Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ere deposits.microbial"" "subject:"ere deposits.maximum""
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Ore distribution controls of the Navachab Gold Mine, Damara Belt, Karibib District, NamibiaSlabbert, W L January 2014 (has links)
The Navachab Gold mine, an orogenic lode gold deposit, is located in the Karibib region of the Pan-African (ca. 550-500) Damara belt of central Namibia. Gold mineralisation is developed within the steeply NW dipping limb of the Karibib dome. Here, ore envelopes trend along three main orientations: a) trends shallowly towards the NE (the down plunge extent), b) trends sub-vertically in and along the down plunge extent and c) trends sub-horizontally across the down plunge extent. The down plunge extent represents the bulk of the gold mineralisation, hosting the only high grade ores mined at Navachab. As such, past work primarily focused on establishing the controls to the mineralisation observed here. The sub-vertical and sub–horizontal ore trends are seen as secondary, lower grade, being hosted in the footwall. By cutting pushbacks into the footwall, in an effort to regain access to high grade pit bottom, future gold production almost exclusively relies upon optimally mining these ores. This underlines the importance to investigate and outline the mineralising controls to the secondary ore trends. This study identified the following prevailing quartz vein sets developed within the footwall, set (1) dips shallowly towards the NE (conjugate vein set), (2) steeply towards the NW (bedding parallel veins) and (3) steeply towards the SE (S2 foliation parallel). The NW and SE dipping sets contain high average gold grades, occurring at an infrequent vein density. The NE dipping veins, as a result of occurrence density alone, was highlighted as the dominant gold hosting set. Veining occurred during the late stages of the NW-SE directed, sub-horizontal shortening (D2) event and is associated with top-to-the-NW thrusting and NW-verging folds. Re-Os molybdenite dating from auriferous quartz veins indicates mineralisation occurred at 525-520 Ma. As crustal shortening amplified the Karibib dome, flexural flow developed fractures along bedding planes, providing the control to bedding parallel veins (NW dipping). With continued crustal compression the dome later experienced fold lock up associated with reduced mean rock stress and sub-horizontal extension occurred along the steeply NW dipping limb. Horizontal extensional gashes sucked in fluids to form the shallowly NE dipping conjugate vein set. These features suggest the regional D2 strain as the first-order control to quartz vein development, down plunge and within the footwall ores. To further define the secondary ores, lithological and structural controls were evaluated on a more detailed local scale. With equal amounts of biotite schist and calc-silicate host rock (bulk of the footwall lithology) material analysed, the biotite schist units were found to contain a larger volume amount of quartz veins. The mineralisation incurred is also developed at higher average gold grades compared to that of the calc-silicates, demonstrating biotite schist having the optimal rheology for quartz vein emplacement. Normal faulting and thrusting occurs widespread, at all scale levels, across the footwall. These were primarily observed along bedding foliations and secondly at higher angles cutting across foliation. The study did not constrain the extent of these, but can conclude faulting plays a very prominent role in re-distributing the secondary ores parallel to bedding along sub-vertical trend planes. Great care should be placed in properly modelling these with 3D software such as Leapfrog. The Navachab gold mineralisation came about as a result of convergent and collisional tectonics activating metamorphic dehydration of the crustal metapelites. As these fluids ascended they absorbed gold from the crust, emplaced by either a magmatic or paleo-placer source. The gold enriched hydrothermal fluids amalgamated in large scale 1ste order structures (shearing of the steep NW limb of the Karibib Dome, the Mon Repos Thrust Zone) that acted as primary active fluid path ways. In the case of Navachab the gold enriched fluid fluxed along these pathways while interacting with fluid sinks related to a physical throttle (brittle schist, folding, bedding parallel shears) and/or a chemical trap (marbles). By summarising and detailing the fluid sinks and active fluid pathways identified by this and previous works, it is strongly recommended that a mineral approach system be designed and implemented as targeting model to lead future exploration endeavours.
