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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Objektivita a vyváženost v mediích - správněprávní aspekty / Objectiveness and balance in media: the aspects of administrative law

Villarroel, Nelson January 2017 (has links)
111 Abstract Thesis title: Objectiveness and balance in media: the aspects of administrative law This paper deals with the administrative law aspects of objectivity and balance in light of their role as media content requirements. The first chapter defines "media". Then individual media laws are analyzed and from them basic types of media are derived as understood and regulated by current Czech law. Special attention is given to "public service media", especially to Česká televize (Czech Television) and Český rozhlas (Czech Radio) in subchapter 1.4. The second chapter concerns "objectiveness" and "balance". Firstly they are defined from the perspective of media theory (subchapter 2.1). Then relevant legal institutes regarding objectiveness and balance are identified and interpreted by media law analysis. More detailed interpretation as well as critical evaluation is given to the institutes of administrative nature (subchapter 2.2). The end of the second chapter emphasizes the human rights dimensions of the subject matter. The third chapter concerns Rada pro rozhlasové a televizní vysílání (Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting) which imposes fines as punishment for breaking the principles of objectiveness and balance in the radio and television broadcasting sector. Its legal domain, competence and...

論Audatex電腦估價系統在台灣汽車保險市場之運用 / A study on the application of Audatex system introduced in Taiwan Motor Insurance Market

葉金印 Unknown Date (has links)
交通事故每日無時無刻在世界各地發生,每次之交通事故均產生一連串椱雜之處理程序,該程序常涉及多方之關係人,包括消費者、保險公司、車禍處理人員、理賠人員、汽車修理廠與汽車製造商等。交通事故所致之汽車損壞,其處理程序,其實是相當值得觀察的,包括賠案登錄、損失金額之認定、賠款之處理與賠案之稽核等,均須耗費龐大之人力。   於台灣,汽車損失金額之認定,傳統上均由汽車修理廠師傅依其主觀判斷加以衡量,因為缺乏客觀標準與不夠精確,因此常導致消費者、汽車修理廠與保險人間之糾紛。由於估價不夠精確,因此影響汽車保險之經營甚劇。歐美先進國家產險業者,為達到汽車製造商要求之水準,保障被保險人行車安全,常以共同危險團體管理人自居,力求汽車修理成本之控制,保障被保險人之權益;而為了消弭理賠糾紛、提升保險公司服務品質與商譽,更致力於保險理賠的電腦化、標準化、數位化,以期提供公正、客觀、高效率之理賠。有鑑於此德國Audatex公司早在六○年代便極力發展此種電腦估價系統,運用電腦之資料處理簡化車輛估價之理念。   台灣地區汽車保險業務十年來平均占產物保險業總業務之59%,汽車保險理賠問題嚴重且持續,一套正確、客觀、有效率之估價系統,可以真實反映損失狀況,對於公平合理之費率釐定有重大之意義。   本文乃從實務角度探討Audatex電腦估價系統在台灣產險市場運用之可行性及其效益分析,比較英國、日本等先進國家之經驗,並發現該系統之運作不但對保險公司經營汽車保險有極大之助益,對消費者權益之維護亦有相當大之幫助。於後並建議於引進Audatex電腦估價系統之前,應先成立汽車修理研究中心,使兩者之能夠相輔相成,期能為業界提供決策與方針,加強管理技術,提供消費者更完善之服務。 / Road traffic accidents occur every day and spark a sequence of complex claim settlement procedure to consumers, motor insurers, accidents managers, loss assessors, repairers, motor manufacturers and many other related parties. In each claim of motor damages, a few linked stages need to be observed, i.e. claim registration, estimating and approving the repair cost, completing the repair work, auditing and invoicing claim settlement.   In Taiwan, it is conventional that car repairers estimate motor damages by their individual discretion and opinions case by case. Given lack of objectiveness and accuracy, it often causes a lot of arguments and conflicts among consumers, motor insurers and car repairers. Under such a circumstance, it calls for a need for an end-to-end and comprehensive system to manage the above procedure.   The Audatex system, a computerized estimating and integrated claims management system, is adopted in many developed countries to assist motor insurers in claim handling and cost estimating more efficiently. It could not only reduce duplication and errors, but also improve authorization turnaround time. All estimates are calculated and validated through the system, with the rate and terms of business agreed between individual repairers and work providers. Based on the most up-to-date parts and labor information, a fully cost assessment, is automatically sent to the work provider in the approved format.   This paper is to examine the feasibility of introducing the Audatex to the motor insurance market in Taiwan. The main theme of this paper is to examine the feasibility of the Audatex in Taiwan motor insurance market. It analyzes the cost of establishing such a system and compares the experiences in certain countries, such as Japan and U.K. It observes that a computerized estimating system would be invaluable both for repairers and work providers. It is suggested that Taiwan shall firstly have a motor vehicle repair research center in place and then a computerized estimating system such as the Audatex.

