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Origine, sviluppo e diffusione di una divinità iranica: Vərəθraγna. Lavoro storico-filologico con edizione criticaRiminucci, Chiara <1975> 01 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Bogomilismo e dualismo iranico. Il "neomanicheismo"Detkova, Irina <1969> 08 July 2009 (has links)
L’idea che il bogomilismo sia “in una qualche maniera” da riconnettere al manicheismo è di per sè molto antica. Fin da quando giunsero le prime voci su questa nuova eresia che si era diffusa in terra bulgara, i bogomili vennero etichettati come manichei. Non necessariamente però chi è più vicino ad un fenomeno, sia nello spazio sia nel tempo, vede meglio i suoi contorni, le sue implicazioni e la sua essenza. Altri campi di studio ci insegnano che la natura umana tende a inquadrare ciò che non è noto all’interno degli schemi del “già conosciuto”: è così che spesso nomi di popoli si fissano al territorio divenendo concetti geografici anche quando i popoli cambiano; non a caso tutta la regione che si estendeva ad est della Germania veniva definita Sarmazia ed i numerosi popoli che si muovevano al seguito ed agli ordini del gran qan venivano chiamati Tartari; analogamente in semantica possiamo assistere al posizionamento di etichette consolidate e particolari su “oggetti” che ne condividono tratti pur essendo sotto molti aspetti del tutto estranei a quella che si potrebbe definire la matrice: il terrorista islamico che si fa esplodere viene chiamato sui giornali kamikaze e non casualmente lo tsunami porta questo nome: l’onda anomala che può sconvolgere coste distanti migliaia di chilometri dall’epicentro di un terremoto sottomarino ricorda la più familiare onda di porto.
Se il continuo riconnettere il bogomilismo al manicheismo delle fonti antiche rappresenta un indizio, ma non necessariamente una prova di certa connessione, la situazione si è notevolmente complicata nel corso del XX secolo. Dobbiamo al principe Obolensky l’introduzione del termine neomanicheismo per indicare le eresie di carattere dualistico sviluppatesi dal X secolo in avanti sul territorio europeo con particolare riferimento al bogomilismo. Il termine dal 1948 in avanti è stato ripetutamente utilizzato più o meno a proposito in svariati lavori a volte pubblicati in sedi editoriali d’eccellenza apparsi in Europa occidentale e nell’est europeo. Il problema principale resta definire il valore da attribuire al termine “neomanicheismo”: indica un forte dualismo religioso in generale, ben diffuso e studiato da tempo ad esempio nei lavori del Bianchi dedicati ai popoli siberiani e mongoli, oppure presuppone una reale catena di connessioni che ci conducono fino al manicheismo vero e proprio? A fronte di chi sostiene che il bogomilismo, così come l’eresia catara, può essere spiegato semplicemente come fenomeno interno al cristianesimo sulla base di un’interpretazione contrastante da quella ufficiale dei testi sacri vi è chi ritiene che sia stato un contatto diretto con gli ambienti manichei a generare le caratteristiche proprie del bogomilismo. Da qui nasce la parte più affascinante della ricerca che porta all’individuazione di possibili contatti attraverso gli spostamenti delle popolazioni, alla circolazione delle idee all’interno di quello che fu il commonwealth bizantino ed all’individuazione di quanto sia rimasto di tutto ciò all’interno della dottrina bogomila.
Il lavoro è suddiviso in tre capitoli, preceduti dalla bibliografia e seguiti da un indice analitico dei nomi di persona e luogo. Il primo capitolo prende in esame le fonti sul bogomilismo, il tempo ed il luogo in cui si è manifestato e la sua evoluzione. Il secondo analizza la dottrina bogomila, i suoi possibili contatti con le dottrine iraniche ed i possibili canali di trasmissione delle idee. Il terzo capitolo è costituito da una serie di racconti popoloari bulgari di matrice dualistica e da testi antico slavi usati dai bogomili. La maggior parte di questi testi viene presentata per la prima volta qui in traduzione italiana.
