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Vliv kouření matky na homeostázu fetoplacentární jednotky / The effect of maternal smoking on the homeostasis of the fetoplacental unitAdamcová, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
Maternal smoking causes serious health danger for a mother but especially for a baby. Cigarette smoking produces complex steroidogenesis changes during the whole life of a woman. To study the influence of smoking on fetoplacental unit focusing on steroid hormons it was important first to concentrate on changes of the chosen steroids around the delivery. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to observe some chosen steroid hormons in peripartal period (37th week of the pregnancy, first stage of labor of mothers and mixed umbilical blood of their neonates) and to look for relations to the age of mother, the increase of the weight during the pregnancy, the type of the delivery and the sex of the baby. It was interesting to compare steroids in the relation to the type of the delivery: vaginal delivery versus planned caesarean section. Non-smoking women who delivered a boy spontaneously had significantly higher level of 17-OH-pregnenolone, progesterone, cortisol, corticosterone and significantly lower level of estradiol in comparison with non-smoking women who delivered a boy by a planned Caesarean section. In the maternal blood in the 37th week of the pregnancy there were found differences between steroids in accordance to the sex of the fetus but they were not found in the neonates' case. The age...
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The PLOD family: Novel biomarkers and potential therapy targets for personalized treatment in Soft Tissue SarcomaGong, Siming 25 September 2023 (has links)
The Procollagen-Lysine, 2-Oxoglutarate 5-Dioxygenase (PLOD) family contains three members: PLOD1, PLOD2 and PLOD3. The PLOD family catalyze the lysyl hydroxylase (LH) which plays a crucial role in the synthesis of collagen. As one of the most important components in ECM, collagen plays a crucial role in normal tissues. Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are malignant tumors with more than 100 subtypes which origin from mesenchymal tissue. Although the STS is a rare malignancy accounting for less than 1% of all adult tumors, it has been reported to be responsible for 20% of all cancer-related deaths in childhood and adolescence.
In this study, the relation between PLOD family and STS was analyzed. The overexpression of PLOD family is associated with poor prognosis and the PLOD family seems to be a regulator in TME. The PLOD family could serve as strong novel biomarkers and may be used as a therapy target for personalized treatment in STS.
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PLOD Family: A Novel Biomarker for Prognosis and Personalized Treatment in Soft Tissue SarcomaGong, Siming, Schopow, Nikolas, Duan, Yingjuan, Wu, Changwu, Kallendrusch, Sonja, Osterhoff, Georg 09 June 2023 (has links)
Despite various treatment attempts, the heterogenous group of soft tissue sarcomata (STS) with more than 100 subtypes still shows poor outcomes. Therefore, effective biomarkers for prognosis prediction and personalized treatment are of high importance. The Procollagen-Lysine, 2-Oxoglutarate 5-Dioxygenase (PLOD) gene family, which is related to multiple cancer entities, consists of three members which encode important enzymes for the formation of connective tissue. The relation to STS, however, has not yet been explored. In this study, data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) databases were used to analyze the role of PLOD1–3 in STS. It was found that an overexpression of PLOD family members correlates with poor prognosis, which might be due to an increased infiltration of immune-related cells in the tumor microenvironment. In STS, the expression of PLOD genes could be a novel biomarker for prognosis and a personalized, more aggressive treatment in these patients.
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Procollagen-Lysine, 2-Oxoglutarate 5-Dioxygenase Family: Novel Prognostic Biomarkers and Tumor Microenvironment Regulators for Lower-Grade GliomaGong, Siming, Wu, Changwu, Köhler, Franziska, Meixensberger, Jürgen, Schopow, Nikolas, Kallendrusch, Sonja 05 April 2023 (has links)
Lower-grade glioma (LGG) is a group of tumors arising from the cells of the central
nervous system. Although various therapy interventions are used, the prognosis
remains different. Novel biomarkers are needed for the prognosis of disease and novel
therapeutic strategies in LGG. The procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase
(PLOD) family contains three members and is related to multiple cancers, yet it was
not investigated in LGG. Data from the Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA) and
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) cohorts were used to analyze the role of PLOD in
LGG. As the PLOD family is involved in processes, such as tumor formation and cancer
metastasis, we focused on its relationship to the tumor microenvironment (TME) in LGG.
