Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lil mixtures"" "subject:"itil mixtures""
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Solvent refined coal and coal-oil mixturesTimbalia, Avanti January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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Transesterificação alcalina convencional e assistida por ultrassom de misturas binárias dos óleos de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas) e palma (Elaeis guineensis) / Conventional and ultrasonic assisted alkaline transesterification of binary mixtures of jatropha (Jatropha curcas) and palm oil (Elaeis guineensis)Arce Saavedra, Thony 06 April 2018 (has links)
Diversas pesquisas têm demonstrado a importância dos combustíveis biorenováveis como alternativas eficientes na redução da demanda de energia fóssil, aquecimento global e seus efeitos ambientais. Os óleos de pinhão manso e de palma (dendê) com suas diferentes composições de ácidos graxos, estabilidade oxidativa e propriedades fluidodinâmicas, têm chamado a atenção no Peru e Brasil, quando o assunto é a diversificação das matérias-primas para a obtenção de um biodiesel otimizado a partir de misturas desses óleos, com desempenho melhorado e maior resistência oxidativa. Neste trabalho, biodiesel foi produzido pelos métodos de transesterificação convencional e transesterificação assistida por ultrassom. Foram estudadas cinco misturas binárias dos óleos brutos pinhão manso e palma pré-tratados (9,1; 18,2; 28,6; 37,0 e 41,7% de óleo de pinhão manso), utilizando etanol e hidróxido de sódio como catalisador. Para determinar as melhores condições de reação foi utilizado o delineamento experimental proposto pelo método de superfície de resposta tendo como variáveis independentes a relação entre as misturas binárias dos óleos de pinhão manso e palma, a razão molar óleo:etanol e a concentração do catalisador NaOH. As melhores misturas binárias dos óleos brutos foram compostas por 37% de pinhão manso e 63% de palma (1PM1,7P) e pela mistura de 28,6% de pinhão manso e 71,4% de palma (1PM2,5P), ambas propiciando altos rendimentos de ésteres etílicos (maiores que 96,6%) por ambos os métodos, com a diferença que o sistema por ultrassom só precisou de 4 minutos. Além disso, os valores de densidade, viscosidade, ponto de fluidez, ponto de entupimento de filtro a frio (1PM1,7P obtido por ultrassom) e a estabilidade oxidativa (1PM2,5P obtido por ultrassom) dos ésteres ficaram dentro da norma ANP (2014). A mistura binária dos óleos brutos de pinhão manso e palma produziram altos teores de ésteres etílicos com características fluidodinâmicas e de estabilidade oxidativa aprimoradas. / Several researches have demonstrated the importance of bio-renewable fuels as efficient alternatives in reducing the contribution of fossil energy demand, global warming and its environmental effects. Jatropha and palm and biodiesel oils that differ in their compositions of fatty acids, oxidative stability and fluid dynamics properties have caught attention in Brazil and Peru in the diversification of raw materials for production of an optimized biodiesel from mixtures of these oils, with improved performance and higher oxidative resistance. In this study, conventional and ultrasonic assisted transesterification was applied to five binary mixtures of the pretreated jatropha and palm crude oils (9.1, 18.2, 28.6, 37.0 and 41.7% of jatropha oil) using ethanol and sodium hydroxide as the catalyst. In order to determine the best reaction conditions, the experimental design proposed by the response surface method was used, having as independent variables the proportion of jatropha and palm oils in the binary mixtures, the molar oil: ethanol ratio and the NaOH catalyst concentration. The best binary oil mixtures were: 37% of jatropha and 63% of palm (1 PM1,7P) and 28.6% of jatropha and 71.4% of palm (1 PM2,5P), both providing high yields of ethyl esters (greater than 96.6%) by either systems, with the difference that the ultrasound system required only 4 minutes. In addition, density, viscosity, pour point, cold filter plug-in point for 1PM1.7P obtained by ultrasound and oxidative stability for 1PM2.5P by ultrasound of the esters were within the ANP standards (2014). The binary mixture of crude jatropha and palm oils produced high levels of ethyl esters with improved fluid dynamics and oxidative stability characteristics.
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Modeling Density Effects in CO2 Injection in Oil Reservoirs and A Case Study of CO2 Sequestration in a Qatari Saline AquiferAhmed, Tausif 2011 August 1900 (has links)
CO2 injection has been used to improve oil recovery for several decades. In recent years, CO2 injection has become even more attractive because of a dual effect; injection in the subsurface 1) allows reduction of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere to reduce global warming, and 2) improves the oil recovery.
