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Soil and Landscape Factors Affecting Phosphorus Loss from the Fitzgerald River Catchment in South West of Western Australiarxysharma76@gmail.com, Rajesh Sharma January 2009 (has links)
Following over 100 years of agriculture and continuous phosphorus (P) fertilizer application in the south west of Western Australia, there is a growing risk of P transport from cropping and pasture land to streams. However, soil and landscape factors affecting the likelihood of P losses and of stream water contamination have not yet been assessed for the South coast region of Western Australia. The present investigation was conducted in the Fitzgerald River catchment located ~ 400 km south east of Perth, to identify risk of P losses from agricultural land to streams, through an understanding of how P is retained within complex landscapes and released via surface and subsurface flow paths. The 104,000 ha catchment is in a moderately dissected landscape (average annual rainfall 450 mm) and discharges into the World Heritage listed Fitzgerald Biosphere. The main use of cleared land in the catchment is broad-scale agriculture, primarily winter grain cropping and pasture for livestock.
The aim of an initial study was to identify the areas with high soil P concentrations and their relationship to factors such as soil type, topography, management (e.g. fertilizer and manure inputs, and uptake by crops or forage) and how variations in soil P concentrations were related to soil physico-chemical properties, P fertilizer management and landscape position. A wide variation in P concentrations was observed across the catchment, but few of the samples exceeded Colwell extractable P levels of 30 mg/kg in the 0-10 cm layer which is regarded as a critical level for crop and pasture productivity. The western area of the catchment, which was cleared earlier (before 1966) than the eastern area had a greater prevalence of loam soils, and higher Colwell-extractable P concentrations (average)22 mg/kg vs. 13 mg P/kg) due to soil type effects and higher P accumulation over time. Risk of P loss from the east and west of the catchment is expected to vary due to textural and topographic differences and P history (P fertilizer input and uptake by crops). The CaCl2-extractable P in the catchment was negatively correlated with oxalate extractable Fe (Feox) in soils. This suggests that P may be transported as particulate P (PP) on loam and clay soils due to sorption of P on oxides surfaces, while on sand soil leaching losses may be more likely. On loam and clay soils, higher sodicity and the dispersive nature of subsoils may increase the risk of both dissolved P (DP) and PP loss due to the effects on hydraulic conductivity of the profile.
Hedley's fractionation scheme was used to quantify P fractions in the order of decreasing lability, viz: resin-P > NaOH-Pi > NaOH-Po > acid-P (H2SO4-P) > residual-P. Surface soil had higher resin and NaOH-Pi, which are regarded as water-soluble and readily exchangeable P forms, respectively and expected to contribute to DP in the runoff losses. The residual P was the largest fraction followed by the hydroxide extractable organic-P fraction (NaOH-Po): the former was positively correlated (r) with clay content, organic carbon (OC) and pyrophosphate extractable Fe and Al (0.48**, 0.61**, 0.69** and 0.58**, P < 0.01). A relatively higher value of NaOH-Po in the subsurface layer and positive correlation with OC (r = 0.45**, P < 0.01) suggests potential mobility of P as soluble organic P in run-off, throughflow and leachate.
Phosphorus sorption and its relationship to soil properties was used to assess the potential P release from the catchment soils. Values of P sorption maxima varied from 1111-3333 mg/kg for surface soils and 1010-2917 mg/kg for subsoils. The P sorption isotherms conformed better to the Freundlich equation than the Langmuir equation. A highly significant negative correlation between CaCl2 extractable P and Feox in surface soils (r = -0.65**, P < 0.01) suggests that P was bound to hydrated Fe oxide surfaces and this may determine the concentration and dynamics of loosely bound P equilibrating with leachates and eroded particulate materials. On the other hand, high surface organic matter and the high proportion of total dissolved P in organically bound form may inhibit P sorption on clays and sesquioxides, which would increase P mobility through leaching or runoff losses.
