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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatic Control Strategies of Mean Arterial Pressure and Cardiac Output. MIMO controllers, PID, internal model control, adaptive model reference, and neural nets are developed to regulate mean arterial pressure and cardiac output using the drugs sodium Nitroprusside and dopamine

Enbiya, Saleh A. January 2013 (has links)
High blood pressure, also called hypertension is one of the most common worldwide diseases afflicting humans and is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction, vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease. If blood pressure is controlled and oscillations in the hemodynamic variables are reduced, patients experience fewer complications after surgery. In clinical practice, this is usually achieved using manual drug delivery. Given that different patients have different sensitivity and reaction time to drugs, determining manually the right drug infusion rates may be difficult. This is a problem where automatic drug delivery can provide a solution, especially if it is designed to adapt to variations in the patient’s conditions. This research work presents an investigation into the development of abnormal blood pressure (hypertension) controllers for postoperative patients. Control of the drugs infusion rates is used to simultaneously regulate the hemodynamic variables such as the Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and the Cardiac Output (CO) at the desired level. The implementation of optimal control system is very essential to improve the quality of patient care and also to reduce the workload of healthcare staff and costs. Many researchers have conducted studies earlier on modelling and/or control of abnormal blood pressure for postoperative patients. However, there are still many concerns about smooth transition of blood pressure without any side effect. The blood pressure is classified in two categories: high blood pressure (Hypertension) and low blood pressure (Hypotension). The hypertension often occurred after cardiac surgery, and the hypotension occurred during cardiac surgery. To achieve the optimal control solution for these abnormal blood pressures, many methods are proposed, one of the common methods is infusing the drug related to blood pressure to maintain it at the desired level. There are several kinds of vasodilating drugs such as Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP), Dopamine (DPM), Nitro-glycerine (NTG), and so on, which can be used to treat postoperative patients, also used for hypertensive emergencies to keep the blood pressure at safety level. A comparative performance of two types of algorithms has been presented in chapter four. These include the Internal Model Control (IMC), and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller. The resulting controllers are implemented, tested and verified for three sensitivity patient response. SNP is used for all three patients’ situation in order to reduce the pressure smoothly and maintain it at the desire level. A Genetic Algorithms (GAs) optimization technique has been implemented to optimise the controllers’ parameters. A set of experiments are presented to demonstrate the merits and capabilities of the control algorithms. The simulation results in chapter four have demonstrated that the performance criteria are satisfied with the IMC, and PID controllers. On the other hand, the settling time for the PID control of all three patients’ response is shorter than the settling time with IMC controller. Using multiple interacting drugs to control both the MAP and CO of patients with different sensitivity to drugs is a challenging task. A Multivariable Model Reference Adaptive Control (MMRAC) algorithm is developed using a two-input, two-output patient model. Because of the difference in patient’s sensitivity to the drug, and in order to cover the wide ranges of patients, Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) has been implemented to obtain the optimal infusion rates of DPM and SNP. This is developed in chapters five and six. Computer simulations were carried out to investigate the performance of this controller. The results show that the proposed adaptive scheme is robust with respect to disturbances and variations in model parameters, the simulation results have demonstrated that this algorithm cannot cover the wide range of patient’s sensitivity to drugs, due to that shortcoming, a PID controller using a Neural Network that tunes the controller parameters was designed and implemented. The parameters of the PID controller were optimised offline using Matlab genetic algorithm. The proposed Neuro-PID controller has been tested and validated to demonstrate its merits and capabilities compared to the existing approaches to cover wide range of patients. / Libyan Ministry of Higher Education scholarship