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The geology and metallogeny of the Otavi mountain land, Damara orogen, SWA/Namibia, with particular reference to the Berg Aukas Zn-Pb-V deposit a model of ore genesisMisiewicz, Julian Edward January 1988 (has links)
The Olavi Mountain Land is a 10 000 km2 mineral province located at the eastern extremity of the exposed Northern Platform of the Damara Pan African orogenic belt. The Olavi Mountain Land is tbe most important mineral province on the Northern Platform. Exploitation of tbe Cu-Pb-Zn-V province has been on-going since the possession of the territory by the German colonial authority in 1890. Production has been mostly from four mines which in order of importance are Tsumeb, Kombat, Berg Aukas and Abeoab. A second mineral province on the Northern Platform located in the west is centred on Sesfontein where as yet only insignificant mineralization has been noted. Besides these localities, the Northern Platform is conspicuously devoid of notable mineralization. The aim of this thesis has been to document tbe Berg Aukas deposit, an important end-member type of mineralization in the Otavi Mountain Land. The basic premise bas been to show tbat the derivation and localization of the mineralization is a consequence of two broad controls which can be simply summarised as features of the basement and of the carbonate sequences. The geodynamic evolution of the Damara Belt commenced with intra-continental rifting approximately 900 Ma ago. Rift grabens trending north-east were filled by the Nosib Group which comprises mostly clastic lithologies but also some volcanics. The earliest and largest rift is referred to as the Northern Rift. Separation of the Congo, Kalahari, and proto-South American cratons resulted in rifting and rapid downwarping so that an encroaching sea and an Olavi Group carbonate shelf developed along the northern margin of the Northern Rift. Significantly, the carbonates only covered the Northern Rift in the area of the Otavi Mountain Land where a basinal dome, referred to as the Grootfontein Basement High, marked the basin edge. In the west, the carbonates covered the less important Sesfonfein Rift, and it is only in these two areas where Nosib sequences underlie the carbonate platform. Carbonate sedimentation was interrupted by a major period of crustal readjustment and the deposition of an extensive mixtite throughout the geosynclinal Swakop Trough and Northern Platform. This is referred to as the Chuos Formation and subdivides the Olavi Group into a lower Abenab and an upper Tsumeb Subgroup. Reversal of spreading led to plate collision and subduction of tbe Kalahari craton beneath the Congo craton. It was accompanied by orogenesis which resulted in F1 folding of the Northern Platform into a series of north-easterly trending intermontane basins into which a molasse sequence known as the Mulden Group was unconformably deposited. Following this major north-south deformation mild east-west compression initiated F2 folding and the formation of doubly plunging synclines. The Berg Aukas Syncline represents a primary depositional basin which was subsequently folded. The original basin was formed by late Nosib rifting wben spreading caused the Swakop geosynclinal Trough to form. Carbonates of the basal Berg Aukas Formation were deposited in a lagoonal setting typified by reef and fore-reef facies witb peri-platform conditions. Rapid subsidence caused these sediments to be overlain by deep water carbonates of the Gauss Formation. Two styles of mineralization known as the Tsumeb-type and Berg Aukas-type are stratigraphically, isotopically, and mineralogically distinct. The Tsumeb-type is a cupriferous variety of discordant bodies confined to the upper sequences beneath the Mulden unconformity. The Berg Aukas-type is a Zn-Pb variety confined to tbe basal unconformity. The Berg Aukas deposit comprises three ore bodies known as the Northern Ore Horizon, the Central Ore Body, and the Hanging Wall Ore Body. Sphalerite and galena constitute the bypogene ore. Willemite, smithsonite, cerussite, and descloizite are important supergene ores. A review of genetic models concludes that a magmatic origin initially proposed for tbe Tsumeb deposit is entirely rejected and a basin dewatering model in line with Mississippi Valley-type deposits is proposed. The syntectonic nature of mineralization at Berg Aukas and elsewhere in the Otavi Mountain Land indicates that orogenesis encouraged dewatering and leaching of metals from a broad mineralizing front along the margin of the Swakop Trough. These were transported by acidic saline brines which migrated along the clastic aquifers and structural conduits provided by the Northern Rift. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that the hydrothermal fluids at Berg Aukas were very saline (23% TDS) and were transported at temperatures ranging between 92° to 210°C. Hydrothermal fluids which mineralized Berg AukaS-type deposits migrated along the basal unconformity towards the basement high and were responsible for hydrothermally altering the basement granites and gabbros and the Nosib clastic rocks. Tsumeb-type deposits resulted by migration of fluids through the carbonate pile and along north-easterly trending basement geofractures. As a consequence of variation in transport, the Berg Aukas-type and Tsumeb-type fluids leached different sources and therefore derived mineralogically and isotopically seperable characteristics. The localization of the Berg Aukas ores was controlled by the carbonate stratigraphy and structure. Hydrothermal karsting and ore deposition took place on the contact between Massive Grey and Light Grey Dolostones which represents a permeability contrast. The movement of the hydrothermal fluids was controlled by north-south trending vertical fractures caused by F2 folding which resulted in a peric1inal structure. Hydrothermal karsting was accompanied by ca1citic, dolomitic and silicic alteration. The heated acidic fluids initiated solution collapse and a variety of breccia types. Supergene processes resulted in oxidation and upgrading of the ore. Vanadium derived indirectly from gabbros in the basement complex were transported as calcium metavanadate complexes and deposited on contact with the oxidizing base metal sulphides.
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The Tsumeb ore body, Namibia, and related dolostone-hosted base metal ore deposits of Central AfricaHughes, Martin James 16 August 2013 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Science, 1987
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The tectono-metallogenesis during the irumide and pan-African events in South West Africa/NamibiaTregoning, Trevor Denzil 05 March 2013 (has links)
A large portion of South west Africa/Namibia is underlain by 2 great orogens. They are the Irumide (Sinclair/Rehoboth) and Damara Orogenies. The L-shaped Irumide Province forms part of a belt which extends over the subcontinent from Namaqualand to as far as Zambia. The volcano-sedimentary sequences of the Irumide are believed to have formed in intracratonic rifts and pull-apart basins during the period 1400 to 900 Ma. The evolution of the NW trending Sinclair Group proceeded by means of 3 major cycles each beginning with the emplacement of basic to intermediate magmas followed by felsic ones. The cycle ended off with subsidence, deposition of immature clastic debris and final tilting of the volcano-clastic sequence. It was suggested that the extensive calc-alkaline lavas present, developed within a magmatic arc above a subduction zone, but this proposal has not been generally accepted. The NE trending Klein Aub-Witvlei Basins consist essentially of red bed alluvial fans and lacustrine sediments with minor volcanics near the base. The red beds and aeolian sediments were deposited in an arid climatic condition. The regional greenschist facies metamorphism and deformation is attributed to a major tectono-thermal event at 1100 Ma. The Damara Orogen (900 - 550 Ma) forms part of the Pan-African mobile belt system of global proportions. The NE trending intracontinental branch (aulacogen) and 2 coastal branches constitute a triple junction with its focal point near Swakopmund. The NE extension of the intracontinental belt has been linked with the Lufilian Arc hosting the renown Zambian Copper Belt deposits. In South West Africa/Namibia this belt hosts many different mineral occurrences which can be grouped into rift and collision related deposits. The tectonic history of the Damara Orogen supports a geodynamic-evolution-with-time hypothesis and represents a transitional phase in which limited Wilson Cycle Tectonics was active. The Theory of Mantle Advection is invoked to explain rifting, thinning and subsidence. Extensive ensialic rifting resulted in a relatively stable Northern Carbonate Platform and several deep troughs hosting turbiditic sequences. Crustal rupture in the Khomas Trough allowed for the emplacement of ocean floor tholeiites known as the Matchless Amphibolite Belt. Subsequent ocean closure and collision resulted in deformation, metamorphism and generation of predominantly S-type granites. The southern continental plate was partially overridden by the northern plate during final collision at 550 Ma. These low angle thrust faults allowed for the emplacement of the Naukluft Nappe Complex on top