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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodologia de análise modal de flutter com sensores piezelétricos em estruturas aeronáuticas / Modal flutter analysis methodology using piezoelectric sensor in aeronautical structures

Almeida, Alexandre Simões de 29 November 2013 (has links)
A identificação de mecanismos modais é uma tarefa que requer um grande esforço ao se considerar geometrias complexas. O uso de materiais inteligentes como tecnologia nesse tipo de identificação vem sendo bastante difundido, principalmente o uso de sensores piezelétricos, como o piezo-fiber composite (PFC). Esse tipo de aplicação pode se tornar uma ferramenta bastante prática no estudo de instabilidades aeroelásticas, em especial o mecanismo modal de flutter. A proposta desse trabalho é criar uma metodologia de análise de flutter simulando o desempenho de materiais piezelétricos, aderidos em laminados compósitos, como sensores modais. Inicialmente, é realizada uma análise aeroelástica da estrutura para se identificar o mecanismo e os modos dominantes para o surgimento do flutter. Em seguida, os modos identificados são detectados pelos sensores com uma determinada potência de sinal. A sensibilidade desse sinal é avaliada de acordo com a posição e configuração do laminado embebido no sensor. Para realizar essa simulação, um modelo de asa é gerado e suas frequências naturais e modos são determinados pelo método dos elementos finitos (MEF). Com esses dados, é possível caracterizar o modelo nas equações de movimento aeroelásticas. O carregamento aerodinâmico dessas equações é obtido utilizando o método dos anéis de vórtice, do inglês: vortex lattice method (VLM). A simulação é realizada em cada velocidade de fluxo e a resposta dos sensores piezelétricos é obtida no domínio do tempo e domínio da freqüência para se analisar a potência do sinal. Foi realizada uma prévia análise de um modelo de asa representado por uma placa e as configurações de maior potência de sinal são identificadas. A posição dos sensores se demonstrou mais sensível do que a configuração do laminado e a utilização de apenas um sensor foi suficiente para identificação do mecanismo modal, o que pode tornar essa tecnologia viável em ensaios de flutter em estruturas de material compósito. / For complex aeronautical structures, modal mechanism identification requires a great deal of effort. The use of smart materials has been developed in this application, mainly the sensor application with piezo-fiber composites (PFC). It can become a useful tool in aeroelastic instabilities studies, especially on flutter modal mechanism. This work intends to develop a methodology of flutter analysis evaluating the piezoelectric materials performance, using composites impregnation effects, and working as a modal sensor. First, one aeroelastic analysis is done to identify the flutter mechanism and its dominant modes. Then, it modes is detected by sensors with some specific power of electric signal, whose sensitivity is evaluated according with position and embeeded laminate configuration. This simulation uses a plate model representing a wing, whose natural frequencies and modes are determined by finite element method (FEM). So, given this data, is possible to define the wing model using an equation of motion, whose aerodynamic load is obtained by vortex lattice method (VLM). That equation is solved step by step, for each airspeed considered, then, the PFC response is obtained both in the frequency and time domain. The analysis was done using a metric that qualifies the best configuration according with the power of signal. The sensor position was more significant than the laminate configuration; however, the use of only one sensor is sufficient to identify the modal mechanism, which becomes this technology feasible in flutter test of composite structures.

Filtro difusão-mediana com determinação automática dos parâmetros com aplicações em sinais de ECG e sensor piezoelétrico. / Diffusion-median filter with automatic determination of parameters with applications in ECG signals and piezoelectric sensor.

