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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ubiquitous electronically mediated informing and sensemaking in organisations

Loureiro, Jorge Diniz Queiroga 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the impact between sensemaking as proposed by Karl Weick and his associates’ school of thought, and ubiquitous electronically mediated informing (UEMI) which is the attention-efficient availability of data, information and electronic computing. At best, Weickian sensemaking theory ignores the potential role of UEMI in sensemaking and at worst, it regards it as more of a hindrance than a help. This dim view of electronic information technology (IT), typified as “spreadsheets on screens”, had merit when first expressed in 1985, but its unchanged position notwithstanding IT’s transformation towards UEMI is increasingly untenable. An interpretation based on the attention-efficiency aspect of Mark Weiser’s vision of ubiquitous computing is harnessed as the foundation to review the progress since 1985 towards true ubiquitous computing and to analyse its increasing impact on sensemaking. Ubiquitous computing (which includes UEMI) still has a long way to go with the accuracy of speech recognition a notable obstacle. Yet, progress has been remarkable, and this thesis employs five current UEMI technologies within a limited aspect of society, namely organisations to evaluate this impact: personal memories, virtual presence, augmented reality, speech recognition and organisational memories. Sensemaking is that which gives meaning to experience. It is a social and on-going process made in retrospect, which seeks congruence with one’s identity, is enactive of an environment which enables further sensemaking, and focuses on the noticing and embellishment of cues to the point where the sense which has been made, is plausible enough to act upon. In addition to these seven process properties sensemaking theory also comprises its substance which involves words, sentences, vocabularies and their mechanics. To make meaning (i.e. sense) a minimum of one cue needs to be linked to one frame. Frames tend to be vocabularies that summarise past experience, whilst cues tend to emerge from current experience. This study introduces four notions. Firstly, attention is viewed as a scarce resource in an economic sense. As an act of attending, sensemaking is viewed as an economic process in which ends (the sense or knowledge made) are achieved with limited means (time and attending capability). Therefore people will pay (i.e. invest) attention to make sense of something only up to a point of plausibility where the perceived cost of paying more attention exceeds the expected benefit of doing so. In line with other economic processes, the productivity of organisational sensemaking may be increased with appropriate organisational structures and procedures, human skills, mindsets and most importantly, any technology which lowers the requirements for scarce attention (i.e. UEMI technologies). Secondly, sensemaking theory’s silence on the consequences of sensemaking is addressed by introducing the notions of risky reality, i.e. those situations where gaps between sensemaking and reality may impact the sensemaker’s welfare or survival. Thirdly, the quality of sensemaking, which determines the size of those gaps, is also addressed. Fourthly, this thesis proposes augmenting words as the building blocks of sensemaking with imagery such as drawings, photos, video footage, animation and augmented reality, both for making sense out of life’s pure duration and for communication. Unlike electronic IT in 1985, current and future UEMI’s inherent attention-efficiency and audio-visual capability enables a higher quality of sensemaking, which is of the essence in situations of risky reality. In addition, UEMI positively impacts all seven process properties of sensemaking, with the highest impact on the properties of plausibility, retrospect, cues and on-going. The impact of sensemaking on UEMI means that the most attention-efficient UEMI technologies will be the most successful in the market. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die impak tussen singewing soos voorgestel deur Karl Weick en sy samewerkers en alomteenwoordige elektronies-gemedieerde informering (AEGI) met ander woorde, die aandag-effektiewe beskikbaarheid van data, informasie en elektroniese rekenaars. Wanneer die teorie oor singewing nie die potensiële rol van AEGI in singewing heeltemal ignoreer nie, word die rol van AEGI as ’n hindernis beskou. Hierdie negatiewe siening van elektroniese rekenaartegnologie, gekenmerk as “spreadsheets on screens”, was wel aanvaarbaar in 1985, maar hierdie onveranderde posisie rakende elektroniese rekenaartegnologie se transformasie na AEGI raak al hoe meer onverdedigbaar. ’n Interpretasie gebaseer op die aandag-effektiewe aspek van Mark Weiser se visie vir alomteenwoordige informasie tegnologie, word ingespan as die fondasie om die vooruitgang vanaf 1985 na alomteenwoordige informasie tegnologie te ondersoek, en die implikasies wat dit vir singewing inhou te hersien. Alomteenwoordige informasie tegnologie (insluitend AEGI) het nog ’n lang pad om te gaan, met akkuraatheid van spraak-herkenning as die grootste struikelblok. Tog is die vooruitgang merkwaardig. Die studie fokus op vyf AEGI tegnologieë binne ’n beperkte deel van die samelewing, naamlik organisasies om die impak op bogenoemde te evalueer: persoonlike herinneringe, virtuele teenwoordigheid, aangevulde werklikheid, spraak-herkenning en organisatoriese geheue. Singewing verskaf betekenis aan ervaring. Dis ’n sosiale en deurlopende proses wat in retrospek uitgevoer word, kongruensie met ’n persoon se identiteit vereis, ’n omgewing tot stand bring wat verder singewing in staat stel, en fokus op waarneming en uitbreiding van leidrade tot die stadium bereik word waar die singewing wat vermag is, geloofwaardig genoeg is om tot aksie oor te gaan. Bo en behalwe die sewe proses eienskappe bestaan die kern van singewingsteorie uit woorde, sinne, woordeskatgroepe en hul meganika. Om betekenis (d.w.s. sin) te maak, moet ten minste een leidraad aan een raamwerk gekoppel word. Raamwerke het die neiging om uit woordeskatgroepe te bestaan wat ervarings van die verlede opsom, terwyl leidrade die neiging het om na vore te kom vanuit huidige ervaring. Die studie steun op vier nuwe idees. Eerstens word aandag as ’n skaars bron beskou in ’n ekonomiese konteks. As ’n optrede van aandagskenking, word singewing gesien as ’n ekonomiese proses waar die einddoel (die sin of kennis wat gemaak word) bereik word met beperkte middele of hulpbronne (die tyd en die vermoë om aandag te skenk). Dus sal mense aandag skenk (d.w.s. belê) om sin te maak van iets slegs tot op ’n punt van geloofwaardigheid, waar die verwagte koste om meer aandag te skenk die verwagte voordeel om dit te doen, oorskry. Soos met ander ekonomiese prosesse, mag die produktiwiteit van organisatoriese singewing vermeerder met die toepaslike organisatoriese strukture en prosedures, menslike vaardighede, ingesteldheid en van kardinale belang, enige tegnologie wat die vereiste vir aandag wat skaars is, verminder (d.w.s. AEGI tegnologieë). Tweedens, word die stilswye van die singewingsteorie rakende die gevolge van singewing aangespreek deur die nuwe konsep van riskante werklikheid – daardie situasies waar die gaping tussen die sin wat gemaak is en die werklikheid die singewer se welvaart wesenlik kan beïnvloed. Derdens, word die kwaliteit van singewing, naamlik dit wat die grootte van sulke gapings bepaal dan ook in hierdie studie aangespreek. Vierdens word daar geargumenteer dat woorde met beelde aangevul kan word as boublokke vir singewing, beide om sin te maak van “life’s pure duration” en van kommunikasie deur middel van tekeninge, foto’s, video-materiaal, animasie en aangevulde werklikheid. Daar word geargumenteer dat anders as elektroniese informasie tegnologie in 1985, die huidige en toekomstige AEGI se inherente aandageffektiwiteit en audio-visuele vermoë, hoër kwaliteit van singewing moontlik maak, wat van groot belang is in riskante werklikheidsituasies. Bogenoemde het dan ook ’n positiewe impak op al sewe eienskappe van singewing, waarvan geloofwaardigheid, retrospek, leidrade en deurlopenheid die grootste is. Dit beteken dus dat die mees aandag-effektiewe alomteenwoordige elektronies-gemedieerde informasie tegnologieë die mees suksesvolle in die mark van die toekoms behoort te wees.