of younger Nama sediments. The break up of Gondwanaland during the Mesozoic with the splitting of the Atlantic Ocean was responsible for the intrusion of anorogenic alkaline ring complexes along the extension of the NE trending transform faults within the intracontinental branch of the Damara Orogen. A close relationship between the tectonic setting and mineral deposits has been recognized in both the Irumide and Damara Orogenies. In the Irumide, stratiform syngenetic copper deposits are hosted by alluvial fan, playa and lacustrine sediments. The uninterrupted sedimentation from the Irumide to Damara Orogen resulted in similar stratiform copper deposits during the early stages of rifting. In the Damara Orogen the rifting (extensional) phase is characterized by 4 main mineralizing systems: diagenetic/syngenetic (Kupferschiefer-type), epigenetic/hydrothermal Cu-Pb-Zn (Mississippi Valley-type), volcanogenic cupriferous pyrite (Besshi-type) and volcano-exhalative Pb-Zn (Red Sea-type). The collision (compressional) phase was accompanied by 4 main mineralizing processes: epigenetic/hydrothermal Cu-Pb-Zn, hydrotheral/metasomatic Sn-W-rare earth, metamorphogenic Au and U-bearing anatectic melts. The key to the selection of viable exploration targets lies in the understanding of the field evidence and the geodynamics modelling to explain the evolution of the orogen and its associated mineral deposits.
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Overview and comparison of Besshi-type deposits ancient and recentSchoeman, Philo January 1996 (has links)
Besshi-type deposits range in age from early Proterozoic to early Tertiary, of which the largest number are late Proterozoic, early Palaeozoic or Mesozoic in age. No Archaean examples of Besshi-type deposits are known, probably due to insufficient availability of sialic crust for erosion and clastic marine sedimentation before the start of the Proterozoic. All Besshi-type deposits are contained within sequences of clastic sedimentary rock and intercalated basalts in a marine environment. The basalts and amphibolites are principally tholeiitic in composition. Besshi-type deposits characteristically form stratiform 1enses and sheet-like accumulations of semi-massive to massive sulphide. The main ore assemblage consists dominantly of pyrite and/or pyrrhotite with variable amounts of chalcopyrite, sphalerite and trace galena, arsenopyrite, gold and e1ectrum, barite being absent in general. The median Besshi-type deposit (n=75) contains 1.3 million tonnes (Mt) of massive sulphide with a Cu grade running at 1.43%. It is suggested that Besshi-type deposits form by both exhalative and synsedimentary replacement processes when considering geological features and comparisons with modern analogues in the Guaymas Basin, Middle Valley and Escanaba Trough. The currently forming metalliferous sediments in the Red Sea provide for a brine pool model explaining the lack of footwall feeder zones below sheet-like deposits. Where thick sulphide lenses are contained in some Besshi-type deposits, combinations of exhalative precipitation and sub-sea-floor replacement of permeable sediments and/or volcanic rocks, take place in the upper parts of submarine hydrothermal systems.
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Testing the ability of ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) to map hydrothermal alteration zones : a case study of the Haib Porphyry Copper-Molybdenum Deposit, NamibiaMhangara, Paidamwoyo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The availability of multispectral data from the satellite-borne ASTER (Advanced Space borne
Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer) sensor with 14 spectral bands, launched on 18
December 1999, ushers in a new dimension in large-scale mineral exploration. The ASTER
bands are strategically positioned to map distinctive absorptive features for mapping
alteration mineralogy, which has increased the potential to map hydrothermal alteration zones
as compared to the conventional Landsat TM satellite and aerial photographs.
This research tests the ability of ASTER to map hydrothermal alteration zones by applying
various image enhancement techniques and comparing them. The study area is the Haib
copper prospect in Namibia. The Crosta technique, standard colour composites, spectral band
ratioing, the software defoliant technique, log residuals and spectral linear unmixing were
applied and compared against results from the previous detailed geophysical and geochemical
exploration. The results from all the techniques corresponded with published geological maps
from previous work and indicated ASTER's ability to detect alteration zonations.
