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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lawsuits in Pauls theological ethics : a historical and literary interpretation of 1 Corinthians 6:1-11

Oh, JungHwan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As human society develops, people often face unpleasant affairs in their daily lives. However, when they do not solve matters, they might resort to solving such matters through lawsuits. In the same way, serious problems sometimes appear in the church, so that Christians are forced to rely upon lawsuits. Different opinions can be suggested regarding going to the court to solve problems in Christian communities. Many people use 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 to support that Christians should not have lawsuits against fellow Christians. The question this dissertation investigates is, did Paul really say that Christians should not have lawsuits and should not go to the secular court? In the first century C.E. a situation occurred in the Corinthian community where believers tried to solve trivial matters among themselves in a secular court, rather than within the community (1 Corinthians 6:1-11). In chapter 2, a general understanding of litigation in the first century C.E. is treated in different categories, focusing on the first century Roman society. This chapter sketches the Roman legal context for understanding civil lawsuits that happened in the Corinthian community. Chapter 3 concentrates on the interpretation of 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 as the text in focus in this study, in the light of its historical context. In particular, this chapter investigates various factors pertaining to the nature of lawsuits in Corinth with regard to the historical context. In chapter 4, 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 is examined in a literary analysis and subjected to an exegetical study. These literary devices allow for in depth investigation of the text, and structural and hermeneutical findings regarding Paul’s argument is presented. In chapter 5 the lawsuit is investigated in the light of two theological aspects, namely eschatology and ethics. Paul uses these two important notions to instruct the Corinthian believers regarding their new identity as God’s people and suggest the significant principle how to live as Jesus followers in their lives. In sum, according to 1 Corinthians 6:1-11, Paul argues that lawsuits are not appropriate in the community of the faithful because it is harmful to the unity and the purity of the community. However, Paul’s concern is not for the lawsuits as such, but for how believers should behave and live ethically as Jesus followers before God. Believers as God’s people have to reveal the love of God through their behaviour and in their daily lives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In gemeenskappe, word mense soms gekonfronteer met onaangename ervarings in interaksie met andere in hulle daaglikse lewens. Wanneer hulle sulke sake nie self kan bylê nie, mag hulle besluit om hulle tot geregshowe te wend vir 'n oplossing. Op soortgelyke wyse ontstaan daar soms ernstige probleme in die kerk, wat Christene noop om hulle te wend tot onderlinge hofsake. Verskillende opinies word aangevoer oor die toepaslikheid van hofsake onder Christene. In werklikheid vind vele mense in 1 Korintiërs 6:1-11 ondersteuning vir die siening dat Christene nie hofsake behoort te hê teen mede-Christene nie. Hierdie proefskrif loods ‘n ondersoek na die aard en omvang van Paulus se opdrag tov hofsake tussen gelowiges in 1 Korintiërs 6:1-11. Tydens die eerste eeu A.J. het 'n situasie in die Korintiese gemeenskap ontstaan, waar gelowiges 'n nietige saak wat onder hulle opgeduik het, probeer oplos het deur hulle tot 'n sekulêre hof te wend, eerder as om dit binne hulle eie gemeenskap op te los (1 Korintiërs 6:1- 11). Om Paulus se denke oor hofsake te begryp, word verskeie aspekte rondom hofsake vervolgens ondersoek. In hoofstuk 2 word 'n breë uiteensetting gegee van litigasie in die eerste eeu A.J., in verskillende kategorieë, met die fokus op die eerste-eeuse Romeinse samelewing. Hierdie hoofstuk bespreek die breër Romeinse Regskonteks waarbinne hofsake in die Korintiese gemeenskap verstaan kan word. Hoofstuk 3 konsentreer op die interpretasie van 1 Korintiërs 6:1-11 as die hoofteks in die lig van die historiese konteks en met besondere fokus op regsgedinge. In hoofstuk 4 word 'n literêre analise en eksegetiese studie van 1 Korintiërs 6:1-11 gedoen, met klem op die strukturele aspekte en hermeneutiese belang van die perikoop. In hoofstuk 5 word die hofsake ondersoek teen die agtergrond van twee teologiese aspekte, naamlik eskatologie en etiek, en binne 'n breër perspektief word besin oor hoe Christene, as navolgers van Jesus, behoort op te tree in die huidige tydsgewrig. Paulus se perspektief op regsgedinge in 1 Korintiërs 6:1-11 beklemtoon Paulus se bekommernis oor die eenheid en die suiwerheid van die gemeenskap. Dit blyk dat Paulus se besorgdheid nie soseer oor die regsgedinge self is nie, maar oor hoe gelowiges eties moet optree en leef soos Jesus se volgelinge. Gelowiges as God se mense moet die liefde van God openbaar deur hulle gedrag en in hulle daaglikse lewens.