In this study, the density effect from CO2 dissolution in modeling of CO2 injection is examined. A method to model the increase in oil density with CO2 dissolution using the Peng-Robinson equation of state and the Pedersen viscosity correlation is presented. This method is applied to model the observed increase in oil density with CO2 dissolution in a West Texas crude oil. Compositional simulation of CO2 injection was performed in a 2D vertical cross section and a 3D reservoir with the density effect. The results show that the density increase from CO2 dissolution may have a drastic effect on CO2 flow path and recovery performance. One main conclusion from this work is that there is a need to have accurate density data for CO2/oil mixtures at different CO2 concentrations to ensure successful CO2 injection projects.
While CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is part of the solution, saline aquifers have the largest potential for CO2 sequestration. A literature review of the CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers is performed. The dominant trapping mechanisms and transport processes and the methods used to model them are discussed in detail. The Aruma aquifer, a shallow saline aquifer in southwest Qatar is used as a case study for CO2 sequestration. A compositional simulation model is prepared for the Aruma aquifer using the available log data and flow test data. It was found that the grid size is a key parameter in modeling CO2 sequestration accurately. It affects the propagation of the CO2 plume and amount of CO2 dissolved in brine.
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Transesterificação alcalina convencional e assistida por ultrassom de misturas binárias dos óleos de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas) e palma (Elaeis guineensis) / Conventional and ultrasonic assisted alkaline transesterification of binary mixtures of jatropha (Jatropha curcas) and palm oil (Elaeis guineensis)Thony Arce Saavedra 06 April 2018 (has links)
Diversas pesquisas têm demonstrado a importância dos combustíveis biorenováveis como alternativas eficientes na redução da demanda de energia fóssil, aquecimento global e seus efeitos ambientais. Os óleos de pinhão manso e de palma (dendê) com suas diferentes composições de ácidos graxos, estabilidade oxidativa e propriedades fluidodinâmicas, têm chamado a atenção no Peru e Brasil, quando o assunto é a diversificação das matérias-primas para a obtenção de um biodiesel otimizado a partir de misturas desses óleos, com desempenho melhorado e maior resistência oxidativa. Neste trabalho, biodiesel foi produzido pelos métodos de transesterificação convencional e transesterificação assistida por ultrassom. Foram estudadas cinco misturas binárias dos óleos brutos pinhão manso e palma pré-tratados (9,1; 18,2; 28,6; 37,0 e 41,7% de óleo de pinhão manso), utilizando etanol e hidróxido de sódio como catalisador. Para determinar as melhores condições de reação foi utilizado o delineamento experimental proposto pelo método de superfície de resposta tendo como variáveis independentes a relação entre as misturas binárias dos óleos de pinhão manso e palma, a razão molar óleo:etanol e a concentração do catalisador NaOH. As melhores misturas binárias dos óleos brutos foram compostas por 37% de pinhão manso e 63% de palma (1PM1,7P) e pela mistura de 28,6% de pinhão manso e 71,4% de palma (1PM2,5P), ambas propiciando altos rendimentos de ésteres etílicos (maiores que 96,6%) por ambos os métodos, com a diferença que o sistema por ultrassom só precisou de 4 minutos. Além disso, os valores de densidade, viscosidade, ponto de fluidez, ponto de entupimento de filtro a frio (1PM1,7P obtido por ultrassom) e a estabilidade oxidativa (1PM2,5P obtido por ultrassom) dos ésteres ficaram dentro da norma ANP (2014). A mistura binária dos óleos brutos de pinhão manso e palma produziram altos teores de ésteres etílicos com características fluidodinâmicas e de estabilidade oxidativa aprimoradas. / Several researches have demonstrated the importance of bio-renewable fuels as efficient alternatives in reducing the contribution of fossil energy demand, global warming and its environmental effects. Jatropha and palm and biodiesel oils that differ in their compositions of fatty acids, oxidative stability and fluid dynamics properties have caught attention in Brazil and Peru in the diversification of raw materials for production of an optimized biodiesel from mixtures of these oils, with improved performance and higher oxidative resistance. In this study, conventional and ultrasonic assisted transesterification was applied to five binary mixtures of the pretreated jatropha and palm crude oils (9.1, 18.2, 28.6, 37.0 and 41.7% of jatropha oil) using ethanol and sodium hydroxide as the catalyst. In order to determine the best reaction conditions, the experimental design proposed by the response surface method was used, having as independent variables the proportion of jatropha and palm oils in the binary mixtures, the molar oil: ethanol ratio and the NaOH catalyst concentration. The best binary oil mixtures were: 37% of jatropha and 63% of palm (1 PM1,7P) and 28.6% of jatropha and 71.4% of palm (1 PM2,5P), both providing high yields of ethyl esters (greater than 96.6%) by either systems, with the difference that the ultrasound system required only 4 minutes. In addition, density, viscosity, pour point, cold filter plug-in point for 1PM1.7P obtained by ultrasound and oxidative stability for 1PM2.5P by ultrasound of the esters were within the ANP standards (2014). The binary mixture of crude jatropha and palm oils produced high levels of ethyl esters with improved fluid dynamics and oxidative stability characteristics.