The relationship between soil P concentration and degree of P stratification in the top 0-10 cm of soils along five toposequences was examined to predict the effect on runoff P losses. The total Colwell-P content of the 0-10 cm layer of soils in the catchment was very low in comparison to other studies on P losses from agricultural soils, but soils showed higher P concentration at 0-1 cm depth compared to 5-10 cm (average 37 mg/kg vs. 19 mg/kg). The higher extractable P concentration in the 0-1 cm layer will create a greater P mobilization risk in surface runoff and leachate than analysis of the 0-10 cm layer might suggest. Assessment of P risk using the 0-10 cm data would still be reliable as P concentration in the 0-1 cm layer was linearly related (R2 = 0.59) with concentration in the 0-10 cm layer. The sampling at varied soil depths will result in different critical P levels for estimating the risk of P enrichment in runoff.
In a glasshouse study with intact soil columns, initial high P concentrations in leachate decreased with leaching events suggesting that macropore flow dominated in initial leaching events changing later to matrix flow. The hydraulic behavior of clay and loam soil below 10 cm depends largely on structure and the type of clay minerals and exchangeable Na. Higher levels of exchangeable Na in the subsoil might increase dispersion of clay particles resulting in low permeability leading to ponding of surface water or lateral movement of water at the interface of sand A and clay B horizons. Lateral water movements increase the risk of P losses in the form of DP, dissolved organic P (DOP) or PP. The P concentration in all the P forms (DRP, DOP and TDP) increased significantly with P rates of application (P < 0.01). The DRP concentration was < 2 mg/l in unfertilized columns but an increase to 11 mg/l was observed with P application at 40 kg P/ha. The higher proportion of DOP relative to DRP and its correlation with TDP indicates that the DOP was the major form of P in leachate. However, the estimation of DOP which was by subtraction of DRP from TDP generally overestimates OP concentration.
The TDP load from unfertilized soil was < 0.20 mg/l in runoff and < 2.40 mg/l in throughflow but increased with P application (20, 40 kg P/ha) for both packed box and field studies. Under field conditions, higher P loss was found with broadcast P application compared to drill placement. The higher load of DOP as a proportion of TDP and its significant relationship with TDP in runoff (R2sand = 0.81; R2clay = 0.79) and throughflow (R2sand = 0.94; R2clay = 0.98) in field and box studies also suggests DOP was the major form of P loss from soil. Dissolved OP concentration increased significantly with increase in soluble organic carbon (SOC) in soil solution at 5 cm depth (P < 0.05). Consequently, the amount of organic matter dissolved in soil solution may influence P sorption and mobility. Relatively higher affinity of soil for sorption of DRP compared to DOP might allow DOP to be more mobile through the profile. Higher PP load in clay soil in throughflow indicates subsurface lateral flow along the interface with the horizon of dispersive clay might be an additional risk factor regarding P mobility in clay soils of the catchment.
The runoff, throughflow and leachate were dominated by eroded particles of clay and colloidal organic materials. However, the soil solution collected though 0.1 m pores in the Rhizon samplers had a similar dominance of DOP to the < 0.45 jum filtered samples in runoff and throughflow. This reduces the likelihood that the so-called DOP fraction was mostly P associated with PP in the 0.1 to 0.45 jum size fraction. The composition of DOP in soil solution collected through Rhizon samplers (< 0.1 jum) might provide important insights for P mobility since this more effectively excluded PP than in the < 0.45 jum filtrate used for runoff and throughflow samples. The DOP in soil solution (< 0.1 jum) might be associated with fine colloidal compound such as silicates, metallic hydroxides, humic acids, polysaccharides, fulvic acids and proteins. If so, then most, but not all of the DOP fraction would be organically bound. However, this requires verification.
In conclusion, soil P levels across the catchment were never very high when assessed in the 0-10 cm layer, but levels in the 0-1 cm layer were more than twice as high. Overall, < 1 % of land area of the upper Fitzgerald River catchment had Colwell-P levels > 30 mg/kg (0-10 cm) and hydrological connection to streams. In addition, another 7 % of land had Colwell-P levels > 15 mg/kg, which appears to be a change point in soils for the release of CaCl2 extractable P. These areas, which are predicted to represent critical source areas of the catchment, need careful management. The high proportions of TDP as DOP in runoff, throughflow and soil solution suggest DOP was the major form of P loss from soil. Phosphorus losses from the catchments are also likely in the form of PP in clay and loam soil but leaching losses are more likely in sand. High exchangeable Na in the subsoil of loam and clay soils increases dispersion of clay particles resulting in low permeability of subsoil and greater lateral P mobility as throughflow at the interface of sand and clay textured horizons.