Sit at my right hand : the Chronicler’s portrait of the tribe of Benjamin in the social context of Yehud

Giffone, Benjamin D. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The book of Chronicles is a form of consensus-building literature. The Chronicler’s portrayal of Benjamin in relation to Judah reflects an inclusive vision of “all Israel” that walks a fine line: simultaneously valuing Benjamin as an equal partner with Judah (as his “right hand”), yet still protecting the primacy of David as YHWH’s chosen ruler, the Levites as the priestly tribe, and Jerusalem as the proper cultic center. Chronicles’ portrait of Benjamin differs from that of the Deuteronomistic History, which portrays Benjamin’s relation to Judah as varied and complex. The Chronicler attempts to smooth over these difficulties by highlighting the historically close relationship between the two tribes. In this regard his goals and strategy differ from that of the Deuteronomist, who presents both the high and low points of Judah-Benjamin relations. The Chronicler’s reconstrual of the Judah-Benjamin relationship reflects the socio-political situation of late Persian Yehud, in which the relatively poor Jerusalem cult struggled to gain material support from landed nobility in the region. Material evidence indicates that the historically Benjaminite regions prospered during the Neo-Babylonian and early Persian periods. The Jerusalem cult competed with historically Benjaminite and Josephite cultic locations for the support of wealthier Benjaminite landowners. The Chronicler rewrote Israel’s narrative partly in order to garner Benjaminite support for the Jerusalem cult. This study attempts to synthesize both literary and historical observations: demonstrating a literary phenomenon—the divergent portraits of Benjamin in the Deuteronomistic History and Chronicles—and situating that phenomenon within the historical context of Persian Yehud. The study contributes to the understanding of Yehud during this period, elaborates an important motif in these two sections of the Hebrew Bible, and furthers the investigation of the so-called “Benjaminite substratum” in the Hebrew Bible. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die boek Kronieke is ‘n vorm van konsensus-vormende literatuur. Kronieke se voorstelling van Benjamin in verhouding tot Juda weerspieël ‘n inklusiewe visie van “die hele Israel” wat ‘n fyn lyn bewandel: Benjamin word tegelyk as ‘n gelyke vennoot van Juda (as sy “regterhand”) gewaardeer, terwyl die prioriteit van Dawid as JHWH se uitverkore heerser, van die Leviete as priesterlike stam, en van Jerusalem as eintlike kultiese sentrum beskerm word. Kronieke se beeld van Benjamin verskil van dié van die Deuteronomistiese Geskiedenis, wat Benjamin se verhouding tot Juda as geskakeerd en kompleks uitbeeld. Die Kronis probeer hierdie oneffenhede gelykstryk deur die histories eng verhouding tussen die twee stamme te beklemtoon. Hierin verskil sy doel en strategie van dié van die Deuteronomis, wat beide die hoogtepunte en laagtepunte van die Juda-Benjamin verhouding aanbied. Die Kronis se her-uitbeelding van die Juda-Benjamin verhouding weerspieël die sosiopolitieke situasie van die laat Persiese Jehud, waarin die relatiewe karige Jerusalem kultus gesukkel het om materiële steun te kry van die landbesitters in die streek. Materiële bewyse dui daarop dat die streke wat histories met Benjamin geassosieer is, ekonomies opgebloei het gedurende die Neo- Babiloniese en vroeë Persiese periodes. Die Jerusalem kultus het meegeding met die kultiese plekke wat histories met Benjamin en Josef geassosieer is om die steun van die ryker Benjaminitiese landbesitters te verkry. Die Kronis het Israel se verhaal herskryf, onder andere om Benjaminitiese steun vir die Jerusalem kultus te kry. Hierdie studie probeer om beide literêre en historiese waarnemings te integreer: die literêre fenomeen word verduidelik—naamlik die uiteenlopende uitbeeldings van Benjamin in die Deuteronomistiese Geskiedenis en Kronieke—terwyl die fenomeen in die historiese konteks van Persiese periode Jehud geplaas word. Die studie dra by tot ‘n beter verstaan van Jehud gedurende hierdie periode, brei uit oor ‘n belangrike motief in hierdie twee dele van die Hebreeuse Bybel, en dra by tot navorsing oor die sogenaamde “Benjamin substratum” in die Hebreeuse Bybel.

