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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationships between Personality and Leader Behavior of Elementary School Principals

Fox, Augusta Meredith, 1930- 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between certain personality traits and leadership actions of elementary school principals. To achieve this purpose it was necessary first to obtain a description of the leadership actions of elementary school principals. Second, it was necessary to obtain data concerning the personalities of these elementary school principals. Third, the significance of the relationships between personality and leadership actions was tested statistically. Fourth, the significant relationships between personality and leadership actions were expressed in the form of mathematical equations so that predictions concerning leader behavior could be made.

The relationship among personality characteristics, self-esteem, and music teaching behaviors in prospective elementary classroom teachers

Venesile, John Anthony January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Anställdas upplevelse av förändrad organisationskultur vid en sammanslagning : En kvantitativ studie utifrån anställdas karaktäristiska drag

Adamborg, Isabella, Hansson, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Under åtskilliga år har organisatorisk förändring i form av sammanslagningar av organisationer varit en fortlöpande del av den operativa strategin för flertalet organisationer. Detta för att uppnå organisationell mångfald, tillväxt och rationalisering. Vad man emellertid har förbisett att ta hänsyn till är att vardera organisationen besitter en specifik organisationskultur som präglas av gemensamma och delade meningar om organisationens värderingar, normer, grundläggande antaganden och verklighetsuppfattningar. För att få till stånd en ny och framgångsrik enhet krävs en omskapad organisationskultur, där de anställda från de skilda organisationerna erfar en ny gemensam och delad mening om organisationens satta grundstenar. Vad denna studie vill bidra med är en ny vinkel beträffande en förändrad organisationskultur där man ser till de anställdas upplevelse utifrån de individuella karaktäristiska dragen; neuroticism, extrovert, öppenhet, vänlighet och målmedvetenhet, vilket kan komma ha betydande relevans för att uppnå en lyckad sammanslagning. Detta med anledning av att en individs beteende torde härstamma från personligheten, där personligheten belyser en individs karaktäristiska och organiserande sätt att känna, tänka och handla i olika situationer. Det är framförallt i situationer där vanor och rutiner förändras som de individuella karaktäristiska dragen blir intressanta att studera för att kartlägga hur en individ svarar på detta. En deduktiv ansats kommer därav att tillämpas med avsikten att studera en förändrad organisationskultur med en ny vinkel, vilket i detta fall är utifrån individuella karaktäristika drag. Med stöd från tidigare forskning byggs teser, vilket sedan prövas mot empirisk data som samlats in med hjälp av en organisation som genomgått en sammanslagning. Utifrån uppsatsens syfte har en kombination av metoder tillämpats i avsikt att analysera informationen från enkätundersökningen. Uppsatsens diskussion och slutsats grundas på de enkätsvar som samlats in från den specifika organisationens anställda, bortsett från ledningsgruppen. Utifrån resultaten kan det antydas att studien mätt det som var åsyftat att mäta. Däremot kunde denna studie inte påvisa att samband finns mellan dessa variabler, vilket förklaras i sista avsnittet bero på ett flertal aspekter. / For several years, organizational change in the form of mergers has been an ongoing part of the operational strategy for most organizations. This is to achieve organizational diversity, growth and rationalization. What, however, has failed to take into account is that each organization possesses a specific organizational culture of common and shared views on the organization's values, norms, basic assumptions and perceptions of reality. In order to establish a new and successful unit requires a recreated organizational culture, where employees from different organizations are experiencing a new common and shared sense of organization set foundations. What this study would like to contribute is a new angle regarding a change in organizational culture that looks to the employee experience based on the individual characteristic features; neuroticism, extroversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness, which may have significant relevance for achieving a successful merger. This is on account of that an individual's behavior derives from personality features, which highlights the personality of individuals and how they feel, think and act in different situations. It is mainly in situations where the habits and routines changes as the individual characteristic features will be interesting to study to identify how an individual responds to this. A deductive approach will hence be applied with the intention of studying a change in organizational culture with a new angle, which in this case is based on individuals’ characteristics traits. With support from previous research theses have been built, which were tested against empirical data gathered with the help of an organization that has undergone a merger. Based on the purpose of the essay is a combination of methods applied in order to analyze the information from the survey. Thesis discussion and conclusion is based on the survey responses collected from the specific organization's staff, apart from the management team. From the results it can be inferred that the study measured the different variables correctly. In contrast, this study could not conclude that there were any significant relationship between these variables, which is explained in the last section of the thesis.

