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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Temperature and Radiation Measurements in a Pressurized Oxy-Coal Reactor

Badger, Dustin Peter 23 May 2022 (has links)
To understand the behavior and performance of a new 100 kW pilot scale pressurized oxy-coal reactor, radiation measurements of the flame have been made using a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer. From these radiation measurements, gas temperatures were obtained using integrated spectral infrared (ISIR) emission from the CO2 and water vapor of the combustion product gases. Radiative emission from the product gases in the reactor were collected through a quartz window 1.524 m downstream of the burner. An optical probe focused culminated emission from the combustion chamber into a silica fiber which transported the radiative signal to the spectrometer. The method produced both wall and gas temperatures as well as total integrated intensity. Values for wall temperature ranged from 1150 to 1450K and gas temperatures ranged from 1150 to 1680K. The wall and gas temperature measurement trends were consistent with expected trends with periods of increasing and decreasing fuel flow rates. Temperatures could not be verified by independent measurements, but the absolute uncertainty of the gas temperature was estimated to be +100 and -50 K in the worst case, with the largest source of uncertainty being due to window fouling. These temperature and integrated intensity values were compared to measurements taken using thermocouple and radiometers at the same axial location on the reactor.

Oxyfuel Carbon Capture for Pulverized Coal: Techno - Economic Model Creations and Evaluation Amongst Alternatives

Borgert, Kyle James 01 May 2015 (has links)
Today, and for the foreseeable future, coal and other fossil fuels will provide a major portion of the energy services demanded by both developed and developing countries around the word. In order to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide associated with combustion of coal for electricity generation, a wide range of carbon capture technologies are being developed. This thesis models the oxyfuel carbon capture process for pulverized coal and presents performance and cost estimates of this system in comparison to other low-carbon fossil fuel generators. Detailed process models for oxygen production, flue gas treatment, and carbon dioxide purification have been developed along with the calculation strategies necessary to employ these components in alternative oxyfuel system configurations for different types of coal-fired power plants. These new oxyfuel process models have been implemented in the widely-used Integrated Environmental Control Model (IECM) to facilitate systematic comparisons with other low-carbon options employing fossil fuels. Assumptions about uncertainties in the performance characteristics of gas separation processes and flue gas duct sealing technology, as well as plant utilization and financing parameters, were found to produce a wide range of cost estimates for oxyfuel systems. In case studies of a new 500 MW power plant burning sub-bituminous Powder River Basin coal, the estimated levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) 95% confidence interval (CI) was 86 to 150 [$/MWh] for an oxyfuel system producing a high-purity [99.5 mol% CO2] carbon dioxide product while capturing 90% of the flue gas carbon dioxide. For a CoCapture oxyfuel system capturing 100% of the flue gas CO2 together with all other flue gas constituents, the estimated LCOE 95% CI was 90 to 153 [$/MWh] (all costs in constant 2012 US Dollars). Using the IECM, an oxyfuel system for CO2 capture also was compared under uncertainty to an existing amine-based post-combustion capture system for a new 500 MW power plant, with both systems capturing 90% of the CO2 and producing a high-purity stream for pipeline transport to a geological sequestration site. The resulting distribution for the cost of CO2 avoided showed the oxyfuel-based system had a 95% CI of 44 to 126 [$/tonne CO2] while the amine-based system cost 95% CI ranged from 50 to 133 [$/tonne CO2]. The oxyfuel cost distribution had a longer tail toward more expensive configurations but over 70% of the distribution showed the oxyfuel-based system to be ~10[$/tonne CO2] lower in cost compared to the amine-based capture system. An evaluation of several low-carbon generation options fueled by coal and natural gas further considered both direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. This analysis showed oxyfuel to be economically competitive with all capture system considered, and also indicated oxyfuel to be the preferred carbon capture technology for minimizing overall carbon intensity. Combined, these results suggest that oxyfuel is a promising carbon capture technology, and the only one which offers the unique ability to capture all the combustion gases to become a truly zero emission coal plant. Realization of the latter option, however, is contingent on the development of new regulatory policies for underground injection of mixed flue gas streams that is outside the scope of this thesis.

