Spelling suggestions: "subject:"onderwys"" "subject:"inonderwys""
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Die opvoeding en onderwys van blindes in die RSA / Frederik Pieter GroenewaldGroenewald, Frederik Pieter January 1975 (has links)
The aim of this investigation was to review the position of the
formal and formative education of the blind in the RSA, to pay
particular attention to crucial problems and, by means of a
scientifically accountable interpretation and evaluation, to
arrive at meaningful recommendations in respect of a system of
education for blind pupils. As regards the situation in the RSA,
various methods were employed to obtain information. Visits were
paid to schools, questionnaires completed by school principals
and members of the staff, and interviews conducted with experts
in various fields. Questionnaires were also sent to schools for
the blind in certain overseas countries and an intensive literature study was undertaken.
Being blind implies particular limitations in comparison with the
seeing person. The blind person's exploration of his world is
hampered; he is deprived, to a certain extent, of his freedom as
a person and limitations are imposed on his potential of self-determination;
his fellow-man may deny his human dignity; his
opportunities and possibilities for self-actualization are restricted, and his future perspective is blurred. Certain educational directives arise from these implications of being blind.
These include the following: The necessity of differentiated
formal and formative education; the preparation of the blind
child for the reality of life among the seeing, but also acknowledgement of the blind person's potential and limitations;
the advancement of the mobility of the blind; the necessity of
the effective use of his remaining senses, and aid to the blind
child in respect of social integration, use of leisure, orientation with regard to the opposite sex, and his creative self-realization.
The NG Kerk has made a particular contribution towards the
establishment of education for the blind in the RSA. Education
for the blind has, in die main, remained centralized at the
School for the Blind at Worcester because the number of blind
pupils has never increased to such an extent to justify a fully
fledged second school for White blind children. Schools for the
visually handicapped (blind and partially sighted children) are
government-aided. The task of the church control bodies of these
schools is, strictly speaking, mainly of a advisory nature. The
fact that financial assistance for expansion, additional staff
and other educational services can be provided by the church control body offers the principals of these schools the opportunity
to display personal initiative in order to eliminate educational
As in the case of the RSA, there are indications that there is no
significant increase in the number of blind children in overseas
countries, although the percentage of multihandicapped blind children is increasing. Whereas mentally handicapped blind children
are in fact admitted to schools for the blind in the RSA, it is
the tendency in some overseas countries to provide for those children in separate schools or institutions.
Comparative studies have revealed that the young blind child generally takes longer to obtain a grip on reality, is slower to master language and develops at a tardier tempo at the motor and
social level than the normally sighted child. The presence of a
blind child in a family often impairs the parent-child relationship.
For this reason, parents have a need of assistance with regard
to the formal and formative education of their pre-school blind
children. In some overseas countries, such assistance takes the
form of visits to parental homes by teachers and social workers
as well as the establishment of parent clinics which are attended
by parents and their blind toddlers and nursery schools for blind
There are three factors basic to the uncertainty in respect of
the applicability of a numerical criterion as a yardstick for
admission to schools for the blind, viz: The possibility of a
faulty evaluation on the part of the ophthalmologist; the fact
that visually handicapped children sometimes use their remaining
vision in totally different ways, and the uncertainty with regard
to the determination of the progressiveness of the eye condition.
At some schools for the blind in overseas countries, the inflexible separation of braille candidates and the partially sighted
is eliminated by instructing border-line eases through the tactile as well as the visual medium.
School-going pupils may be divided into three categories, viz
pupils who are prepared for entry into sheltered workshops;
pupils who, after receiving vocational training at school, make
a direct entry into the open labour market and pupils who complete their secondary school careers successfully and continue
their training at tertiary level. This provides an indication
of the comprehensive nature of the School for the Blind at
As regards pre-prima~ blind children, they are provided for,
from the approximate age of five years, in a preparatory class
which offers a formative educational programme. The instruction
programme in this class includes, inter alia, number concepts,
religion, oral work, singing and music, elementary handwork and
the elementary principles of braille. The extramural programme
of these children is concentrated in particular on the promotion
of their orientation in respect of reality, socialization and
mobility. During the exploratory visits to schools for the blind,
it appeared that primary school teachers succeed in individualizing the instruction to a considerable extent, in ensuring the involvement of the blind child in the classroom activities and in
breaking through his wall of isolation. They are also capable of
integrating educational aids in an accountable manner and to give
priority to assisting the young blind child in his development towards independence. At the School for the Blind, remedial education is offered in Adjustment classes, whereas mentally retarded
blind pupils are transferred to Special classes.
