Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0rganizational change -- managemement"" "subject:"0rganizational change -- managementment""
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Change management implications of a retrenchment strategy in a selected section of a telecommunications organisationAucamp, Mertz January 2001 (has links)
An audit report by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) indicated that a company needs to ensure that support is provided to those employees who remain after a staff reduction process and that their needs are managed effectively. One of the recommendations by ANAO for companies that are embarking on restructuring and future staff reduction programs, is the facilitation of change management workshops, or intervention to prepare the staff to manage change. A literature study revealed that no change management model existed that specifically focused on the “survivors” of a retrenchment or restructuring strategy in a company. The literature study was therefore used to assist in developing a change management in Telkom SA. Pre-assessment and post-assessment questionnaires were developed to test the employees’ abilities to manage change and their understanding of the changes that the telecommunications industry is facing. The findings of the survey showed a high level of employee tolerance to change and illuminated the value that was added by the developed change management model.
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Engineering change management as a process enabler for collaborative product designChauke, Tebogo January 2013 (has links)
Organisation faced with competitive market pressures and those that are looking at sustaining their market position may adopt collaborative product design as a strategy to improve quality, increase market share, increase efficiencies and reduce the time to market for their products. Conversely, in a design environment engineering changes are unavoidable and need to be effectively coordinated because they may become costly for a company in product recalls and reputational damage. They can however be viewed as a cost benefit as contributors to optimisation of product quality.
In this study, engineering changes were examined as enablers to collaborative product design where the study was undertaken in the land systems sector of defence in South Africa. The sector is faced with defence cuts resulting in direct and indirect job losses across the supply chain. An exploratory study was conducted where the constraints to design performance were evaluated. The applicability of the data and process orientated information exchange models were explored on the extent they influence the speed of engineering changes. The outcome was a model that can be used as an evaluation and decision making tool for companies conducting collaborative strategy with emphasis on engineering changes and information flow. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / ccgibs2014 / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted
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'n Teoretiese beskouing van die beperkende rol wat ondernemingskultuur op die bestuur van verandering uitoefenBotha, André Cornelius 08 October 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Business Management) / The study was conducted with the purpose of finding a thorough understanding of the importance of the implementation of change within the context of the existing organizational culture. The culture of an organization can lead to a strategic myopia where leaders underestimate the changes in the external environment due to strongly held common beliefs. The paradox of planned organizational change is that the need for change develops at all levels in the organization, but the responsibility for implementing change rests with management who in themselves resists change and acts as guardians at the existing organizational culture. Managers must realize that the existing culture and the competitive needs of the organization may be in conflict, as a result of changes in the environment. Faced with pressures for change, managers will be likely to deal with the situation in ways which protect the culture from challenge. This raises difficulty when managing strategic change for it may be that the action required is outside the scope of the culture and members are required to change core beliefs and values. The findings of this study confirm the importance of the role of the existing organizational culture in the implementation of change. The lack of compatibility between the existing culture and strategic change leads to resistance to change programmes.
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Factors influencing employee engagement during changeKubheka, Praise-God Ntandokayise Mandla January 2015 (has links)
A lot of attention over the years has been focused on understanding employees resistance to change. A few researchers have provided insights into the reasons why some employees remain positive and engaged during times of uncertainty and changes in the organosation. To help build this knowledge area the study was aimed to investigating the factors that drive employee engagement during change. One-hundred-and-twenty employees, across a cross-section of jobs at a specific bank in South Africa, were surveyed. The empirical results obtained from the survey showed that independent variables such as dialogue, organisational culture and a clear4 career plan were congruent with the expected results. In other words these vriables displayed a significant association with the de[endent variables (e.g. job involvement, organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour.).
