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The Na⁺/H⁺ exchanger NHE1 plays a permissive role in regulating early neurite morphogenesisMoniz, David Matthew 05 1900 (has links)
The ubiquitously expressed plasma membrane Na⁺/H⁺ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) plays an important role in directed cell migration in non-neuronal cells, an effect which requires both the ion translocation and actin cytoskeleton anchoring functions of the protein. In the present study, an analogous role for NHE1 as a modulator of neurite outgrowth was evaluated in vitro utilizing NGF-differentiated PC12 cells as well as mouse neocortical neurons in primary culture. Examined at 3 d.i.v., endogenous NHE1 was found to be expressed in growth cones, where it gave rise to an elevated intracellular pH in actively-extending neurites. Application of the NHE inhibitor cariporide at an NHE1-selective concentration (1 μM) resulted in reductions in neurite extension and elaboration while application of 100 μM cariporide, to inhibit all known plasmalemmal NHE isoforms, failed to exert additional inhibitory effects, suggesting a dominant role for the NHE1 isoform in modulating neurite outgrowth. In addition, whereas transient overexpression of full-length NHE1 enhanced neurite outgrowth in a cariporide-sensitive manner in both NGF-differentiated PC12 cells and WT neocortical neurons, neurite outgrowth was reduced in NGF-differentiated PC12 cells overexpressing NHE1 mutants deficient in either ion translocation activity or actin cytoskeleton anchoring, suggesting that both functional domains of NHE1 are important for modulating neurite elaboration. A role for NHE1 in modulating neurite outgrowth was confirmed in neocortical neurons obtained from NHE1-/- mice which displayed reduced neurite outgrowth when compared to neurons obtained from their NHE1⁺/⁺ littermates. Further, neurite outgrowth in NHE1-/- neurons was rescued by transient overexpression of full-length NHE1 but not with mutant NHE1 constructs again suggesting that both functional domains of NHE1 are important for modulating neurite outgrowth. Finally, the growth promoting effects of netrin-1 but not BDNF or IGF-1 were abolished by cariporide in WT neocortical neurons and while both BDNF and IGF-1 were able to promote neurite outgrowth in NHE1-/- neurons, netrin-1 was unable to elicit this effect. Taken together, these results indicate that NHE1 is a permissive regulator of early neurite morphogenesis and also plays a novel role in netrin-1-stimulated neurite outgrowth. / Medicine, Faculty of / Graduate
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Kappa opioid receptor (KOPR) is involved in many physiological functions and pharmacological responses such as analgesia, anti-pruritic effect, sedation, motor incoordination and aversion (Simonin et al., 1998; Liu-Chen, 2004). The cellular mechanisms following activation of KOPR involve in part Gi/o protein-dependent pathways (Law et al., 2000). Following KOPR activation, the receptor is phosphorylated and arrestins are recruited. Arrestins mediate agonist-dependent KOPR desensitization, internalization and down-regulation (Liu-Chen, 2004). In recent years, arrestins were found to initiate arrestin-dependent downstream signaling. Thus, agonist-promoted KOPR phosphorylation plays a pivotal role in KOPR regulation and signaling. Previous studies from our lab showed that in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells stably transfected with the human KOPR (hKOPR), U50,488H induced phosphorylation (Li et al., 2002a); however, sites of phosphorylation were not determined. Using LC-MS/MS, our lab recently identified four residues (S356, T357, T363 and S369) to be the sites of U50,488H-promoted phosphorylation in the mouse KOPR (mKOPR) stably expressed in N2A cells (Chen et al., 2016). Antibodies were generated against phosphopeptides and purified and three antibodies were found to have high specificity for the mKOPR phosphorylated at S356/T357, T363 and S369, respectively (Chen et al., 2016). Our lab previously showed that while U50,488H promoted robust hKOPR phosphorylation and internalization, etorphine induced little phosphorylation and internalization, although both were potent full agonists in enhancing [35S]GTPγS (Li et al., 2002a; Zhang et al., 2002; Li et al., 2003). Etorphine caused lower levels of KOPR phosphorylation at all the four residues than U50,488H by immunoblotting with the phospho-specific antibodies (Chen et al., 2016). Using the SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture) approach, we have found that compared to etorphine, U50,488H promoted higher levels of single phosphorylation at T363 and S369 and double phosphorylation at T363+S369 and T357+S369 as well as triple phosphorylation at S356+T357+S369 (Chen et al., 2016). These results indicate that an above-threshold phosphorylation is required for KOPR internalization. It has been reported that KOPR is involved in neuronal differentiation and neurogenesis. In the first chapter, I focused on whether there are differences in the mechanisms underlying neurite outgrowth induced by U50,488H and etorphine. In the chapter 2, mechanisms of KOPR phosphorylation were characterized in detail using phospho-specific KOPR antibodies. Protein kinase C was found, for the first time, to be involved in agonist-promoted KOPR phosphorylation. The roles of PKC in behavioral effects induced by KOPR agonists in mice were examined. For the chapter 1, in Neuro2a mouse neuroblastoma cells stably transfected with the hKOPR (N2A-3HA-hKOPR), U50,488H robustly induced neurite outgrowth, but etorphine caused outgrowth to a much lower extent. G protein-dependent pathway was found to be involved in the actions of both agonists, but β-arrestin-dependent pathway was not. Inhibition of ERK1/2 phosphorylation decreased neurite outgrowth promoted by both agonists, indicating the roles of MAP kinase cascades in KOPR agonist-induced neuritogenesis. In contrast, β-arrestin2, 14-3-3ζ, GEC1 and Rap1 are not involved in U50,488H- or etorphine-promoted neurite outgrowth. Thus, the two agonists appear to share the same signaling pathways and the difference between two agonists is likely due to the lower efficacy of etorphine. For the chapter 2, U50,488H caused phosphorylation of the mKOPR at S356, T357, T363 and S369 in N2A cells stably transfected with FmK6H (FmK6H-N2A cells). NorBNI abolished U50,488H-induced KOPR phosphorylation at all four residues. GRKs (GRKs2, 3, 5 and 6) and PKCs were involved in U50,488H-mediated KOPR phosphorylation. In addition, PKC also participated in agonist-independent KOPR phosphorylation. This is the first time that PKC was shown to be involved in agonist-induced KOPR phosphorylation. We found that U50,488H caused KOPR phosphorylation at T363 and S369 in the mouse brain and PKC participated in phosphorylation of S369, but not T363, by using the PKC inhibitor chelerythrine (CHL). Thus, we further characterized effects of PKC inhibition on KOPR-mediated behaviors in CD1 mice. PKC was involved in KOPR-mediated sedation, motor incoordination and conditioned place aversion, but not analgesia and anti-scratching effect in mice. Studies in this thesis revealed the mechanisms of KOPR-mediated neurite outgrowth and KOPR-mediated phosphorylation and the involvement of PKC in KOPR-mediated pharmacological effects in vivo. These studies push the frontier of molecular pharmacology of the KOPR, which may be useful for development of KOPR agonists for therapeutic use. / Pharmacology
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Primary culture of Drosophila larval neurons with morphological analysis using NeuronMetricsSmrt, Richard D., Lewis, Sara A., Kraft, Robert, Restifo, Linda L. 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Branching control mechanisms in the model tree Populus: analyzing the role of strigolactones and BRANCHED1Muhr, Merlin 07 September 2015 (has links)