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Archeologia e storia del Fayyum durante il Nuovo RegnoGasperini, Valentina <1981> 02 July 2010 (has links)
La presente ricerca prende in esame le dinamiche archeologiche e storiche della regione egiziana del Fayyum durante il Nuovo Regno (1552 – 1069 a.C.). L’elaborato è suddiviso in quattro parti: la prima analizza tutti i contesti archeologici che hanno restituito materiale databile al Bronzo Tardo, la seconda riguarda, invece, la catalogazione di tutti i documenti iscritti provenienti dalla regione e databili al medesimo periodo. La terza parte rappresenta la sintesi dei dati acquisiti nelle due precedenti sezioni e descrive il divenire storico regionale tra XVIII, XIX e XX dinastia, mentre la quarta parte, un’appendice prosopografica, chiude l’intero studio.
I contesti archeologici fayyumici che hanno restituito materiale databile al Bronzo Tardo sono solamente sette: Gurob, el-Lahun, Haraga, Hawara, Medinet Madi, Shedet e Tebtynis. La distribuzione della documentazione tende a concentrarsi, dal punto di vista territoriale nell’area d’ingresso della regione, mentre dal punto di vista cronologico sono molto ben attestate la seconda metà dell’epoca thutmoside, l’età amarniana e la prima parte dell’epoca ramesside.
Per quanto la documentazione regionale pertinente al Nuovo Regno sia estremamente rarefatta, soprattutto se paragonata a quella contestualizzabile cronologicamente ad altri periodi storici, un’attenta analisi delle testimonianze porta a collocare il Fayyum in una fitta trama di rapporti politici, economici e militari non solo con il resto del Paese ma anche con altre aree geografiche, esterne all’Egitto. / This research deals with the archaeology and history of the Fayyum region during the New Kingdom. The purpose of this study is, above all, to outline all the main archaeological characteristics of this region during the Late Bronze Age. The first part of the dissertation regards the funerary areas of the Fayyum, with a particular attention to the necropolis of Gurob, el-Lahun, Hawara and Harageh, not only in relation to their topographical and architectural aspects but also in connection to the material cultures which were attested there. Moreover, this analysis deals with the Near Eastern pottery, found in great quantity in the region and probably in relation with the role of Fayyum as a connecting area for the caravan road from the Valley to the Western Desert.
The second level of analysis is the study of the region’s urbanism in the same period, with particular attention to the main town of the area, Gurob, and his most important architectural expressions: the royal harem built there by Thutmosis III, the “Fort” (probably a defensive building dated to the very beginning of the XVIIIth dynasty) and the temple for the worshipping of Thutmosis III himself.
In a second moment I underlined the urban characteristics of the other archaeological sites of the area surely attested during the New Kingdom: Kahun, Harageh and Shedet.
I studied also all the papyri coming from the Fayyum or related to this region, dated from the very beginning of the XVIIIth dynasty to the end of the XXth, in order to have a complete prospective of the area during this period.
A full database for all the inscribed New Kingdom objects found in the area represents the second part of the present work.
The third part of this dissertation is completely dedicated to the analysis of Fayyum’s historical events during the same period, whereas the fourth part contains the prosopography of male and female persons attested in the region during the New Kingdom.
The purpose of this research is, in particular, to underline the consensus to the royal power in the area. In fact, the Fayyum is usually considered as an unimportant area during Egypt’s Empire Period, in particular if compared with its significant role during the Middle Kingdom. This can be considered just partly true: indeed, during particular moments of the New Kingdom (Thutmoside Period, Amarna Age, and at the beginning of Ramesside Period) the region was strictly linked to the court, as it is attested by the great number of royal objects which were found in the different archaeological contexts. It is possible to underline the will of the Royal Family to create a strong relation with this area because of political, economical and military reasons.
