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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MOLSHER, Robyn Lorraine January 1999 (has links)
ABSTRACT Despite increasing evidence for the impact of feral cats Felis catus on native fauna in Australia, little is known of the ecology of cats, particularly factors that limit cat abundance. The ecology of the feral cat in Australia is represented by just 15 published studies on diet, only one of which has examined diet in relation to prey availability, and one study of home range behaviour. The red fox Vulpes vulpes is a significant pest to agriculture and native fauna in Australia and widespread fox removals have been proposed by the Vertebrate Biocontrol Cooperative Research Centre (VBCRC). However, there is concern that feral cats may increase compensatorily when fox populations are reduced, as has occurred in Western Australia, and therefore that predation pressure may not be alleviated on native fauna following fox control programs. This thesis is divided into two parts. First, the diet and home range size of cats is examined in relation to prey availability, and home range overlap and habitat use are determined. In the second part, several niche parameters (diet, home range and habitat use) that were potentially important resources for foxes and cats were quantified to assess the potential for competition. Avoidance and aggression between cats and foxes was examined using simultaneous radiotracking techniques and video observations. The hypothesis that foxes limit cats through interspecific competition (exploitation and interference) was then tested using a fox removal experiment. Finally, three further hypotheses were tested using a fox removal experiment to determine which factors limit feral cats at Burrendong. The four hypotheses tested were thus: i) Cats are limited independently of foxes through other factors such as food availability; ii) Foxes limit cats through interspecific competition (exploitation and/or interference); iii) Foxes limit cats through intraguild predation; iv) Cats benefit from the presence of foxes through facilitation. The diets and spatial use of feral cats were examined on agricultural land on the eastern shore of Lake Burrendong, New South Wales (32o40�S, 149o 10�E) between July 1994 and June 1997. The major land use for the area is water catchment under the agistment of sheep Ovis aries and cattle Bos taurus. The study area encompasses about 90 km2 of hilly terrain with undulating slopes that extend down to a flat foreshore area that has been extensively cleared of trees for grazing. The slopes are generally well timbered and dominated by white box Eucalyptus albens woodlands with some yellow box E. melliodora associations. Stands of cyprus pines Callitris spp. are also common. Feral cats and red foxes are established throughout the study area, and the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus was abundant until the arrival of Rabbit Calicivirus Disease (RCD) in June 1996. The diet of feral cats was determined from the analysis of 499 scats. Rabbits were the staple prey of cats, with occurrence (O) in 81.6% of scats and comprising 68.4% by volume (V). Carrion (mostly eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus and sheep) (O 21.5%, V 11.5%) was an important secondary food, particularly in winter and spring. Other mammalian prey included brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula (O 4.6%, V 2.4%), house mice Mus domesticus (O 6.2%, V 3.2%), black rats Rattus rattus (O 2.6%, V 1.4%) and a dunnart Sminthopsis sp. (probably S. murina) (O 0.2%, V 0.006%). Invertebrates (mostly Orthopterans) (O 41.5%, V 7.5%), vegetation (O 26.3%, V 3.6%), birds (O 4.2%, V 0.8%) and reptiles (O 3.4%, V 0.3%) were generally of minor importance in the diet. Few significant seasonal differences were found, although invertebrates contributed significantly less, and possums more, to the mean scat volume in winter and summer respectively. A significant dietary response was found for changes in rabbit abundance, but not for the other prey groups. Cats continued to prey heavily on rabbits after the arrival of Rabbit Calicivirus Disease, despite the relatively low numbers of rabbits. Ten months post-RCD, house mice increased in importance in the diet. However, it was not known whether this represented prey switching sensu stricto or opportunistic predation on an increased mouse population, as mouse abundance was not measured during this period. Seventy-seven cats (48 recaptures) were caught in 6762 trap nights between November 1994 and August 1996 using both cage traps and leg-hold traps. A further 18 individual cats were trapped as non-target animals by the VBCRC Fox Sterility Project and used in this study. Trapped adult cats were fitted with radio collars and their home range size, overlap and habitat use examined. Home ranges and core areas were quantified using 95% and 50% kernel utilisation distributions (KE 95 and KE 50) and minimum convex polygons (MCP 100, MCP 95, MCP 50). Four habitat types (grassland, open woodland, open forest, and mudflats) were delineated on aerial photographs and a habitat