Pflanzen verfügen über ein hohes Maß an phänotypischer Plastizität. Modifikationen ihres genetisch determinierten Aufbaus ermöglichen ihnen, flexibel auf ein breites Spektrum von Umwelteinflüssen zu reagieren. Dies umfasst Veränderungen der Pflanzenarchitektur, die durch den modularen Aufbau des Sprosses ermöglicht werden. In den Blattachseln des Primärsprosses werden Achselknospen angelegt. Jede einzelne dieser Knospen hat das Potenzial, zu einem Sekundärspross, d.h. einem Zweig, auszuwachsen. Der Knospenaustrieb wird jedoch reguliert und die meisten Knospen verbleiben in einem dormanten Status. Bei der Entscheidung, ob die Dormanz einer Knospe gebrochen wird und sie zu einem Zweig auswächst, spielen diverse endo- und exogene Faktoren eine Rolle, die in einem komplexen, aus Hormonen und Transkriptionsfaktoren bestehenden Regelnetz, integriert werden. Dieses umfasst Strigolactone (SL), eine neuartige Klasse von Phytohormonen, die im Allgemeinen den Knospenaustrieb hemmen. Es wird diskutiert, dass der inhibitorische Effekt der SL durch eine Modulation des Flusses des Phytohormons Auxin und/oder die Regulation anderer nachgelagerter Faktoren direkt in der Knospe herbeigeführt wird. Das bekannteste Beispiel für ein knospenspezifisches, SL-reguliertes Gen ist BRANCHED1 (BRC1), dessen mRNA-Abundanz positiv von SL beeinflusst wird. Es codiert einen Transkriptionsfaktor der den Knospenaustrieb unterdrückt, was höchstwahrscheinlich über eine Regulation des Zellzyklus erfolgt. SL und BRC1 wurden umfassend in Modellarten wie Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), Erbse (Pisum sativum), Petunie (Petunia hybrida) und Reis (Oryza sativa) untersucht. Im Gegensatz dazu ist das Wissen über die Gene und Stoffwechselwege dieses Regelkreises in verholzten, ausdauernden Arten wie dem Modellbaum Pappel (Populus sp.), limitiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Pappel-Orthologe von Genen, die an der SL-Biosynthese (MAX4) und der SL-Signaltransduktion (MAX2) beteiligt sind, identifiziert und auf eine vermutete Funktion in der Regulation der Baumarchitektur untersucht. Es existieren jeweils zwei Orthologe in der Pappel. Um ihre Funktion zu charakterisieren, wurden Expressionsanalysen durchgeführt und transgene Linien für amiRNA-vermittelte simultane oder einzelne knock-downs der beiden Orthologe erzeugt. Knock-downs von MAX2 waren nur teilweise erfolgreich. Es konnte kein Phänotyp beobachtet werden, was höchstwahrscheinlich auf eine redundante Funktion des nicht herunterregulierten Orthologs zurückzuführen ist. MAX4 Doppel-Knock-downs waren hingegen erfolgreich und es konnten typische SL-Mangelphänotypen in den entsprechenden amiMAX4-1+2 Linien beobachtet werden. Diese umfassten eine erhöhte Sprossverzweigung, eine Reduktion der Pflanzenhöhe, eine verkürzte Indernodienlänge sowie eine erhöhte Adventivbewurzelung. Durch ihre geringe Konzentration, hohe Instabilität und große Diversität ist die direkte Quantifizierung von SL sehr anspruchsvoll. Außerdem sind Standards und Referenzen für Pappel-SL nicht verfügbar, was direkte Messungen nicht durchführbar machte. Stattdessen wurden indirekte Hinweise auf SL-Mangel in den amiMAX4-1+2 Pflanzen gesammelt. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die erfolgreiche Komplementation der Sprossphänotypen durch Pfropfung. Baumspezifische Aspekte der Knospendormanz, besonders die Winterdormanz, wurden ebenfalls untersucht. Ein Einfluss von SL konnte aber nicht nachgewiesen werden, was darauf hinweist, dass SL den Knospenaustrieb nur in der vegetativen Periode hemmen.
Als ein SL-reguliertes Zielgen und daher eine weitere wichtige Komponente der Verzweigungskontrolle wurde ein Pappel BRC1 Ortholog identifiziert. Dieses Gen wies die typischen, in anderen Arten nachgewiesenen Expressionsmuster, sowie eine signifikant reduzierte Expression in den erzeugten amiMAX4-1+2 Linien auf, welche wahrscheinlich reduzierte SL-Level haben. Zusätzlich wurde auf der Basis von Sequenz- und Expressionsanalysen ein Pappel BRC2 Ortholog identifiziert. Beide Gene kontrollieren möglicherweise die Verzweigung in Pappeln und integrieren verschiedene Umwelteinflüsse.
Zusammengefasst legen die in diesem Projekt gewonnenen Daten eine Rolle von SL und BRC1 als wichtige Regulatoren des Knospenaustriebs in Pappeln nahe. Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass grundlegende Prozesse in der Kontrolle der Pflanzenarchitektur über ein breites Spektrum von Arten, einschließlich Bäumen, hoch konserviert sind. Abgesehen von ihrer Relevanz als Grundlage zur Erforschung der Rolle von SL und BRC1 in Pappeln, sind die in diesem Projekt erzeugten stark verzweigten Linien möglicherweise wirtschaftlich für die Nutzung auf Kurzumtriebsplantagen interessant, auf welchen sie vermutlich über verbesserte Eigenschaften im Stockaustrieb nach der Ernte und im Kronenschluss verfügen.