A high expression of the PLOD family relates to poor prognosis and high infiltration of
immune cells within the TME. The expression level of the PLOD family might become a
novel biomarker for prognosis and is a potential target for individual treatment decisions
in LGG.
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Fitohemijska karakterizacija i biohemijska ispitivanja plodova vrsta roda Sorbus L. 1753 (Rosaceae, Maloideae) kao izvora prirodnih nutraceutika / Phytochemical characterization and biochemical activity of fruits of genus Sorbus L. 1753 (Rosaceae, Maloideae) as natural source of nutraceuticsMrkonjić Zorica 02 October 2017 (has links)
<p> Cilj ove doktorske disertacije predstavljao je ispitivanje fitohemijskog sastava i biološke aktivnosti vodenih i metanolnih ekstrakata svežih i suvih plodova, kao i pekmeza pripremljenog po tradicionalnoj recepturi od plodova četiri (od kojih se jedna javlja u dve forme) samonike vrsta roda <em>Sorbus</em> L.: S.<em> aucuparia</em>, S.<em> domestica</em>, S. <em>torminalis</em> f. t<em>orminalis</em>, S. <em>torminalis</em> f. <em>semitorminalis</em> i S. intermedia Ispitivanje fitohemijskog sastava obuhvatalo je LC-MS/MS analizu 44 odabrana fenolna jedinjenja i hinske kiseline (organska kiselina). Takođe, spektrofotometrijski je određen sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih i flavonoidnih jedinjenja, kao i sadržaj askorbinske kiseline. Evaluacija biološke aktivnosti obuhvatala je <em>in vitro </em>ispitivanja antioksidantne aktivnosti, kao i ispitivanje uticaja ekstrakata odabranih vrsta roda <em> Sorbus</em> na aktivnost enzima acetilholinesteraze, antimikrobni, kao i antiproliferativni potencijal.</p><p> Sumiranjem dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da sveži i suvi plodovi ispitivanih vrsta <em>Sorbus</em>, kao i pekmezi predstavljaju umeren izvor fenolnih jedinjenja. Kao najzastupljenije fenolne kiseline izdvojile su se protokatehinska i ferulna, a među flavonoidima amentoflavon i kvercetin-3<em>-O-</em>glukozid. Pored toga, hinska kiselina je zabeležena u značajnoj količini u svim analiziranim ekstraktima.</p><p> Ekstrakti ispitivanih vrsta pokazali su umeren antioksidantni potencijal koji se ogleda u njihovoj sposobnosti neutralizacije nekoliko radikalskih vrsta, redukcionom potencijalu i sposobnosti inhibicije lipidne peroksidacije. Ispitivanjem uticaja ekstrakata odabranih vrsta <em> Sorbus</em> naaktivnost enzima acetilholinesteraze dokazana je jedino umerena aktivnost ekstrakata vrste <em>S. aucuparia</em>. Takođe, ispitivani ekstrakti vrsta roda <em>Sorbus</em> ispoljili su umerenu antimikrobnu aktivnost u pogledu inhibicije rasta Gram pozitivne bakterije, <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>, i Gram negativne bakterije, <em> Escherichia coli</em>. Vodeni i metanolni ekstrakti svežih i suvih plodova vrste <em>S. aucuparia</em> pokazali su umeren i inhibitorni potencijal prema rastu tumorskih (HeLa, MCF7, HT-29), ali i netumorskih ćelijskih linija (MRC-5). Rezultati dobijeni u ovoj doktorskoj distertaciji ukazuju na značajan biopotencijal plodova i pekmeza ispitivanih vrsta <em> Sorbus</em> i ukazuju na njihovu primenu u prehrambenoj industriji u vidu funkcionalne hrane.</p> / <p>The aim of presented PhD thesis was investigation of phytochemical composition and biological activity of water and methanol extracts of fresh and air-dried fruits, as well as jam, made according to traditional recipe, of fruits of four (one of them occurs in two forms) wild growing <em>Sorbus</em> L. species: <em>S. aucuparia, S. domestica, S. torminalis f. torminalis, S. torminalis f. semitorminalis</em> and <em>S. intermedia</em>. Examination of phytochemical composition included LC-MS/MS analysis of 44 selected phenolic compounds and quinic acid (organic acid). Also, total phenolic and flavonoid contents, as well as ascorbic acid content, were determined spectrophotometrically. Biological activity evaluation of extracts of<em> Sorbus</em> species included <em> in vitro </em> investigation of antioxidant, anti-acetylcholinesterase, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity.</p><p> According to obtained results, fresh and air-dried fruits, as well as jam present moderate source of phenolic compounds. Amongs examined phenolic acids protocatechuic and ferulic acids were the most abundant, and amongs investigated flavonoids amentoflavone and quercetin-3-<em>O</em>-glucoside wete present in noticeable amount. Furthermore, high concentration of quinic acid was present in all examined extracts.