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The determinants of corporate entrepreneurship for firms in adventure tourism sector in the Eastern Cape Province: South AfricaChigamba, Cleopas January 2013 (has links)
Tourism has been acknowledged for the past decade as one of the leading driving forces for economic development in post-apartheid South Africa (Nel & Binns, 2002:189). The objective of this study was to investigate the determinants of corporate entrepreneurship for firms in adventure tourism sector in the Eastern Cape Province; South Africa. The population for the study were firms registered with the Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism Portal (NMBT) and the Dirty Boot Adventure South Africa. Convenience sampling method was used. Data was collected through the use of a self-administered questionnaire. For the purpose of data collection, one hundred and fourteen questions were identified through a thorough review of the literature. Principal component analysis was used to reduce the one hundred and fourteen questions to twelve factors namely: flat organisational structure, management support for intrapreneurship, vision and strategic intent, rewards / reinforcement and sponsorship, innovativeness and creativity, multi-disciplined teamwork and diversity, entrepreneurial leadership, resources and time, strong customer orientation, continuous cross-functional learning, tolerance of risk, mistakes and failure and work discretion and discretionary time. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, T-test and ANOVA. Cohen`s (d-value) was used to measure the effect size of differences for t-statistics. The Cronbach’s alpha was used to test the reliability of the scales. The results showed significant positive relationships between the twelve factors and corporate entrepreneurship. Recommendations included an integrated framework that could assist adventure tour operator to establish and sustain corporate entrepreneurship within this sector.
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A model for transformational leadership by nursing unit managersNaude, Marita 31 July 2014 (has links)
D.Cur. (Professional Nursing Science) / It was very dear that dramatic transformation is needed in the new South Africa to accommodate the transformation demanded by the Reconstruction and Development Programme, the National Health System, and other political, economic, social, technological and staff management changes. It was also evident that transformational leadership was needed in nursing in general and in nursing management in particular. This is a qualitative, contextual, exploratory, descriptive and theory-generating study, with the overall aim of exploring and describing a model for transformational Ieadershlp by nursing unit managers to facilitate individual and nursing unit transformation. To accomplish this aim, specific objectives were formulated. Firstly, a conceptual framework and model were explored and described by means of analysis, synthesis, derivation and deductive reasoning. The model was described within the meta theoretical assumptions of the Nursing for the Whole Person Theory (ORU 1990; RAU 1992). The theoretical assumptions were derived from till' Nursing for the Whole Person Theory whereas the methodological assumptions were based on the Nursing Research model of Botes (1995). This Nursing Research model proposed functional reasoning approach. During the exploration and description of the model, connect identification and classification were handled according Lo the survey list of Dickoff, james and Wiedenbach (1968). Thereafter, an education programme was explored and described by deriving the theoretical content on transformational leadership from the conceptual framework and LIl(' model. TIll' principles of adult education (Knowles 1984, Gravett 1991) and the constructivistic learning theory (Klopper 1994 (a» were utilised for the didactical development of the education programme. This education programme was then implemented in a nursing service. Through purposive sampling, four nursing unils in the same nursing service were selected and the model implemented for a period of 12-14 weeks. The cases Ludy method was utilised.
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The influence of leadership role competencies on organisation change outcome in the manufacturing industry in south Africa.Smit, Hermanus Bernardus 21 November 2007 (has links)
Recent authors identified a lack in leadership competencies to deal with organisation change within the South African organisation context as a burning issue (Tizard, 2001; Kriek, 2002; Fontyn, 2001; Msomi, 2001 and Rossow and Bews, 2002). This has resulted in a lack of employee initiative, adjustment, empowerment and a high turnover rate. With this research the author examined the influence of role utilisation, according to leaders’ competence, on the outcome of organisation change. The aim of this research was to contribute towards finding solutions for the perceived lack in leadership competence in managing change. The design used was quasi-experimental ex post facto: post-test/observation only. Three organisations in the manufacturing industry were selected because they were busy with the implementation of major organisation change initiatives. Two phases were identified for this research. Phase I investigated the utilisation of leaders in specific leadership change roles and Phase II investigated the influence of leaders’ change role competence on change outcome. Hypotheses were formulated for each phase. Phase I Leaders’ utilisation in change roles was investigated. This entailed the extent to which they were utilised in roles for which they received their highest average competence ratings. A literature study was done on leadership competencies. From the literature study, four leadership change roles (Initiator, Shaper, Monitor, and Assessor) were identified. A questionnaire measuring the level of competence for each role was designed. The respondent organisations’ management teams were asked to identify the leaders they utilised and for which roles they were utilised. These leaders were rated by means of a 360-degree assessment. The respective leaders were assessed by themselves, their managers, a peer and a subordinate. Competence was determined by means of the average ratings received on all four competence clusters . The results obtained from Phase I were expressed in terms of role congruence. Role congruence referred to situations where leaders were utilised in roles for which they received their highest average competence ratings. The hypotheses for Phase I were: H0: There is no statistical difference between the average competence scores leaders received on the different roles. H1: The average competence scores for the