map produced using ARC/INFO. Compositional analysis was used to examine habitat preference in cats. Home range sizes of cats (n = 15, 598 fixes) in winter 1995, prior to fox removal, were similar to those reported in the only published study of cat spatial use in Australia, but larger than those recorded elsewhere. This may have reflected more dispersed food resources in Australia, although home range size was not correlated significantly with rabbit abundance. Male ranges (MCP 95 = 284 ha, n = 11) tended to be larger than females ( = 151ha, n = 4), but no differences were detected between young (1-3 years, = 271ha, n = 7) and old (>3 years, = 221ha, n = 8) cats. Cats were active both by day and night with no temporal differences being detected in range size. Both adult male and female cats tended to be solitary, although home ranges overlapped extensively. Kin groups were indicated (but not confirmed) as most inter-sexual overlap occurred between young and old cats. Habitat composition of home ranges generally reflected the availability of habitats at the study site, although cats significantly avoided mudflats. Home ranges comprised mostly open woodland and open forest habitats with smaller areas of grassland and mudflats. However, within individual home ranges, cats used grassland and open woodland habitats most often where rabbits were more abundant. Inter-individual (sex, age) or temporal (day/night) differences in habitat use were not detected. Comparison of resource use between cats and foxes indicated a large overlap in diet, home ranges and habitat use. Dietary breadths and overlaps between cats and foxes increased when rabbit availability declined in autumn and post-RCD. Dietary overlap was high overall (75%), although some resource partitioning was detected. Rabbits were more important in the diet of cats than foxes, particularly in summer, when foxes ate more grasshoppers. Carrion, invertebrates and vegetation were more important for foxes than for cats overall. Home ranges of both cats and foxes comprised mostly open woodland habitats followed by grassland, open forest and mudflats, which largely reflected their relative availabilities. However, within individual home ranges, cats showed a preference for grassland habitats. In addition, cats tended to deposit scats more often than foxes at rabbit warrens and at hollow log entrances, while foxes deposited scats more often than cats on sand plots, tracks and at dams. The large overlap in resource use between cats and foxes indicated a high potential for exploitation competition. Foxes may attempt to lessen competition by killing cats (interference competition). Three radiocollared cats were killed by foxes and aggression was observed toward cats. Home ranges overlapped extensively, but avoidance was indicated from the simultaneous radiotracking of both predators, as greater separations and lower overlaps in home ranges and core areas were recorded between species than within species. In addition, video observations suggested avoidance of carcasses by cats in the presence of foxes. The hypothesis that foxes limit feral cats through interspecific competition was then tested using a fox removal experiment. Foxes were reduced at two of the four sites from October 1995 using �1080� baiting and spotlight shooting by the VBCRC Predator-Prey project. Resource use and abundance of cats were compared before and after fox removal and between treated and untreated sites. Although no increase in cat abundance followed the removal of foxes, significant behavioural changes by cats strongly suggested interspecific competition operating via exploitation and interference. Exploitation competition was supported by the increased consumption of carrion by cats at the treated sites after fox removal, while support for interference competition came from the increased use of grassland habitats at night after fox removal. The direction of the resource shifts to more prey-rich habitats indicated asymmetry in the relationship between the two predator species. Although the null hypothesis of no limitation of cats by foxes could not be rejected, as no increase in cat abundance was recorded after fox removal, interspecific competition was considered to be the most likely mechanism limiting feral cats at Burrendong. Intraguild predation was not indicated as no cat remains were found in any of the 343 fox scats or 255 fox stomachs that were examined. In addition, minimal evidence was found for facilitation between cats and foxes, or for food limitation. The potential for foxes to limit cats, as shown in this study, indicates that cats need to be considered in future fox control operations. Integrated pest management, where foxes, cats and rabbits are controlled together, is strongly proposed if the objective is to safeguard native fauna in Australia. Further research is required to improve the effectiveness of current techniques for censusing cat populations, particularly in forested areas. This is essential for monitoring the effectiveness of control campaigns and quantifying factors that limit cat populations, and ultimately for effective protection of susceptible native fauna.