Sex Differences in Extreme Response Style

Gossie, Michael 12 1900 (has links)
The main objective of this investigation was to study the influence of sex on extreme response style as measured by a semantic differential. The previous studies led to a general hypothesis formulated as follows. Normal males and females differ from each other with regard to their mean extreme response style scores with females having the greater extreme response scores on the semantic differential.

Galia ir įtaka: sąsajos su vadovo asmenybės savybėmis / Power and influence: relation to personality characteristics of managers

Zabotkaitė, Augustė 23 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe tiriamas ryšys tarp vadovų asmenybės savybių, vertintų Didžiojo Penketo Asmenybės Klausimynu, bei jų turimų galios rūšių ir naudojamų įtakos taktikų, taip pat atsižvelgiant į demografinius kintamuosius bei kitas vadovų / pavaldinių charakteristikas. Tokiu būdu siekiama giliau perprasti galios ir įtakos pasireiškimo mechanizmus, kadangi jie labai svarbūs organizacijų veikloje, o ypač dėl to, kad gali nulemti vadovavimo efektyvumą. Tyrime dalyvavo 46 vadovai ir 246 jų pavaldiniai, iš savo perspektyvos vertinę savo vadovų galią ir įtaką. Dalyviai pildė anketas. Nustatyta, kad įtakos taktikos ir galios rūšys – susiję konstruktai. Daugiausiai vadovai naudojasi racionaliomis įtakos taktikomis ir ekspertine galia, tačiau asmenybės savybės yra susijusios su kietomis įtakos taktikomis (su jomis koreliavo sąžiningumas ir ekstraversija) bei pozicijos galia (su ja koreliavo intelektualumas ir sąžiningumas). Tuo tarpu racionalios įtakos taktikos yra susijusios su emociniu stabilumu ir intelektualumu. Darbe aptariamos ir vadovų lyties, užimamo statuso bei kitų charakteristikų sąsajos su galia bei įtaka. / The relationship between manager‘s Big Five personality traits and their power bases and influence tactics was investigated, also taking into consideration demographic variables and other characteristics of managers and their subordinates. In that way an attempt to go deeper into mechanisms of power and influence was made – these are very important in organizational practice, especially because they may determine leadership effectiveness. The participants were 46 managers and 246 subordinates who evaluated their manager‘s power and influence. All of them filled in questionnaires. The results showed that power bases and influence tactics are interrelated constructs. Most frequently used were rational influence tactics and expert power, however, manager‘s personality characteristics mostly were related to hard influence tactics (those had correlations with conscientiousness and extraversion) and position power (it had correlations with openness to experience and conscientiousness). Rational influence tactics had correlations with emotional stability and openness to experience. The effects of managers‘ gender, status and other characteristics on power and influence use were also discussed.

A comparison of information systems and non-information systems personnel working in non-information systems organizational departments

Pafford, Michael E., Munn, Lyle V. 03 1900 (has links)
A survey was conducted to investigate motivational and satisfaction differences between Information Systems (IS) and non-IS personnel working in various non-IS organizational departments. The motivational factors of Motivating Potential Score (MPS), Growth Need Strength (GNS), Social Need Strength (SNS), Average Psychological Score (APS), and Overall Satisfaction Score (OSS) were measured. Control for occupational group differences was achieved by classifying survey respondents into one of two job categories: Managerial or Professional/Technical. Significant differences were found in the GNS scores and SNSs of the two job categories. Several implications of the research findings are discussed and recommendations are made with respect to future studies.

