I denna uppsats ville vi undersöka prestandaskillnader mellan dessa två typer vid virtualisering av Mac OS X. Detta för att kunna se hur prestandan skiljer dem sinsemellan. Prestandatester genomfördes i en experimentmiljö där resultaten visar att en typ 1-hypervisor ger mindre prestandaförluster än en typ 2- hypervisor.
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Programovací jazyk Objective C a účelnost jeho zařazení do výuky / Objective-C programming language and suitability of language inclusion in educationDemčák, Marek January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes a programming language Objective-C, which is the primary programming language for Mac OS X, and assesses the suitability of language inclusion in education. The aim of the first part is to provide the reader with a basic explanation of the language syntax so as to be able to understand what is written for code. After reading this thesis, the reader should have enough information to decide whether he would enjoy programming in Objective-C or not. Thesis does not aim to teach the reader in Objective-C language to create custom applications, mainly due to very limited description of the class libraries (Cocoa, Cocoa Touch), whose knowledge is essential for building real applications. However, this thesis should be a good starting point for all people interested in Objective-C and should refer them to appropriate literature. In the second part, I assess the suitability of language inclusion in education from 10 points of view (criteria). The aim of this part is to provide enough arguments for a decision, whether it is the good idea to provide tuition of Objective-C language or not. Some of the points of view are: basic confrontation of Objective-C with other programming languages (mainly Java and C#), assessing compliance of Objective-C language with the principles of object-oriented programming, review of Xcode IDE, analysis of demand for Objective-C programmers in the Czech Republic and analysis of students' interest in learning Objective-C by online (only students at University of Economics, Prague). The conclusion summarizes the most important properties of the language, its greatest benefits and drawbacks. I have also described the profile of a "typical" programmer in Objective-C, based on evaluated criteria.
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Nástroj pro správu souborů v systému MacOS/X / Filemanager for MacOS/XŠevčík, Ondřej January 2007 (has links)
This MSc Thesis presents history of Apple's operating system and developing application for Mac OS X. First part introduces long evolution of macintosh's OS since early beginings in 1976 focused on latest Mac OS X. Second part makes reader acquainted with elements of creating applications for Mac OS X using Cocoa framework and Objective-C language which is real objective superset of well known C language. Practical part is developing file manager. Programming patterns from file manager are used for explaining fundamentals of developing. This contains exact directions how to create first application step by step.
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Apple OS X i AD-Miljö : möjligheter och begränsningarKristoffersson, Henrik, Månsson, Victor January 2015 (has links)
Apples datorer med operativsystemet OS X blir allt vanligare på arbetsplatserna. För att företagets IT-avdelning ska kunna upprätthålla en stabil och säker miljö strävar man efter att standardisera system och hårdvara. Verkligheten stämmer inte alltid överens med IT-avdelningens strävan och anställda vill i ökande grad använda sig av produkter de valt själva. Arbetet har undersökt möjligheterna och begränsningarna med att integrera Apple OS X i Microsofts Active Directory. För att kunna besvara de frågor som använts som avgränsning inleddes arbetet med att metodiskt studera litteratur och på internet publicerade artiklar. Därefter har laborationer med och utan tredjepartsmjukvarorna ADmitMac och Centrify genomförts med inriktning på arbetets avgränsningar. Parallellt med detta har intervjuer av organisationer med olika bakgrund genomförts. Intervjuer och laborationer gav ett resultat som sedan diskuterades i rapportens avslutande del. I analysen gjordes en jämförelse av resultaten från intervjuer samt laborationer. Från detta kunde bland annat följande slutsats dras; För att integrera en dator med Apple OS X i Active Directory fungerar det inbyggda stödet men med begränsad funktionalitet. Med hjälp av tredjepartsmjukvaror utökas stödet och fler funktioner i Active Directory kan användas.
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Vývoj grafických aplikací na iPhone a iPad platformě / Graphics Application Development on iPhone and iPad PlatformFiala, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The project deals with the creation of graphical applications for iOS system, describes the basics of OpenGL ES 2.0, development environment Xcode, Cocoa Touch Framework and Objective-C language. It focuses on the description of creation OpenGL game in the genre of "line drawing" games.
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Služby operačního systému OS X Server a jejich využití v informační společnosti / OS X Server services and their use in the information societyKoňařík, Rostislav January 2013 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is operating system OS X Server services by Apple. The thesis presents the possibility of their use for data sharing and communication among users of computer networks and examines the practical use of the information society. The opening chapter is an introduction of OS X Server. The second chapter deals with the progression of the system, its features, hardware selection, system requirements, support and overall evaluation. The third chapter is devoted to server services and their protocols. The fourth chapter presents the basic tools needed for server management and data protection. The essence of the work consists of the practical part, which provides services server uses based on the case study of a musical recording studio 3bees. Part of this thesis is also Research of the OS X Server deployment in the Czech Republic, which was organised by questionnaire survey. The survey focuses on the analysis of the environment and conditions in which the product is deployed and the most frequently used services.
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Řízení externích zařízení na macOS s cílem zabránit úniku dat / Control of External Devices on macOS to Prevent Data LeaksZuzelka, Jozef January 2020 (has links)
Práca sa zaoberá problematikou kontroly a blokovania externých zariadení v operačnom systéme Apple macOS za účelom ochrany pred únikom citlivých dát. Implementované riešenie ukazuje zvolené prístupy pre blokovanie externých a cloudových diskov. Pre blokovanie USB diskov bol použitý DiskAbitration framework, čo je najvodnejšie riešenie tohto typu úlohy. Avšak cloudové disky sú v skutočnosti synchronizované zložky a úlohu nehrajú ovládače ani strom pripojených zariadení. Ku kontrole operácií v cloudových diskoch bol použitý Endpoint Security framework. Aktuálne podporovaní cloudový poskytovatelia sú iCloud a Dropbox a prístup k nim môže byť obmedzený úplne alebo iba na čítanie. Schopnosť synchronizácie vzdialenýh zmien bola zachovaná avšak v prípade Dropboxu si to žiada nepoužívať ich aplikáciu na správu súborov.
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