Är den starkt växande vildsvinspopulationen ett hot mot tjäderns reden?

Svensson, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
<p>This case study is based on a previous documented method of manufacturing artificial nest containing pre-colored hen eggs. This method is going to be used to find, if the wild boar population, which is growing in number, is a threat to the capercaillie population.  In comparison to the wild boar population, the capercaillie population is diminishing in different parts of Sweden.  In order to find out if they are affect by each other, the case study was carried out during the months of April to May 2009. 100 artificial nests were placed out on various locations on the Södertuna estate just in the outskirts of Gnesta. The unique aspect of this study is that a fenced environment to keep out wild animals is used to conduct this study, which has been previously known to be free from wild boar, but the area outside has sittings of wild boar. So to fully understand how this affects the capercaillie population, 50 of the nests were placed outside the fence area, while the other 50 nests were placed inside the fenced area. The sites were visited on two separate occasions, and were noted of the changes inside and outside the fenced compounds. The result of these visits show that many of the nests inside the fenced environment has been consume by birds. It was not possible to prove that nests have been predated by wild boar, even the wild boar populations could be found outside of the fenced area. The statistical analysis has been carried out to determine the perdition rate on the nests and which of the two main groups the culprits belonged to. The significant difference came to a P <0.05. The predations on the artificial nests inside the fence were greater than the nest placed outside the fence. The total came to a 20 %, i.e. 20 of the 100 nests which were predated on, in total. 32%, i.e. 16 of the nests were attacked that were placed inside the fence and 8 %, i.e. 4 were attacked inside the fence. To observe closer at the species that targeted the nests inside the fence were crows/eurasian jay 18 % (9), badgers/fox 14 % (7) and wild boar 0 %. Outside the fence, the results were divided into division on crows/eurasian jay 2 % (1), badgers/fox 6 % (3) and wild boar 0 %. This study shows the wild boar population does not the pose a threat to the swindling population of the capercaillies population. But this case study demonstrates that there are other species that create a threat to the simulated nests, which is of an utter most importance to research into this particular subject into the future on reproduced artificial nests to investigate the perdition rates of capercaillies.</p>

Är den starkt växande vildsvinspopulationen ett hot mot tjäderns reden?

Svensson, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
This case study is based on a previous documented method of manufacturing artificial nest containing pre-colored hen eggs. This method is going to be used to find, if the wild boar population, which is growing in number, is a threat to the capercaillie population.  In comparison to the wild boar population, the capercaillie population is diminishing in different parts of Sweden.  In order to find out if they are affect by each other, the case study was carried out during the months of April to May 2009. 100 artificial nests were placed out on various locations on the Södertuna estate just in the outskirts of Gnesta. The unique aspect of this study is that a fenced environment to keep out wild animals is used to conduct this study, which has been previously known to be free from wild boar, but the area outside has sittings of wild boar. So to fully understand how this affects the capercaillie population, 50 of the nests were placed outside the fence area, while the other 50 nests were placed inside the fenced area. The sites were visited on two separate occasions, and were noted of the changes inside and outside the fenced compounds. The result of these visits show that many of the nests inside the fenced environment has been consume by birds. It was not possible to prove that nests have been predated by wild boar, even the wild boar populations could be found outside of the fenced area. The statistical analysis has been carried out to determine the perdition rate on the nests and which of the two main groups the culprits belonged to. The significant difference came to a P &lt;0.05. The predations on the artificial nests inside the fence were greater than the nest placed outside the fence. The total came to a 20 %, i.e. 20 of the 100 nests which were predated on, in total. 32%, i.e. 16 of the nests were attacked that were placed inside the fence and 8 %, i.e. 4 were attacked inside the fence. To observe closer at the species that targeted the nests inside the fence were crows/eurasian jay 18 % (9), badgers/fox 14 % (7) and wild boar 0 %. Outside the fence, the results were divided into division on crows/eurasian jay 2 % (1), badgers/fox 6 % (3) and wild boar 0 %. This study shows the wild boar population does not the pose a threat to the swindling population of the capercaillies population. But this case study demonstrates that there are other species that create a threat to the simulated nests, which is of an utter most importance to research into this particular subject into the future on reproduced artificial nests to investigate the perdition rates of capercaillies.