Comparison of the methods applied showed that choice of technique is usually dependent of
the level of detail which one seeks to achieve. Standard colour composite and log residuals
are more useful for a generalized overview of the alteration mineralogy, whilst uniquely
defining mineral end members is achieved by application of the Crosta technique, ratioing and
spectral linear unmixing. Application of the software defoliant techniques involved ratioing
results, which are affected by spectral interferences from other minerals.
The presence of a highly fractured system has been established by application of Sobel
filtering. A spatial association of the extracted fracture system with alteration areas suggest
mineralization at the Haib is fracture controlled. The results support the presence of argillicphyllic
and prophylitic alteration zones on a regional scale, a scenario which can be equated
to the Lowell-Guilbert model. The potassic-phyllic zone boundary could not be spectrally
detected which also supports previous studies which suggest the potassic zone is nondefinitive
and is over-printed by the phyllic zone. The results demonstrate that ASTER is an
effective tool to map hydrothermal alteration systems in arid areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Multispektrale data van die ASTER (' Advanced Space Borne Thermal Emmission Reflection
Radiometer') sensors bestaande uit 14 spektrale bande, afkomstig van 'n satelliet gelanseer op
18 Desember 1999 lui 'n nuwe era in vir grootskaalse minerale eksplorasie. Die ASTER
bande is strategies sodanig op die spektrum geposisioneer om onderskeidende absorberende
verskynsels van veranderde mineralisasie te identifiseer. Hierdie data het die potensiaal
verhoog om hidrotermale veranderingstelsels meer suksesvol te karteer as met konvensionele
Landsat TM beelde en lugfotos.
Hierdie navorsing toets die vermoeëns van ASTER om hidrotermale veranderingstelsels te
karteer deur 'n wye reeks beeldverrykings tegnieke toe te pas en te vergelyk. Die
studiegebied IS die Haib koperafsetting in Namibië. Die Crosta tegniek, standaard
kleursamestellings ('colour composites'), ratio-tegnieke, plantegroeistroping ('software
defoiliant'), log residuele ('log residual '), en spektrale lineêre ontmenging ('spectral linear
unmixing') is toegepas en die resultate met vorige gedetailleerde geofisiese en geo-chemiese
veldopnames te vergelyk.
Die verkreë resultate van al die verskillende tegnieke het grootliks met gepubliseerde
geologiese kaarte van die gebied ooreengestem en bevestig dat ASTER data geskik is om
sulke mineralogies veranderde gebiede te karteer.
Vergelykings tussen die tegnieke het getoon dat die keuse van tegniek bepaal word deur die
vlak en tipe detail wat verlang word. Standaard kleursamestellings en die log residuele
tegnieke lewer goeie resultate om veralgemeende oorsigte van mineralogies veranderde sones
te verskaf, terwyl die Crosta-, ratio- en spektrale lineêre ontmengingstegnieke meer suksesvol
is om spesifieke minerale te identifiseer. Die plantegroei stropingtegniek is nodig in gevalle
waar spektrale ratios deur plantegroeiresponse geaffekeer word.
Die aanwesigheid van 'n intensief gefraktuurde sisteem is bepaal deur 'n Sobel filter toe te
pas. Ruimtelike assosiasies tussen die voorkoms van die gefraktuurde sone met en die
minealogies gewysigde sones dui aan dat mineralogiese wysiging in die Haib gebied deur
frakturering beheer is. Die resultate steun die aanwesigheid van argillities-fillitiese enpropolities gewysigde sones op 'n streekskaal, 'n scenario wat deur die Lowell-Guilbertmodel
voorgehou word. Die grense van die kalium-fillitiese sone kon nie spektraal
waargeneem word nie. Dit steun ook vorige studies wat suggereer dat die kaliumsone nieafbakenbaar
is en waarskynlik deur die fillitiese sone oorlê word. Die resultate bevestig
onomwonde dat ASTER data benut kan word om hidrotermaal veranderde sones in semiariede
gebiede effektief te karteer.
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