Completion and Initial Testing of a Pressurized Oxy-Coal Reactor

Gardner, Scott Hunsaker 22 November 2021 (has links)
Oxy-combustion is a process which removes nitrogen from air prior to combustion in order to produce a high concentration of CO2 in the exhaust. This enables CO2 liquefaction, transport, and storage to greatly reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Atmospheric oxy-coal combustion has been successfully demonstrated at industrial scales and could be retrofit in existing coal boilers, but thermodynamic efficiencies are low and therefore uneconomical. Pressurized oxy-coal combustion has the potential for higher efficiency and lower cost but requires new technologies related to the coal feed system, the burner, and ash management. This project describes work needed to complete the dry feed pressurized oxy-coal combustor (POC) at BYU. The POC required the software control system (OPTO22) to be completed, a reactor shakedown, and testing of a previously designed burner by recording reactor thermocouple, exhaust concentration, and radiometer measurements. The following has been successfully demonstrated: 1) reactor heat-up with natural gas 2) coal combustion within temperature limits of the reactor 3) slagging that allows ash management.

A Comprehensive Coal Conversion Model Extended to Oxy-Coal Conditions

Holland, Troy Michael 01 July 2017 (has links)
CFD simulations are valuable tools in evaluating and deploying oxy-fuel and other carbon capture technologies either as retrofit technologies or for new construction. However, accurate predictive simulations require physically realistic submodels with low computational requirements. In particular, comprehensive char oxidation and gasification models have been developed that describe multiple reaction and diffusion processes. This work extends a comprehensive char conversion code (the Carbon Conversion Kinetics or CCK model), which treats surface oxidation and gasification reactions as well as processes such as film diffusion, pore diffusion, ash encapsulation, and annealing. In this work, the CCK model was thoroughly investigated with a global sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity analysis highlighted several submodels in the CCK code, which were updated with more realistic physics or otherwise extended to function in oxy-coal conditions. Improved submodels include a greatly extended annealing model, the swelling model, the mode of burning parameter, and the kinetic model, as well as the addition of the Chemical Percolation Devolatilization (CPD) model. The resultant Carbon Conversion Kinetics for oxy-coal combustion (CCK/oxy) model predictions were compared to oxy-coal data, and further compared to parallel data sets obtained at near conventional conditions.

Numerical Evaluation of Forces Affecting Particle Motion in Time-Invariant Pressurized Jet Flow

Peterson, Donald E. 14 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This work evaluates the relative significance of forces determining the motion of a pulverized coal particle under conditions representative of a pressurized oxy-coal combustor. The gravity force and surface forces of drag, fluid stress, added mass, and Basset history are discussed and appropriate forms of these force equations are chosen, with a consideration of spherical and non-spherical drag and the Basset history kernel. Studies from the literature that emphasize specific forces are used to validate the implementation of the force equations and correlations. Modeling is based on time-averaged, one-dimensional motion of a single non-reacting particle along the centerline of a round, turbulent jet. The numerical methodology employed for solving the particle equation of motion is described in detail, and simulated particle motion is compared to experimental and high-fidelity simulations from the literature. Comparisons show the numerical methodology performs adequately relative to higher fidelity simulations and experimental test cases for one-dimensional, time-invariant conditions. To assess the effect of pressure on particle forces and motion under different conditions, simulation cases are run for particle diameters of 20 μm, 50 μm, 125 μm, gas temperatures of 300 K and 1500 K, and gas pressures of 1.01325 bar, 2 bar, 5 bar, 10 bar, 20 bar, 40 bar. Simulations are conducted over a 0.75-m length in a simplified environment representative of the pressurized oxy-coal (POC) combustor at Brigham Young University. Results show that all surface forces examined can be locally significant at high gas pressures when particle and gas velocity differences, i.e., particle Reynolds numbers, are greatest. The following trends are found for the behavior of surface forces in simplified, POC combustor simulations: 1) The quasi-steady drag force is always significant, though it's relative contribution to particle motion decreases as particles traverse regions with significant fluid velocity gradients or significant values for the substantial derivative of fluid velocity. Furthermore, quasi-steady drag is the only surface force that is significant throughout the entirety of a particle's trajectory. The relative contribution of the drag force decreases with increasing gas pressure. 2) The impact of the fluid stress force on particle motion increases with increasing gas pressure and particle size. The fluid stress force can be locally important for all of the particles sizes when at a gas temperature of 300 K and elevated pressure, as particles traverse regions with significant substantial derivatives of fluid velocity. The local impact of the fluid stress force is largely negligible at 1500 K, except for the case of the largest particle at the greatest pressure. 3) The behavior of the added mass force largely mirrors that of the fluid stress force, though the added mass force is generally of lesser magnitude. Therefore, the added mass force can be locally important for all of the particles sizes when at a gas temperature of 300 K and elevated pressure, as particles traverse regions with significant substantial derivatives of fluid velocity. The added mass force is generally the least significant of the analyzed surface forces. 4) The Basset history force is locally significant for all cases where the particles are traversing regions with significant fluid velocity gradients. The impact of the Basset history force on particle motion increases with increasing gas pressure and particle size, while decreasing as gas temperature increases.