Encountering the female voice in the Song of Songs : reading the Song of Songs for the dignity of Kenyan women

Juma, Dorcas Chebet 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates one of the central aspects of a Kenyan woman’s identity, namely the notion of sexuality, which unfortunately also underlies numerous socio-economic and developmental challenges currently confronting Kenyan women. The research shows that in Kenya, patriarchal ideologies are used to control the sexuality of women in the name of ‘our culture’. Thus, it is and has been difficult for many Kenyan women to live with dignity as beings equally created in the image and likeness of God. The study, therefore, sought to identify, expose, criticize, destabilize and to deconstruct patriarchal ideologies that deny Kenyan women the right to live with dignity. Patriarchal ideologies that have been used to mute the voices of Kenyan women on matters of sex and sexuality are challenged by introducing the voices of Kenyan women. The latter is done with reference to poetry that reflects the voices and experiences of Kenyan women as a means of expressing who they really are in the midst of a society that silences them. It is shown that, by means of poetry, the full power and energy of these women may be mobilized. Moreover, the voices and experiences of Kenyan women offer a contextual re-reading of the Song of Songs for their dignity. The study presents the female voice in the Song of Songs (a text from a male pen) as responding in a new way to the patriarchal Old Testament society on matters of sex and sexuality. In the process, a twofold strategy is proposed with which negative perceptions of the sexuality of women in the worldview of Kenya may be addressed: First, this study proposes that it is important to purposefully steer conversations regarding issues of sex and sexuality. The latter is done in the conviction that this is one way of creating a platform for addressing other gender-based injustices that deny Kenyan women the right to live with dignity. Second, by focusing on Kenyan poetry, as well as on the female voice in the Song of Songs, there is a possibility of reconstructing positive aspects of the sexuality of Kenyan women, which may allow them to live with dignity. To achieve the aim of this study, to re-read the Song of Songs for the dignity of Kenyan women, an African Women’s Theological approach is used within the broader context of feminist and womanist approaches to the Song. Through an African Women’s approach to the Song of Songs, the study asks how the female voice that spoke boldly in the patriarchal setting of the Old Testament can also be liberating in the Kenyan patriarchal setting. The female voice in Song of Songs presents issues of sex and sexuality in a new way. As such, it is proposed that the latter voice, read through the hermeneutical lens of Kenyan women’s poetry or poetry on Kenyan women, has the potential to inform and therefore to transform the patriarchal setting of the Kenyan society. It is only if Kenyan women are empowered to negotiate safe sex and to express their sexuality on their own terms and conditions, that this will be fully realized. / AFRIKKANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek een van die sentrale aspekte van ’n Keniaanse vrou se identiteit, naamlik die idee van seksualiteit, wat ongelukkig ook onderliggend is aan talle sosio-ekonomiese en ontwikkelingsuitdagings wat Keniaanse vroue tans konfronteer. Die navorsing toon in Kenia word patriargale ideologieë gebruik om die seksualiteit van vroue te beheer in die naam van ‘ons kultuur’. Dit is dus moeilik vir baie Keniaanse vroue om met waardigheid te leef as gelyk-geskape na die beeld en gelykenis van God. Hierdie studie poog om patriargale ideologieë wat Keniaanse vrouens die reg om met waardigheid te leef ontneem te identifiseer, te kritiseer, te destabiliseer en te dekonstrueer. Die studie daag patriargale ideologieë uit wat gebruik is en word om die stemme van Keniaanse vrouens oor seks en seksualiteit stil te maak. Dit word spesifiek gedoen deur die stemme en ervarings van Keniaanse vrouens in poësie te gebruik (soms in die gedigte van manlike digters!) as uitdrukking van hulle lewens te midde van ”’n patriargale samelewing. Dit word getoon hoedat hiedie gedigte die krag en energie van hierdie vroue kan mobiliseer. Meer nog, die stemme van Keniaanse vrouens bied die geleentheid tot ’n kontekstuele herlees van Hooglied met die oog op die erkening en beskerming van hulle waardigheid. Die vroulike stem in Hooglied word verstaan as ’n nuwe reaksie op die Ou Testamentiese samelewing met betrekking tot kwessies soos seks en seksualiteit. In die proses word daar met ’n tweeledige strategie voorendag gekom waarmee die negatiewe opvattings oor die seksualiteit van vroue in die wêreldbeeld van Keniaanse mans aangespreek kan word. Eerstens word die noodsaak voorgestel van ’n doelbewuste rigtinggewing aan gesprekke oor seks en seksualiteit. Dit word gedoen vanuit die oortuiging dat dit een manier is om ’n platform te skep waar gelsagsgebasseerde ongeregtighede wat Keniaanse vroue die reg op ’n menswaardige lewe ontsê aangespreek kan word. Tweedens, deur op Keniaanse poësie en die vroulike stem in Hooglied te fokus, word voorgestel dat dat posititewe aspekte van die seksualiteit van Keniaanse vroue herkonstrueer kan word, wat dan kan meewerk om hulle met waardigheid te kan laat leef. Ten einde bogenoemde doelwit van hierdie studie te bereik, word ’n Afrika-vrouebenadering toegepas in die lees van Hooglied. Dit vind plaas binne ’n breër konteks van Feministiese en sogenaamde “Womanist” benaderings tot die boek. Met ’n Afrika vroue benadering as leesstrategie, word aangedui dat en hoe die vroulike stem wat vreesloos in haar eie patriargale, Ou Testamentiese konteks spreek ook bevrydend kan funksioneer binne die Keniaanse patriargale konteks. Daar word dus getoon dat die vroulike stem in Hooglied seks en seksualiteit op ’n nuwe manier aanbied. Gevolglik stel hierdie studie voor dat die vroulike stem in Hooglied, gelees deur die hermeneutiese lens van Keniaanse gedigte oor of deur vroue, die potensiaal het om die patriargale konteks van die Keniaanse samelewing eendersyds te ontbloot en andersyds te transformeer. Dit is slegs wanneer Keniaanse vroue bemagtig word om vir veilige seks te kan onderhandel en hulle seksualiteit op hulle eie terme uit te kan druk, dat hulle menswaardigheid ten volle gerealiseer sal word.

