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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reconstructing long term sediment flux from the Brooks Range, Alaska, using edge clinoforms

Kaba, Christina Marie January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (S.M.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 37-40). / Laterally extensive, well-developed clinoforms have been mapped in Early Cretaceous deposits located in the northeastern 27,000 km2 of the Colville Basin, North Slope of Alaska. Using public domain 2-D seismic data, well logs, core photographs, and grain size data, depositional geometries within the Nanushuk and Torok formations were interpreted in order to constrain the transport conditions associated with progradation of the shoreline and construction of the continental margin out of detritus shed from the ancestral Brooks Range. Using STRATA, a synthetic stratigraphic modeling package, constructional clinoform geometries similar to those preserved in the North Slope clinoform volume (32,400 km3) were simulated. Sediment flux, marine and nonmarine diffusivities, and basin subsidence were systematically varied until a match was found for the foreset and topset slopes, as well as progradation rates over a 6 million year period. The ability of STRATA to match the seismically interpreted geometries allows us to constrain measures of possible water and sediment discharges consistent with the observed development of the Early Cretaceous clinoform suite. Simulations indicate that, in order to reproduce observed geometries and trends using constant input parameters, the subsidence rate must be very small, only a fraction of the most likely rate calculated from the seismic data. Constant sediment transport parameters can successfully describe the evolution of the prograding margin only in the absence of tectonic subsidence. However, further work is needed to constrain the absolute magnitude of these values and determine a unique solution for the NPR-A clinoforms. / by Christina Marie Kaba. / S.M.

Analysis of acoustic propagation in the region of the New England continental shelfbreak / Acoustic propagation in the region of the New England continental shelfbreak

Sperry, Brian J January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 180-184). / During July and August of 1996, a large acoustics/physical oceanography experiment was fielded in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, south of Nantucket Island, MA. Known as the Shelfbreak Front PRIMER Experiment, the study combined acoustic data from a moored array of sources and receivers with very high resolution physical oceanographic measurements. This thesis addresses two of the primary goals of the experiment, explaining the properties of acoustic propagation in the region, and tomographic inversion of the acoustic data. In addition, this thesis develops a new method for predicting acoustic coherence in such regions. Receptions from two 400 Hz tomography sources, transmitting from the continental slope onto the shelf, are analyzed. This data, along with forward propagation modeling utilizing SeaSoar thermohaline measurements, reveal that both the shelfbreak front and tidally-generated soliton packets produce stronger coupling between the acoustic waveguide modes than expected. Arrival time wander and signal spread show variability attributable to the presence of a shelf water meander, changes in frontal configuration, and variability in the soliton field. The highly-coupled nature of the acoustic mode propagation prevents detailed tomographic inversion. Instead, methods based on only the wander of the mode arrivals are used to estimate path-averaged temperatures and internal tide "strength". The modal phase structure function is introduced as a useful proxy for acoustic coherence, and is related via an integral transform to the environmental sound speed correlation function. Advantages of the method are its flexibility and division of the problem into independent contributions, such as from the water column and seabed. / by Brian J. Sperry. / Ph.D.

Halogenated 1'-methyl-1,2'-bipyrroles (MBPs) in the Norwestern Atlantic

Pangallo, Kristin C January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2009. / Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references. / Halogenated 1'-methyl-1,2'-bipyrroles (MBPs) are a distinctive class of marine organic compounds. They are naturally produced, they have a unique carbon structure, they are highly halogenated, and they bioaccumulate in upper trophic levels. MBPs share many characteristics with persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and may prove to be useful natural analogues for these anthropogenic compounds. Further, their unique structure suggests that their biosynthetic organism(s) may have new genes to add to current knowledge of biosynthetic chemistry. The objectives of this dissertation were to further clarify the environmental distribution of MBPs, to examine whether MBPs biomagnify, and to investigate possible origins of these compounds through their stable nitrogen isotopic signatures. Results from these investigations have shown that over 40 highly brominated MBP congeners are present in marine mammals, fish, and squid from the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean. The most abundant MBPs do appear to biomagnify through the food web to reach the concentrations observed in marine mammals. This additional evidence affords greater confidence in the use of MBPs as natural analogues for POPs. However, differences in the environmental chemistry of MBPs and anthropogenic compounds are also evident, and may be due to these compounds' different origins, or to the capacity of degradative enzymes to act upon them. / (cont.) Finally, compound-specific nitrogen isotope analyses on MBPs isolated from dolphin blubber show that these compounds are dramatically enriched in 15N relative to other biosynthetic organic compounds. This enrichment is likely a signal imparted during biosynthesis, and may assist in elucidating the organism(s) and mechanism(s) responsible for the biosynthesis of MBPs. / by Kristin C. Pangallo. / Ph.D.