Nest characteristics, breeding dispersal, and nest defence behaviour of Northern Flickers in relation to nest predation

Fisher, Ryan Jeffrey 28 April 2005
I studied nest characteristics, breeding dispersal, and nest defence behaviour of Northern Flickers (<i>Colaptes auratus</i>, hereafter flickers) in central interior British Columbia with respect to nest predation. My research focused on three questions: (1) Are there nest characteristics associated with the risk of nest predation and nest loss to European Starlings (<i>Sturnus vulgaris</i>)? (2) Does nest predation influence breeding dispersal? (3) Do parental attributes influence nest defence behaviour? <p> An examination of flicker nest-site characteristics at five spatial scales revealed that nests were safer from mammalian predators (N=81) when they were higher, concealed by vegetation, farther from continuous coniferous forest blocks, and contained fewer conifers within the nesting clump. Proximity to conifers increased predation risk, but nests safe from competitors (N=18) were closer to coniferous forest blocks and contained a higher percentage of conifers in the nesting clump. Flickers face a trade-off between being safe from predators and safe from competitors. <p> Nesting success did not influence between-year breeding dispersal by 159 male or 76 female flickers. Because nests and forest clumps were not predictably safe from predators, benefits of dispersing likely outweigh costs. Other factors such as mate-switching, nest ectoparasites, and a fluctuating food source may play larger roles in dispersal than nest predation. Within years, 73% of pairs switched nest sites after their first attempt failed due to predation (N=37); however, there was no reproductive advantage for these pairs compared to pairs that remained at their original nest. Stressful encounters with predators involving nest defence may trigger dispersal, although it seems to offer no greater nest success. Of 24 flicker pairs presented with a control model before egg-laying, 3 pairs abandoned their nest, whereas 4 out of 24 pairs presented with a squirrel model abandoned their nest. This suggests that a one-time encounter with a nest predator is not a sufficient deterrent against continued nesting. Rather, costs of finding and excavating or renovating a new cavity may cause individuals to tolerate some risk in nesting at a location with an active predator. <p> In experimental trials (N=94), intensity of nest defence behaviour against a model predator was not related to the sex, age, body size, and body condition of the defending adult(s). The sexes may have behaved similarly because they are similar in size and have similar survival patterns. Costs and benefits of nest defence for flickers of different ages may also be equal because flickers are relatively short-lived and their survival rate is not linked with age. Brood size of the defending adult was also unrelated to the intensity of nest defence. If flickers have adjusted their clutch size in relation to the number of young for which they can optimally provide care, then no effects of brood size on nest defence behaviour should be recorded, as was the case here.</p>

Modelling Intraguild Predation with Adaptive Behaviour

Fung, Simon Ronald 24 February 2009 (has links)
The thesis examines the dynamics of intraguild predation models incorporating adaptive behaviour. The top predator varies its relative consumption of the intermediate consumer and the basal resource. The consumer alters its activity level in response to the threat of predation. Incorporating these adaptive behaviours facilitated three species coexistence, but restricted omnivory by promoting the formation of three species food chains. Model modifications which promoted omnivory also tended to reduce three species coexistence. It is predicted that omnivory should be most common when the intermediate and the basal species are similarly profitable to the predator. The model also predicts two types of omnivory. Strong omnivory occurs when the predator always consumes intermediate amounts of both prey items. Weak omnivory occurs when the predator preys almost exclusively on one prey at most times, but rapidly switches to include the other when the relative abundance of that second prey exceeds a certain level.