Burner Design for a Pressurized Oxy-Coal Reactor

Carpenter, William Cody 01 June 2019 (has links)
The need for electric power across the globe is ever increasing, as is the need to produce electricity in a sustainable method that does not emit CO2 into the atmosphere. A proposed technology for efficiently capturing CO2 while producing electricity is pressurized oxy-combustion (POC). The objective of this work is to design, build, and demonstrate a burner for a 20 atmosphere oxy-coal combustor. Additionally, working engineering drawings for the main pressure vessel and floor plan drawings for the main pressure vessel, exhaust, and fuel feed systems were produced. The POC reactor enables the development of three key POC technologies: a coal dry-feed system, a high pressure burner, and an ash management system. This work focuses on the design of a traditional diffusion flame burner and the design of the main reactor. The burner was designed with the intent to elongate the flame and spread heat flux from the reacting fuel over a longer distance to enable low CO2 recycle rates. This was done by matching the velocities of the fuel and oxidizer in the burner to minimize shear between incoming jets in order to delay the mixing of the coal and oxygen for as long as possible. A spreadsheet model was used to calculate the jet velocities and sizes of holes needed in the burner, comprehensive combustion modeling was outsourced to Reaction Engineering International (REI) to predict the performance of burner designs. Using the guidance of the modeling results, a burner design was selected and assembled. The burner consists of a center tube where the primary fuel will flow, two concentric secondary tubes making an inner and an outer annulus, and eight tertiary lances. The burner and reactor are ready to be tested once issues involving the control system are resolved. Measurements that will be taken once testing begins include: axial gas and wall temperature, radiative heat flux, outlet gas temperature, and ash composition.

Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Pressurized Oxy-Coal Reactor Exhaust System

Skousen, Aaron Bradley 01 June 2019 (has links)
One of the challenges facing engineers is to provide clean, sustainable, affordable and reliable electricity. One of the major pollutants associated with coal combustion is CO2. A proposed technology for efficiently capturing CO2 while producing electricity is pressurized oxy-combustion (POC). The first objective of this work is to design, build and demonstrate an exhaust system for a 20 atmosphere oxy-coal combustor. The second objective of this work is to design and build mounts for a two-color laser extinction method in the POC. The POC reactor enables the development of three key technologies: a coal dry-feed system, a high pressure burner, and an ash management system. This work focuses on cooling the flue gas by means of a spray quench and heat exchanger; controlling the reactor pressure and removing ash from the flue gas. Designs and models of each component in the exhaust systems are presented. Methods to test and assemble each system are also discussed. The spray quench flow rate was measured as a function of pump pressure. Theoretical models for the required amount of water in the spray quench, the flue gas composition, the length and number of tubes in the heat exchanger, and the cyclone collection efficiency are presented. The combined exhaust system is assembled and ready to be tested once issues involving the control system and burner are resolved.

Measurement and Analysis of Gas Composition in a Staged and Unstaged Oxy-Fired Pulverized Coal Reactor with Warm Flue Gas Recycle