Belief-driven sensemaking : arguing as knowledge creation

Smit, Marietjie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organizational Knowledge Creation is a core activity of Knowledge Intensive Organizations. In the area of Knowledge Management, a number of theories have been developed about organizational knowledge and how this knowledge is developed and leveraged. The majority of these theories share a taxonomic approach to organizational knowledge and usually describe the various kinds of knowledge found in organizations and how these different kinds of knowledge interact. These descriptions represent the mainstream view of Knowledge Management and typically a contingency argument is made for matching types of knowledge with a particular organizational design, management style, or strategy for managing the various kinds of knowledge content. Parallel to the development of Knowledge Management theory is the development of Organization Theory likening organizations to interpretation or sensemaking systems. Knowledge also stands central in these theories of organization, but knowledge is viewed as a collective accomplishment intertwined with organizational practices. It is therefore clear that the Knowledge Creation perspective belongs to a different worldview from the Sensemaking perspective regarding organization. The thesis seeks to bridge the divide between these two different views of organization by describing the Knowledge Creation process in terms of the Sensemaking worldview. It accomplishes this by critically reviewing the mainstream theories of Knowledge Creation. Next organizational Sensemaking is described, focusing on the context of everyday organizational Sensemaking and in particular on Arguing as a Sensemaking process. It is proposed that Arguing is a process that creates new knowledge. Viewing Knowledge Creation through the lens of Sensemaking as Arguing addresses a perennial issue in the mainstream Knowledge Management theory, namely the justification of newly created knowledge to ensure that it is robust, without giving up on a pluralist epistemology in favour of an objective view of knowledge. Arguing is a site where claims are made, challenged, and defended. The Sensemaking process of Arguing therefore provides a description of the Knowledge Creation process which includes knowledge justification. In addition, a Sensemaking view of Knowledge Creation takes as its model social interaction, rather than linear product development and is therefore much closer to the everyday process of innovation as incremental improvement than the radical innovation process that inspired most theories of Knowledge Creation in the Knowledge Management literature. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisatoriese kennis-skepping is ‘n kern aktiwiteit van Kennis-intensiewe Ondernemings. ‘n Aantal teorieë is ontwikkel in die veld van Kennisbestuur wat handel oor organisatoriese kennis en hoe hierdie kennis ontwikkel en benut word. Die meerderheid van hierdie teorieë deel ‘n taksonomiese benadering tot organisatoriese kennis en beskryf gewoonlik die verskillende soorte kennis wat in organisasies gevind word en hoe hierdie soorte kennis verband hou. Hierdie benadering verteenwoordig die hoofstroom-siening van Kennisbestuur en lei tipies tot ‘n kontingensie argument vir die pas van tipes kennis by spesifieke organisasie ontwerpe, bestuurstyle, of strategieë vir die bestuur van verskillende soorte kennis-inhoude. Parallel tot die ontwikkeling van Kennisbestuursteorie het daar in Organisasie Teorie ontwikkelinge plaasgevind wat organisasies benader as interpretasie— of singewingsisteme. Kennis staan ook sentraal in hierdie teorieë van organisasie, maar kennis word gesien as ‘n kollektiewe totstandbrenging wat verweefd is met die praktyke in organisasies. Dit is dus duidelik dat die Kennis-skeppingsbenadering en die Singewingsperspektief organisasies met verskillende wêreldbeelde benader. Die tesis poog om die kloof tussen hierdie twee wêreldbeelde te oorbrug deur die proses van Kennis-skepping te beskryf vanuit die perspektief van Singewing. Dit word gedoen deur die hoofstroom Kennisbestuursteorie krities te beskou. Daarna word Organisatoriese Singewing beskryf deur spesifiek te fokus op die alledaagse konteks van Organisatoriese Singewing en spesifiek op Argumentering as ‘n Singewingsproses. Daar word aangevoer dat Argumentering die proses is waardeur nuwe kennis geskep word. ‘n Singewingsperspektief op Kennis-skepping het ‘n aantal voordele. Die fokus op Argumentering spreek ‘n leemte in Kennisbestuursteorie aan, naamlik die proses waardeur nuutgeskepte kennis geregverdig word om te verseker dat dit robuust is, sonder om die pluralistiese epistemologie van Kennisbestuursteorie te laat vaar. Argumentering is ‘n proses waardeur aansprake gemaak, uitgedaag en verdedig word. Die perspektief op Singwing as Argumentering bied dus ‘n beskrywing van Kennis-skepping wat die regverdiging van kennis insluit. Verder neem die Singewingsperspektief op Kennis-skepping sosiale interaksie as basismodel eerder as die lineêre produk-ontwikkelingsperspektief. Dit is dus nader aan die alledaagse prosesse van inkrementele verbetering as die radikale innovasie-prosesse wat die inspirasie vir hoofstroom Kennis-skeppingsteorie is.