Power Electronic Stages for a TFPMSM in Wave Power Applications

Falk Olson, Gustaf January 2016 (has links)
Direct drive wave energy conversion systems have been identified as a potentially major contributor to the world’s energy demands, forecasting shares of up to 25 % of the energy mix. Anders Hagnestål conducts research at the Royal Institute of Technology where a novel linear transverse flux permanent magnet generator is developed. This concept machine is particularly well-suited for the pertaining operating conditions in marine environments, producing large forces at low speeds with outstandingly low resistive losses. However, it exhibits severe magnetic saturation and draws unsymmetrical phase currents at nominal operation. In addition, it possesses a low power factor. All in all, this places stern requirements on the power electronic system and control algorithms. The aim of this thesis has been to design a functioning power conditioning system that connects the machine to the electric grid. For this purpose, a three-phase two-level voltage source converter is proposed to be back-to-back connected with two-level single-phase voltage source converters (active rectifiers) interfacing each and every machine phase. It is shown that the intermediate DC link can be maintained at a constant voltage with restricted ripple while feeding power at unity power factor to the grid by appropriately sizing the DC capacitor and adopting a feedback linearization control scheme. The phase currents can be controlled effectively by means of a cascaded gain-scheduled PID controller. By including a low-pass filter the iron losses in the machine may be suppressed even at lower switching frequencies. A constrained cost optimization indicates that the converter consequently can reach 99.1 % efficiency. Finally, with this thesis as a background, it is suggested that the thermal stresses on the selected semiconductor modules and the iron losses of the machine are evaluated to further improve the design. If higher efficiency of the active rectifiers is strived for, more complex converter topologies could be considered. / Direktdrivna vågenergiomvandlingssystem har utpekats som en potentiellt starkt bidragande resurs för att tillgodose världens efterfrågan på energi med andelar på uppemot 25 % av energimixen förutspådda. Anders Hagnestål bedriver forskning och utveckling av en ny typ av linjär permanentmagnetiserad transversalflödesmaskin vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Konceptmaskinen är särskilt väl lämpad för de rådande marina förhållandena genom att kunna producera stora krafter vid låga hastigheter med utomordentligt låga resistiva förluster. Maskinen går emellertid i kraftig magnetisk mättnad och drar asymmetriska strömmar vid nominell drift. Dessutom är effektfaktorn låg i jämförelse med standardmaskiner. Alltsomallt inför detta hårda krav på det effektelektroniska systemet och kontrollalgoritmerna. Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att designa ett funktionellt effektkonditioneringssystem som sammanfogar maskinen med det angränsande elektriska nätet. För att åstadkomma detta föreslås att en tvånivås-trefasomriktare kopplas rygg-mot-rygg till tvånivås-enfasomvandlare (aktiva likriktare) som i sin tur är kopplade till varje maskinfas. Med den här konfigurationen visas det att spänningen på den mellanliggande DC-länken kan hållas konstant med begränsat rippel, alltmedan effekt tillförs nätet vid effektfaktor ett genom att dimensionera DC-kondensatorn på rätt sätt och använda en kontrollag baserad på exakt linjärisering. Maskinens fasströmmar kan kontrolleras effektivt med hjälp av en kaskadkopplad PID-regulator med schemalagda förstärkningsfaktorer. Genom att inkludera ett lågpassfilter förväntas det att järnförlusterna i maskinen kan begränsas även vid lägre switchfrekvenser. Genom att lösa ett kostnadsoptimeringsproblem visas det att den resulterande aktiva likriktaren kan uppnå en verkningsgrad på 99.1 %. Slutligen, med det här examensarbetet som grund, föreslås det att den termiska stressen på de valda halvledarkomponentsmodulerna och järnförlusterna i maskinen utvärderas för att ytterligare förbättra designen. Om högre verkningsgrad eftersträvas hos de aktiva likriktarna kan mer komplicerade omvandlartopologier övervägas.

