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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skapa öppenhet i erfarenhetsregistrering vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB / Creating Transparency in Operating Experience at Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB

Abuzohri, Ahmed, Dizdarevic, Zlatko January 2012 (has links)
Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete som utfördes på Forsmarks kärnkraftverk åt FTQ-avdelningen. FTQ-avdelning på Forsmark ansvarar för erfarenhetsåterföringens ärenden på anläggningen och försörjer organisationen med nya infallsvinklar gällande erfarenhetsåterföringstekniken. För cirka 10 år kom Forsmarks kraftgrupp AB till insikt att det fanns ett behov av att införa en aktiv erfarenhetsåterföringsprocess för att undvika upprepade misstag. Detta resulterade i att en ny avdelning skapades år 2008 med namnet FTQ. Denna avdelning skapade en databas med namnet ERFKA där man började samla in och lagra erfarenhetsåterföringsärenden. Dessutom innehåller ERFKA ett presentationsverktyg som möjliggör för personalen på FTQ-avdelningen att få fram grafisk statistik på allt som finns i databasen, som t.ex. statistik på tillbud, olyckor, månadsrapporter, rapporter mm. ERFKA-systemet uppfyller sitt syfte i detta sammanhang, men är på grund av sekretesskäl endast tillgänglig för ett tiotal personer. Det resulterar i att FTQ-avdelningen kontaktas för att ta fram informationen åt andra på anläggningen vilket både är tidskrävande och krångligt i en stor organisation som Forsmark. Examensjobbet mål var att skapa öppenhet i ERFKA-systemet. Genom att använda befintliga IT- verktyg utöver ERFKA ska informationen i ERFKA göras tillgänglig för alla på Forsmark. Examensarbetet består av två delar. Den ena består av framtagning och bearbetning av information från användare av ERFKA och den andra av framtagande av lösningförslag. I första delen utfördes intervjuer för att kartlägga vilken information som ska göras tillgänglig för personalen. Intervjuer hölls med de personer som var mest insatta i erfarenhetsåterföringsförbättringen och därmed var projektets främsta intressenter. I den andra delen togs det fram en kopplingsmodell för att presentera informationen från ERFKA på Forsmarks interna webbplats "Canalen". På grund av begränsad åtkomst till ERFKA för samtaliga anställda blev lösningen att flytta informationen från ERFKA till ett redan beprövat grafritandestatistikprogram med namnet Bi-Cycle. Detta program är tillgänglig för alla i organisationen, enligt bestämda specifikationer. Under projektets gång skapades ett schema på en möjlig kopplingsmodell där alla steg i kommunikationen visas tydligt. Modellen inkluderar allt från Canalen och grafer i Bi-Cycle till den slutgiltiga rapporten och några möjliga kopplingsmodeller mellan ERFKA och Bi-Cycle / This project is a thesis work conducted at the Forsmark nuclear power plant at the FTQ department. The FTQ department at Forsmark is responsible for the experience feedback cases in the facility and supplying the organization with new insights regarding experience feedback techniques. About 10 years ago Forsmark Power Group Ltd realized the need to introduce an active experience feedback process to avoid repeating mistakes. This resulted in a creation of a new department in 2008 with the name of FTQ. Later, the FTQ department created a system with a database named ERFKA where all experience feedback cases have been collected and stored. In addition to the ERFKA database, the system contains a presentation tool that enables data in the database to be presented graphically at the FTQ department, such as statistics on incidents, accidents, monthly reports, reports and more. The ERFKA-system fulfills its purpose in this context but for safety reasons it is only available for approximately 15 people. It results in that FTQ department always needs to be contacted to develop information to others in the facility which is time-consuming and complicated in a big organization like Forsmark. The thesis project was focused in creating openness in the ERFKA-system with regard to safety aspects in the facility. By simply making the information in ERFKA available for everyone at Forsmark, without having to contact the FTQ department, and simultaneously use the tools that already are available on the power plant was this project carried out. The first part was accomplished by interviews in an attempt to specify the information types that were desired to be available. In pursuit of this information, we interviewed those people who were most familiar with the experience feedback improvement and could have most influence on the results. The second part was carried out through developing an acceptable proposed solution for a connection model to present information on the Forsmark intranet “Canalen” using those available tools. Due to the security limits in the facility, just few administrators can access the ERFKA. Therefore, the solution has been formed to transfer information from ERFKA to an already proven statistics and graph generating program called Bi-Cycle, which is available for all employees in the organization. During the project, a diagram of a possible link model has been created where all parts of the communication are clearly displayed. The model includes every detailed section beginning with Canalen, graphs in Bi-Cycle and ending with the final report.