O sujeito do Pau-Brasil: São Paulo, Minas Gerais e a enunciação na poética oswaldiana / The self of Pau-Brasil: São Paulo and Minas Gerais in the poetics of Oswald de Andrade

Lima, Paula Albiero Marconi de 02 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o eu lírico oculto de uma seleção de poemas de Pau- Brasil, de Oswald de Andrade, sobre São Paulo e Minas Gerais. As análises tentam mostrar como a despersonalização e a extrema objetividade dos poemas se inserem em uma discussão acerca da perda do eu na lírica moderna europeia e como essa operação foi apreendida pela estética paubrasil, dentro do contexto de busca de uma identidade nacional encampada pelo Modernismo brasileiro. Ao mesmo tempo, as análises evidenciam a tentativa de elaboração mítica de São Paulo e Minas por meio desse sujeito oculto, que engendra objetivamente as paisagens paulista e mineira dos poemas. Percebe-se que o sujeito se denuncia segundo intensidades variadas de acordo com o grau de dificuldade de formulação do mito e que essa complexidade está relacionada aos momentos históricos das duas regiões: o auge do café e a decadência do ouro. / The present work is a research into the elliptical subject of selected poems regarding São Paulo and Minas Gerais, from the book Pau-Brasil, by Oswald de Andrade. The analysis attempts to demonstrate how the poems absence of subjectiveness and acute objectiveness inserts itself into the debate concerning the impersonality in the modern European poetry. It also studies how this procedure is apprehended by the pau-brasil aesthetic, taking into account Brazilian Modernisms search of a national identity. Simultaneously, the study verifies the absent selfs effort to elaborate São Paulos and Minas landscapes in the poems as myths. The subject reveals itself in a nuanced fashion that varies according to the difficulty that involves the myth creation, and the referred complexity refers to the historic moments of both regions in the 1920s: the increasing in the coffee exportation and the decadence of the gold mining.

O sujeito do Pau-Brasil: São Paulo, Minas Gerais e a enunciação na poética oswaldiana / The self of Pau-Brasil: São Paulo and Minas Gerais in the poetics of Oswald de Andrade

Paula Albiero Marconi de Lima 02 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o eu lírico oculto de uma seleção de poemas de Pau- Brasil, de Oswald de Andrade, sobre São Paulo e Minas Gerais. As análises tentam mostrar como a despersonalização e a extrema objetividade dos poemas se inserem em uma discussão acerca da perda do eu na lírica moderna europeia e como essa operação foi apreendida pela estética paubrasil, dentro do contexto de busca de uma identidade nacional encampada pelo Modernismo brasileiro. Ao mesmo tempo, as análises evidenciam a tentativa de elaboração mítica de São Paulo e Minas por meio desse sujeito oculto, que engendra objetivamente as paisagens paulista e mineira dos poemas. Percebe-se que o sujeito se denuncia segundo intensidades variadas de acordo com o grau de dificuldade de formulação do mito e que essa complexidade está relacionada aos momentos históricos das duas regiões: o auge do café e a decadência do ouro. / The present work is a research into the elliptical subject of selected poems regarding São Paulo and Minas Gerais, from the book Pau-Brasil, by Oswald de Andrade. The analysis attempts to demonstrate how the poems absence of subjectiveness and acute objectiveness inserts itself into the debate concerning the impersonality in the modern European poetry. It also studies how this procedure is apprehended by the pau-brasil aesthetic, taking into account Brazilian Modernisms search of a national identity. Simultaneously, the study verifies the absent selfs effort to elaborate São Paulos and Minas landscapes in the poems as myths. The subject reveals itself in a nuanced fashion that varies according to the difficulty that involves the myth creation, and the referred complexity refers to the historic moments of both regions in the 1920s: the increasing in the coffee exportation and the decadence of the gold mining.

Názornost a význam u Edmunda Husserla / Intuition and Meaning in Edmund Husserl

Pieterová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with the relation of intuition to meaning in Edmund Husserl's early work. The structure of the thesis is given by Husserl's triadic structure of epistemic acts, which is formed by the realm of subjectivity, ideality and objectiveness. In this framework, we treat the meaning in its proper sense of meaning-intention, which is but also related to the objectiveness. This relation is made possible by meaning-fulfilment, which is intuitive. At the end, we also emphasize the role of intuition not only in the Logical Investigations, which are to our thesis the central work of Husserl, but also in the whole of Husserl's philosophy.

Practical differences in business valuation using the market value, value in use and the value for price negotiations / Praktické rozdíly při ocenění podniku tržní hodnotou, value in use a pro cenové jednání

Vlček, Michal January 2010 (has links)
This thesis aims to explain the basic characteristics of valuation method in practice use. The first chapter is about basic character of each method of valuation and factors which influence its applicability. The second chapter mentions estimation of market value/appraisal, includes affecting factors. Then, the third and fourth parts aim to comparing these appraisals (market. vs. price bargaining, subjective and objective, complex appraisal) and price formation for price bargaining in the Czech a EU market. Chain of model facets in appraisal is demonstrated by fair example in the fifth part. Mainly prefeasibility appraisal and bargaining based on the categories of value are followed. These entire complexes comparing of advantages and disadvantages of each category of value with a focus on valuation methods, in particular the consequences of their use are gone to conclusion of my thesis. At the very end of the thesis there are the main points of practical differences and their benefits to it and their contributions summarized.

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