Self-Stabilizing Platform / Självstabiliserande serveringsbricka

AKKILA, MARCUS, ERIKSSON, BIX January 2020 (has links)
This project explores the possibility to stabilize a hand held serving-tray using a micro-controller, two servomotors and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). It is heavily focused on control theory, specifically using a PID controller. Stabilization of an object using a PID controller have many applications such as drones, camera stabilizers and flight simulators. The report covers the theory necessary to construct a self stabilizing platform and describes involving components in the prototype and how they cooperate. With the gyroscopes and accelerometers involved in the IMU it is possible to determine orientation and rotation of the tray. The construction enables rotation about the x-axis (roll) and y-axis (pitch) but not the z-axis (yaw). The readings from the gyroscopes and the accelerometers are combined and filtered through a complementary filter to estimate the rotations. The servomotors compensate disturbance in keeping the platform horizontal through PID regulation. The PID constants are tuned through tilting the platform at a specific angle and plotting the step response in MATLAB. / Detta projekt utforskar möjligheten att stabilisera en handhållen serveringsbricka med hjälp av en mikrokontroller, två servomotorer och en tröghetssensor (IMU). Projektet lägger mycket fokus på reglerteknik, specifikt att använda en PID-regulator. Stabilisering genom PID-reglering är användbart i många olika produkter, exempelvis drönare, kamerastabiliserare och flygsimulatorer. Rapporten täcker relevant teori för att konstruera en självstabiliserande plattform och beskriver ingående komponenter i prototypen samt hur de samverkar. Med gyroskopen och accelerometrarna som finns i IMU:n är det möjligt att uppskatta position och rotation för ett objekt. Konstruktionen tillåter rotation kring x-axeln (roll) och y-axeln (pitch) men inte zaxeln (yaw). Mätningarna från gyroskopen och accelerometrarna kombineras och filtreras med hjälp av ett s.k. complementary filter för att uppskatta rotationen av objektet. Servomotorerna används i sin tur till att hålla plattan horisontell genom att kompensera störningar från omgivningen. Detta görs genom PID-reglering. Konstanterna i PID-regulatorn är framtagna genom tester där plattformen lutas ett bestämt antal grader och stegsvaret plottas i MATLAB.

Inverted Pendulum Stability Regarding Bandwidth and Center of Mas / Stabilitet hos inverterad pendel med hänsyn till bandbredd och masscentrum

JOHNSSON, ALEXANDER, RÅHLÉN, TAGE January 2020 (has links)
This bachelor thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, aims to clarify how the minimum bandwidth of a stabilised mobile inverted pendulum is affected by the position of its center of mass and the frequency of measuring the state variables. The scope is to apply basic theories in automation control and electronic systems when designing the system. The mechatronical system in the experimental trials is constructed with the main components consisting of bipolar stepper motors, stepper motor drivers (DRV8825), potentiometer and Arduino UNO. The mobile pendulum in question consists of a cart on a rail with a potentiomoter and a rod mounted to it. In the experimental trials in this paper, three different radial positions of the center of mass are analysed with regards to the bandwidth of relevant measurements. A variety of PID parameters, for both the angle and position regulation, are the essential basis on which these stability trials are performed. The results are limited to the resolution of the potentiometer outputs, the length of the rail and the stiffness of the rod. The result is presented by comparisons between data of the greatest angles which are stabilised and the corresponding maximal latency of the angle corrections. These data concludes to that the minimum required bandwidth to sustain stability decreases for an increasing length between the center of mass and the point of rotation. / Denna kandidatexamensuppsats genomfördes på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, i Stockholm, Sverige, och har som mål att klargöra hur den minsta bandbredden för en stabiliserad inverterad pendel påverkas av positionen av dess tyngdpunkt samt nätfrekvensen av tillståndsvariablerna. Projektet omfattar grundläggande teorier om reglerteknik och elektriska system.  Det mekatroniska systemet som används i experimenten är uppbyggt av följande nyckelkomponenter: bipolära stegmotorer, stegmotordrivare (DRV8825), potentionmeter och Arduino UNO. Den mobila pendeln består av en stång och en potentiometer som är monterad på en vagn löpandes på en räls. I de utförda experimenten i denna rapport analyseras tre radiella positioner på masscentrum med hänsyn till bandbredden och relevanta mätningar. En reglering med olika PID parametrar, för både vinkel- och positionsreglering, är den kritiska process som lade grunden för analyserna av stabiliteten. Resultaten är begränsade av upplösningen hos potentiometerns utsignal, längden av rälsen och stångens styvhet.  Resultaten presenteras genom jämförelser mellan data för de största vinklarna som stabiliseras och de motsvarande maximala fördröjningarna. Sammanfattningsvis minskar den minst nödvändiga bandbredden för att upprätthålla stabilitet för ökande längder mellan pendelns tyngdpunkt och rotationspunkten.

