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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Veículo de sonhos e ilusões: a Revista Americana e a circulação de representações de pan-americanismo (1909-1919)

FABRIZ, L. M. 21 September 2018 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-13T23:35:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_8021_tese LARISSA MILANEZI FABRIZ PDF.pdf: 12475651 bytes, checksum: 2e80eca253a6973430e55c95022e1356 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-21 / Esta pesquisa de doutorado analisou a Revista Americana, publicação protagonizada por diplomatas brasileiros ligados ao Ministério das Relações Exteriores e que circulou de forma não contínua entre 1909 e 1919. A revista se transformou em espaço de divulgação de diferentes aspectos da política, da cultura e da história do Brasil e de outras Repúblicas sul-americanas. Pretendeu-se, durante o estudo, compreender quais seriam os objetivos implícitos e explícitos desse impresso, bem como analisar qual seria o papel proposto para o corpo diplomático no sentido de viabilizar um projeto de pan-americanismo. A pesquisa partiu do pressuposto de que a Revista foi um instrumento de estratégia utilizado pelo Itamaraty no sentido de pensar e promover uma aproximação entre o Brasil e a América do Sul. Além disso, a partir da leitura dos exemplares, investigou-se qual seria o destaque do papel exercido pela diplomacia da República brasileira na difusão de representações de Brasil como possível líder diplomático do continente. Também foram localizadas as representações discutidas no periódico em relação aos problemas correntes do continente e suas possíveis soluções propostas pelos intelectuais, que eram oriundos não apenas do Brasil, mas de outros países do continente americano. Analisou-se, principalmente, quais representações de futuro são defendidas na Revista, visando apresentar o Brasil como país pacífico, civilizado, bem como de um continente americano moderno e com relações solidárias entre os países. O estudo se fundamentou no esquema conceitual de Roger Chartier (representações, práticas culturais, apropriação e circulação); no conceito de intelectuais proposto por Sirinelli (1998) e de diplomacia cultural de Ribeiro (1989). Concluiu-se que na Revista ocorria a valorização de elementos de uma diplomacia cultural, por meio de uma retórica pan-americana, que deveria servir de base para a construção de novas identidades, marcada por características próprias e específicas do continente americano. O pan-americanismo pensado dessa maneira fundamentou a existência de uma geração de intelectuais que puseram a circular na publicação projetos de futuro que representavam a América não apenas como espaço, mas principalmente como sentimento.

Mejora del proceso productivo para incrementar la producción en la panadería y pastelería Ricopan S.R.L.

Asalde Vallejos, Pedro Fernando January 2017 (has links)
En la presente investigación se pudo conocer los tipos y presentaciones de pan que la empresa oferta al cliente, siendo el pan francés la presentación que cubre el 18,2% de la producción total, además se determinó que existe una demanda insatisfecha del 29% al año 2014. Con la finalidad de reducir el porcentaje de demanda insatisfecha es que se realizó un estudio para conocer las causas principales que derivan en el problema principal, siendo la baja capacidad de los equipos utilizados, la principal. Para ello se planteó la adquisición de nueva maquinaria con una mayor capacidad, además del rediseño interior de la planta con la finalidad de evitar cruces de línea de recorrido, y de este modo se obtuvo un aumento de la capacidad en un 25% pudiendo ser mayor este, si la demanda lo requería, además se aumentó la eficiencia económica de un 50% a un 80%. Dicha mejora, contaría con una inversión de S/.38 592,04 nuevos soles lo cual derivaría en un beneficio S/. 214 825,3 nuevos soles; esta inversión sería asumida por la empresa y recuperada en un periodo de 3 años y 7 meses. Además se realizó un análisis beneficio costo y además se halló el indicador de tasa interna de retorno, siendo estos 1,21 y 19,67% respectivamente; es decir se recuperaría un 20% sobre cada sol invertido y con el T.I.R. se puede ver que la propuesta de mejora le es favorable a la empresa; todo este análisis se hizo en un periodo de 5 años. / Tesis