In general, soils of Fitzgerald River catchment had low soil P, but nevertheless significant risk of P loss at Colwell-P > 15 mg/kg. This study provides baseline information for P loss risks in the wheatbelt of WA. Stream water quality monitoring instruments were installed in the upper Fitzgerald River Catchment at 5 stream locations by CSIRO to measure base line concentrations of P. The measured P concentrations were higher than ANZECC trigger values (> 0.05 mg P/l) for management response over the three-year monitoring period (2005-07). Hence this and many other catchments on the south coast and wheatbelt of south west Western Australia need assessment for P loss risks. Previous emphasis in south west Western Australia on P losses from sandy coastal soils under pasture may need to be reconsidered. In the South coast region, cropping land in the medium rainfall zone may still represent a risk of P loss to waterways and risk to water quality. The present study evaluated the risk of P loss based on soil P forms and their mobility. It suggests greater attention needs to be given to the difference between clay and loam soils with dispersive or non-dispersive sub-soils, and to the composition and mobility of DOP. However, a more complete understanding of P loss risks depends on follow-up studies on hydrological flow and connectivity in the upper Fitzgerald River catchment and similar landscapes of south west Western Australia.
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Mineralização de fósforo do adubo verde e sua absorção por plantas de arroz / Mineralization of green manure phosphorus and its absorption by rice plantsMarsola, Tatiana 14 March 2008 (has links)
Em sistemas de plantio direto, o material vegetal incorporado libera fósforo solúvel no solo, porém, sua absorção por plantas subseqüentes ainda é pouco conhecida. Parte do fósforo nos tecidos vegetais está na forma de compostos insolúveis, que precisam ser mineralizados para serem absorvidos pelas plantas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estabelecer a melhor época de aplicação de 32P para marcação de plantas de adubo verde; determinar as formas de P nas plantas; determinar as principais formas de fósforo no solo após a incorporação de diferentes espécies de adubo verde; estimar a eficiência dos adubos verdes no fornecimento de P para plantas de arroz, e determinar a relação entre as formas de P nas plantas de adubo verde e sua mineralização no solo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em duas etapas. Na Etapa 1 foram marcadas com 32P plantas de aveia-preta, milheto e nabo forrageiro na semeadura e aos 14, 28 e 42 dias. Estas plantas foram incubadas e utilizadas como adubo verde no cultivo de arroz. As plantas de arroz apresentaram eficiência de utilização de P semelhantes para adubos verdes marcados até 28 dias, podendo ser utilizada uma atividade 75% menor para marcação dessas espécies. Na etapa 2 foram cultivadas plantas de aveia-preta, crotalária e nabo forrageiro marcadas com 32P aos 14 dias. Foi verificado que a maioria do P nas plantas está na forma solúvel, correspondendo em média 67% do 32Pt. Essas plantas foram incubadas por 20, 40 e 60 dias e cultivadas plantas de arroz. A eficiência de utilização do P proveniente de adubo verde foi maior para incubação por 20 e 60 dias, diminuindo consideravelmente para incubação por 40 dias. Foram determinadas as frações de P no solo incubado com adubo verde nos diferentes períodos de incubação, utilizando o método de Hedley. A fração Pi-resina e P-NaHCO3, que correspondem ao P-lábil, apresentaram as maiores atividades específicas, demonstrando que a maior parte do P solúvel do adubo verde são encontrados nessas frações. A fração Po-NaOH apresentou as maiores concentrações de P, enquanto as menores foram encontradas na fração P-HCl / In no-tillage systems, plant materials incorporated into soil release soluble phosphorus, but its absorption by subsequent plants is not completely clarified. A fraction of phosphorus in vegetal tissues is in the form of insoluble species, which require mineralization to be absorbed by plants. The aims of this work were to establish the best period for 32P application for green manure labeling; to determine the forms of P in plants and in soil after incorporation of different green manures; to estimate the efficiency of green manures for supplying phosphorus to rice plants and to determine the relationship between the P species in green manure and their mineralization in soil. The experiments were carried out in two steps. In the first, plants of black oat, millet and turnip were labeled with 32P at sowing and after 14, 28 and 42 days. These plants were incubated and used as green manure for