</p><p> Extracts of all examined species showed moderate antioxidant activity in terms of radical scavenging ability, reduction potential and inhibition of lipid peroxidation. Also, investigation of anti-acetylcholinesterase activity revealed moderate activity only of extracts of <em>S. aucuparia</em>. Furthermore, examinated extracts of<em> Sorbus</em> species showedmoderate antimicrobial activity against Gram–positive bacteria, <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>, and Gram-negative bacteria, <em> Escherichia coli</em>. In addition, water and methanol extracts of fresh and air-dried fruits of <em> S.aucuparia</em> showed inhibitory activity toward tumor (HeLa, MCF7, HT-29), and also non-tumor (MRC-5) cell lines. Presented results indicate significant biopotential of examined fruits of <em>Sorbus </em> species and support their use in food industry as functional food.</p>
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The thesis analyzes and interprets selected landscape motifs corresponding with biblical symbols in the first three collections of poetry of catholic author Václav Renč. The aim of this thesis is to give an opinion on my hypothesis that biblical symbol is a competent way of interpretation Bremond's pure poetry, and to evaluate the competence of Renč's poetry belonging to the concept of pure poetry. Also defining the limits of pure poetry through a comparison with the fourth Renč's collection which already shows significant changes in it's poetics. The theoretical part is focused on contemporary and modern literary-scientific views on Václav Renč's work, on the concept of poetry provided by Bremond, his reception in our backround and the role of the symbol in pure poetry. The thesis methodologically works with the symbol in connection with Zdeněk Mathauser's theory of a circle symbol that best corresponds with Bremond's understanding of poetry and is considered as the essential base of the theory of pure poetry. The practical part discusses the crucial landscape symbols (earth, flower and fruit, bush and tree) in single collections based on biblical interpretation and then describes their transformation in each of them. The conclusion of the confrontation with the next and at the same time the...
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Fitohemijski skrining i biološka aktivnost ekstrakata i tradicionalnih proizvoda od plodova divljih ruža (Rosa L.;Rosaceae) / Phytochemical screening and biological activity ofextracts and traditional preserves of rose hips (Rosa L., Rosaceae)Nađpal Jelena 13 July 2017 (has links)
<p> Cilj ove doktorske disertacije predstavljalo je ispitivanje fitohemijskog sastava i biološke aktivnosti vodenih i metanolnih ekstrakata svežih i suvih plodova, kao i voćne kaše i džema pripremljenih po tradicionalnoj recepturi od plodova šest samoniklih vrsta <em>Rosa L.: R. canina, R. dumalis, R. dumetorum, R. tomentosa, R. arvensis, R. sempervirens. </em>Ispitivanje fitohemijskog sastava obuhvatalo je LC -MS/MS analizu 64 odabrana fenolna jedinjenja, hinske kiseline (organske kiseline) kao i tri triterpenoida. Takođe, izvršeno je spektrofotometrijsko određivanje sadržaja ukupnih fenolnih i flavonoidnih jedinjenja, kao i vitamina C. Evaluacija biološke aktivnosti obuhvatala je in vitro ispitivanja antioksidantne i antiinflamatorne aktivnosti, kao i ispitivanje uticaja ekstrakata odabranih vrsta Rosa na aktivnost enzima acetilholinesteraze i rast tumorskih i netumorskih ćelija.</p><p> Sumiranjem dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da sveži i suvi plodovi ispitivanih vrsta <em>Rosa</em>, kao i voćne kaše i džemovi predstavljaju značajan izvor vitamina C i fenolnih jedinjenja, sa elagnom kiselinom kao najzastupljenijom fenolnom komponentom. Takođe u pojedinim ekstraktima vrsta<em> R. dumetorum</em> i<em> R. tomentosa</em> detektovana je visoka koncentracija ursolne kiseline, dok je hinska kiselina prisutna u značajnoj koncentraciji u svim ispitivanim ekstraktima.