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Interaction between nerve fiber formation and astrocytesHashemian, Sanazalsadat January 2014 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease, the second most common neurodegenerative disorder,is characterized by loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. To date,there is no defined cause and cure for the disease. An ideal treatmentstrategy is to replace the lost neurons by transplanting fetal dopaminergicneurons to the brain of parkinsonian patients. Clinical trials have beenperformed and the outcome was variable where one significant obstaclewas the limited graft reinnervation of the host brain. To study this issue,organotypic tissue culture can be utilized to monitor dopaminergic nervefiber outgrowth in vitro and their association with astrocytes. Using thisculture technique, dopaminergic nerve fibers appear in twomorphologically and temporally different types. The early appearing nervefibers are formed in the absence of astrocytes, reach long distances, andare called non-glial-associated tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) -positive nervefibers. After a few days, the second sequence of nerve fibers, the glialassociatedTH-positive nerve fibers, are formed, and their growth arelimited to the presence of astrocytes, that migrate and form a monolayersurrounding the plated tissue. The aim of this thesis was to study theinteraction between nerve fiber formation and astrocytes with a specialfocus on the long-distance growing nerve fibers. Ventral mesencephalic(VM) organotypic slice cultures from embryonic day (E) 12, E14, and E18were incubated for 14, 21, 28, and 35 days in vitro (DIV). The resultsrevealed that the two morphologically different processes were found incultures from the younger stages, while no non-glial-associated growthwas found in cultures of tissue from E18. Instead neurons had migratedonto the migrating astrocytes. Astrocytes migrated longer distances intissue from older stages, and the migration reached a plateau at 21 DIV.Co-cultures of E14 VM tissue pieces and cell suspension of matureastrocytes promoted migration of neurons, as seen in E18 cultures. Thus,9the maturity of the astrocytes was an important factor for nerve fiberoutgrowth. Hence, targeting molecules secreted by astrocytes might bebeneficial for regeneration. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG), amember of proteoglycan family, is produced by the astrocytes and has adual role of being permissive during development and inhibitory afterbrain injury in adult brain. Cultures were treated with chondroitinase ABC(ChABC) or methyl-umbelliferyl-β-D-xyloside (β-xyloside) in twodifferent protocols, early and late treatments. The results from the earlytreated cultures showed that both compounds inhibited the outgrowth ofnerve fibers and astrocytic migration in cultures from E14 tissue, while β-xyloside but not ChABC promoted the non-glial-associated growth incultures derived from E18 fetuses. In addition, β-xyloside but not ChABCinhibited neuronal migration in E18 cultures. Taken together, β-xylosideappeared more effective than ChABC in promoting nerve fiber growth.Another potential candidate, integrin-associated protein CD47, was studiedbecause of its role in synaptogenesis, which is important for nerve fibergrowth. Cultures from E14 CD47 knockout (CD47-/-) mice were plated andcompared to their wildtypes. CD47-/- cultures displayed a massive and longnon-glial-associated TH-positive nerve fiber outgrowth despite theirnormal astrocytic migration. Blocking either signal regulatory protein-α(SIRPα) or thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), which bind to CD47, had nogrowth promoting effect. In conclusion, to promote nerve growth, youngertissue can grow for longer distances than older tissue, and inhibiting CSPGproduction promotes nerve growth in older tissue, while gene deletion ofCD47 makes the astrocytes permissive for a robust nerve fiber growth.