Chamberlain, Skyler Charles 05 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nearly half of the electrical power produced in the United States is generated with coal. Coal power is inexpensive and reliable, but coal combustion releases harmful pollutants including NOx and SOx into the atmosphere if not controlled. CO2, a greenhouse gas, is also released during coal combustion and may contribute to global warming. A promising technology enabling carbon capture is oxy-coal combustion. During oxy-combustion, coal is burned in an atmosphere of O2 and recycled flue gas to eliminate nitrogen which makes up the majority of air-combustion flue gas. Oxy-combustion flue gas is mainly composed of CO2 and H2O. H2O can be condensed out of the gas, and the CO2 can then be captured and permanently stored relatively easily. The composition of the gas inside an oxy-fired boiler will be different due to the absence of nitrogen and the recycling of flue gas. Corrosive sulfur and chlorine gas species concentrations will be higher, and CO and NOx concentrations will be effected. An understanding of the differences in gas concentrations is critical to oxy-combustion boiler design. Four different pulverized coals were combusted in a reactor under staged and unstaged oxy-combustion conditions with warm recycled flue gas (420°F) to simulate conditions in an oxy-fired coal boiler. The gas composition was measured in the reducing and oxidizing zones for staged combustion, and in the same locations, 57 cm and 216 cm from the burner, for unstaged combustion. The results were compared to the results from similar staged air-combustion experiments using the same coals and burner. CO concentrations were higher for staged oxy-combustion compared to air-combustion, and the increase was more substantial for lower rank coals. H2S concentrations in the reducing regions were also higher, and the fraction of gas phase sulfur measured as H2S was higher for oxy-combustion. SO2 concentrations were 2.9 to 3.8 times as high as air-combustion concentrations. The measured conversion of coal sulfur to SO3 was lower for oxy-combustion, and ranged from 0.61% to 0.98%. The average fraction of coal sulfur measured in the gas phase was 84%, 80%, and 85% for staged oxy-combustion, unstaged oxy-combustion, and staged air-combustion respectively. HCl concentrations were 2.8 to 3.1 times higher in the staged oxy-combustion oxidizing zone, and a smaller fraction of coal chlorine was measured in the reducing zone. On average 70.8%, 79.5%, and 71.1% of the coal chlorine was measured as HCl for staged oxy-combustion, unstaged oxy-combustion, and staged air-combustion respectively. The fractions of coal chlorine and sulfur measured in the gas phase for staged combustion were not significantly affected by combustion media. Some staged oxy-combustion NO concentrations were lower than air-combustion concentrations while others were slightly higher, and NO emission rates were much lower due to recycling NO through the burner.

Economic Evaluation of an Advanced Super Critical Oxy-Coal Power Plant with CO2 Capture

Beigzadeh, Ashkan January 2009 (has links)
Today’s carbon constrained world with its increasing demand for cheap energy and a fossil fuel intensive fleet of power producers is making carbon capture and storage (CCS) desirable. Several CCS technologies are under investigation by various research and development groups globally. One of the more promising technologies is oxy-fuel combustion, since it produces a CO2 rich flue gas which requires minor processing to meet storage condition requirements. In this study the economics of an advanced super critical oxy-coal power plant burning lignite, simulated in-house was assessed. A robust and user-friendly financial tool box has been developed with commonly acceptable default parameter settings. Capital, operation and maintenance costs were estimated along with corresponding levelized cost of electricity and CO2 avoidance costs calculated using the detailed financial model developed. A levelized cost of electricity of 131 $/MWhrnet along with a levelized CO2 avoidance cost of 64 $/tonne was estimated for an ASC oxy-coal power plant with CO2 capture. Also a levelized cost of electricity of 83 $/MWhrnet was estimated for an ASC air-fired coal power plant without CO2 capture capabilities as the base plant. The price of electricity was observed to increase from 83 $/MWhrnet to 131 $/MWhrnet translating into a 57% increase. The sensitivity of the overall economics of the process was assessed to several parameters. The overall economics was found sensitive to the choice chemical engineering plant cost index (CEPCI), capacity factor, size of power plant, debt ratio, fuel price, interest rate, and construction duration.

Economic Evaluation of an Advanced Super Critical Oxy-Coal Power Plant with CO2 Capture

Beigzadeh, Ashkan January 2009 (has links)
Today???s carbon constrained world with its increasing demand for cheap energy and a fossil fuel intensive fleet of power producers is making carbon capture and storage (CCS) desirable. Several CCS technologies are under investigation by various research and development groups globally. One of the more promising technologies is oxy-fuel combustion, since it produces a CO2 rich flue gas which requires minor processing to meet storage condition requirements. In this study the economics of an advanced super critical oxy-coal power plant burning lignite, simulated in-house was assessed. A robust and user-friendly financial tool box has been developed with commonly acceptable default parameter settings. Capital, operation and maintenance costs were estimated along with corresponding levelized cost of electricity and CO2 avoidance costs calculated using the detailed financial model developed. A levelized cost of electricity of 131 $/MWhrnet along with a levelized CO2 avoidance cost of 64 $/tonne was estimated for an ASC oxy-coal power plant with CO2 capture. Also a levelized cost of electricity of 83 $/MWhrnet was estimated for an ASC air-fired coal power plant without CO2 capture capabilities as the base plant. The price of electricity was observed to increase from 83 $/MWhrnet to 131 $/MWhrnet translating into a 57% increase. The sensitivity of the overall economics of the process was assessed to several parameters. The overall economics was found sensitive to the choice chemical engineering plant cost index (CEPCI), capacity factor, size of power plant, debt ratio, fuel price, interest rate, and construction duration.

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