rice plants. The rice plants showed similar utilization efficiencies of P form green manure plants labeled up to 28 days, making possible the use of a 75% lower activity to label these plants. In step two, black oat, sunnyhemp and turnip plants labeled with 32P after 14 days from sowing were grown. It was verified that the more significant fraction of P in plants is in the soluble form, corresponding in average 67% of 32Pt. These plants were incubated for 20, 40 and 60 days before culturing rice plants. The utilization efficiency of P from green manure sources was higher when the material was incubated for 20 and 60 days, being considerably reduced for 40 days incubation. The P-fractions in the soil incubated with green manure in different periods were determined by the Hedley method. The Pi-resin and P-NaHCO3 fractions, which correspond to labile P, showed the highest specific activities, because the most significant part of the soluble P was found in these fractions. The Po-NaOH fraction showed the highest concentrations of P, while the lowest amounts were in the P-HCl fraction
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Effects of land-use change on phosphorus forms in South-West Australian soilsGeorge, Suman Jacob January 2004 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Eleven sites, each with the trio of land uses: Eucalyptus globulus plantation, pasture and natural vegetation, representing from the Mediterranean climate, high rainfall region (<550 mm annually) of south-western Australia were investigated to assess medium-term changes in the P-supplying capacity of soils in eucalypt plantations growing on agricultural land. The natural vegetation soils were a benchmark for comparing soil P change since land clearing and development for agriculture. The experimental framework provided an ideal basis for studying changes in P forms since land clearing and fertilization for agriculture and the ensuing conversion to plantations (on an average 9 years ago). Conventional soil P indices measure plant available P that is more relevant to short duration annual crops and pastures. To predict medium-term P availability, P forms were determined using Hedley et al.’s (1982) fractionation scheme and fractions were grouped using the Guo and Youst (1998) criteria into readily, moderately and sparingly available P. The P species were also determined by 31P NMR spectroscopy of 0.5M NaOH-0.1M EDTA extracts. Hedley et al.’s (1982) inorganic P extracted by anion exchange resin and by NaHCO3 are widely considered to be approximations to the actual plant available P. The availability to plants of other P fractions is less certain and this is examined in an experiment to compare the plant availability of various P fractions in soils from fertilized and unfertilized land uses following exhaustive cropping in the glasshouse. The soil texture for the sites studied included coarse sand, loamy sand, clayey sand, and sandy loam. Surface soils (0-10 cm) have pH(CaCl2) in the acidic range (mean 4.4) and there is no significant difference due to differences in land use (P<0.05). The soils are of low EC (1:5 H2O) - 6 mS m-1. There is an almost 5-fold variation in organic C among sites (from 1.4% to 8%) but organic C values did not show any significant effect (P<0.05) of changes in land use. To evaluate the degree of similarity of soils within each triplet set at a site principal component analysis was carried out on those soil chemical⁄mineralogical characteristics that were least likely to be affected by changes in land use practices. This analysis showed good matching of the triplet of sub-sites on the whole, especially for the duo of pasture and plantation land uses. This degree of matching of the trio of land uses was considered while interpreting the effects of land use on the forms and behaviour of soil P, and variations due to various extents of mismatch were mostly addressed using statistical techniques including regression analysis to interpret sub-site difference
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Mineralização de fósforo do adubo verde e sua absorção por plantas de arroz / Mineralization of green manure phosphorus and its absorption by rice plantsTatiana Marsola 14 March 2008 (has links)