roles leaders were utilised in, are higher than for those they were not utilised in. Phase II Phase II investigated the influence of the congruence results on change outcome. A questionnaire measuring the “soft” dimensions of organisation change was developed. Random samples of all the literate employees in the respondent organisations were used to complete this questionnaire (Change Outcome Questionnaire). The hypotheses for Phase II were: H0: There is no statistical difference in terms of change outcome for roles where congruence was obtained and roles for which congruence was not obtained. H1: For roles where congruence was obtained, there will be higher levels of success (change outcome). Both questionnaires (Leadership Role Competence Questionnaire & Change Outcome Questionnaire) were validated in terms of content validity. A Cronbach alpha was determined for both questionnaires. Only the Leadership Role Competence Questionnaire was initially found to be reliable. To resolve the reliability dilemma on the Change Outcome Questionnaire, the constructs and their items were factor analysed to determine the underlying validity of constructs, resulting in construct validity for this questionnaire. A Cronbach alpha was again administered to this questionnaire (after the factor analysis) and it was found to be reliable. Phase I Results: Role Congruence The extent to which leaders were utilised in roles for which they achieved their highest average ratings (expressed in terms of role congruence) was determined through the application of a correspondence analysis. The results for Phase I were: • Two roles (Initiator and Assessor) achieved potential congruence. • The other two roles (Shaper and Monitor) did not achieve congruence. • A relationship between both the Shaper and Monitor roles was identified. The competencies for these two roles were linked to the items that measured Resistance to Change. • For Phase I the null hypothesis was rejected. There was a difference between the average competence scores leaders received on the different roles. Phase II Results: The Influence of Role Congruence on Change Outcome The change outcome results were determined through the Change Outcome Questionnaire. The results for Phase II were: • The factor analysis done on the Change Outcome Questionnaire (discussed on p. iii) resulted in the extraction of three factors. One factor represented only one item and was therefore excluded resulting in the analysis of only two factors (Change Buy-In and Support & Resistance to Change); • The results obtained from the Change Outcome Questionnaire indicated a successful outcome for the Change Buy-In and Support factor and an unsuccessful outcome for the Resistance to Change factor; • The similarity of the results for the three organisations obtained for Phase I (correspondence analysis on congruence between role utilisation and role competence) and for Phase II (ANOVA on Change Outcome results) allowed for the comparison of their results. No significant statistical differences existed. Statistical evidence was therefore not conclusive to either reject or accept the null hypothesis for Phase II (there is no difference between roles with high congruence and roles with low congruence on change outcome); and • Although the null hypothesis for Phase II could neither be accepted nor rejected, the indications are that role congruence appears to have had a positive influence on change outcome and that a lack of congruence appears to have had a negative influence on change outcome. From the results of this study it was concluded that the research goals had been satisfactorily addressed. / Dr. Louis Carstens
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Cleaners' perceptions of the pending municipal merger in the west randMokoena, Pinkie Lucia Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
A report on a research study presented to
The Department of Social Work
School of Human and Community Development
Faculty of Humanities
University of the Witwatersrand
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree Master of Arts in Social Work
January 2018 / When change is introduced in the workplace, marginalized employees may develop a negative attitude towards the process due to ignorance and fear. The study aimed to explore the cleaning staffs’ perceptions on the municipal pre- mergers between two West Rand Municipalities. The focus study was to explore the cleaning staff members’ emotions and reactions towards the merger before it was to be implemented specifically focusing on their perceptions around job security, job responsibility, and communication. There is currently little research done on pre-mergers, especially between political organizations. The research followed a qualitative approach in a form of a case study. Face to face interviews were conducted with seventeen (17) cleaning staff from two Municipalities to collect data utilizing a self – developed, semi structured interview schedule. Sampling was done using a non-probability convenience sampling method. These employees are usually marginalized and have limited if any decision making powers in their working space. The data was analysed utilizing thematic analysis. The findings identified that even the most marginalized of employees could have an impact on change processes based on several factors and there is a relationship between a previous workplace change experience and a new one. The study transformed into a comparative study as marked differences emerged because one of the Municipalities had been through a merger previously and it had a different impact as compared to those who had not gone through the merger process previously. The findings revealed that communication strategies impact on the perceptions of all levels of employees regardless if they participate in the planning process of any organisational change process or not. Open communication and constant consultation by an employer was found to inspire employees to do well because they become confident of their future within the organization. The research findings carve a way to future pre- merger studies with deeper insight into the usually marginalized groups in the workplace. / MT 2018
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The development of a framework for the practical application of change leadership principles in a project contextKromhout, C. J. H. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Powerful macro-economic forces (of which technology is the main driver) are
propelling organisational change. As the rate of technological change
accelerates, new threats and opportunities arise more frequently, spurring the
need for more rapid organisational change. According to various studies the
success rate of major change initiatives is deemed to be very low.