Σθεναρός έλεγχος ηλεκτροστατικών μίκρο-επενεργητών

Βάγια, Μαριαλένα 03 August 2009 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή αναλύθηκαν και μελετήθηκαν διάφορα συστήματα (ΗμΕ) προκειμένου να παρουσιαστεί η μοντελοποίηση τους. Κατά τη μοντελοποίηση αυτή, μελετήθη-καν τα χαρακτηριστικά τους και αναλύθηκε η συμπεριφορά τους. Στη συνέχεια, αναπτύχθηκαν νόμοι ελέγχου, οι οποίοι εφαρμόστηκαν στα συστήματα των ΗμΕ προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί ο έλεγχος της συμπεριφοράς τους. Αναλυτικότερα τα ζητήματα με τα οποία ασχολήθηκε η διατριβή αυτή παρουσιάζονται παρακάτω. Αρχικά πραγματοποιήθηκε η μοντελοποίηση των κάτωθι συστημάτων ΗμΕ: α) ένα σύστημα ΗμΕ του κυρίαρχου βαθμού ελευθερίας, β) ένα σύστημα ΗμΕ δύο βαθμών ελευθερίας και γ) ένα σύστημα ΗμΕ του κυρίαρ-χου βαθμού ελευθερίας στη μοντελοποίηση του οποίου λαμβάνεται υπόψιν η παρουσία του αέρα. Στη συνέχεια της διδακτορικής αυτής παρουσιάζονται και αναλύονται οι ελεγκτές οι οποίοι αναπτύχθηκαν και χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για τη μελέτη των συστημάτων αυτών και οι οποίοι είναι οι εξής: α) ένας Σθεναρός PID ελεγκτής, β) ένας Σθεναρός Η-infinity ελεγκτής, γ) ένας Σθεναρός Διακοπτικός PID ελεγκτής και δ) ένας H-infinity ελεγκτής προκαθορισμένων κερδών. Από την εφαρμογή των προτεινόμενων νόμων ελέγχου στα συστήματα ΗμΕ προκύπτουν τα αποτελέσματα της διδακτορικής αυτής διατριβής. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτά χωρίζονται σε δύο κατηγορίες. Αρχικά σε αυτά που αφορούν τη συμπεριφορά και τα χαρακτηριστικά των συστημάτων των ΗμΕ και στη συνέχεια σε αυτά τα οποία σχετίζονται με την εφαρμογή των νόμων ελέγχου στα συστήματα των ΗμΕ. Η κύρια συνεισφορά της διδακτορικής διατριβής αναφέρεται τόσο στην πρόταση νέων τεχνικών ελέγχου για τα συστήματα των ΗμΕ καθώς και η εφαρμογή με επιτυχία των τεχνικών αυτών στα συστήματα τα οποία μελετήθηκαν κατά τη διεκπόνηση της διατριβής. / In the present Phd thesis different systems of Electrostatic micro Actuators (EmA) have been presented and analyzed. During the modeling process the systems have been observed in order to provide the special characteristics and the special behavior of each model. In addition special control laws have been presented in order to control the movement of the movable parts of the EmAs. In general the main issues of this PhD thesis are presented in the sequel. Firstly the modeling of the following EmAs is presented: a) an EmA whose one plate is moving parallel to the x-axis b) an EmA whose plate is moving parallel to the x-axis and is also making an angular rotation c) an EmA system with squeezed film damping effects (presence of air between the moving surfaces). In the sequel the control laws that have been designed for the aforementioned systems are presented. The designed controllers are: a) a Robust PID controller b) a Robust Switching PID controller c) a robust Η-infinity controller and d) a robust Gain Scheduled H-infinity controller. In the last part of this thesis, the simulation results are presented concering both the behavior of the systems as well as the results provided by the application of the control laws.