Em sistemas de plantio direto, o material vegetal incorporado libera fósforo solúvel no solo, porém, sua absorção por plantas subseqüentes ainda é pouco conhecida. Parte do fósforo nos tecidos vegetais está na forma de compostos insolúveis, que precisam ser mineralizados para serem absorvidos pelas plantas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estabelecer a melhor época de aplicação de 32P para marcação de plantas de adubo verde; determinar as formas de P nas plantas; determinar as principais formas de fósforo no solo após a incorporação de diferentes espécies de adubo verde; estimar a eficiência dos adubos verdes no fornecimento de P para plantas de arroz, e determinar a relação entre as formas de P nas plantas de adubo verde e sua mineralização no solo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em duas etapas. Na Etapa 1 foram marcadas com 32P plantas de aveia-preta, milheto e nabo forrageiro na semeadura e aos 14, 28 e 42 dias. Estas plantas foram incubadas e utilizadas como adubo verde no cultivo de arroz. As plantas de arroz apresentaram eficiência de utilização de P semelhantes para adubos verdes marcados até 28 dias, podendo ser utilizada uma atividade 75% menor para marcação dessas espécies. Na etapa 2 foram cultivadas plantas de aveia-preta, crotalária e nabo forrageiro marcadas com 32P aos 14 dias. Foi verificado que a maioria do P nas plantas está na forma solúvel, correspondendo em média 67% do 32Pt. Essas plantas foram incubadas por 20, 40 e 60 dias e cultivadas plantas de arroz. A eficiência de utilização do P proveniente de adubo verde foi maior para incubação por 20 e 60 dias, diminuindo consideravelmente para incubação por 40 dias. Foram determinadas as frações de P no solo incubado com adubo verde nos diferentes períodos de incubação, utilizando o método de Hedley. A fração Pi-resina e P-NaHCO3, que correspondem ao P-lábil, apresentaram as maiores atividades específicas, demonstrando que a maior parte do P solúvel do adubo verde são encontrados nessas frações. A fração Po-NaOH apresentou as maiores concentrações de P, enquanto as menores foram encontradas na fração P-HCl / In no-tillage systems, plant materials incorporated into soil release soluble phosphorus, but its absorption by subsequent plants is not completely clarified. A fraction of phosphorus in vegetal tissues is in the form of insoluble species, which require mineralization to be absorbed by plants. The aims of this work were to establish the best period for 32P application for green manure labeling; to determine the forms of P in plants and in soil after incorporation of different green manures; to estimate the efficiency of green manures for supplying phosphorus to rice plants and to determine the relationship between the P species in green manure and their mineralization in soil. The experiments were carried out in two steps. In the first, plants of black oat, millet and turnip were labeled with 32P at sowing and after 14, 28 and 42 days. These plants were incubated and used as green manure for rice plants. The rice plants showed similar utilization efficiencies of P form green manure plants labeled up to 28 days, making possible the use of a 75% lower activity to label these plants. In step two, black oat, sunnyhemp and turnip plants labeled with 32P after 14 days from sowing were grown. It was verified that the more significant fraction of P in plants is in the soluble form, corresponding in average 67% of 32Pt. These plants were incubated for 20, 40 and 60 days before culturing rice plants. The utilization efficiency of P from green manure sources was higher when the material was incubated for 20 and 60 days, being considerably reduced for 40 days incubation. The P-fractions in the soil incubated with green manure in different periods were determined by the Hedley method. The Pi-resin and P-NaHCO3 fractions, which correspond to labile P, showed the highest specific activities, because the most significant part of the soluble P was found in these fractions. The Po-NaOH fraction showed the highest concentrations of P, while the lowest amounts were in the P-HCl fraction
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Land-use Control on Abiotic and Biotic Mechanisms of P MobilizationMaranguit, Deejay Sabile 25 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Chemical nature and plant availability of phosphorus present in soils under long-term fertilised irrigated pastures in Canterbury, New ZealandCondron, Leo M. January 1986 (has links)