'In the twilight of the Azanian Revolution': the exile history of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (South Africa) : (1960-1990)

Kondlo, Kwandiwe Merriman 29 October 2008 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / Very little has been written on this subject, especially during the exile period, which is covered by the research. As a result, a lacuna exists in our understanding of 20th century history of the liberation struggle in South Africa. This study is an attempt to reconstruct aspects of the missing link. It locates the exile history of the Pan Africanist Congress within a broader framework of political developments in Southern Africa. By so doing a wide canvas of factors essential to the colouring of this period are brought to the fore. The study therefore focuses on the internal conflicts in the PAC and how they impacted on the functioning of the organisation during the exile period. The thesis traces the events which led to the banning of the PAC and demonstrates how the organisation re-established itself in exile. Most importantly, it focuses on a critical period which existing scholarly works and even popular literature has overlooked, i.e. the period between 1960 to 1962. The thesis traces the re-formation of the PAC’s official infrastructure in Lesotho. It proceeds to examine the organisational developments and internal conflicts at the headquarters of the PAC in Tanzania from 1964 to 1990. It examines sources of conflict during various periods of leadership, i.e. from P.K. Leballo (1962 - 1979), Vusumzi Make period (1979-1981), Nyathi John Pokela (1981-1985) to Johnson Mlambo (1985-1990). In the last two chapters the thesis examines conditions inside PAC camps and the evolution of the PAC’s military strategy as sources of conflict. In all the chapters, the permeating theme is that the PAC lacked solid organisational foundations, which manifested in the lack of clear organisational policies respected by everyone, including the leadership of the organisation. The thesis concludes that the history of the PAC in exile is an example of how poor organisational structures can immobilize the progress of a liberation movement. / Prof. G. Verhoef

Surfaces picturales : effondrement, poussée / Pictorial surfaces : collapse [and] thrust

Herbet, Isabelle 27 November 2015 (has links)
Effondrement et poussée sont les deux étais qui font le soutènement de la surface picturale dans l’art contemporain. De cette hypothèse, est né un parcours esthétique à la recherche de ce qui crée l’événement dans la surface : l’espacement de la surface mallarméenne, l’ouvert de Maldiney et le « vide actif » chez Cézanne ou Mondrian, le saut ou « jump » de Willem de Kooning, l’incise, la déchirure, ce par quoi le regard semble tomber dans la surface, semble s’abimer dans ses dessous et provoquer ce que Walter Benjamin nomme l’image dialectique, un état-limite où la sensation d’effondrement intérieur se double d’un plaisir esthétique fondé sur une pratique de chiffonnier : la récolte de détritus ou de déchets pour créer un montage de temps, une surface complexe. Cet état-limite de la peinture est développé par Didi-Huberman grâce au concept de pan dont la force antithétique réunit les pôles entre lesquels s’écartèle la peinture : ordre et chaos, autrefois et présent, lointain et proche, structure et texture, vide et plein… Le battement qui en résulte fait naître, fait pousser un regard autre, caractéristique de l’aura dont on se demande si elle n’est pas l’origine même de la peinture et non pas sa conséquence, ses effets. Ainsi, la question de l’aura génère-t-elle des questions plastiques telles que la trace, la marque, le trait, le blanc, le vide, le rien… mais aussi celles du pli, du dépli, du repli et de son équivalent le retrait. La métaphore anthropologique de la peau est le fil conducteur de cette thèse dont les occurrences se retrouvent également dans la figure de l’arbre, de l’écorce, feuilles et nervures. Le livre ou le cahier auxquels est dévolue une partie de la recherche prend sa source dans la matière même de l’arbre, le liber, pellicule entre l’écorce et le bois. Le geste même de l’inscription est interrogé et, avec lui, les lieux et les temps mêmes de sa déposition, surfaces picturales. / Pictorial surfaces: collapse & thrust is based on the assumption that the “surface entity”, following the expression coined by Christian Bonnefoi, is the unstable location of painting, whose construction can only be chronological. An aesthetic journey unfurls on the foundation of this allegation, the first step being the attempt to determine a typology of surfaces : surface spacing as in Mallarmé’s work, the “open” in Maldiney’s work, with “active emptiness” in Cezanne or Mondrian’s work -, and also, what opens the body of painting. The rift on the surface, the missing part has the value of Willem de Kooning’s leap or “jump”. The incision, the tear through which the eye seems to drop onto the surface takes the shape of a strip, grating or mesh. Collapse can put on the attire of disaster. What emerges at the precise spot where stars fell is the dialectical venue of images, a border-line where the sensation of inner disintegration comes with an aesthetic pleasure based on a practice giving preference to withdrawal and generating a complex surface. This border-line of painting is taken up by Didi-Huberman, with the concept of “face”, whose antithetical strength brings together poles between which painting is torn apart: order and chaos, past and present, distance and proximity, structure and texture, emptiness and completeness. The resulting pulsation gives birth to, creates a different vision, which characterises the aura which may be the very origin of painting, we may wonder, not its consequence or effects. So, the question of the aura reaffirms the idea that there is something unknown about the surface and gives rise to the question of sensation in painting and concomitantly that of memory in the creative process.