The effect of coded signals on the precision of autonomous underwater vehicle acoustic navigation

Evans, Benjamin Kerbin January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ocean E.)--Joint program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 127-128). / Acoustic coded signaling offers potentially significant improvements over traditional "toneburst" methods in many underwater applications where error due to noise and multipath interference is a problem. In this thesis, the use of these spread spectrum techniques is analyzed for navigation of the REMUS autonomous underwater vehicle. The accuracy of the current system using Turyn and Barker sequences, as well as toneburst, is quantified, and the sources of the remaining error are examined. / by Benjamin Kerbin Evans. / Ocean E.

Adult demography and larval processes in coastal benthic populations : intertidal barnacles in Southern California and Baja California

Tapia, Fabián January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2005. / Includes bibliographical references. / The geographic distribution and dynamics of coastal benthic populations are shaped by physical - biological interactions affecting larval dispersal and the demography of juvenile and adult individuals. This thesis focused on nearshore patterns of larval distribution and regional patterns in demography of intertidal barnacles in Southern and Baja California. Horizontal and vertical distributions, and the mortality rates of larvae, were assessed from short term (i.e. days) small- scale observations (0.1-1 km) in nearshore waters. Observations on spatial variability of adult barnacle demography were gathered over 1.5 years at scales of hundreds of kilometers. Stage-specific horizontal distributions and nearshore current measurements suggested that larvae of Balanus g-landula and Chthamalus spp. may experience limited dispersal. High mortality rates could further limit travel distances and the exchange of individuals among disjunct populations. Data on vertical distributions indicated that nauplii and cyprids of Balanus nubilus and Pollicipes polymerus occur at different depths. Nauplii remained near the surface at all times, whereas cyprids occurred in the bottom half of the water column. / (cont.) Such distributions, combined with vertical variability in horizontal flows, might cause the observed horizontal segregation of nauplii and cyprids. Differences in survival, growth rate, size structure, and per capita fertility of adult Balanus glandula were observed between Dana Point (Southern California) and Punta Baja (Baja California), a site located near the species' southern limit of distribution. Effects of spatial differences in demography on population persistence were assessed with a stage-structured matrix model. Model analyses indicated that the Punta Baja population is more susceptible to environmental stochasticity and more prone to local extinction than populations located further north. This thesis emphasizes the importance of characterizing factors that affect the dynamics of benthic populations at multiple spatial-temporal scales, and the usefulness of small scale high- frequency observations of nearshore phenomena, especially in relation with the dispersal of larvae. / by Fabián J. Tapia. / Ph.D.

Applied stochastic Eigen-analysis

Nadakuditi, Rajesh Rao January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2006. / This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections. / Also issued in pages. Barker Engineering Library copy: issued in pages. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 193-[201]). / The first part of the dissertation investigates the application of the theory of large random matrices to high-dimensional inference problems when the samples are drawn from a multivariate normal distribution. A longstanding problem in sensor array processing is addressed by designing an estimator for the number of signals in white noise that dramatically outperforms that proposed by Wax and Kailath. This methodology is extended to develop new parametric techniques for testing and estimation. Unlike techniques found in the literature, these exhibit robustness to high-dimensionality, sample size constraints and eigenvector misspecification. By interpreting the eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix as an interacting particle system, the existence of a phase transition phenomenon in the largest ("signal") eigenvalue is derived using heuristic arguments. This exposes a fundamental limit on the identifiability of low-level signals due to sample size constraints when using the sample eigenvalues alone. The analysis is extended to address a problem in sensor array processing, posed by Baggeroer and Cox, on the distribution of the outputs of the Capon-MVDR beamformer when the sample covariance matrix is diagonally loaded. / (cont.) The second part of the dissertation investigates the limiting distribution of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a broader class of random matrices. A powerful method is proposed that expands the reach of the theory beyond the special cases of matrices with Gaussian entries; this simultaneously establishes a framework for computational (non-commutative) "free probability" theory. The class of "algebraic" random matrices is defined and the generators of this class are specified. Algebraicity of a random matrix sequence is shown to act as a certificate of the computability of the limiting eigenvalue distribution and, for a subclass, the limiting conditional "eigenvector distribution." The limiting moments of algebraic random matrix sequences, when they exist, are shown to satisfy a finite depth linear recursion so that they may often be efficiently enumerated in closed form. The method is applied to predict the deterioration in the quality of the sample eigenvectors of large algebraic empirical covariance matrices due to sample size constraints. / by Rajesh Rao Nadakuditi. / Ph.D.

The relationship between iron and nitrogen fixation in Trichodesmium spp.