Estabilização de lasers de diodo para utilização em espectroscopia atômica. / Stabilization of diode lasers for use in atomic spectroscopy.

Tuboy, Aparecida Marika 13 July 1990 (has links)
Um dos primeiros requisitos para utilização de lasers de diodo em espectroscopia é sua estabilização térmica. Neste trabalho desenvolvemos um sistema de controle de temperatura para laser de diodo que permite estabilização melhor que 0.01&#176C. O controle é feito através de um sistema sensor e um elemento Peltier como atuador. Lasers somente estabilizados em temperatura (estabilização primária) foram utilizados para realização de espectroscopia de vapores atômicos de Rb e Cs. / One of the first requisites for utilization of diode lasers in spectroscopy is its thermal stabilization. In this work, we develop a diode laser temperature controlling system, which yields stabilization better than 0.01&#176C. The controlling is obtained by means of a sensor system and a Peltier element as actuator. Lasers stabilized in temperature only (primary stabilizations) were utilized in the spectroscopy of atomic vapors of Rb and Cs.

Studies On Application Of Control Systems For Urban Water Networks

Kumar, M Prasanna 05 1900 (has links)
Management and supply of water in an urban water distribution system is a complex process, which include various complexities like pressure variations across the network depending on topography, demand variations depending on customers’ requirement and unaccounted water etc. Applying automatic control methods to water distribution systems is a way to improve the management of water distribution. There have been some attempts in recent years to develop optimal control algorithms to assist in the operation of complex water distribution systems. The difficulties involved by these hydraulic systems such as non-linearity, and diurnal demand patterns make the choice of a suitable automatic control method a challenge. For this purpose, this study intends to investigate the applicability of different controllers which would be able to meet the targets as quickly as possible and without creating undue transients. As a first step towards application of different controllers, PD and PID linear controllers have been designed for pump control and valve control in water distribution systems. Then a Dynamic Inversion based nonlinear controller has been designed by considering the non-linearities in the system. Here, different cases considering the effects of initial conditions used, linearization methods used, time step used for integration and selection of gains etc., have been studied before arriving at best controller. These controllers have been designed for both the flow control problems and level control problems. It is found that Dynamic Inversion-based nonlinear controller outperforms other controllers. It is well known that the performance of controllers is much dependent on the tuning of the gains (parameters). Thus in this study various alternative techniques such as Ziegler--Nichols rules (ZNPID), Genetic algorithms (GAPID) and fuzzy algorithms (FZPID) have been studied and a comparative study has been made Although with all the three gain tuning methods, required states have reached their target values, but the responses vary much in reaching to final targets. The self-tuned FZPID controller outperforms other two controllers, especially with regard to overshoots and the time taken to tune the gains for each problem. Further, an optimal DI controller is developed for the over determined case with more controls and less targets. Energy loss is considered as an objective function and normal DI controller equations are considered as constraints. Hence, an attempt is made to reduce the energy minimization in water distribution system by formulating an optimal control problem using optimal Dynamic Inversion concept. Finally, leakage reduction model is developed based on excessive pressure minimization problem by locating valves optimally as well as by setting valves optimally. For this purpose, optimization problem is solved using Pattern search algorithms and hydraulic analysis is carried out using EPANET program.