Empirical analysis of the relationship between interstate conflict behavior and military capability in Africa

Coward , John Douglas January 1970 (has links)
This thesis represents an attempt to investigate whether differences in military capability between African states influences interstate conflict behavior. Although all African states attaining independence prior to January 1, 1965 were included in the study for the entire four year period (1964-1967), geographic limitations on potential conflict interaction restricted the dyad observations to those existing between contiguous states. Military capability as used here was represented by two indicators; armed forces personnel in thousands of men and military expenditures in millions of U.S. dollars. Interstate conflict behavior on the other hand consisted of four composite measures: diplomatic hostility, negative behavior, unofficial interstate conflict and official military conflict. For the purpose of testing the relationship as hypothesized, the former constituted the independent variables while the latter functioned as the dependent ones. Cross-sectional analysis of these six variables over the four year period revealed only a slight relationship between the dependent and independent sets of variables. Time series analysis confirmed that the relationship was at the most marginal and indicated that its tenuous existence came under conditions of reversed causality as opposed to the causal direction hypothesized. Notwithstanding these rather negative results there were nevertheless some interesting findings which appear to be relevant for future research. Interstate conflict is a diminishing feature of intra-African relations and that conflict behavior which persists tends to take the form of covert as opposed to overt hostility. African states seem to prefer particular techniques for expressing this hostility and tend to escalate within the confines instead of across dimensions of conflict behavior. This would indicate a need for research on the causes of these phenomena and, in particular, emphasis on conflict resolution analyses. / Arts, Faculty of / Political Science, Department of / Graduate

Desarrollo de un extracto de tara (Caesalpinia spinosa) y estudio de su efecto sobre el contenido de neo-contaminantes, calidad y perfil sensorial de pan tipo hallulla