The need for accelerated change and the low success rate of the change
initiative attempts to date indicate a dire need for practical change leadership
competencies. This study project makes a contribution towards that need by
providing a practical framework, making it easier for change leaders, sponsors
and change agents to apply change leadership in the context of a project.
A meta-analytical study of change leadership principles, as described by
some of the leading authors on the subject, provides various insights into the
high failure rate of change initiatives. The synthesis of their recommendations
culminates in the description of ten critical success factors for organisational
Each critical success factor is expanded into tasks with detail that will aid the
execution thereof. Linked to the states of change, the critical success factors
and accompanying task detail form a practical framework for change
leadership. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Makro-ekonomiese kragte (waarvan tegnologie die grootste invloed het) dryf
die versnellende tempo waarteen organisatoriese verandering tans moet
plaasvind. Die tempo waarteen tegnologie verander skep toenemend nuwe
geleenthede en bedreigings vir organisasies, wat die behoefte na vinnige
reaksie en snelle verandering verhoog. Verskeie studies bewys dat die
meeste veranderingsinisiatiewe egter onsuksesvol is.
Die groeiende behoefte aan 'n vermoe om vinnig te kan verander en die lae
vlak van sukses dui daarop dat 'n groot behoefte in organisasies bestaan vir
praktiese veranderingsbestuur vaardighede. Hierdie werkstuk lewer 'n bydrae
tot die bevrediging van die behoefte deur 'n praktiese raamwerk daar te stel
wat leiers en agente van verandering sal help om die beginsels van
veranderingsbestuur toe te pas in die konteks van 'n projek.
'n Meta-analitiese studie van veranderingsbestuur verskaf insigte deur
verskeie outeurs oor die redes waarom die meerderheid van
veranderingsinisiatiewe faal. Die sintese van hul aanbevelings lei tot die
beskrywing van tien kritiese suksesfaktore vir organisatoriese verandering.
Elke kritiese suksesfaktor word uitgebrei in gedetaileerde take wat die
uitvoering daarvan ondersteun. Die take en kritiese suksesfaktore, gekoppel
aan die onderskeie stadiums van verandering vorm 'n praktiese raamwerk vir
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Key determinants in strategic realignment within a digital global business environment.06 May 2008 (has links)
Information and communication technology is rapidly transforming the world of business. It in particular has played a significant role in globalisation, the ramifications of which South Africa can ill afford to ignore. A key facet of emerging innovative technologies and globalisation is the environmental uncertainty, complexity and turbulence it has engendered. Traditional strategic management paradigms and practice are largely founded on the assumption of environmental predictability, a reality that is rapidly being eroded. This thesis attempts to determine to what degree strategic management theory still correlates with contemporary strategic management practice. Various levels of environmental uncertainty are defined in order to gain clarity as to strategic management processes that are best suited for dealing therewith. Three key determinants are identified as having a significant impact on the strategic realignment of business institutions within a global business environment, namely information and communication technology, business systems, and change management. A central tenet that emerges from the study is the need for a framework to integrate the first two mentioned determinants at strategic and operational levels, while taking due cognisance of the human resources implications involved. Human emotions, feelings, relationships, fears, values, beliefs and aspirations collectively assume relevance as dimensions that can either inhibit or facilitate the strategic realignment process. These dimensions are analysed with reference to the concepts “emotional intelligence” and “organisational culture” in order to gain a greater understanding of the role they play in strategy formulation and implementation. Leadership is also identified as being business critical in managing strategic realignment. The findings of this study serve as a source of reference for researchers and practitioners who are attempting to formulate and implement strategy within contexts that are best described as being uncertain, complex and subject to discontinuous change. / Prof. N. Lessing
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