Modelling Intraguild Predation with Adaptive Behaviour

Fung, Simon Ronald 24 February 2009 (has links)
The thesis examines the dynamics of intraguild predation models incorporating adaptive behaviour. The top predator varies its relative consumption of the intermediate consumer and the basal resource. The consumer alters its activity level in response to the threat of predation. Incorporating these adaptive behaviours facilitated three species coexistence, but restricted omnivory by promoting the formation of three species food chains. Model modifications which promoted omnivory also tended to reduce three species coexistence. It is predicted that omnivory should be most common when the intermediate and the basal species are similarly profitable to the predator. The model also predicts two types of omnivory. Strong omnivory occurs when the predator always consumes intermediate amounts of both prey items. Weak omnivory occurs when the predator preys almost exclusively on one prey at most times, but rapidly switches to include the other when the relative abundance of that second prey exceeds a certain level.


Sircom, Julie 19 March 2009 (has links)
The North Mountain of the Annapolis Valley, NS, in eastern Canada, is a ~200 km basalt ridge drained by many small first or second order streams in independent catchments. The area is fairly uniform geologically, presenting an opportunity to compare streams of similar chemistry, slope and aspect, that vary in other respects, such as invertebrate community structure. In this thesis, I examine two macroinvertebrate functional groups to determine key factors influencing their abundance, composition and diversity across catchments. Chapters 2 and 3 are concerned with the predatory invertebrate guild in eight of the streams, in two groups separated by ~65 km. In Chapter 2, I assessed factors influencing composition of the predator guild using similarity matrices. Similarity in predator composition declined with distance, and streams that were more similar in disturbance (spates) were more similar in predator composition. Similarity within one family, Rhyacophilidae, was related to similarity in fish population. Chapter 3 reports the results of laboratory experiments involving two widespread species. Field data suggested an asymmetric interaction between Sweltsa onkos (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) and Rhyacophila vibox (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae); behavioural observations in artificial streams supported this. In the presence of R. vibox, S. onkos had higher mortality and injury rates, and grew less. The results of these chapters suggest that, although disturbance is important in shaping community structure, the results of interspecific interactions can be detected at large scales. S. onkos can only attain high numbers in streams where fish predation reduces the abundance of R. vibox. Chapter 4 examines biodiversity patterns in the macroinvertebrate detritivore guild in 25 streams encompassing ~80 km of the ridge. Using density and richness of the detritivore community, detrital resource quantity, and top predator abundance, I looked for evidence in support of several mechanisms that can lead to positive species-energy relationships. Patterns conformed to expectations of the More Individuals Hypothesis. It appears that taxonomic richness of the detritivore guild increases with detrital resource availability because more taxa can attain their minimum viable population size where more resources are available.

Nest characteristics, breeding dispersal, and nest defence behaviour of Northern Flickers in relation to nest predation