Accounting for anxiety : an analysis of an early first-century material ethic from Matt 6:19-34

Tryon, Denzil Bruce 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This paper undertakes a detailed study of Matt 6:19-34 for the specific purpose of accounting for the unique context and content of the material/financial ethic being articulated here by Jesus. The passage, made up of four pericopes, is located within the first of the five discourses of Jesus recorded in Matthew’s Gospel in which Jesus evidently articulates the ethical standards required of the children of the emerging Kingdom of God. The need for such a study stems from an understanding that the passage, indeed the Sermon as a whole, has been treated by traditional scholarship in a somewhat distanced and abstract manner i.e. it has been read without adequate cognisance being taken of the particular socio-linguistic and socio-historical context in which it was originally formulated and articulated. Relatively recent social-scientific and socio-historical New Testament scholarship, however, has provided a specific set of interpretive tools that enable a modern reader to make a far more dynamic and context-sensitive interpretation possible. Accordingly, this paper undertakes a socio-rhetorical analysis of Matt 6:19-34, together with a social-scientific and socio-historic/financial/religious analysis of the eastern Mediterranean world of late Second Temple times. Together these interpretive tools shed new light on the text and provide the opportunity for re-reading that text in a way that, hopefully, more closely articulates the ethic as an original audience might have heard it. Specifically, the use of these interpretive tools provide insights into why it was that Jesus explicitly prohibited worry, some six times in the passage, amongst the children of the Kingdom concerning the provision of their food, drink and clothing i.e. the tools provide something of an explanation for both the rhetorical force of the ethic and the underlying realities that gave rise to its formulation in the first place. These insights are then applied in an attempt at formulating a dynamically equivalent ethic that might be appropriated and applied by present day children of the Kingdom reading the passage today.

The scope of the Old Testament and the nature of its theology : determining the object and subject of Old Testament theology by means of the Septuagint