Exploring the foundations, implications, and discursive sense making of (employee-directed) corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Katharine E Miller (6934682) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<p>This study takes a mixed-method, micro-approach to understanding the internal sensemaking and understanding of employee-directed CSR given the potentially changing nature of such efforts. In particular, this study explores how organizational members (i.e., employees) construct knowledge (via their sensemaking) of organizational CSR and primarily those employee-focused.I take a communicative and discursive approach in viewing CSR as a socially constructed phenomenon (Schultz, Castello, & Morsing, 2013) and (social) movement within organizations (Georgallis, 2017), and thus contextual and unique to organizational sites. Findings revealed D/discourses of CSR from employee perceptions at the micro level and reflected in macro level document messaging. Through this, I found various paradoxes of CSR from the expectations versus reality of what it means for organizations to be “responsible.” At the individual level, employee sensemaking around CSR came to light—particularly in highlighting how these stakeholders rationalize, perceive, and identify with such efforts, especially those targeting or benefiting employees. In presenting a multi-method study, this dissertation contributes to research on the micro-foundations and limited internal perspective of CSR and provides important pragmatic implications given the timely and relevant nature of this work.</p>

Elliott Jaques and sensemaking : ultimate sensemaker or 20th century relic?

Groenewald, Henry James 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis considers the work of Elliot Jaques through the most recent interpretivist views of organizations and management. As it stands, Jaques does not form part of mainstream management thinking. Jaques is primarily known in organization and management theory for Stratified Systems Theory through his book Requisite Organization. Although undoubtedly influential, his views are generally considered to be either outdated or highly contentious. This assessment is mostly based on his book Requisite Organization. However, Jaques’ work spans fifty years of research in management science and the thesis explores his entire body of work with a view to understanding the research that Requisite Organization is founded upon. It explains Jaques’ divergence from the current determinisms that dominate our current milieu and links his work in Levels of Abstraction in Logic and Human Action with Maturana and Varella’s concept of autopoiesis and Weick's theory of Organizational Sensemaking. It is shown how the roots of Requisite Organization seeks to address similar concerns to that of Organizational Sensemaking. In conclusion various aspects of Jaques work are mapped to aspects of Weick's work, which at first glance would have seemed incompatible. It is argued that, if considered as a whole, Jaques' theory resonates with much more modern understandings of organization and management theory than is widely assumed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tesis oorweeg die werk van Elliot Jaques deur die lens van die onlangste interpretatiewe sienings van organisasie en bestuursteorie. Op die oomblik vorm Jaques nie deel van die hoofstroom bestuursdenke nie. Hy is hoofsaaklik bekend vir Gestratifiseerde Sisteemteorie deur sy boek Requisite Organization. Alhoewel hierdie teorie baie invloedryk was, word dit meestal gesien as deel van bestuursgeskiedenis en wat eerder as kontroversieel as relevant beskou word. Hierdie oordeel is gewoonlik gebaseer op sy hoofwerk – Requisite Organization. Sy navorsing is egter op vyftig jaar in bestuurswetenskap gebaseer en die tesis bekyk sy totale bydrae in 'n poging om die navorsing waarop Requisite Organization gebaseer is te probeer verstaan. Dit verduidelik Jaques se afwyking van huidige determinismes wat ons huidige verstaan domineer en haak sy werk in Levels of Abstraction in Logic and Human Action met Maturana en Varella se konsep van autopoiesis en sy totale bydrae met Weick se teorie van Organisatoriese Singewing. Daar word aangedui hoedat die wortels van Requisite Organization dieselfde sake probeer aanspreek as Organisatoriese Singewing. Ten slotte word verskeie aspekte van Jaques se werk in verband gebring met aspekte van Weick se werk wat met die eerste oogopslag teenstrydig skyn te wees. Daar word geargumenteer dat, gesien as 'n geheel, Jaques se teorie baie meer modern voorkom as voorheen aanvaar is.