Critical Success Factors: an Analysis of some factors at a Nuclear Power utility in South Africa

Galetta, Wilhelmina 26 January 2022 (has links)
Background: Over the years literature mainly focussed on time, cost and quality, also known as the triple constraint or ‘iron triangle', as the main factors to be considered as important for project success. Since then, many other factors were considered by various authors with the most cited being the work of Pinto and Slevin in 1988 who produced the Project Implementation Profile (PIP) which expanded on the triple constraint and listed ten Critical Success Factors (CSF) to be considered toward project success. The indication was that the success of projects can be improved if these factors were considered across the lifecycle of the project and they can be tailor-made to be specific to a particular industry. With this in mind, this research study has been conducted at a nuclear power plant (NPP) and it explores the applicability of the CSFs of the PIP towards nuclear project success. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis/dissertation was to gain and understanding from various stakeholders of what constitutes CSFs for projects undertaken at a NPP in South Africa; testing if those listed in the PIP would suffice or if additional factors need to be included specifically for nuclear projects. Research objectives: The research study considered the following research objectives: Understanding which CSFs of the PIP were important for nuclear projects and evaluate which of them are perceived by various stakeholders to be important to nuclear project success. Thereafter some CSFs of the PIP were analysed towards identifying if there were factors not included in the PIP but that were pertinent to nuclear project success. Research design and methodology: A mixed methods approach was adopted to this research. An interpretive case-study was conducted post event to understand phenomena through the participants' interpretation of their context. The case-study methodology was chosen and data collected using multiple data sources such as interviews with project managers who had successfully implemented projects and some system engineers who had conducted effectiveness reviews on such projects, gleaning the database of completed projects as well as Operating Experience (OE) / lessons learnt at Koeberg Nuclear Power Station (KNPS). This was done to determine the common factors that led to the analysed projects' individual success. Multiple cases at KNPS and the factors considered for nuclear project success, outside of the CSFs of the PIP were used to conduct the research. The design methodology used towards getting to the CSF framework for nuclear projects was informed by factors considered by the World Organisation of Nuclear Operators (WANO), Institute for Nuclear Plant Operators (INPO) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), all organisations that are key role players in the nuclear field. This paper utilised tools and techniques to demonstrate how a framework for determining nuclear project success can be adopted. Research findings: The results revealed that while CSFs were generally understood but not known in the PIP format. Furthermore, in order for the CSFs to be applicable to nuclear project success, additional factors that are pertinent to nuclear projects needed to be included and a specific framework developed accordingly. Research Limitations: The research study focused on projects within the nuclear project management department (NPM), in order to simplify the data collection process. Strategic information that was deemed as sensitive or confidential could not be revealed explicitly during the course of data gathering and therefore inferences had to be made. Another limitation was the timing of the distribution which took place during an outage, yielding a low response rate during the allotted time compelling the Researcher to extend the time period for data collection. Finally, the uneven distribution of responses in the various phases of the nuclear project lifecycle posed a challenge with the Execution Phase being the dominating phase. This uneven distribution of results meant that the overall findings would be governed by the Execution Phase. This had an implication on the generalisability of the results. Furthermore, with the respondents' ratings of the CSF being subjective; this may have had an impact on the accuracy of results. Originality: The CSF framework for nuclear project success, when applied can provide valuable pointers for Koeberg and the nuclear industry when implementing nuclear projects for success. Practical implication: This information can be shared across NPM and related departments who form part of the nuclear project lifecycle. The information and lessons learned can also be shared in the nuclear industry by way of OE. The paper will benefit other NPP operators in applying the CSFs that are introduced in the framework to nuclear projects and provide them with the ability to monitor and control nuclear project success at each phase of the nuclear project lifecycle towards ensuring nuclear project success. The framework will allow the project manager and project team to identify, analyse, respond and monitor and control CSFs that project participants should plan for to ensure nuclear project success so as not to negatively impact the plant and the business at large with dire consequences that are introduced by project failure.

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