Kotze, Gideon Rudolph 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The present study focuses on the difficulties surrounding the identification of an object and subject for the discipline of Old Testament theology. The goal thereof is to address these difficulties by establishing the legitimacy of an interdisciplinary engagement therewith. In order to achieve this goal the significance of the Greek translations of the Jewish scriptures, the Septuagint, for determining the object and subject of Old Testament theology is pursued. The problems surrounding the object of study in Old Testament theology are identified and discussed in terms of both canon and text. The advent of Canon criticism, with its focus on the nature, function and history of the biblical canon, as well as the study of the recent textual discoveries in the area surrounding the Dead Sea, have rendered previous consensus regarding the formation of the biblical canon(s) and the history of the biblical texts problematic. This necessitates a thorough reconsidering of the scope of the term “Old Testament”, and consequently, the basis on which the discipline of Old Testament theology is practiced. The rise to prominence of a so-called new or postmodern epistemological situation and the resulting influence of developments and shifts in literary studies on Biblical criticism, coupled with new challenges within the historical study of the biblical texts and a rediscovery of the importance of Wisdom literature forces upon the Old Testament theologian the responsibility to indicate and clarify the relationship between the Old Testament and divine revelation. Consequently, the nature of the Old Testament’s theology, and therefore, the subject of study in the discipline of Old Testament theology come under scrutiny. The focus of the study subsequently shifts to topics treated in the study of the Septuagint in order to indicate how these relate to the problems plaguing the discipline of Old Testament theology. Issues relating to the proper use of terminology in Septuagint-studies, theories of the origin of the Septuagint, and the techniques that were employed in translating the Semitic source texts of the Jewish scriptures into Greek, occupy the student in this regard. As a result, the legitimacy of employing insights from Septuagint-studies in delineating the object and subject of study in Old Testament theology is demonstrated. The final chapter identifies several overtures for furthering the study of the significance of the Septuagint for Old Testament theology in general. A number of methodological problems in the latter can be subsumed under the twin heading of the scope of the “Old Testament” and the nature of its theology. Chapter 36 of the Greek translation of the book of Job acts as a brief case study in order to demonstrate the suggestions that are made in this concluding chapter of the study.

Theological perspectives on land restoration in Leviticus 25:8-55

Hartze, Anthony George 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Since the dismantling of Apartheid in 1994, those who were dispossessed of their land under South Africa’s previous government are being restored or compensated for land that had been taken away from them prior to 1994. Christians, through their theological pronouncements and writings on justice, peace and liberation, played an active role in helping to dismantle Apartheid. And today they continue to sustain a theological role in a number of different ways relative to reconstructing our country. One such area is land restoration. Leviticus 25:8-55 (hereinafter named ‘Leviticus 25’) has become a key text for this purpose. It is an ancient legal code on land restoration for the ancient Israelites. Since it is an ancient legal text it is understandably difficult to find consensus among modern Old Testament theologians about its prescriptions. Therefore this study will discuss the perspectives of six recent scholars in their commentaries. Three of these scholars approach their perspectives from an evangelical trend (which is essentially my position), two from a Jewish trend, and one from a critical trend. The two key questions that this study will attempt to answer are: (1) What is the theological understanding of six scholars on land restoration in their commentaries on Leviticus 25 during the past twenty-six years? (2) How do they agree or differ in their theological understanding of land restoration in Leviticus 25? The first three chapters will lay the groundwork for the discussion of ‘Theological Perspectives on Land Restoration in Leviticus 25.’ Chapter one introduces the study by defining its research problem, and formulating its hypothesis, and indicating its methodology. Thereafter, chapter two will briefly discuss five basic concepts in the book of Leviticus that impact upon land restoration in Leviticus 25. These concepts are covenant, land, holiness, atonement and Jubilee. Chapter three will be a research survey on the book of Leviticus in which the following topics will be looked at: (1) The relation of Leviticus to the Pentateuch as a whole; (2) its authorship and date; (3) its contents and structure; (4) how Leviticus is interpreted; and (5) the two theological axes upon which the book revolves. Chapter four is the heart of this study. It will discuss, chronologically, the perspectives of six recent Old Testament scholars in their commentaries on Leviticus 25. It will also compare their perspectives to show how they agree or disagree with each other. The aim of this chapter is to show how different perspectives on land restoration in Leviticus 25 aid us today in understanding this great theme. Chapter five, the final chapter, will show how this study proved its hypothesis, while also showing how the different theological trends of the six scholars studied influenced their interpretations of Leviticus 25.