Syllabuses and curricula offered in the secondary section of the
School for the Blind are basically similar to those at schools for
normally sighted pupils. Differentiation within the class context
occurs mainly by devoting individual attention to pupils, interclass grouping, variation in the rate of progress and the elimination of more difficult sections of the subject-matter for less
gifted pupils. The matriculation results of the School for the
Blind compare extremely favourable with those of schools for
normally sighted pupils.
It appears from the educational programme which is offered that
specific attempts are made to cope with the unique problems which
confront the education of the blind. There is differentiation
in respect of the various aspects of the educational programme.
These methods of differentiation refer to blind pupils among themselves as well as to blind pupils in contrast with normally
sighted pupils. By employing an adaptable approach, considerable
progress has already been made towards extending effectively the
educational programme for the blind in the light of the blind
pupil's needs and the demands of a seeing world.
As regards vocational training at the School for the Blind,
provision is made for various categories of blind children.
The most important problems which are experienced in this regard are the limited occupational opportunities existing for
the blind, which consequently hamper the extension of vocational training at the school. The nature of the vocational training of the blind in various overseas countries is largely
similar to that offered in this country. Unlike the practical
situation at the School for the Blind at Worcester, general
education still forms an integral part of vocational training
programmes at schools and training institutions for the blind
in England and Belguim, in particular.
A considerable number of the teaching staff at the School for
the Blind at Worcester do not possess the Diploma in Special
Education. This may be attributed to the fact that some teachers took the former internal course which the school itself
offered; that others were trained abroad; that some have had
so many years of teaching experience that further training is
not deemed necessary and that others are still engaged in the
course. In addition to the tertiary training of the staff,
particular attention is devoted to in-service training at
schools for the blind in the RSA.
The improvement in the course of time in the staff position
at schools for the blind in the RSA indicates that, with the
aid and co-operation of the responsible departments, much has
been achieved. However, the fact that certain class groups
have, of necessity, to be grouped together and that certain
posts are financed by church control bodies' would indicate
that problems regarding adequate teaching staff are constantly
being experienced. The comprehensive character of the School
for the Blind, in particular, renders liberal staffing essential.
The scope of psychological and guidance services at schools for
visually handicapped is impressive. Pedodiagnosis is undertaken
and individual assistance is provided in respect of pupils with
problems pertaining to the person structure; complete personal
profiles of pupils are drawn up; remedial instruction is given
on an individual basis; play therapy is applied and guidance
offered with regard to the choice of subjects, field of study
and occupation. However, problems are experienced in obtaining
suitable evaluation media.
Ophthalmic, optometric, medical, physiotherapeutic and speech
therapeutic services, on a full-time or part-time basis, are
available at schools for the visually handicapped in the RSA.
The increasing number of multihandicapped blind children demands that medical and paramedical services should be concentrated to a greater extent on the needs of these children.
The provision and use of educational aids which render possible
and facilitate learning through the tactile and auditive medium
are directly related to the degree of success achieved in the
teaching of the blind. The School for the Blind at Worcester
has a tape recording studio and a braille printing works. In
order to try and ensure that the blind child will arrive at
meaningful interpretation and the accurate forming of concepts,
use is made, inter alia, of true-to-life models which the child
can feel.
The hostel as an educational milieu has been established by the educational authorities but does not, as such, constitute a natural
educational environment. Justice can only be done to the task
of education in the hostel if the child accepts the authority of
the house parents, education by means of identification succeeds, house parents are required to assume responsibility for
educating only a fairly small group of children and one guards
against the real danger of isolating the blind child. The considerably distances between many parental homes and the School
for the Blind at Worcester cause some pupils to visit their
parents at home comparatively rarely and liaison between parents
and staff is also affected as a result.
Apart from the more formal educational, training and guidance
programmes which are offered, schools for the blind have a
particular responsibility in various other respects. Instruction in orientation and mobility, as well as in the mastery of
everyday household tasks, is provided at the School for the
Blind at Worcester. An important aim of the participation of
the blind in recreational and cultural activities is to promote
their social integration in the seeing community. Various
schools for the blind in overseas countries devote attention
to sex education. The formal sex and marriage guidance programme
which is offered at the Bartimeus Institute in Zeist (Nether=
lands) is regarded as successful and even parents of blind day
scholars have requested that their children be included in this
Fields of study in which blind school-leavers of the School for
the Blind continue their studies at tertiary training institutions
are the following: Theology, law, teaching, physiotherapy, social work and music. Students sometimes experience specific problems in obtaining textbooks in braille or on tape. Fields of
study in which some blind persons are studying at the tertiary
level in overseas countries but which have not, at this stage
been established as fields of study with occupational possibilities for the blind are nursing, programming, journalism and the
natural sciences.