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CAMINOS ANTIGUOS DEL NUEVO MUNDO Bolivia - Sudamérica, Siglos XIV - XVII, através de fuentes arqueológicas y etnohistóricasAviles Loayza, Sonia Victoria <1970> 11 June 2010 (has links)
La tesis "CAMINOS ANTIGUOS DEL NUEVO MUNDO Bolivia - Sudamerica, Siglos XV - XVII, através de fuentes arqueológicas y etnohistóricas", expone una compleja red vial en el territorio hoy conocido como Bolivia: corazón de Sudamérica (llamado así por su posición central en el subcontinente. Es el primer estudio arqueológico-histórico sobre el transporte en Bolivia, un vasto territorio, conocido por los Inkas (Siglo XIII) como Antisuyu y Collasuyu, una tierra desconocida, inexplorada, montañosa y selvática, poblada por diversas culturas, que habían desarrollado un sistema de tráfico fluvio-terrestre, que les permitiera recorrer tan extenso y contrastado territorio entre Andes y Amazonía.
Los españoles le llamaban Alto Perú hacia el 1538, creando en 1559 la Real Audiencia de Charcas principal institución del Alto Perú, que pertenecía al Virreinato del Perú hasta 1776, año en el que se crea el Virreinato del Río de La Plata y el Alto Perú pasa a ser parte de este último.
El Alto Perú se independiza de la Corona española en 1826, creándose la República de Bolivia.
Sobre la base del primer mapa de Bolivia de 1859, en el que se hace un primer levantamiento de las redes camineras y la complementación con mapas más antiguos del Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla, se desarrolla el presente estudio, complementado con trabajos arqueológicos en la región e investigaciones en los Archivos Históricos de La Paz, Tarija, Santa Cruz y Buenos Aires que contienen manuscritos coloniales inéditos anexados en la presente tesis .
El estudio es un aporte importante en el estableciemiento del Qapacñan o Caminos reales y sagrados de los Inkas, por cuanto Bolivia siendo un territorio central en Sudamérica fue un enclave cultural no solo en el periodo inka sino también pre inka.
El estudio apunta a conocer la real dimensión del periodo prehistórico inka y pre inka en la región, en cuanto la mayoría de las vías actuales o modernas, se encuentran sobre un trazado antiguo cuyos restos conservan aún la construcción formal de la ingenieria inka o pre inka.
Las fuentes etnohistóricas que complementan la investigación corresponden principalmente a los siglos XV a XVII e información arqueológica concerniente al Periodo Inka (siglos XIV – XV aprox.).
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Mastering the reactivity of gold (i) carbenesLópez Carrillo, Verónica 03 December 2010 (has links)
Esta tesis doctoral se ha centrado en el estudio experimental de la ciclación catalizada por oro de 1,5-eninos con un grupo electroatractor en la posición alílica que permite obtener selectivamente 1,4-dienos o biciclo[3.1.0]hexenes modulando la electrofilia del catalizador. Mecanísticamente es una ciclación 5-endo-dig en la que se forma un ciclopropil carbeno de Au como intermedio, que a su vez puede reaccionar in situ con nucleófilos como H2O, ROH, aldehídos ó nucleófilos carbonados. También se estudió la adición de nucleófilos carbonados a los intermedios en la migración 1,2 y 1,3 de carboxilatos propargílicos catalizada por Au(I). Por otro se ha demostrado que la reacción intermolecular entre alquenos y alquinos catalizada por Au(I) es factible si se utilizan ligandos voluminosos de modo que el oro se coordine selectivamente al alquino. Es una reacción muy general y limpia que abre camino al desarrollo de nuevos procesos intermoleculares catalizados por oro. In this work, we have studied the gold(I)-catalyzed cyclization of 1,5-enynes bearing an electron-withdrawing group at the allylic position that allows to control its reactivity: 1,4-dienes or bicycle[3.1.0]hexenes can be obtained by tuning the electrophilicity of the gold catalyst. The proposed mechanism begins by 5-endo-dig cyclization to form gold(I) cyclopropyl intermediates that can be trapped in situ with nucleophiles like H2O, ROH, aldehydes or carbon nucleophiles (electron rich arenes and 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds). The addition of carbon nucleophiles to the intermediates of 1,2- and 1,3-rearrangement of propargyl carboxilates catalyzed by gold(I) has been also studied in this work. We also have shown that the intermolecular reaction between allenes and alkynes is feasible using gold(I) complexes with bulky ligands that selectively activate alkynes in the presence of alkenes, which opens opportunities for the development of new gold-catalyzed intermolecular processes.