Fisher, Ryan Jeffrey 28 April 2005 (has links)
I studied nest characteristics, breeding dispersal, and nest defence behaviour of Northern Flickers (<i>Colaptes auratus</i>, hereafter flickers) in central interior British Columbia with respect to nest predation. My research focused on three questions: (1) Are there nest characteristics associated with the risk of nest predation and nest loss to European Starlings (<i>Sturnus vulgaris</i>)? (2) Does nest predation influence breeding dispersal? (3) Do parental attributes influence nest defence behaviour? <p> An examination of flicker nest-site characteristics at five spatial scales revealed that nests were safer from mammalian predators (N=81) when they were higher, concealed by vegetation, farther from continuous coniferous forest blocks, and contained fewer conifers within the nesting clump. Proximity to conifers increased predation risk, but nests safe from competitors (N=18) were closer to coniferous forest blocks and contained a higher percentage of conifers in the nesting clump. Flickers face a trade-off between being safe from predators and safe from competitors. <p> Nesting success did not influence between-year breeding dispersal by 159 male or 76 female flickers. Because nests and forest clumps were not predictably safe from predators, benefits of dispersing likely outweigh costs. Other factors such as mate-switching, nest ectoparasites, and a fluctuating food source may play larger roles in dispersal than nest predation. Within years, 73% of pairs switched nest sites after their first attempt failed due to predation (N=37); however, there was no reproductive advantage for these pairs compared to pairs that remained at their original nest. Stressful encounters with predators involving nest defence may trigger dispersal, although it seems to offer no greater nest success. Of 24 flicker pairs presented with a control model before egg-laying, 3 pairs abandoned their nest, whereas 4 out of 24 pairs presented with a squirrel model abandoned their nest. This suggests that a one-time encounter with a nest predator is not a sufficient deterrent against continued nesting. Rather, costs of finding and excavating or renovating a new cavity may cause individuals to tolerate some risk in nesting at a location with an active predator. <p> In experimental trials (N=94), intensity of nest defence behaviour against a model predator was not related to the sex, age, body size, and body condition of the defending adult(s). The sexes may have behaved similarly because they are similar in size and have similar survival patterns. Costs and benefits of nest defence for flickers of different ages may also be equal because flickers are relatively short-lived and their survival rate is not linked with age. Brood size of the defending adult was also unrelated to the intensity of nest defence. If flickers have adjusted their clutch size in relation to the number of young for which they can optimally provide care, then no effects of brood size on nest defence behaviour should be recorded, as was the case here.</p>

How does predation from fish influence the benthic invertebrates’ species composition in the Phragmites australis and Chara vegetation of Lake Takern?

Aigbavbiere, Ernest January 2011 (has links)
Predation is one of the important selective factors that regulate the species composition of benthic invertebrate communities. The study objective was to investigate the invertebrate distribution in two contrasting habitats in Lake Takern, southern Sweden, submerged Chara vegetation and emergent Phragmites australis vegetation, and to investigate the influence of predation from fish on certain invertebrates. Laboratory studies were used to estimate handling time and the intake rate (mg/sec) by the fish based on the optimal foraging model. In the field, fish and invertebrates were collected with gill nets and hand nets respectively and the fish gut content was analyzed. In total, sixteen invertebrates’ taxa were collected from the two habitats. The proportion of the invertebrate’s overlaps from each of the habitat was calculated by Renkonen index and with Sorensen diversity index. Both indices showed a similarity larger than 65%, indicating that there was no significant difference in the invertebrates’ distribution in the P. australis and the Chara habitat. The fish caught with the gill nets were: roach (Rutilus rutilus), perch (Perca fluviatilis), tench (Tinca tinca), and rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus). The caught perch had eaten: Asellus aquaticus, Gammarus lacustris, Corixidae, and the larvae of Chironomidae and Zygoptera.A comparison was made on the invertebrates found in the field and the ones observed from the gut of the perch, and the findings were that the invertebrates that had more occurrence in the gut were less in proportion in the benthic samples. In the laboratory experiment perch ( Perca fluviatilis) was used as the predator fish and the prey organisms were Asellus aquaticus,Gammarus pulex, and Corixidae of three size categories. The results showed that perch handling time for A.aquaticus of the different size categories, was not significantly different (p&gt;0.05); and the same results were valid for Corixidae and G. pulex. However, the intake rate of perch across the prey and their size categories were significantly different. The handling time was not significantly different which means that the predator fish will gain more in terms of intake rate as it prey on larger size prey items, thus harmonizing with the optimum foraging theory. / MSc Ecology and Environmental Science

The role of predation by the red rock crab, Cancer productus, on the invasive European green crab, Carcinus maenas, in Yaquina Bay, Oregon /

Hunt, Christopher Erik. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Oregon State University, 2002. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 63-105). Also available via the World Wide Web.

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