The exodus and identity formation in view of the origin and migration narratives of the Yoruba

Olojede, Funlola O. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Old and New Testament))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / This study examines the exodus event and its impact on identity formation in the light of the origin and migration narratives of the Yoruba people. On the one hand, it is observed that migration is not only an ancient but a universal phenomenon. Its rootedness in Africa and its profound influence on identity formation are therefore brought to the fore by comparing the origin and migration narratives of the Yoruba with those of the Tiv and the amaZulu. The findings show that certain elements of the origin and migration narratives such as a common ancestor, a common ancestral home, a common belief in Supreme Deity etc., provide a basis for identity formation and recognition among these Africans, in particular, the Yoruba. On the other hand, the study focuses on the Sea event in Exodus 14-15:18 which is composed of both a narrative and a poetic rendition of the sea-crossing by the children of Israel. In the Sea event, Israel acknowledged in story and song that it was Yahweh who as a warrior, delivered its people from the hand of Pharaoh and took them safely to the other side of the Sea. This research shows that a literary consideration of the text and especially of the interplay between prose and poetry points to Yahweh as the main character in the Sea event. Consequently, Israel’s identity is defined in Yahweh whose own identity as warrior and deliverer brought Israel victory over the Egyptians and paved the way for a new nation in a new land. In this sense, Israel’s identity is assumed to be a theological one. It is argued that the Yoruba origin and migration narratives help to bring to light the memories of exodus and Israel’s recollection of Yahweh as the root of its identity. The narratives help to appreciate more clearly Yahweh’s role in the midst of his people and the his centrality to Israel’s self-understanding even as they show that these can provide valuable resources in today’s world where migration and the struggle for identity are features that are not likely to fade away. Besides, the juxtaposition of cosmogonic myths and migration theories in attesting to the elements of Yoruba identity formation, have a parallel in the blending of both cosmic and migration elements in Exodus 14-15:18. This blending also foregrounds the role of Yahweh in the Sea event. In addition, the study suggests that the interaction between prose and poetry in the Sea event is an instance of a separate genre which further research may confirm in Yoruba, especially in folk-tales and in oríkì-oríle (praise names/epithet).

An assessment of African Christian beliefs in ancestors in view of a responsible interpretation of 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 within the South African context

Mqala, Lieberman Mxolisi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The object of this study is to assess African Christian beliefs in ancestors in lieu of a responsible interpretation of 1 Corinthians 8 :4 - 6. Warranting this assessment is the confusion that arises from the perception that African beliefs in ancestors and the tenets of Christian faith are compatible. Scriptural teaching seems to address the question of "ancestral worship" and does seem to portray it as something mutually exclusive to the tenets of Christian faith. Some of the authors cited in the thesis attest to this, and others seem to be rising in defence of "ancestor worship" by accommodating it without any problem on the same level as Christianity. Syncretism arises in the desire to strike a compromise between the two religions and allow African Christians to practise "ancestor worship" whilst confessing to be Christians at the same time. The selected text, ] Corinthians 8: 4-6, will be the centre of the assessment into the practice of "ancestor worship" by African Christians. This is because it contains a passage where Paul addresses the issue of food dedicated to idols. Paul's resolution of the issue - with his intention of maintaining harmony in the church and in the spirit of love - seems to accommodate the eating of meats offered to idols, but encourages abstinence in consideration of the weak. This principle of love may seem to bring accommodation, yet after a rigorous discussion the thesis concludes that the text still excludes the worship of idols. "Ancestor worship" is in this thesis seen to be within the given definitions of idolatry as it involves the sacrificing of meats and foods to ancestors and the deceased. In the final analysis the quest for a solution to ancestor beliefs and practices by African Christians challenges the Church to focus on a responsible interpretation of Biblical texts, and in such a way that it would bring light as to whether ancestor beliefs and practices are in continuation with Biblical perspectives or not. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om Afrika-Christene se opvattings met betrekking tot hul voorouers aan die hand van 'n verantwoorde verstaan van 1 Korintiers 8:4-6 te evalueer. Die studie is genoodsaak deur verwarring oor die vraag of die beginsels en praktyke van "voooroueraanbidding" met die Christelike geloof versoen kan word. Vol gens die studie blyk dit dat die gekose teks die vraag van "vooroueraanbidding" aanspreek, en wel as onversoenbaar met die wesensaard van die Christelike geloof. Sommige van die bronne waarna die tesis verwys, onderskryf hierdie standpunt, terwyl ander "vooroueraanbidding" verdedig en probleemloos op dieselfde vlak as die Christelike geloof akkommodeer. Die gevolg is dat sinkretisme ontstaan as 'n kornpromis tussen die twee perspektiewe, wat dit vir belydende Afrika-Christene moontlik maak om "vooroueraanbidding" te bedryf. 1 Korintiers 8:4-6 vonn die kemgesigspunt vanwaar die praktyk van "vooroueraanbidding" deur Afrika-Christene geevalueer word. In die gedeelte bespreek Paulus die vraag of Christene voedsel mag eet wat aan afgode gewy is. In die lig van sy bedoeling om 'n gees van liefde en eenheid in die gemeente aan te moedig, laat hy ruimte vir Christene se vryheid om afgodsvleis te eet, maar beveel aan dat dit ter wille van swakkeres in die geloofliefs gelaat moet word. Hoewel die liefdesbeginsel ruimte mag laat vir die akkommodering van "vooroueraanbidding", kom die tesis 11<'1 indringende bespreking tot die slotsom dat I Korintiers 8:4-6 dit as 'n opsie vir Christene uitsluit, "Vooroueraanbidding" word hier gedefinieer as afgodery, aangesien dit die offerande van vleis en ander kos aan voorouers en afgestorwenes insluit. Om enigsins 'n oplossing vir die probleem van "vooroueraanbidding" deur Afrika- Christene te vind, vra in die finale instansie dat kerke sal fokus op 'n verantwoorde interpretasie van die Bybel, wat sal kan aandui of sodanige geloofspraktyke 'n voortsetting van Bybelse perspektiewe is al dan nie.