</p><p> Ekstrakti ispitivanih vrsta, izuzev vrste<em> Rosa arvensis</em>, pokazali su visok antioksidantni potencijal koji se ogleda u njihovoj sposobnosti neutralizacije nekoliko radikalskih vrsta, redukcionom potencijalu i sposobnosti inhibicije lipidne peroksidacije. Ispitivani ekstrakti ispoljili su umerenu antiinflamatornu aktivnost u pogledu inhibicije produkcije odabranih metabolita ciklooksigenaznog (12-HHT, TXB<sub>2</sub>, PGE<sub> 2</sub>) i 12-lipooksigenaznog (12-HETE) metaboličkog puta arahidonske kiseline, posebno prostaglandina E . Takođe, in vitro ispitivanjem uticaja ekstrakata odabranih vrsta Rosa na aktivnost acetilholinesteraze pokazana je umerena aktivnost. Vodeni ekstrakti i ekstrakti voćnih kaša vrsta <em>R. canina, R. tomentosa i R. sempervirens</em> pokazali su umereni inhibitorni potencijal prema rastu HeLa ćelijske linije, dok su ekstrakti vrste <em>R. sempervirens </em>pokazali aktivnost i prema HT-29 ćelijama. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na značajni potencijal plodova i tradicionalnih proizvoda ispitivanih vrsta <em>Rosa</em> za upotrebu u proizvodnji nutraceutika i funkcionalne hrane.</p> / <p> The aim of presented doctoral thesis was investigation of phytochemical composition and biological activity of water and methanol extracts of fresh and air- dried rose hips, as well as purée and jam made according to traditional recipe of hips of six wild growing<em> Rosa L. species: R. canina, R. dumalis, R. dumetorum, R</em>. <em>tomentosa, R. arvensis, and R. sempervirens.</em> Examination of phytochemical composition included LC-MS/MS analysis of 64 selected phenolic compounds, quinic acid (organic acid) and three triterpenoids. Also, total phenolic and flavonoid contents, as well as vitamin C contents were determined spectrophotometrically. Biological activity evaluation of extracts of six <em>Rosa</em> species included in vitro investigation of antioxidant, anti- inflammatory, anti-acetylcholinesterase and cytotoxic activity.<br /> According to obtained results, fresh and air-dried rose hips, as well as their preserves present valuable source of vitamin C and phenolic compounds, especially ellagic acid, which was the most abundant examined phenolic compound. Furthermore, high concentration of ursolic acid was detected in some<em> Rosa </em> <em>tomentosa and R. rumetorum</em> extracts, while notable concentration of quinic acid was present in all examined extracts.<br /> Extracts of all examined species, apart from <em>Rosa arvensis</em>, showed considerable antioxidant activity in terms of radical scavenging ability, reduction potential and inhibition of lipid peroxidation. Moreover, extracts exhibited moderate anti- inflammatory activity by means of inhibition of the main arachidonic acid metabolites formed incyclooxygenase-1 (12-HHT, TXB<sub>2</sub>, PGE <sub>2</sub> ) and 12-lipoxygenase (12-HETE) pathway, especially prostaglandin E<sub>2</sub> . Also, investigation of anti- cetylcholinesterase activity revealed moderate activity of extracts of all examined species. In addition, predominantly water extracts of fresh andair-dried rose hips, as well as purée of<em> R</em>. <em>canina, R. tomentosa </em>and <em>R. sempervirens</em> showed inhibitory activity toward HeLa, while <em>R.sempervirens</em> extracts also inhibited HT-29 cell growth. Presented results indicate significant potential of examined rose hips and their preserves for use as nutraceuticals and functional food.</p>
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Vliv psychosomatické situace matek v těhotenství na prenatální vývoj dítěte / Influence of the psychosomatic situation of mothers in pregnancy on the prenatal development of the child and condition of newborn after deliveryŠIMEČKOVÁ, Alžběta January 2018 (has links)
Current status: Mental well-being in pregnancy is one of the most beautiful moments in a woman's life. It's such a miracle experience. There is a period of complete change with pregnancy. Both women and their partners are changing their living standards, changing their lifestyle, and changing their life position. A pregnant woman feels that nothing will be like before. A pregnant woman is very sensitive and also vulnerable. Purpose:The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the psychosomatic situation of the pregnant woman and her influence on the prenatal and postnatal development of the child. Another goal is to determine the degree of mental (non) well-being during pregnancy and after delivery. Methods: Qualitative secondary analysis of data and documents and subsequent synthesis of the information