In addition to the School for the Blind, there are various bodies
which concern themselves with the occupational placement of the
blind, as well as with after-care on behalf of blind persons who
pursue occupations. The major problem with regard to the occupational placement of the blind is the fact that occupational opportunities are limited which renders difficult an accountable occupational choice on the part of the blind person. Blind persons
in the United States of America enter a wider variety of occupations than in the case of any other country involved in the investigation. The exploration of accessible occupations for the
blind in the USA is based mainly on occupational analysis and various occupations are split up in such a way that blind persons
may be integrated productively.
In the light of the investigation, recommendations were made in
respect of the following aspects of the education for the blind
in the RSA:
1. The control of education for blind pupils.
2. Certain organizational aspects of the education for blind
3. Provision for the pre-school blind child.
4. Measures with reference to the admission of pupils to schools
for the blind.
5. Differentiation in various study courses with reference to
different categories of blind pupils.
6. The curricula with reference to various study courses and
school phases.
7. Grouping of pupils and, in particular, the combined instruction of blind and partially sighted pupils (border-line cases)
in the classroom.
8. Continued vocational training at schools for the blind and
the nature of the vocational training courses.
9. The training of teaching staff.
10. Staffing at schools for the blind.
11. Psychological and guidance services at schools for the blind.
12. The production of literature in braille and on tape and the
manufacture of other educational aids.
13. The integration of braille candidates in ophthalmic and optometric services and the provision of medical and paramedical
services with reference to multihandicapped blind children.
14. Measures regarding residential schools for the blind.
15. The expansion of the teaching of orientation and mobility to
blind children, use of leisure, the social integration of the
blind child, marriage and sex guidance to blind children, and
the creation of opportunities for blind children to realise
their creative potential.
16. Measures to promote the occupational placement of blind school-leavers.
17. The expansion of occupational opportunities for the blind.
These recommendations with regard to the formal and formative education of the blind in the RSA envisage the introduction of certain essential innovations, the eliminations of existing crucial
problems and the extension of differentiated education. / Proefskrif--PU vir CHO
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Die doel en taak van die Kliniekskool Loopspruit / Johannes Petrus van der WaltVan der Walt, Johannes Petrus January 1969 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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Die aandeel van die sentrale regering in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel vir blankes / Barend CronjéCronjé, Barend January 1973 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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Die Christelik-nasionale onderwysbeweging op Steynsburg, 1904- 1950 / Matthys Daniel van der VyverVan der Vyver, Matthys Daniel January 1958 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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'n Evaluering van die stelsel van voogdosente vir eerstejaarstudente aan die Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys / Jasper Christiaan Petrus Nicolaas VisserVisser, Jasper Christiaan Petrus Nicolaas January 1968 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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Die ontwerp van 'n studentediensdepartement aan tersiêre opvoedkundige instansies / Johannes Jacobus BarnardBarnard, Johannes Jacobus January 1986 (has links)
This research concerning the organisation of student-personnel services
in higher education brings to the reader a comprehensive -and contemporary
view of American, European and South-African conditions from which student-personnel
services have emerged. It acknowledges the factors which caused
guidance services to flourish as we 11 as the comprehensiveness of the
existing student-personnel services in the South-African context.
Student-personnel services evaluated in a scientific manner create the
possibility of determining the• effect of a particular personnel service
and allows decisions to be made as to changes in, or elimination of, the
service. The evaluation of existing services is necessary in order to
give some indication of the status of student-personnel work today. It
was intended that this empirical comparative study be restricted to consideration
of the organisational and administrative structures as well as
the services included in a student-personnel department. The methodology
of this study was to conduct a comprehensive literature survey. From
this information it was possible to compile a theoretical model for a
student-personnel department in South-Africa. This theoretical model
was evaluated empirically and it was for this purpose that a questionnaire
was drawn up and sent to the administrators of student-personnel departments.
Utilizing the information contained in their replies, a South-African
model for student-personnel services was constructed, which attempts to
provide guidance for the organisational and administrative structures,
services as well as an organisational development model. With the compilation of this model it was endeavoured to ensure that the student-personnel
service departments, will be of the greatest benefit to the student community
as well as to be flexible and adaptable with in the organisational structure
of higher educational institutions.