Soil P fractionation was used to examine changes in soil inorganic and organic P under grazed irrigated pasture in a long-term field trial at Winchmore in Mid-Canterbury. The soil P fractionation scheme used involved sequential extractions of soil with O.5M NaHCO₃ @ pH 8.5 (NaHCO₃ P), 0.1M NaOH (NaOH I P), 1M HCl (HCl P) and 0.1M NaOH (NaOH II P). The Winchmore trial comprised 5 treatments: control (no P since 1952), 376R (376 kg superphosphate ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ 1952-1957, none since), 564R (564 kg superphosphate ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ 1952-1957, none since) 188PA (188 kg superphosphate ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ since 1952) and 376PA (376 kg superphosphate ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ since 1952: Topsoil (0-7.5cm) samples taken from the different treatments in 1958, 1961, 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974 and 1977 were used in this study. Changes in soil P with time showed that significant increases in soil inorganic P occurred in the annually fertilised treatments (l88PA, 376PA). As expected, the overall increase in total soil inorganic P between 1958 and 1977 was greater in the 376PA treatment (159 µg P g⁻¹) than that in the 188PA treatment (37 µg P g⁻¹). However, the chemical forms of inorganic P which accumulated in the annually fertilised treatments changed with time. Between 1958 and 1971 most of the increases in soil inorganic P in these treatments occurred in the NaHCO₃ and NaOH I P fractions. On the other hand, increases in soil inorganic P in the annually fertilised treatments between 1971 and 1977 were found mainly in the HCl and NaOH II P fractions. These changes in soil P forms were attributed to the combined effects of lime addition in 1972 and increased amounts of sparingly soluble apatite P and iron-aluminium P in the single superphosphate applied during the 1970's. In the residual fertiliser treatments (376R, 564R) significant decreases in all of the soil inorganic P fractions (i.e. NaHCO₃ P, NaOH I P, HCl P, NaOH II p) occurred between 1958 and 1977 following the cessation of P fertiliser inputs in 1957. This was attributed to continued plant uptake of P accumulated in the soil from earlier P fertiliser additions. However, levels of inorganic P in the different soil P fractions in the residual fertiliser treatments did not decline to those in the control which indicated that some of the inorganic P accumulated in the soil from P fertiliser applied between 1952 and 1957 was present in very stable forms. In all treatments, significant increases in soil organic P occurred between 1958 and 1971. The overall increases in total soil organic P were greater in the annually fertilised treatments (70-86 µg P g⁻¹) than those in the residual fertiliser (55-64 µg P g⁻¹) and control (34 µg P g⁻¹) treatments which reflected the respective levels of pasture production in the different treatments. These increases in soil organic P were attributed to the biological conversion of native and fertiliser inorganic P to organic P in the soil via plant, animal and microbial residues. The results also showed that annual rates of soil organic P accumulation between 1958 and 1971 decreased with time which indicated that steady-state conditions with regard to net 'organic P accumulation were being reached. In the residual fertiliser treatments, soil organic P continued to increase between 1958 and 1971 while levels of soil inorganic P and pasture production declined. This indicated that organic P which accumulated in soil from P fertiliser additions was more stable and less available to plants than inorganic forms of soil P. Between 1971 and 1974 small (10-38 µg P g⁻¹) but significant decreases in total soil organic P occurred in all treatments. This was attributed to increased mineralisation of soil organic P as a result of lime (4 t ha⁻¹) applied to the trial in 1972 and also to the observed cessation of further net soil organic P accumulation after 1971. Liming also appeared to affect the chemical nature of soil organic P as shown by the large decreases in NaOH I organic P(78-88 µg P g⁻¹) and concomitant smaller increases in NaOH II organic P (53-65 µg P g⁻¹) which occurred in all treatments between 1971 and 1974. The chemical nature of soil organic P in the Winchmore long-term trial was also investigated using 31p nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and gel filtration chromatography. This involved quantitative extraction of organic P from the soil by sequential extraction with 0.1M NaOH, 0.2M aqueous acetylacetone (pH 8.3) and 0.5M NaOH following which the extracts were concentrated by ultrafiltration. Soils (0-7.5cm) taken from the control and 376PA annually fertilised treatments in 1958, 1971 and 1983 were used in this study. 