The daughters of Zelophehad : a Nigerian perspective on inheritance of land by women according to Numbers 27:1-11

Ahiamadu, Amadi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Chapter one of this research and its hypothesis outlines the way in which land inheritance has been applied in past decades to the total exclusion of women. This study includes mainly the Ogba and Ekpeye and concentrates on areas where the Bible has been read for nearly 100 years without any appreciable impact on the cultural restrictions imposed on women with respect to the inheritance of land. Chapter two highlights the practices of land tenure in both the ancient Near East (ANE) and ancient Israel, with specific emphasis on the concepts of ahuzzah and nahalah, the role of the kinsman redeemer (goe/) in the redemption and retension of the family inheritance, and the importance of the dowry as a substitute for land inheritance. Chapter three looks at the social and religious status of women in the ANE and ancient Israel, and illustrates the importance of women as daughters or wives. The specific inheritance rights enjoyed by women in ANE societies are also mentioned. The inheritance rights of women in South-east Nigeria and the Niger Delta are covered in chapter four. The traditional system of land holding and the relationship between this system and the socio-economic status of women are disussed. Empirical evidence from the Niger Delta communities is given and a comparison made with other groups in Niqerie. The thesis proceeds to make a functionally equivalent translation of the Zelophehad narrative (Num. 27:1-11) with the understanding that such unique texts, if properly understood, could impact on the cultural perceptions of the people in terms of the inheritance rights of women. This contrasts with the more literal, second language translations which seem not to have had any significant impact on the communities so far. The final chapter makes an evaluation of the central hypothesis. Due to logistic difficulties, the application of the results of the research to the target communities may have to wait until funds are available to test the translation within the target communities. Such a test will have to be done over a period of time to determine its impact on the problem facing women with respect to inheritance rights. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoofstuk een van hierdie studie en hipotese fokus op die navorsingsvraag, naamlik die wyse waarop grondnalatenskap die afgelope dekades tot die algehele uitsluiting van vroue plaasgevind het. Die studie sluit hoofsaaklik die Ogba en Ekpeye in, en konsentreer op streke waar die Bybel die afgelope 100 jaar gelees is sonder enige noemenswaardige impak op die kulturele beperkings op vroue met betrekking tot die erf van grond. Hoofstuk twee bespreek die grondbesitpraktyke in beide die antieke Nabye Ooste (ANa) en antieke Israel. Spesifieke aandag word geskenk aan die konsepte van ahuzzah en nahalah, die rol van die bloedverwant losser (goel) in die aflos en behoud van die familie erfenis, en die belang van die bruidskat as substituut vir 'n nalatenskap van grond. Hoofstuk drie kyk na die sosiale en godsdienstige status van vroue in die ANa en antieke Israel, en illustreer die belangrikheid van vroue as dogters of getroudes in die gemeenskap. Die spesifieke erfregte wat vroue in die ANO geniet het, word ook genoem. Die erfreg van vroue in Suid-oos Niqerie en die Niger Delta word in hoofstuk vier gedek. Die tradisionele stelsel van grondbesit word bespreek, asook die verhouding tussen hierdie sisteem en die sosio-ekonomiese status van vroue. Empiriese bewyse uit die Niger Delta gemeenskappe word verskaf en 'n vergelyking getref met ander groepe in Niqerie. Die tesis maak 'n funksioneel gelykwaardige vertaling van die Selofgad-verhaal (Num. 27: 1-11), met die verstandhouding dat sulke unieke tekste, indien behoorlike verstaan, 'n impak kan he op kulturele waarnemings ten opsigte van die erfreg van vroue. Dit kontrasteer met die meer letterlike, tweedetaal vertalings wat tot dusver skynbaar geen noemenswaardige impak op die gemeenskappe gehad het nie. In die finale hoofstuk word die sentrale hipotese qeevalueer. Die toepassing van die resultate van die navorsing op die teikengemeenskappe sal, as gevolg van logistieke struikelblokke, moet wag tot fondse beskikbaar is om die vertaling op die teikengemeenskappe te toets. Sodanige toets sal oor "n tydperk moet strek ten einde die impak daarvan op die probleem wat vroue ervaar ten opsigte van erfreg vas te stel.