obtained was used to achieve the objectives set. I used the data from the National Medical Library in Prague, the library of 2. LF UK and FN Motol in Prague, the library of National center of nursing and non-medical health providers in Brno and the Academic Library of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Also searched were the international internet database ScienceDirect, Ebscohost, PubMed. In the Scopus database, keyword search was unsuccessful. Results:The benefit of the diploma thesis is the degree of psychological well-being of pregnant women using the Freybergh scale on the basis of acquired data. Research method and research file: The diploma thesis uses a standardized evaluation method, using the Freybergh scale consisting of seventy closed questions. I will get the approval of the respondents and also Mr Freyberg, using a standardized scale. The annex is the approval of Professor Freyberghov, using the assessment scale in my diploma thesis. Respondents were ad-dressed from February 2017 until February 2018. A total of 30 pregnant women were approached by a written form, personal handover or social networking, of which fifteen were willing to engage in research. The research group was to consist of fifteen pregnant women, which is fulfilled. I responded to each respondent in third, sixth, ninth month pregnancies, and postpartum. When the respondents filled the same rating ranges from seventy questions both in the given months of pregnancy and postpartum, the respondents' task was to express the frequency of occurrence of feelings on a four-point scale from "never, at all", "rarely, exceptionally", "occasionally", "often" to "always, always, always". The nine respondents were first pregnant and six respondents had at least one pregnancy experience. The evaluation was performed using a qualitative method in the form of axial and selective coding of anchored claims using the Atlas.ti computer program. Conclusion: The paper deals with the degree extent of pregnancy psychosomatics of pregnant women using the Freybergh self-rating scale. The thesis is divided into two parts, namely the theoretical part and the practical part. The theoretical work focuses on the development of the fetus throughout pregnancy. It also focuses on prenatal psychology, prenatal history, and the most important part is prenatal communication. In the practical part is selected quantitative research focused on the psychological well-being of pregnant women using the Freybergh scale in selected months of pregnancy.
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Hemijski sastav i biološki potencijal ploda, soka i tropa kultivisane i divlje kupine (Rubus fruticosus L.) / Chemical composition and biological potential of cultivated and wild blackberries (Rubus fruticosus L.)Jazić Miodrag 09 December 2019 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove disertacije ispitan je hemijski, mineralni i<br />polifenolni sastav, kao i biološki potencijal četiri sorte<br />kupina sa dva različita lokaliteta sjeverozapadnog dijela<br />Bosne i Hercegovine, sa lokaliteta Verići (divlja i<br />kultivisana sorta Čačanska bestrna) i sa lokaliteta<br />Javorani (divlja sorta i kultivisana sorta Chester<br />Thornles). Određen je sadržaj suve materije, pepela,<br />sirove celuloze, ukupnih šećera, ukupna kiselost i sadržaj<br />askorbinske kiseline. Sadržaj mineralnih materija<br />detektovan je metodom optičke emisione spektrometrije<br />(ICP-OES). Za izdvajanje ekstrakata je korištena klasična<br />ekstrakciona tehnika prema Soxhlet-u uz upotrebu 80 %<br />etanola (v/v). Spektrofotometrijskim metodama određen<br />je sadržaj ukupnih polifenola, flavonida, flavonola,<br />ukupnih i monomernih antocijana. Kvalitativnom i<br />kvantitativnom HPLC metodom je utvrđen sadržaj<br />pojedinačnih polifenolih jedinjenja. Biološki potencijal<br />uzoraka je utvrđen u sistemima in vitro, gdje je određena:<br />antioksidativna aktivnost, antihiperglikemijska aktivnost,<br />antiproliferativni efekat i antimikrobna aktivnost.<br />Antioksidativna aktivnost uzoraka je ispitana sa četiri<br />metode: DPPH test, ABTS test, sposobnost neutralizacije<br />hidroksil radikala i metodom inhibicije Briggs Rauscherovih oscilatornih reakcija. Antihiperglikemijska aktivnost<br />ispitivanih uzoraka kupine je dokazan na osnovu<br />sposobnosti inhibicije enzima α-glukozidaze.