The most important finding of this study is that South-African literature
concerning student-personnel services is both limited and insignificant.
A clear indication by the respondents is that student-personnel services
contribute positively to the development of the student community. It
is important to acknowledge explicit1y that 70% of the respondents indicated
that the theoretical model satisfies the South-African requirement for
student-personnel services.
Owing to the deductions and limitations of this study it is recommended
that a follow-up study should be conducted. The objective should be a
theoretical implementation and evaluation of this model in South-African
higher educational institutions and to establish the validity of this
structure as a model for student-personnel services in South-Africa. / Skripsie (MBA)--PU vir CHO, 1987
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The rôle of government in tertiary education : the case of South Africa since 1945 / John DreijmanisDreijmanis, John January 1985 (has links)
Although the South African government plays an increasing role in tertiary
education, its involvement has not received the attention that it
deserves. The goals of tertiary education are multi-dimensional at the
individual and societal levels, but the guiding paradigm was viewing it
in relation to the manpower and socio-economic needs of the country.
This meant analysing how the government attempted to deal with these
needs, especially in certain key professions, such as engineering and
The following hypotheses were tested:
The prestige of the universities within the tertiary education system will
persist for a longer period than the economic rewards of its graduates
alone would justify.
The expansion from elite to mass tertiary education will lead to greater
dependence on government funding and increased need for control,
co-ordination, and national standards.
Governments will underinvest in technical education.
In "bad" economic times tertiary education enrolments will decline.
Continuing university prestige will cause the college of advanced technical
education (CATE) and technikon enrolments and diplomas and certificates
awarded to lag behind university degrees and diplomas.
In "bad" economic times CATE and technikon technical enrolments will
Fears of surpluses of university graduates, especially in the arts, on the
one hand and shortages of certain types of manpower on the other hand
will lead to government efforts to redress the balance.
There will be significant limitations on government efforts to create the
desired numbers and types of skilled manpower, for interventionism of
this sort will run counter to individual aspirations.
Tertiary education for all of the population groups since 1945 was covered.
Whilst there are some gaps in the available enrolment and expenditure
data, they do not invalidate the conclusions.
In a plural society with deep cleavages amongst the four main population
groups and lesser intra group cleavages, separate education systems
developed. All population groups value academic education very highly,
especially the blacks. The biases in favour of an academic education
are deep rooted and multi-faceted, going back to the colonial times.
Within the South African context, there are also political, socio-economic,
educational, and vocational factors reinforcing these biases.
Ever since the creation of the Union in 1910 there has been an ongoing
debate and controversy about the division of authority in education between
the central government and the provincial governments. This has
been especially the case with the colleges of education for the whites.
It Will soon end, however, when the central government will take them
over, as well as primary and secondary schools for the whites.
Black education was taken over from provincial governments in 1954 up
to the university level as part of the separate development policy. The
same was done in the case of coloured education in 1967, and by 1970
with Indian education. In 1960 the University College of Fort Hare was
taken over by the central government, and the University Colleges of
Zululand and North were also created in 1959 for specific ethnic groups.
Since then all of the non-white universities have experienced student
unrest, especially the black ones. The government policy had the unintended
consequence of contributing to their politicisation.
The administrative structure is a complex one. There is one education
ministry for each major population group, plus one dealing with general
education matters. An elaborate statutory advisory system of boards,
committees, and councils exists. There is, however, no body offering
advice to the government on tertiary education as a whole for any of the
population groups.
The current expenditures for universities from 1953 until 1985 were under
the Holloway formula, consisting of the basic subsidy, standard provision,
cost of living allowance, free income, and capital expenditure.
The new formula provides more emphasis upon outputs, with half of the
funds being made available in June and the other half in December.
Those in the natural sciences also receive somewhat more than those in
the human sciences.
University enrolments have grown much faster than the college of education,
CATE, and technikon enrolments. Thus, the first part of Hypothesis
1 was substantiated. One of the consequences of •this
phenomenal growth has been a significant failure rate, especially amongst
first-year university students. This great expansion of tertiary education
has led to greater dependence on government funding, as predicted
by Hypothesis 2. Hypothesis 3 also holds true, for there was underinvestment
in CATE and technikon education for a long time as opposed
to university education, although this is no longer true for the
non-whites. Hypotheses 4 and 6 lacked significant supporting evidence
and thus they were not confirmed. Tertiary education overall enrolments
are not normally economically determined to any marked degree. Hypothesis
5 was upheld, because CATE and technikon enrolments and
certificates and diplomas awarded as contrasted to university enrolments
and degrees and diplomas awarded have lagged behind total awards and
constitute a declining proportion. The last part of Hypothesis 1 is
confirmed; technicians earn almost as much as teachers and sometimes
even more than university graduates. Yet, they lack their prestige.