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Assessment of novel, non-invasive interventions for the prevention of foot ulceration in patients with diabetes and a mechanistic study of progenitor cells from diabetic patientsBin Hasan, Ahmad Najib January 2018 (has links)
Diabetic foot ulceration (DFU) is a known major complication of diabetes mellitus which contributes to lower extremities amputation. This study aimed to investigate the use of interventional devices either as a preventative or therapeutic strategy to improve clinical management of this pathology, as well as investigating the impaired function of endothelial progenitor cells in the diabetic condition. The first element targeted plantar callus formation among diabetic neuropathic (NRP) patients through the use of a SurroSenseRxTM biofeedback device. Reducing foot pressure with improved walking strategy in the 6 months study in diabetic neuropathy patients (n=20) appeared to minimise the size of non-ulcerative plantar callus (p < 0.05), potentially reducing future ulcer recurrence. The 2nd study focused on the use of a GekoTM electrical stimulation device to enhance DFU healing in 24 patients. Wounds were characterised as being neuroischaemic (NRI) or neuropathic (NRP) based on standard parameters adopted in the Manchester diabetes clinic. The device was worn by 11 intervention subjects and compared to 13 controls without any electrical stimulus. Results suggested healing and wound closure have potentially increased in participants with electrical stimulation. In addition, Neuropathy Disability Score (NDS) was improved among intervention patients compared to control (p < 0.0001). The 3rd, in vitro and mechanistic study focuses on the outgrowth of endothelial cells (OECs), abnormal angiogenic responses and inflammatory microenvironment which could contribute to impaired wound healing in diabetic patients. OECs were isolated from diabetic patients and healthy controls (HCs), characterised by immunohistochemistry and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The functions of the three OEC groups from NRI, NRP diabetic patients and healthy controls respectively were compared using in vitro proliferation, transwell migration and wound healing scratch assays, together with matrigel tube formation assays. Scratch assays showed 100% closure in HCs over 24 hours, while 86.6% closure was apparent in NRI vs 38.1% in NRP. Seahorse mitochondrial stress test was conducted and demonstrated mitochondrial dysfunction in NRP vs NRI vs HCs (p < 0.05). Western blot analysis showed a lack of ERK phosphorylation by NRP OECs and an up-regulation of plasma inflammatory cytokines (TNFa and IL-6) in diabetic samples vs HC (p < 0.0001), while the angiogenic factors ang-2, FGF-2, VEGF-D, HGF and IL-8, and nitric oxide bioavailability were all significantly reduced in diabetic samples vs HC (p < 0.05). The functional defects of the diabetic OECs were partially restored through glycomimetic (synthesis compounds for endothelial damage protection) treatment (p < 0.05). In summary, this study has highlighted areas worthy of future development both in terms of preventative and therapeutic strategies. With improvements in digital technology and the need to empower patients to take responsibility of their health and well-being as well as greater understanding of the cellular and molecular biological repair processes that may be exploited, there may be potentials to reduce the risk of future ulceration among patients using these novel approaches in the future.
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Role of pp2a/bβ2 and pka/akap1 in brain development and function via dynamin-related protein 1 (drp1) control of mitochondria shape and bioenergeticsDickey, Audrey Sarah 01 December 2010 (has links)
Mitochondria are critical for energy production and Ca2+ homeostasis and undergo fission and fusion reactions, perturbation of which can contribute to neuronal injury and disease. Mitochondrial fission is catalyzed by Drp1 (dynamin-related protein 1), a large GTPase tightly controlled by various posttranslational modifications, including phosphorylation. Bβ2 is a neuron-specific postnatally induced protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulatory subunit that mediates PP2A translocation to the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) to promote mitochondrial fragmentation and sensitize neurons to various injuries. Opposing PP2A/Bβ2's effect on mitochondrial morphology and cell death is protein kinase A (PKA) anchored to the OMM via A kinase anchoring protein 1 (AKAP1). This dissertation describes how reversible phosphorylation of Drp1 at a conserved Serine residue by an outer mitochondrial kinase (PKA/AKAP1) and phosphatase complex (PP2A/Bβ2) affects dendrite and synapse development in hippocampal neurons and synaptic plasticity and learning and memory in vivo.
Inducing mitochondria fragmentation decreases dendritic arbor complexity, but increases spine and synapse number. Mitochondrial elongation induces opposite effects. L-carnitine increases mitochondria membrane potential and recapitulates the dendritic and synaptic effects of mitochondrial elongation. Epistasis experiments substantiate our hypothesis that PP2A/Bβ2 dephosphorylates and PKA/AKAP1 phosphorylates Drp1 to change mitochondrial shape and regulate mitochondria localization, dendrite outgrowth, and synapse development.