<br />Antiproliferativni efekat ispitivanih uzoraka je određen<br />prema inhibiciji rasta četiri humane ćelijske linije: HeLa<br />(epitelnog karcinoma cerviksa), HT-29 (adenokarcinoma<br />debelog crijeva), MRC-5 (zdravim ćelijama fibroblasti<br />pluća) i prema ćelijskoj liniji MCF7 (adenokarcinoma<br />dojke). Antimikrobna aktivnost je utvrđena prema gram<br />pozitivnom soju (G<sup>+</sup>) bakterija S. Aureus i gram<br />negativnom (G<sup>-</sup>) soju E. coli, rastu micelija Aspergillusa<br />niger i Candida albicans. Regresionom analizom prema<br />Pirson-u su određeni odnosi između sadržaja polifenolnih<br />jedinjenja i biološkog potencijala, sa statističkim<br />značajem (p ≤ 0,01).</p> / <p>The chemical, mineral, polyphenolics composition and<br />biological potentials of four blackberries varieties from two<br />different locations in the northwestern part of Bosnia and<br />Herzegovina (Verići - wild and cultivated variety Čačanska<br />bestrna and Javorani - wild and cultivated variety Chester<br />Thornless) were determined. The contents of dry matter, ash,<br />crude cellulose, total sugars, total acidity and ascorbic acid were<br />obtained. The contents of mineral matter were detected by<br />optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) method. A classic<br />Soxhlet extraction technique with 80% ethanol (v/v) was<br />applied to obtain extracts. The spectrophotometric methods<br />were used to determine the content of total polyphenolics,<br />flavonoids, flavonols, and total and monomer anthocyanins. The<br />content of individual polyphenolic compounds was determined<br />by HPLC method. The biological potentials (antioxidant<br />activity, antihyperglycemic activity, antiproliferative effect and<br />antimicrobial activity) of the samples were determined in vitro<br />systems. The antioxidant activity was tested with four methods:<br />DPPH test, ABTS test, ability to neutralize OH radicals and the<br />method of inhibiting Briggs Rauscher oscillatory reactions. The<br />antihyperglycaemic activity of the tested blackberry samples<br />was based on the ability to inhibit α-glucosidase enzyme. The<br />antiproliferative effect of the tested samples was determined by<br />inhibiting the growth of four human cell lines: epithelial<br />carcinoma of the cervix (HeLa), colon adenocarcinoma (HT-<br />29), healthy lung fibroblast cells (MRC-5) and the cell line of<br />breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7). The extracts showed the<br />highest inhibitory effect on the cell line of breast<br />adenocarcinoma (MCF-7). The antimicrobial activity was<br />determined according to gram-positive bacteria (G <sup>+</sup>) of<br />Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative bacteria (G <sup>-</sup>)<br />Escherichia coli, growth of mycelium Aspergillus niger and<br />fungi Candida albicans. The Pearson correlations were<br />statistically determined the relationship between the content of<br />polyphenolic compounds and biological potential, with<br />statistical significance (p ≤ 0.01).</p>
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Hemijski sastav, biološke i funkcionalne karakteristike novih proizvoda od zove / Chemical composition, biological and functional characteristics of new elderberry productsVujanović Milena 14 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Glavni cilj ove doktorske disertacije je određivanje hemijskog sastava, bioloških i funkcionalnih karakteristika novih proizvoda od zove. Dobijanje proizvoda na bazi zove zasniva se na primeni tradicionalnih i savremenih tehnoloških procesa proizvodnje. Iskorišćenje prirodnog potencijala zove započeto je primenom tradicionalne i savremene (liofilizacija) tehnike sušenja. U cilju dobijanja visoko-vrednih ekstrakata ploda i cveta zove primenjene su tradicionalna (maceracija) i savremene (ultrazvučna i mikrotalasna) ekstrakcione tehnike sa dva ekstragensa (50% etanol i voda). Dobijanje matičnog soka od plodova zove podrazumevalo je primenu tradicionalnog načina ceđenja, dok je vino od plodova zove dobijeno po standardnom postupku proizvodnje vina. Vino je izloženo različitim temperaturnim tretmanima u različitom vremenskom periodu (60 °C u toku 5 minuta, 60 °C u toku 10 minuta, 70 °C u toku 5 minuta i bez toplotnog tretmana) u cilju evaluacije biološke aktivnosti dobijenog proizvoda. Etarsko