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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plateforme extensible de modélisation et de construction d’applications web correctes et évolutives, avec hypothèse de variabilité / Towards an extensible framework for modelling and implementing correct and evolutive web applications, under variability hypothesis

Sferruzza, David 13 September 2018 (has links)
De nombreuses sociétés œuvrant dans le logiciel dépendent des technologies web pour tester des hypothèses de marché et ainsi développer des entreprises viables. Elles ont souvent besoin de construire rapidement des services web qui sont au cœur de leurs « Minimum Viable Products » (MVP). Dans ce contexte, la construction des services web doit permettre la variabilité des technologies et des spécifications, et favoriser la productivité des développeurs. Même si de nombreuses solutions existent pour développer des services web, le contexte industriel manque de techniques assurant une construction aisée et flexible, un bon fonctionnement et une facilité de maintenance des services web, tout en étant abordables par des développeurs généralistes.Dans le but de réduire ces limitations, nous proposons une méthode de développement de services web basée sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles et adaptée pour (i) le prototypage rapide, (ii) la vérification de modèle, (iii) la compatibilité avec les langages de programmation classiques et (iv) l'alignement automatique entre documentation et implémentation. Cette méthode se base sur un méta-modèle volontairement minimaliste, qui est accompagné de règles de cohérence sémantique, et dont les modèles peuvent être dérivés de modèles OpenAPI 3.0 étendus.Nous fournissons également un outil, SWSG, qui automatise une grande partie de ce processus. SWSG permet notamment de générer le code des services web de manière à l'intégrer à une application utilisant le framework PHP Laravel. Enfin, nous évaluons notre approche au travers de cas d'étude. / Lots of software companies rely on web technologies to test market hypotheses and thereby develop viable businesses. They often need to be able to quickly build web services that are at the core of their "Minimum Viable Products" (MVP). In this context, building web services must allow the variability of technologies and specifications and improve developers' efficiency. Even if numerous approaches to build web services exist, the industrial context lacks methods that ensure an easy and flexible building, a proper functioning and a good maintainability of the web services, while being accessible by generalist developers.For the purpose of reducing these limitations, we propose a method based on Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) to develop web services. It focuses on (i) rapid prototyping, (ii) model verification, (iii) compatibility with common programming languages and (iv) alignment between documentation and implementation. This method is based on a voluntarily minimalist meta-model, along with rules for semantic consistency. Models can be derived from extended OpenAPI 3.0 models. We also provide a tool, SWSG, that automatize parts of this process. Especially, SWSG allows to generate code in order to integrate the described web services inside an application made with the Laravel PHP framework. Finally, the whole approach is evaluated through case studies.

En jämförande studie mellan Swagger och GraphQL : Det medicinska CE-märkets implikationer på backend

Junttila, Sam January 2018 (has links)
Max Gordon is a researcher at the Karolinska Institute who works with developing a deep learning algorithm for interpreting orthopedic X-ray images. It is using radiologist’s reports in order to deduce labels that are of interest such as presence of fracture, osteoarthritis and other features. The previous image viewer’s interface Swagger had issues in terms of managing the stored data. This could potentially be solved by switching to GraphQL according to Max Gordon. On request by Max Gordon studies were conducted in order to conclude if Swagger or GraphQL was more compatible with the medical CE-marking and which was more suited for expanding the system. The studies mainly consisted of measuring interpretability at different target groups and how they faced Swedish law when it came down to handling personal data. Based on the qualitative and quantitative studies, the conclusion was drawn that Swagger was more compatible with the medical CE-marking and expansion of the image viewer. / Max Gordon är en forskare på Karolinska Institutet som arbetar med att utveckla en algoritm och tillämpning vilket kan tolka röntgenbilder. Denna används tillsammans med rapporter från radiologer för att kunna utreda röntgenbilders egenskaper. Den föregående bildvisarens gränssnittsspecifikation Swagger hade problem med att hantera den lagrade datan, detta kunde potentiellt lösas genom att använda GraphQL, enligt Max Gordon. På begäran av Max Gordon skulle kompabiliteten mellan GraphQL och CE-märket utredas. För att kunna dra slutsatsen om GraphQL eller Swagger var mest lämplig för CE-märket och vilken var mest anpassad för vidareutveckling av bildvisaren i framtiden. Detta genom att jämföra resultatet av fallstudier på Swagger och GraphQL som huvudsakligen undersökte hur god språkens tolkbarhet var hos olika målgrupper, samt hur hanteringen av persondata förhåller sig till den svenska lagstiftningen. Baserat på de kvantitativa samt kvalitativa undersökningarna ansågs Swagger mest kompatibelt med CE-märkets krav och vidareutveckling av bildvisaren.

Generování aplikací v TypeScriptu z popisu REST rozhraní / TypeScript Application Generation from REST API Descriptions

Lipjanec, Silvester January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a tool for generating parts of client applications in TypeScript language from the description of a REST interface. The goal of the tool is an automatic generation of an application skeleton which uses the Angular framework including data structures and services enabling access to server endpoints. The thesis describes the interfaces based on the REST architectural style, as well as the technologies used for their description. The tool was implemented in TypeScript language and uses the Node.js runtime. The output file generation is based on the Mustache.js template system. The result is a tool which allows the generation of source code based on the provided WADL or OpenAPI interface description, which can be simply used as a part of an Angular application.

Převod UML diagramů mezi Visual Paradigm a textovými formáty / UML Diagrams Conversion between Visual Paradigm and Text-Based Formats

Ondrák, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with possibilities of modifying and extending functionality of Visual Paradigm with plug-ins as well as the study of tools for creating UML diagrams. The primary goal of this thesis is to describe graphical tools and simultaneously, the less known variants of creating UML diagrams. Those are tools that process text UML formats. Special attention is given to text tool PlantUML and to the graphical tool Visual Paradigm. Furthermore, the thesis deals with use of the Visual Paradigm open interface for programmers to create plug-ins. The main output is an implemented plug-in that allows you to convert UML diagrams between Visual Paradigm and text format PlantUML, which was published as open source software. Grammar for the PlantUML language have also been created for this plug-in.

Fuzz testování REST API / Fuzz Testing of REST API

Segedy, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
Táto práca sa zaoberá fuzz testovaním REST API. Po prezentovaní prehľadu techník používaných pri fuzz testovaní a posúdení aktuálnych nástrojov a výskumu zameraného na REST API fuzz testovanie, sme pristúpili k návrhu a implementácii nášho REST API fuzzeru. Základom nášho riešenia je odvodzovanie závislostí z OpenAPI formátu popisu REST API, umožňujúce stavové testovanie aplikácie. Náš fuzzer minimalizuje počet po sebe nasledujúcich 404 odpovedí od aplikácie a testuje aplikáciu viac do hĺbky. Problém prehľadávania dostupných stavov aplikácie je riešený pomocou usporiadania závislostí tak, aby sa maximalizovala pravdepodobnosť získania potrebných vstupných dát pre povinné parametre, v kombinácii s rozhodovaním, ktoré povinné parametre môžu využívať aj náhodne generované hodnoty. Implementácia je rozšírením Schemathesis projektu, ktorý generuje vstupy za pomoci Hypothesis knižnice. Implementovaný fuzzer je použitý na testovanie Red Hat Insights aplikácie, kde našiel 32 chýb, z čoho jednu chybu je možné reprodukovať len za pomoci stavového testovania.

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