Authority and interpretation in the book of Jonah

Jardine, Graham Walter 02 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The issue addressed in this study and its hypothesis are outlined in chapter one, and concern the general problem of variety in theological interpretation of the Bible. Specifically, the research problem is identified with the existence of different readings of Jonah as Scripture, and the need for these readings to be authoritative. A secondary issue has to do with the role of author's intention in theological interpretation. The hypothesis of this study states that the existence of various models of Scriptural authority can account in part for the different ways that interpreters produce meaning in the text of Jonah, by appealing to the one aspect of the text which is thought to be authoritative. In chapter two the concept of scriptural authority is defined. The writings of theologians who have expressed authority in terms of models is compared and contrasted. A synthesis is attempted which aims at providing a definition of each model of authority with which to analyse the theological interpretations of select authors. In this chapter, the main focus is on the different ways that the Bible is regarded as authoritative in the church. Chapter three provides an analysis of three Jonah commentaries each written from the perspective of one of the models of authority. The specific way in which each author understands the meaning of Jonah is identified through a consideration of the exegetical arguments. The single aspect of the text which is taken to be decisive in the articulation of the understanding of the theological message is traced in the author's argument. The interpretation is then compared with the definition of the particular model assumed to be underlying the exegesis. The final chapter consists of an evaluation of the validity of the central hypothesis; some concluding remarks concerning the role of author's intention in authoritative interpretation; and an identification of areas for further research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: OUTORITEIT EN INTERPRETASIE IN DIE BOEK JONA Die probleemstelling en hipotese van hierdie studie kry in hoofstuk een aandag. Die probleem het te doen met die verskeidenheid teologiese interpretasies van die Bybel. Die spesifieke navorsingsprobleem word met die bestaan van verskillende verklarings in die boek Jona wat gelees is as die Heilige Skrif, geidentifiseer. 'n Sekondere saak het met die rol van die outeur se bedoeling in 'n teologiese interpretasie te doen. Die hipotese wat die studie rig, se dat die verskillende maniere hoe vertolkers die bedoeling uit die boek Jona kry, teruggevoer kan word na die bestaan van verskeie modelle van skriftuurlike outoriteit. Dit gebeur omdat 'n enkele aspek van die teks as outoriter behandel word. Die bepaling van skriftuurlike outoriteit word in hoofstuk twee behandel. Die resultate van teoloe wat outoriteit as modelle beskrywe het word vergelyk en teenoorgestel. Die modelle is saamgestel tot 'n definisie van elke model van outoriteit om die teologiese interpretasies van sekere outeurs te ontleed. Die hoofbrandpunt van hierdie hoofstuk is die verskillende maniere waarop die Bybel as outoriter in die Kerk verskyn. Hoofstuk drie bestaan uit 'n ontleding van drie kommentare van die boek Jona wat vanuit die perspektief van 'n spesifieke model beskou kan word. Die manier waarop elke outeur Jona verstaan word geidentifiseer deur 'n oorweging van die eksegetiese argumente. Die enkele aspek van die teks wat bepaal hoe die teologiese boodskap verstaan is, word vervolg in die argument van die outeur. Die definisie van die spesifieke model wat die outeur blykbaar aanvaar, word daarna vergelyk met die interpretasie. In die slothoofstuk word 'n evaluering van die geldigheid van die sentrale hipotese opgeneem; verskeie slotopmerkings betreffende die rol van die outeur se voornemens in gesaghebbende verklaring; en die identifisering van velde vir verdere ondersoek.

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