Saavedra Gatica, Ilse Elizabeth January 2016 (has links)
Magíster en Ciencias de los Alimentos y Memoria para optar al Título de Ingeniero en Alimentos / Neo-contaminantes como acrilamida y furano se han detectado en alimentos amiláceos altamente consumidos en Chile, como el pan. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de un extracto de antioxidantes de tara sobre la formación de acrilamida y furano en pan tipo hallulla, sin afectar negativamente sus atributos sensoriales. Vainas de tara (Caesalpinia spinosa) fueron caracterizadas químicamente y sometidas a un proceso de extracción sólido – líquido (1:60 p/v) a 60 °C, con agua como solvente, para la obtención de sus compuestos fenólicos. El extracto fue añadido en concentraciones de hasta 3000 mg/kg en pan tipo hallulla, para la cuantificación de sus niveles de acrilamida y furano por cromatografía de gases – espectrometría de masas (GC – MS), y evaluación de su calidad y perfil sensorial mediante un panel de 11 jueces previamente entrenado y validado. Se obtuvo un extracto de vainas de tara con 617,84 mg equivalentes de ácido tánico (EAT) por g (b.h.), determinado por el método Folin Ciocalteu, y capacidad antioxidante EC50 de 1,72 μg/mL extracto, mediante el método radical 2,2-difenil-l-picrilhidrazil (DPPH). El nivel de acrilamida y furano en pan tipo hallulla, horneado a 200 °C por 20 minutos, fue de 82,62 ± 4,87 y 1,94 ± 0,01 μg/kg, respectivamente. El extracto de vainas de tara redujo significativamente (p<0,05) los niveles de acrilamida, en >97,12%, y hasta 44,66% de furano, en pan tipo hallulla con la adición de 1500 y 2000 mg/kg de extracto, respectivamente; sin afectar significativamente (p>0,05) su calidad y perfil sensorial, excepto por la generación de un color violeta grisáceo dependiente de la concentración de extracto añadido. Por lo tanto, el extracto de vainas de tara no sólo podría mitigar eficazmente la formación de acrilamida y furano, sino también, mantener inalterada la calidad del pan tipo hallulla y la mayoría de sus atributos sensoriales / Neo-formed contaminants such as acrylamide and furan have been detected in starchy foods highly consumed in Chile, such as bread. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of a tara antioxidant extract on the formation of acrylamide and furan in “hallulla-type” bread, without affecting negatively its sensory attributes. Tara pods (Caesalpinia spinosa) were characterized chemically and submitted to a process of solid - liquid extraction (1:60 w/v) at 60 °C, with water as solvent, to obtain the phenolic compounds. The extract was added up to 3000 mg/kg in hallulla bread, for quantifying acrylamide and furan levels by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC - MS), and evaluation of its sensory quality and profile, by a panel formed by 11 assessors previously trained and validated. Tara pods extract contained 617,84 mg tannic acid equivalents (EAT) for g (w.b.) determined by Folin Ciocalteu method, and antioxidant capacity EC50 of 1,72 mg/mL extract, obtained by 2,2-diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl method (DPPH). Acrylamide and furan levels in hallulla bread, baked at 200 °C for 20 minutes, were 82,62 ± 4,87 and 1,94 ± 0,01 mg/kg, respectively. Tara pods extract significantly reduced (p <0.05) in >97,12% acrylamide and 44,66% furan levels in hallulla bread with the addition of 1500 and 2000 mg/kg extract, respectively; without significantly affecting (p> 0.05) its sensory quality and profile, except for the generation of a grayish violet color in the bread dough, depending on the quantity of extract added. Therefore, tara pods extract could not only effectively mitigate the formation of acrylamide and furan, but also maintain sensory quality in hallulla bread and most of its sensory attributes / Fondecyt

The Greywolves : a study of a nationalist ideology in Turkey

Șimșek-Hekimoḡlu, Ayșe January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Hands Clutching Temples

Brown, Sarena 01 January 2022 (has links)
A collection of found poems using the Edwardian text “Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens” by J.M. Barrie. This thesis explores themes of gender, mental health, and queer belonging while theorizing about the materiality of poetry.

