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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spammer Detection on Online Social Networks

Amlesahwaram, Amit Anand 14 March 2013 (has links)
Twitter with its rising popularity as a micro-blogging website has inevitably attracted attention of spammers. Spammers use myriad of techniques to lure victims into clicking malicious URLs. In this thesis, we present several novel features capable of distinguishing spam accounts from legitimate accounts in real-time. The features exploit the behavioral and content entropy, bait-techniques, community-orientation, and profile characteristics of spammers. We then use supervised learning algorithms to generate models using the proposed features and show that our tool, spAmbush, can detect spammers in real-time. Our analysis reveals detection of more than 90% of spammers with less than five tweets and more than half with only a single tweet. Our feature computation has low latency and resource requirement. Our results show a 96% detection rate with only 0.01% false positive rate. We further cluster the unknown spammers to identify and understand the prevalent spam campaigns on Twitter.

Legalita kosovského zásahu / Legality of Kosovo intervention

Lachi, Olesea January 2008 (has links)
Údery NATO, hned po jejich zahájení, vyvolaly velké debaty na celém světě: dilema spočívala v tom, že snaha zastavit ?etnické čistky? kosovských Albánců ze strany Bělehradu měla tak nejistý právní základ: zásah NATO v Kosovu totiž neměl mandát Rady bezpečnosti OSN. Zákaz použití síly je jus cogens v mezinárodním právu a výjimky které vyjmenovává Charta OSN zásah neospravedlňují. Přesto, mezinárodní společnost považuje zásah legitimním. Ve své práce bych se chtěla zaměřit právě na otázku legality kosovského zásahu NATO, částečně i legitimity, nebo nakolik se dá vykompenzovat ?neúplnou? nebo ?nedostatečnou? legalitu právní legitimitou.

Role OSN v Iráku 2002-2014 / The role of the United Nations in Iraq 2002 - 2004

Tamchynová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the activities of the United Nations in Iraq. The thesis as such aims to analyse efficiency of the UN efforts in Iraq, with emphasis on the period after the war in 2003. The framework of the analysis is the concept of peace-building and its phases. In the first part, the thesis defines the term peace-building and its phases. In the second part the function of the UN in the country is analysed based on, among others, the project reports of the multilateral funds created to reconstruct Iraq. The third part focuses on the empirical research and it gives the theoretical knowledge into contrast with the opinions of the Iraqis themselves obtained through an inquiry.

Polyfonie tematizace. Dialektika narativů korejské války s přihlédnutím ke genezi dílčích motivů / Polyphony of thematisation. A Dialectic of Korean war narratives with regard to the genesis of partial motifs

Valošek, Matěj January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this work is a multifaceted, in times permeating or partially blending view of the Korean war, a view which is, above all, disproving itself in many subnarratives. This view was constructed from various period sources, namely official and unofficial diplomatic materials, periodical press, reports of United Nations Committee and an immediate (partially also delayed) reflection of the Korean war as it was presented by the authors/the propaganda of the Eastern and Western blocs. The subject of my analysis is then argumentation, the genesis of relabeling of individual narratives and significant motives, connections between individual alternative histories as they were being built, relations between significant subordinate motives (those which are crucial for the complete narrative of the war) as they tie into the context, all of the above realized in my concept of syntax of a propagandistic picture of reality and a fictional world.

Reforma Rady bezpečnosti OSN prostřednictvím rozšíření jejích členů / The Reform of the United Nations Security Council through the Enlargement of its Members

Kuchařová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
The Reform of the United Nations Security Council through the Enlargement of its Members Abstract This master thesis focuses on the topic which has been discussed in the international community for several decades. Security Council is responsible for maintaining peace and security in the world since the organization was founded. In order to carry out this task, it has been endowed with several prominent powers, from which the most important and controversial at the same time is the right to veto, with the ability to block any resolution. The structure of the Security Council was established after the end of the Second World War and it has not been changed since then, besides the reform in 1963. This fact negatively affects proper functioning of the Security Council in today's world, which has changed rapidly since 1945, and reduces its legitimacy because of the insufficient representation of the UN members. The organization was founded by 51 states, but since then the membership has increased almost four times and today there are already 193 countries in the UN. Nowadays, there are several reform groups that want to achieve different progresses in different ways. But in most of these cases there have been attempts to increase the number of members of the Security Council - both permanent and elected. The...