Bβ2 null mice are viable and fertile, without obvious abnormalities. Bβ2 null mice demonstrate significantly larger cortical and hippocampal neuronal mitochondria than in wildtype. Bβ2 deletion decreases spine number on apical and basal cortical dendrites and hippocampal dendrites. Bβ2 null mice display significantly decreased input/output relationship in the hippocampus, consistent with a decrease in synapse number. In a combined context and cued fear-conditioning protocol, the hippocampal-dependent context recall trial revealed significant deficits in Bβ2 null and heterozygous mice. This deficit is also seen in hippocampal-dependent Barnes maze performance. These results are consistent with the reduced hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) found in Bβ2 null mice and demonstrate the importance of Bβ2 in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and memory. In conclusion, PP2A/Bβ2 and PKA/AKAP1 have important roles in mitochondria regulation and dendritic and synaptic development as seen in our results in vitro with rat hippocampal cultures and in vivo with Bβ2 null mice.
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MIR, a novel ERM-like protein in the nervous systemOlsson, Per-Anders January 2001 (has links)
<p>Proteins of the band 4.1 superfamily are characterized by their sequence similarity to the ERM proteins ezrin, radixin and moesin, which are involved in cell motility, adhesion of cells, and signal transduction events. Little is however known of the function of ERM proteins in the nervous system, though an essential role for radixin and moesin in neuronal growth cone motility has been suggested. </p><p> This thesis is focused on the cloning, functional characterization and description of the tissue distribution in rat brain of MIR, a novel member of the band 4.1 superfamily. </p><p> The cDNA of MIR encods a protein of 445 amino acids which is composed of an ERM-homology domain and a RING finger, separated by an interregion. To reveal the cellular function of MIR, PC12 cell lines overexpressing MIR was generated and observed to inhibit NGF stimulated neurite outgrowth. </p><p> To elucidate the signal transduction of MIR by which it exerts its physiological activity, the yeast two-hybrid system was employed to screen for proteins that interact with MIR. A number of interactors known to regulate the cytoskeleton was obtained - among them myosin regulatory light chain-B which controls the actomyosin complex - and a novel type 2 membrane protein denoted NSAP for its similarity to saposin A-D. Overexpressed NSAP induced neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells and enhanced cell adhesion in fibroblasts. </p><p> The tissue distribution of MIR in rat brain, as determined by immunohistochemistry studies, showed that MIR is localized especially to neurons in hippocampus and cerebellum. The chromosomal localization of the MIR gene was assessed to 6p22.3-23, a region lost in the 6p23 deletion syndrome.</p><p> These results suggests that MIR is expressed in neurons in discrete regions of rat brain where it may regulate neurite outgrowth by modulating the cytoskeleton.</p>
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MIR, a novel ERM-like protein in the nervous systemOlsson, Per-Anders January 2001 (has links)
Proteins of the band 4.1 superfamily are characterized by their sequence similarity to the ERM proteins ezrin, radixin and moesin, which are involved in cell motility, adhesion of cells, and signal transduction events. Little is however known of the function of ERM proteins in the nervous system, though an essential role for radixin and moesin in neuronal growth cone motility has been suggested. This thesis is focused on the cloning, functional characterization and description of the tissue distribution in rat brain of MIR, a novel member of the band 4.1 superfamily. The cDNA of MIR encods a protein of 445 amino acids which is composed of an ERM-homology domain and a RING finger, separated by an interregion. To reveal the cellular function of MIR, PC12 cell lines overexpressing MIR was generated and observed to inhibit NGF stimulated neurite outgrowth. To elucidate the signal transduction of MIR by which it exerts its physiological activity, the yeast two-hybrid system was employed to screen for proteins that interact with MIR. A number of interactors known to regulate the cytoskeleton was obtained - among them myosin regulatory light chain-B which controls the actomyosin complex - and a novel type 2 membrane protein denoted NSAP for its similarity to saposin A-D. Overexpressed NSAP induced neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells and enhanced cell adhesion in fibroblasts. The tissue distribution of MIR in rat brain, as determined by immunohistochemistry studies, showed that MIR is localized especially to neurons in hippocampus and cerebellum. The chromosomal localization of the MIR gene was assessed to 6p22.3-23, a region lost in the 6p23 deletion syndrome. These results suggests that MIR is expressed in neurons in discrete regions of rat brain where it may regulate neurite outgrowth by modulating the cytoskeleton.