Pan Africanist Praxis Ina Belize

Lee, Devon Lovelle 13 December 2019 (has links)
Pan Africanism is strategy that emerges through a history of surviving oppression, methodology to understand thought and action, and theory that tests findings against sociopolitical context. History, methodology and theory are used to develop the historical trajectory that responds to invasion, slavery, colonization and neocolonialism in Belize. As such, three manuscripts are offered to outline the historical narrative of Belizean Pan Africanism, autoethnographic insights for the study of Pan Africanism, and the sociopolitical context that contemporary Pan Africanism in Belize rises out of. Kurt Young defines Pan-Africanism as: "a fusing of affirmations of African identity with libratory efforts at the level of the masses (2009:7). The study and practice of Pan Africanism should therefore aligned in objectives and strategy to interrupt oppressive conditions that impact communities within the African Diaspora. This project, therefore, operationalizes scholar-activism in history, method and theory to outline strategic action and collective subversion as Pan Africanist Praxis in Belize. / Doctor of Philosophy / White Colonizers invaded the shores of Africa, dislocating a people from their legacy and heritage. However, a strategy was formed to create a new legacy and heritage that broke the bondage of White supremacy that trapped Black bodies. From the enslaved that ran to forge a new path for their people, to those that shed blood for freedom, Pan Africanism has been a strategy that has incorporated thoughts of freedom into escape plans. This study builds a historical timeline for Pan Africanism in Belize, methodology for the study of Pan Africanism and an academic exploration of contemporary Pan Africanism in Belize. Pan Africanism as history, method and contemporary theory add to the body of knowledge by inserting Belize at the center of Pan Africanist theory and practice. The study and practice of Pan Africanism is aligned in objectives and strategy to interrupt historical and contemporary conditions that impact communities within the African Diaspora. This project, therefore, operationalizes scholar-activism in history, method and theory to outline strategic action and collective subversion as Pan-Africanist Praxis in Belize.

The Interplay Between Turkish And Hungarian Nationalism: Ottoman Pan-turkism And Hungarian Turanism (1890-1918)

Oguz, Alaattin 01 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis dealt with the issues of the emergence of Pan-Turkism in Ottoman Empire and of Pan-Turanism in Hungary between the years 1890 and 1920. The theoretical discussion and literature review related to the subject exhibited that these two nationalisms were possible only when a state bureaucrats and intellectuals try to save the state from collapse and make discussions on the national issues, or when a state elites and noble classes aim to use national ideology for protecting the state from external threats and providing benefits on behalf of national interest. While former suits to Ottoman Pan-Turkism, latter describes Hungarian Pan-Turanism. The thesis consisted of three main and related parts. The first part focused on the historical and theoretical development of nationalism and pan movements, and condition of pan movement in the context of theories of nationalism. In the second part, the emergence of Turkish nationalism and Pan-Turkism was analysed in the historical context. The third part dwelt upon the genesis of Pan-Turanism in Hungary, and its relations with Ottoman Pan-Turkism until the end of the First World War. For that reason, firstly, historical roots of Turkish nationalism and Pan-Turkism were sought so that it is able to see how the attempts to modernization in the Ottoman state provided a ground for the spreading of Western political concepts and ideas and the emergence of a secular nationalist intelligentsia. Also the role of Turcology and the influence of Russian Turks on the development and politicization of Turkish nationalism and Pan-Turkism could be assessed. Secondly, the political condition of Hungary in the nineteenth century was exposed in order to explain the emergence and development of Pan-Turanism. Then, the focus was made on the linguistic debates of Hungarian academic circles on the origin of Hungarians. Exposing the political and cultural conditions could facilitate to project the partnership between Pan-Turkism and Pan-Turanism. Throughout the thesis, it was tried to be demonstrated that Ottoman Empire and Hungarian state had different political conditions and necessities. While Ottoman state bureaucrats and intellectuals aimed to save the state / Hungarian elites and intellectuals urged on the Hungarian national interests. Although some strong relations and partnerships were manifest in political and cultural areas, Hungarian Pan-Turanists and Ottoman Pan-Turkists belonged to different state traditions. Turkish nationalism and Pan-Turkism had an aim to save the state and create a new national identity. Nevertheless, Hungarian nationalism and Pan-Turanism tended towards the national interests of Hungarians through expansionist policy. That was the reason why the relations between Pan-Turkists and Pan-Turanists remained temporary.

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