Algoritmo genético aplicado no controle de posição do rotor de um motor de corrente contínua com rejeição a distúrbios por ação feedforward / Genetic algorithm applied to control the rotor position of a DC motor with disturbance rejection by feedforward action

Guimarães, ádller de Oliveira 27 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-31T13:33:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AdllerOG_DISSERT.pdf: 1624176 bytes, checksum: b3a8115396f3b1d6c0110178978f22e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-27 / The versatility of direct current machines combined with the relative simplicity of their drive systems ensures its continued use in a wide variety of applications in industrial electrical systems, more specifically in applications that requiring a wide range of speed and position control of the rotor. In this work, a new method for tuning Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers with disturbance rejection using Genetic Algorithm (GA) is proposed. The proportional, integral and derivative gains, designed to control the rotor position of DC motor are optimized using GA in group with Ziegler - Nichols technique, and the rejection of disturbances is obtained from the implementation of feedforward control in the algorithm. Preliminary results show that the proposed GA gave a satisfactory response, both in transitional regime as at steady state, and shows good performance in disturbance rejection. To validate this technique, the results obtained were compared with other methods in literature / A versatilidade das máquinas de corrente contínua, combinada com a relativa simplicidade dos seus respectivos sistemas de acionamento, assegura a sua contínua utilização numa ampla variedade de aplicações em sistemas elétricos industriais, mais especificamente, em aplicações que exigem uma vasta gama de controle da velocidade e posição do rotor. Neste trabalho, um novo método de sintonia de controladores Proporcional-Integral-Derivativo (PID) com rejeição a distúrbios usando Algoritmo Genético (AG) é proposto. Os ganhos proporcional, integral e derivativo, projetados para controlar a posição do rotor do motor CC, são otimizados utilizando AG em conjunto com a técnica de Ziegler-Nichols, e a rejeição a distúrbios é obtida a partir da implementação no algoritmo do controle por ação Feedforward. Resultados preliminares mostram que o AG proposto, apresentou desempenho satisfatório da resposta, tanto em regime transitório quanto no estado estacionário, além de apresentar boa performance na rejeição a distúrbios. Para validar a técnica utilizada, os resultados obtidos foram comparados com outros métodos publicados na literatura

Řízení stejnosměrného bezkartáčového motoru za podmínek ztráty napájecího napětí / Brushless dc motor control under power loss condition

Šedivý, Jozef January 2014 (has links)
Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá implementáciou bezpečnostnej funkcie pre elektrický aktuátor, ktorá spočíva v riadení BLDC motora, po výpadku napájacieho napätia, keď je aktuátor poháňaný vstavanou pružinou.. Celé riadenie motora je navrhnuté v prostredí Matlab-Simulink technikou nazývanou návrh systému z modelu. Následne pomocou automatického generovania kódu bol získaný zdrojový kód, ktorý bol použitý v reálnom aktuátore a odtestovaný v reálnych podmienkach. Cieľom týchto testov bolo overiť reálnu možnosť nasadenia vyvinutých algoritmov v reálnych, komerčne dostupných produktoch.

Estabilização de lasers de diodo para utilização em espectroscopia atômica. / Stabilization of diode lasers for use in atomic spectroscopy.

Aparecida Marika Tuboy 13 July 1990 (has links)
Um dos primeiros requisitos para utilização de lasers de diodo em espectroscopia é sua estabilização térmica. Neste trabalho desenvolvemos um sistema de controle de temperatura para laser de diodo que permite estabilização melhor que 0.01&#176C. O controle é feito através de um sistema sensor e um elemento Peltier como atuador. Lasers somente estabilizados em temperatura (estabilização primária) foram utilizados para realização de espectroscopia de vapores atômicos de Rb e Cs. / One of the first requisites for utilization of diode lasers in spectroscopy is its thermal stabilization. In this work, we develop a diode laser temperature controlling system, which yields stabilization better than 0.01&#176C. The controlling is obtained by means of a sensor system and a Peltier element as actuator. Lasers stabilized in temperature only (primary stabilizations) were utilized in the spectroscopy of atomic vapors of Rb and Cs.

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