Personality Characteristics Associated with Accuracy in Person Perception: a Multivariate Approach

Hale, Allyn Kay 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the personality characteristics associated with accuracy in person perception. The particular personality variables chosen (experience, intelligence, cognitive complexity, psychological mindedness, emotional stability, introversion, and empathic style) for investigation were those previously identified by Gordon Allport as being related to person perception. Both types of person perception (sensitivity to individual differences and sensitivity to group differences) were measured. The major findings of the study were the following: 1. The most capable judges of individual differences, in comparison with the least capable judges, were significantly more likely to have the following psychometric characteristics: higher IQ, more extraverted, more psychologically minded, more cognitively complex/flexible, and more empathic. Experientially, the most competent judges were likely to be older, older in age at first job, and have fewer siblings. In contrast to the least able judges, the most competent ones had resided in more different cities, traveled more, experienced more formal education, and were more likely employed in the helping professions. 2. The best judges of group differences, in comparison with the worst judges, were more likely female, older in age at first job, and higher scorers on Neuroticism. 3. Significant multiple linear regression equations were formed between the predictor variables and the two judgment tasks, suggesting that accuracy in judging others consists of many skills, not just one. 4. Those who were in the helping professions were better judges than those not in the helping professions on sensitivity to individual differences, but not sensitivity to group differences. 5. For those in the helping professions, years of experience in the helping professions were not related to success on either of the two judgment tasks.

Citová vazba k rodičům (attachment) v rané adolescenci a její souvislosti s osobnostními charakteristikami dětí / Attachment in early adolescence and its relations to personality characteristics of children

KOCHOVÁ, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
The Master thesis deals with possible links between children´s attachment in their early adolescence and their personality characteristics. Bowlby´s theory of attachment, developmental characteristics of children in their early adolescence as well as various approaches to the concept of personality with a special emphasis on the theory of J. Block and J. Block are indroduced on the basis of studied literature. The Master thesis contains an evaluation of data gathered in a survey on attachment and its linkages with adolescents´ personality characteristics. The survey was carried out by the application of methods called {\clqq}Das Bindungsinterview für die späte Kindheit`` (BISK, An Interview on the Attachment in the Late Childhood) and {\clqq}California Child Q-sort`` (CCQ) which are described in detail in a practical part of the thesis.

The relationship between personality preference and career anchors amongst police officers within the Western Cape

Van Sittert, Vanessa January 2006 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / The objective of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between the personality preference and career anchors of police officers. The idea that personality relates meaningfully to the kinds of careers people choose and how they perform in these careers, has a long history in career psychology. / South Africa

The relationship between coping behaviour, personality characteristics and psychological distress in South African police trainees

Moller, Anneli 26 November 2008 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to explore the psychological profile of South African police trainees. A literature study highlighted three important pretrauma variables that can influence an individual’s resilience when stressful circumstances occur. These variables include coping behaviour, personality characteristics and psychological distress. The primary goal of the research was to explore whether a relationship exists between these pretrauma variables and if demographic differences occur. Police officers in South Africa are exposed to violent circumstances, which can have a negative impact on their psychological functioning; it is therefore important to explore which psychological profiles are more likely to result in resilience. Studies such as this one can be used to facilitate the selection of resilient police officers in South Africa. A quantitative research investigation was conducted using three instruments namely, the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WOC), Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and the Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R). As a secondary aim, the psychometric properties of these instruments were briefly explored. A sample of 150 police trainees was selected to take part in the research study during their first six months in training, before entering the field. The selected sample size yielded a total of 142 completed tests. The participants were selected using a method of stratified random sampling, which resulted in an equal distribution of male and female trainees. The results confirm that the trainees are more likely to use adaptive coping mechanisms, and are generally psychologically healthy. As expected, significant relationships exist between the three pretrauma variables under investigation. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Psychology / unrestricted

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