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Termo-oxidační stabilita směsí rostlinných olejů / Thermo-oxidative stability of mixtures of vegetable oilsKovačíková, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
Rostlinné oleje se používají v mnoha odvětvích chemického průmyslu. V průběhu zpracování konkrétního produktu, ve kterém jsou rostlinné oleje použity, dochází často ke zvyšování teploty. Vyšší teplota urychluje průběh auto-oxidace což negativně ovlivňuje stabilitu olejů nebo výrobků z nich připravených. Mezidruhové mísení olejů je poměrně častým jevem jak při samotné výrobě tak i ve finálním výrobku. Cílem této práce bylo stanovit termo-oxidační stabilitu šesti čistých rostlinných olejů a jejich binárních směsí. První část práce zkoumá oleje a připravené směsi pomocí metody diferenciální kompenzační kalorimetrie. Tato metoda umožnila pochopení vztahů mezi termo-oxidačním chováním olejů a jejich směsmi pomocí stanovení teplot degradace. Přímá souvislost mezi obsahem mastných kyselin a stabilitou byla prokázána pouze zčásti, stejně tak jako původní předpoklad, že přídavek stabilnějšího olej zvýší stabilitu oleje méně stabilního. V několika případech docházelo dokonce ke snížení stability pod teplotu degradace obou čistých olejů. Ve druhé části byl zjišťován mechanismus pro-oxidační fáze vedoucí k degradaci olejů pomocí termogravimetrie, která ukázala přírůstek hmotnosti ve vzorcích oleje způsobeného absorpcí kyslíku a tvorbou peroxidů předcházející degradaci. V tomto případě již bylo možné pozorovat jistou souvislost mezi obsahem mastných kyselin a vzrůstem hmotnosti, pouze však jen pro čisté oleje. Ani v tomto případě nebyla prokázána aditivita vlastností způsobujících stabilitu směsí rostlinných olejů.
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[pt] Medidores do tipo ultrassônicos são calibrados para medição de vazão de
um único fluido. Entretanto, ao extrair petróleo de um poço, a separação trifásica
não é suficiente para separar totalmente a água do óleo e a medição de vazão
indicada do fluido acaba sendo maior do que o mensurando devido à presença de
água não contabilizada na mistura, o que muitas vezes acontece nos escoamentos
dentro de tubulações. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para medição contínua e
automática do teor de água na mistura óleo-água, medindo-se a velocidade do som,
por medidores ultrassônicos que podem ser intrusivos ou não intrusivos (clamp-on)
para medição de vazão que foram anteriormente instalados e compõem as malhas
de processo das plantas de exploração e refino de petróleo, em conjunto com a
determinação da velocidade do som e massas específicas da água pura e do óleo
diesel. Este trabalho mostra uma redução da incerteza de medição quando a
indicação da fração de água através da medição da velocidade do som na mistura
óleo-água é diretamente relacionada a medições rastreáveis da fração de água e
temperatura de uma mistura óleo-água previamente preparada e conhecida, que foi
utilizada como sistema de calibração para medições do teor de água. A incerteza de
medição calculada para medição da fração de água é de 0,25 por cento com um grau de
confiança de 95,45 por cento, sendo obtida através de uma curva de ajuste dos dados em
uma faixa de medição de 0 por cento - 2,5 por cento. A incerteza calculada é menor e, portanto,
atende aos requisitos de medição fiscal (menor que 1 por cento) vigentes no país. / [en] Ultrasonic meters are calibrated for flowrate measurement of pure oil flows.