Marco Antonio Assis de Melo 11 May 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é filtrar sinais corrompidos por ruído Gaussiano ou impulsivo, preservando a amplitude e a morfologia do sinal original. Normalmente, um filtro linear é utilizado nesta tarefa, porém este filtro altera significativamente as amplitudes e as bordas dos sinais, bem como insere atrasos no sinal. Mostra-se neste trabalho que a difusão anisotrópica em conjunto com filtro mediana é muito mais eficaz do que os filtros lineares para esta aplicação. A difusão anisotrópica é uma filtragem iterativa, onde o sinal é filtrado repetidamente. A difusão anisotrópica é controlada por uma função denominada parada-na-aresta, por um parâmetro de escala e pelo número de iterações. Neste trabalho, testamos três bem conhecidas funções parada-na-aresta, concluindo que a função de parada na aresta de Malik e Perona consegue o maior fator de redução de ruído. Infelizmente, esta função é extremamente sensível ao número de iterações, onde o fator de redução de ruído deteriora-se rapidamente antes e depois do ponto ótimo. Como não se conhece o sinal sem ruído, não é possível determinar precisamente qual é o melhor momento de encerrar as iterações do filtro anisotrópico. Desenvolve-se neste trabalho um novo método de parada de difusão baseado na análise da resposta de freqüência do sinal filtrado. Também mostramos como determinar automaticamente um valor de escala adequado. Aplicamos a técnica proposta em eletrocardiograma (ECG). complexo QRS e as Contrações Ventriculares Prematuras (Premature Ventricular Contractions - PVCs) são informações importantes contidas no sinal de ECG. Quando esses sinais são adquiridos no mundo real, eles são freqüentemente corrompidos por eletromiogramas (EMG), artefatos ruidosos provenientes da atividade elétrica associada às contrações musculares. EMG é considerado o ruído de ECG mais difícil de ser eliminado. Ao filtrar o sinal de ECG para remover EMG, não se pode alterar a informação do complexo QRS e anomalia PVC, para não comprometer o diagnóstico clínico. O sinal EMG é modelado como sendo ruído Gaussiano ou, de uma forma mais realística, como ruído com distribuição alfa-estável com características impulsivas. Aplicamos a técnica proposta para filtrar sinais de eletrocardiograma reais do banco de dados de Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Beth Israel Hospital (MIT-BIH). Também é analisada nesta tese a filtragem de sinais provenientes de sensor piezoelétrico. Estes sinais são usados em sistemas reais de corte de aço duro. Em geral uma ferramenta de corte tem sensores piezoelétricos, usados para medição do esforço do corte. Quando a ferramenta de corte se encosta à peça a ser cortada, o sinal do sensor produz uma informação que decai erroneamente ao longo do tempo. Aplicamos a difusão anisotrópica em conjunto com o filtro mediana para determinar o decaimento do sinal do sensor piezoelétrico ao longo do tempo, e assim compensar esta distorção e melhorar o corte de aço duro. / This thesis aims to filter signals corrupted by Gaussian or impulsive noise, preserving the amplitude and the morphology of the original signal. Typically, a linear filter is used for this task, but this filter significantly alters the amplitudes and the edges of the signals and inserts delays in the signal. This work shows that the anisotropic diffusion in conjunction with median filter is much more effective than linear filters for this application. The anisotropic diffusion is an iterative filter, where the signal is filtered repeatedly. An edge-stopping function, a scale parameter and the number of iterations control the anisotropic diffusion. In this study, we tested three well-known edge-stopping functions, concluding that the Perona and Maliks function yields the largest noise reduction factor. Unfortunately, this function is extremely sensitive to the number of iterations, where the noise reduction factor deteriorates quickly before and after the optimal point. As we do not have access to the original noiseless signal, it is not possible to determine precisely the best moment to stop the iterations of the anisotropic filtering. We develop in this paper a new method to determine the best stopping time based on the analysis of the frequency response of the filtered signal. We also show how to determine automatically an adequate scale parameter. We apply the proposed technique to filter electrocardiogram (ECG). The QRS complex and Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) are important information in the ECG signal. When these signals are acquired in the real world, they are often corrupted with noise artifacts from the electrical activity associated with muscle contractions called Electromyography (EMG). EMC is considered the most difficult noise to be eliminated from ECG. When the ECG signal is filtered to remove EMG, the information of the QRS complex and the PVC abnormality must not be altered, to not compromise the clinical diagnosis. We model the EMG signal as Gaussian noise or, more realistically, as alpha stable distribution noise with impulsive characteristics. We apply this technique to filter the real ECG signals from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Beth Israel Hospital database (MIT-BIH). This thesis also analyzes the filtering of signals from piezoelectric sensor. These signals are used in real systems for cutting hard steel. In general, a cutting tool has piezoelectric sensors, used to measure the cutting force. When the cutting tool touches the part to be cut, the signal from the sensor produces information that falsely decays over the time. We apply the anisotropic diffusion in conjunction with the median filter to determine the decay of the signal, and therefore offset this distortion and improve the hard steel cutting.