ulje ploda i cveta zove je dobijeno hidrodestilacijom. Ispitivanje efikasnosti primenjenih tehnoloških postupaka sušenja i ekstrakcije je zasnovano na određivanju bioloških i funkcionalnih karakteristika dobijenih ekstrakata ploda i cveta zove. U ispitivanim ekstraktima ploda i cveta zove dominantne fenolne kiseline su hlorogenska i protokatehinska kiselina, a rutin i kvercetin-3-O-heksozid su dominantna flavonoidna jedinjenja. Biološke i funkcionalne karakteristike su ispitane primenom različitih in vitro antioksidativnih, neuroprotektivnih, antitirozinaznih i antidijabetogenih testova. Primenom liofilizacije kao savremene tehnike sušenja i mikrotalasne ekstrakcije kao savremene ekstrakcione tehnike povećava se biopotencijal ispitivanih ekstrakata. Matični sok od plodova zove kao potencijalno novi funkcionalni proizvod je analiziran u cilju definisanja hemijskog, fitohemijskog i nutritivnog sastava, biološkog potencijala i senzorskih karakteristika. Ispitivanja dobijenog vina su bila usmerena na utvrđivanje optimalnih uslova za proizvodnju voćnog vina. Definisanjem hemijskog i fitohemijskog sastava i evaluacijom biopotencijala vina određen je optimalan temperaturni profil za dobijanje jednog od novih funkcionalnih proizvoda. Na osnovu utvrđenog hemijskog sastava etarsko ulje ploda i cveta zove se pokazalo kao potencijalno novi prirodni agens za održavanje svežine i produženja roka trajanja prehrambenih proizvoda. Zova je nesumnjivo samonikla biljna vrsta koja u budućnosti osnovano može biti polazna sirovina za kreiranje i dobijanje novih prehrmabenih proizvoda na domaćem i inostranom tržištu.</p> / <p>The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to determine the chemical composition, biological and functional characteristics of new elderberry products. Elderberry products were obtained via traditional and modern technological processes. The exploitation of the natural potential of the elderberry started with the application of traditional and modern (lyophilization) drying techniques. To obtain high-value extracts of fruits and flowers, traditional (maceration) and modern (ultrasonic and microwave) extraction techniques with two solvents (50% ethanol and water) were applied. Obtaining the juice from the elderberry fruits implied the application of the traditional cold pressing method, whereas wine from the elderberry fruits was obtained in accordance with the standard procedure of wine production. The wine was exposed to different temperature treatments in different periods (60°C for 5 minutes, 60°C for 10 minutes, 70°C for 5 minutes and without heat treatment) to evaluate the biological activity of the product. The essential oil of the fruit and flower was obtained by hydrodistillation. The examination of the efficiency of the applied technological procedures of drying and extraction is based on observing the biological and functional characteristics of the obtained extracts of the said fruits and flowers. In the examined fruit and flower extracts, the dominant phenolic acids are chlorogenic and protocatechuic acid, while rutin and quercetin-3-O-hexoside are the dominant flavonoid compounds. Biological and functional characteristics were examined using various in vitro antioxidant, neuroprotective, antityrosinase, and antidiabetic tests. The application of lyophilization and microwave extraction (as modern drying and extraction techniques) increased the biopotential of the analyzed extracts. Elderberry juice, a potentially new functional product, was analyzed to define the chemical, phytochemical and nutritional composition, biological potential, and sensory characteristics. The wine was tested in order to determine the optimal conditions for the production of fruit wine. By defining the chemical and phytochemical composition and evaluating the biopotential of wine, the optimal temperature profile for obtaining one of the new functional products was determined. Based on the obtained chemical composition, it is determined that the essential oil of fruits and flowers is a potentially new natural agent for maintaining freshness and extending the shelf life of food products. Without a doubt, elderberry is a wild plant species that could be used in the future as the starting material for creating and obtaining new food products on the domestic and foreign markets.</p>
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