However, the multiphase separation is not enough to totally separate water and oil
and the indicated oil flow rate is larger than its true value when water is mixed with
oil in the flow, as usual in pipeline flows. A methodology was developed to measure
the water content of water-oil mixtures automatically, using the already measured
speed of sound by installed intrusive or non-intrusive (clamp on type) ultrasonic
meters for flowrate measurement. That measure together with the previously
determined speed of sound and density of pure water and oil as a function of
temperature, thus avoiding additional meters. This dissertation shows a reduction
of the uncertainty of measurement when the meter indicated water-oil mixture
speed of sound is directly related to the traceable measurements of water content
and temperature of previously prepared water-oil mixtures, what turns out to be the
meter calibration for water content measurement. Water content uncertainty value
of 0.25 per cent, 95.45 per cent level of confidence, is obtained when curve fitting de data in the 0 per cent - 2.5 per cent range, that covers the fiscal measurement range (less than 1 per cent).
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The study of jatropha curcas oil-based biodegradable insulation materials for power transformer / Etude d'une huile biodégradable à base de Jatropha curcas comme matériau isolant pour transformateurs de puissanceSitorus, Henry Binsar Hamonangan 30 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la caractérisation physico-chimique de l'huile de Jatropha Curcas et sa capacité à remplacer l'huile minérale dans les transformateurs de puissance. Ce produit présente plusieurs avantages sur les autres huiles végétales comme l'huile de palme ou l'huile de colza, qui recommandent sa production et son utilisation. En effet, la plante de Jatropha Curcas peut être cultivée sur des sols pauvres à faibles précipitations, évitant ainsi d'utiliser des sols plus fertiles pour sa culture permettant ainsi aux petits exploitants de réserver leurs terres aux cultures de base. Cette plante peut pousser facilement dans des zones où les niveaux de précipitations annuelles sont nettement inférieures à celles requises par d'autres espèces telles que le colza, le tournesol, le soja, le maïs, le palmier à huile et d'autres. Elle peut être cultivée sur tous les types de sol en Indonésie, même sur des terres arides, dans de nombreuses régions de l'Indonésie orientale, inexploitées en raison des difficultés à planter d'autres cultures. En outre, l'huile de Jatropha Curcas est un produit non alimentaire. En faisant subir à l’huile de Jatropha Curcas brute une estérification à base alcaline avec de l'hydroxyde de potassium (KOH), on obtient de l’huile de méthylester de Jatropha Curcas (JMEO) dont la viscosité et l’acidité sont acceptables pour les équipements à haute tension en particulier pour les transformateurs de puissance. Les propriétés physico-chimiques et électriques de JMEO ont été mesurées ainsi que celles de l'huile minérale (MO) pour la comparaison. Pour les propriétés physico-chimiques, il s’agit de la densité relative, la teneur en eau, la viscosité, l'acidité, l'indice d'iode, la corrosivité, le point d'éclair, le point d'écoulement, la couleur, l'examen visuel, et la teneur en ester méthylique. Quant aux propriétés électriques, elles concernent la rigidité diélectrique sous différentes formes de tension (alternative, continu et choc de foudre), les phénomènes de pré-claquage et de claquage sous choc de foudre, les décharges glissantes sur les surfaces de carton comprimé, immergé dans JMEO et MO. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les tensions de claquage moyennes en continu et en choc de foudre des huiles JMEO et MO sont très proches ; la tension de claquage moyenne de JMEO est même plus élevée que celle de l'huile minérale (de type naphténique). La mesure des tensions de claquage des mélanges d'huiles «80% JMEO + 20% MO» et «50% JMEO et 50% MO» montrent que la tension de claquage du mélange «80% JMEO + 20% MO» est toujours supérieure à celle de l'huile minérale sous tensions alternative et continue. Cela indique que le mélange d'huile minérale et de JMEO avec un rapport de 20:80 ne dégrade pas ses performances. Le mélange d'huiles peut se produire lors du remplacement de l'huile minérale par JMEO dans les transformateurs installés et en exploitation. L'analyse des caractéristiques des streamers (la forme, le temps d'arrêt, le courant associé et la