The Development of a Research Technique for Low Speed Aeroacoustics

McPhee, Adam D. January 2008 (has links)
The aerodynamic sound generated by wind turbines was identified as a growing concern within the industry. Prior to performing wind turbine aeroacoustic research, however, a technique suitable for studying low speed airfoils needed to be designed, serving as the primary research objective. A review of aeroacoustic theory and literature indicated that low speed flows are best studied using experimental methods, leading to the design of a near field pressure measurement technique. To facilitate the near field pressure measurements, a custom piezoelectric sensor was developed, exhibiting a pressure and frequency range of approximately 67 to 140[dB], and 100 to 10000[Hz], respectively. As a secondary research objective, a series of experiments were performed to validate the designed technique. The experiments were performed in a non-anechoic wind tunnel using a cylindrical test specimen. Using the near field pressure measurements, as well as a simple far field measurement, the sources of aerodynamic sound were effectively resolved. The Strouhal numbers corresponding to the contributing flow structures were generally within 1.5[%] of correlation based predictions. The near field pressures were consistently 10 to 15[dB] higher than the far field, quantifying the benefit of the near field technique. The method was also effective in detecting the decreasing coherence of the aeroacoustic sources with increasing Reynolds number. A minor deficiency was observed in which the ability to localize aeroacoustic sources was impeded, however, the cylinder experiments were particularly vulnerable to such a deficiency. Although the near field pressure measurements were shown to be effective in characterizing the aeroacoustic sources, a number of recommendations are presented to further improve the flexibility and measurement uncertainty of the experimental technique.

The Development of a Research Technique for Low Speed Aeroacoustics

McPhee, Adam D. January 2008 (has links)
The aerodynamic sound generated by wind turbines was identified as a growing concern within the industry. Prior to performing wind turbine aeroacoustic research, however, a technique suitable for studying low speed airfoils needed to be designed, serving as the primary research objective. A review of aeroacoustic theory and literature indicated that low speed flows are best studied using experimental methods, leading to the design of a near field pressure measurement technique. To facilitate the near field pressure measurements, a custom piezoelectric sensor was developed, exhibiting a pressure and frequency range of approximately 67 to 140[dB], and 100 to 10000[Hz], respectively. As a secondary research objective, a series of experiments were performed to validate the designed technique. The experiments were performed in a non-anechoic wind tunnel using a cylindrical test specimen. Using the near field pressure measurements, as well as a simple far field measurement, the sources of aerodynamic sound were effectively resolved. The Strouhal numbers corresponding to the contributing flow structures were generally within 1.5[%] of correlation based predictions. The near field pressures were consistently 10 to 15[dB] higher than the far field, quantifying the benefit of the near field technique. The method was also effective in detecting the decreasing coherence of the aeroacoustic sources with increasing Reynolds number. A minor deficiency was observed in which the ability to localize aeroacoustic sources was impeded, however, the cylinder experiments were particularly vulnerable to such a deficiency. Although the near field pressure measurements were shown to be effective in characterizing the aeroacoustic sources, a number of recommendations are presented to further improve the flexibility and measurement uncertainty of the experimental technique.

Metodologia de análise modal de flutter com sensores piezelétricos em estruturas aeronáuticas / Modal flutter analysis methodology using piezoelectric sensor in aeronautical structures