Právní režim ochrany biodiverzity mořského dna za hranicemi národní jurisdikce / Legal regime of Marine Biodiversity Conservation in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction

Majovská, Barbara January 2017 (has links)
The seabed has long been an unexplored area and we still do not have all the information about its environment. In the second half of the 20th century, the development of technology allowed a better exploration of the seabed. There have been discovered seamounts, hydrothermal vents and other formations. Around these formations there are rich ecosystems that are currently threatened by mining, deep-sea fishing, bioprospecting and deep-sea tourism. Most of the seabed is beyond the area of national jurisdiction and currently there is no legal convention aimed at protecting this area. This thesis explains the concept of biodiversity, its significance and threats. The main legal instruments for the protection of the seabed biodiversity are analysed. These include the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the so-called Constitution for the oceans. At the time of the adoption of this Convention, activities on the seabed were still being developed. The UNCLOS Convention therefore regulates only the activities of exploration for and exploitation of the resources on the seabed beyond national jurisdiction, in the Area. The importance of the UNCLOS Convention for the protection of the marine environment was therefore limited. Due to the activities of The International Seabed Authority and The...

Mezinárodní souvislosti operace Irácká svoboda 2003 / International context of the operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003

Pizinger, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Práce se zabývá analýzou vojenského zásahu spojeneckých sil v Iráku v roce 2003 z hlediska legality dle mezinárodního práva veřejného a ze hlediska legitimity. Zároveň porovnává tento zásah s válkou v Perském zálivu v roce 1991 a zabývá se i vlivem amerického neokonzervatismu na zahájení vojenských operací.

Role OSN a její efektivita při řešení mezinárodních konfliktů: Případová studie etnicko-kulturní konflikt v Kosovu / The Role and Efficiency of United Nations in Resolution of International Conflicts: Case Study Ethnic – Cultural Conflict in Kosovo

Rajtrová, Eva January 2007 (has links)
The thesis deals with the role of the United Nations in resolution of international ethnic conflicts. The aim of the thesis is to try to evaluate the activities of United Nations in resolution of the Kosovo ethnic -- cultural conflict. The thesis sets the problem into context of United Nations' approach to ethnic conflicts. It analyses the historical development of the Kosovo conflict and the impact of the United Nations' activities. On basis of the gathered knowledge the thesis concludes that in spite of many partial problems, the activity of United Nations in Kosovo may be considered effective.

Směry a tendence úvah o reformě OSN / Trends and Tendencies of Contemplation about UN Reform

Dvořáková, Lucie January 2006 (has links)
Práce se zabývá reformním úsilím po skončení studené války. Krátce zmiňuje i předchozí reformní kroky, ale jejím hlavním cílem je zhodnocení reforem generálních tajemníků Butruse-Butruse Ghálího a Kofiho Ananna. Práce se snaží sledovat, jak tito generální tajemníci reagovali na novou situaci v souvislostech po skončení studené války, jak byli v implementaci svých reforem úspěšní a nakolik dosáhli vytyčených cílů.

Konflikt a genocida ve Rwandě (případová studie neúspěchu preventivní diplomacie) / Conflict and genocide in Rwanda

Čížek, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is analyzing the approach of three states - France, USA and Czech republic - towards the conflict in Rwanda, which afterwards became the most horrifying genocide in modern era. Further more the thesis analyzes, how the approaches influenced the negotiations and decisions in the UN Security Council. The conclusion then evaluates the whole analysis and formulates an alternate solution to the conflict.

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