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On dopamine neurons : nerve fiber outgrowth and L-DOPA effectsaf Bjerkén, Sara January 2008 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease is a disorder mainly characterized by progressive degeneration of dopamine producing neurons in the substantia nigra of the midbrain. The most commonly used treatment strategy is to pharmacologically restore the lost function by the administration of the dopaminergic precursor L-DOPA. Another treatment strategy is to replace the degenerated neurons with immature fetal ventral mesencephalic tissue, or ultimately stem cell-derived tissue. Grafting trials have, however, revealed poor reinnervation capacity of the grafts, leaving much of the striata dopamine-denervated. An additional drawback is the upcoming of dyskinesia (involuntary movements), a phenomenon also observed during L-DOPA treatment of Parkinson’s disease patients. Attempts to characterize nerve fiber formation from dopamine neurons have demonstrated that the nerve fibers are formed in two morphologically diverse outgrowth patterns, one early outgrowth seen in the absence of astrocytes and one later appearing outgrowth seen in co-existence with astrocytes. The overall objective of this thesis has been to study the dopaminergic outgrowth including guidance of nerve fiber formation, and to look into the mechanisms of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia. The first paper in this thesis characterizes the different outgrowth patterns described above and their relation to different glial cells. The study demonstrated the two different outgrowth patterns to be a general phenomenon, applying not only to dopamine neurons. Attempts of characterization revealed no difference of origin in terms of dopaminergic subpopulations, i.e. A9 or A10, between the outgrowth patterns. Furthermore, the “roller-drum” technique was found optimal for studying the dual outgrowth sequences. The second and the third paper also utilized the “roller-drum” technique in order to promote both patterns of neuronal fiber formation. The effects of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) on the formation of dopamine nerve fibers, was investigated. Cultures prepared from gdnf knockout mice revealed that dopaminergic neurons survive and form nerve fiber outgrowth in the absence of GDNF. The dopaminergic nerve fibers exhibited an outgrowth pattern consistent with that previous observed in rat. GDNF was found to exert effect on the glial-associated outgrowth whereas the non-glial-associated was not affected. Astrocytic proliferation was inhibited using cytosine β-D-arabinofuranoside, resulting in reduced glial-associated outgrowth. The non-glial-associated dopaminergic outgrowth was on the other hand promoted, and was retained over longer time in culture. Furthermore, the non-glial-associated nerve fibers were found to target the fetal frontal cortex. Different developmental stages were shown to promote and affect the outgrowths differently. Taken together, these data indicate and state the importance of astrocytes and growth factors for neuronal nerve fiber formation and guidance. It also stresses the importance of fetal donor age at the time for transplantation. The fourth and fifth studies focus on L-DOPA dynamics and utilize in vivo chronoamperometry. In study four, 6-OHDA dopamine-depleted rats were exposed to chronic L-DOPA treatment and then rated as dyskinetic or non-dyskinetic. The electrochemical recordings demonstrated reduced KCl-evoked release in the intact striatum after chronic L-DOPA treatment. Time for maximal dopamine concentration after L-DOPA administration was found to be shorter in dyskinetic animals than in non-dyskinetic animals. The serotonergic nerve fiber content in the striatum was evaluated and brains from dyskinetic animals were found to exhibit significantly higher nerve fiber density compared to non-dyskinetic animals. Furthermore, the mechanisms behind the conversion of L-DOPA to dopamine in 6-OHDA dopamine-depleted rats were studied. Local administration of L-DOPA in the striatum increased the KCl-evoked dopamine release in the intact striatum. Acute application of L-DOPA resulted sometimes in a rapid conversion to dopamine, probably without vesicle packaging. This type of direct conversion is presumably occurring in non-neuronal tissue. Furthermore, KCl-evoked dopamine releases were present upon local application of L-DOPA in the dopamine-depleted striatum, suggesting that the conversion to dopamine took place elsewhere, than in dopaminergic nerve fibers. In conclusion, these studies state the importance of astrocytes for neuronal nerve fiber formation and elucidate the complexity of L-DOPA conversion in the brain.
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