Alexandre Simões de Almeida 29 November 2013 (has links)
A identificação de mecanismos modais é uma tarefa que requer um grande esforço ao se considerar geometrias complexas. O uso de materiais inteligentes como tecnologia nesse tipo de identificação vem sendo bastante difundido, principalmente o uso de sensores piezelétricos, como o piezo-fiber composite (PFC). Esse tipo de aplicação pode se tornar uma ferramenta bastante prática no estudo de instabilidades aeroelásticas, em especial o mecanismo modal de flutter. A proposta desse trabalho é criar uma metodologia de análise de flutter simulando o desempenho de materiais piezelétricos, aderidos em laminados compósitos, como sensores modais. Inicialmente, é realizada uma análise aeroelástica da estrutura para se identificar o mecanismo e os modos dominantes para o surgimento do flutter. Em seguida, os modos identificados são detectados pelos sensores com uma determinada potência de sinal. A sensibilidade desse sinal é avaliada de acordo com a posição e configuração do laminado embebido no sensor. Para realizar essa simulação, um modelo de asa é gerado e suas frequências naturais e modos são determinados pelo método dos elementos finitos (MEF). Com esses dados, é possível caracterizar o modelo nas equações de movimento aeroelásticas. O carregamento aerodinâmico dessas equações é obtido utilizando o método dos anéis de vórtice, do inglês: vortex lattice method (VLM). A simulação é realizada em cada velocidade de fluxo e a resposta dos sensores piezelétricos é obtida no domínio do tempo e domínio da freqüência para se analisar a potência do sinal. Foi realizada uma prévia análise de um modelo de asa representado por uma placa e as configurações de maior potência de sinal são identificadas. A posição dos sensores se demonstrou mais sensível do que a configuração do laminado e a utilização de apenas um sensor foi suficiente para identificação do mecanismo modal, o que pode tornar essa tecnologia viável em ensaios de flutter em estruturas de material compósito. / For complex aeronautical structures, modal mechanism identification requires a great deal of effort. The use of smart materials has been developed in this application, mainly the sensor application with piezo-fiber composites (PFC). It can become a useful tool in aeroelastic instabilities studies, especially on flutter modal mechanism. This work intends to develop a methodology of flutter analysis evaluating the piezoelectric materials performance, using composites impregnation effects, and working as a modal sensor. First, one aeroelastic analysis is done to identify the flutter mechanism and its dominant modes. Then, it modes is detected by sensors with some specific power of electric signal, whose sensitivity is evaluated according with position and embeeded laminate configuration. This simulation uses a plate model representing a wing, whose natural frequencies and modes are determined by finite element method (FEM). So, given this data, is possible to define the wing model using an equation of motion, whose aerodynamic load is obtained by vortex lattice method (VLM). That equation is solved step by step, for each airspeed considered, then, the PFC response is obtained both in the frequency and time domain. The analysis was done using a metric that qualifies the best configuration according with the power of signal. The sensor position was more significant than the laminate configuration; however, the use of only one sensor is sufficient to identify the modal mechanism, which becomes this technology feasible in flutter test of composite structures.

Automated High-Temperature Pressure Sensor Verification and Characterization

Bartkevicius, Algirdas January 2023 (has links)
Gas turbines are widely used in power generation. Monitoring pressure variations in the combustion chamber allows for real-time assessment of the turbines performance, and can be used to optimize combustion processes, leading to reduced emissions. By analyzing pressure, patterns, potential faults or degradation in critical components can be identified, enhancing the safety and reliability of the gas turbine. Measurements close to the combustion flame put high demands on the pressure sensors and their verification method. The aim of this thesis is thus to create an automated pressure sensor verification prototype capable of operating at elevated temperature.  With the intention of increasing knowledge of how high temperature influences piezoelectric dynamic pressure sensor readings, this thesis inherits and updates an existing pressure sensor verification device. A design of thermal management system for the device is presented together with a CFD model analysis for the cooling cycle, while the heating cycle and its control algorithm is studied experimentally. This thesis also focuses on sinusoidal pressure wave generation methods used in the existing verification device to achieve reliable signals at low frequencies. An experimental study to evaluate the signal quality is performed. The results propose a feasible prototype design for automated pressure sensor verification at elevated temperature. It provides insight on how the separate parts of the thermal management system could be implemented with a PID regulator. It is concluded that air heating, even with to some extent varying mass flow, can be controlled with a PID regulator. It is also concluded that stable sinusoidal pressure waves can be generated at as low as 1Hz with the gear wheel method used in the previous verification device.

Exploring Simscape™ Modeling for Piezoelectric Sensor Based Energy Harvester

Dhayal, Vandana 05 1900 (has links)
This work presents an investigation of a piezoelectric sensor based energy harvesting system, which collects energy from the surrounding environment. Increasing costs and scarcity of fossil fuels is a great concern today for supplying power to electronic devices. Furthermore, generating electricity by ordinary methods is a complicated process. Disposal of chemical batteries and cables is polluting the nature every day. Due to these reasons, research on energy harvesting from renewable resources has become mandatory in order to achieve improved methods and strategies of generating and storing electricity. Many low power devices being used in everyday life can be powered by harvesting energy from natural energy resources. Power overhead and power energy efficiency is of prime concern in electronic circuits. In this work, an energy harvester is modeled and simulated in Simscape™ for the functional analysis and comparison of achieved outcomes with previous work. Results demonstrate that the harvester produces power in the 0 μW to 100 μW range, which is an adequate amount to provide supply to low power devices. Power efficiency calculations also demonstrate that the implemented harvester is capable of generating and storing power for low power pervasive applications.