charge électrique) se développant dans les huiles JMEO et MO sous tension impulsionnelle de foudre, montre une grande similitude. Aussi, la longueur finale (Lf) et la densité des branches des décharges surfaciques se propageant sur le carton comprimé immergé dans l'huile de Jatropha Curcas de méthylester (JMEO) et de l'huile minérale (MO), sous tensions de choc de foudre positif et négatif (1,2/50 μs), pour deux configurations d'électrodes divergentes (électrode pointe haute tension perpendiculaire et tangente au carton, respectivement), sont fortement influencées par l'épaisseur du carton comprimé. Pour une épaisseur donnée, Lf augmente avec la tension et décroît lorsque l'épaisseur augmente. Lf est plus long lorsque la pointe est positive que lorsque la pointe est négative. Pour une tension et une épaisseur du carton comprimé donnée, les valeurs de Lf dans l’huile minérale et l’huile JMEO sont très proches. [...] / This work is aimed at the investigation of the physicochemical characterization of Jatropha Curcas seeds oil and its capacity to be an alternative option to replace mineral oil in power transformers. This product presents several advantages that recommend both its production and usage over those of other vegetable oils as crude palm oil and rapeseeds oil. Indeed, it may be grown on marginal or degraded soils avoiding thus the need to utilize those more fertile soils currently being used by smallholders to grow their staple crops; and it will readily grow in areas where annual rainfall levels are significantly lower than those required by other species such as palm oil, rape-seeds oil, sunflower oil, soybeans oil, corn oil and others. For instance, these plants can grow on all soil types in Indonesia, even on barren soil. The barren soil types can be found in many parts of eastern Indonesia that remain untapped because of the difficulty planted with other crops. Moreover, jatropha curcas oil is nonfood crops. Jatropha Curcas oil was processed by alkali base catalyzed esterification process using potassium hydroxide (KOH) to produce Jatropha Curcas methyl ester oil (JMEO) has a viscosity and a acidity that are acceptable for high voltage equipment especially in power transformer. The physicochemical and electrical properties of JMEO were measured as well as those of mineral oil (MO) for comparison. The physicochemical properties cover relative density, water content, viscosity, acidity, iodine number, corrosivity, flash point, pour point, color, visual examination, and methyl ester content. Meanwhile the electrical properties cover dielectric strength under AC, DC and lightning impulse voltages, pre-breakdown / streamers under lightning impulse voltage, creeping discharge over pressboard immersed in JMEO and MO. The obtained results show that the average DC and lightning impulse breakdown voltages of JMEO and MO are too close, even the average AC breakdown voltage of JMEO are higher than that of mineral oil (napthenic type). The measurement of breakdown voltages of two oil mixtures namely “80% JMEO + 20% MO” and “50% JMEO and 50% MO” shows that the breakdown voltage of the first mixture (i.e., “80%JMEO+20%MO”) is always higher than that of mineral oil under both AC and DC voltages. This indicates that mixing 20:80 mineral oil to JMEO ratio does not degrade its performance. The mixing of oils can occur when replacing mineral oil by JMEO in installed transformers. The analysis of the streamers characteristics (namely; shape, stopping length, associated current and electrical charge) developing in JMEO and MO under lightning impulse voltages, shows that these are too close (similar). It is also shown that the stopping (final) length Lf and the density of branches of creeping discharges propagating over pressboard immersed in Jatropha Curcas methyl ester oil (JMEO) and mineral oil (MO), under positive and negative lightning impulse voltages (1.2/50 μs), using two divergent electrode configurations (electrode point perpendicular and tangential to pressboard), are significantly influenced by the thickness of pressboard. For a given thickness, Lf increases with the voltage and decreases when the thickness increases. Lf is longer when the point is positive than with a negative point. For a given voltage and thickness of pressboard, the values of Lf in mineral oil and JMEO are very close. It appears from this work that JMEO could constitute a potential substitute for mineral oil for electrical insulation and especially in high voltage power transformers.