31p NMR analysis showed that most (88-94%) of the organic P in the Winchmore soils was present as orthophosphate monoester P while the remainder was found as orthophosphate diester and pyrophosphate P. Orthophosphate monoester P also made up almost all of the soil organic P which accumulated in the 376PA treatment between 1958 and 1971. This indicated that soil organic P in the 376PA and control treatments was very stable. The gel filtration studies using Sephadex G-100 showed that most (61-83%) of the soil organic P in the control and 376PA treatments was present in the low molecular weight forms (<100,000 MW), although the proportion of soil organic P in high molecular weight forms (>100,000 MW) increased from 17-19% in 1958 to 38-39% in 1983. The latter was attributed to the microbial humification of organic P and indicated a shift toward more complex and possibly more stable forms of organic P in the soil with time. Assuming that the difference in soil organic P between the control and 376PA soils sampled in 1971 and 1983 represented the organic P derived from P fertiliser additions, results showed that this soil organic P was evenly distributed between the high and low molecular weight fractions. An exhaustive pot trial was used to examine the relative availability to plants of different forms of soil inorganic and organic P in long-term fertilised pasture soils. This involved growing 3 successive crops of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) in 3 Lismore silt loam (Udic Ustochrept) soils which had received different amounts of P fertiliser for many years. Two of the soils were taken from the annually fertilised treatments in the Winchmore long term trial (188PA, 376PA) and the third (Fairton) was taken from a pasture which had been irrigated with meatworks effluent for over 80 years (65 kg P ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹). Each soil was subjected to 3 treatments, namely control (no nutrients added), N100 and N200. The latter treatments involved adding complete nutrient solutions with different quantities of N at rates of 100kg N ha⁻¹ (N100) and 200kg N ha⁻¹ (N200) on an area basis. The soil P fractionation scheme used was the same as that used in the Winchmore long-term trial study (i.e. NaHCO₃ P, NaOH I P, HCl P, NaOH II p). Results obtained showed that the availability to plants of different extracted inorganic P fractions, as measured by decreases in P fractions before and after 3 successive crops, followed the order: NaHCO₃ P > NaOH I P > HCl P = NaOH II P. Overall decreases in the NaHCO₃ and NaOH I inorganic P fractions were 34% and 16% respectively, while corresponding decreases in the HCl and NaOH II inorganic P fractions were small «10%) and not significant. However, a significant decrease in HCl P (16%) was observed in one soil (Fairton-N200 treatment) which was attributed to the significant decrease in soil pH (from 6.2 to 5.1) which occurred after successive cropping. Successive cropping had little or no effect on the levels of P in the different soil organic P fractions. This indicated that net soil organic P mineralisation did not contribute significantly to plant P uptake over the short-term. A short-term field experiment was also conducted to examine the effects of different soil management practices on the availability of different forms of P to plants in the long-term fertilised pasture soils. The trial was sited on selected plots of the existing annually fertilised treatments in the Winchmore long-term trial (188PA, 376PA) and comprised 5 treatments: control, 2 rates of lime (2 and 4 t ha⁻¹ ) , urea fertiliser (400kg N ha⁻¹ ) and mechanical cultivation. The above ground herbage in the uncultivated treatments was harvested on 11 occasions over a 2 year period and at each harvest topsoil (0-7.5 cm) samples were taken from all of the treatments for P analysis. The soil P fractionation scheme used in this particular trial involved sequential extractions with 0.5M NaHCO₃ @ pH 8.5 (NaHCO₃ P), 0.1M NaOH (NaOH P), ultrasonification with 0.1M NaOH (sonicate-NaOH p) and 1M HCl (HCl P). In addition, amounts of microbial P in the soils were determined. The results showed that liming resulted in small (10-21 µg P g⁻¹) though significant decreases in the NaOH soil organic P fraction in the 188PA and 376PA plots. Levels of soil microbial P were also found to be greater in the limed treatments compared with those in the controls. These results indicated that liming increased the microbial mineralisation of soil organic P in the Winchmore soils. However, pasture dry matter yields and P uptake were not significantly affected. Although urea significantly increased dry matter yields and P uptake, it did not appear to significantly affect amounts of P in the different soil P fractions. Mechanical cultivation and the subsequent fallow period (18 months) resulted in significant increases in amounts of P in the NaHCO₃ and NaOH inorganic P fractions. This was attributed to P released from the microbial decomposition of plant residues, although the absence of plants significantly reduced levels of microbial P in the cultivated soils. Practical implications of the results obtained in the present study were presented and discussed.
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