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A study of an inventory system for control of perishable toolsJacobs, Harold Walter 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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An analysis and evaluation of industrial maintenance spare parts storesrooms and their relationship to inventory controlMorris, George Wendell 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Impedance based fault location in power distribution systemsJia, Ke January 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents an investigation into impedance based fault location methods which directly use the fault transient as an excitation source to provide fast and accurate fault locations in small distribution systems such as the modem marine and aircraft power systems which have Integrated Power System (IPS) configuration. Fast and accurate fault location on un-exposed power distribution lines is of vital importance to expedite service restoration and improving the reliability of the power system. Two fault location algorithms are developed: the single-ended method and the double-ended method. The singled-ended algorithm which captures current and voltage waveforms from one end of the distribution cable estimates the fault locations using an iteration calculation. The double-ended method has a simple algorithm and is robust to different fault situations but requires additional data measured from the remote end of the cable. Both simulation and experimental tests have been done and the results are good enough to validate that the developed methods can locate fault positions using a 12ms window and otter an accuracy of within 1m in the proposed distribution system. The advantages and disadvantages of the proposed fault location methods are investigated under different fault situations. The possibility of employing the two methods in protection of faults in a marine power system is demonstrated. Due to the special characteristics of the marine power system, an active method which simply involves adding an IGBT switch is proposed for the earth fault protection.
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La scuola di Gundēšābūr. La conoscenza del corpo umano (anatomia e fisiologia) e la trasmissione delle teorie medico-scientifiche nel mondo sasanide e post-sasanide. / The Gundēšābūr school. The knowledge of the human body (Anatomy and Physiology) and the transmission of medical-scientific theories in Sasanian and post-Sasanian Times.Delaini, Paolo <1966> 05 July 2012 (has links)
Questo lavoro traccia un quadro della diffusione e trasmissione delle conoscenze riguardanti l’anatomia e la fisiologia del corpo umano nel mondo iranico in età sasanide (III-VII sec. d.C.). La tesi analizza il ruolo delle scuole di medicina in territorio iranico, come quelle sorte a Nisibi e Gundēšābūr, delle figure dei re sasanidi interessati alla filosofia e alla scienza greca, e dei centri di studio teologico e medico che, ad opera dei cristiani siro-orientali, si fecero promotori della conoscenza medico-scientifica greca in terra d’Iran. / This paper provides an overview of the spread and transmission of knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the human body in the Iranian world in Sasanian times (3rd to 7th Century AD). The thesis analyzes the role of medical schools in the Iranian territory, such as those arising in Nisibis and Gundēšābūr, the figures of the Sasanian kings interested in philosophy and Greek science, and theological study centers and physicians who, by the work of East-Syrian Christians, became promoters of Greek scientific medical knowledge in the Iranian world.
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Pastorale begeleiding ten opsigte van werkstreshantering toegespits op tweede taal-onderwysers in sekondêre skole / Salóna BothaBotha, Salóna January 2009 (has links)
This study deals with the design and application of Scripture-founded pastoral guidelines as aid or supplement to existing work stress interventions for the effective management of teacher stress as it especially manifests in Second Language Teaching situations.
Important questions addressed regarding this topic amongst others include the following:
• Which perspectives can be deduced from Scripture with regard to work ethic, work stress and work stress management?
• What does work stress in teaching mean and what support systems are available for teachers in practice, especially as the problem occurs in the profile of a Second Language Teacher?