Human capital theory, beginning in the 1960s, provided the theoretical
justification for the great expansion of tertiary education. It maintained
that investment in education will yield rich dividends to the individuals
and to the economy in terms of higher growth. Since the early 1970s,
however, it has come under increasing criticism from social scientists.
Many maintained that there might be a declining positive correlation between
education enrolments and growth rates and even negative correlations.
Some even maintained that there are social limits to growth,
including in education.
Developing surpluses of university graduates abroad, continuing shortages
of engineers and technicians, and the rising number of secondary
school graduates, most of them with an academic education, led to government
concern and the creation of the De Lange Commission. The
government tried to redress the balance between university graduates in
general and the shortages of technical and teaching personnel in particular.
The De Lange Commission maintained that education must be linked
to the manpower and economic development needs of the country. Earlier
government commissions addressed the problems of technical and teaching
personnel shortages. Many of their recommendations were implemented,
but shortages of technical personnel have remained. Hypothesis 7 was
thus confirmed.
The government has tried to pursue the goals of manpower and economic
development needs of the country, but as hypothesised (Hypothesis 8)
it has run into difficulties because its goals run counter to individual
aspirations. Many students pursue tertiary education for purely
utilitarian or socio-economic reasons. There is also a minority which
desires it for self-development or the advancement of knowledge regardless
of the economic consequences. Moreover, the prestige of university
education creates a strong social demand for it.
Supply and demand projections for engineers and technicians indicate
continuing shortages in the short- range at least. As far as the teachers
are concerned, there will be enough white, coloured, and Indian ones,
perhaps even some surpluses in the medium-range. In the case of the
blacks, shortages will remain.
The number of non-white university students by 1990 might equal white
university students. The white population alone is no longer able to
provide sufficient numbers of high level manpower. In the short-range
the demand for university graduates looks good, but this does not mean
that there will be no problems in the long-range. Unemployment of
university graduates has been low, but underemployment, especially in
the arts, has been far more significant. There will be increasing numbers
of underemployed university graduates, with the potential for political
discontent amongst highly educated and frustrated people, especially the
Possible solutions to engineer and technician shortages include the
granting of degrees by technikons, validation of technikon courses, and
the awarding of degrees by an external authority. In the case of
teachers, increasing their renumeration and the merging of the colleges
of education with the university faculties of education would result in
increasing their prestige and attracting more men to the profession.
As far as unemployment and underemployment of university graduates
are concerned, the solution lies in relating individual actions to societal
needs. Incentives or disincentives of one sort or another appear to be
necessary, such as differentiated fee structures and the limiting of
enrolments in those disciplines which produce labour market surpluses.
The government could also provide employment for unemployed university
graduates and encourage the private sector to do the same. All of these
solutions have disadvantages as well as advantages, but in the long run
they have the potential of avoiding even more serious consequences. / Proefskrif (DPhil)--PU vir CHO, 1986
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'n Vergelykende studie van die prestasies van standerd IV- en V-leerlinge in die drie instrumentele vakke : lees, skryf en rekene / Louis Jacobus NelNel, Louis Jacobus January 1951 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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Die benutting van fisiese fasiliteite aan 'n spesiale skool / Phillip George TophamTopham, Phillip George January 1988 (has links)
This study focuses on the mentally disabled pupil who receives
his education in a special school.
The mentally disabled pupil makes unique demands on the school.
To facilitate this type of education a particular curriculum and
suitable physical facilities have to be provided.
For the physical facilities to be up to educational standards,
the use of such facilities will have to be in accordance with
the aims of the special school. The educational use of said
physical facilities at a special school can be instrumental in
the eradication of the handicap a pupil at the special
school experiences.
It is the responsibility of the headmaster of such a school
to see to it that the physical facilities are used in such a
way so that the aims of the school are realize. To ensure
that the facilities are used optimally, the headmaster must
set a criteria which is unique to the special school.
The physical facilities of a special school for mentally
disabled pupils, being a part of reality, functions by
means of the structural moments of reality. The criteria
regarding the use of the physical facilities at a special school
is formulated in terms of the modalities of reality in which
the school functions. / Skripsie (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1988
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Die rooster in Transvaalse laerskole in die 20ste eeu / Jacob Daniël de VilliersDe Villiers, Jacob Daniël January 1959 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO
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