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Obtenção de mistura de óleos vegetais: otimização, caracterização e predição de propriedades físicas e químicas. / Obtaining a mixture of vegetable oils: optimization, characterization and prediction of physical and chemical properties.ALMEIDA, Katcilânya Menezes de. 22 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-05-22T22:23:47Z
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KATCILÂNYA MENEZES DE ALMEIDA - TESE PPGEA 2012..pdf: 12015723 bytes, checksum: 89f32aca42c4224f2d2241d72785479c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-22T22:23:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
KATCILÂNYA MENEZES DE ALMEIDA - TESE PPGEA 2012..pdf: 12015723 bytes, checksum: 89f32aca42c4224f2d2241d72785479c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-04 / CNPq / O Brasil possui grande potencial agrícola para produzir óleo vegetal, tanto para fins
alimentares como para suprir parte da demanda de energia renovável, porém nos
últimos cinco anos tem sido o maior importador de azeite de oliva do mundo, devido
aos seus benefícios para a saúde. Neste contexto objetivou-se, com este trabalho, a
elaboração de misturas especiais de óleos vegetais para fins alimentícios, com base nos
óleos de amendoim, gergelim, maracujá e soja. Os óleos de amendoim e gergelim como
alternativa por serem culturas produzidas no Brasil, constituem uma fonte de ácidos
graxos e antioxidantes tão pouco explorados na alimentação dos brasileiros, tal como o
óleo de maracujá como co-produto, descartado pela indústria de suco e ainda o óleo de
soja cuja matéria-prima abundante, tornam o produto acessível aos consumidores de
todas as classes sociais. Os óleos de amendoim e gergelim foram extraídos de sementes
das cultivares BRS-Havana e BRS-Seda, respectivamente, cedidas pela Embrapa
Algodão enquanto o óleo de maracujá foi adquirido no comércio de São Paulo e o de
soja no de Campina Grande. As misturas foram elaboradas com base em uma matriz de
planejamento experimental e, em seguida, submetidas às análises de composição de
ácidos graxos e ensaios físico-químicas (umidade, índice de acidez, índice de iodo,
índice de refração, densidade e viscosidade) segundo a metodologia do IAL (2008). As
medidas obtidas foram utilizadas para estudar e otimizar a elaboração das misturas de
óleos vegetais e como variáveis para predição por espectrometria no infravermelho
próximo (NIR) foram utilizados os mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS) como
metodologia de calibração multivariada. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de
variância (ANOVA), à análise de variância multivariada (MANOVA), à análise de
correlação canónica e à análise de correlação de Pearson, pelo software SAS 9.1.3; na
análise de componentes principais (PCA) e regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais
(PLS) utilizou-se o software Uncrambler 9.8®. Concluiu-se que a mistura equivalente a
40% de óleo de amendoim, 20% de óleo de gergelim, 20% de óleo de maracujá e 20%
de óleo de soja apresentou-se como a melhor mistura para fins alimentares, com base na
composição de ácidos graxos. Os métodos de predição por NIR foram eficazes para a
estimativa não destrutiva, rápida, de baixo custo e direta, dos ácidos graxos palmítico,
esteárico, oleico, linoleico, araquídico e linolênico e para as medidas físico-químicas de
densidade, índice de refração, viscosidade, índice de acidez e índice de iodo. / Brazil has great potential to produce vegetable oils as a source of raw materiais for food
and energy. But in the last five years has been the largest importer of olive oil in the
worid due to its health benefits and wide divulgation. In this context, the aim of this
work was the development of special blends of vegetable oils as an alternative to olive
oils based on peanut, sesame, soy and passion fruit. The peanut and sesame oils because
they are a source of fatty acids and antioxidants in the diet of little explored in Brazil,
passion fruit oil as co-product of the juice industry, and soybean oil abundant raw
material which makes the product available to consumers of ali social classes. The
peanut and sesame oils were extracted from seeds of BRS-Seda and BRS-Havana, while
passion fruit oil was purchased commercially of city São Paulo-SP and trade soybean in
the city of Campina Grande-PB. The mixtures were prepared based on an array of
experimental design and then submitted to analysis of fatty acid composition and
physico-chemical (moisture, acid value, iodine value, refractive index, density and
viscosity). Moreover, were used as reference variables for prediction via infrared
spectroscopy (NIR) using the partial least squares (PLS) and multivariate calibration
methodology. The results were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA),
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), canonical correlation analysis and
Pearson correlation analysis by SAS 9.1.3 software, the principal component analysis
(PCA) and Partial least squares regression (PLS) was used Uncrambler 9.8 ® softwarlt
was concluded that the mixture equivalent to 40% peanut oil, 20% sesame oil, 20%
passion fruit oil, and 20% soybean oil was presented as the best mix for food
composition based on fatty acids. The prediction by NIR methods were effective for
estimating non-destructive, rapid, inexpensive and direct fatty acids palmitic, stearic,
oleie, linoleic, linolenic and arachidic and physico-chemical measurements of density,
refractive index, viscosity, acid value and iodine value.
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