• How effectively do the support processes for Second Language Teachers with work stress in secondary schools run?
• Which pastoral guidelines can be offered for the management of teacher stress as it features in the profile of Second Language Teachers?
The research of the study is structured according to the model of Zerfass, as designed for Practical Theology.
The basis theoretical research clearly indicates that applicable pastoral guidelines can be deduced from Scripture as the foundational source regarding the effective management of work stress. These pastoral guidelines are identified and described by focussing on the appearance of work stress in key figures in Scripture such as Joseph, Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, Peter and Paul, as well as God's intervention and support in their different situations. God executed His plans through the different Bible characters in spite of their weaknesses and shortcomings, and this offers hope to current-day believers. The principles illustrated in the lives of the Bible characters can be applied to the lives of modern people. The following principles for work stress management are investigated through the mentioned Bible figures: Identity in God; Disciplining of thought; Delegation of work; Time management and setting priorities; Prayer and Divine support.
It is clear from the meta-theoretical research that English Second Language Teachers, especially in the South African context, should receive much more support since their work stress factors are more and are very unique to their subject.
There is a significant gap with regard to support bases or pastoral services for teachers in schools, in spite of there being several researchers that are of the opinion that work stress has a negative influence on teachers' mental health. It is precisely when external factors can not be controlled that the teacher should have the necessary skills for his own survival. Pastoral guidance focuses on the empowerment of the individual in an unfriendly work and living environment.
The empirical study comprised interviews with three Second Language Teachers who experienced problems with teacher stress. In addition, interviews were held with three different headmasters at secondary schools to establish which support systems are available for teachers. The participants indicated that their relationship with God, the Word and prayer carry them through periods of stress. The empirical study showed that Second Language Teachers feel the need for pastoral guidance with regard to stress. The headmasters support the implementation of pastoral help in schools, since there is a void with regard to support systems or counselling in support of teachers who suffer from work stress.
The central theoretical argument of this study makes it clear that counselling guidelines for a therapeutic process can play an indispensable intervention role in the guidance of teachers under work stress. During the process of establishing these pastoral guidelines, the basis theoretical perspectives were extracted through Scripture study of known Biblical figures under similar work pressure. The meta-theory was constructed from research information from recent studies of this subject field, and empirical case studies that served as situation analysis from the teaching context. Lastly, the information was integrated to formulate practice theoretical guidelines. The following guidelines for a pastoral guidance process are presented in chapter 5, as deducted from the Word of God:
♦ Physical health: The human body was created by God and should enjoy the same care as the soul and spirit. The counselee can be guided along the Word of God to a realisation of the importance of his body and its physical care.
♦ Spiritual health: Man draws his spiritual health from regular prayer and meditation regarding Scripture; and therefore prayer and Word Study are powerful instruments in the management of work stress.
♦ An identity founded in the Triune God does not sway under manipulation or unrealistic standards, because such a person understands who he is, Who he belongs to and what his purpose is, and therefore he can manage his stress.
♦ Thoughts that are disciplined according to the will of God and His Word enable a person to stay and act in a manner focused on God, even in stressful circumstances.
♦ Those who manage their time and determine priorities in accordance with God's will, are enabled to live a balanced life and to limit work stress.
♦ Those who delegate tasks, relieve their work and time pressure and also lessen their work stress.
♦ A personal relationship with God and the support, guidance and help of the indwelling Holy Spirit is indispensable for the effective management of work stress.
♦ The establishment of an effective support group relieves stress, because emotional burdens are shared.
The purpose of the pastoral guidance process is to focus the counselee's faith dependence on the guidance of the Triune God. Scripture, as the Word of God, belonging to a community of believers, together with the spiritual activities that this entails, have a positive effect on counselees. The Scripture should be a non-negotiable component of pastoral guidance processes.
This study has confirmed that the points of departure that the researcher initially held are valid points of departure for the support of the argument in favour of pastoral guidance to Second Language Teachers with work stress. / Thesis (M.A. (Practical Theology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.
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