Metodologia acústica para análise de óleo de transformador por sensores piezoelétricos / Acoustic methodology for oil transformers analysis by piezoelectric sensors

Palitó, Thamyres Tâmulla Cavalcante 08 May 2019 (has links)
Os transformadores são equipamentos fundamentais para o sistema elétrico e o acompanhamento regular de suas condições de operação é muito importante para que se reduzam custos associados ao seu ciclo de vida, bem como para que se possa garantir a sua confiabilidade e a sua durabilidade. As falhas elétricas ocorrem, muitas vezes, motivadas pela degradação do sistema isolante e consequentemente danificam o equipamento. O óleo é um dos componentes isolantes que se deteriora com facilidade devido ação de falhas ou variação de temperatura e umidade. O acompanhamento e a manutenção da qualidade do óleo isolante são etapas essenciais para proporcionar uma operação confiável dos equipamentos elétricos garantindo a confiabilidade do fornecimento de energia. Um dos parâmetros que pode ser monitorado no óleo é a água, pois esta reduz drasticamente a rigidez elétrica do dielétrico. Uma revisão na literatura relata alguns procedimentos de diagnósticos disponíveis para avaliar a condição do óleo de transformadores, tais como as análises físico química e a análise de gases dissolvidos (DGA). Pesquisas recentes revelam um tópico ressaltado que consiste na utilização de sensores acústicos para caracterização de líquidos, uma vez que essa análise possui a vantagem de ser não destrutiva, com possibilidade de aplicações não invasivas e em transformadores em operação. Neste contexto, esta tese propõem uma metodologia acústica para contribuir na detecção de umidade no óleo mineral isolante utilizando sensores piezoelétricos. A metodologia consiste na utilização de sensores para emitir e recepcionar os sinais transmitidos através de amostras de óleos de transformadores. Os experimentos foram realizados na faixa de MHz, utilizando transdutores comerciais e na faixa de kHz, utilizando um transdutor piezoelétrico desenvolvido pelo Grupo de Alta Tensão e materiais da USP de São Carlos. Medidas da amplitude do sinal são correlacionadas com o teor de água contido nas amostras de óleos. Os resultados revelam que é possível diagnosticar se as amostras de óleo estão aptas ou não para uso em transformadores. Em alguns casos é possível distinguir as quatro classes das amostras de óleo mineral isolante testadas: óleo novo (virgem), óleo regenerado, óleo sujo e óleo queimado. A metodologia proposta, além de ser inédita, se mostra promissora para auxiliar no diagnóstico de amostras de óleo mineral isolante em campo. / Transformers are fundamental equipment in electrical power system and constant monitoring their operating conditions is very important to reduce the costs associated with their life cycle, as well as to guarantee their reliability and durability. One of the main cause of electrical failures in power transformers is the degradation of the power transformer insulation system, which can cause permanent damages. A crucial element in their insulation system is oil used to insulate parts, but also to cool the equipment. Therefore monitor and maintain the insulating oil are essential steps to provide a reliable operation of the electrical equipment guaranteeing the reliability of the power supply. A review in the literature reports a wide variety of diagnostic procedures available to assess the condition of transformer oil, such as physical chemical analysis and dissolved gas (DGA) analysis. Recent research reveals a highlighted topic that consists of the use of acoustic sensors for characterizing liquids, since the acoustic analysis presents the characteristic of being non-destructive with possibility of non-invasive and application during transformer operation i.e. in line. In this context, this thesis proposes an acoustic methodology for the analysis of mineral insulating oil using piezoelectric sensors. The methodology consists of the use of sensors to emit and receive signals transmitted through oil transformer samples. The experiments were carried out in the MHz band, using commercial transducers and in the kHz band, using a piezoelectric transducer developed by the High Voltage and Materials Group from USP of São Carlos. Measurements of signal amplitude are correlated with the water content contained in the oil samples. The results show that it is possible to diagnose whether or not the oil samples are suitable for use in transformers. In some cases it is possible to distinguish the four classes of tested mineral oil samples. The proposed methodology is promising for the diagnosis of mineral insulation oil samples in the field.