Closing Loops and Making Sense : An exploratory case study of how employees in a global company make sense of a circular economy

Guthknecht, Arne January 2018 (has links)
Background: According to Webster et al. (2013, p. 4) “the idea of the circular economy is capturing the attention of businesses, academics and the next generation of entrepreneurs as a framework for re-designing the economy”. This can be traced back to growing evidence of environmental risks like ozone depletion, climate change, threats to biodiversity and changes in the nitrogen cycle (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). Although the European economy still relies on a linear economic model, operating on a take-make-dispose basis (Rossé et al., 2016), circular business model have recently experienced a rapid growth and are perceived increasingly attractive by businesses (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017a). Research Question: How do individuals in a multi-national organization make sense of circular economy and their goal of transforming to a circular business? Purpose: Exploring how individuals in an organization make sense of the circular economy concept when pursuing the goal to transform to a circular business by 2030. Method: The research is an exploratory case study with empirical data collected through semi- structured interviews at the case company IKEA Conclusion: By establishing the circularity goal, the organization changes the ambiguity of circular economy to uncertainty for employees that enact it. The individuals are making sense of the circular economy concept triggered by uncertainty due to the missing practical approach defined in the strategy. There is no collective agreement if circular economy is mainly business- driven or sustainability-driven, but they establish collective sense on engaging in many local solutions of circular economy instead of choosing one global approach, representative for the concept of a circular economy. Conclusion: By establishing the circularity goal, the organization changes the ambiguity of circular economy to uncertainty for employees that enact it. The individuals are making sense of the circular economy concept triggered by uncertainty due to the missing practical approach defined in the strategy. There is no collective agreement if circular economy is mainly business- driven or sustainability-driven, but they establish collective sense on engaging in many local solutions of circular economy instead of choosing one global approach, representative for the concept of a circular economy.

Understanding Institutional Logics by Sense Making : A case study of a sustainability project

Hiller, Pascalina January 2018 (has links)
Background: Sustainability is realized by companies to different extends as plenty of pressures operate on projects which influence the outcome. One specific influence are the actors who make sense of the pressures based on organizational and personal experiences. By the combination of institutional logics and organizational sensemaking theory, organizational influences in form of pressures and logics (forming the macro-level) and personal views based on individual sense making (micro-level) are combined to a micro-macro connection. The integration of the both theories leads to a deeper understanding on ‘sustainability integration’. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to understand how individuals handle sustainability in a project in a multinational company with has a focus in sustainability. It is of most interest how the influences, represented by the concept of institutional logics, are constructed by the sensemaking of the actors. Research question: How do employees make sense of a project with a sustainability purpose based on institutional logics? Method: The research design of this thesis is an exploratory case study with data collection by the hands of semi-structured interviews. Abductive reasoning was applied. An epistemological position of constructivism and interpretivism was taken. Conclusion: The findings of this study show that organizational pressures are not explicitly noted by each individual. A collective sensemaking is found in the fact that a sustainable project must be affordable for the customers to meet their needs. This finding however, can be traced back to the organizational level which is coined by a strong value culture.

Chief Student Affairs Officers and Fundraising Responsibilities at Small, Private, Liberal Arts Institutions

Duraj, Jonathan R. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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