Chappell, Phoebe Dreux January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2009. / Includes bibliographical references. / Trichodesmium spp. are considered the dominant nitrogen (N) fixing cyanobacteria in tropical and subtropical oceans, regimes frequently characterized by low iron (Fe). Limited information exists about what levels of Fe limit Trichodesmium N fixation. I developed a diagnostic for Fe limitation using quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) of the Fe stress response gene isiB, which encodes for flavodoxin a non-Fe containing substitute for ferredoxin. I determined that high isiB gene expression corresponded to cell-specific reductions in N fixation rates in both phylogenetic clades of Trichodesmium grown on varying levels of Fe. Using these laboratory-determined thresholds, I assessed Fe limitation of Trichodesmium from the Sargasso Sea, equatorial Atlantic Ocean and Western Pacific Warm Pool in conjunction with other analytical measurements (N, phosphorus (P) and dissolved Fe (<0.4[mu]m filtered)). I found widespread Fe limitation in Trichodesmium from the Pacific Ocean and minimal expression in the North Atlantic Ocean. I also found an inverse correlation between isiB expression and dissolved Fe:P ratios in seawater and data suggesting that most dissolved Fe in seawater, including organic ligand-bound Fe, is available to Trichodesmium. These data support and refine previous model predictions and demonstrate, in situ, the importance of Fe to the marine N cycle. / by Phoebe Dreux Chappell. / S.M.

Free-surface turbulence and air-water gas exchange

McKenna, Sean Patrick January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 299-312). / by Sean Patrick McKenna. / Ph.D.

Wind, sea ice, inertial oscillations and upper ocean mixing in Marguerite Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula : observations and modeling

Hyatt, Jason January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2006. / Includes bibliographical references. / Two years of moored oceanographic and automatic weather station data which span the winter ice seasons of 2001-2003 within Marguerite Bay on the western Antarctic Peninsula (wAP) shelf were collected as part of the Southern Ocean Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics program. In order to characterize the ice environment in the region, a novel methodology is developed for determining ice coverage, draft and velocity from moored upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profiler data. A linear momentum balance shows the importance of internal ice stresses in the observed motion of the ice pack. Strong inertial, not tidal, motions were observed in both the sea ice and upper ocean. Estimates of upward diapycnal fluxes of heat and salt from the Upper Circumpolar Deep Water to the surface mixed layer indicate almost no contribution from double diffusive convection. A one-dimensional vertical mixed layer model adapted for investigation of mixing beneath an ice-covered ocean indicates that the initial wind event, rather than subsequent inertial shear, causes the majority of the mixing. This work points towards episodic wind-forced shear at the base of the mixed layer coupled with static instability from brine rejection due to ice production as a major factor in mixing on the wAP shelf. / by Jason Hyatt. / Ph.D.

Investigations of scalar transfer coefficients in fog during the Coupled Boundary Layers and Air Sea Transfer experiment : a case study / Investigations of scalar transfer coefficients in fog during the CBLAST experiment : a case study

Crofoot, Robert Farrington January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (S.M.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 70-72). / The uncertainty in the determination of the momentum and scalar fluxes remains one of the main obstacles to accurate numerical forecasts in low to moderate wind conditions. For example, latent heat fluxes computed from data using direct covariance and bulk aerodynamic methods show that there is good agreement in unstable conditions when the latent heat flux values are generally positive. However, the agreement is relatively poor in stable conditions, particularly when the moisture flux is directed downward. If the direct covariance measurements are indeed accurate, then they clearly indicate that the bulk aerodynamic formula overestimate the downward moisture flux in stable conditions. As a result, comparisons of the Dalton number for unstable and stable conditions indicate a marked difference in value between the two stability regimes. Investigations done for this thesis used data taken primarily at the Air-Sea Interaction Tower (ASIT) during the Coupled Boundary Layers and Air-Sea Transfer (CBLAST) Experiment 2003 from the 20-27 August 2003. Other data from the shore based Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) and moored buoys in the vicinity of the ASIT were also incorporated. / (cont.) During this eight day period, the boundary layer was often characterized by light winds, a stably stratified surface layer and a swell dominated wave field. Additionally, the advection of warm moist air over cooler water resulted in fog formation and a downward flux of moisture on at least three occasions. Therefore, a primary objective of this thesis is to present a case study to investigate the cause of this shortcoming in the bulk formula under these conditions by examining the physical processes that are unique to these boundary layers. Particular attention will be paid to the behavior of the Dalton number in a stable marine atmospheric boundary layer under foggy conditions using insights derived from the study of fog formation and current flux parameterization methods. / by Robert Farrington Crofoot. / S.M.

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