Sensor piezelétrico baseado na tecnologia dos eletretos termo-formados: aprimoramentos dos processos de produção / Piezoelectric sensor based on electrets thermoforming technology: improvements on the production processes

Falconi, Daniel Rodrigo 12 February 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve dois novos aprimoramentos dos processos para a produção dos eletretos termo-formados, cuja tecnologia é prioritariamente voltada para sensores piezelétricos. Estes sensores constituem-se de dois filmes de Teflon FEP unidos, contendo entre suas interfaces microbolhas com as superfícies superior e inferior carregadas eletricamente com polaridades opostas, formando grandes dipolos. Esta estrutura permite a alteração dos momentos de dipolo quando solicitada mecânica e eletricamente - o que confere a estrutura uma excelente atividade piezelétrica, com coeficientes piezelétricos atingindo valores superiores a 300 pC/N. No estágio atual, o processo para produção desses sensores é artesanal e produz, geralmente, amostras com deformações em suas bolhas. Contudo, os novos aprimoramentos, aqui apresentados, suprem as deficiências aludidas e possibilitam um maior controle da distribuição, altura e diâmetro das bolhas de ar. Os aprimoramentos do processo foram denominados laminação a quente e adesivo a frio. Basicamente, estes dois processos consistem em quatro etapas: a moldagem do filme de uma das camadas do sensor; a colagem das duas camadas de filmes de sensor; a metalização das superfícies do sensor e o carregamento elétrico, sendo a colagem o ponto crucial e diferente nos dois processos. Ressalta-se que suas principais contribuições relativas aos processos existentes foram a moldagem prévia do filme de uma das camadas e esses novos processos de colagem. Assim, estes aprimoramentos têm permitido um melhor controle das dimensões das bolhas e facilitado sobremaneira sua implementação em escala industrial. Desta forma, vislumbra-se um aumento significativo de aplicações comerciais desses sensores, a exemplo dos sensores de presença, teclados finos, balanças dinâmicas e sensores de pressão. Também como contribuição deste trabalho, coloca-se a implementação do sistema de medidas do coeficiente piezelétrico. / This work describes two improvements on the production of piezoelectric sensors, which are based on thermo-formed electrets technology. These sensors which were previously prepared by fusing and molding two Teflon FEP films into bubbles structures in a hot-press system, presented piezoelectric coefficients over 300 pC/N after properly electrical charging. However, this production system still presents many technical challenges, most of them concerning the bubble formation. With the improvements, called hot lamination and cold adhesive, a much better control of the distribution, height and diameter of the air bubbles could be obtained. These improvements process can be described into four main stages: the molding of one film; the sticking process of the two films; the metallization of their surfaces followed by electric charging. The sticking processes and the previous molding of the film are crucial and the great contribution of this work. With these contributions not only better sensor could be made but it also facilitated the industrial scale implementation of the sensors. Another expressive contribution of this work was the development of a system to measure the piezoelectric coefficient.

Performance Evaluation Of Piezoelectric Sensor/actuator On Investigation Of Vibration Characteristics And Active Vibration Control Of A Smart Beam

Aridogan, Mustafa Ugur 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the performance of piezoelectric patches on investigation of vibration characteristics and active vibration control of a smart beam is presented. The smart beam is composed of eight surface-bonded piezoelectric patches symmetrically located on each side of a cantilever aluminium beam. At first, vibration characteristics of the smart beam is investigated by employment of piezoelectric patches as sensors and actuators. Smart beam is excited by either impact hammer or piezoelectric patch and the response of the smart beam particular to these excitations is measured by piezoelectric patches used as sensors. In order to investigate the performance of piezoelectric patches in sensing, the measurements are also conducted by commercially available sensing devices. Secondly, active vibration suppression of the smart beam via piezoelectric sensor/actuator pair is considered. For this purpose, system identification of the smart beam is conducted by using four piezoelectric patches as actuators and another piezoelectric patch as a sensor. The designed robust controller is experimentally implemented and active vibration suppression of the free and first resonance forced vibration is presented. Thirdly, active vibration control of the smart beam is studied by employment of piezoelectric patches as self-sensing actuators. Following the same approach used in the piezoelectric sensor/actuator pair case, system identification is conducted via self-sensing piezoelectric actuators and robust controller is designed for active vibration suppression of the smart beam. Finally, active vibration suppression via self-sensing piezoelectric actuators is experimentally presented.

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